The essence of Beauty1) Delightful Emotions is the simulator of all delightful spiritual effects that the consist of the soul and the soul reflects our external appearance .2) Pure spirit attributes terminates ugly defilement's which hinders beauty because defiled thoughts in mind is forbidden visions that does not contributes to the soul happiness .3) Pure glorious Spiritual interaction is an pleasing vision to the eye’s.4) Reigning I love the nature of your soul5) An striver to an good cause6) An enjoyer life7) Friendly regard8) Care for me9) Our deliberate choices of thoughts is the source of our emotions and our emotions is the foundation of our soul and our soul have an spiritual effect upon our facial appearance because it contracts our facial muscles.10) Pure thoughts have to be considered in our mind to not be held in derision from the lord because the lords feelings would be passive through reality to your bad deeds .That’s an tedious passive sadden expression that would be conduced on thy facial appearance .11) The foundation of our soul determines an major aspect of our facial appearance.12) There is an portion of our appearance which is determined by our intentions .we must have good intention established in our heart to create an lovely appearance of purity.13) Intentions to Create an lovely day14) Gods emotions felt for our action here upon earth determines an major part of our external appearance as while as our mood because encommpensates our entire nature.
Bad defilement is the source of ugly,it Beautiful facial contractions that createsdeteriorates the good qualities of the soul an beautiful appearanceUnappreciated -------------------------------------------Passivity 1) Under Gods equationBad words 2) Representing gods realityThe forbiddens 3) Positive doingRidiculous 4) Good effectsHatred 5) Spirit attributesProcrastination 6) AppreciativeSlothfulness 7) GratefulJesting 8) contentCursing 9) LovingIdleness 10) CaringPrayerless 11) ExaltivePraiseless 12) Devotion to loveDisrespect 13) Determined to accomplishAnger 14) Self-consciousnessIndignation 15) SupplicationResent 16) IntercedingBitterness 17) For thy sakePerversion 18) For thee sakeBoastfulness 19) For God sakeEmotionless 20) For earth sakeJudgmental 21) ReverenceBad deeds 22) FavorPrideful 23) Favorable receptionImpersonation 24) CharitableUngodliness 25) Friendly regardDemanding 26) LoyaltyManipulative 27) Good purposeDisobedient 28) Good intentsIntake of unaffirmation 29) AffirmationFamine 30) Altering influenceDishonor 31) HonorDisbelief 32) Believing in GodNon belief 33) Good deedsUgly is an opposing attitude 34) VictoryComplaints of life 35) Prevalence in goodnessAggression 36) FaithTransgression 37) ContributiveGuilt 38) ProgressionRudeness 39) Earnest effortIndulgent 40) Initiative in interactingTactful 41) Reception of loveCustomary actions 42) Reception of honor 43) Worshipers 44) Whole heartily 45) Homony 46) An consoler 47) Providing 48) Receptions of spiritual gifts from god
Beauty is not just an perceptional view of the external appearance ;Beauty is an lovely spiritualfoundation of the persons response unto you .Beauty is the atmosphere of the reality Godbestowed unto thou .beauty is the peaceful paths walk when journeying in peace .beauty is thepeople that you cherished ,loved and accepted in the reality of thou heart .Beauty consisted ofmany elements from delightful emotions , agreeable responses ,field of study ,prominentthoughts , harmonious responses ,self-acknowledgment ,choice of actions ,your beliefsystem ,preoccupational actions , practically , practical deeds of virtue ,fair dealings,productiveness , consciousness of(all attribute above is so the blood is receiving the proper duerecompense from Gods angels spirit attributes which stimulates the countenance facialcontractions from them particular spiritual responses .)Our facial appearance is merely an representation of our reality , heart , thoughts , emotions ,feeling and Gods feelings of our responses .We all are people of evolution formed by situationsand circumstance evolving from precisely our responses to these situations and circumstancesthat exist in our life .In order to be rewarded by God an blessed spiritual attributes from God tobeautify your facial countenance ;you must claim your soul with your source of your gratefulappreciative inheritance , let your habitation be lovely your thoughts ,let your habitation beprovisional ,rejoice of Gods wondrous works ( it’s all soul simulations of joyous beauty whichreflect your external appearance.Prevailing in goodness give you marvel blue sky’s spirit reigns.Yes ,You can say an major portion of our heavenly beauty which reflects our facial appearance isour spiritual reigns .Our distinguish world ,do you know how distinguished you are comparing unto other people ,it’sour mission to become conscious of this reality of Gods blessed spiritual attributes so God can fillour mental capacity with Angels Spiritual impulses of affirmation .it would create for you an newreality when you become conscious of your complimentary attributes that’s worthy of praises .itwould release much tension from your mind to know that you are blessed with the sameattributes as the one you perceived to be greater .God have blessed everyone with diverserealities to experience, it’s an virtual versatile reality to build our soul up to become conscious ofwhom thou with and self so both persons can connect in harmony to fulfill the day becomingconscious of Gods miracles while exalting Gods spirit attributes merely becoming conscious of it’svast blessedness and acknowledgment Gods wondrous works .when you are consisting of theseattributes it reigns it’s correlation of spirit in your soul creating an joyous beautiful person .Andthen the mission complete.The contrary is our defunctional distorted defiled traits that haves no heavenly dwelling in ourblood steam so them trait is commonly condemned ,reproved ,faulty ,blasphemed ,scorned ,degraded ,devalued ,dejected ,penalized ,idled ,passive , we must be covered In affirmation at all
times or you will be absent of the rewarding recompense from God .our soul need themaffirmative element .and the process starts from your deliberate conscious choice to imputeaffirmative spiritual impulses that exalts the recipient .It’s exaltation that reigns Gods spirit which reflects little spiritual particles that work miracles asminerals to affirm that God is an perfect creator .image that gift for that is an adventure to explore heavenly destinations of many of the earths legacy that Godcreated as an portion of the heavens of Gods master piece that is entitled unto honor ;deservingof love and praises because it’s made perfect for all to see it’s essential qualities of what anmiracle God created and you must fulfill this godly mission in order to receive your spiritualresponses of complimentary spiritual realms .it’s the constituter of your entire nature.Gods complimentary Spiritual realms is the greasiest gift in life that an person canreceive spiritually ,spiritual realms is the silent spontaneous spirit responses of theheavens through the soul that constitutes your soul inevitability . It’s the primaryresponses your soul feel before you embellish your word to suit the persons ears.wehave an obligation to fulfill to inherit perfect pure lovely responses and that’s purify theheart of both so angel reigns the initial emotion to keep matters harmonized .this is theprocess of the inevitable spirit responses ;it’s an perplexing propitious occurrence thatmade the heavens in contrast to the negative obsolete process of development ofperchance by not having this vast understanding .Say ; But I can say What an wondrous journey that did havein life .Image the spiritual effect you would feel if God said “ You have earned spiritual giftsfrom the heavens for virtually yearning in the habitation of “ ( harmoniousinterconnected caring that I inherit love )I want you to know that you specifically havelove that is cherishable unto my soul.So this means that us as people must keep our mind flying in the heavens of affirmationsto stimulate a smile from thou on gods face to receive Gods reflection of emotions ofhow God feel of us to conduce our mood ,Gods emotion denotes that God is wellpleased with you , you done an good job ,joyously you are being considered .thoseemotions reflects the contentment on our face.
It’s Gods spiritual realms that forms our facial beauty ,mood and our spiritual reigns .wemust impress God by being virtuous .an Virtuous facial appearance is beautiful like thewags of an butter fly in an reality of an pure lovely day enjoying the moment on it’s wayto fulfill an another joyous adventure .virtue is the spirits revolutionary aspect ofprevailing in moral ethical principals of heart incontrast to indulgence of self-obtainmentto produce efficiency ,comfort and serenity for thou ,thy, God and reality .Heart of lovethat cares of the results produced that you have your share of lovely day by me isblessings thou that blessed thee .and thee appearance will reigns the beauty of enjoyinglife ,loving self ,revering God ,cherishing his creation ,God is amazing and blessing be toyou because I do care .Keep yourself within and Under Gods equation to keep your soul pure to have the reception ofaffirmative spiritual impulses .proficient are them that remain faithful in imputing affirmation .it’swere the completion of your elegant face of faith at .Representing gods reality must be your spiritual disposition because this gods world .it’s an smileon gods face for this exhibition.Good spiritual effects creates smiles on all faces .what an beautiful you would have forappreciating your recompense .Now that you are half way done with the book .do you like ?it’s all facts and every attribute is ansoul stimulation that manifest it’s spirit reign for the appearance of your visionary aspect.Spirit attributes is responses of angels or pure reactions .spirit attributes will exist in your day byDesiring that the person be relieved unto peace that they experience an lovely day with anserene mind .wishing the best for people is spirit attributes ,contributing to their heavens is spiritattributes ,affirming their blessed spiritual attributes as quality is spirit attributes ,being anhelping hand that they make it to heaven is spirit attributes ,exalting complimentary attributes isspirit ,accompanying their sorrow with an provision for their future is spirit attributes( everythingin life is an provision to accompany the human soul to incite their happiness so God is our saviorand an loving caring provider deserving of our generous spiritual impulses of praises.Pity consoles the soul cheering them up to make thy feel cared fored is the heart that God attendto much for you would be regarded as an proficient person whom made many people happy.Youreward is with God and on your face .Devotion for love puts magical elements of emotions in your mental capacity that constitutesyour entire nature to find love .so the spirit of love is your mediator that make known to yourmind the attributes that can make you smile of that person and so you can experience an lovelyday .
When God looks upon you,he see you as an person Determined to accomplish so you receive anrecompense of spiritual realms that inspire your mood ,makes you look good ,and changes yourreality .Self-consciousness is acknowledgment of your Blessed spiritual attributes in the spiritualdisposition of admiring it’s production . The sprint reigns I’m loving me the way God created meto be , loving the way God created me .I love what I see of me .it’s an beautiful appearance.We all individually have to Fulfill the entire pie of the statistics of everyday daily living of spiritattributes and the reception of what the soul yearns to bring the soul at ease , content with thecurrent blessings that God blessed me with .Supplication is spiritually giving to the recipient to accompany their soul with happiness ,self- esteem , peace and serenity . it should be the desire of all souls .Gods love is directed to thehearts that’s the helping hand of someones else relief that desires thou experience theheavens .what an beautiful lovely day thou will experience for thou self with an beautifulappearance god will accompany you with .Interceding for someone willingly is an prayer that yearns pity unto thy soul that they receivepeace ,comfort and ease.For thy sake I’m going show that I care so you can inherit affirmative spiritual impulses soprogression can be made and to feel cared fored.For thee sake I’m going to wear Gods miracles on my shoulders to bless the atmosphere of thenatures of life. .For God sake I’m going to I’m going make sure that people are feeling honored ,I’m going tomake sure that I admonish their soul ,I’m going to make sure that I affirm their blessedness ,I;mgoing to make sure that I’ma behave myself so God can have good to say of me , I’m going toworship the atmosphere of the natures of life ,All actions are test from the lord to see how you respond to virtuous so spirit attributesrespond .What create our thoughts or whom ?The heart is spontaneous so hurry up and purify it so theheavens an emerge from it by what you learn of the spirit of love and Gods miracles .
For earth sake I’m going to journey in peace to affirm it’s magical miracle .Reverence unto God for for the phenomenal magical miracles that God created.All the above passages is soul stimulation's of beauty because it’s affirmative spirit attributesthat reflect your spiritual disposition .Favor is cherishing thy above all else because of mutual harmonious corresponding relations .So Favorable reception were each others foundation that God loved of their soul so Godsspiritual realms were amazed of such lovely spiritual impulses of how the two cherishedeach other .The spirit reigned beautifully in the illumination of glory ,love ,fulfilled day ,fulfilled hopes , honorable are thy , my heavens is being with you ,(so the beauty of themattributes were their inheritance .and you can earn your blessed spiritual attributes too .Earnest effort is the attributes that graduated you forth further into the heavens.God knows you want to experience the heavens .Gods knows our every word that we going to speak ,but you are the conducer of the nextspiritual responses .you better be expressing how you love God , life, other persons spiritualattributes and your spouse .it’s the only reason for living .Have you benefited from reading this book if so let God know that you love God.God is thesource of all that I’s mental graphics that I am elaborating.Burdens , adversities and the opposer are ugly because they are not spiritual and they arecontrary to the souls reception .burdens doe’s stimulate the soul unto eccentric feelings ,itmerely degrades ,hinders and it makes the soul passive .the opposing occurrences is notentitled to beauty .An Charitable heart that willingly wants to see an person happier and relieved by taking theirsorrow by giving will inherit Gods love which is the greatest spiritual effect on earth .it earnsyou many rewards from God like glorious pure lovely day ,feeling loved ,and an reflection ofgods emotions will be external appearance because you are in Gods hands .
Friendly regard ,Loyalty ,Good intents ,Contributive ,Faith and an Good purpose is theheavens in the heavens which receive an pure blood flow full of magical element derivedfrom the heavens for spiritual interacting in the day giving God an heavenly dwelling ofjoyous considerations which compels all aspects of reality .beauty is just the externalexhibition but considering what the soul feels of life and of each others emotions is thesource of the entire nature of the human physic spiritual reigns.what an beautifulappearance of feeling loved ,complement from the heavens which illuminates from withincontrolling your entire atmosphere so you can receive cherishable spiritual impulses ofothers you can see god have already a blessed life in every aspect.The inner concept of this matter of beauty is that every affirmative spiritual impulse thatflourish the inner concept of life’s magical miracle is the beauty of the day and this beautifulday can have many spiritual inheritance attributed unto you .all Gods spirit attributes of theangels is beauty .Presenting yourself to God as an Altering influence puts many caring provisional spiritualattributes prominent that you be complemented ,honored and loved for your godly missionof being an soul savior .God have given to us an blessed spiritual benefit package that can bless our entire natureonly if we put forth it’s attributes wholeheartedly intending to produced some delightfulspiritual effects amongst peoples souls.God must be exalted for such miracles in life .it’s Gods way of saying you are an blessingsbecause you are an miracle and you are my creation .and you are going to enjoy yourselfhere on my earth .earnest effort earns the other miracles for your good deeds and charitableworks .Before reading this book ,what would you have thought the source of beauty were derivedfrom ?If you fulfill every spirit attribute you will inherit new spiritual visions ,an new heavenlyreality ,and an beautiful facial appearance.and Gods love will increase more for you becasueyou flourished reality properly .Believing in God creates peace and serenity.
Believing in God , makes God feel honored .Believing in God is knowing that everything is going to be alright because God is the creatorwhich created life’s predestine plan and you are going to experience your heavens .“God said believing in me is an decontracted vessel in my mind that will blessed you “Believing in God is an release of your fretfulnessBelieving in God is your blessed day .Believing in God is affirmation that receive spiritual realms from of moon.Believing in God is magical blue elements that get’s Gods attentions like the stars that shinesmagically .Believing in God is God feeling comforted by your’s Gods blood flow of your spiritualelements.Represent the inner concept that life is an magical miracle created by Gods pure lovingcourteous heart so you can experience affirmative blessed spiritual emotions .and letspiritual impulses of caring of the results produced unto other peoples soul .contribute totheir heavens .take time out in the habitation of exaltation that God can feel honored by youcaring hearty spiritual impulses .blessed the day by loving it interconnected to your spousein the habitation of mutual harmonious corresponding relation that the reception ofemotions of love is thy rainbow that smile over thee just as God smiling over thee as thelove increases for every lovely spiritual impulse .it’s the spirit of love that considers ourspiritual impulses .listen to what your soul say and let the spirit of love have it’s love fromyour spirit of truth .the spirit of love enjoys the matter that you are intending to result untovirtuous love .know that God is right before your face.
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