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Home Explore Body System Flipbook

Body System Flipbook

Published by Umar Mustafa, 2020-09-14 16:43:48

Description: Body System


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Body System By:Umar Mustafa

Table of Contents ● Integumentary, pg.3 ● Musculoskeletal, pg.7 ● Nervous, pg.11 ● Special senses, pg.15 ● Cardiovascular, pg.19 ● Respiratory, pg.23 ● Digestive, pg.27 ● Urinary, pg.31 ● Reproductive, pg.35

Integumentary system Function: To protect from outside pathogens and debris, maintain proper body temperature, excrete excess salt to maintain homeostasis, and to aid in perceiving outside stimuli like touch. 1. SKIN” Is the major organ, it covers the body and protects it 5. DERMIS: the dermis is made up of connective tissue, from outside debris, maintains homeostasis, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers,hair follicles, and and perceives stimuli sebaceous and sweat glands. The connective tissue is made 2. HAIR: Accessory organs made of dead cells filled with hard Of collagen, which give the skin its shape, strength, and keratin. elasticity 3. NAILS: Organs made up kearin on the end of each finger 6. EPIDERMIS: Made up of layers of epithelial tissues made And toe of soft keratin 4. KERATIN: Water repellent protein that makes up the 7. SWEAT GLANDS: Coiled glands located in the dermis Epidermis and nails and hair

Integumentary system continued 8. SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER: Deepest layer, connects skin To surface muscle, made up of lipocytes that store fat to provide heat insulation and protection 9. ECZEMA: Itchy inflammation of the skin making it dry and cracked 10. ACNE. inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous gland when pores get clogged, causing pimples

Integumentary system cont. Vocabulary Diseases ● Aden/o: gland ● Alopecia:hair loss resulting from ● Cis/o: cut genetics or other conditions ● Prurit/o: itching ● Psor/o: itching ● Albinism, genetics causing a lack of ● Squam/o: scale melanin, leading to pale skin and white ● Steat/o: fat; sebum hair ● Trich/o: hair ● Ungu/o: nail ● Cicatrix:scarring ● -Esis: action, condition, state of ● Cyanosis: condition in which the skin ● -Opsy: view of; viewing looks blue or purple due to a lack of circulation

Integumentary system cont. Careers ● Dermatologist:Physician who specializes in treating conditions of the skin ● Dermatology nurse practitioners do many of the same things as dermatologists, they order lab work, treat minor illnesses and prescribe medications Key Terms ● Derm/o,dermat/o:skin Erythr/o:Red Pil/o:nipple-like Albin/o: White ● xanth/o: Yellow Pedicu/o: Foot lip/o: fat ● kerat/o: hard, horn shaped tissue Onych/o:Nail ● Xer/o: dry, scaly myc/o: Fungus Rhytid/o: wrinkle

Muscular and Skeletal System Muscular Function: Holding body parts in position and enabling movement, providing a protective covering for internal organs, producing heat, moving food, aiding blood flow, assisting movement through ducts Skeletal Function: Support, protection, mineral storage like calcium, blood formation, anchoring body parts and enabling movement Key Terms ● My/o:muscle Crani/o:skull -Plegia:paralysis ● Myel/o:bone marrow/spinal cord -Pexy: surgical fixation Kinesi/o:movement ● Oste/o: bone Chondr/o: cartilage ● Cost/o:ribs Arthr/o:joint

Muscular and Skeletal System cont. Vocabulary Diseases ● Acr/o: extremities ● Atrophy: wasting away or shrinking of muscle ● Brachi/o: arm ● Hypertrophy:excessive growth or enlargement ● Chir/o: hand ● Lumb/o: lumbar region/loin of muscle ● Kyph/o: humpback ● Ankylosis: stiff joint caused by adhesion, or ● Duct/o: to lead/to carry ● Articul/o: joint abnormal fusion between two bones ● Orth/o: straight/normal ● Gout: form of arthritis in which uric acid builds ● -Ceps: heads(attachment) ● -paresis: weakness up in the blood causing joint swelling and pain

Muscular and Skeletal System cont. Careers ● Prosthetist: a person who measures, designs, fabricates, fits, and services prosthetics. Prosthetics are designed for those who have an amputated limb, congenital deformity, or absence of. Requires a master's degree and one year residency ● Sports Medicine Physician: is a person who treats sports related injuries of bones, joints, and muscles. They are qualified to diagnose, treat, prescribe, therapy, and perform surgery. Required to obtain an MD or DO and then do a residency.

Nervous System Function: Receive sensory input from sensory organs, interpret sensory input, and motor output/direction Key terms ● Neur/o: nerve Psych/o: mind ● Encephal/o: brain Concuss/o: shaken together; violently agitated ● Myel/o: bone marrow: spinal cord ● Ambul/o: to walk ● -Esthesia: sensation ● Mening/o: meninges(tissue covering brain and spinal cord)

Nervous System Disease Vocab ● ALS: muscular weakness and atrophy with involuntary contractions and ● Schiz: split excessive reflexes ● Guillain Barre: Polyneuritis, inflammation ● Pont/o: pons of multiple peripheral nerves, ● Lex/o: word progressive muscle weakness and ● Phren/o: mind possibly paralysis ● Thec/o: sheath(meninges) ● Meningocele: congenital hernia in which ● Troph/o: nourishment; development the meninges protrude through an opening of the skull or spinal cord ● -Lepsy: seizure ● Myasthenia Gravis: A disease of the ● -Phasia: speech skeletal muscles caused by a disruption ● -Paresis: weakness in neural communication between ● Radicul/o: nerve root muscles and nerves, marked by severe weakness

Nervous System continued Careers ● Physician Anesthesiologists: a person who administers and keeps consistent dosage of anesthetics, they make sure those under surgery don't experience pain and monitor vitals, takes pre med track in college, med school, 4 year residency, and passing a test from the ABA ● Neurosurgeon: a person who diagnoses, treats, and does procedures of diseases and conditions of the brain. Takes bachelors, med degree from an accredited school, and a residency of 6-8 years.

Special Senses Function: Special senses are designed to get sensory input. They monitor stimuli and send information to the brain for it to be acted upon Key terms ● Irid/o: iris ● -Cusis: hearing ● -Opia: vision, condition ● Ot/o: ear ● Tympan/o: eardrum ● Ophthalm/o: eye ● -Metry: process of measuring

Special Senses cont. Vocabulary Disease ● Dacry/o: tear ● Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelid, ● Lacrim/o: tear resulting in redness, swelling, and cracking ● Mydr/o: wide;enlarged along the eyelid ● Phac/o,Phak/o: lens of the eye ● Amblyopia: Impaired vision in 1 or both eyes due to developmental issues, lazy eye ● Presby/o: old age ● Chalazion a small, hard cystic mass of the ● Vitr/o: vitreous body eyelid, caused by a blocked oil gland ● -Osmia: smell condition ● Hordeolum: Purulent inflammation of an ● -Otia: ear condition eyelid gland, commonly known as a sty ● -Ptosis: droop;sag;prelude ● Scot/o: darkness

Special senses Cont. Careers ● An optometrist is responsible for performing eye exams and diagnosing all conditions of the eye, along with tests for near and far sightedness, and other impairments, and prescribing glasses, contact lenses, and medication as needed. They have to get a bachelor's, take the OAT, gain access to an accredited school for their (Doctor of Optometry)OD. And pass all board tests. ● An Ophthalmologist is similar to an optometrist, how ever they also do surgery, this requires going through medical school.

Cardiovascular system Function: The cardiovascular systems main function is to circulate oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body Key terms ● Cardi/o: heart Erythr/o: red ● Angi/o: vessel Arteri/o: artery ● Hem/o, hemat/o: blood ● Brady- slow ● Tachy- fast ● Thromb/o: clot ● -Emia: blood condition ● Leuk/o: white blood cell

Cardiovascular system cont. Disease Vocabulary ● Ather/o: plaque; fatty buildup ● Angina: severe or constricting pressure ● Phleb/o: vein in the chest ● Sphygm/o: pulse ● Systol/o: contraction ● Cardiac Tamponade: pathological ● Vas/o: vessel; duct condition in which excess fluid ● Em-: in accumulates in the pericardium ● Per-: through ● -Ant: substance that promotes ● Congestive Heart Failure: disease ● -Ation: process; condition resulting from reduced blood flow from ● -Ive: substance that promotes the heart, characterized by weakness, breathlessness, abdominal discomfort, and an edema in the lower extremities ● Embolus: mass of solid, liquid, or gas that travels through the bloodstream causing obstruction

Cardiovascular system cont. Careers ● Telemetry Nurse: Monitor patients heart rhythms using equipment, work with physicians to develop treatment plans, usually those with cardiovascular disease, they also supervise nurses. Becoming one requires a bachelor or associate in nursing, then becoming registered/licensed. ● Cardiovascular technicians: Provide assistance to doctors in diagnosing and treating heart diseases and conditions. Can specialize in EKG’s. They need a 2 year community college program, followed by instruction in non invasive, ir invasive cardiology, invasive with cardo catheterization, and non invasive being pacemaker, holter, and stress tests.

Respiratory system Function: is to inhale fresh air, get rid of carbon dioxide and replace it with oxygen, and exhale stale air and carbon dioxide Key terms ● Bronch/o: bronchus;bronchial tubes Trache/o: trachea; windpipe ● Cyan/o: blue ● Laryng/o: voicebox; larynx ● -Oxia: oxygen ● Oxy-: oxygen ● Pleur/o: pleura(serous membrane that enfolds the lungs) ● Pnuem/o: lung; air ● Thorac/o: chest

Respiratory system cont. Vocabulary Diseases ● Antel/o: incomplete; imperfect ● Cheyne Stokes respiration: unusual ● Bol/o: cast; throw breathing pattern characterized by 10-60 ● Eu-: good; normal seconds periods of apnea, followed by ● In-: in; into; not gradually increasing respiration ● -Ation: process; condition ● -Capnia: carbon dioxide ● Rales: abnormal cackiling sound heard ● -Ectasis: dilation; expansion during auscultation of the lungs while the ● -Ema: condition patient is breathing in, indicative of mucus ● -Ion: process; state; condition blocking airways ● -Phonia: voice ● Ronchi: Corse attling or high pitched snoring heard during auscultation, indicative of airways narrowing ● Stridor: Harsh, high pitched sound, during respiration that indicates airway obstruction

Respiratory system cont. Careers ● Thoracic Surgeon: is a medical doctor who performs surgical procedures on organs in the chest, treat diseases like emphysema and lung cancer, can do lung transplants, lobectomies, and pneumonectomy. Requires graduating from an accredited medical school, then doing 5 year general surgery residency, then 2 year specialty residency in thoracic surgery ● Pulmonologist, MD who diagnoses and treats conditions and diseases of the lungs and cardio pulmonary system, comprises heart, lung, and blood vessels. Requires bachelors in science, med school, 3 year residency in internal medicine, 2 year pulmonary training

The Digestive System Function: Ingestion(Intake of food and liquids), Digestion(Breakdown of food, physical and chemical), Absorption(Valuable nutrients absorbed in the small intestine), and Elimination(Solid waste collects in the large intestine and exits through the anus) Key Terms ● Cholecyst/o: gallbladder -Pepsia: digestion ● Enter/o: intestine(usually small) Chol/e: gall; bile ● Col/o;Colon/o: large intestine Proct/o: rectum; anus ● Hepat/o: liver ● Gastr/o: stomach ● Or/o: mouth

The Digestive System cont. Vocabulary Disease ● Bil/i: bile; gall ● Celiacs Disease: a ● Cec/o: cecum(first part of the large intestine) malabsorption syndrome ● Cirrh/o: orange-yellow that causes diarrhea and ● Duoden/o: Duodenum(first part of the small intestine) weight loss, though to be due to gluten ● Gingiv/o: gum ● Crohn's disease: A chronic ● Ile/o: Ileum(third part of the small intestine) disease that causes ● Jejen/o: Jejunum(second part of the small intestine) inflammation of the ● Lapar/o: abdominal wall; abdomen digestive tract ● Peritone/o: Peritoneum(membrane that lines ● Volvulus: abnormal twisting ● the abdominal walls and cavities) of the intestines ● Sigmoid/o: sigmoid colon; sigmoid ● Emesis: vomiting

The Digestive System cont. Careers ● Gastroenterologist: Person who diagnoses and treats diseases and conditions of the digestive tract, like GERD, liver and colon cancer, Crohn's disease, and IBS. Requires a Bachelor's, medical school, three year residency in internal medicine, and a 3 year fellowship of gastroenterology ● Dental Hygienist: work under the supervision of a dentist, licensed to clean and remove stains from teeth, take and develop x rays, give fluoride treatments, and educate on proper oral hygiene. Requires graduating from an accredited program

Urinary System Function: Filtration of the blood, waste storage and excretion, hormone production, and maintaining homeostasis through monitoring blood pressure, PH, and electrolyte balance Key terms ● -Cele: hernia; swelling; protrusion -Ectasis: Dilation ● -lysis; breakdown; separation; loosening Pyel/o: Renal pelvis ● Cyst/o: cyst; fluid sac; bladder ● Nephr/o: kidney ● Ren/o: kidney ● -Uria: urination; condition of urinating ● -Pexy: surgical fixation

Urinary system cont. Vocabulary Disease ● Azot/o: nitrogen ● Enuresis: involuntary discharge of ● Cali/o: calyx urine ● Glomerul/o: glomerulus ● Oliguria: condition in which a very small amount of urine is produced ● Trigon/o: trigon(region of the bladder) ● Urinary incontinence: Loss of ● Vesic/o: urinary bladder voluntary control of the discharge of ● -Iasis: abnormal condition urine from the bladder ● -Poietin: substance that forms ● Phenylketonuria: genetic disorder in ● -Stitial: compared to standing or positioned which there is a large amount of the phenylamine in the urine, in fnats ● -Tripsy: crushing buildup causes developmental and ● -Us: structure; tissue; thing intellectual issues, signaled by buildup of phenylketones

The Urinary System cont. Careers ● Urologists, specialists who diagnose and treat diseases and conditions of the urinary and male reproductive systems. Practicing non surgical and surgical patients. Requires med school, residency in urology, and passing the board test ● Case management nurses, registered nurses who make sure a patient receives the most efficient and cost containing treatment for their condition, usually assigned to those with chronic conditions, requires RN training and sometimes additional training

Reproductive system Male Function: Facilitate conception by fertilizing the eggs, delivers sperm(male gametes) Female function: Designed to produce and create new life Key terms ● Cervic/o: neck; cervix Mamm/o: breast ● Salping/o: Eustachian tubes; fallopian tubes Gynec/o: female; woman ● Ov/o;Ovul/o: ovum(egg) Colp/o: vagina ● Orchid/o: testis Prostat/o: prostate gland ● Oophor/o: ovary ● Men/o: meses; menustartion

The Reproductive System cont. Disease Vocabulary ● Chori/o, Chorion/o: chorion ● Anorchia: absence of one or both testis at birth, can interfere with sperm production ● Amni/o: amnion and secretion of testosterone ● Episi/o: vulva ● Epididymitis: inflammation of the epididymis, ● Ligat/o: binding; tying characterized by testalgia, hematuria, ● Metr/o, metri/o: uterus dysuria, and unusual penile discharge ● Andr/o: male ● Eclampsia: seizures in women with high BP ● Balan/o: glans penis between the 20th week of pregnancy and ● Gon/o: seed 1st week postpartum, often leads to a coma ● Hemolytic disease of the newborn: the ● Onc/o: tumor mothers white blood cells attack the ● Plas/o: development; formation newborns red blood cells and cause them to break down

The Reproductive System cont. Careers ● Doula: someone who coaches a birthing family before, during, and immediately after, provides emotional support and coaches women through labor ● Oncologist: Physicians who specialize in diagnosing, treating cancer, and following up after treatment, if it fails, they do palliative care. Requires a residency in oncology

Sources (Med-Term Textbook)