Autism Spectrum DisorderAges and Stages Questionnaire, Age-appropriate questions, linked toThird Edition (ASQ-3) specific developmental milestones, make it easy to monitor progressThe foremost developmental screener over time, and teach parents aboutto detect signs of early delay. child development. Through parent responses on 21 questionnaires (“Yes”,Age Range: Infants through 5 years of age “Sometimes” or “Not Yet”) the ASQ-3Time: 10-15 minutes per questionnaire quickly identifies areas in need ofThe ASQ-3 is the most accurate, family-friendly way to screen for developmental further assessment, in the areas ofdelays, without any gaps between the questionnaire age intervals. It is highlyvalid and reliable, and asks questions on behavior and communication that help Communication, Gross Motor, Fineelicit parent concerns that may point to Autism. Motor, Problem Solving and Personal-Social skills. Each questionnaire includes about 30 items.Questionnaires can be completed at home, in a waiting room, during a home The ASQ-3 Kit includes 21 reproducible Questionnaires and Scoring Sheets, a CD-ROM with printable PDF Questionnaires, the User’s Guide and Quick Start Guide.visit, or as part of an in-person or phone interview.Results that fall into a “monitoring zone” make Available In 32892 ASQ-3 CD-ROM Kit $299.00it easier to track at-risk children. Concerns, and Spanish 32892S SPANISH ASQ-3 CD-ROM Kit $299.00strengths, are highlighted. 32892L Ages and Stages Learning Activities $50.00NEW Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Nine age-appropriate questionnaires areSocial-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) included, to effectively screen seven key social-The most cost-effective screener of young children, forsocial-emotional issues, in the first six years of life. emotional areas:Age Range: 1 through 72 months • Self-Regulation • SocialTime: 10-15 minutes • Compliance CommunicationFast, and easy to use, the ASQ:SE-2 is a parent questionnaire. Revised andrefined, clear questions allow the parents to complete questionnaires quickly. • Adaptive Functioning • InteractionOpen-ended questions identify related concerns to identify areas for furtherexploration. It reliably screens children as young as 1 month, to be able to • Autonomy with Peopleprovide earlier implementation of critical interventions. • Affect The unlimited-use ASQ:SE-2 Kit includes 9 Available reproducible masters of the Questionnaires and in Spanish Scoring Sheets; a CD-ROM with printable PDF Questionnaires and Scoring Sheets, the User’s Guide and Quick Start Guide. The ASQ:SE2 SPANISH Kit includes the reproducible forms, and the Quick Start Guide, in Spanish. The User’s Guide is in English.This new edition screens through kindergarten, with no gaps, helping guide 32882P ASQ:SE-2 Kit $275.00the transition to school. New behavior and communication items elicit parent 32882S ASQ:SE-2 SPANISH Kit $275.00concerns that may point to Autism, and early communication issues. It also 32882D ASQ:SE-2 In Practice DVD $50.00include a new “Monitoring Zone” to identify children who are close to the cutoffand should be monitored and rescreened.Behavior Rating Instrument for year-old. Two additional scales assess non-vocalAutistic and Other Atypical Children, communication, for those children who use manualSecond Edition (BRIAAC) communication, due to vocal and/or hearing deficits.Most comprehensive inventory for assessment BRIAAC Scalesof these special children. • Relationship to an AdultBERTRAM A. RUTTENBERG, M.D., CHARLES WENAR, PH.D. • CommunicationAND ENID G. WOLF, ED.D., CCC-SLP • Drive for Mastery • Vocalization and Expressive SpeechAge Range: Autistic children of all ages • Sound and Speech ReceptionTime: Untimed, observational • Social Responsiveness • Psychobiological DevelopmentThe BRIAAC uses standardized procedures for observing behavior to evaluatethe status of a wide range of low-functioning, atypical and autistic children. It The BRIAAC Kit includes the Manual, Report Form Masters and permission tocan be used with autistic children of all ages. reproduce the Report Forms.Each of the seven BRIAAC scales begins with the most severe autistic behavior, 37030 BRIAAC Kit $ 130.00and progresses to behavior roughly comparable to that of a normal 3-1/2–4-1/2 37030X Reproducible Masters and Permission $ 80.00 to make 50 copies of BRIAAC forms $ 50.00 37030M BRIAAC ManualTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 49
Autism Spectrum DisorderChecklist for Autism and normal, or below normal, intelligence. The CASD covers all core andSpectrum Disorder (CASD) associated symptoms of Autism.Clinically-practical and cost-effective The 30 CASD symptoms are grouped in six domains: • Problems with social interaction • Problems with attention and safetySUSAN D. MAYES, PH. D. • Perseveration • Atypical communicationAge Range: 1 through 17 years Based on DSM-5 • Somatosensory disturbance and developmentTime: 15 minutes Diagnostic Criteria • Mood and disturbanceThe CASD offers a quick, valid means of screening CASD Advantagesfor, and diagnosing, children with Autism, • Appropriate for all levels • Provides information for diagnosticregardless of age, IQ or Autism severity. It NEW Short Form of intelligence reports and treatment plansconsists of a comprehensive list of 30 symptoms Availableof Autism, scored as present (either currently, or • Appropriate for toddlers • Clinically practical and through adolescence cost-effectivein the past) or absent , based on a semi-structured • Simple and brief • No extensive training requiredinterview with the parent; information from the child’s teacher or child care • No test materials, softwareprovider; observations of the child, and other available records. or scoring templates Reliability and validity information found online.Studies show the CASD differentiates children with Autism from those with 34210 CASD Kit $125.00ADHD with 99.5 per cent accuracy, and from typical children with 100 per 34210R CASD Interview Forms Pk/25 $58.00cent accuracy. It is equally effective in identifying children who have Autism 34210VD CASD Training DVD $70.00NEW Checklist for Autism Spectrum Six CASD items were statistically chosen to identify children CASD-SFDisorder, Short Form (CASD-SF) with autism. CASD-SF is able to discriminate between children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and those with Checklist for Autism Spectrum DisordersDiagnostic accuracy comparable to CASD. ADHD, with great accuracy. The CASD-SF has excellent SHORT FORM diagnostic agreement with the CASD, ADI-R (page 55) andAge Range: 1 through 17 years CARS (page 56). MANUALTime: 5 minutes Susan Dickerson Mayes, PhDBriefer and easier for clinicians, parents and teachers to complete, than theCASD, it still includes symptoms in each of the DSM-5 Autism Spectrum The CASD-SF Kit includes 25 Interview Forms and a CAT NO: 32410M STOELTING CO•620 WHEAT LANE•WOOD DALE, IL 60191Disorder symptom domains. Manual. WWW.STOELTINGCO.COM • [email protected] 34210S CASD-SF Kit $90.00 34210SR CASD-SF Interview Forms, Pk/25 $25.00 34210SM CASD-SF Manual $70.00Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS) Three report types are available for all ASRS forms: • Assessment Reports • Progress ReportsIdentifies symptoms, behaviors • Comparative Reportsand associated features ofAutism Spectrum Disorders. Now DSM-5 The ASRS includes a Total Score, a DSM-IV-TR Compliant Algorithm, three ASRS Scales, eight Treatment Scales and three Validity Scales.SAM GOLDSTEIN, PH. D. AND Spanish FormsJACK A. NAGLIERI, PH. D. Available Online ASRS Scales • Social Communication • Self-Regulation Age Range: 2 through 18 years • Unusual BehaviorsTime: 20 minutesRestricted Use: Level BThe ASRS assists clinicians, school psychologists and other mental health Treatment Scales • Adult Socialization • Stereotypyprofessionals in the diagnostic process, using DSM-IV-TR symptom criteria for • Peer Socialization • Atypical Language • AttentionAutism Spectrum Disorders. • Behavioral Rigidity • Social/Emotional Reciprocity • Sensory Sensitivity The ASRS help with: • Treatment Evaluation The ASRS Age-Range Kits include 25 each of the Parent, Teacher and Short• Diagnostic Decisions • Response to Intervention QuikScore Forms for the appropriate age range. Individual Forms are sold in• Treatment Planning packages of 25, online. Software scoring also available online. MonitoringBehavior areas include: 32110S ASRS Complete Software Scoring Kit $607.00 32110 ASRS Complete Kit $475.00• Socialization • Atypical Language • Sensory Sensitivity 32112 ASRS Kit for ages 2-5 $275.00 • Self-Regulation 32116 ASRS Kit for ages 6-18 $275.00• Communication • Behavioral Rigidity 32110C ASRS Scoring Software, unlimited use $150.0050 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Autism Spectrum DisorderNEW Autism Playbook for Teens perspectives, sensory processing, neurological strengths and challenges that teens with AutismImagination-based mindfulness activities to calm, bring into their encounters with the social independence, and connect with others. These activities help the teen gain an authentic awareness of the surroundings, leading to betterThe Autism Playbook…offers a unique, strengths-based approach to help teens social interaction.with Autism Spectrum (including Asperger’s Syndrome develop social skills,strengthen communication, and thrive. This is the only book available to teens with Autism, that specifically integrates mindfulnessThe delightful, and creative, activities are grounded in well-documented clinical skills and imaginative, scripted role-playingobservations, and current empirical studies. They also take into account the real activities, for building authentic social experiences.neurological differences that exist in young people with Autism, and focus on theunique pathways needed to connect with, and inspire, these exceptional teenagers. Paperback; 168 pages.Activities, in each chapter, are custom-designed to work with the unique 32712 Autism Playbook for Teens $17.00NEW Developmentally Assessments, programs, and other information is expertly organized for easy,Appropriate Treatment for access, allowing effective collaboration with families, and the community.Autism (DATA) Modelfor Teaching Preschoolers Blending best practices from applied behavior analysis and early childhoodwith Autism special education, the DATA Model is a proven program, rooted in evidence-based practice, based on 20 years of testing and refinement.Blends approaches tomeet individual needs. DATA Models Skills Checklist This first step in assessing functional needs, is the starting point for DATA Model teaching. The 20-page Checklist cover 6 key domains:This comprehensive, school-based program, • Adaptive • Communicationhelps children ages 3-5 years with Autism • Executive Functioning • SocialSpectrum Disorder, thrive in an inclusive • Cognitive • Playclassroom. The DATA Model is the all-in-oneprogram to prepare these young children for long-term success at school, and The Checklist also monitors progress, to see in interventions are working their community. It is valuable for Autism and behavior specialists, SLPs,program directors, and early childhood educators. The DATA Model for Teaching includes five Skills Checklists; more than 140 Instructional Programming and Lesson Plans; Sample Schedules; Daily DataThe DATA Model creates a developmentally-appropriate learning environment Collection Sheets; a Family Interview Survey ,and a Manual.with clear, step-by-step instructional programs, and lesson plans for every goal.It provides instructional strategies for the unique needs of each child, and offers 31713 DATA Model for Teaching Preschoolers with Autism $65.00effective instructional tools such as discrete trials, naturalistic instruction, and 31713C DATA Model Skills Checklist, Pk/5 $30.00shaping and chaining. Challenging behaviors are addressed, while increasingchildren’s ability to communicate their needs.Clue Cards 31012 Clue Cards, 5 Decks $62.50 51Useful with children with Asperger’s Syndrome.Clue Cards help children and teens learn to perceive and understand the“details” of social presentation. An informative instruction booklet offers clearguidelines for using the five card decks. They are a great way to help childrendevelop the habit of noticing and inferring in social situations.Card decks include:• Get a Clue– Children find “clues” in 15 social situations, and make inferences• Faces and Feelings– 40 cards to link expressions with emotions• Body Language– Matching photos and captions to explore body language for clues about thoughts and feelings• The 5 W’s– Children analyze 10 social scenes by asking “who-what-where-when-why?”• In Other Words– Kids learn 30 idioms and 26 proverbs that often pop in social conversationTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online:
Autism Spectrum DisorderGilliam Autism Rating Scale- efficient method for assessing the probabilityThird Edition (GARS-3) and severity of the disorder. All new validity studies show that the testBased on the 2013 diagnostic criteria for Autism results are valid for a wide variety of subgroups,Spectrum Disorder, as defined in the DSM-5. as well as for the general population. Binary classification studies indicate that the GARS-3JAMES E. GILLIAM is able to discriminate individuals with ASD from those without (i.e., sensitivity=.97,Age Range: 3 through 22 years specificity=.97, ROC/AUC=.93). Confirmatory and exploratory factory analysesTime: 5-10 minutes demonstrate the theoretical and empirical validity of the subscales.One of the most widely-used instruments for the assessment of Autism Correlations of the GARS-3 scores with those of other well-known diagnosticSpectrum Disorder (ASD), GARS-3 assists teachers, parents and clinicians tests for Autism are large, or very large, in magnitude. Test-retest (timein identifying Autism, and estimating its severity. It yields standard scores, sampling) reliability coefficients exceed .80 for subscales, and .90 for thepercentile ranks, severity level, and probability of Autism. Autism Indexes. Interrater reliability intraclass coefficients exceed .80, and .84 for the Autism Indexes. Internal consistency (content sampling) reliabilityGARS-3 consists of 56 clearly-stated items describing the characteristic coefficients for the subscales exceed .85 and the Autism Indexes exceed .93.behaviors of persons with Autism. Items are grouped into six subscales: The GARS-3 Kit includes 50 Summary/Response Booklets, the Instructional Objectives Manual and an Examiner’s Manual, in a storage box.• Restrictive • Emotional Responses• Social Interaction • Cognitive Style• Social Communication • Maladaptive SpeechAll six subscales have been empirically determined to be valid, and sensitive, for 32607 GARS-3 Kit $165.00identification of individuals with ASD. Included in the GARS-3 are 44 new items, 32607R GARS-3 Summary/Response Booklets, Pk/50 $60.00and a Diagnostic Validation Form to insure that test results meet the DSM-5 32607B GARS-3 Instructional Objectives Manual $37.00criteria for ASD. An Interpretation Guide, in the Manual, provides an easy and 32607M GARS-3 Examiner’s Manual $75.00Gilliam Asperger’s Some of GADS’ most important features are:Disorder Scale (GADS) • 32 items, divided into 4 subscales, which describe specific, observable andDistinguishes Asperger’s Disorder measurable behaviorsfrom Autism. • 8 parent feedback items, relating to the child’s first 3 years of life • Objective, frequency-based behavior ratingsJAMES E. GILLIAM • Easily completed by parents, teachers or others who have the greatestAge Range: 3 through 22 years opportunity to observe the individualTime: 5-10 minutes • Standard scores and percentiles provided • Includes a list of books, journals, media, Internet sites and organizationsGADS is the only test to distinguish between Asperger’s Disorder, Autism andother behavioral disorders. Easily completed by a parent, or a professional who providing information on the disorderknows the child, GADS provides documentation about the essential behaviorcharacteristics of Asperger, necessary for diagnosis. It can be used with The GADS Complete Kit includes an Examiner’s Manual and 25 Forms.confidence in assessment, documenting behavioral progress, targeting goalsfor IEPs, and for research. 32827 GADS Complete Kit $123.00 32827R GADS Summary/Response Booklets, Pk/25 $58.00NEW Autism Intervention Every Day! preschools and other community settings. The activities strengthens skills that are especiallyEmbedding activities in daily routines for challenging for children with Autism, such asyoung children and their families. regulation, flexibility and social communication. Includes a downloadable Reinforcer Survey thatThis book offers accessible, real-world solutions for use with children birth to helps determine specific ways to motivate athree, with or without an Autism diagnosis. This practical guide is packed with young child.simple, highly effective suggestions for strengthening critical skills during dailyroutines, from dressing in the morning, to getting ready for bed. Concepts, and Families will find support on the journey fromteaching strategies, are based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). pursuing a diagnosis, to accessing services. Progress is monitored, to ensure the strategiesAutism Intervention… helps professionals, and families, recognize red flags are helping children reach their IFSP goals.for Autism Spectrum Disorder, and address common challenges during dailyroutines and activities. It will help children build a foundation for learning to Paperback; 144 pages.interact, communicate, and participate in routines, across settings: in homes, 31714 Autism Intervention Every Day $30.0052 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Autism Spectrum DisorderSensory Processing Measure (SPM) The SPM offers descriptive clinical information on processing vulnerabilities, including under- and over-responsiveness,Provides a complete picture of sensory processing sensory-seeking behavior and perceptual problems.difficulties at school, at home, and in the community. Home and Main Classroom Forms asses:Age Range: 5 through 12 yearsTime: 15-20 minutes • Vision • Total Sensory SystemRecognizing that sensory processing problems • Hearing • Touchingoften manifest differently in different environment,this set of three integrated rating scales assesses • Balance and Motion • Social Participationsensory processing, praxis and social participation.It is useful to psychologists, teachers, social • Body Awareness • Planning and Ideasworkers, counselors, occupational therapists,physical therapists, speech/language pathologists School Environment Form (unlimited-use CD):and nurses. • Art Class • Music Class • Recess/Playground • Cafeteria • School Bus • Physical Education Class The SPM Kit includes a Manual, the School Environments Form CD, and 25 each of the Home and Main Classroom AutoScore Forms.The SPM provides standard scores for two higher integrative functions–praxis 32844 SPM Kit $200.00 32844H SPM Home AutoScore Form, Pk/25 $53.00and social participation–and five sensory systems: 32844C SPM Main Classroom AutoScore Form, Pk/25 $53.00 32844S SPM School Environments Form CD $41.00• Visual • Auditory • Tactile• Proprioceptive • Vestibular FunctioningSensory Processing Measure— Form, completed by the preschool teacherPreschool (SPM-P) or day care provider. Each form includes 75 items rated according to frequency of easilyIdentifies sensory processing difficulties in children. observable behaviors. Used together, the two forms provide a comprehensive overview ofAUTHORS: CHERYL ECKER, L. DIANE PARHAM, PH.D., HEATHER MILLER sensory processing, and allow quick comparisonKUHANEK, DIANA A. HENRY AND TARA J. GLENNON, ED.D. of the child’s functioning across settings.Age Range: 2 through 5 years Response to Intervention (RTI)Time: 15-20 minutes each for Home and School Forms and Early Intervention Both the SPM and SPM-P support the coreThis new Preschool version of the popular Sensory Processing Measure (Cat. principles of RTI, and can be used for progressNo. 32844) lets you take an early look at overall sensory functioning, as well specific vulnerabilities that can affect learning. Information Parents Can UnderstandWithin each sensory system, the SPM-P items also reveal specific problems, The SPM-P generates useful information that is easy to explain.including under- and over-responsiveness, sensory-seeking behavior andperceptual problems. In addition, the items provide information on the senses Seamless Assessment from Preschool through Age 12of taste and smell. Based on the same scale structure and theory as the SPM.The SPM-P measures: • Touch • Planning and Ideas The SPM-P Kit includes 25 each of the Home and School AutoScore Forms• Social Participation • Body Awareness • Total Sensory and a Manual.• Vision • Balance and Motion• Hearing Systems 32144 Sensory Processing Measure-Preschool Kit $160.00 32144H SPM-P Home AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00Compares Sensory Function at Home and Preschool 32144S SPM-P School AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00The SPM-P includes a Home Form, completed by the parent, and a SchoolSPM and SPM-P Quick Tips (QT) based on clinical reasoning. It also provides a means of measuring qualitative progress,Strategies to integrate sensory-based activities into a through staff responses, and quantitativechild’s everyday life. progress through the use of the SPM or SPM-P. A data recording system is included,DIANA A. HENRY, M.S., OTR/L, FAOTA to monitor progress.The SPM and SPM-P QT is a navigation tool to help answer, “What’s next?”, The SPM/SPM-P QT Kits include a User’sfollowing administration of the SPM (Stoelting Cat. No. 32844) or SPM-P Guide, Intervention Strategies, and a(Stoelting Cat. No. 32144). Record Form.Written in parent- and teacher-friendly language, the SPM and SPM-P QT offers 32144K SPM QT/SPM-P QT Kit $100.00valuable information to assist in making decisions about intervention strategies, 32844QT SPM QT $50.00 32144QT SPM-P QT $50.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 53
Autism Spectrum DisorderAutism Interventions: Exploring the Motor Control, Coordination andSpectrum of Autism, Second Edition Motor Planning–development of ever-increasing skills to aid inA valuable guide for everyone working with the acquisition of functional skillsstudents in the Autism Spectrum. required for self-care; independence with the classroom and educationalAutism Interventions provides the most current assessment and intervention environment; and engagement intechniques, based on best practice, and up-to-date research. This practical and leisure activities. Oral-motor andvaluable tool offers holistic, dynamic and effective intervention strategies, and feeding issues, commonly seen intreatment plans, to improve the functioning of individuals with autism. Real-life children with ASD are addressedtreatment photographs illustrate techniques. in a separate chapter, and include extensive intervention strategies.Written by highly-acclaimed occupational, physical and speech-language therapists,researchers, and educational and behavioral specialists, it is a valuable text and Behavioral Strategies–analyzesclinical reference. It is ideal for all parents and professionals working with children the function the behavior serves,with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). facilitating positive outcomes, and managing challenging behaviors,Therapists, teachers, psychologists, other professionals and parents, will find across all environments.Autism Intervention easy-to-read, and loaded with valuable treatment techniques. Educational Strategies–addresses the foundational needs of the student withChapters include: an ASD. Provided are the latest educational strategies; strategies for organizingSensory Processing–sensory issues in autism, and their impact on skill the learning environment; teaching problem-solving and decision-making skills,development, function, interaction and engagement. Included are modulation and fostering appropriate social behaviors and workplace supports.disorders, sensory discrimination disorders, postural disorders and dyspraxia;and resulting problems in their interventions. Autism Interventions is a 576-page soft cover book.Communication Strategies–interventions to foster speech and communication; 31612 Autism Interventions: Exploring the Spectrum of Autism $67.00empowering the child to interact with others; develop social skills and friendships.Conversation Basics and Beyond: Functional • Teach new social expressions,Activities for Teens and Adults with ASD feelings and idiomsA workbook of activities to develop, and • Practice spoken conversation inimprove, essential conversation skills. therapy sessionsLARRY IRWIN KLEIMAN AND PAUL F. JOHNSON • Provide follow-up practice, with family or friends, at homeWritten for older children, adolescents and adults, Conversation Basics…provides lists of topics, situations and intents. The material is also appropriate • Give students as writtenfor individuals with adult-onset aphasia or cognitive impairments; young adults assignmentswith emotional disorders; at-risk teens, and English Language Learners (ELL). • Provide a foundation forActivities include: helping advanced students use conversation skills in everyday• Sentence Completion • Conversation Scripts situations such as Email, text messaging or social media posts• Turn-starter Cues • Conversation Maps • Stimulate ideas, and listener• Question Prompts • Blank Templates perspective, when leading socialization, self-advocacy and• Matching Multiple Choice counseling groupsOptions for use with individuals, or groups, include reproducible activities • Expand reasoning, imagination and critical thinking, using some of the more advanced activities, to challenge higher-functioning learnersto:• Model functional conversation turn-taking Conversation Basics…is a 208-page softcover book.• Role-play conversation scenarios, and create custom conversations, using ready-made outlines 31611 Conversation Basics $45.00 Therapeutic Play for Autism Spectrum Disorder Page 73 Clue Cards—Help with Social Presentation Page 51 Too Much, Too Little, Just Right—A Social Communication Game Page 7354 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Autism Spectrum DisorderSocial Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) In addition to screening and educational applications, the SCQ can also be used toA quick, easy, cost-effective screening for Autism compare symptom levels across groupsSpectrum Disorders, facilitating early intervention. such as children with developmental language disorders, or those with medicalMICHAEL RUTTER, M.D., FRS, ANTHONY BAILEY, M. D. conditions typically associated with autismAND CATHERINE LORD, PH. D. spectrum disorders.Age Range: Over 4 years, with a Mental Age over 2 years The SCQ includes 20 each of the EnglishTime: Less than 10 minutes Current and Lifetime AutoScore Forms, and a Manual.Previously known as the Autism Screening Questionnaire (ASQ), this briefinstrument evaluates communications skills and social functioning in children The SCQ/ADI-R/ADOS unlimited-usewho may have autism or autism spectrum disorders. Completed by a parent, Scoring CD, sold separately.or other primary caregiver in less than 10 minutes, the SCQ is a cost-effectiveway to determine whether an individual should be referred for a completediagnostic evaluation.The SCQ is available in two forms: Screening Companion to the ADI-R,• Lifetime–Focuses on the child’s entire developmental history, with Parallel Content providing a Total Score that is interpreted in relation to specific cutoff 32995 SCQ Kit $143.00 points. This score identifies individuals who may have autism, and 32995PS SCQ/ADI-R/ADOS Scoring CD $470.00 should be referred for a more complete evaluation with the Autism 32995L SCQ Lifetime AutoScore Forms, Pk/20 $44.00 Diagnostic Review (ADI-R), sold above. Score agreement between 32995PL SCQ Lifetime PC Answer Sheets, Pk/50 $22.00 the SCQ and the ADI-R is high, and substantially unaffected by age, 32995LS SCQ SPANISH Lifetime AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $121.00 gender, language level and performance IQ, indicating the SCQ is a 32995C SCQ Current AutoScore Forms, Pk/20 $44.00 valid screener, providing a reasonable picture of symptom severity. 32995PC SCQ Current PC Answer Sheets, Pk/50 $22.00• Current–Looks at the child’s behavior over the most recent 3-month 32995CS SCQ SPANISH Current AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $99.00 period. It produces results that can be helpful in treatment planning, 32995M SCQ Manual $70.00 educational intervention, and measurement of change over time. Both forms are available in English and Spanish, and can be given directly to the parent/caregiver to be answered without supervision.Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) Due to the interview format, the ADI-R provides categorical, rather than scalesUseful for diagnosing Autism, treatment of norms. Results can now be scored andplanning and differential diagnosis. interpreted using a single convenient forms, rather than the five forms previously required.MICHAEL RUTTER, M.D., FRS, ANN LECOUTEUR, M.B.B.S. The NEW Comprehensive Algorithm FormAND CATHERINE LORD, PH. D. allows calculation and interpretation of any one of five, age-specific ADI-RAge Range: Children and Adults with a mental age above 2:0 algorithms—two Diagnostic AlgorithmsTime: 1-2 hours, including scoring based on developmental history and used for formal diagnosis, and three Current BehaviorThe ADI-R provides a thorough assessment of individuals suspected of having Algorithms focusing on present functioningAutism, or other Autism Spectrum Disorders. It is useful for formal diagnosis, and used for treatment and educationalas well as educational planning and treatment. planning. The algorithms have not changed, the new comprehensive form replaces the fiveThe 93 ADI-R items focus on three functional domains: forms previously needed.• Language/Communication• Reciprocal Social Interactions The new ADOS/ADI-R/SQC unlimited-use scoring CD (order separately)• Restricted, Repetitive and Stereotyped Behaviors and Interests automatically scores all of the algorithm scoring functions of the ADI-R.Interview questions cover: The ADI-R Kit includes 10 Interview Booklets (85 pages each),• Background, including family, education, previous diagnoses and medications 10 Comprehensive Algorithm Forms and a Manual.• Overview of behavior• Early development and developmental milestones 32895 ADI-R Kit $262.00• Language acquisition and loss of language or other skills 32895C ADI-R Unlimited Use Scoring CD $238.00• Current functioning in regard to language and communication 32895R ADI-R Interview Booklets, Pk/5• Social development and play 32895A ADI-R Comprehensive Algorithm Forms, Pk/10 $94.00• Interests and behaviors $18.00• Clinically-relevant behaviors, such as aggression, self-injury, and possible epileptic featuresTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 55
Autism Spectrum DisorderChildhood Autism Rating Scale, its intensity, peculiarity, and duration. WhileSecond Edition (CARS2) this more nuanced approach gives greater flexibility in integrating diagnostic information,Revised and enhanced, CARS2 covers the entire it still yields quantitative results.Autism Spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome The Standard and High-FunctioningERIC SCHOPLER, PH.D., MARY E. VAN BOURGONDIEN, PH. D., Forms (CARS2-ST and CARS2-HF) eachGLENNA JANETTE WELLMAN, PH. D. AND STEVEN R. LOVE, PH. D. include 15 items addressing the following functional areas:Age Range: 2 years and older • Relating to PeopleTime: Untimed • Imitation (ST); Social-EmotionalThe CARS is one of the most widely-used and empirically-validated Understanding (HF)Autism assessments. It has proven especially effective in discriminating • Body Usebetween children with Autism and those with severe cognitive deficits, and • Emotional Response (ST); Emotionaldistinguishing mild-to-moderate from severe Autism. Expression and Regulation of EmotionsCARS2 expands the test’s clinical value, making it more responsive to (HF)individuals on the “high functioning” end on the Autism Spectrum–those • Object Use (ST); Object Use in Play (HF)with average or higher IQ scores, better verbal skills and more subtle social • Adaptation to Change (ST); Adaptation to Change/and behavioral deficits. While retaining the simplicity, brevity and clarity of Restricted Interests (HF)the original test, CARS2 adds forms and features that integrate diagnostic • Visual Responseinformation, determine functional capabilities, provide feedback to parents, and • Listening Responsedesigned targeted intervention. • Taste, Smell and Touch Response and Use • Fear or Nervousness (ST); Fear or Anxiety (HF)CARS2 includes three forms: • Verbal Communication• Standard Version (CARS2-ST) Rating Booklet– equivalent to the original • Nonverbal Communication • Activity Level (ST); Thinking/Cognitive Integration Skills (HF) CARS, for use with individuals younger than 6 years, and those with • Level and Consistency of Intellectual Response communication difficulties, or below-average estimated IQs • General Impressions• High-Functioning (CARS2-HF) Rating Booklet– an alternative for assessing verbally-fluent individuals, 6 years and older, with IQ scores The CARS2 Kit includes 25 each of the ST and HF Rating Booklets, above 80 Questionnaires for Parents or Caregivers, and a Manual.• Questionnaire for Parent of Caregivers (CARS2-QPC)– an unscored scale that gathers information for making SARS2-ST and CARS2-HF ratings 32137 CARS2 Kit $193.00 32137ST CARS2 Standard Version Rating Booklets, Pk/25 $47.00The clinician rates the individual on each item, using a 4-point response scale. 32137HF CARS2 High-Functioning Rating Booklets, Pk/25 $47.00Ratings are based not only on frequency of the behavior in question, but also on 32137PC CARS2 Questionnaire for Parents or Caregivers, Pk/25 $33.00Social Responsiveness Numerous independent studies demonstrate the SRS-2 is unmatched in itsScale, Second ability to measure severity of social impairment in the mildest, most common,Edition (SRS-2) forms of ASD–including Social Communication Disorder–a new diagnosis proposed for the DSM-5.Offers the convenience of a screener,and the power of a diagnostic tool. In addition to a Total Score, the SRS-2 generates scores for:Age Range: P reschool–2.5 through 4.5 years • Social Awareness • Social Motivation School-Age–4 through 18 years Adult–19 years and up • Social Cognition • Restricted Interests and RepetitiveTime: 15-20 minutes • Social Communication BehaviorThe SRS-2 identifies social impairment The SRS-2 includes DSM-5 Compatible Subscales:associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD), and quantifies the severity. It detects • Social Communication • Restricted Interests andsubtle symptoms, and differentiates clinicalgroups, both within the Autism Spectrum, and and Interaction Repetitive Behaviorbetween ASD and other disorders. Includes DSM-5 Scores on these subscales allow easy comparison of client symptoms to DSM-5 Compatible diagnostic criteria for ASD. SubscalesThe SRS-2 looks at subtle, reciprocal social behavior as in natural, everyday The SRS-2 Software Kit includes unlimited-use software and a Manual.settings. Impairment in reciprocal social behavior is the defining characteristic The SRS-2 Hand-Scored Kit includes AutoScore Forms and a Manual. Adult andof Autism. Child/Adolescent Software Kits available online The Preschool and School-Age Forms are completed by the parent or teacher. 32991 SRS-2 Software Kit $386.00 The Adult Form is completed by a relative or friend. The Adult Self-Report Form 32990 SRS-2 Hand-Scored Kit $273.00 is an optional form. 32990P SRS-2 Preschool AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00 32990AS SRS-2 School-Age AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.0056 32990AA SRS-2 Adult AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00 32990AR SRS-2 Adult Self-Report AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Autism Spectrum DisorderPractical Ideas That Really Work for • Research-Based Ideas– 34 practical, easy-to-Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: use ideas addressing social communication andHigh-Functioning Autism interaction, fixated interests and repetitive behaviors and executive functioning skills.Aligned with the new DSM-5 criteria. • Idea Matrix– a systematic way to link identified studentKATHLEEN MCCONNELL AND GAIL R. RYSER needs to the ideas, and strategies, to address them.Practical Ideas...High-Functioning Autism is an effective resource for teachers, • CD-Rom– includes reproducible Evaluation Form andcounselors and parents of students, in grades K-12, with high-functioning Autism. Student MaterialsKey components include: Each “Idea’ includes a one-page explanation, helpful strategies, tips for• Evaluation Form– a criterion-referenced scale to identify student needs; implementation and reproducible Masters. help IEP and RTI teams evaluate specific skills and deficits related to ASD; The Practical Ideas...High-Functioning Autism Kit includes the 163-page write an intervention plan, and monitor progress. soft-cover Manual and a CD-ROM. 31417 Practical Ideas...High-Functioning Autism $45.00Practical Ideas That Really Work for The Evaluation Form consists of two components:Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders • Rating Scale • Ideas MatrixProvides quick, easy-to-implement classroom strategies. The Rating Scale evaluates behaviors that interfere withKATHLEEN MCCONNELL AND GAIL RYSER student learning and social interactions. Scale items are behavior descriptions that align with the DSM-IV indicatorsAge Range: Preschool through Grade 12 for Autistic Disorder and Asperger’s Disorder. Additionally, many of the items apply to Childhood Disintegrative DisorderThe materials included in Practical Ideas...focus on the most effective and widely-used and Rett’s Disorder.ideas, based on a comprehensive review of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The twomain components of Practical Ideas...are a Book and an Evaluation Form. Rating Scale results are useful in selecting possible solutions for increasing desired behaviors, or improving problem behaviors, from the Ideas Matrix.The Book includes: • Helpful tips The Ideas Matrix systematically links the Rating Scale results to appropriate• Explanation • Reproducible materials intervention ideas.• Helpful illustrationsThe Book contains 37 instructional strategies that can be used to improve The Practical Ideas...Autism Spectrum Kit includes the Manual and 10 Forms.a student’s social interaction and communication to decrease repetitive/stereotypical patterns of behavior. 32538 Practical Ideas...Autism Kit $60.00 32538E Practical Ideas...Evaluation Forms, Pk/10 $19.00The Source for Intervention in • Chapter 1–defines Autism Spectrum DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and addresses co-morbid conditionsLearning styles, strategies, tactics and lifespan issues. • Chapter 2–discusses learning styles, language development, academic, visual-motor challenges,PHYLLIS KUPPERMAN social learning the theory of mindAges: Pre-K through Young Adult • Chapter 3–deals with assessment, to develop goals and treatment strategiesThe Source…provides hundreds of practical, scientifically-based suggestions fordealing with all age ranges. General, and specific, tactics “grow” with the person • Chapter 4–tactics for language intervention,on the spectrum, to constantly teach learning and communication. academics and social skillsSpecific strategies for social development, expressive and receptive language, • Chapter 5–priorities and concerns of familiesreading comprehension, classroom behavior transitioning, and independentliving are included. 31712 The Source for Intervention in ASD $43.95Understanding the Nature of Autism: recognized models such as SCERTS (Stoelting Cat. No. 32874D), StructuredA Guide to the Autism Spectrum Disorders, Teaching and Applied Behavioral Analysis that match the specific needs of eachThird Edition individual. It includes strategies for conducting a comprehensive, functional behavioral assessment, and developing a positive behavior support system.JANICE E. JANZEN AND CATHERINE B. ZENKO A CD-ROM, with reproducible versions of all forms, is included.Appropriate for use with any age or ability level, this resource is a valuable toolfor therapists, teachers and parents. This new edition presents an integrated 32130 Understanding the Nature of Autism $74.00approach to teaching and intervention. It incorporates strategies fromTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 57
ClinicalClinical Therapy Cards Name ethitrheeeCrapirnedsoi#pdl1eDeMIoyRroaEuokCuimnTtsgIuVisdAEtem:moefanktdheseampreisnodns. with, aNmotetionnmamdMbaasaYkinlkwidiTnetiyAlgbialnStemaaogKmmlelil:noeyneLwandtleroidsfmanesgrw.lenrweiIottstihwwohlsl.aiosglhNtnoleosmmmotl,dwoeyaiusbkmiptsoebaeodutiafyhnhrme,imooeessrtdyuntismafdoiofgnwseeme.r!tn.ihenMepgpra,aeiksbaoionipnlndilgteyThree therapeutic card sets specifically for Prison,Conduct Disorder and Substance Abuse populations.CHRIS O’BANYE, PH. D., MA, NHAge Range: Adolescent through AdultClinical work with Prison, Conduct Disorder and Substance Abuse populationspresent complex, serious and challenging clinical dynamics. It requires tools thatspeak a therapeutic language, and also include no-nonsense talk. Alleviating theseclinical challenges is at the core of the Clinical Therapy Cards.Developed for three specific populations, these user-friendly therapeutic cardsets are effective and clinically powerful. Clients, themselves, choose cardsfrom the therapeutic deck, leading to clinical discussion of the issue presented.They can be used in individual, group, or family settings.Developed for three, challenging clinical groups:• Clinical Therapy Cards: Prison• Clinical Therapy Cards: Conduct Disorder• Clinical Therapy Cards: Substance AbuseEach set includes 37 cards, which direct, and assist the client, in opening up about UNIQUE CONDUCT DISORDER TOPICS INCLUDE:difficult topics. Questions lead the clinician in exploring the roots of the clients’issues, as well as their impact, in the deeper levels of mind, body and spirit. • Stealing from Others • Physical CrueltyEach card addresses a specific issue, guided by a DIRECTIVE (discussion • Abuse of Animals • Destruction of Propertyquestions), and followed by a TASK (what the client is to learn/change as a result). • Joy and Happiness • Serious Violation of RulesClinical Therapy Cards: Prison • Anger and Negative Emotion • Assault and Victimization• Making Amends• Family and Relationships • Family and Relationships (family) Clinical Therapy Cards: Substance Abuse• Dreams and Dreaming • Family and Relationships• Doing the Right Thing • My Life Anchors • Source(s) of Joy• Rat and Snitch (children)• Anger/Negative Emotion • Violence/Loss of Life • Embracing the Joy of Sobriety • Focus on People, Places, Things• Family and Relationships • Gang Activities• Aggression with Weapons • Power of Belief • Triggers of Stress • First Time Using• Violation of Law/Lawlessness • Cutting Your Own Nose• Holding Self Accountable • Deceit, Lying, Conning • False Physical Pleasure • Big Truth About Addiction• Physical Aggression • Lessons from Life’s Journey• A Fool at Forty • Embracing Hope of Addiction • Connecting to a Healthy Childhood• Taking Responsibility • Rape, Sexual Aggression, Assault• Fear and Inner Bullies • Taking Accountability • Holding Yourself Accountable • Facing My Fears• Assault and Victimization • Anger/Negative Emotion• Blow Your Own Horn • Most Powerful Lesson • Facing Your Worst Enemy • Acceptance• Love and Loving Others (self) • Taking Lessons from Life• Love and Loving Others (others) • Learning from Life’s Journey • Your Inner Self Masking Addiction • Family Triggers/Links• Drug/Substance Abuse • Connecting to Healthy Childhood• Life Reflection • Looking in the Eyes of Your Soul • Denial • Nurturing Self • Embracing Healthy Family Values • Family Relationships/Support • Legal Consequences • Facing Inner Bullies • Loved Ones Who Suffer • Love and Loving from My Addiction • Sleeping with Fleas • Blow Your Own Horn • Making Amends • Facing Addiction • Embracing Hope • Acknowledging the Beautiful You • Destructive Addictive Behaviors • The Power of You • Anger/Negative Emotion • Facing Denial • Identifying Tools for Success • Dreams and Dreaming • Challenges of RecoveryClinical Therapy Cards: Conduct Disorder • Loving SupportWhile many of the 37 cards have titles similar to the Prison Cards, theDirectives and Tasks are different, for this unique clinical group. Each Clinical Therapy Card Set includes 37 Cards and a Manual.Many clinical issues begin long before 31610P Clinical Therapy Cards: Prison $42.00 31610C Clinical Therapy Cards: Conduct Disorder $42.00 individuals present for therapy. 31610S Clinical Therapy Cards: Substance Abuse $42.00Attention Deficit Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disorders can BEST VALUE! all contribute to behaviors that have long-term negative consequences. Includes all three Clinical Therapy Card Sets and Manuals. Materials for ADHD, LD and BD can be found on pages 27-44. 31610 Clinical Therapy Combination Pack $120.0058 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalThe THIRD WAVE of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies has arrived at Stoelting! Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) We now provide much-needed resources for mental health clinicians interested in using ACT and DBT. These materials are valuable for all clinicians who want to learn, engage, or implement these therapies in their practices. Focusing on mindfulness, client values, and acommitment to change, these new approaches provide exciting new techniques, tools and strategies to promote profound behavioral change. In addition to the products shown below, we offer more ACT and DBT products, for specific issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, substance abuse and eating disorders. They can be found on our website: StoeltingCo.comNEW Introduction to ACT These training DVDs demonstrate how to: • Conceptualize cases from an ACT perspectiveLearning and applying the core • Use all six ACT treatment processesprincipals and techniques of Acceptance • Help clients change patterns at the root of emotional disordersand Commitment Therapy. • Experience key ACT techniques and interventions • Develop an order of treatment tailored to the clientThis 8-hour DVD series explains and demonstrates • Combine ACT processes for maximum outcomesthe ACT treatment processes, in detail, and offerguidance to integrate mindfulness and acceptance 31730 Introduction to ACT DVD Set $200.00strategies into client sessions. ACT Made Simple includes: • Guidance for creating therapeuticNEW ACT Made Simple • Scripts techniques and exercises • ExercisesAn easy-to-read primer on Acceptance • Metaphors and Worksheets • Practical tips to overcomeand Commitment Therapy. • Guide to implementing ACT “therapy roadblocks” • Transcripts from therapy SessionsACT Made Simple takes the complex theoryand practice of ACT, and makes it accessible to Paperback; 280 pages.therapists, and their clients. This practical andentertaining primer is ideal for ACT newcomers as 31731 ACT Made Simple $40.00well as experienced ACT professionals. Widely usedby therapists and life coaches. More ACT Resources AvailableIt offers clear explanations of the six ACT processes, and a set of real-world at StoeltingCo.comtips and solutions, to rapidly and effectively implement. The book provides • Learning ACTeverything needed to start using ACT with impressive results. • A CBT Practitioner’s Guide to ACTNEW DBT Principles in Action DBT Principles in Action also shows how to use skills and strategies that flow directly from the fundamental paradigms of acceptance, change and dialectics.Helps clinicians navigate challenging clinicalsituations, and move therapy forward. Hardcover; 414 pages.Written by a leading DBT authority, offers numerous 31732 DBT Principles in Action $38.25vivid case examples, illustrating DBT in action. It willprovide the clinician the knowledge and confidenceto meet the complex needs of each client, whileimplementing DBT.NEW DBT Made Simple The third section teaches the four skills modules that form the backbone of DBT: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonalA step-by-step guide to effectiveness.Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT Made Simple includes handouts, case examples, and an example ofDBT has rapidly become one of the most popular, therapist-client dialogue.and effective, treatments for all mental healthconditions rooted in out-of-control emotions. This 31733 DBT Made Simple $40.00guide provides clinicians with everything they needto start using DBT in therapy sessions. Available Online at • Dialectical Behavior TherapyThe first part of this book covers the theory and research behind DBT, andexplains how it differs from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches. Skills WorkbookThe second part focuses on strategies to use in individual client sessions. • DBT Skills Training Manual, • Handouts and WorksheetsTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 59
ClinicalBehavior Rating Inventory of Executive New 12-item Parent, Teacher and Self-Report ScreeningFunction, Second Edition (BRIEF-2) Forms quickly indicate whether further executive function assessment is needed (Qualification Level S).An enhanced rating scale of executive function, now Improved empirical scale structure includes separatewith a quick screener, and enhanced functions. Task-Monitor and Self-Monitor Scales. BRIEF-2 includes a new Infrequency Scale, to identify unusualGERARD A. GIOIA, PH. D., PETER ISQUITH, PH. D. responding.STEVEN C. GUY, PH. D., AND LAUREN KENWORTHY, PH. D. New, reliable changes statistics make it easy to measureAge Range: 5 through 18 years the significance of change in scores, over time.Time: 10 minutes—Full Assessment; 5 minutes—Screening FormRestricted Use: Level S or Level B The BRIEF-2 Kit includes 25 each of the Parent, Teacher and Self-Report Forms, and Parent, Teacher and Self-Report ScoringThe BRIEF-2 assesses impairment FORMS AVAILABLE Summary/Profile Forms, and a Manual with Fast Guide. The BRIEF-2 Screeningof executive function in children IN SPANISH! Kit includes 25 each of the Parent, Teacher and Self-Report Screening Forms, and a Manual with Fast Guide. A BRIEF-2 Parent/Teacher Kit is also available,and adolescents. It is as efficient, and does not include Self-Report Forms.comprehensive and consistent as its predecessor, but now is easier to use. 31602 BRIEF-2 Kit $359.00More concise scales reduce the burden on the parent, teacher and adolescent 31602S BRIEF-2 Screening Kit $219.00respondent. No new items were added to the clinical scales, allowing for 31602H BRIEF-2 Parent/Teacher Kit $275.00 31602R BRIEF-2 Parent Forms, Pk/25 $65.00consistency of data collection between the BRIEF and BRIEF-2. 31602T BRIEF-2 Teacher Forms, Pk/25 $65.00 31602F BRIEF-2 Self-Report Forms, Pk/25 $65.00Parent, Teacher and Self-Report Forms are now discussed in one Manual, and 31602PS BRIEF-2 SPANISH Parent Forms, Pk/ 25 $65.00have increased parallel structure. This content overlap, combined with the 31602SS BRIEF-2 SPANISH Self-Report Forms, Pk/25 $65.00presentation of rater discrepancy base rates, facilitates examining of multiple rater 31602PF BRIEF-2 Parent Scoring Summary/Profile Forms, Pk/25 $28.00perspectives. Most items are shared between the Parent and Teacher Forms, andapproximately half of the items are also shared with the Self-Report Form.Behavior Rating Inventory of Scoring The BRIEF-P consists of a single RatingExecutive Function– Preschool Software Form used by parents, teachers, and dayVersion (BRIEF-P) Available care providers to rate a child’s executive functions at home and preschool. TheAssesses executive Behavior Rating Inventory of Executivefunctioning in preschool children. Function (BRIEF), Catalog No. 32731, was the basis for the BRIEF-P. Consequently,GERALD A. GIOIA, PH.D., KIMBERLY ANDREWS ESPY, PH.D. the BRIEF-P is an ecologically valid andAND PETER K. ISQUITH, PH.D. efficient tool for screening, assessing, and monitoring a young child's executiveAge Range: 2 through 5 years functioning and development.Time: 10-15 minutes The hand-scorable BRIEF-P Rating Form consists of 63 items that measureThe BRIEF-P is the first standardized rating scale designed to specifically various aspects of executive functioning: Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control,measure the range of behavioral manifestations of executive function in Working Memory, and Plan/Organize. The clinical scales form three broadpreschool children, facilitating intervention at earlier stages of development. indexes (Inhibitory Self-Control, Flexibility, and Emergent Metacognition) andThe BRIEF-P assesses such medical, acquired neurological, and developmental one composite score (Global Executive Composite). The BRIEF-P also providesconditions as prematurity, emerging learning disabilities and attentional two validity scales (Inconsistency and Negativity).disorders, language disorders, traumatic brain injuries, lead exposure, andpervasive developmental disorders/autism. The BRIEF-P Kit includes a Manual and 25 each of the Rating Forms and Scoring Summary/Profile Forms.The observations of parents and teachers provide a wealth of informationabout a child’s behavior that is directly relevant to an understanding of 32733 BRIEF-P Kit $ 183.00that child’s executive functioning. The assessment of executive function in 32733R BRIEF-P Rating Forms, PK/25 $69.00preschool children is often difficult because of the variable nature of behavior in 32733P BRIEF-P Scoring Summary/Profile Forms, Pk/25 $ 50.00this age range; the limitations in motor and verbal proficiency at this age; and 32833 BRIEF-P SP CD-ROM $253.00the many neuropsychological, psychological, developmental, and other medicalconditions that begin to manifest during the preschool years. More Early Childhood Assessments Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (PTONI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Conners Early Childhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 960 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalBehavior Rating Inventory of ExecutiveFunction– Adult Version (BRIEF-A)Self-report assessment of adult executivefunctioning/self-regulation.ROB M. ROTH, PH.D., PETER K. ISQUITH, PH.D.,AND GERARD A. GIOIA, PH.D.Age Range: 18 through 90 yearsTime: 15 minutesThe BRIEF-A is a standardized measure that captures views of an adult's executive The clinical scales form two broader indexes: Behavioral Regulation (BRI) andfunctions, or self-regulation, in his or her everyday environment. Two formats are Metacognition (MI), and these form the overall summary score, the Globalused– a self-report and an informant report. Executive Composite (GEC). The BRIEF-A also includes three validity scales• The Self-Report Form– completed by adults 18-90 years of age, including (Negativity, Inconsistency, and Infrequency). adults with a wide variety of developmental, systemic, neurological, and The BRIEF-A demonstrates reliability, validity, and clinical utility as an psychiatric disorders such as attention disorders, learning disabilities, ecologically sensitive measure of executive functioning in individuals with a autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, range of conditions across a wide age range. depression, mild cognitive impairment, dementias, and schizophrenia.• The Informant Report Form– administered to an adult who is The BRIEF-A Kit includes the Manual and 25 each of the Self-Report Forms, familiar with the individual's everyday functioning. It can be used Informant Report Forms, Self-Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms, and alone, when the rated individual is unable to complete the Self- Informant Report Scoring Summary/Profile Forms. Report Form or has limited awareness of his or her own difficulties; or with the Self-Report Form to gain multiple perspectives. 32737 BRIEF-A Kit $270.00 32737R BRIEF-A Self-Report Forms, Pk/25 $64.00Composed of 75 items within nine non-overlapping scales: 32737I BRIEF-A Informant Report Forms, Pk/25 $64.00 32737P BRIEF-A Self-Report Scoring Summary/ $43.00• Inhibit • Initiate • Organization Profile Forms, Pk/25 $43.00 32737IP BRIEF-A Informant Report Scoring Summary/• Self-Monitor • Task Monitor of Materials Profile Forms, Pk/25• Plan/Organize • Emotional Control• Shift • Working MemoryBRIEF Scoring Software Portfolios (BRIEF-SP) The BRIEF-A SP Interpretive Report Provides a ScoreProvides unlimited scoring and report generation Summary Table with T-scores,for BRIEF and BRIEF-A. percentiles and 90 percent confidence intervals, basedAge Range: 5 through 18 years (BRIEF-SP); 18 through 90 years (BRIEF-A SP) on seven normative groups, by age. It also provides aThe BRIEF-SP is used with the BRIEF Parent and Teacher Forms, as well as the Profile Graph of T-scores forSelf Report Form. It provides T-scores, percentiles and 90 per cent confidence all scales, indexes, and theintervals, based on separate normative tables for four developmental age composite.groups, by gender of the child.Optional intervention recommendations include more than 140 suggestions The clinician can printfor modifications and supports, organized by area of executive difficulty and intervention recommendationsenvironment (educational, rehabilitative and therapeutic) for child-centered along with the Interpretiveintervention methods. Included is an optional IEP/504 section that offers Report. These include up to 103possible goals and objectives for school-based programs. suggestions or modifications and supports, organized by area of executive functioning difficulty.The Interpretive Report also offers an optional ADHD diagnostic classificationsection, based on the child’s Working Memory and Inhibit scale scores. The Compatible with Windows and Mac.Feedback Report provides an overview of the test results, and is written withthe client’s parent or teacher in mind. The Portfolios include Unlimited-Use Software, On-Screen Software Manual and Installation Guide.The BRIEF-A SP is used with the Self-Report and Informant Report of theBRIEF-A. It generates normative scores, Interpretive Reports, Feedback Reports 32734 BRIEF-SP CD-ROM $575.00and Protocol Summary Reports. 32734U BRIEF-SP CD-ROM UPGRADE KIT $95.00The BRIEF-P SP is used with Preschool children. 32736 BRIEF-A SP CD-ROM $616.00 32833 BRIEF-P SP CD-ROM $253.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 61
ClinicalChildren’s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI-2) Paper-and-Pencil CDI-2 Forms can be administered and scored using theAssesses the presence and severity of symptoms. QuikScore Format. Scoring Software, sold separately, is used with Paper-and-MARIA KOVACS, PH. D. USB Scoring Pencil Form. SoftwareAge Range: 7 through 17 years The CDI-2 Kits include 25 each of FormsTime: 5-15 minutes for specified version and a Manual.Restricted Use: Level B The Software Kit includes USB Scoring Software. Forms sold individually inThe CDI-2 is a comprehensive, multi-rater assessment of depressive symptoms. packages of 25. Report Forms with S suffixIt retains many essential features of its predecessor (CDI), and introduces are for Software Kit. QuikScore Formsrefinements. New items focus on core aspects of depression. (Q suffix) are paper-and-pencil scored.CDI-2 Scales: Emotional Problems; Functional Problems 31159S CDI-2 Software Kit $399.00CDI-2 Subscales: Negative Mood; Ineffectiveness; Anhedonia; Negative 31159SS CDI-2 Self-Report Forms $60.00Self-Esteem; Interpersonal Problems 31159SF CDI-2 Self-Report Short Forms $60.00 31159SP CDI-2 Parent Forms $60.00The full-length CDI-2 Self-Report Form is a 28-item scale that yields a Total 31159ST CDI-2 Teacher Forms $60.00score, two Scale scores (Emotional Problems and Functional Problems) and $289.00four Subscale scores. 31159 CDI-2 Paper-and-Pencil Kt $60.00 $60.00The CDI-2 Self-Report Short Form contains 12 items, and takes about half 31159QS CDI-2 Self-Report QuikScore Forms $60.00the time to administer (5-10 minutes). The CDI-2 Parent and Teacher Forms 31159QF CDI-2 Self-Report Short QuikScore Forms $60.00correspond to the Self-Report, but are slightly rephrased. 31159QP CDI-2 Parent QuikScore Forms 31159QT CDI-2 Teacher QuikScore FormsNEW Dialectical Chapters in this book are:Behavior Therapy with 1. Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescents: Who is Most at Risk?Suicidal Adolescents 2. What Do We Know About Effective Treatments for Suicidal Adolescents? 3. Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Treatment Stages, Primary TargetsOffers the latest thinkingon core elements of DBT, and Strategieswhile illustrating important 4. CBT Program Structure: Functions and Modesstrategies specific to 5. Dialectical Dilemmas for Adolescents: Addressing Secondary Targetstreating adolescents. 6. Assessing Adolescents: Suicide Risk, Diagnosis and Treatment Feasibility 7. Orienting Adolescents and Families to Treatment and Obtaining CommitmentThis highly-practical book adapts 8. Individual Therapy with Adolescentsthe proven techniques of Dialectical 9. Including Families in TreatmentBehavior Therapy (DBT) to treatment 10. Skills Training with Adolescentsof multi-problem adolescents, at risk 11. Assessing Progress, Running a Graduate Group, and Terminatingfor suicide and self-injury. It is idealfor use by mental health practitioners, Treatmentincluding psychologists, psychiatrists 12. Program Issuesand clinical social workers, who treat Appendix A. Mindfulness Exercises for Adolescentsmulti-problem adolescents and their families. Appendix B. Walking the Middle Path Skills: Lecture and Discussion Points Appendix C. Handouts for Walking the Middle Path SkillsThe authors, who are master clinicians, take the reader step-by-step throughunderstanding and assessing severe emotional dysregulation in teens, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents includes 30 Mindfulnessimplementing individual, family and group-based interventions. Exercises, Lecture Notes, 12 Reproducible Handouts, and a completely new DBT Skills Training Module, for adolescents and their families. Hardcover; 346 pages. 31716 Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents $49.00 We Want To Expand Our Product Line! If you have developed an instrument you believe would fit into our line, we would like to discuss its publication or development with you. Many of our most popular products have come from individuals, just like you, who “know what works” and have developed their own materials to “fill in the blanks”. Call (630) 860-9700, email [email protected] or mail your materials to Stoelting Co., attention Product Development Manager. We Look Forward To Hearing from You.62 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalChildren’s Measure of The CMOCS has 56 items, covering six problem areas:Obsessive-CompulsiveSymptoms (CMOCS) • Fear of Contamination • CheckingA psychometrically-sound • Rituals • Fear of Mistakes and Harmmeasure of problematicobsessions, compulsions, and • Intrusive Thoughts • Picking/Slowingtheir impact on daily functioning. Problem Area scores and Summary scores reflect the severity, and impact,CECIL R. REYNOLDS, PH. D. of the individual’s disorder. A Total score indicates the overall symptom level,AND RONALD B. LIVINGSTON, PH. D. and an Impact score reflects the degree to which obsessions or compulsions interfere with daily functioning, and cause distress.Age Range: 8 through 19 yearsTime: 10-15 minutes In school settings, the CMOCS results, particularly the Impact score, ascertains whether the student meets IDEA criteria for Emotional Disturbance (ED). ItAnchored in DSM criteria, CMOCS is a brief, easy-to-administer self-report is also helpful in creating IEPs, determining whether misbehavior is a directinventory that provides both detailed and summary scores, all referenced result of a disability, and measuring response to intervention (RTI). In clinicalto a large, representative norm sample. CMOCS assesses, and quantifies, settings, CMOCS is a useful diagnostic tool. In research settings, CMOCSthe subjective experience of children and teens who have obsessions and/or can establish baseline data, compare individual children or large groups, andcompulsions at either a clinical, or subclinical, level. identify research subgroups.Until now, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has been difficult to assess, The CMOCS Kit includes 25 AutoScore Forms and a those with the disorder tend to hide their symptoms; comorbid conditionsoften obscure its presence; and existing OCD instruments have been limited by 31402 CMOCS Kit $124.00inadequate normative and psychometric data. 31402R CMOCS AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $53.00Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) self-report inventories can be administered in individual or small group settings. The SIQ and SIQ-JR provide a mechanism for informing adults/professionalsScreens for suicidal ideation in adolescents. of an adolescent’s level of distress and suicidal intent. As such, it can be used to evaluate and monitor troubled youth, as well as to evaluate large-scaleWILLIAM M. REYNOLDS, PH.D. intervention/prevention programs.Age Range: 7 through 9 (SIQ-JR), Grades 10 through 12 (SIQ) The SIQ Introductory Kit includes the Manual, 25 each of the SIQ and SIQ-JRTime: Approximately 10 minutes Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, and Scoring Keys for both the SIQ and SIQ-JR.The SIQ assesses the frequency of suicidal ideation and serves as a valuablecomponent in a comprehensive assessment of adolescent mental health. It 32747 SIQ Introductory Kit $211.00provides an initial source of information on an adolescent’s thoughts about 32747R SIQ (Hand-Scorable) Answer Sheets, Pk/25 $65.00suicide, from which more detailed evaluations may be obtained. 32747S SIQ Scoring Key $24.00 32747JR SIQ-JR (Hand-Scorable) Answer Sheets, Pk/25 $65.00The SIQ consists of 30 items and is appropriate for students in Grades 10-12. 32747JS SIQ-JR Scoring Key $24.00The SIQ-JR consists of 15 items and is designed for students in Grades 7-9. BothNEW Mindfulness It includes activities and exercises, for both body and mind, such as:for Teen Depression • Mindful Meditation • WalkingProvides steps to work • Yogathrough depression • Healthy Eating and Sleeping Tipssymptoms, troublingthoughts and feelings. Paperback; 144 pagesMITCH R. ABBLETT PHD, AND 31715 Mindfulness for Teen Depression $17.00CHRISTOPHER WILLARD PSYD • Bullying Workbook for TeensThis valuable resource will empower • Anxiety Survival Guide for Teensthe teen to feel better, more energized, • What Works with Teensand begin to reach for goals—onestep at a time. Effective skills, based inmindfulness and positive psychology,to help manage difficult emotions, gain distance from negative thoughts, andenhance awareness of the present moment are taught.Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 63
ClinicalAbuse Disability Questionnaire (ADQ) Responses on these items determine the level ofQuickly screens for psychological impairment impairment:associated with domestic abuse. • Low– No major personalityJOHN R. MCNAMARA, PH.D., ABPP or psychological problems present. The individual is ableAge Range: 18 years and older to function in life roles suchTime: 10 minutes or less, self-report as wife, mother, worker, etc. • Mild– Does not view lifeThe Abuse Disability Questionnaire (ADQ) is a psychological, self-report positively. Strain mayscreening test designed to assess both the extent of partner abuse, and its be evidenced in copingassociated consequences. These consequences may create a disabling or with everyday life issues.impairing psychological perspective that affects the way life is viewed, evaluated Adjustment disorders andand lived. depression may be seen.Easily incorporated into intake procedures at most types of human service • Moderate– Life isorganizations, the ADQ is a brief, easy-to-use, self-report screener, which can be viewed negatively. Straincompleted by individuals with only an elementary school education. While not may cause temporaryintended to provide a comprehensive psychological assessment of abuse, the disruption in activities, such as absences from work, or sleepingADQ gives an indication of the amount of the abuse, and its affect on a number all day. The presence of a psychiatric condition is likely.of life areas. This valuable information can then be immediately used to identify, • Severe– Life is viewed as quite negative. A cessation of activitiesand provide, appropriate psychological, social and psychiatric client services. may occur. The presence of a psychiatric condition is very likely.The 30 ADQ items cover eight subscales: The complete ADQ includes a Manual, pads of 50 Questionnaire Forms, and 50 Profile Forms.• Relationship Disability • Life Restriction• Psychological Dysfunction • Health Status Issues• Substance Abuse • Inadequate Life Control 32501 Abuse Disability Questionnaire, complete $70.00 32501R Abuse Disability Questionnaire/Profile Form, Pad of 50 $45.00• Anxiety • Concern with Physical Harm 32501M Abuse Disability Questionnaire Manual $30.00PTSD and Suicide Screener (PSS) PTSD Risk (PR) Scale Items from the DAPS, which tap intoQuickly screens for PTSD and suicide risk aspects of all PTSD clusters in both the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5. TheseAge Range: 18 through 99 years items best predict PTSD status.Time: 1-5 minutesRestricted Use: Level S or B Suicide Risk (SR) Scale Items from the DAPS SuicidalityThe PSS is a one-page, self-report consisting of just 14 items. It includes Scale, which best index suicidaltwo new items, and 12 items taken from the Detailed Assessment of thoughts and behaviors.Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS). It is helpful in determining PTSD, andsuicide risk, for individuals exposed to a variety of traumas. The PSS Kit includes 25 Answer Sheets and a Manual.These traumas include: • Shootings and stabbings• Childhood abuse • Burns 31450 PSS Kit $86.00• Adult sexual or physical • Life-threatening illnesses 31450R PSS Answer Sheets, Pk/25 $40.00 • Invasive medical procedures 31450M PSS Manual $48.00 assaults • Military deployment• Disasters• Motor vehicle accidents Electronic Stopwatch preset time is up. Or, functioning as a stopwatch, it runs until stopped... up to 60 and Interval Timer minutes, at which point it automatically recycles. As a stopwatch, it also includes a time-out feature, which allows you to interrupt and resume timing. This pocket-sized This all-in-one instrument accurately and silently (2 1/3\" x 2 1/2\" x 1/2\") unit is lightweight, easy to use, and all numerals in the digital performs all timing functions required for display are large and easy to read. It uses a AAA battery (included) and is designed testing. To use as an interval timer, simply set for extra-long battery life. This valuable and reliable electronic unit will find many an interval up to 100 minutes and it will count uses in any assessment setting. Uses magnet, clip-on, or easel stand. down in minutes and seconds until that interval has expired. An electronic beep sounds when the 30151 Electronic Stopwatch/Interval Timer $23.0064 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalTrauma Symptom Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) includes:Checklist for Young Validity Scales—Underresponse, HyperresponseChildren (TSCYC) Clinical Scales—Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Posttraumatic Stress,and Children (TSCC) Dissociation, Sexual ConcernsEvaluates acute and TSCC-Achronic post-traumatic The TSCC-A is an alternate 44-item version identical to the TSCC, except that itsymptomatology. makes no reference to sexual issues (and has no Sexual Concerns scale).JOHN BRIERE, PH.D. Trauma Symptom Checklist Software Portfolio (TSC-SP) The unlimited-use program generates a score report and graphic profileAge Range: 3 through 12 years Requires Windows 95 or higher. (TSCYC); 8 through 16 years (TSCC) The TSCYC Kit includes a Manual and 25 Item Booklets, Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, Profile Forms-Male and Female Ages 3-4, Profile Forms-Male andTime: 15-20 minutes Female Ages 5-9, and Profile Forms-Male and Female Ages 10-12.Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) 32907 TSCYC Kit $282.00The TSCYC is the first fully standardized and normed broadband trauma 32907S TCS-SP (TSCYC) Software Portfolio $416.00measure for children as young as 3 years of age. It is a 90-item caretaker- 32907R TSCYC Item Booklets, Pk/25 $43.00report instrument, with separate norms for males and females. Caretakers rate 32907H TSCYC Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, Pk/25 $62.00each symptom on a 4-point scale according to how often the symptom has 32907A (Ages 3-4) Profile Forms-Male and Female, Pk/25 $43.00occurred in the previous month. Unlike most caretaker-report measures, the 32907B (Ages 5-9) Profile Forms-Male and Female, Pk/25 $43.00TSCYC contains specific scales to ascertain the validity of caretaker responses, 32907C (Ages 10-12) Profile Forms-Male and Female, Pk/25 $43.00as well as providing norm-referenced data on the number of waking hours the $215.00caretaker spends with the child. The TSCC and TSCC-A Kits include a Manual and 25 each of the $416.00 Test Booklets, Male Profile Forms, and Female Profile Forms. $81.00 $43.00The TSCYC contains eight clinical scales: 32897 TSCC Kit $43.00 32899S TSCC-SP (TSCC) Software Portfolio $215.00• Anxiety • Depression 32897R TSCC Test Booklets, Pk/25 $81.00 32897A TSCC Male Profile Forms, Pk/25• Anger/Aggression • Posttraumatic Stress-Intrusion 32897B TSCC Female Profile Forms, Pk/25 32899 TSCC-A Kit• Posttraumatic Stress-Avoidance • Posttraumatic Stress-Arousal 32899R TSCC-A Test Booklets, Pk/25• Dissociation • Sexual ConcernsPsychological It also addresses the severity of, and educational impact on, emotional andProcessing Checklist- behavioral problems on students, through the Level of Severity Cluster, and theRevised (PPC-R) Educational Impact Cluster.Rates observable classroom The PPC-R assesses: 4. Organizationbehaviors to determine if a 1. Auditory Processing 5. Visual-Motor Processingprocessing disorder is likely. 2. Social Perception 6. Attention 3. Visual ProcessingAge Range: 5 through 10 yearsTime: 15 minutes The paper-and-pencil QuikScore format is designed for easy recording, scoring and profiling of responses. The PPC-R yields seven raw scores, including a TotalBasic psychological processing Score. Raw scores are converted into T-scores, and percentile ranks.disorders are often revealed throughdifficulties with listening, thinking, The PPC-R Kit includes 25 QuikScore Forms and a Manual.speaking, reading, writing, spellingor math activities. The PPC-R asks 31505 PPC-R Kit $151.00teachers to rate observable, and 31505R PPC-R QuikScore Forms, Pk/ 25 $58.00measurable, characteristics. current, comprehensive and critical resource available for helping professionals.Diagnostic and Statistical For clinicians who diagnose mental disorders, the DSM-5 creates a commonManual of Mental Disorders, language, and offers concise and specific criteria to enable objectiveFifth Edition (DSM-5) assessment of symptoms. Physicians, psychologists, counselors, nurses, occupational and rehabilitation therapists, social workers and forensic andRestricted Use: Level A legal specialists will find the DSM-5 useful in practice and research.The DSM-5 is the definitive resource for the diagnosis 33027 DSM-5 Hardcover $229.00and classification of mental disorders. It is the most 33027P DSM-5 Paperback $174.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 65
Clinical ACT for Adolescents provides strategies for connecting, meaningfully, with clients in session, while arriving quickly and safely to the client’s clinical issues.NEW ACT for An overview of the core processes of ACT is included, to introduce mindfulnessAdolescents into each session, and help the client choose value-based action. Using the protocol outlined in this book, will help the client overcome a number of mentalTreating teens and adolescents health challenges, from depression and anxiety, to eating disorders, and individual and group therapy. This “must-have” book provides powerful, effective step-by-step exercises forIn this much-needed guide, a clinical working with adolescent clients.psychologist and social worker providea flexible, 10-week protocol, based in Paperback; 280 pages. Includes audio downloads.Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT), to help adolescents overcome 31717 ACT for Adolescents $50.00mental-health hurdles, and thrive. This“must-have” book provides powerful, resource for therapists. It develops the techniques of ACT into a session-by-effective, step-by-step exercises for session approach to be used with clients suffering from depression.working with adolescent clients. ACT for Depression delves into the specifics of structuring interventions usingNEW ACT for the ACT method of acceptance and values-based behavior change. It introducesDepression therapists to the ACT model on theoretical, and case-conceptual levels. It is the first professional book to outline the conceptual roots, empirical basis, andA research-proven program practical application of ACT for introduce therapists toAcceptance and Commitment Paperback: 336 pages.Therapy (ACT). 31718 ACT for Depression $50.00Written by one of the pioneeringresearchers into the effectiveness ofACT, for the treatment of depression,this is a much-needed professionalAnger Regulating and EXTENT OF ANGERExpression Scale (ARES) • Scope of Triggers • Problem DurationA comprehensive assessment of the expression • Episode Durationand regulation of anger in youth. The ARES assesses tendencies towardsRAYMOND DIGIUSEPPE, PH. D. AND RAYMOND CHIP TAFRATE, PH. D. inward and outward expressions of anger, along with the range andAge Range: 10 through 17 years duration of anger experiences. ItTime: 5 minutes-Short; 10 minutes-Full includes both Full-length and Short versions. The full-length ARES providesThe ARES is a self-report assessment derived from the Anger Disorder Scales, a comprehensive anger profile, andand can be used in educational, clinical and correctional settings. consists of 75 items which yield 25It was designed to be clinically-relevant in identifying specific patterns of feelings, scores that assess aspects of angerbehavior and thinking that can be addressed in intervention programs. Results that contribute to poor functioningprovide a general overview and an in-depth insight into the psychological and and maladjustment. The Short versionbehavioral aspects of anger, all of which may be used to highlight important consists of 17 items, providing information across three major domains of anger.problem areas, and inform appropriate interventions. It identifies youth with problematic anger reactions.Scales and Forms • Arousal–Psychological; Cognitive The ARES Scoring Software Kit includes unlimited Scoring Software (USB Key),INTERNALIZED ANGER • Bitterness–Resentment; 25 each of the Full Response Forms and Short Response Forms, and a Manual.• Rejection• Anger-In SuspiciousnessEXTERNALIZED ANGER 31163 ARES Scoring Software Kit $309.00 31163R ARES Full Response Forms, Pk/25 $55.00• Overt Aggression–Physical; Verbal • Impulsivity 31163S ARES Short Response Forms, Pk/25 $55.00• Covert Aggression • Subversion–Relational• Revenge Aggression; Passive Aggression• Bullying66 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalCorrea-Barrick Depression Scale (CBDS) descriptors at each end. When CBDS responding to a VAS item,Measures severity of depression, respondents specify their level Wood Dale, IL 60191as well as changes over time. of agreement to a statement by indicating a position along a CBDSCHRISTINA B. BARRICK, PH. D. AND ELSE I. CORREA, M.D. continuous line. The VAS score is determined by measuring to EXAMINER’SAge Range: 18 through 65 years the point the patient marks. TheTime: 5-10 minutes continuous aspect of this scale differentiates it from discreteThe CBDS is a 20-item Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which is less taxing for scales, such as the Likert scale.the depressed respondent, than a four-item response questionnaire. It assessesthe severity of depression, as well as changes, over time, due to treatment. In The CBDS includes a Color MANUALaddition, it evaluates suicidal ideation. It is ideal for hospitals; private practice;colleges; clinics; home settings; health departments, and government and Sensitivity Impairment feature, 31456Mmilitary agencies. not found in other depression Elsa I. Correa, MDA VAS is an instrument that measures a characteristic, or attitude believed torange across a continuum of values, which cannot easily be directly measured. scales. This new constructFor example, the amount of depression an individual feels ranges from none, toan extreme amount of depression. From the individual’s perspective, this spectrum was tested using psychometric Iappears continuous, and the depression does not take discrete jumps (ascategorizations of “None”, “Mild’, “Moderate” or “Severe” would suggest). assessments, and statisticalTest administration may be either individual, or to a group. Items are formatted factor analysis, and was identifiedaccording to a 10 cm line Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), anchored by word as “Sensory-perceptual Alteration”. Items are reverse worded to prevent response bias. This unique, new method of assessment has been granted a U.S. patent. The CBDS Kit includes the Manual and 25 Record Forms. 31456 CBDS Kit $125.00 31456R CBDS Record Forms, Pk/25 $55.00Correa-Barrick Postpartum specify their level of agreement CBPDSDepression Scale (CBPDS) to a statement by indicating a position along a continuous Correa-Barrick Postpartum Depression ScaleMeasures the severity of postpartum depression. line. The patient marks, on the line, the point representing their Wood Dale, IL 60191CHRISTINA B. BARRICK, PH. D. AND ELSE I. CORREA, M.D. current state. The VAS score is determined by measuring, in CBPDSAge Range: Any Age Postpartum centimeters, from the left, to theTime: 5-10 minutes point the patient marks. Evidence Correa-Barrick Postpartum Depression Scale shows that VAS has superiorThe CBPDS is a 20-item Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). This is less taxing for the metrical characteristics over EXAMINER’Sdepressed respondent, than a four-item response questionnaire. It was designed discrete scales, allowing a wider MANUALfor use by primary-care providers and nurses (including maternity and public range of statistical methods to behealth nurses). It features a unique, new Color Sensitivity Impairment feature, applied to the measurements. 31457Mnot found in other postpartum depression scales. Items are reverse worded toprevent response bias. Elsa I. Correa, MDA VAS is an instrument that measures a characteristic, or The CBPDS includes a Colorattitude believed to range across a continuum of values, which cannot easily bedirectly measured. For example the amount of depression an individual feels Sensitivity Impairment feature,ranges from none, to an extreme amount of depression. From the individual’sperspective, this spectrum appears continuous, and the depression does not found in other depression Inot take discrete jumps (as categorizations of “None”, “Mild’, “Moderate” or“Severe” would suggest). scales. This new construct was tested using psychometric assessments, and statistical factor analysis, and was identified as “Sensory-perceptual Alteration”. Items are reverse worded to prevent response bias. This unique, new method of assessment has been granted a U.S. patent.It was to capture the idea of an underlying continuum that the VAS was The CBPDS Kit includes the Manual and 25 Record Forms.devised. Test administration may be either individual, or to a group. Items areformatted according to a 10 cm line Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), anchored by 31457 CBPDS Kit $125.00word descriptors at each end. When responding to a VAS item, respondents $55.00 31457R CBPDS Record Forms, Pk/25 $200.00 BEST VALUE! Includes one each of the complete Kits 31457C CBDS and CBPDS KitsTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 67
ClinicalRevised Children’s Second Edition (RCMAS-2) helps pinpoint problems in a child’s life. WhetherManifest Anxiety Scale: the problems involve school, peers, drugs, or other issues, objective data onSecond Edition (RCMAS-2) anxiety can inform and guide treatment. Anxiety is a good indicator of chronic stress, and RCMAS-2 scores often help the clinician to uncover more basicA quick measure of the level problems.and nature of anxiety. This 49-item, self-report measures the level and nature of anxiety and providesCECIL R. REYNOLDS, PH.D.AND BERT O. RICHMOND, ED.D. scores for Total Anxiety and four subscales:Age Range: 6 through 19 years • Worry • Social Anxiety • InconsistentTime: Less than 10 minutes • Physiological Anxiety • Defensiveness Responding IndexThe Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale: The RCMAS-2 Kit includes the Manual, 25 AutoScore Answer Forms, and an Complete information: Audio CD. 32745 RCMAS-2 Kit $132.00 32745R RCMAS-2 AutoScore Answer Form, Pk/25 $53.00 32745A RCMAS-2 Audio CD $20.00Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale (AMAS) AMAS-E– FOR ELDERLY INDIVIDUALS AGES 60 AND ABOVEMeasures anxiety experienced by adults. • Worry/Oversensitivity • Fear of Aging • Social Concerns/StressCECIL R REYNOLDS, PH. D., BERT O. RICHMOND, ED. D. AMAS-C– FOR STUDENTS ENROLLED IN COLLEGEAND PATRICIA A. LOWE, PH. D. • Worry/Oversensitivity • Physiological/AnxietyAge Range: 19 years and olderTime: 10 minutes • Social Concerns/Stress • Test AnxietyThis self-report inventory measures the level and nature of anxiety in adults. It includes The AMAS Kit includes a Manual and 10 each of the AutoScore Answer Formsage-appropriate item content, and scales for three different stages of adult life. for the AMAS-A, AMAS-E and AMAS-C.Three Forms include the following subscales: 32845 AMAS Kit $132.00 32845A AMAS-A AutoScore Answer Forms, Pk/20 $47.00AMAS-A– FOR ADULTS AGES 19-59 32845E AMAS-E AutoScore Answer Forms, Pk/20 $47.00 32845C AMAS-C AutoScore Answer Forms, Pk/20 $47.00• Worry/Oversensitivity • Physiological Anxiety• Social Concerns/StressReynolds Child Depression in the DSM-IV. All scoring and administration information is presented in theScale-2nd Edition brightly-colored Test Booklet. A Short Form (11 items) is ideal for groups, as(RCDS-2) part of screenings.Provides an evaluation of the severity of Scoring is easy, with updated, carbonless forms for quick hand scoringchildren’s depressive symptoms. to provide a Total Score. No scoring key is needed. A clinical cutoff score determines whether a child should be referred for further assistance.WILLIAM M. REYNOLDS, PH. D. Short Form The RCDS-2 Kit includes the Manual, and 25 each of the Full- and Short-Form Test Booklets.Age Range: 7 through 13 years Available!Time: 10-15 minutes-Full Form; 2-3 minutes-Short Form 30185 RCDS-2 Kit $172.00 30185R RCDS-2 Full Test Booklets, Pk/25 $69.00The RCDS-2 is appropriate for children Grades 2 through 6, and presents 30185K RCDS-2 Short Test Booklets, Pk/25 $48.00updated normative data. It maps the symptoms of depressive disorders outlinedReynolds Adolescent Depression the depressive symptoms as normal, mild, moderate or severe. RADS-2 alsoScale-2nd Edition (RADS-2) yields a Depression Total score, representing the overall severity of depressive symptomology. This is particularly useful in alerting professionals to adolescentsAssesses underlying dimensions of depression. who may be experiencing a significant amount of depression.WILLIAM M. REYNOLDS, PH. D. The RADS-2 Kit includes 25 each of the Test Booklets and Summary/Profile Forms, and the Manual. Carbonless, hand-scored Test Booklets facilitateAge Range: 11 through 20 years scoring and interpretation.Time: 5-10 minutes, group or individual administrationRADS-2 is a brief, 30-item, self-report measure that evaluates an adolescent’s 30187 RADS-2 Kit $179.00 $69.00level of depression in the following areas: 30187R RADS-2 Test Booklets, Pk/25 $43.00 $338.00• Dysphoric Mood • Negative Self-Evaluation 30187P RADS-2 Summary/Profile Forms, Pk/25• Anhedonia/Negative Affect • Somatic Complaints BEST VALUE! RCDS-2/RADS-2 Combination Kit includes both Test Kits. 30185C RCDS-2/RADS-2 Combination KitInterpretation of these subcales is based on both the nature of the depressiondomain, and the content of the subscale. Scores identify the clinical severity of68 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
ClinicalPiers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Its 60 items cover:Scale, 2nd Edition (PHSCS-2) • Physical Appearance and Attributes • Freedom from AnxietyProvides a comprehensive profile of self-concept, • Intellectual and School Statususing a simple yes-or-no response format. • Behavioral Adjustment • Happiness and SatisfactionELLEN V. PIERS, PH. D., DALE B. HARRIS, PH. D. • PopularityAND DAVIS S. HERZBERG, PH. D. In addition, two validity scales identifyAge Range: 7 to 18 years biased responding, and the tendency toTime: 10-15 minutes answer randomly. Test items are simple descriptive statements, written at aThis updated edition of the Piers-Harris, one of the most widely-used 3rd-grade reading level. The PHSCS-2measures of psychological health in children and adolescents, quickly identifies provides a Total Score that reflects overallindividuals who need further testing and treatment. Valuable in schools and self-concept, plus subscale scores thatclinics, it is often used in routine classroom screenings to identify specific provide a more detailed interpretation.areas of conflict, typical coping and defense mechanisms, and appropriateintervention techniques. The PHSCS-2 Kit includes 40 AutoScore Answer Forms and a Manual.Unlike many other measures of self-concept, the PHSCS-2 is based on the 32890 PHSCS-2 Kit $165.00individual’s own perceptions. 32890R PHSCS-2 AutoScore Answer Forms, Pk/20 $57.00Miller Forensic M-FAST Scales • Unusual Symptom CourseAssessment of • Reported vs. Observed Symptoms • Negative ImageSymptoms Test • Extreme Symptomology • Suggestibility(M-FAST) • Rare Combinations • Unusual HallucinationsScreens for malingeredpsychiatric illness The flexibility of the structured-interview format allows the clinician to determine when, where, and to whom the M-FAST should be administered.HOLLY A. MILLER, PH. D. Interpretive information is provided at three distinct levels:Age Range: 18 through 71 years • Total Score–provides an estimate of the likelihood the respondent isTime: 5-10 minutesRestricted Use: Level S or B malingering psychopathology • Scale Scores–provide information about the nature of the individual’s responseThe M-FAST is a 25-item screeninginterview, for adults, that assesses the likelihood that an individual is styles, to explain how the individual is attempting to malinger mental illnessfeigning psychiatric illness. It is ideal for use in a wide variety of settings, • Several Scales consistently differentiate malingerers fromincluding VA hospitals, correctional institutions and inpatient/outpatienttreatment facilities. honest responders The M-FAST Kit includes 25 Interview Booklets and a Manual. 31446 M-FAST Kit $198.00 31446R M-FAST Interview Booklets, Pk/25 $142.00 31446M M-FAST Manual $65.00NEW Acceptance children’s psychological flexibility, while the values-based component of theseand Mindfulness methods helps young people learn to set goals and take action toward that end.Treatments For Childrenand Adolescents Chapters in Acceptance and Mindfulness…show how to modify “Third Wave” behavioral and cognitive therapy methods, for treatment of children andHelps the clinician implement adolescents. It also considers the early evidence for the adaptability, and“Third-Wave” therapy with effectiveness, of these methods.children and adolescents. Hardcover; 312 pages.“Third Wave” therapy is a natural fit forchildren and adolescents, focusing on 31719 Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments $60.00acceptance and mindfulness. It builds for Children and AdolescentsTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 69
ClinicalRorschach Psychodiagnostic Plates Originally developed in a clinical environment,New plates provide a higher level of standardization, the Rorschach Testwhile maintaining the integrity of the original. has also proven to be valuable in professionalAge Range: 5 years through Adulthood fields such as forensicTime: 45 minutes – 1 hour medicine, forensic law, development, guidanceKnown, and used, all over the world, the Rorschach Plates are proven to and personnel one of the most reliable, complete and dependable personality testing This latest version hastechniques. They have been examined, in great depth, in many psychometric been developed in aand interpretive studies. collaboration between Giunti, a leading European publisher, and the highly- respected Scuola Romana Rorschach.Consisting of 10 Plates, five of which are monochrome, two are two-tone, andthree are multi-colored, this Rorschach inkblot test provides reliable, complete 31360 Hermann Rorschach Plates Only $190.00personality testing. Card height has been increased, for improved visibility, 31361 RIAP5 Scoring Program $510.00making details easier to identify. Imperfections, in the printing of previous 31361A Rorschach Interpretative Assistance Program, Version 5 $730.00editions, have been removed, guaranteeing a high level of standardization. 31361U RIAP 4/ RIAP 4 Plus to RIAP 5 Upgrade $335.00 31361R Rorschach Response Recording Forms, Pk/50 $30.00The subject interprets each plate, allowing the examiner to learn about all 31362 Rorschach Location Charts (Black and White), Pad/100 $62.00aspects of personality organization and structure (mental organization, 31362C Rorschach Location Charts (Color), Pad/100 $78.00emotional stability, internal conflict and complexity, as well as a nosographic andprognostic assessment of an individual).Rorschach Introductory Guide The three Scoring and Interpretation Guide Cards are handy reference sheets, for quick access to scoring symbols and ratios, popular responses andAssists in quick mastery of Rorschach Rorschach signs associated with specific diagnoses.scoring and interpretation. The Rorschach Introductory Guide Kit includes 25 each of the AutoScore FormsRestricted Use: Level C and Record Booklet/Summary Forms, 3 laminated Scoring and Interpretation Guide Cards and a Manual.This guide describes Rorschach administration and scoring, as well asinterpretation of the test, using the Rorschach AutoScore Form. The AutoScore 31362K Rorschach Introductory Guide Kit $131.00Form quickly obtains summary scores for Reality Testing; Apperception; 31362A Rorschach AutoScore Forms, Pk/25 $43.00Ego Functioning; Affective Functioning; Content, Movement Responses, and 31362R Rorschach Record Booklet/ Summary Forms, Pk/25 $37.00Interpersonal Relations, and Thought Disorder or Organic Impairment. 31362M Rorschach Introductory Guide Manual $69.00The Record Booklet/Summary Form records background information,responses, summary scores and derived scores. It includes all 10 Rorschachplates in miniature, and in full color.The Logical Rorschach Frequency Tables for Scoring RorschachA brief scoring method to Responsesscreen for psychopathology. Offers a thorough compilationThe Logical Rorschach eliminates the of inkblot responses.complexity, redundancy, and over-pathologizingof typical Rorschach scoring methods. An essential reference, this book presents standards for scoringAn efficient way to score Rorschach Rorschach responses, in terms ofresponses, this convenient technique yields location categories, form quality,two numerical scores: originality and popularity or responses.• TETRAUT score, based on the number and type of autistic responses It is based on an analysis of more than• PAS score, based on the perceptual accuracy of the responses 1,000 subjects, from 11 through 19 years of age.Derived in less than 10 minutes, these scores are enough to identify twotypes of psychopathology:• Thought disorders • General behavioral inefficiency Included are code charts, normal and rare details, F+ and F- responses, popular responses, and original responses.The Logical Rorschach Kit includes a Handbook and 25 Record Booklets.31615 The Logical Rorschach Kit $88.00 31615F Frequency Tables for Scoring Rorschach Responses $82.0031615R The Logical Rorschach Record Booklets, Pk/25 $45.0031615H The Logical Rorschach Handbook $52.0070 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Therapeutic PlayAnger Alert!Helps kids tune in to the physical warning signs of anger.This clever card game introduces kids to these “anger alerts” and teaches 10easy strategies to calm down, and retain composure. As players race to getrid of their cards, they respond to anger-provoking situations. But, beforeresponding, they must wait seven seconds. This delay reminds kids to stop,and think, before they act.Anger Alert includes a Leader’s Introductory Guide, a Poster (Anger WarningSigns/Anger Controls) 50 Anger Sparks Cards, 4 Impulse Control Timers, 10Anger Warning Sign Cards and 6 Swap Cards.31616 Anger Alert Card Game $37.0031616P Anger Alert Posters, set of two $14.5031616T Impulse Control Timers, set of 4 $4.50Stop That Angry ThoughtMAX NASS, LMHCAge Range: 6 and upUsing two internal dialog techniques, this deck of cards can help children stopanger in its tracks. By simply playing cards, they learn to envision a stop signwhenever their anger is triggered, and to replace their own anger with morepositive responses.The deck includes 37 pairs of cards. Each pair includes a “situation” cardand a corresponding “response” card. As youngsters react to hypotheticalsituations that might normally trigger anger, they see a big, red STOP signon each response card–a cue to stop the angry thought and come up with abetter alternative.Stop That Angry Thought can be used to play either of two familiar card games:Concentration or Fish. For 2-4 players.32123 Stop That Angry Thought $20.00Escape from Anger IslandTeaches anger control skills to children in grades 1-5.Escape from Anger Island is a fun, and inventive, way to help kids learn aboutanger, especially when time is limited. It is designed with the busy counselor inmind as each of the six skills is the focus of a 15-minute session. Kids can playmultiple times to learn all six skills.Players start on Anger Island, and move around the board attempting to avoidthe ferocious dinosaur, and escape to the island represented by the skill beingtaught. The six skills are:• Problem solving • Reducing stress• Knowing “hot buttons” • Talking out conflicts• Self talk • RelaxationEscape from Anger Island learning objectives will teach students to: 31232 Escape from Anger Island $50.00• Learn six anger control skills• Stop and think before acting aggressively• Focus on helping themselves,rather than hurting others• Build confidence in handling situations that provoke anger• Improve the ability to get along with, and keep, friends• Develop improved frustration toleranceTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 71
Therapeutic PlayKidsWorldA therapeutic game, based on the Internal Family Systems ModelARTHUR MONES, PH. D.Age Range: 5 through 14 yearsKids World…is the first therapeutic application of the Internal Family Systemsmodel, for use with kids. It builds on the strengths of kids, to bring aboutself-energy for emotional healing, while having fun! Ideal for children withanxiety; depression; ADHD; anger issues; oppositional disorders; physicaldisabilities; learning issues, and behavior problems.The game guides children dealing with challenging issues, thoughts andfeelings that arise within the family, with friends, and at school. Unique amongtherapeutic techniques, the game is experiential—teaching calming exercises as wellas mindfulness-based strategies that are effective throughout the age range.It fosters acceptance, and views childhood struggles in a “nonpathologizing” andsurvival-based manner.31460 Kids World: Inside & Out Board Game $60.00Tranforming Troubled is a “nonpathologizing” system, and contextual approach, that bringsChildren, Teens, and forward the natural healing capacity within clients. Dr. Mones also showsTheir Families how to open the emotional system of a family, so parents can let go of their agendas, and interact in a loving, healthy, self-led way.An Internal Family SystemsModel for Healing Therapy vignettes address issues such as trauma; anxiety; depression; somatization; oppositional and self-destructive behavior in children, along withARTHUR G. MONES, PH. D. undercurrents of attachment injury.Transforming Troubled Children… presents 31460B Transforming Troubled Children, Teens, and Their $39.50the first comprehensive application of the FamiliesInternal Family Systems (IFS) therapy model,for work with youngsters and their families. BEST VALUE! Combination KitThis book helps clinicians understand a child’s problems, amidst the reactivity Includes both the complete KidsWorld and Transforming Troubled Children...of parents and siblings, and to formulate effective treatment strategies. This 31460C Kids World: Inside & Out Board Game and the $90.00 Transforming Troubled Children, Teens, and Their Families Toss and Learn Games 31238 Stand Against Bullying— focuses on recognizing how to react For elementary students in grades 3-6 to bully behavior; understanding the role of the bystander; practicing Toss and Learn is a series of dice games, using a unique learning design to assertiveness techniques, and help players learn important life skills. Games are $30 each. understanding when to bring in a trusted adult. 31235 Toss Your Anger—being respectful; using positive self-talk; recognizing consequences; determining the right responses to anger; 31239 Roll and Resolve— focuses counting to ten, and deep-breathing techniques to relieve angry feelings. on solving problems with friends through talking it out; being fair to 31236 Roll for Control—areas including thinking before acting; each other; being a good listener; recognizing consequences of impulsive behavior; not acting on impulses, learning to compromise; showing especially when angry; using self-talk to combat impulsive urges, and empathy; recognizing when to taking responsibility for actions. apologize; learning to forgive, and understanding body language. 31237 Give Everyone a Fair Shake—conflict resolution including being a good listener; learning to show respect; trying for a win-win solution; Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA taking responsibility for choices; knowing when to walk away; learning not to blame others, and tackling the problem—not the person.72
Therapeutic PlayNEW AfterTime: Survival Available can also be played in a family Summer, setting, with family membersA post-apocalyptic board game for teens, to negotiating roles, and examiningencourage positive, emotional decision making. 2017 their decision-making process.SETH SOLWAY, PSY.D. AND ELLIS COPELAND, PH.D. An exciting video trailer, and companion comic book, drawAfterTime: Survival will captivate adolescent players as a game, and provide the teens into the dark world,socio-emotional psychoeducation, through decision-making, to rebuild society. and adventure, into which theyBased on theories of positive psychology and social-emotional learning, AfterTime: will embark. Gamers are taken on a journey, making decisions that could impactSurvival has demonstrated positive effects on emotional regulation, cooperation, the survival of the human race. Both the concept, and gameplay, have beenand other wellness traits. The concept is engaging, and the rules are easy to carefully designed to engage youth players. The storyline draws them in andcomprehend. Players compete, as they race to amass resource points to rebuild encourages identification with the characters.society. The game takes a turn when players must cooperate, and negotiate witheach other, in reconstruction efforts. They must balance their own needs with the AfterTime: Survival includes the Game Board, all Game Pieces, a Video Trailer,needs of the community. Instructions and a Facilitator’s Guide.The game has many applications, and can be used in wellness programs in 31734 AfterTime: Survival $70.00schools to proactively teach positive decision making. Clinicians can use this game PRE-RELEASE PRICE* $60.00to facilitate discussions about decision making, and its application in real life. It *Valid on orders received by June 30, 2017.NEW Emotes Rescue Quest insight into the particular feelings with which a child is currently struggling. TheA game of emotional expression. children realize emotions do not need to be hidden, rather they can be explored in aFor play in either a clinical or home setting, Emotes Rescue Quest provides light and playful way.creative, and imaginative, challenges to help children become morecomfortable with their emotion, and with emotional expression. It is an Emotes Rescue Quest includes 150engaging activity for children to play with mental health professionals, parents each of the Action and Talking Cards; 8 Emotes Hero Figures; 1 each of theor peers. Hacker and Regular Dice; 4 Emotes Power Collection Cards; 40 Power Chips, a Game Board and the Players’ Rules and Professional Guide. The optionalBy answering fun questions, acting out silly situations, and drawing fun Emotes: Therapeutic Booster Pack is a set of 50 additional cards, soldsketches—all related to emotions—children move their Emotes heroes around separately, and for use only with mental health professionals.the colorful game board. They collect Power Chips to save the Emotes from theevil Dr. Viro, who wants to steal all of the feelings, from the world! 31720 Emotes Rescue Quest Board Game $50.00By engaging children with the Emotes characters, emotions become interesting 31720B Emotes Rescue Quest Booster Pack $5.00and “cool”. Often, the characters with whom children choose to play, provideEmotes Emotes Book Series Told through adventure stories, with expressive illustrations, each Emotes BookDynamic, engaging characters teach includes tips and discussion points to foster dialogue.children to express their emotions. • Bubba Under Pressure–(Happiness) • Boom the Anger Tamer–(Anger)MATT CASPER, LMFT AND TED DORSEYDenial and repression of feelings can have • Abash and the Cyber-Bully–(Bullying)serious, negative effects on emotional • Cant Loses His Cool–(Temper Tantrums)development, which can last a lifetime. • Drain and the Mystery of Sleep–(Healthy Habits)Unexpressed, or repressed, emotions do • Ick and the Emotastone–(Accepting Differences)not simply go away because they are ignored. Out of fear, and in an attempt • Mixy’s Quest–(Confusion)to get rid of painful feelings, repressed emotions are often projected onto • Imp and the Fib Invasion–(Telling the Truth)others, leading to prejudice and intolerance, and causing great difficulty with • Super and Perfecto–(Confidence)interpersonal relationships. • Joi’s Cyber-Coaster Adventure–(Positive Thinking) • Jumpi Goes to Camp–(Being Afraid)Emotes Figures • Yawni and the Perspecto-Goggles–(Boredom)An Emote character is selected by the child, nonverbally expressing, in a fun andengaging way, the child’s emotion that day. The 12 Emotes Figures are provided in a game-like Figure Display Case. TheThe Emotes characters are: Emotes Book Series includes 12 hardcover books, Display Case and Reading Guide. Plush Emotes Characters (10\" tall), are sold individually, by name.• Boom (Angry) • Cant (Frustrated) • Yawn (Bored) • Super (Confident) Emotes Plush Characters sold individually, by name. Contact Stoelting for details.• Drain (Exhausted) • Joi (Excited)• Bubba (Happy) • Ick (Disgusted) • Mixy (Confused) $60.00 • Abash (Embarrassed) 31200 Emotes Figures in Display Case $156.00• Imp (Mischievous) • Jumpi (Shocked) 31201 Emotes Book Series Emotes Plush Characters $22.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 73
Therapeutic Play The Impulse A card dealing with delayed gratification may give the player a choice of winning Control Game one point now, or two points on the next turn. These skills help player control impulses, increase frustration tolerance, and maintain future plans, in the face Teaches seven specific of distractions. skills to help children, in Grades 2-8, control Players will: impulsiveness. • Learn how to stop and evaluate consequences • Improve their ability to read social cues The Impulse Control Game is • Learn benefits and rewards of controlling impulses an educational, therapeutic • Improve their ability to use positive internal speech (self-talk) board game to help children with ADD, ADHD and other conditions involving • Improve their ability to generate multiple solutions to problems impulse-control problems. Learning to stop and think is a good start, but • Practice, and improve, their performance on the seven key skills effective control of impulses requires the acquisition of specific skills. The • Develop improved frustration tolerance Impulse Control Game teaches those skills, as well as good decision making, and avoiding actions that are detrimental to themselves and others. Playing The Impulse Control Game includes a Teacher Booklet, with lesson plans, time is approximately 30 minutes. one-on-one coaching activities; a list of activities for parents, to reinforce the skills; references, and suggestions for further reading. 31231 The Impulse Control Game $50.00 Too Much, Too Little, Children assume two roles during game play: Messenger and Listener. They Just Right: A Social learn by observing others, and by getting immediate feedback about their own Communication Game expressive abilities. They learn to adjust volume, expression, gestures and other physical cues to communicate effectively, and achieve greater self-control. For children with Autism Acquiring these skills helps children develop more appropriate and satisfying Spectrum Disorders. social relationships. CLAUDIA WEISS, LCSW, Ideal for 2-8 players, this game can easily be used with larger groups, or in SANDRA SINGER, PH. D. classrooms. It focuses on social interaction among players, rather than on a AND LOIS FEIGENBAUM, LCSW game board. Included in the game is an”Express-O-Meter” which is a sliding ruler to give students feedback about whether they are communicating appropriately. Age Range: 5 through 12 years 32122 Too Much, Too Little, Just Right $51.00 People communicate using not only words, but tone of voice and body 32122E Too Much, Too Little, Just Right Express-O-Meter, Pk/5 $24.00 language. Many children, however, fail to notice these relatively subtle social cues. This clearly-focused, easy-to-use game teaches children to pay Autism Spectum Disorder Assessments attention to tone of voice, observe body language, and note how these cues Pages 49-57 affect the message. Smart Sharks For middle-school students dealing with the demands of peer pressure, and other challenges. Smart Sharks is a series of card games, based on the popular card game “21”. 31241H Don’t Drown in Drama $15.00 The games use six different “Smart Sharks” to deliver the skill sets. 31241A Dive into New Waters $15.00 • Don’t Drown in Drama—helps girls deal with middle school transition, and 31241B Hang in There $15.00 31241C Leadership: It’s NOT for Guppies $15.00 the “drama” often experienced. 31241D Take a Chomp Out of Anger $15.00 • Dive into New Waters—helps students adjust to a new school environment. 31241E Art of the Deal: Conflict Resolution $15.00 • Hang in There—teaches that resilience is one of the crucial character strengths 31241F Stress Can Mess with You $15.00 31241G Dive Into Social Networking: Netiquette Essentials $15.00 needed for success in school, sports, career and life. • Leadership: It’s NOT for Guppies—helps improve leadership skills, and develop and understanding of key concepts in becoming a good leader. • Take a Chomp Out of Anger—teaches players to understand the feelings behind their anger, and helps them deal with anger appropriately. • Art of the Deal: Conflict Resolution—strategic and respectful ways for resolving conflicts effectively. • Stress Can Mess with You—players deal with common middle school stressful situations. • Dive Into Social Networking: Netiquette Essentials—safe, respectful techniques while using social media sites.74 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Therapeutic PlayFriendship Island Learning objectives of Friendship Island include: • Specific actions to make new friendsTeaches elementary students the social skills • Specific actions to resolve differencesneeded for positive peer relationships. • Treating friends with respect • Responsibilities of friendshipFriendship Island is an educational game designed to teach social skills • Pro-social behaviorscritical to making friends. It has been designed so that players cooperate, –Sharingand help each other, as well as answer questions about friendship, to win –Being a good listenerpoints. The game also helps shy, and socially-delayed students explore –Talking out problemsfriendship issues they might otherwise be hesitant to verbalize. –Avoiding “bossy” behavior –Taking the needs of othersIt focuses on:• Making friends into consideration• Being a good friend• Resolving disagreements in a win-win way Students also practice reading skills (reading the cards) and math skills (handling point certificates). They are challenged to use critical thinking inFriendship Island contains two, different games, for different grade levels. answering questions, and forming strategies for playing the game. Students link theirBoth games use the same board, but the rules and cards, for each game, are experience in the game, with real life, during the post-game discussion.completely different. The game for grades 3 and 4 involves more strategy,harder questions, more advanced vocabulary, and more opportunities for A Teacher’s Guide, with complete lesson plans for both versions, is included.negotiation than he grades 1 and 2 game. 31230 Friendship Island Board Game $50.00Play-2-Learn Go Fish: Cards have fun pictures of fish, and fish names, rather than the usual numberHooked on Friendship and picture cards.Helps children, grades The player may ask, “Do you have any Henry Herrings?”. If the player receivesK-5, learn friendship skills, a card, the question on the card is read aloud, and answered. All questions arewhile having fun. open ended. If the player does not have any Henry Herrings, a card would be taken from the “ocean” (extra cards).Play-2-Learn: Hooked on Friendshipteaches players how to make friends, how Players will learn to understand:to be a good friend, and how to resolve • To have good friends, one must be a good friendconflict with peers. Scenario cards cover • Fairness, kindness, respect and understanding are important in the makingbasic lessons on fairness, kindness,respect and understanding, drawing from and keeping of friendsdaily interactions at school, after school, in the neighborhood, and at home. • How to deal appropriately with conflict and peer relations • Common strategies to enhance relationshipsThe game plays like classic “Go Fish”. There are two decks of 50 cards (onefor K-2, one for grades 3-5) in each game. It differs from the classic game, in Facilitator guidelines, and a rules sheet are included.that players must answer a question, before they can accept a requested card. 31233 Play-2-Learn Go Fish: Hooked on Friendship $15.00Play-2-Learn Go Fish: Fishing for Feelings And, instead of the usual number/picture cards, these cards have fun pictures, and names of fish.Helps improve social and emotional skills. For example, a player may ask, “Do you have anyPlay-2-Learn Go Fish: Fishing for Feelings teaches the skills to successfully deal Henry Herrings?”. If the player receives a Henrywith feelings; recognize feelings in others, and identify appropriate feelings. Players Herring card, the player reads the question onpractice talking about their feelings in an open-ended, non-threatening way. the card, aloud, and answers it. If the player did not have any Henry Herrings, the player must “goPlayers learn how to: fish” from the “ocean” (extra cards in the center• Recognize their own feelings of the table).• Express feelings, verbally, in a mature way• Identify feelings of others Play-2-Learn Go Fish includes two decks of 50 cards in each game–one for• Handle difficult situations that involve strong, or negative, feelings grades K-2, the other for grades 3-5, a Rules Sheet and Facilitator Guidelines.The game plays much like classic, “Go Fish”. It differs from the classic game, 31234 Play-2-Learn Go Fish $15.00in that players must answer a question before they can accept a requested card. More Products For Therapeutic Play 75 ADHD/BD/LD — Pages 27-44 Clinical — Pages 58-70Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online:
Therapeutic PlayTalk-It-Out Specifically designed to get teens talking.GORDON GREENHAIGH, PH. D.Talk-It-Out is a game that supports the therapeutic process by adding cognitive,emotional and behavioral issues that affect adolescents. A sturdy, beautifully-produced game board, spinner and colorful game cards give teens theopportunity to discuss:• Family • Feelings • Dreams• Friends • Values • Future HopesQuestions are thought-provoking, imaginative, and sure to engage even 31013 Talk-It-Out $49.95the most resistant teen. Use Your I’s $39.95Use Your I’sTeaches children to be assertive, rather than aggressive. One of the best waysto teach children assertiveness skills is by training them to use ”I- Messages”.An “I-Message” expresses feelings in a non-threatening manner, by structuringstatements in a specific way. When children use “I-Messages” to expressthemselves, they are likely to be heard, and less likely to get into conflict.Use Your I’s is a board game that teaches children how to express their feelings 31014without jeopardizing the rights of others. Game cards provide realistic situationsthat provoke emotions such as anger, humiliation, happiness and embarrassment.Players learn to verbally describe their feels, and explain why they feel theway they do. Use Your I’s also helps children become comfortable using thefirst-person pronoun to share their feelings.Emotional Bingo 31011C Emotional Bingo for Children $39.95 31011T Emotional Bingo for Teens $39.95Ideal for children and teens in counselinggroups or classrooms.MARJORIE MITLIN, LICSW, ILLUSTRATED BY JOE MADDENEmotional Bingo requires players to identify feelings, rather than numbers,onBingo cards. Children learn to recognize various feelings, and also learn empathy–atrait associated with lower incidence of violent behavior. Game rules provideopportunities for children to discuss their feelings, and respond empathically to thefeelings of others. Emotional Bingo offers a new, yet familiar approach to feelingsthat appeal to kids of all ages. The game includes 32 Emotional Bingo Cards (Englishon one side; Spanish on the other), a Poster, Tokens, Call-Out Cards and a Leader’sGuide, with discussion guidelines and suggestions. The Good The Gameboard illustrates nature’s basic cycle, which, like the grief cycle, Mourning Game moves from stormy intensity to relative calm. Game cards introduce techniques that can help children work through the grieving process. Players learn to share Helps children ages memories, explore feelings, enjoy laughter and play, relax and identify their 6-18 deal with loss. own coping strategies. When they complete the Star Path, they each receive a Shining Star, which serves as a reminder of the coping skills learned. NICHOLAS J. BISENIUS, PH. D. AND MICHELE NORRIS, M.S.W. Whether loss has occurred through illness, death, or a change such as moving, divorce or a change in custody arrangements, this game lets children resolve their An enchanting Gameboard creates a grief in an open, supportive and caring environment. Research shows that both magical, yet peaceful, environment, group leaders and participants give the Good Mourning Game high ratings. It can where children suffering loss can be played by a therapist and up to three children, usually in about 45 minutes. resolve their grief. 32125 The Good Mourning Game $49.9576 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Transitions/Career/Life SkillsNEW Adaptive BehaviorDiagnostic Scale (ABDS)Establishes the presence, and magnitude,of adaptive behavior deficits.Age Range: 2 through 21 yearsTime: 30 minutesThe ABDS is an interview-based rating scale. It can be used to assess theadaptive behavior of individuals with, or suspected of having, intellectualdisability, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, mental or behavioralhealth conditions, or other similar concerns.The test yields scores for three adaptive behavior domains: The ABDS Kit includes 25 Examiner Record Booklets, a Rating Scale Reference• Conceptual—language, reading, writing, math, reasoning, knowledge and Card, and Examiner’s Manual, in a storage box. memory 31617 ABDS Kit $135.00• Social—empathy, social judgment, gullibility, communication skills, ability to 31617R ABDS Examiner Record Booklets, Pk/25 $45.00 31617M ABDS Examiner’s Manual $90.00 make and retain friendships and other interpersonal capabilities• Practical—self-management personal care, home living, community use, job responsibilities, money management, recreation, and organizing school and work tasksAn Adaptive Behavior Index is a composite score, which is a combination of thethree domain scores. It is the most reliable score generated by the ABDS.Adaptive Behavior AssessmentSystem, Third Edition (ABAS-3)Integrates assessment, intervention planning and progressmonitoring of adaptive skills across the lifespan.Age Range: 0 through 89 yearsTime: 15-20 minutesRestricted Use: Level BThe ABAS-3 retains all of the essential features of the ABAS-2, but is now even Within three major adaptive domains (Conceptual, Social and Practical), theeasier to administer and score. The ABAS-3 is particularly useful for evaluatingthose with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual ABAS-3 assesses 11 skill areas:disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory orphysical impairments. • Communication • MotorItems focus on everyday activities required to function; meet environmental • Community Use • Self-Caredemands; care for oneself, and interact with others. On a 4-point responsescale, raters indicate whether, and how frequently, the individual performs • Functional Academics • Self-Directioneach activity. • Health and Safety • SocialDeveloped with American Association on Intellectual Disabilities (AAID), DSM-5and IDEA standards in mind, the ABAS-3 can be used to determine eligibility for • Home or School Living • Workservices such as Social Security Disability benefits. It evaluates an individual’scapacity to live, or work, independently. • Leisure Adult, Parent and Parent/Caregiver Each ABAS-3 Kit includes 25 of each Form for the corresponding ages, an and Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms Intervention Planner, and a Manual. The ABAS-3 Computer Scoring Kits include 25 of each Form, plus an unlimited-use Scoring Assistant and Intervention available in SPANISH online. Planner CD-ROM. 32121IP ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Kit $375.00 32121SP ABAS-3 School Kit $375.00 32121AP ABAS-3 Adult Kit $310.00 32121I ABAS-3 Computer Scoring Infant and Preschool Kit $495.00 32121S ABAS-3 Computer Scoring School Kit $495.00 32121A ABAS-3 Computer Scoring Adult Kit $450.00 32121D ABAS-3 Infant/Preschool Teacher/Daycare Forms, Pk/25 $75.00 32121C ABAS-3 Infant/Preschool Parent/Caregiver Forms, Pk/25 $75.00 32121T ABAS-3 School/Teacher Forms, Pk/25 $75.00 32121F ABAS-3 School/Parent Forms, Pk/25 $75.00 32121G ABAS-3 Adult Forms, Pk/25 $75.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 77
Transitions/Career/Life SkillsTransition Meets legal Forms. In addition, the TPI-2 includes the Student, School and Home RatingPlanning requirements for Forms, as well as a Profile and Further Recommendations Form. The Student,Inventory, Second transition assessments Home and School Rating Forms have 57 items. The Student and Home FormsEdition (TPI-2) are written at a lower reading level than the School Form.Provides a systematic The TPI-2 includes a CD with seven additional resources for transitionway to address critical planning. These resources include:transition planning • Scripts for administering the TPI-2mandated by IDEA. • Additional Case Studies • Reference Guide for linking TPI-2 items to services in the communityAge Range: 14 through 22 years • Translations of the Home Rating FormTime: 15-30 minutes • Translations of the item descriptions for the Home Rating Form • Home Preferences and Interests Form • Updated Modified Form for students with significant support needsThe TPI-2 gathers key The TPI-2 Kit includes the Administration and Resource Guide; Informalinformation from students, parents, guardians and school personnel through Assessments for Transition Planning; 25 each of the Profile and Furtherrating scales and open-ended questions. It can serve as the main vehicle for Assessments Recommendations Forms; School Rating Forms; Home Ratingidentifying transition needs, or complement existing procedures in a school Forms; Preferences and Interests Forms (Basic and Advanced) and thedistrict. Resource CD.The most important outcomes of the TPI-2 are to: 32530 TPI-2 Kit $275.00• Identify transition preferences, interests and strengths and needs 32530SC TPI-2 Computerized Scoring, unlimited Single User, USB $198.00• Develop necessary plans 32530R TPI-2 Profile/Assessment Forms, Pk/25 $34.00• Act on resultant goals 32530T TPI-2 Home Forms, Pk/25 $34.00 32530S TPI-2 School Forms, Pk/25 $34.00The TPI-2 Administration and Resource Guide includes an overview of the 32530U TPI-2 Student Forms, Pk/25 $34.00TPI-2, guidelines and suggestions, as well as an extensive case study. Six basic 32530SB TPI-2 Student Preference/Interests Form, Basic, Pk/25 $31.00forms cover the process from pre-transition through the time the student leaves 32530SA TPI-2 Student Preference/Interests Form, Advanced, Pk/25 $31.00the school. These forms include two, new Student Interests and Preferences 32530I TPI-2 Informal Assessments/Transition Planning Resource $49.00 32530A TPI-2 Administration/Resource Guide $34.00Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL) hospitals and private practice. It is a valuable tool for psychologists, physical therapists, and other childhood intervention specialists.Evaluates functionalmotor skills in daily- Activitiesliving activities. Fine Motor 1. Utensils–using a knife, fork and spoon to cut, spear and scoopLUCY JANE MILLER, PH. D., OTR, 2. Locks–opening keyed and combination padlocksTHOMAS OAKLAND, PH. D. 3. Paper Box–coloring, cutting, folding and taping a paper construction projectAND DAVID S. HERZBERG, PH. D. 4. Notebook–organizing and filling a three-ring binderAge Range: 7 through 17 years Gross MotorTime: 45-60 minutes 5. Clothes–putting on, and taking off, a T-shirt and shortsRestricted Use: Level C 6. Ball Play–bouncing, and kicking, a ball 7. Tray Carry–carrying a loaded tray, and avoiding obstaclesThe GOAL consists of sevenActivities, which are fun and The GOAL scores are based on 54 Steps (small units of easily observable,motivating tasks, based functional behavior) within the seven Activities. These Steps are scored ason a child’s daily life. Each Activity is linked to intervention Targets, Pass/Fail, on accuracy, independence and speed. These scores yield the Fineto turn assessment results into a specific, goal-oriented treatment Motor and Gross Motor Standard Scores, as well as the Progress Score.plan. This standardized, psychometrically-precise instrument offers anecologically-valid description of a child’ competencies, and opportunities for The GOAL Kit includes all Test Materials, 25 each of the Record Forms andgrowth, in both fine- and gross-motor domains. Paper Box Sheets, a Stimulus Easel and Manual.The GOAL can help determine eligibility for special services, and inform 31465 GOAL Kit $353.00planning of occupational and/or physical therapy, and adaptive physical 31465R GOAL Record Forms, Pk/25 $53.00education. It is useful in a variety of settings, including schools, clinics, 31465P GOAL Paper Box Sheets, Pk/25 $21.00 Help Stoelting go GREEN!• Visit Stoelting's re-designed, easier-to-use website • Prepare your own quotes and order online• Register to receive email, Facebook and Twitter alerts • Share this catalog with your colleagues78 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Transitions/Career/Life SkillsSocio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes SSKAAT-R topics include: Training videoAssessment Tool-Revised (SSKAAT-R) • Anatomy– male and female availableMeasures sexual knowledge and attitudes of developmentally- • Women’s Bodies–delayed populations, with emphasison the setting of appropriate boundaries and behaviors. menstruation, menopause, cancer and moreDOROTHY GRIFFITHS, PH.D AND YONA LUNSKY, PH.D • Men’s Bodies– privacy, masturbation, cancer and moreAge Range: Teen and Adult, 15 through 80 • Intimacy– dating, marriage, physical contactTime: Untimed, open-ended • Pregnancy, Childbirth & Childrearing– where babies come from, baby care and adoption • Birth Control and STDs– methods and use of birth control, prevention/symptoms of STDs • Healthy Boundaries– appropriate and inappropriate touching and behaviorsThe Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool-Revised The SSKAAT-R Kit includes the Easel Picture Book, Stimulus Cards, the Manual(SSKAAT-R) is a valuable tool for educators, counselors and social workers– and a package of 20 Record Forms.both as an assessment and as an educational tool– for sex education issues.Useful with the mentally retarded, those whose language is limited. 33705 SSKAAT-R Kit $295.00 33705R SSKAAT-R Record Forms, Pk/20 $55.00SSKAAT-R is primarily designed as a criterion-based assessment of what the 33705V SSKAAT-R Training Video (DVD format) $75.00individual knows and believes. Comparison norms provided.Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) The ABC-Community has been validated and normed for teacher and parent ratings of childrenSymptom checklist for assessing problem behaviors in developmentally handicapped classes and carein developmentally-challenged individuals. provider ratings of adults in group homes.MICHAEL G. AMAN AND NIRBHAY N. SINGH The ABC asks for degree of retardation, the person’s medical status, and current medicationAge Range: 6 through 54 years of age condition. The Checklist can be completed byTime: 10-15 minutes parents, special educators, psychologists, direct caregivers, nurses, and others with knowledge ofThe ABC is a symptom checklist for assessing problem behaviors of children the person.and adults with mental retardation at home, in residential facilities, ICF’s/MR,and work training centers. It is also useful for classifying problem behaviors The ABC-Residential Kit includes a Manual and 50 of the Residential &of children and adolescents with mental retardation in educational settings, Community Forms/Score Sheets. The ABC-Community Kit includes a Manual,residential and community-based facilities, and developmental centers. 50 of the Residential & Community Forms/Score Sheets, and a CommunityThe ABC-Residential was empirically developed by factor analysis on data Supplemental Manual.from 1,000 residents. The 58 items resolve into five subscales: (1) Irritability,Agitation (2) Lethargy, Social Withdrawal, (3) Stereotypic Behavior, (4) 32769 ABC-Residential Kit $115.00Hyperactivity, Noncompliance, and (5) Inappropriate Speech. 32769C $128.00 32769R ABC-Community KitThe ABC-Community item content is the same as for the ABC-Residential, A BC Residential & Community Forms/Score Sheets, Pk/50 $65.00except that home, school, and workplace are listed as the relevant settings.A Functional Assessment and Curriculum Included are two categories of suggested activities:for Teaching Students with Disabilities 1. Teacher Interventions 2. Family InterventionsFor use with Infants through Young Adult. These two categories are thenThese four volumes are intended as a guide for educators, special education divided into four subcategories:teachers, school administrators, counselors, and other professionals involved in 1. Infant (Birth through 2 Years) andrehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities. Toddler/Preschool (3-5 Years)Each volume includes specific goals, related references, suggested readings 2. Primaryand selected materials/resources. 3. IntermediateVolume I–Self-Care, Motor Skills, House Management and Living Skills 4. SecondaryVolume II–N onverbal Communication, Oral Communications and A Functional Assessment and Literacy Preparation Curriculum…is sold as a complete set. Individual volumes are sold separately,Volume III–Functional Academics as well.Volume IV–Interpersonal, Competitive Job-Finding and Leisure-Time Skills 31507 A Functional Assessment and Curriculum, Complete $179.00A newly-added instrument, “Assessing and Monitoring Progress of Functional 31507S Volume I $56.00Skills” (AMPFS) targets skills for instruction, and measures progress toward 31507N Volume II $56.00skill mastery. 31507F Volume III $56.00 31507I Volume IV $56.00Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 79
Transitions/Career/Life SkillsJob Observation and Behavior Scale (JOBS) evaluation of employees’ work performance; reduces employeeA performance evaluation to assist in employee training turnover in entry level positions by identifying support and training needs;HOWARD ROSENBERG, ED.D. AND MICHAEL P. BRADY, PH.D. enables students and adults in work training programs develop “employableAge Range: 15 through adult behaviors” needed to obtain and maintain real jobs; targets employees’Time: Less than 30 minutes need for supports in the workplace and uses “real work” criteria as the standardJOBS is an employee performance evaluation for use Buy the for comparison of work educators, job coaches, rehabilitation professionals, JOBSand employers involved in the evaluation, training,and placement of secondary students or adults, with System and save!and without disabilities into the competitive workforce. JOBS is ideal for both The 30 items, which comprise the three JOBS subscales, are designed to represent critical patterns of performance in (1) Work-Required Daily Living Skills,supported and competitive employment, and sheltered employment settings. (2) Work-Required Behavior and (3) Work-Required Job Duties.JOBS meets the critical need for an instrument which is standardized, basedupon realistic supported employment practices and expectations.Use JOBS to determine: Quality of work performance; types of supports The complete JOBS Kit contains the Manual and one package of the Record Forms.needed; and Employee strengths and needs for future trainingJOBS benefits everyone because it: Monitors employee growth and 37035 JOBS Complete Kit $75.00development over time; helps employees comply with state and federal 37035R JOBS Record Forms, Pk/25 $30.00anti-discrimination workplace mandates; is an objective and standardized 37035M JOBS Manual $50.00Job Observation and Behavior Scale: Work-Required Behavior Subscale assesses: Stress Tolerance; WorkOpportunity for Self-Determination (JOBS:OSD) Interactions; Social Interactions; Changes in Routine; Criticism; Initiative; Endurance; HonestyUseful in complying with transitional IEP requirements under Work-Required Job Duties assesses: Quality of Work; Quantity of Work;IDEA, and IWRP and ISP requirements of the Rehabilitation Act. Previously-Learned Tasks; Learning New Tasks; Multiple Tasks; Organization of Tasks; Safety Procedures; Cleanliness at WorkMICHAEL P. BRADY, PH.D, HOWARD ROSENBERG, ED. D. AND MICHAELFRAIN, PH.D JOBS:OSD is sensitive to change, and should be re-administered when impending changes in an individual’s job status is expected. There are threeAge Range: Students and Adults in entry-level jobs methods for interpreting JOBS:OSD results:Time: 20-30 minutes 1. Direct Interpretation– looking for “Red Flags” or patternsJOBS:OSD assists employers, educators, rehabilitation counselors, and other of response that might indicate response biasprofessionals involved in providing transitional work training and rehabilitation. 2. Comparison to JOBS– allows for clear analysis of discrepanciesIt provides an understanding of work performance and support needs, from theself-perspective of employees. Content for each item is identical to the Job between evaluator ratings and the self-evaluationObservation and Behavior Scale (JOBS) (Stoelting Catalog No. 37035). 3. Normative Interpretation– comparing the individual’s self-assessment against the norms established during standardizationThis self-assessment is critical to success in long-term employment and The complete JOBS:OSD Kit includes the Manual and a package of Recordcommunity living. Information from JOBS:OSD allows employers to make Booklets.reasonable accommodations for employees, necessary for compliance with theAmericans with Disabilities Act, and the Rehabilitation Act. 37635 JOBS:OSD Kit $75.00JOBS:OSD links self-determination to critical vocational behaviors, and the support 37635R JOBS:OSD Record Booklets, Pk/25 $30.00needs of student and adult employees in community employment. It allowseducators and rehabilitation professionals to understand the perspective of the The JOBS Systememployee, and establishes a communication bridge between supervisors andworkers, to establish person-specific instruction, training and support programs Teachers, job coaches, rehabilitation specialists and employmentthat comply with transitional IEP requirements under IDEA, and with IWRP and ISP professionals make many decisions that affect current, and future, work status.requirements under the Rehabilitation Act. These decisions include choices in curriculum models, instructional strategies, career options, job settings and work experiences. By combining and comparingThree JOBS:OSD subscales include 30 items, which represent critical patterns of the results from JOBS (employer rated) and JOBS:OSD (employee rated),performance in work-related daily living skills, behavior and job duties. Each item asks professionals can establish where discrepancies exist. The JOBS System allowsthe employee to self-assess both Quality of Performance and Type of Support required. for informed decisions, regarding goals and objectives, appropriate for IEPS, IWRPS and ISPS, as well as workplace interventions.Work-Required Daily Living Activities Subscale assesses: Attendance;Punctuality; Personal Hygiene and Grooming; Travel; Verbal Communication; Best Value!Non-Verbal Communication; Using Money; Reading; Math; Self Identification; Save $10.00 On the System!Personal Schedule; Work Facilities; Work Schdule $140.00 37235 JOBS System includes a JOBS Kit and a JOBS:OSD Kit80 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Transitions/Career/Life SkillsFunctional Independence Seven Domains:Skills Handbook (FISH) • Adaptive Behavior SkillsAssessment and curriculum for individuals • Affective (or Emotional) Skillswith developmental disabilities. • Cognitive Skills • Sensorimotor SkillsFISH provides a structured curriculum, sometimes lacking in programs for the • Social Skillsdevelopmentally disabled. Completion of the FISH should result in skills that can • Speech/Language Skillsbe performed independently, making the role of caregiver easier. It is a criterion- • Vocational Skillsreferenced series of 421 tasks. The FISH Kit includes the Curriculum and 10FISH determines an individual’s ability to perform certain functional activities Assessment Booklets.from daily life. It was developed for special education teachers, paraeducators,and parents working with individuals with severe development disabilities. It can 32724 FISH Kit $79.00provide a direct increase in personal independence in those with Autism, intellectual 32724R FISH Assessment Booklets, Pk/10 $33.00disabilities, and related disorders. $125.00Career Interests, Preferences and Students examine each facet separately,Strengths Inventory (CIPSI) then in combination, to explore careers within their clusters of interest and strength.An excellent tool for beginning the career exploration process. Students identify, and learn about, broad career clusters most relevant to themselves.GARY M. CLARK, KATHERINE O. SYNATSCHK, JAMES R. PATTON The four surveys include short, low readingAND LAWRENCE E. STEEL level items which represent careers requiring a broad range of training levels.Age Range: 11 through 22 yearsTime: 15-30 minutes After completion of the CIPSI, students are given personalized, in-depth reports linkingThe CIPSI helps teachers and counselors guide individual students through their results to career descriptions andthe process of exploring, investigating and planning for careers. It takes into information for further exploration. Groupaccount personal interests, strengths and general preferences and favored and classroom reports are also It aligns student choices with the 16 career clusters based on the U. S. Reproducible career exploration and planningDept. of Education career clusters. forms are found in the Manual, and as printable PDFs on the CD.CIPSI Features• Examines student interest The CIPSI Kit includes a CD-ROM and the Manual.• Can be administered to groups• Encourages early exploration for students in middle school 31220 CIPSI Kit• Allows high school students to develop a career-choice action plan• Easy data entry from printed versions to computer reports• Quick and easy to useEducational Assessment of School Youth On the low-functioning version,for Occupational Therapists (EASY-OT) items relate to head and trunk control, range of motion andA tool for school-based occupational therapists. computer skills.SHARON KENMOTSU, OTR/L AND KATY TRESSLER, OTR/L The EASY-OT Kit include CD-ROM Software, a Manual, Test TemplatesAge Range: Preschool through High School and 10 each of all Forms for grades Pre-K through 12, andDeveloped by occupational therapists, four versions Complete Sensory Processing and Lifeof the EASY make it appropriate for students from Skills Addendums. A Pencil Grasp description Guide makes it easy to identify,preschool through high school, as well as those and record, the student’s grasp. A Screening Form and an Annualwho are severe and profound, autistic, physically online Report Form are also included. Additional forms sold online.disabled and low-functioning. Each version looks atthe developmentally-appropriate school-based tasksin fine-motor, gross-motor, visual perceptual, visual-motor and self-help skills,along with classroom observations.The Pre-K through Grade 2 version includes items relating to cutting skills 32838 EASY-OT Kit for Grades Pre-K through 12 $343.00(from snipping to cutting complex shapes), pre-printing skills (from connecting 32838P EASY-OT Pre-K-Grade 2 Assessment Forms, Pk/10 $20.00dots to copying shapes) and printing skills. 32838T EASY-OT Grades 3-8 Assessment Forms, Pk/10 $20.00The Grades 3-8 version includes additional items related to cursive writing. 32838N EASY-OT Grades 9-12 Assessment Forms, Pk/10 $20.00The Grades 9-12 version includes items related to writing accommodations. 81Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online:
Vision/Hearing ImpairmentCurriculum Guide for Deaf-Blind and • Orientation and Mobility–Severely Multi-Handicapped Students Perceptual Development, Gross and Fine Motor Development,Provides informal assessment, extensive developmental Body Image Development,activities and supplemental resources in 4 areas. Cognitive Development, Interaction with Adults,Designed for children whose handicapping conditions are so multiple and Peers and Environmentsevere they cannot usually benefit from existing approaches that assume Assessment and Travel Skillsthe presence of one or more alternate learning channels. Meets the need ofthose individuals with multiple sensory, mental, orthopedic, neurological and • Sensory Stimulation– Tactilebehavior handicapping conditions. Stimulation, Gustatory Stimulation, OlfactoryThe four components of the complete program cover: Stimulation, Verbal Stimulation• Communication Skills– 23 levels of Communication Development (from and Auditory Stimulation the Unresponsive Child through the Beginning of Pivot-Open Syntax) 33700 Curriculum Guide for Deaf-Blind and Severely $150.00• Techniques of Daily Living– Personal Hygiene, Eating and Drinking Multi-Handicapped Students, Complete, (All Four Components)Visual Functioning Assessment Tool (VFAT) Individual components also sold separately; see comprehensive appraisal of a student’s visual skills. The VFAT assesses: Appearance of Eyes, Basic Responses,KATHLEEN BYRNES, PATRICIA MORGAN AND WENDY SCHEFFERS Fixation Tracking and Saccadic Movement. Also Scanning, Visual Acuity, Visual Field, Depth Perception, Eye-HandAge Range: All ages and Eye-Foot Coordination, Visual Discrimination, VisualTime: Untimed Perception, Concept of Self and Others in Space, Pictures, Visual Environment and Mobility.VFAT assesses of a student’s visual functioning in the educational setting, usingmaterials commonly found in the classroom. VFAT can be used with low-vision The VFAT Kit contains both the Testing Manual/individuals of all functioning levels, including the severely handicapped. Instrument and the Reproducible Recording Booklet. 33760 VFAT Kit $95.00 33760R VFAT Reproducible Recording Booklet $38.00Hill Performance Test of Selected Children are asked to demonstrate:Positional Concepts • Positional relationships of various body parts • Positional concepts by moving various body parts, in relation to one anotherMeasures the development of spatial concepts. • Positional concepts by moving the body in relationship to objects • Object-to-object relationshipsEverett Hill, Ed.D. The test may be used as a criterion-referenced instrument, to identify individualAge Range: 6 through 10 years strengths and weaknesses in the area of positional spatial concepts, or as a norm-referenced test.The Hill Performance Test permits teachers and mobility specialists to assessbasic spatial concepts such as front, back, left, right, etc. The same concepts The Hill Performance Test Kit includes the Manual and Record Forms.are tested through performance tasks. 33955 Hill Performance Test Kit $35.00 33955R Hill Performance Test Record Forms, Pk/20 $20.00Developmental Assessment for Individuals with The DASH-3 system also includes threeSevere Disabilities, Third Edition (DASH-3) forms, to assist in developing intervention priorities and strategies, and track progress.Measures skill levels in individuals with severe and/ • Cumulative Summary Sheetor multiple disabilities, including visual impairment. • Intervention Planning Worksheet • Comprehensive Program RecordAge Range: 6 months through Adult The DASH-3 Kit includes 25 each of theTime: 2-3 hours Comprehensive Program Record Forms, Intervention Planning WorksheetsRestricted Used: Level B and Cumulative Summary Sheets; 10 each of the Academics Scales, Activities of Daily Living Scale, Language Scales, Sensory-Motor Scales and Social-At intake, the DASH-3 can estimate developmental level; analyze developmental Emotional Scales, and a Manual.strengths and weaknesses; select skills most ready for targeted intervention,and determine the types of support needed by the individual. It can be used to 31735 DASH-3 Kit $239.00develop educational and therapeutic intervention plans. 31735R DASH-3 Comprehensive Program Record Forms, Pk/25 $25.00 31735C DASH-3 Cumulative Summary Sheets, Pk/25 $25.00The DASH-3 has five scales: 31735W DASH-3 Intervention Planning Worksheets, Pk/25 $25.001. Sensory-Motor 3. Social-Emotional 5. Academics2. Language 4. Activities Additional Scale Sheets are available, in Packs of 10, for $47.00 each82 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Vision/Hearing Impairment JohnGallagherBook_Cover.pdf 1 12/7/16 1:49 PMNEW Neuropsychological Assessment Assessments described Neuropsychologicalof Adults with Visual Impairment in this text include: Assessment • Tactual Formboard Test of Adults withJOHN T. GALLAGHER, ED.D. AND KATHERINE A. BURNHAM • Pattern of Search Test • Adapted Token Test Visual ImpairmentThis book is the only text of its kind to cover the area of neuropsychological • Auditory Cancellation Testtesting of persons without vision, or with limited vision. Updated classic tests, • Michigan Mathematics Test Cand new tests available from Stoelting, provide cutting-edge assessment of Mindividuals with vision issues. for the Blind Y • Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test CMA thorough survey of existing instruments, for assessment of the blind, is • Haptic Intelligence Scale Subtests MYprovided. It includes reviews to help clinicians identify effective tools for CYassessment work with this population. (adapted as tactile-based CMY assessments) K John T. Gallagher and Katherine A. BurnhamIn addition, new assessments are presented, with administration instructions, The Tactual Formboard Test is aand reproducible materials. These unique, new instruments have been found to neuropsychological assessment, effective in assessing executive functionbe psychometrically sound, with reliability and validity data collected from over skills, including planning, searching and problem solving. It consists of one,500 adults. Specific case examples make the assessment process come alive, puzzle-like 12.5 x 18” board, with 10 varied shapes.and make the procedures easy to understand, and administer. The Pattern of Search Test represents one of the few methods to quantitativelyAs a result of information in this book, the clinician will be prepared to assess executive functioning skills in those with visual issues, or blindness. It is relatively nonverbal, and yields a score which can provide clinical information aboutprovide assessments for the visually impaired, in the areas of: the individual’s search strategies and learning patterns. It consists of a 12 x 16” board, with recessed shapes, and clamps to hold the forms, during the search.• Vocation • Memory (Verbal and Nonverbal)• Academics • Special clinical populations• Personality include low birth weight, with a Neurospychological Assessments of Adults with Visual Impairment Kit includes Manual, Tactual Formboard Test, Pattern of Search Test, and 1 pack• Intelligence (Verbal and Nonverbal) new Pervasive Developmental (50 sheets) of Pattern Search Forms• Neuropsychology Disorder defined• Executive Functioning• Spatial Ability 31736 Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults $275.00 with Visual Impairment $90.00 31736F Tactual Formboard Test $80.00 31736P Pattern of Search Test $50.00 31736G Pattern of Search Forms Pk/50 $100.00 31736M Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment ManualMcDowell Vision Screening Kit Screens previouslyVerbal skills are not required. untestable children forMARLENE MCDOWELL, PN, BSN, M.A.AND RICHARD L. MCDOWELL, ED.D. vision problemsAge Range: 2 years, 9 months through 51⁄2 yearsTime: 10-20 minutesThe McDowell Vision Screening Kit assesses the functional vision of very youngand/or severely disabled children, who may be too inattentive, difficult, orimpaired to evaluate with conventional screeners. It permits early detection andtreatment before permanent damage or developmental delays.The Vision Screening Kit identifies: refractive errors, ocular alignment The McDowell Kit includes toys and objects,100 Record Forms and Manual.dysfunction and amblyopia. 33500 McDowell Vision Screening Kit $191.00The Vision Screening Kit assesses: 33500R McDowell Vision Screening Kit Record Forms, Pk/100 $42.00• Distance Visual Acuity– Visual fixation, and tracking of colored balls• Near-Point Visual Acuity– Visual fixation and visual response to black dots on white cards• Ocular Alignment and Motility– “Cover-Uncover Test” in conjunction with pupillary light reflex test• Color Perception– Matching blocks in primary colors• Ocular Function– Scanning ability, shift of attention, visual tracking, ocular convergence, conjugate gaze, visual fields and blink reflexTelephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 83
Vision/Hearing ImpairmentPeabody Mobility Kit for Infants For each skill section, the kit provides bothand Toddlers (PMKIT) the assessment and training. Illustrated step-by-step assessment scales andProvides assessment and training of functional instruction programs show what themovement for multi-handicapped infants. instructor does and says, and what the child is expected to do. Training, based on theSERIES EDITORS: R.K. HARLEY, R.G. LONG, J.B. MERBLER AND T.A. WOOD assessment information, may be conducted by a professional or parent.Age Range: Birth to a developmental age of 24 months. The PMKIT Manual provides complete information on the most effective use ofThe Peabody Mobility Kit for Infants and Toddlers (PMKIT) is a systematic program the assessment and training materials. Record forms are provided for both theto assist young, multi-handicapped, visually impaired children in developing assessment and training, in each of the four skill sections.functional movement skills. PMKIT is valuable for professionals and parents inteaching motor, cognitive and sensory skills. Designed in simple, easy-to-follow The PMKIT contains the Manual and the Reproducible Masters of the Recordformats. The PMKIT was fully tested in a comprehensive research study with Forms, and permission to reproduce.severely and profoundly handicapped, visually-impaired infants and toddlers.The PMKIT covers: • Movement and Touch Skills 33810 PMKIT Complete $135.00• Cognitive Skills • Sound Localization Skills. 33810R PMKIT Permission Fee and Reproducible Masters $50.00• Motor Skills for 50 copiesPeabody Mobility Programs Each Program Kit contains 4 Skill Assessment booklets and 4 Training Booklets (all are reusable), the Program Manual and a complete set of Masters forR. HARLEY, T. WOOD AND J. MERBLER Forms, with permission to reproduce 25 copies of each. Additional permissions to reproduce, and a Manipulative Kit for training, may be purchased separately.Includes valuable teaching aids for professionals, para- professionals andparents who have limited time or skills to deal with problems of movement for Blind Program $190.00severely handicapped and/or visually impaired persons of all ages. $50.00 33748 Peabody Mobility Kit for the Blind Student $325.00The Blind Program covers: $190.00• Motor Skills • Sensory Skills • Concept Skills • Mobility Skills 33748F Permission and Masters to Reproduce $50.00 25 copies of each Record Form $325.00 33748T Manipulatives for PMK-BlindFor each of these skill sections the Program provides both the Scale for Sighted and Low-Vision Programtesting the developmental level and the Training for step-by-step teaching offundamental orientation and mobility skills. 33758 Peabody Mobility Kit for Sighted Low-Vision Students 33758F Permission and Masters to Reproduce 25 copies of each Record FormThe Sighted and Low-Vision Program covers: 33758T Manipulatives for PMK-Sighted Low-Vision• Motor Skills • Teaching and scanning• Vision Skills • Eye-hand and eye-• Concept Skills and Mobility Skills foot coordination• Visual awareness • Color and direction discriminationPeabody Model Vision Project (PMVP) 5. A Guide to Developing a Classroom Curriculum for Visually- Impaired,Provides resources for the instructor of multi- Multi-Handicapped Infants–handicapped, visually-impaired children and youth. Samples the of specificstrategies and materials used in curriculumR. HARLEY, R. DUBOSE, S. BOURGEAULT AND BETH LANGLEY planning and implementation.The Peabody Model Vision Project is one of the most widely-recognized 6. Assessment of Multi-Handicapped,resources for providing an effective program for multi-handicapped, visually- Visually-Impaired Children–impaired children. It consists of seven publications and associated forms, which Formal and informal methodsmay be reproduced. and assessments of cognitive,1. Readings in Orientation and Mobility for Severely and language, motor, socialization, prevocational and self-care development. Profoundly Handicapped Children with Visual Impairment– 7. Functional Vision Inventory– Development of, and specific procedures, Orientation/mobility techniques, adapted techniques, materials and behaviors associated with, assessment of functional vision in developing mobility in and out of the classroom. multi-handicapped children. Suggests activities.2. A Model Field Service Delivery System: The Public Day School Component of the Model Vision Project– Development of instructional 33857 Model Vision Project, (all 7 books only) $150.00 services for severely multi-handicapped, visually-impaired students. 33857F Model Vision Project Forms, Masters and $50.003. Parent Involvement– Discusses the feelings and problems encountered by Permission to Reproduce 50 copies families; considerations for involving parents in the education of the child. 33856 Functional Vision Inventory (forms not included) $35.004. Working with Parents of Visually-Impaired, Multi-Handicapped Infants 33856F Functional Vision Inventory Forms, Masters $50.00 in a Classroom Setting– Perceptions, perspectives and techniques of and Permission to Reproduce 50 copies working with parents participating in an infant intervention program. 33855 Assessment of Multi-Handicapped, Visually- $40.00 Impaired Children84 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Neuropsychological/MemoryNonverbal Stroop Card Sorting Test (NSCST) NSCSTThe first practical, nationally-standardized Nonverbal Stroop Card Sorting TestNonverbal Stroop Test for cognitive-processand neuropsychological assessment. Two sets of cards—one with matching color bars (“color congruent”) and one with non-matching color bars (“color incongruent”)—to contrast the speedCHRISTOPHER KOCH, PH.D. AND GALE ROID, PH.D. (cards per second) with which the individual sorts the cards onto a large laminated sheet showing locations for each color. The difference between theAge Range: 3 through 75+ years-of-age congruent and incongruent trials reveals the degree of Stroop interference,Time: Approximately 5 minutes hence the “Stroop Effect.” The effect score can then be converted to a national percentile or standard score for the examinee’s age group to assess theBased on more than 20 years of Stroop-effect research by the author, the magnitude of any unusually large difference in sorting speed, showing evidenceNonverbal Stroop Card Sorting Test (NSCST) is a 5-minute test to assess of process deficits.cognitive-interference processes in children and adults, ages 3 to 75+. The NSCST Kit includes two sets of Cards, laminate Sorting Sheet, Stopwatch,Nationally standardized on more than 1,000 individuals, and co-normed with the 25 Record Forms and Manual. The Manual summarizes the theory and researchLeiter-3, the NSCST uses pantomime, non-vocal test administration methods to on Stroop effect, administration and scoring methods, interpretation andidentify process deficits in executive functioning and attention processes. The test case studies, development and standardization, reliability and validity of theuses procedures proven effective in many years of computerized Stroop research, instrument.adapted for individual assessment. 30152 NSCST Kit $140.00The NSCST test can be used alone or in combination with other Stroop 30152R NSCST Record Forms, Pk/25 $42.00measures (e.g., the Nonverbal Stroop Subtest of the Leiter-3 or Golden’s 30152M NSCST Manual $52.00Color-Word Stroop test) within a cognitive, or neuropsychological, batteryof tests.Stroop Color and Word Test The task is to look at each sheet, Computerized and move down the columns, Scoring AvailableDifferentiates normal, non brain-damaged psychiatric, reading words or naming the inkand brain-damaged subjects. colors, as quickly as possible, within a given time limit. TheADULT VERSION– CHARLES GOLDEN, PH.D. AND SHAWNA M. FRESHWATER test yields three scores, andCHILDREN’S VERSION–CHARLES GOLDEN, PH.D, SHAWNA FRESHWATER Interference, based on theAND ZARABETH GOLDEN number of items completed.Age Range: Adult Version–15+ years Two Versions Available Children's Version–5-14 years Developed in response to theTime: 5 minutes, individual administration demand for a Stroop Test specifically normed, and interpreted for children, these new materials detailThe Stroop Color and Word Test provides a diagnosis of brain dysfunction, and administration, scoring and interpretive strategies for these younger clients.the evaluation of stress, personality cognition and psychopathology. The Stroopphenomenon is useful in the identification of a number of significant disorders, The Children's Version uses T-scores, derived from means and standardand has been recommended as a test for ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant deviation, by age. The Adult T-scores are tabled, based on multiple regressionDisorder, and to ascertain the degree of independence likely to be achieved by equations, utilizing education and age. Computerized Scoring Software, availableindividuals with frontal lobe disorders. separately, automatically produces a chart, showing scores for each subtest, and an Interference score for the entire test. Runs under Microsoft Excel.The cognitive dimension tapped by Stroop is associated with cognitiveflexibility, resistance to interference from outside stimuli, creativity and A Spanish Version spans the age range from child through adult.psychopathology-all of which influence the individual's ability to cope withcognitive stress, and process complex output. Each Stroop Test Kit includes the appropriate Manual, and a package of 25 Test Booklets for its corresponding age range.Since it requires only five minutes to administer, the Stroop Color and WordTest is an exceptionally useful screening instrument, which may be used alone, 30150 Stroop Color and Word Test Kit, Adult $98.00or as part of a larger screening battery. 30150A Stroop Test Booklet, Adult, Pk/25 $62.00 30150P Stroop Computerized Scoring, Adult $39.00Each Stroop Test Booklet consists of three basic parts: $98.00Word Page– the names of color printed in black ink. 30149 Stroop Color and Word Test, Children $62.00Color Page– semantically meaningless symbols (X) printed in colored ink. 30149A Stroop Test Booklets, Children, Pk/25 $39.00Color-Word Page– comprised of the words from the first page, printed in the 30149P Stroop Computerized Scoring, Childrencolors from the second page, with the restriction that the word and color do $90.00not match. 30150S Stroop Test Booklet, Spanish, Pk/25Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 85
Neuropsychological/MemoryWisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) Administration/Scoring Referenced in The Response Cards are numbered to the Stroop ColorAssesses perseveration and abstract reasoning. ensure a standard order of presentation. They reflect three stimulus parameters: and Word TestDAVID A. GRANT, PH.D.AND ESTA A. BERG, PH.D. Color, Form and Numbers. Subjects sort cards according to different principles,Age Range: 6.5 through 89 years and alter their approach as unannouncedTime: 20-30 minutes shifts in the sorting principle occur.Restricted Use: Level C The Complete Kit includes the Revised and Expanded Manual, which providesThe Wisconsin Card Sorting Test explicit instructions for administration and scoring, plus reliability and validity(WCST) assesses perseveration and information; two decks of Cards; 50 Record Booklets, and a Workbook.abstract thinking, and is also used as a The optional Training Video and Workbook provide detailed training inneuropsychological instrument. administration and scoring.It assesses the following frontal lobe 32435 WCST Kit, Complete $399.00functions: $61.00• Strategic planning 32435R WCST Record Booklets, Pk/25• Modulating impulsive responding• Directing behavior toward achieving a goal The WCST:CV4 Computer Scoring Program includes the unlimited-use Scoring• Utilizing environmental feedback to shift cognitive sets• Organized searching Software, Installation Guide, On-Screen Software Manual, CD andUnlike other measures of abstraction, the WCST provides objective scores 25 WCST:CV Record Forms.of overall success plus specific sources of difficulty in the task (inefficientinitial conceptualization, perseveration, failure to maintain a cognitive set, and 32438 WCST:CV4 Scoring Program $515.00inefficient learning). $55.00 32437R WCST:CV4 Computer Version Record Forms, Pk/25WCST Computer Version 4 (WCST:CV4) A subject record feature saves basic demographic information and stores test response data for tracking progress and monitoring changes over time.Administers and scores the WCST. WCST:CV4 ReportROBERT K. HEATON, PH.D. Automatically scores responses and generates a report which includes: • Demographic information and test performance variablesThis unlimited-use Windows program allows on-screen administration and • WCST raw scores and corresponding demographically-correctedscoring of the WCST, or previously taken WCST responses can be entered forautomatic scoring. standard scores • T-scores, percentile scores and percentile rangesKeyboard response entry utilizes four pre-defined alphanumeric keys. Coloredkeytops, representing the 4 WCST Stimulus Cards, are included with the kit, and The WCST:CV4 is compatible with Windows and Mac.can be attached to these keys. 32437 WCST:CV4 Computer Version-CD-ROM includes $850.00With on-screen administration, the user-friendly software automatically tells 32437R On-screen Software Manual, Unlimited-use Software, $55.00(by an audible, English response and an on-screen message in any of 10 1 Set of Keytops and 25 Computer Version Record Formsuser-definable languages) whether the choice was correct or incorrect. WCST:CV4 Computer Version Record Forms, Pk/25Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, individual test results with normative and validity data. It is recommended thatBrief 64-Card Version (WCST-64) first time users purchase the Expanded and Revised Manual (Cat. No. 32436M). Not included with kit.SUSAN KONGS, LAETITIA THOMPSON, PH.D., GRANT IVERSON, PH.D. ANDROBERT HEATON, PH.D. The Brief WCST-64 Kit includes the Administration Manual, 50 Record Booklets and 1 Card Deck.Same variables and normative sample, shorter administration. 32436 Brief Version WCST-64 Kit $311.00Time: Administration–10 through 15 minutes 32436R Brief Version WCST-64 Record Booklets, Pk/25 $55.00Scoring: 10 minutes 32436M WCST Expanded & Revised Manual $124.00Restricted Use: Level C 32435T WCST Training DVD and Workbook Kit $142.00The WCST-64 uses only the first WCST cards, thereby shortening administration • Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test,time while retaining task requirements of the Standard Version. The WCST-64 Second Edition (Bender-Gestalt II)eliminates variability in the number of cards administered, facilitatingstraightforward comparisons of test-retest stability and comparisons of • Koppitz Developmental Scoring System PAGE 4886 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Neuropsychological/MemoryFuld Object-Memory Evaluation Useful in Alzheimer'sMeasures memory and learning in older adults. AssessmentPAULA ALTMAN FULD, PH.D.Age Range: Adults, 70 through 90 yearsTime: Approximately 15 minutes, individual administrationThe Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation allows the examiner to evaluate memoryand learning under conditions that virtually guarantee attention and minimizeanxiety. It eliminates questions about the effects of poor vision, hearing,language handicaps, cultural differences or inattention because the procedureguarantees attention even under adverse testing conditions.The test was developed with hundreds of aged adults, nursing home residents from a single category (rapid verbal retrieval), the patient is asked to recall theand community active people, for whom norms are provided. It has also proved things from the bag. The patient is then offered four more chances to learn andeasy-to-give and effective with school-age children. The blind or deaf are not at recall them (store and retrieve) by reminding the patient of omitted items aftera disadvantage on this test. It appears to be relatively “culture fair,” as well. It each recall, with rapid verbal retrieval preventing rehearsal before each recallprovides separate scores for long term storage, retrieval, consistency of retrieval, opportunity. Two equivalent alternate forms are available.and failure to recall items even after reminding. It provides a chance to observeword-finding ability, left-right orientation, stereognosis, and verbal fluency. Each Fuld Test Kit contains the Manual, a set of items in a black cloth bag, and a package of Record Forms for the selected Test Form.Ten common objects in a bag are presented to determine whether the patientcan identify objects by touch (stereognosis). The patient is not told that memory 33925 Fuld Object-Memory Kit, Form I $97.00of this event will be tested. (Left and right hands are alternated systematically, 33926 Fuld Object-Memory Kit, Form II $97.00providing information about the patient’s left-right orientation). The patient 33925R Fuld Record Forms, Form I, Pk/30 $30.00names, or describes, each object and then pulls it out of the bag “to see if it was 33926R Fuld Record Forms, Form II, Pk/30 $30.00right.” After distracting the patient, by asking the patient to say words rapidlyDementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) 32597), also sold separately, provides unlimited scoring and report generation forMeasures mental status in adults with cognitive impairment. both the DRS-2 and its Alternate Form. This scoring/report program requires WindowsSTEVEN MATTIS, PH.D. PROFESSIONAL MANUAL BY PAUL JURICA, PH.D., 95/NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 4.0 orCHRISTOPHER LEITTEN, PH.D AND STEVEN MATTIS, PH.D. higher, Windows 98/Me/2000/XP; and standard CD-ROM drive for installation.Age Range: 55 through 89 years and olderTime: 15-30 minutes The DRS-2 Kit includes the ProfessionalRestricted Use: Level C Manual, Stimulus Cards and 50 each of the Scoring Booklets and Profile Forms. The DRS-2 Alternate Form Kit includes aThe DRS-2 measures cognitive function at lower ability levels, where other Manual Supplement, Alternate Form Stimulus Cards and 50 each of the Alternateevaluations may be limited by floor effects. It measures deficits in a large range Form Scoring Booklets and Profile Forms.of higher cortical functions and differentiates deficits of varying severity levels,making it useful in tracking changes.The DRS-2 assesses: • Initiation/ • Conceptualization 32595 DRS-2 Kit $336.00• Attention Perseveration • Memory 32597 DRS-2 Scoring/Interpretive Report Software $496.00• Construction 32595R DRS-2 Scoring Booklets, Pk/50 $160.00 32595P DRS-2 Profile Forms, Pk/50An Alternate Form (Cat. No. 32596) is available, to reduce the practice effects 32596 DRS-2 Alternate Form Kit $51.00which can occur with serial administrations. Easy-to-use software (Cat. No. 32596R DRS-2 Alternate Form Scoring Booklets, Pk/50 $295.00 32596P DRS-2 Alternate Form Profile Forms, Pk/50 $160.00 $51.00Knox’s Cube Test-Revised (KCT-R) Directions for the KCT-R are few, and pantomime can be used for administration,Measures short-term memory and attention span. making the KCT-R useful in evaluating the mental status of the deaf, non-verbal andMARK H. STONE, ED.D., PSY.D. Useful in non-English-speaking. Alzheimer'sAge Range: 3 years and above Assessment The KCT-R Kit includes a Manual, TappingTime: Untimed, approximately 10-15 minutes Cubes and 15 Booklets.Knox's Cube Test-Revised (KCT-R) is a nonverbal test which measures attention 33922 KCT-R Kit $105.00span and short-term memory. Because attention span and memory are basic 33922R KCT-R Test/Record Booklets, Pk/15 $25.00to acquiring almost all other skills, the KCT-R is useful in a wide variety ofpsychological and educational evaluations. 87Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online:
Neuropsychological/MemoryRey Complex Figure Test and Test StructureRecognition Kit (RCFT) Each 8 ½” x 11” Stimulus Card contains a computer-rendered replicaCaptures information on five aspects of of the original Rey complex figure.neuropsychological functioning. Scoring of the drawings is based on the widely-used 36-pont scoringAge Range: 6 through 89 years system; the same scoring criteria applyTime: 45 minutes, including a 30-minute delay interval to all three drawing trials (Copy trial; 3-minute Immediate Recall trial, andThe RCFT provides a well-rounded cognitive snapshot, using standardized Rey 3-minute Delayed Recall trial). Scoring is based on accuracy, and placement ofComplex Figure materials and procedures. It assesses: criteria. Scoring examples are provided.• Visuospatial Recall Memory • Processing Speed• Visuospatial Recognition Memory • Visuospatial Constructional• Response Bias Memory The RCFT Kit includes 50 Test Booklets, a Stimulus Card, and the ProfessionalIt has been shown to discriminate mildly brain-damaged from normal patients, Manual, with Manual Supplement. Aand brain-damaged patients with documented memory impairment, who are Stopwatch is required for to live independently. It also distinguishes deficient performance in motorimpairment from deficient performance due to memory impairment. 31410 RCFT Kit $344.00 31410R RCFT Test Booklets, Pk/50 $209.00The RCFT also identifies possible causes of memory deficits, by evaluating the 31410S RCFT Stimulus Card $22.00relative contributions of encoding, storage and retrieval process to memory 31410M RCFT Professional Manual with Supplement $135.00performance. 30151 Electronic Stopwatch $23.00Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition to include norms for all three versions of the MMSE-2 by age and educationA brief assessment of cognitive impairment. level, and includes reliable change scores for facilitate serial testing withMARSHAL F. FOLSTEIN, M.D. AND SUSAN FOLSTEIN, M. D. any MMSE version.Age Range: Adult through Elder Adult The MMSE Standard Version KitTime: 5-20 minutes includes 25 each of the Red and BlueRestricted Use: S or B SV Forms, 10 Red and Blue BV Forms, a Manual and the Pocket Norms Guide.The MMSE-2 retains the clinical utility and efficiency of the original MMSE, The MMSE Expanded Version Kitwhile expanding its usefulness in populations with milder forms of dementia, includes 25 each of the Red and Blueincluding subcortical dementia. It can be used to: EV Forms, 2 Processing Speed Scoring• Track patients’ progress over time Templates (Red and Blue), a Manual and• Screen large populations for cognitive impairment the Pocket Norms Guide.• Select patients for clinical trials research in dementia treatment 32157 MMSE-2 Standard Version Kit (includes Brief Version) $163.00Three Versions 32158 MMSE-2 Expanded Version Kit $206.00• MMSE-2SV– Standard Version demonstrates high 32157SB MMSE2 Standard Blue Forms, Pk/25 $35.00 32157SR MMSE Standard Red Forms, Pk/25 $35.00 equivalency with the original MMSE (10-15 minutes) 32157BB MMSE-2 Brief Blue Forms, Pk/25 $17.00• MMSE-2:BV– Brief Version for rapid assessment (5 minutes) 32157BR MMSE-2 Brief Red Forms, Pk/25 $17.00• MMSE-2:EV– Expanded Version is slightly longer, and more sensitive to 32158EB MMSE-2 Expanded Blue Forms, Pk/25 $48.00 32158ER MMSE-2 Expanded Red Forms, Pk/25 $48.00 subcortical dementia, and changes associated with dementia (20 minutes)Equivalent, alternate forms (Blue and Red) of each MMSE:2 versions decreasethe possibility of practice effects. The Pocket Norms Guide has been updatedKohs Block Design Tests The Kohs tests consist of 16 colored cubes, and 17 cards with coloredA performance test of intelligence, useful with designs, which the subject is tolanguage- and hearing-impaired individuals. duplicate. They are significantly less affected by school training thanAge Range: Mental ages 3 through 19 years Binet, yet possess a high degree ofTime: Up to 40 minutes correlation and reliability.The Kohis Block Design Tests instructions are easy to give, and easy to The Kohs Block Design Test includesunderstand, and can be given in pantomime. This makes the Kohs Block design Cubes, Cards, 50 Forms, and a Manual.Tests particularly suited to non-English speaking individuals, as well as thosewith language and hearing handicaps. 37000 Kohs Block Design Test $150.00 37000R Kohs Record Forms, Pk/50 $27.0088 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Neuropsychological/MemoryBrainstorming: Using of test results, from measures ofNeuropsychology in the Schools intellectual ability, intellectual ability, academic achievement, attention,A practical, hands-on guide. sensorimotor skills, visuospatial skills, language, memory and executiveFor the school professional who must evaluate, and educate, children with processing.ADHD, OCD, learning disorders, Autism, or other problems, this is an invaluableguidebook. Experienced neuropsychologists may also find it useful, as it Common referral problems, andprovides an insider’s view of the school setting. associated test score patterns, are also examined. The author looksWritten for school psychologists, special education professionals, teachers, at empathic language, cognitivediagnosticians, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists, this psychology, and self-talk as tools forhandbook shows how to use cognitive and emotional/behavioral assessments improving learning and behavior. Finalto create educational plans for the real world. chapters show how to use assessment results to help the student, how toFollowing a general discussion of neuropsychology and school psychology, the take a neuropsychological approach tobook describes assessment from a neuropsychological perspective, looking at intervention, and how to enlist the support of other involved in the child’s life.six cognitive domains, and the relationship of each, to performance patterns.The author analyzes Wechsler subtests from both a conventional perspective, The Brainstorming Kit includes the Guidebook and 100 Scoreand a neuropsychological “process” perspective. Summary Forms.Subsequent chapters explain how to obtain, document, and report assessment 32639 Brainstorming Kit $69.00results, and how to find, and describe patterns, within those results. Included, 32639R Brainstorming Summary Form, Pad of 100 $21.00and available separately, is a Score Summary Form that allows integration 32639G Brainstorming Guidebook $55.00School Neuropsychology Content includes: 1. Assessment and Intervention Practices in Educational SettingsA Practitioner’s Handbook 2. A Model of Brain Functioning 3. Neuropsychological Approaches to Assessment InterpretationJAMES B. HALE AND CATHERINE FIORELLO 4. Linking Assessment to Intervention 5. The Neuropsychology of Reading DisordersThis important resource bridges the gap between 6. The Neuropsychology of Mathematics Disordersneuropsychological theory, assessment and 7. The Neuropsychology of Written Language Disordersintervention by describing how to apply 8. Neuropsychological Principles and Psychopathologyneuropsychological principals in a school setting. 32556 School Neuropsychology $46.00Scales of Cognitive Unlike other tests for this population, the SCATBI progresses in difficulty levels.Ability for Traumatic Patients who functioned at very high levels, prior to injury, can be assessedBrain Injury (SCATBI) with the SCATBI, as they regain use of higher-level abilities (such as complex organization and abstract reasoning).Assesses cognitive and linguisticabilities of adolescents and The SCATBI consists of five subtests:adults with head injuries. • Perception/ • Orientation • Recall • Reasoning Discrimination • OrganizationBRENDA B. ADAMOVICH Because the subtests use the same standard score scale, direct comparison ofAND JENNIFER HENDERSON the different subtests is possible.Age Range: Adolescent and adult The SCATBI Kit includes an Examiner’s Manual, a Stimulus Manual,Time: 30-120 minutes 25 Record Forms, a Stimulus Audiocassette and a Stimulus Card Set.The SCATBI assesses cognitive and linguistic functions of brain-injured patients, 32846 SCATBI Kit $331.00establishes the severity of the injury, and shows progress during recovery. It permits 32846R SCATBI Record Forms, Pk/25 $69.00selective administration of only the scales most useful for an individual patient. Neuropsychological Assessments available only at 89 • Smedley Hand Dynamometer (Cat. No. 19117) • Touch Test Sensory Evaluation (Cat. No. 58011) • Cutaneous Spatial Resolution Measurement (Cat. No. 18020)Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online:
Neuropsychological/MemoryComprehensive Trail- and others interested in objective testing of functionality in brain-behaviorMaking Test (CTMT) relationships would benefit from the CTMT.Remarkably sensitive to The basic task of trail-making is to connect a series of stimuli (numbers expressedneuropsychological deficits. as numerals or in word form, and letters) in a specified order, as fast as possible. The score derived for each trail is the number of seconds required to complete theCECIL R. REYNOLDS task. The five trails are similar, but also different, in some significant way.Age Range: 11 through 74 years It provides clinicians and research workers with a hierarchy of specific, as wellTime: 5-12 minutes as global, summary measures, that operationally define important basic and complex components of executive function.The CTMT is an invaluable, meticulously-constructed, nationally-normed,reliable and valid new psychometric instrument. It is extremely sensitive to The Five Trailsneurological insult, disease, injury or dysfunction, which is often present in Trail 1– Draw a line to connect the numbers 1 through 25, in order.individuals with learning disabilities. Trail 2– Draw a line to connect the numbers 1 though 25, in order.The CTMT is a new assessment, based on time-tested techniques. It is a Twenty-nine empty, distractor circles appear on the same page.standardized set of five visual search and sequencing tasks that are heavily Trail 3– Draw a line to connect the numbers 1 through 25,influenced by attention, concentration, resistance to distraction and cognitiveflexibility (set shifting). in order. Thirteen empty, distractor circles, and 19 distractor circles, appear on the same page.Its primary uses include the evaluation and diagnosis of brain injury, and other Trail 4– Draw a line to connect the numbers a through 20, in order. Eleven of the numbers are presented as Arabic numerals (e.g.,forms of central nervous system compromise. More specific purposes include 1, 7); nine numbers are spelled out (e.g.; Ten, Four). Trail 5– Draw a line to connect, in alternating sequence, thethe detection of: numbers 1 through 13, and the letters A through L.• Frontal lobe deficits • Visual search and sequencing• Problems with psychomotor speed • Impairments in set shifting The CTMT Kit includes the Manual and 10 Record Booklets.• AttentionNeuropsychologists; clinical, counseling, school and pediatric psychologists; 32742 CTMT Kit $145.00occupational therapists; speech and language professionals; physical therapists, 32742R CTMT Record Booklets, Pk/10 $70.00 32742M CTMT Manual $82.50Continuous Visual Memory Test (CVMT) • Delayed Recognition–Measures retrieval Useful in from long-term storage, after a 30-minute Alzheimer'sEliminates the motor responses required by drawing tasks. delay, by distinguishing “old” stimuli Assessment from perceptually-similar stimuliDONALD E. TRAHAN, PH. D, AND GLENN J. LARRABEE, PH. D. • Visual Discrimination–Distinguishes VisualAge Range: 7 through 80 years Discrimination deficits from Visual Memory problemsTime: 45-50 minutes (including 30-minute delay) The CVMT Complete Kit includes a Manual, Manual Supplement, StimulusThe CVMT uses three tasks to assess Visual Memory: Cards and 50 Scoring Forms.• Acquisition–112 designs, presented at two-second intervals, assess 32627 CVMT Complete Kit $232.00 recognition memory by discriminating “new” from “repeated” stimuli 32627R CVMT Scoring Forms, Pk/50 $65.00Porteus Maze Test NEW Manual correlation has been concluded between increased NEW frequency of errors on the mazes, and factors associated TrainingA nonverbal test of mental ability, with Expanded with antisocial behavior and substance dependence. Thewith implications for ADHD Scoring and maze test is especially useful as a neuropsychological Videoand Alzheimer’s Disease. screening instrument, with low verbal content; useful in Available! Interpretation distinguishing neuropsychological issues from verbalAge Range: 3 years through adult Guidelines issues.Time: Approximately 15 minutesThe Porteus Maze Test (Vineland Revision) examines an individual’s ability to Standardized on a diverse population, the Porteus Mazes have been used withuse planning, patience and mental alertness in a novel, concrete performance individuals with mental disabilities, hearing impairments and behavior problems.task. It has been applied to attention disorders, and various neuropsychological It is valid in both normal, and specialized, populations.areas, such as brain disorders and brain disease. It is also used to identifyexecutive dysfunction with regard to Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as studying The Porteus Maze Test includes 14 Mazes (100 copies each) for developmentalAntisocial Personality Disorder. ages 3 through 14, two adult-level Mazes, and a revised and expanded Manual. Replacement Mazes are available at $30.00, Pk/100. Please use the CatalogIt has been concluded to be a useful measure of executive functioning, and Number on the Maze Form, when ordering.visuo-spatial skills. The mazes have also been successfully used to studyimpulse control differences with individuals who use drugs. A significant 37055 Porteus Maze Test $140.00 37055T Porteus Maze Training DVD $15.0090 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
IndexOrdering and Billing Policies All orders for less than $50 must be accompanied by payment in full for the amount of purchase, plus shipping and handling. Orders can be paid by VISA, MasterCard, AmericanStoelting genuinely appreciates your business. We want to make placing an order as Express, or by check with approved credit. A $10 small order processing surcharge will beeasy and convenient as possible. We accept telephone, FAX, mail and email orders from all added to orders less than $50, when not accompanied by payment in full.governmental and educational institutions, and from companies or individuals with established Restricted Use Guidelinescredit. If you need an official Stoelting Order Form, please visit our website www. Level B: 4-year degree in psychology, counseling or a related field, plus additional, and print one out. Or, if you prefer, we can fax one to you. training and course work in test interpretation, or license/certification from an appropriateFor companies and individuals without an established account, please supply one bank agency/organization.and two trade references with your order. To avoid credit clearance delay, you may prefer to Level C: All qualifications for Level B, plus advanced professional degree or license/certificationpre-pay in full, including shipping charges and taxes; authorize COD shipment; or charge to a from agency requiring appropriate use of psychological tests.valid VISA, MasterCard or American Express account.ABERRANT Behavior Checklist (ABC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processes, Second Edition (CTOPP-2) . . . . . 19Abuse Disability Questionnaire (ADQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Comprehensive Trail-Making Test (CTMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Conduct Disorder Therapy Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments For Children and Adolescents . . . . . . . . 69 Conflict in the Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38ACT for Adolescents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28ACT for Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales (CBRS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39ACT Made Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Conners Early Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Continuous Visual Memory Test (CVMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 90Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale (ABDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Conversation Basics and Beyond: Functional Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54ADHD According to Zoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Correa-Barrick Depression Scale (CBDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67ADHD in the Schools, Third Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Correa-Barrick Postpartum Depression Scale (CBPDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale (AMAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Curriculum Adaptations for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems . . . . . 31AfterTime: Survival Board Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Curriculum Guide for Deaf-Blind and Severely Multi-Handicapped Students . . . . . 82Ages and Stages Questionnaire, Third Edition (ASQ-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 49 DBT Made Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) . . . 6, 49 DBT Principles in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Anger Alert! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 DBT Skills in Schools (DBT STEPS-A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Anger Control Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Decoding-Encoding Screener for Dyslexia (DESD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Anger Regulating and Expression Scale (ARES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Dementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87Anger Workbook for Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-Primary, Third Edition (DTLA-P3) . . . . . . . . . 21Anger Workout Book for Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities,Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Third Edition (DASH-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test, Second Edition (ADHDT2) . . . . . . . 33 Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition (DAYC-2) . . . . . . . 11Attention Test Linking Assessment and Services (ATLAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Developmentally Appropriate Treatment for Autism ModelAutism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Autism Intervention Every Day! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 for Teaching Preschoolers with Autism (DATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Autism Interventions: Exploring the spectrum of autism, Second Edition! . . . . . . 54 Developmental Profile 3 (DP-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Autism Playbook for Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Developmental Test of Auditory Perception (DTAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Third Edition (DTVP-3) . . . . . . . . . . . 47BARKLEY Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV (BAARS-IV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Fourth Edition (DAB-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scales (BDEFS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Intermediate (DAB-I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65Behavior Rating Instrument for Autistic and Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Other Atypical Children, Second Edition (BRIAAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Don’t You Get It? Living with Auditory Learning Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function Adult Version (BRIEF-A) . . . . . . 61 EARLY Childhood Development Chart – Third Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function– Preschool Version (BRIEF-P) . 12, 60 Early Intervention Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF-2) . . . . . 60 Educational Assessment of School Youth for Occupational Therapists (EASY-OT) . . 81Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition (Bender-Gestalt II) . . . . . . . . 48 Electronic Stopwatch and Interval Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Blind Neuropsychological Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Emotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73Brainstorming: Using Neuropsychology in the Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Emotes Rescue Quest Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73BRIEF Scoring Software Portfolios (BRIEF-SP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Emotional Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree (EDDT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Bullying Workbook for Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Escape from Anger Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71CAREER Interests, Preferences and Strengths Inventory (CIPSI) . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Executive Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder (CASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th Edition (EOWPVT-4) . . . . . . . 19Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Short Form (CASD-S) . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 FEIFER Assessment of Reading (FAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Frequency Tables for Scoring Rorschach Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Children’s Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Friendship Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Children’s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87Children’s Measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms (CMOCS) . . . . . . . . . . 63 Functional Assessment and Curriculum for Teaching Students with Disabilities . . . . 79Clinical Assessment of Behavior (CAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Functional Independence Skills Handbook (FISH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Clinical Therapy Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 GIFT of ADHD Activity Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Clue Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Gilliam Asperger Disorder Scale (GADS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Cognitive Abilities Scale, Second Edition (CAS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Third Edition (GARS-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Cognitive Assessment of Young Children (CAYC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Good Mourning Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (CASL-2) . . . . . 34 Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests-Second Edition (GDRT-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test (CMAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gray Oral Reading Tests-Fifth Edition (GORT-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-Second Edition (CTONI-2) . . . . . . . 2 Gray Silent Reading Tests (GSRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 91
IndexHILL Performance Test of Selected Positional Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 SAME Journey, Different Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Sanford’s Social Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44I GET IT! I Get It! How John Figures it Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance, Second Edition (SAED-2) . . . . . . . . 41Impulse Control Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury (SCATBI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 89Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Scales of Cognitive and Communicative Ability for Neurorehabilitation (SCCAN) . . . 93Introduction to ACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 32JOB Observation and Behavior Scale (JOBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 School Neuropsychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89Job Observation and Behavior Scale: School Social Behavior Scales, Second Edition (SSBS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 School Social Behavior Scales, Second Edition (SSBS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Opportunity for Self-Determination (JOBS:OSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Screening Test for Educational Prerequisite Skills (STEPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10JOBS System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Sensory Processing Measure—Preschool (SPM-P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Jordan Dyslexia Assessment/Reading Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test-3 (JLRRT-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Slosson Oral Reading Test-Revised (SORT-R3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23KIDSWORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 72 Smart Sharks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Kindergarten Readiness Test-Larson (KRT-Larson) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Koppitz Developmental Scoring System (KOPPITZ-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Knox’s Cube Test-Revised (KCT-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool-Revised (SSKAAT-R) . . . . 79LANGUAGE Processing Test 3: Elementary (LPT3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Source for Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Leiter-3 Training Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SPM and SPM-P Quick Tips (SPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Leiter International Performance Scale, Third Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Standardized Reading Inventory, Second Edition (SRI-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Light’s Retention Scale-5th Edition (LRS-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Logical Rorschach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Stop That Angry Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71MCDOWELL Vision Screening Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Stopwatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Strategies for Academic Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-FAST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Stroop Color and Word Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Mindfulness for Teen Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Student Behavior Survey (SBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Mindful Parenting for ADHD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Substance Abuse Therapy Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition (MMSE-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-4 (MVPT-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 TALK-IT-OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment . . . . . . . . 83 Teaching Students Who are Disturbed and Disturbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Nonverbal Stroop Card Sorting Test (NSCST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Teaching Study Skills to Students with Learning Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43PEABODY Mobility Kit for Infants and Toddlers (PMKIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language, Fourth Edition (TACL-4) . . . . . . . 45Peabody Mobility Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Peabody Model Vision Project (PMVP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Test of Early Written Language, Third Edition (TEWL-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Phonological and Print Awareness Scale (PPA Scale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Test of Expressive Language (TEXL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, 2nd Edition (PHSCS-2) . . . . . . . . . . 69 Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Play-2-Learn Go Fish: Fishing for Feelings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Test of Language Development: Intermediate, Fourth Edition (TOLD-I:4) . . . . . . . 25Play-2-Learn Go Fish: Hooked on Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Test of Language Development-Primary, Fourth Edition (TOLD-P:4) . . . . . . . . . . 25Porteus Maze Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Test of Mathematical Abilities, Third Edition (TOMA-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Practical Ideas That Really Work for Students with ADHD, Second Edition . . . . . . 29 Test of Narrative Language, Second Edition (TNL-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Practical Ideas That Really Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders . . . 57 Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition (TONI-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Practical Ideas That Really Work for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Test of Oral Reading Comprehension, Fourth Edition (TORC-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 High-Functioning Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Test of Preschool Vocabulary (TOPV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Practical Ideas That Really Work for Students with Disruptive, Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSCRF-2) . . . . . . . . 18 Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSWRF-2) . . . . . . . . . . 18 Defiant, or Difficult Behaviors, Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 44 Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Practical Ideas That Really Work for Students with Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills-3 (TVPS-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Test of Word-Finding, Third Edition (TWF-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dyslexia and Other Reading Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Test of Written Language Fourth Edition (TOWL-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Practical Ideas That Really Work for Teaching Math Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . 26 Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Preschool Vocabulary Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Too Much, Too Little, Just Right A Social Communication Game . . . . . . . . . . . 74Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (PTONI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Toss and Learn Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72Prison Therapy Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Transforming Troubled Children, Teens, and Their Families . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 72Psychological Processing Checklist-Revised (PPC-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Transition Planning Inventory, Second Edition (TPI-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78PTSD and Suicide Screener (PSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65RECEPTIVE One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th Edition (ROWPVT-4) . . . . . . . 19 UNDERSTANDING and Teaching Emotionally Disturbed Children and Adolescents . . . 43Remediation of Reversals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Understanding the Nature of Autism: A Guide toRevised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition (RCMAS-2) . . . . . . . . 68Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Kit (RCFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 the Autism Spectrum Disorders, Third Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test (RAIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, Second Edition (UNIT2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd Edition (RADS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Use Your I’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Reynolds Child Depression Scale-2nd Edition (RCDS-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 VISUAL Functioning Assessment Tool (VFAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition (RIAS-2) . . . . . . . . . . 5 WISCONSIN Card Sorting Test, Brief 64-Card Version (WCST-64) . . . . . . . . . . . 86Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, Second Edition (RIST-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86Rorschach Introductory Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 WCST Computer Version 4 (WCST:CV4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 What Works with Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 YOU CAN Control Your Child’s Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Young Children’s Achievement Test (YCAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392 Stoelting Co. 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 USA
Neuropsychological/MemoryScales of Cognitive and Communicative The SCCAN includes eight scales, which yield a total score.Ability for Neurorehabilitation (SCCAN) • Oral Expression • Reading ComprehensionHelps provide documentation mandated by Medicare. • Orientation • WritingAge Range: 18 through 95 yearsTime: 30-45 minutes • Memory • AttentionThe SCCAN is appropriate for a broad • Speech Comprehension • Problem Solvingrange of neurological patients. Itscontents relate to daily activities that In the standardization, the SCCAN was used with patients with left- andadults would be expected to perform, right-hemisphere stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury. It canfor independent living. It can be used assist in differential diagnosis, by comparing performance with three profilesby speech-language pathologists, particular to certain types of brain injury.neuropsychologists, psychologists and other rehabilitation professionals. The SCCAN Kit includes 25 each of the Examiner Record Booklets, WrittenMain uses of the SCCAN are: Response Booklets and Report Summary Forms, a Stimulus Book and• Identification of patients with neurocognitive and Examiner’s Manual, in a storage box. communicative impairment 31623 SCCAN Kit $263.00• Determination of the severity of impairment 31623R SCCAN Examiner Record Booklets, Pk/25 $43.00• Establishment of appropriate treatment goals, and patient-specific 31623W SCCAN Written Response Booklets, Pk/25 $33.00 31623F SCCAN Report Summary Forms, Pk/25 $29.00 treatment plans After a 25-minute delay, whichBrief Visuospatial Memory Test- includes primarily verbalRevised (BVMT-R) activities, the task is repeated. The respondent is asked toA visuospatial memory screening measure identify which of the 12 figuresto identify neurocognitive impairment. in the Recognition Stimulus Booklet were included in the 6RALPH H. B. BENEDICT, PH.D, ABCN geometric figures on the original Recall Stimulus page.Age Range: 18 through 79 years An optional Copy trial may be administered to screen for severeTime: 45 minutes (including 25 minute delay) visuoconstructive deficits, and help in scoring recall responses.Restricted Use: Level C The BVMT-R Kit includes the Manual, Recognition Stimulus Easel Book,The BVMT-R can be used as a criterion measure of visuospatial memory; a Reusable Recall Stimulus Booklet and 25 Response Forms. A stopwatch (notscreening measure; or as a repeat measure to document changes over time. included) is required for administration.Each of the six equivalent, alternate BVMT-R stimulus forms consists of six 32656 BVMT-R Kit $406.00geometric figures, printed in a 2 x 3 array, on a separate page of the Recall 32656R BVMT-R Response Forms, Pk/25 $84.00Stimulus Booklet. In the three Learning Trials, the respondent views the Recall 30151 Electronic Stopwatch/Interval Timer $23.00Stimulus Page for 10 seconds, then is asked to draw as many of the figures aspossible, in their correct page locations.Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Six distinct forms of the HVLT-R are available, eliminating practice effectsQuickly assesses verbal learning and memory. on repeated administrations. Each form consists of 12 nouns (targets)JASON BRANDT, PH.D AND Ideal with four words drawn from eachRALPH H. B. BENEDICT, PH.D Companion to of three semantic categories. The semantic categories differ across theAge Range: 16 through 92 years BVMT-R six forms, but are very similar in theirTime: 5-10 minutes, plus a 25-minute delay psychometric properties. Each form isRestricted Use: Level C printed in a different color.The HVLT-R provides brief assessment of immediate recall, delayed recall and The HVLT-R Kit includes a Manual and 25 each of the six Test Booklets. Adelayed recognition. It is ideal for use with brain-disordered populations with stopwatch (not included; sold on page 67) is required for testing. AdditionalAlzheimer’s, Huntington’s Disease and amnesic disorders. It is administered Test Booklet Forms are sold separately reading the words aloud, then asking the client to verbally repeat the list ofwords (immediately; then after a delay), and identify the words from a word list The HVLT-R CD ROM Kit is scoring software for scoring the HVLT-R Kit andthat is presented verbally. BVMT-R Kit above.The HVLT-R is easy to administer and score, and is well-tolerated by even 32657 HVLT-R Kit $384.00significantly-impaired individuals. Tasks include three learning trials, a delayed recall 32657R HVLT-R/BVMT-R CD ROM $424.00(25-30 minute delay) trial, and a yes/no delayed recognition trial.Telephone: (630) 860-9700 • Fax: (630) 860-9775 • Email: [email protected] • Order Online: 93
620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, IL 60191MAILROOM: If the person named on the address label is no longerwith your organization, please route this catalog to their replacement. We are offering a wider variety of Clinical materials, including Anti-Bullying programs,and Anger/Rage/PTSD assessments. Neuropsychological/Memory products now include more assessments for Alzheimer’s Disease, and other neuropsychological deficits. CASD-SF Name ethitrheeeCrapirnedsoi#pdl1eDeMIoyRroaEuokCuimnTtsgIuVisdAEtem:moefanktdheseampreisnodns. with, aNmotetionnmamdMbaasaYkinlkwidiTnetiyAlgbialnStemaaogKmmlelil:noeyneLwandtleroidsfmanesgrw.lenrweiIottstihwwohlsl.aiosglhNtnoleosmmmotl,dwoeyaiusbkmiptsoebaeodutiafyhnhrme,imooeessrtdyuntismafdoiofgnwseeme.r!tn.ihenMepgpra,aeiksbaoionipnlndilgtey Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorders SHORT FORM MANUAL Susan Dickerson Mayes, PhDNeuropsychological Available CAT NO: 32410M STOELTING CO•620 WHEAT LANE•WOOD DALE, IL 60191Assessment of Adults Summer, WWW.STOELTINGCO.COM • [email protected] Visual Impairment 2017 Checklist for Autism Spectrum Dr. O’Banye’s page 83 Disorder-Short Form (CASD-SF) Clinical Therapy Cards After Time: Autism Screener Based On Therapy Cards For ConductProvides a comprehensive review of Survival DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria Disorder, Substance Abuseassessments and testing materials, to Therapeutic Game for And Prison Populationsassess executive functioning skills and Positive Decision Making page 50intelligence in individuals with visual Page 58issues or blindness. Assessments with page 73 In just five minutes, the CASD-Sreproducible materials are included, to discriminates children with Autism A valuable conversation starter toestablish a testing program with this A unique, therapeutic board game Spectrum Disorder from those with engage these most challenging clients.population. for adolescents. This post-apocalyptic other diagnoses. Excellent diagnostic These card decks are user-friendly, board game encourages positive, agreement with the Autism Diagnostic effective and clinically powerful.More materials for emotional decision making, in an Inventory-Revised (ADI-R) and thethe Blind and Visually Impaired engaging manner. Childhood Autism Rating Scale, More Clinical Materials Second Edition (CARS-2). Pages 82-84 More Therapeutic Games Pages 58-70Neuropsychology and Memory Pages 71-76 Pages 85-93 More materials for Autism Spectrum Disorders Pages 49-57 FORM 01-17 90M