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Home Explore Activity Report

Activity Report

Published by dtpinfo, 2022-09-24 09:17:47

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Paediatric ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus Clinic smartphone application vs cervical range of motion (CROM) in ophthalmic disorders - Assessment of parental awareness about paediatric visual problems by a knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) survey - Validation of GoCheck Kids iPhone-based photoscreener as a hand-held tool for detecting amblyopia risk factors in an Indian - Correlation of refractive error in siblings of paediatric patients paediatric population attending a tertiary level eye hospital - A multi-cente, randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy - Identification of potential barriers to timely access to sibling eye of 0.01 vs 0.05% atropine in progression of myopia in Indian check up population. - Effect of combined atropine and patching Vs patching alone for - Prospective evaluation of motility in glaucoma drainage device treatment of severe amblyopia in children aged 3 to 12 Years implantations - Multi-centric randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy Glaucoma clinic of 0.01 vs 0.05% atropine in progression of myopia in Indian population - Comparative analysis of non-absorbable 10-0 nylon sutures with absorbable 10-0 Vicryl sutures in Phaco-trabeculectomy surgery - A step further in childhood cataract: Screening, evaluation, management, rehabilitation and training- Focus to eliminate - Comparison of viscoat augmented delivery of injection childhood blindness due to cataract in south India mitomycin-C and conventional subconjunctival injection of Mitomycin C in Phacotrabeculectomy - To detect macular vessel density changes after inferior oblique muscle recession surgery - To compare the anxiety levels of glaucoma patients undergoing visual field testing and OCT - Steroids and cross-linking for ulcer treatment - Randomised control trial: Once daily netarsudil versus twice - Parasitic ulcer pilot study daily Timolol in patients with elevated intraocular pressure - Automated quantitative ulcer analysis study - Post-operative outcomes of phacotrabeculectomy and small incision cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation - Metagenomic analysis and diagnosis of ulcers rapidly with with mitomycin C in patient with advanced glaucoma with split artificial intelligence SCUT II screening study fixations in humphrey visual field - Rose Bengal electromagnetic activation with green light for - Surgical outcome of Tanito microhook ab Interno trabeculotomy infection reduction study Scope II (ocular trauma) with phacoemulsification (Lot) Vs Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy (GATT) with phacoemulsification - Seasonal conjunctivitis outbreak reporting for prevention and in patients with mild to moderate open angle glaucoma – A improved outcomes randomized comparative study at a tertiary eye care centre - A multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy - To assess the safety & efficacy of combined phacoemulsification- of 0.01 Vs 0.05% Atropine in progression of myopia in Indian trabeculectomy versus phacoemulsification - non-penetrating population. deep sclerostomy (NPDS) in advanced glaucoma. - A randomised control study at A tertiary care centre - Effect of video counselling versus pamphlets on awareness of refractive error among parents of children with newly diagnosed - Enhancing early glaucoma detection through family screening to refractive error reduce glaucoma related blindness - Augmented loop Myopexy with IOL in heavy eye syndrome - Shared medical appointments randomised trial - Retrospective case series on eye movement recordings in periodic - The Asia primary tube versus trab (TVT) study alternating nystagmus - Comparison of new head mount perimeter, C3 visual field - Role of LDA in myopic progression in Indian population analyzer V9 with standard Humphrey’s field analyser - Validation of Go-check kid based photo screener as hand-held - Evaluation of the accuracy of an automated algorithm for tool for detecting amblyopia risk factors in Indian population glaucoma detection from colour fundus photographs taken on a low-cost, slit lamp based Remidio fundus-on-phone camera and - Filamentary keratitis post strabismus a high- tech Topcon camera as compared to the gold standard clinical evaluation - Role of VEP and Bynocs -pre and post squint surgery in amblyopia patients - Safety and stability of topical anti-glaucoma medications: a randomised prospective observational study - Acute onset esotropia post lockdown - Non-inferiority of nanodropper-mediated microdrops vs - Optic nerve glioma in children standard drops of 0.5% Timolol Maleate in patients with open- angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension - Retrospective analysis of surgical outcome of Brown’s syndrome - An open label, multicentre, phase iii, prospective study to - Electrophysiological changes in patients with Bardet Biedl evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of triple fixed dose syndrome combination of Timolol 0.5% + Brimonidine 0.2% + Brinzolamide - Motility assessment in glaucoma drainage devices - Retrospective study on the profile of secondary IOL in paediatric patients - Infantile esotropia - Retrospective study - Comparison of measurement of abnormal head posture by 51

1% eye drops in patients with open angle glaucoma/ocular Ranibizumab with Lucentis® in patients with neovascular (wet) hypertension not responding to dual drug therapy age-related macular degeneration - A randomised, multicentre, active controlled, parallel-group - Comparative study of Aurolab’s multispot green laser with study to assess efficacy and safety of fixed dose combination of already available green Laser (PASCAL) in proliferative diabetic Netarsudil and Latanoprost ophthalmic solution (0.02% w/v + retinopathy patients. 0.005% w/v) in comparison with Latanoprost Eye Drops 0.005% w/v) in patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension - Accuracy of smart phone based mydriatic fundus camera in the detection of CMV retinitis - A comparison of the efficacy and cardiovascular adverse events between conventional, commercial 0.5% timolol maleate and 10 - Efficacy of Bevacizumab with panretinal photocoagulation versus µL drops of 0.5% timolol maleate using a Nanodropper adaptor in panretinal photocoagulation alone in proliferative diabetic adults with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension retinopathy: a sham-controlled trial - Comparison of transpalpebral Easyton tonometer with Goldman - To evaluate patient compliance for prone positioning after applanation tonometer in persons with glaucoma vitrectomy surgery using an innovative device - Improving adherence to follow-up in childhood glaucoma - Improving RoP telemedicine systems in south india - Family screening of glaucoma - An extension study to evaluate the long term efficacy and safety of Ranibizumab compared with laser therapy for the treatment of - Risk of progression in incident versus prevalent gonioscopic angle infants born prematurely with retinopathy of prematurity closure - Statistical modelling and risk assessment of Type 2 diabetes Retina and vitreous clinic complications in India - Efficacy and impact of artificial intelligence based retinal - EYLEA Study: Structured post-marketing surveillance to collect screening at rural primary eye care centers in southern India the safety data of intravitreal aflibercept injection (IVT-AFL) in patients of wet age-related macular degeneration during real - A prospective study to evaluate the early real-world evidence world clinical practice. of Brolucizumab in patients with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV) - Scope: ROP Tele screening study - Evaluation of bioclinical markers as predictors of non-responders - FOCUS Study: Long-term effects of semaglutide on diabetic to intravitreal antiVEGF in diabetic macular edema retinopathy in subjects with type 2 diabetes - A randomised, active-controlled, double-masked, parallel- - INSIGHT Study: A multi centre, randomised, double-masked, group, phase 3 study to compare efficacy and safety of ct-p42 in active-controlled, comparative clinical study to evaluate the comparison with Eylea in patients with diabetic macular edema efficacy and safety of MYL-1701P and Eylea® in subjects with diabetic macular edema - A 96 week, two-arm, randomised, single-masked, multicentre, phase III study assessing the efficacy and safety of brolucizumab - VISIBLE Study: A randomised, phase 3, double-masked, parallel 6mg compared to panretinal photocoagulation laser in patients group, multicentre study to comapre efficacy and safety of with proliferative diabetic retinopathy QL1205 versus lucentis in subjects with Neovascular ARMD - A phase 3, comparative, double-blind, randomised, multicentre - INSIGHT Extn Study: A multicentre, extension study to evaluate study to compare the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of Sun’s the safety and efficacy of MYL-1701P in subjects with diabetic Ranibizumab with reference biologic in patients with neovascular macular edema completed MYL-1701P-3001 study age-related macular degeneration Neuro-ophthalmology clinic - A phase 3, randomised, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre study to compare efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, and - A pharmacogenomics study to identify genetic risk factors for immunogenicity of BP05 versus EU-Approved Lucentis® in development of ethambutol optic neuropathy patients with wet (neovascular) age-related macular degeneration - Evaluation of Ethambutol induced optic neuropathy in adults - Subjective high-risk patient counselling randomisation project with tuberculosis - A study on the differential expression of Piwi-interacting RNAs Cataract and IOL clinic (piRNA) and altered Piwi-like protein interactions in diabetic retinopathy - Natural history of IOL in eyes with exfoliation syndrome - Comparison of staging of diabetic retinopathy by an offline - Visual performance comparison between phacoemulsification artificial intelligence with onsite doctor examination and fundus and manual small incision cataract surgery in eyes with senile grading by retina specialist cataract: a prospective randomized clinical trial - Improving retinopathy of prematurity telemedicine systems in - Comparative analysis of single dose perioperative sub- south India conjunctival depotsteroid to routine topical steroids in uncomplicated phacoemulsification - Genetic characterization of macular telangiectasia in the Indian Population - A comparative analysis of simulator based training and traditional wetlab training on the cataract surgical outcome in - A double masked, parallel group, randomized, multicentre, manual small incision cataract surgery: A prospective study clinical study to compare efficacy and safety of Intas 52

- Validation of cataract detection tool: an artificial intelligence Uvea based App on android mobile - A phase III, multicentre, sham-controlled, randomised, double- - Effect of Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy on higher order masked study assessing the efficacy and safety of intravitreal aberrations injections of 440 μg DE-109 for the treatment of active, non- infectious uveitis of the posterior segment of the eye - Characterization of adult human lens epithelial stem cells in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis throughout life and their Health Systems Research functional status in cataractous lens - Volunteer-driven App-based screening of anterior segment - To study the safety and performance of high refractive index cast pathologies in remote areas of south India molded hydrophobic IOLs with age-related cataract patients - Smartphone applications in ophthalmology: A quantitative - Effect of preloaded capsular tension ring (CTR) on clinical analysis outcomes during and after phacoemulsification cataract surgery - Expanding scope of teleophthalmology from Vision Centre - A prospective, randomized, double blind, comparative study to - Impact of electronic medical record implementation on provider evaluate the surgical performance of Nanocut and Aurolab’s round stock surgical blades for making corneal incisions during and patient satisfaction cataract surgery - Pattern of uptake of training programmes over two decades at an - ES 900 penetration in dense cataract international ophthalmic training institute in India - Estimation of global cataract surgical rate - Evaluation of cataract refractive outcomes in eyes with a history - Comprehensive eye care work assessment study in Theni district of laser vision correction using Zeiss IOLmaster 700 with total keratometry of Tamil Nadu - Investigating the accuracy of a simple, portable refractive error - Complaints and ocular manifestation in post Covid patients (second wave) presenting at tertiary eye hospitals estimation device compared with standard subjective refraction-a diagnostic accuracy study - Reasons for delay in patients with advanced cataracts during the - Impact of a structured mentoring model in enhancing eye care COVID-19 pandemic services in the Indian Sub-continent - Compliance on the usage of low vision aids and spectacles and - Comparative analysis of single dose intraoperative sub- assessment of visual function and quality of life in a southern conjunctival depot steroid to routine topical steroids and Indian population. NSAIDs in phacoemulsification - The diagnostic and economic yield of neuroimaging in Neuro- Ophthalmology - Evaluation of the Nallasamy formula: A machine learning - Evidence-based management of out-patient cycle time in a setting method for refraction prediction in cataract surgery in Indian with fluctuating demand. eyes 53

Ophthalmic Supplies and Equipment 2021 turned out to be a resurgence period for Aurolab from the previous year. Aurolab took great initiatives in implementing the Aurolab 2.0 strategy with customer centricity, reinforcement of centralised Research and Development, strengthening global market presence and employee engagement as the main areas to focus. Product enhancement products and services are offered as a package that will provide the hospitals an enabling environment to start Aurolab recently launched the Aurovue EV Toric with a and run the vision centres successfully. The initiative new dual haptic design manufactured from highly bio- started in June 2019 has received overwhelming compatible hydrophobic material. This is different from response. Over 100 vision centre packages were supplied other lens materials, because of its optimum tackiness just during the last year. that helps bind the IOL to the capsule for better rotational stability. Marketing Aurovue EV Toric lens with Aurolab sponsored cataract counselling cubicles dual haptic design for Aravind-Coimbatore to create awareness among patients on the benefits of its premium intraocular New milestone lenses. Aurolab, in collaboration with LAICO offers a one- Two round table meets were organised to introduce stop solution to eye hospitals interested in establishing Aurolab’s Vivid Continuous Focus Vision IOL (CFV vision centres or improving the already existing ones. Its IOL); first one was in Bengaluru on March 6 and the second one in New Delhi on March 13. Eminent surgeons shared their experiences of using the Vivid CFV IOL at these meets. Aurolab participated in the Annual Conference of Ophthalmic Society of West Bengal at Kolkata on November 27-28; Annual Conference of Vitreo Retinal Society of India (Virtual) on December 17-19 and Bihar Ophthalmological Society at Muzaffarpur, Bihar on December 18-19. Inauguration of Aurolab-sponsored cataract counselling Round table meet at Bengaluru cubicles at Aravind-Coimbatore 54

Aurolab stall at the Bihar Ophthalmological Society Conference, Antigen test for staff at Aurolab Muzaffarpur Aurolab participated in 12th Annual conference of Aurolab team and share their feedback on the product. Association of Community Ophthalmologists of A total of 718 doctors thus registered and 18,753 units of India held in Kolkata on August 21 and introduced its Aurovue were booked after the campaign. products to the delegates. Human resources development International marketing Employee welfare activities Aurolab’s International Marketing division expanded its distribution network by appointing dealers in new COVID -19 safety initiatives countries and engaged with three more NGOs. For the safety and well-being of employees, Aurolab Aurolab has entered new markets in various countries regularly conducted Antigen test to identify COVID across Australia, South Asia, Central Asia and Western positive cases. Vaccination camps for employees were Asia and also registered 40 products in different conducted in batches. Antibody tests were done for all countries. day scholar staff with support from the Microbiology team of Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. A campaign to commemorate Aurovue IOLs crossing one million implants worldwide was conducted Launch of AuroOli successfully. Until last year, Aurolab was selling this product through distributors and it did not have any Aurolab launched a quarterly, bilingual newsletter direct connection with ophthalmologists who actually named “AuroOli”. The newsletter brought out in digital use the product. Hence as part of the campaign, a and print versions, intends to showcase the significant website, was developed to offer happenings at Aurolab, Aurofarm and Nithyatha, such a platform for doctors to interact directly with the as staff achievements, new initiatives, staff creativity and so on. Launch of AuroOli and the team behind it 55

Garden competition and exhibition Aurolab conducted garden competition and exhibition on January 8, 2022 and prizes were distributed for the winners. Celebrations Aurolab celebrated its 30th anniversary in a simple yet elegant manner. Staff members who completed five, ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty five years of service were honoured with service awards. As always, Pongal was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Staff put up an interesting performance of various traditional dance forms. Various traditional competitions too were conducted. e-see: Spot solution to reaching the unreached Aurolab is proud to share that a study on the accuracy of its low-cost, portable, auto refractor, e-see to provide well-tolerated eyeglass prescriptions got published in the Ophthalmology journal. The study was conducted by LAICO and the result proves that there is a strong agreement between subjective refraction and e-see refraction. The prevalence of uncorrected refractive errors coupled with unavailability of eye care professionals is a major challenge in many countries. e-see offers spot solution for reaching the unreached in many parts of SAARC countries. 56

Recognitions and Achievements RECOGNITIONS Dr. Noel Moniz Memorial Oration Award Cochin, January 23 Alumni Oration Award 2021 August 21 Cochin Ophthalmic Club presented the award to Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, Chairman Emeritus, Aravind Dr. R. Venkatesh, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind- Eye Care System (AECS) was conferred with the Pondicherry in recognition of his outstanding Alumni Oration Award 2021 by Sankara Nethralaya contributions in the field of glaucoma education Alumni Association. and innovations. Dr. Venkatesh titled his oration, Strengthening opportunistic screening for glaucoma: My Daljith Singh Oration Award experiments at Aravind. July 24 Dr. G. Natchiar, Director Emeritus, AECS was conferred TNOA Recognition for Peer-reviewed Scientific with the Daljith Singh Oration Award at the Annual Publication Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. The following doctors received the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association’s (TNOA) award recognising R.P. Dhanda Award their scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals: July 24 Aravind - Madurai Dr. M. Srinivasan Director Emeritus, AECS was - Dr. Naresh Babu, Chief, Retina Vitreous Services conferred with the R.P. Dhanda Award at the Annual - Dr.Madhu Shekhar, Chief, Cataract and IOL Services Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society. - Dr. R. Sharmila, Consultant, Glaucoma Services - Dr. Karthik Kumar, Consultant, Retina Services Daljit Singh Gold Medal - Dr.Vignesh T.P, Consultant, Retina Vitreous Services December 5 - Dr. Renu P Rajan, Consultant, Retina Vitreous Dr. Aravind Srinivasan, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind- Chennai was honoured with Daljit Singh Gold Medal Services by the Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery, India - Dr. Chitaranjan Mishra, Consultant, Retina Vitreous (IIRSI) at Chennai. Services Distinguished Contributor Award - Journal of Aravind - Tirunelveli Vitreo Retinal Diseases - Dr. Devendra Maheswari, Consultant, Glaucoma August 23 Dr. R. Kim, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. K. Naresh Babu, Services Chief, Retina-Vitreous Services and Dr. Sagnik Sen, - Dr. Neelam Pawar, Consultant, Paediatric Retina Fellow were recognised for their outstanding contributions to the Journal of Vitreo Retinal Diseases Ophthalmology Services by the American Society of Retina Specialists. International Agency for the Prevention of Dr. R.H.P. Sinha Oration Award Blindness Eye Health Heroes 2021 July 25 - Mr. B. Udayakumar, Faculty, LAICO - Category: Dr. Usha Kim, Chief, Orbit and Oculoplasty Services, Aravind-Madurai delivered the Dr. R.H.P. Sinha Oration Changemakers; on the topic, Journey of Hope at the 14th Midterm - Ms. N. Kasthuri, Biomedical Engineer, Aravind- Conference (virtual) of Bihar Ophthalmological Society. Madurai - Category: Innovators - Mr. S. Rajesh, Manager-Outreach, Aravind-Chennai - Category: Future leaders Silver Jubilee Endowment lecture Chennai, March 11 Dr.P. Sundaresan, Senior Scientist, Aravind Medical Research Foundation delivered the Silver Jubilee Endowment Lecture of the Department of Genetics, University of Madras. Dr. Sundaresan titled his talk, Discovery of genes causing blindness and Gene therapy. 57

Dr. P. Namperumalsamy honoured with the SN Alumni Dr. R. Meenakshi receiving the certificate of appreciation for Oration Award Aravind - Tirunelveli Aravind team with the ASCRS Film Festival Awards Dr. R.H.P. Sinha Oration Award for Dr. Usha Kim IIRSI Daljit Singh Gold Medal for Dr. Aravind Srinivasan 58

Certificate of Appreciation for Aravind-Tirunelveli - Dr. M.G. Pavan Kumar, Glaucoma Consultant, Aravind-Tirunelveli received a Certificate of Aravind-Pondicherry Appreciation for its adherence to the quality International Hero Award: ASCRS Film Festival certification standards of Chief Minister’s Video: Mission impossible – MIGS for the developing world Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (CMCHIS) – Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - Dr. Manas Nath, IOL Consultant, Aravind- (AB-PMJAY). Dr. R. Meenakshi, Chief Medical Officer Pondicherry, IJO Best Paper Certificate Intraocular received the certificate from the District Collector, lens-sling technique Thiru. V. Vishnu, IAS on August 15. - Dr. Kulharsh Jaisal, Cornea Consultant, Aravind- It also received another Certificate of Appreciation Pondicherry. First prize – Think under the apple tree for exemplary performance under Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme on - Dr. Devendra Maheshwari, Consultant, Glaucoma January 26. Services, Aravind-Tirunelveli, Best Paper Award - A novel ab interno technique of AADI tube Esteemed positions held in ophthalmology societies and journals - Dr. Prithvi Chandrakanth, Retina Fellow, Aravind- August 27 Coimbatore, Third Prize, ARC - Think under the Apple Dr. R. Kim was elected as one among the new council Tree. He also won the AIOS Innovators Forum held on of members and the Vice-President of the Asia Pacific November 7. Teleophthalmology Society at the 5th Annual General Meeting. - Dr. Prabhu Baskaran, Retina Consultant, Aravind- Chennai. IJO Honour for Peer-reviewed Publications Dr. K. Naresh Babu was qualified to receive the new Fellow of the American Society of Retina Specialists American Society of Cataract and Refractive (FASRS) designation. Surgery Film Festival Awards -2021 Dr.R.Kim and Dr.K.Naresh Babu were elected as Las Vegas, USA, July 23 - 27 Vice-president and Executive Member respectively of Vitreo Retinal Society of India. - Dr. K. Veena, Paediatric Opthalmology Services, Aravind-Pondicherry. ACHIEVEMENTS Winner: New Producer category. Video: Incremental innovations in wet-lab and surgical Awards at the Annual Conference of All India training during COVID-19 Pandemic. Ophthalmological Society (Virtual) June 24-27 - Dr. S. Ashok Vardhan, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind- Tirupati. - Dr. Bharat Gurnani, Cornea Consultant, Aravind- Winner: In-house production category Pondicherry Video: Conquering the sink hole Best Free Paper Award, Insights into paediatric pythium keratitis – Clinical case series from a tertiary eye care centre. - Dr. R. Venkatesh. Runner-up: Special Interest. Video: Lessons Learnt during the pandemic – Can we uberise Best Physical Poster Award, Innovative use of leap motion eye care? technology for cataract surgery simulation – A wetlab training model. - Dr. V. R. Vivekanandan, Cataract Services, Aravind- Pondicherry. IJO Best Paper Certificate-A simple solution to prevent Runner-Up: New Techniques. microscope eyepiece fogging and spectacle fogging in COVID-19 Video: MI way for managing hypermature, morgagian era cataracts and phacolytic glaucomas - Dr. Bidisha Mahapatra, Cornea Fellow, Aravind Winners - Hospital Innovations Showcase -Pondicherry Best Free Paper Award, Infectious scleritis : Changing August 14 profile in a tertiary eye care centre Dr. Prithvi Chandrakanth and Dr. Hirika Vipul - Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Paediatric Consultant, Aravind- Pondicherry, Best Physical Poster Award in Paediatric Gosalia, DNB Resident, Aravind-Coimbatore, won the Ophthalmology. Spectrum of pediatric fire cracker injury at a tertiary eye care hospital: A retrospective analysis competition organised by Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations. Award winning innovations: - Iolscope: smartphone based intraocular lens microscope. - Magnifix 59

Winners – Asia Pacific Academy of response of corneal epithelial and stromal cells to the novel Ophthalmology (APAO) Quiz Competition chemical cross linker treatment September 7 - Ms. Waseema Arif, Senior Research Fellow, AMRF Dr. Basitali Lakhani, DNB Resident, Aravind – Best Poster Award. Adult stem cells for human retinal Pondicherry became the First Runner-up in the quiz pigment epithelium are present in its peripheral region competition. Awards at the Annual Conference of Intraocular Awards at Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Conference Implant and Refractive Surgery, India (IIRSI) - Ophthalmic photography competition Chennai, December 4-5 Dr. Ram Sudarshan and Dr. Bhavani, Retina Vitreous - Dr. Jebinth Brayan, Consultant, Cataract and IOL Department, Aravind-Madurai won the first and Services, Aravind-Coimbatore second place respectively Film Festival Grand Prize Winner – Best in all - Captain Subramaniam Best Video Award categories for the video titled, Phaco-sit Dr. M.G. Pavan Kumar, Video: 2D animations to teach cataract surgery - Dr. M.G. Pavan Kumar - Coimbatore Ophthalmic Association Best Poster Winner – Video Competition, Video title: 3D click art Award exhibition Dr. Swati Upadhyaya, Glaucoma Clinic, Aravind- Pondicherry. Poster: Suture GATT with IOL implantation: - Dr. S. Vinitha John and Dr. Apurva Nagtode became A cost-effective procedure Runner-up in the category, Best teaching video. - Best Paper Award – Retina Video title: Dye another day, dyes in ophthalmology Dr. Siddharth Narendran, Aravind-Coimbatore Paper: Geographical disparity in the prevalence of diabetic - Slit lamp Photography retinopathy: Role of dietary fatty acids Winner: Dr. Vinitha Rashme, Cataract and IOL - Dr. K. Selvakumari Awards in Neuro-ophthalmology Dr. S. Priya, Aravind-Pondicherry, Best Paper Award Services, Aravind-Madurai Paper: Postpartum optic neuropathies: Pitfalls, red flags and Kamatachi Kannan, Supervisor, Clinical Research differential diagnosis Dr. Rakshita Deepak and Dr. M. Sharmila, Aravind- bagged the first and second runner up awards. Coimbatore – First and second runner-up - Smartphone Photography: Delhi Ophthalmological Society International First Runner Up: Dr. Hirika Gosalia Conference - External Photography: New Delhi, September 26 - October 3 Dr. Basitali Lakhani won the mega quiz. Dr. Snigdha Second Runner Up: Mr. Rajkumar, Photographer, Mishra, DNB Resident, Aravind-Pondicherry won the Aravind-Madurai second prize in Ophthalmic Oscar. Best Video Award - 14th Congress of the Asia Best Paper Award – Annual Conference of Pacific Vitreo Retina Society (virtual) Oculoplastic Association of India (virtual) December 11-12, 2021 Chandigarh, October 10 -11 Dr. R. Jayagayathri, Orbit and Oculoplasty Department, Dr. K. Naresh Babu won the award for the video titled, Aravind-Pondicherry won the award for the paper, Two staged surgery with short term PFCL tamponade for Knowledge, attitude and practice towards mucormycosis among management of retinal detachment secondary to retinal pigment out-patients presenting to tertiary eye care hospitals. epithelium tear. Awards at the Annual Conference of the Indian Best Poster Award at Glaucoma Society of India Eye Research Group (Virtual) Conference Hyderabad, October 7-10 Guwahati, December 17-19 - Ms. Sumaiya Sirajudeen, Junior Research Fellow, - Dr. Swati Upadhyaya won Best Poster Award for her AMRF. Best Oral Presentation Award, Differential poster titled, Comparison of diurnal intraocular pressure measurement by iCare home tonometer with Goldmann applanation tonometer in a tertiary eye hospital in South India. Award at Keracon – Annual Conference of Cornea Society of India (Virtual) December 10-12 Dr. Kulharsh B Jaiswal, Cornea Consultant, Aravind- Pondicherry won first prize for his innovation, iOpener 60

– A novel device for ocular examination in the Corneal innovations session. Ph.D Awarded Mr.J.Venkateswaran, Assistant Division Manager – Pharmaceutical Division, Aurolab was awarded doctoral degree by the Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University for his research on Design fabrication and validation of fixed combination for anti-glaucoma ophthalmic drugs. Awards at EyeTRAIN Conference Mr. J. Venkateswaran receiving the doctoral degree from LAICO, December 6-10 Thiru.R.N. Ravi, Governor, Tamil Nadu in the presence of Mr. M.K. Stalin, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Best Paper Awards Winners - Pan India Intercollegiate PG Quiz - Dr. Aswin P.R, Medical Officer, Aravind-Kovilpatti Post-graduates of Aravind-Coimbatore, Dr. Jeslin Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) – a novel Johnson and Dr. Sreelakshmi. R won the quiz conducted assessment tool for vision centre AOPs by Bombay Ophthalmic Association. - Ms. Renuka, Aravind-Coimbatore International Society of Stem Cell Research Flipped classroom model – An effective way to teach allied Zhongmei Chen Yong Travel Award and Merit ophthalmic personnel Abstract Award Ms. Iswarya, Junior Research Fellow, Department of - Ms. Muthulakshmi R, Aravind-Madurai Stem Cell Biology, AMRF received the award for her Orthoptic training program at Aravind Eye Hospital research titled Integration of cultured human trabecular meshwork stem cells to TM in a cell loss human anterior segment Best Video Awards organ culture model. - Sangeetha V, Aravind-Chennai. An account of AOP’s role in assisting in cataract phacoemulsification surgery - Sudha P M & Ramapriya A, Aravind-Madurai Auto-edging progressive lenses Winners - International Blog Competition Optometry Fellows of Aravind-Chennai – Abisha.S; Anusiya.D; Sruthi. G and Dillibai. J won first, second, fourth and sixth prizes respectively at the International Blog Competition conducted by Vision Science Academy, United Kingdom. Ophthalmology Research: Lifetime and 2020 Ranking Dr. M. Srinivasan, Director Emeritus, Aravind Eye Care System found mention in the list of lifetime ranking in ophthalmology research, according to a study conducted by Stanford University. Dr. S.R. Rathinam, Chief, Uveitis Services, Aravind-Madurai and Dr. Lalitha Prajna, Chief Microbiologist, Aravind-Madurai were listed in the 2020 ranking. Dr. M. Srinivasan Dr. S.R. Rathinam Dr. Lalitha Prajna Director Emeritus, AECS Chief, Uveitis Service Chief, Microbiologist 61

Aravind Eye Foundation Aravind Eye Foundation continues to support for patients and their families. This past year, the Dr. G. Venkataswamy’s vision to eliminate needless foundation supported testing for 63 patients free of cost. blindness by initiating programs in patient care, community outreach, clinical research and capacity One of those patients was Dasarath. Dasarath and building. Foundation board members have backgrounds his family are from Trichy, about two hours’ drive in clinical care, research, digital accessibility and from Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. His father inclusion, higher education, venture capital, and brought Dasarath to Aravind for surgery but couldn’t management consulting and actively engage in helping stay because his wife was giving birth. Dasarth’s Aravind meet its objectives. grandmother took over the responsibility of bringing him for follow-up visits at Aravind. Dasarath now has Ring of Hope a two-month-old sister - both children had genetic testing for eye cancer and the results are normal. The Ring of Hope program was started nearly 20 years Dasarath’s treatment and the genetic screening for both ago to provide free care to patients with retinoblastoma, children were provided free of cost through the Ring of an eye cancer which predominantly affects children Hope. under the age of five years. Pediatric cancer care still makes up most of our patients, but in recent years Ring In addition, Aravind has introduced a new cancer of Hope has expanded to cover eye cancers for adults, treatment that has been available in western countries who are often the main wage earners for their families for the last 10-15 years and is most effective with and whose illness affects the well-being of the entire early diagnoses. Intra-arterial chemotherapy delivers family. medicine directly into the tumor and can shrink the tumor faster with fewer side effects. Aravind Eye Treatment for eye cancer requires multiple visits Foundation is grateful to the Madison Community and includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and Foundation’s Jaya G. Iyer Endowment for funding this sometimes prostheses. Follow-up care can take several critical program. months and place an extraordinary financial and emotional burden on families. Despite the challenges of Rural Vision Centers the pandemic, this year Aravind treated 40 new patients and provided 1,291 follow-up visits at no cost. More than 90% of basic eye care can be provided locally at a rural vision center, saving patients time Certain eye cancers have a hereditary element, and and money and improving access to follow-up care, genetic testing supports early diagnosis and especially for chronic conditions, such as glaucoma and dramatically improves the odds of a positive outcome diabetic retinopathy. To help meet the demand for local Dasarath, one of the Ring of Hope survivors and his grandmother care, especially during the pandemic, Aravind opened nine new rural vision centers, two supported by the foundation in the villages of Senthamangalam, and Viralimalai. Since 2011, AEF has funded 20 rural vision centers, serving 811,579 patients, recommending 46,968 patients for cataract surgery and prescribing 113,975 pairs of eyeglasses. Covid-related Programs One of the unexpected consequences of the second wave of Covid-19 in India was the related rise of Mucormycosis (also called black fungus) among recovered Covid patients. Mucormycosis is an aggressive fungal disease which spreads to the eyes and has a 50% 62

fatality rate. The treatment is expensive (up to $5,000 MLOP well-being programme at Aravind - Tirunelveli per patient) and lengthy. Aravind noticed the increase in cases early on and took steps not only to help its challenges and stress both at work and at home. In patients but also to educate other health organizations response, Aravind has created the MLOP Wellness in India through webinars and social media campaigns. program, to support the personal and professional To date, Aravind has treated more than 300 cases , with development of our most valued employees. no enucleation (surgical removal of the eye) necessary. Thank you to the Sohum Foundation for their timely Aravind Eye Foundation is grateful to the many and critical support. supporters and friends who share the joyful vision of a world without needless blindness. Corneal Ulcers Corneal ulcers generally affect India’s working poor-fisherman, farmers, day laborers, who have a small injury that left untreated can cause blindness. Aravind has always provided the initial treatment for free, but medications and travel for follow-up visits are expensive. Without assistance, patients cannot complete their treatment. This year, 634 patients benefited from a generous grant from the Gowri Family. MLOP Well-being More than 80% of Aravind’s workforce are young women from surrounding villages - they deal with Mrs. Ajitha Begam, housewife and mother, after recovering from Covid-19, was diagnosed in May 2021 with Mucromycosis. Mrs. Begam has diabetes, which is poorly controlled. Aravind was able to treat her without surgery, and today she is healthy and able to do her cooking and stitchery. “Intelligence and capability are not enough. There must be the joy of doing something beautiful.” - Dr. G. Venkataswamy 63

Partners in Service Aravind Eye Care System is ever grateful to all its partner organisations, collaborating centres and well-wishers for their whole-hearted support in its mission of providing the gift of sight. Their commitment has helped the organisation positively impact the lives of many visually challenged individuals. For service delivery, training and For research - Sun Pharma, Mumbai, India more - University College, London, UK - Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK - Alcon Laboratories Inc, USA - Aravind Eye Foundation, USA - University of Ulster, Northern Island, UK - Aravind Eye Foundation, USA - Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health & - University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, - Bosch India Foundation, Bengaluru - Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany Science University, Portland, USA USA - CBM International, Germany - Cognizant Foundation, Chennai, India - University of Edinburgh, UK - Combat Blindness Foundation, USA - Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, - Velux Stiftung, Switzerland - Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, USA - Vision Research Foundation, Sankara - Dr. Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi New Delhi, India - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce - Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, Nethralaya, Chennai, India - Wellcome Trust, UK & Industry India - Wilmer Eye institute, Baltimore, Maryland, - Fred Hollows Foundation, Australia - Department of Health Research, New Delhi, - Indian Overseas Bank, India U.S.A - Institute for Health care Improvement, USA India - World Health Organization, Switzerland - International Agency for Prevention of - Department of Science and Technology, New Blindness, UK Delhi, India - Kaushal Devendra Gupta, Pune, India - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, - Lavelle Fund for the Blind, USA - Lions Clubs International Foundation, USA Dartmouth - Manohar Devadoss, Chennai, India - India Alliance, Hyderabad, India - Mehra Eyetech Private Limited, Puducherry - Indian Council of Medical Research, New - Novartis, Switzerland - ORBIS International, USA Delhi, India - Rotary International, USA - John Hopkins University, USA - Schwab Foundation and Social - Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, Entrepreneurship, Switzerland USA - Seva Canada - Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, - Seva Foundation, USA - SHG Technologies, Bengaluru UK - Shyam Prakash Gupta, Madurai, India - L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad - SightLife, USA - L V Prasad Eye Institute, Bhubaneswar, - SightSavers, UK - State Bank of India, India Odisha - Standard Chartered Bank & Scope Intl., UK - Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, - So-Hum Foundation, USA - Subroto Bagchi, Odisha, India India - TATA Lockheed Martin Aero Structures Ltd - Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and - The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical Research, Pondicherry, India University - Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, - Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, India - TOMS, USA Harvard Medical School, Boston MA - Topcon, Japan - Maastricht University, Netherlands - Tulsi Chanrai Foundation, Nigeria - MedGenome Labs, Bangalore, India - University of Michigan, USA - Michigan State University, USA - USAID, USA - Micro Labs Limited, Bangalore, India - VISION 2020 - The Right to Sight, India - MIND TREE, Bangalore, India - Vision Aid, Boston - Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK - World Diabetes Foundation, Denmark - Novartis Healthcare Private Limited, - World Health Organization, Switzerland - XOVA: Excellence in Ophthalmology Vision Mumbai, India - Proctor Foundation, University of Award, USA California, San Francisco, USA - PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India - Remidio Innovative Solutions, Bengaluru, India - Sastra University, Thanjavur, India - Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi, India - Seva Foundation, USA 64

ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Chairman & CENTRAL FUNCTIONS Director-Quality Dr. R.D. Ravindran, ms, do FINANCE PROJECTS Director Chairman Emeritus & Director Dr. S. Aravind, ms, mba Director-Research Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, ms, fams Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, do, dnb, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Director Directors Emeritus frco Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. G. Natchiar, ms, do Chief Information Officer (CIO) Dr. M. Srinivasan, ms, do, fams Development & Operations Saravanan Sankaran,, m.s - sb it Chitra Prasad,, mba Chief Technology Officer Srinivasulu Thayam, (IT), mba OPERATIONS Business Analyst Selvaganesh Krishnan, mca Director IT Infrastructure Thulasiraj Ravilla, mba S.J. Rajan, mca IT Service Management Senior Manager Santha Subbulakshmi, mca, mba, B.S. Ganesh Babu,, ms QUALITY ARAVIND COMMUNICATIONS Director Chitra Thulasiraj, Dr. R.D. Ravindran, ms, do Manager Anuja Sanil, ma Manager R. Ushalini, mba PURCHASE & MAINTENANCE S. Jayachandran, mhm HUMAN RESOURCES BIOSTATISTICS Director M. Iswarya, Dr. S.R. Krishnadas, do, dnb LIBRARY & INFORMATION CENTRE Manager Chief Librarian R. Deepa, mhm Dr. R. Kumaragurupari,, ph.d ACADEMICS Director-Residency Training Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, do, dnb, frco Director-Mid Level Ophthalmic Personnel Dr. Usha Kim, do, dnb Academic Consultant Prof. J. Danrita 65

GOVERNING BODIES Aravind Eye Hospitals & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology and Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology GOVERNED BY GOVEL Trust BOARD OF TRUSTEES Trust President Dr. G. Venkataswamy Eye Research Institute Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, ms, fams GOVERNED BY Trust Secretary Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna do, dnb, Aravind Medical Research Foundation frco BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Aurolab Members Mrs. Lalitha Srinivasan Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, ms, fams GOVERNED BY Dr. G. Natchiar, ms, do Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. G. Natchiar, ms, do Aurolab Trust Dr. S. Aravind, ms, mba Thulasiraj Ravilla, mba BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Kalpana Narendran, do, dnb Dr. S.R. Krishnadas, do, dnb Dr. Usha Kim, do, dnb Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. Gutha Haripriya, ms Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, do, dnb, frco Dr. S. Aravind, ms, mba Trust President Thulasiraj Ravilla, mba Trust Secretary Dr. S. Aravind, ms, mba Members Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, ms, fams Dr. G. Natchiar, ms, do Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, do, dnb, frco 66

Aravind Eye Hospitals & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology ARAVIND-MADURAI Dr. Vishnu Teja, ms Medical Consultants Dr. Prabhleen Kochar, ms Dr. A. Kowsalya, do, dnb Chief Medical Officer Dr. K.N. Jayasri, do Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES Chief SERVICES Dr. Shashikant Shetty, ms Chief Chief Senior Medical Consultant Dr. Pamona Samson, do Dr. K. Naresh Babu, ms Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, ms, do Medical Consultants Medical Consultants Dr. C. Abinaya, ms Senior Medical Consultant Dr. A. Rupa, do Dr. Vinitha L Rashme, ms Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. B. Sahithya, ms Dr. Nithya Sridharan, do Dr. R. Janani, ms Dr. Leenu Jeris, do Medical Consultants Dr. K. Shalini, do, dnb GLAUCOMA SERVICES Dr. Tejaswi Prasad P.V., do, dnb Dr. T.P. Vignesh, ms Chief Dr. Jeethu V Nair, ms Dr. Renu P Rajan, md Dr. George Varghese Puthuran, ms Medical Officers Dr. Haemoglobin, ms Senior Medical Consultant Dr. M. Elackiya, ms Dr. Girish V Baliga, ms Dr. S.R. Krishnadas, do, dnb Dr. P. Praveen Kumar, ms Dr. K.Karthikeyan, ms Medical Consultants Dr. R. Atchaya, ms Dr. R. Ram Sudarshan, ms Dr. Manju R Pillai, do, dnb Dr. S. Preethi, ms Dr. Anirban Chakrabarti, ms Dr. R. Sharmila, dnb Dr. Lakshmi Malar, ms Dr. Sourav Damodaran, md Dr. S. Vidya, do Dr. A. Jaisripriya, ms Dr. M.D. Sabareesh, ms Dr. H. Kasthuri Bai, do, dnb Dr. P. Sreeramyaa, ms Dr. Meri Debarma, ms Dr. Indira Durai, dnb Dr. Durga Naga Sushmitha Jasti, ms Dr. S. Bhavani, ms Dr. Deeba Ishrath, do Dr. V. Keerthi Swathika, do Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi, ms INTRAOCULAR LENS & CATARACT Dr. Raji Koshy Daniel, do VISION REHABILITATION CENTRE SERVICES Senior Medical Consultant UVEA SERVICES Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, ms, do Chief Chief / Principal Dr. Madhu Shekhar, ms Dr. R. Rathinam, dnb, ph.d, fams MICROBIOLOGIST Medical Consultants Chief Medical Consultants Dr. T. Radhika, dnb Dr. S. Lalitha Prajna, md, dnb Dr. Aruna Pai, ms Dr. R. Vedhanayaki, do Dr. R. Sankarananthan, ms Dr. S. Anjana, do, dnb ANAESTHETISTS Dr. H.S. Bhanumathi, do, dnb Dr. A. Ravichandar, md, da Dr. R.Senthil Prasad, ms ORBIT, OCULOPLASTY, Dr. Pathakamuri Brahmani, dnb OCULAR ONCOLOGY AND PHYSICIANS Dr. Avitesh Kumar, ms OCULAR PROSTHETIC SERVICES Dr. R. Banushree, md Chief Dr. Naveen Meera, ms CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY Dr. Usha Kim, do, dnb Dr. Tharun Shiva P, md Medical Consultant SERVICES Dr. Meghana Tanwar, do, dnb FREE HOSPITAL Dr. Ashwini S Patil, ms Chief Chief Dr. V.P. Ravichandran, do NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, do, dnb, SERVICES NURSING Chief Nursing Superintendents frco Dr. S. Mahesh Kumar, do, dnb B. Dhagirnisa Begum R. Jeeva Senior Medical Consultant Dr. M. Srinivasan, ms, do, fams 67 Medical Consultants Dr. Manoranjan Das, dnb Dr. Ashwin B, do Dr. R. Naveen, ms Dr. Preethika Gandhi, ms Dr. S. Suvitha, ms Dr. Sankalp Singh Sharma, do, dnb

MLOP Manpower Co-ordinator Medical Consultants Dr. Aditi Ghosh, ms - Central HR Dr. D. Hema, ms Dr. Hanumanthu Sameera, ms S. Krishnaveni Dr.V. Balaji, ms, dnb Dr. Bharadwaja, do, ms Dr. K. Dhanya, do, dnb ADMINISTRATION Dr. Mourya Devila Palli, ms CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY Dr. P.S. Premkumar, dnb SERVICES Senior Manager-Clinical Services Dr. Pradeepa Balakrishnan, do Chief R. Meenakshi Sundaram, mhm Dr. T. Karthika, do Dr. V. Anitha, dnb, faico Transport & Public Relations Officer Dr. Sujatha T.S., do, ms Medical Consultants S.G. Ramanathan, m.a Dr. Arvin Kurian, ms Dr. Aditya Sanjeev Ghorpade, dnb Dr. Veena Patwardhan, ms Manager-Outreach NURSING P. Jeyaram, PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & Nursing Superintendents ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES Manager-Insurance Services & R. Seeniammal Chief NABH Accreditation Co-ordinator R. Gowri Dr. R. Meenakshi, do, dnb R. Sunytha, ma, mba, dll Medical Consultants ADMINISTRATION Dr. A. Fathima, ms Manager-Instructional Design Dr. Neelam Pawar, ms Hepsiba Jawahar, ma Manager-Vision Centre R. Balasiva, ba, msw GLAUCOMA SERVICES Manager-Office K. Kalidass,, msw Chief K.S. Kandasamy, ba Dr. Mohideen Abdul Kader, dnb Manager-Camp Senior Medical Consultant Accounts Officer V. Jeyaraj, ba Dr. R. Ramakrishnan, ms, do R. Rethinasabapathy, ba Dr. Devendra Maheswari, ms IT & Systems Medical Consultants Manager-Accounts K. Saravanan, Dr. R. Aarthy, ms R. Velumani,, (aca) Dr. Madhavi R, dnb ARAVIND-TIRUNELVELI Dr. Lopamudra Biswal, ms Manager-Free Hospital Dr. Techi Dodum Tara, ms R. Ramesh Babu, ba, ma Advisor Dr. R. Ramakrishnan, ms, do ORBIT, OCULOPLASTY AND Electrical Engineer OCULAR ONCOLOGY SERVICES N. Balakrishnan, me Chief Medical Officer Chief Dr. R. Meenakshi, do, dnb Dr. V. Maneksha, ms Manager-Electrical R.V. Vishnu Kumar, dece RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY SERVICES Manager - IT & Systems Chief Chief S. Rajkumar, Dr. Syed Mohideen Abdul Khadar, Dr. S. Padmavathy, ms Manager-Vision Centre ms CONSULTANT ANAESTHETIST G. Jhansi Sunitha, ma Dr. Arun Muthukumar, mbbs, dnb Medical Consultants Manager-Stores Dr. Aditya Barigali, do, dnb GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY PR. Sigappi, msw Dr. Sayli Gavaskar, ms SERVICES Dr. Akruti Gunderia, dnb Senior Medical Consultant Manager-Quality & Patient Care Dr. P.R. Aswin, ms Dr. R. Ramakrishnan, ms, do H. Chandravadhanaa, mba Asst. Manager - Patient care P. Santhosha Ganesh, msw Librarian Dr. R. Govidarajan,, ph.d INTRAOCULAR LENS & CATARACT ARAVIND-THENI SERVICES Chief Medical Officer Chief Dr. Dipankar Datta, do, dnb, mnams, Dr. Shivkumar Chandrashekharan, ms (oph) Medical Consultants Dr. M. Sherin Haroon, ms 68

Medical Consultants Senior Medical Consultant Dr. Jogitha, ms, dnb Dr. S. Padmavathy, ms Dr. V. Narendran, do, dnb Dr. Vanathi N, dnb Dr. V. Maneksha, ms Dr. Muralikrishnan, ms Dr. Kavya, do, dnb Medical Consultants Dr. R. Arun, dnb Dr. Rodney John Morris, ms GLAUCOMA SERVICES Dr. S. Rekha, ms Dr. George Manayath, ms, frcs Chief Dr. Palmeera D Souza, do, dnb Dr. Ganesh V Raman, ms VISION REHABILITATION CENTRE Dr. A. Ramya, md Medical Consultants Dr. A. Fathima, ms Dr. Prashanth A.S, ms Dr. C. Prem Anand, ms Dr. Akhila, do, dnb Dr. Mrunali Mohan, ms FREE HOSPITAL Dr. Rohan Suresh Ninan, ms Dr. Menaka, do, dnb Dr. Diviyan Abraham, ms Dr. Somisetty Gouthamraju, do, dnb Dr. Sunada Subramanian, dnb Manager Dr. Abhipsa, dnb S. Balakrishnan, puc PAEDIATRIC RETINA AND OCULAR ONCOLOGY SERVICES UVEA SERVICES NURSING Chief Chief Nursing Superintendents Dr. Parag K Shah, dnb Dr. V.K. Anuradha, md, frcs V. Arumugam Medical Consultants A. S. Shanmuga Sundari Dr. S. Prema, ms ORBIT, OCULOPLASTY AND Dr. Abhishek Das, ms OCULAR ONCOLOGY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Chief Manager-Office INTRAOCULAR LENS & CATARACT Dr. Viji Rangarajan, do P. Navaneetha Krishnan, puc SERVICES Medical Consultants Manager-Administration Dr. Kavitha Yuvarajan, do, dnb M. Muthupandian, puc Chief Dr. Renu Bansal, do, dnb Public Relations Officer Dr. Kalpana Narendran, do, dnb Dr. Sindhuja, ms M. Mahadevan, d.pharm Manager-Human Resource Medical Consultants NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY R. Lakshmi, mba Dr. S. Guhapriya, dnb SERVICES Manager-Quality & Inpatient Dr. S. Navaneeth Kumar, ms Chief Services Dr. R. Jayanthi, ms Dr. Virna Shah, do M. Vikky Kumar, mba Dr. Amartyajit Mukherjee, ms Medical Consultant Manager-Glaucoma Clinic Dr. Aiman Ahmed Khan, ms Dr. M. Karthik Kumar, do D. Ranitha Guna Selvi, bpt, mba Manager-IT & Systems CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY P. Thiruvengadam, ma, pgdca SERVICES Medical Consultants Manager-Projects & Outreach Dr. Anita Mohanan, ms P. Hariesh Kumar, mba Chief Dr. P. Vivekanand, do, dnb Librarian Dr. R. Revathi, ms Dr. S. Dhanalakshmi, do E. Perumalsamy, m.lisc, m.phil Dr. Senthamilselvi, do Medical Consultants Dr. A. Srinila, do ARAVIND-COIMBATORE Dr. Anita Raghavan, do, frcs (g) Dr. D. Balasaraswathy, ms Dr. P. Mangala, dnb Dr. Bagavath Shalini, ms Chief Medical Officer Dr. Devi Rosette, ms Dr. Sangeetha V, do Dr. V. Narendran, do, dnb Dr. Arjun, do, ms, dnb Dr. Jebinth Brayan, ms Dr. P. Shalini, ms Dr. Siddharth Narendran, ms RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES Dr. Anju Jose, do Chief PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & Dr. Naveena R.L., do, dnb Dr. V.R. Saravanan, do, dnb ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES Dr. Fatima Amanath Assadi, dnb Dr. Chavan Sneha, dnb Chief Dr. Kalpana Narendran, do, dnb Medical Consultants Dr. C. Sandra, do, dnb Dr. Sasikala Elizabeth, dnb Dr. Amrudha Sindhu, dnb 69

CITY CENTRE - ARAVIND EYE Medical Consultants ORBIT, OCULOPLASTY & OCULAR HOSPITAL, COIMBATORE Dr. Pankaja Dhoble, ms ONCOLOGY SERVICES Medical Consultants Dr. Ayushi Sinha, dnb Chief Dr. Rohan Daniel Dawalikar, ms Dr. S. Sivaranjani, ms Dr. R. Jayagayathri, do, dnb Dr. Manju Vinythera, dnb Dr. Nikita Sonawane, ms Medical Consultant Dr. Suganya, ms Dr. Shivangi Singh, dnb Dr. Dayakar Yadalla, ms, frcs Dr. Arun R, dnb NURSING NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY Nursing Superintendent CATARACT - GENERAL SERVICES S. Radhika OPHTHALMOLOGY SERVICES Chief Assistant-Nursing Superintendent Dr. A. Balraj, dnb G.B. Amudha Chief Dr. V.R. Vivekanandan, ms UVEA SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Medical Consultants Chief Manager-Administration Dr. D. Balamuruganandaraj, do Dr. S. Bala Murugan, ms S. Sangeetha, mha Dr. Merlin Benzy, ms Manager-HR Dr. R. Swathi, ms NURSING R. Umapriya, ma, ptsta Dr. Naveen Nischal G, ms Nursing Superintendents Manager-Personnel Dr. Deepak V.N, ms R.V. Selvarani R. Jebadurai, ba, pgdpm Dr. Thamizhselvi D, dnb A. Subbulakshmi Manager-Transport D. Karthikeyan, dip, cop CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY ADMINISTRATION Manager-IT Systems SERVICES Manager-General S. Thirunavukkarasu, (IT), PGDSD P. Kanagaraj, be Manager-MRD Chief Manager-Administration V. Hemalatha, m.phil Dr. Josephine Christy, ms P. Poobalan, Manager-Quality Assurance Medical Consultants Deputy General Manager R. Gautham Kumar, ha Dr. P.J. Aruna, ms S. Subramanian, be Manager- Patient Care Dr. Kunal Mandlik, ms Manager-Human Resource B. Vignesh, mba Dr. Kulharsh B Jaiswal, ms A. Sumathi, mba Manager - Accounts Dr. Rakesh A. Betdur, ms Manager-Camp Krishnasami S. B.Sc, C.A.I.I.B A. Xavier, Electrical Engineer PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & Manager-Transport & Security A.M. Appusamy, d.e.e.e ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES K. Kaveri, b.a Civil Engineer Manager-Maintenance S. Ganapathi, d.c.e Chief P. Thanapal, dce Librarian Dr. K. Veena, do, dnb Manager-Patient Care & Quality K. Alagumani,, m.phil Medical Consultants Assurance Dr. Marie Fredrick Mouttappa, do, dnb K. Kalaivendan, mba ARAVIND-PONDICHERRY Dr. Anjali Khadia, ms Manager - Patient Care & Vision Centre Chief Medical Officer GLAUCOMA SERVICES K. Harikrishnan, ba Dr. R. Venkatesh, do, dnb Manager - IT & Systems Chief M. Ashok, mca RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES Dr. S. Kavitha, ms Manager - Stores Chief Medical Consultants S. Vadivelmurugan, Dr. Manavi D. Sindal, ms Dr. Swati Upadhyaya, do, dnb Dr. O. Annamalai, do, dnb Dr. C.R. Viswaraj, ms Dr. Usha Tejaswini S, do, ms, dnb 70

ARAVIND-SALEM ARAVIND-CHENNAI UVEA SERVICES Medical Consultant Chief Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer Dr. Eliza Anthony, dnb Dr. B. Manohar Babu, ms Dr. S. Aravind, ms, mba ORBIT, OCULOPLASTY AND CATARACT & UVEA SERVICES RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES OCULAR ONCOLOGY SERVICES Chief Chief Medical Consultants Dr. B. Manohar Babu, ms Dr. Anand Rajendran, dnb, frcs Dr. Jayashree, do, dnb Medical Consultants Dr. Gayatri Fulse, do, dnb RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES Dr. Karthik Srinivasan, ms Dr. Anupama Joy, do, dnb Medical Consultant Dr. Prabhu Baskaran, ms, dnb Dr. Vikas Menon, dnb Dr. K. Hemalatha, ms Dr. Indu G, ms Dr. Yasar Safar, ms Dr. Chainani Ritesh Mohan, dnb CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY Dr. Adithya Maitray, ms NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY Medical Consultants SERVICES Dr. J. Anuja, ms, INTRAOCULAR LENS & CATARACT Medical Consultants Dr. Lokeshwari, ms SERVICES Dr. Nirmala Devy, do Dr. Nikhil Jain, do, dnb Chief Dr. Madhumita Gopal, do, dnb Dr. Haripriya Aravind, ms GLAUCOMA SERVICES Medical Consultants GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY Medical Consultants Dr. Sudha Palaniappan,doms,dnb,fico Medical Consultants Dr. Pavithra S, ms Dr. Vempati VSN Jyothi, ms Dr. Anuradha, dnb Dr. Vishuvardhan Reddy B, ms Dr. Siva Shanmugam, do, dnb Dr. Aarthy, ms Dr. Priyanka Lamba, ms Dr. Hasini, ms GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY Dr. Swathija, ms SERVICES CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY Dr. Priyanka S, ms Medical Consultants SERVICES Dr. M. Lavanya, ms Chief ANAESTHETIST Dr. Keerthana, ms Dr. K. Tiruvengada Krishnan, dnb Dr. Jacintha, dnb, da Dr. Uma, ms Medical Consultants Dr. Malligarjun B, ms Dr. M. Divya, ms PHYSICIANS Dr. Seema Ramakrishnan,do,dnb,fico Dr. Joeimon, md, dmm MICROBIOLOGY Dr. Chetana Lingam, ms Dr. J.P. Janish Prabhakar, mbbs Medical Consultant Dr. Manoprakash Manoharan. mbss Dr. Suneetha V, md PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ANAESTHETIST Medical Consultants Manager-Administration Medical Consultant Dr. Ankita Bisani, do, dnb, fico Revathy Kannadhasan, bba, mba Dr. Citrarasu M, da Dr. Saranya, do, dnb Manager – Community Outreach & Dr. Akila C, ms Eye Bank NURSING SUPERINTENDENT Rajesh,, msw, pg.diploma V.S. Ramya GLAUCOMA SERVICES Manager - Quality Assurance Medical Consultants Riyah Jaitika, pgdhm ADMINISTRATION Dr. Neethu Mohan, ms IT & Systems Manager-Patient Care Dr. Madhuri, ms, dnb Ajmal Hussain, bca, dce I. Seran, mba (hm); fehm Dr. V. Prasanna, ms, fico Manager Accounts & Finance Dr. Nithila EG Paul, do, dnb ARAVIND-TIRUPATI R. Sakthivel, ba Dr. Preethi G, dnb IT & Systems Chief Medical Officer A. Kumaresan, bca Dr. S. Ashok Vardhan, do, dnb 71

RETINA-VITREOUS SERVICES ANAESTHETIST Manager-Office Chief Dr. M. Sajith, md A. Nammalvar, Dr. Y. C. Venugopal Reddy, ms Medical Consultants PHYSICIANS ARAVIND-UDUMALPET Dr. Upendra Babu, ms Dr. Bollu Keerthi, md Dr. A. Joash Rijey, dnb Dr. Borra Prashanti, md Medical Consultants Dr. Deepak Anthwal, ms Dr. Duggirala Varun, ms ADMINISTRATION Dr. Vijayevarshcini D, dnb INTRAOCULAR LENS & CATARACT Manager-Administration & Finance Dr. Rajpal Narayan Laxman, dnb SERVICES K. Kesava Kumar, b.ed, l.l.b, Manager-Office Chief Manager-Patient Care V. Mouna Gurusamy Dr. Preeti Mohanty, ms, dnb Damien Jacob, mba Medical Consultants Manager-Public Relation ARAVIND-KOVILPATTI Dr. Umakanth, ms N.S. Ravi,, hdc Manager-Maintenance Medical Consultant Dr. P. Santosh, do K. Natarajan, be Dr. Tanya Nitin Balakrishnan, ms Manager - Office & Accounts CORNEA & REFRACTIVE SURGERY ARAVIND-TIRUPUR A. Chandran, SERVICES Medical Consultants Medical Consultants Aravind Integrated Dr. V. Raj Yeshwanth, ms Dr. Hridya Mohan, ms Eye Bank Services Dr. Biswajit Baral, ms Dr. Deepa, dnb (AIEBS) Dr. M. Chaitanya Kumar, ms Medical Officer Dr. Anusha Koduru, dnb Dr. Harithra S, mbbs Director Manager Dr. M. Srinivasan, ms, do, fams PAEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & Balaji T, be, mba ADULT STRABISMUS SERVICES ROTARY ARAVIND Chief ARAVIND-DINDIGUL INTERNATIONAL EYE BANK, Dr. Sathya T. Ravilla, ms MADURAI Medical Consultant Medical Consultants Technical Director Dr. Mahima Bankar, ms Dr. R. Vigneshwar, ms Dr. Lalitha Prajna, md, dnb Dr. V.R. Saranya, ms Medical Director Designee GLAUCOMA SERVICES Medical Officer Dr. Manoranjan Das, dnb Chief Dr. Sangavi Samritha Selvi P, ms Manager Dr. S. Ashok Vardhan, do, dnb Manager D. Saravanan, msw, m.phil, mba (hr) Medical Consultants R. Balasubramani, Dr. Sreenath, do, dnb pgdc Dr. Keerthi Gayam, dnb ARAVIND-TUTICORIN ROTARY ARAVIND EYE BANK, NEURO OPHTHALMOLOGY Chief Medical Officer TIRUNELVELI SERVICES Dr. G. Anitha, do, dnb Medical Director Medical Consultant Medical Consultant Dr. R. Ramakrishnan, ms, do Dr. Preeti Mohanty, ms, dnb Dr. K. Preethi, do Medical Director Designee Manager-Patient Care & Dr. V. Anitha, dnb, faico GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY Administration SERVICES N. Mohammed Ghouse, mba Medical Consultants Dr. D.V. Navaneetha, dnb Dr. P. Bhuvan Kalyan, ms 72

ARAVIND-IOB EYE BANK, Aravind Medical Ramalingaswami Fellow COIMBATORE Research Foundation Dr. Swagata Ghosh,, ph.d Associate Faculty Medical Director President Dr. Siddharth Narendran, ms Dr. V. Narendran, do, dnb Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, ms, fams BIOINFORMATICS Medical Director Designee Vice President Scientist Dr. Anitha Raghavan, do, frcs (g) Dr. G. Natchiar, ms, do Dr. D. Bharanidharan,, ph.d ARAVIND EYE BANK Secretary & Treasurer PATHOLOGIST ASSOCIATION OF Dr. R. Kim, do, dnb Dr. R. Shanthi, md PONDICHERRY Director-Research Medical Director Prof. K. Dharmalingam,, ph.d Aurolab Dr. Josephine Christy S, ms Advisor-Research Medical Director Designee Prof. VR. Muthukkaruppan,, Dr. Kunal A. Mandlik, ms ph.d ARAVIND EYE BANK, CHENNAI Managing Director-Emeritus Medical Director MOLECULAR GENETICS Dr. P. Balakrishnan, be, ph.d Dr. K. Tiruvengada Krishnan, dnb Senior Scientist Managing Director Dr. P. Sundaresan,, ph.d Medical Director Designee R.D. Sriram, be Scientist Dr. Seema Ramakrishnan, do, Dr. A. Vanniarajan,, ph.d Division Manager-Pharmaceuticals dnb, fico V. Venkatesa Kannan,, pgdpmir IMMUNOLOGY & STEM CELL Division Manager-Intraocular Lens BIOLOGY R. Sundara Ganesh, be Lions Aravind Institute Division Manager-Suture Needle of Community Ophthalmology Scientists R.K. Ramnath, be Grant Administrator Prof. VR. Muthukkaruppan, Division Manager-Surgical Blade Ln. N.A.K. Gopalakrishnaraja, mjf Executive Director, ph.d S. Saravanan, be Thulasiraj Ravilla, mba Senior Faculty Dr. Gowripriya Chidambaranathan, Division Manager- Equipment B.S. Ganesh Babu, R. Meenakshi Sundaram, mhm, ph.d Dinesh. B.R., me V. Vijayakumar, msw, m.phil R. Suresh Kumar, ma, pgdhm Ramalingaswami Fellow Marketing Manager-Exports Sanil Joseph, mha, Dr. Anwar Azad P,, ph.d Dhivya Ramasamy, mba N. Vishnu Prasad, mhm, mba Mohammed Gowth, ma, pgdhm A. Syed Ali, ma OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY Marketing Manager-Domestic D. Yesunesan, msw Faculty Scientist S. Sivanand,, mba B. Udayakumar, msw Dr. S. Senthilkumari, m.pharm, ph.d Administrator Manager-Regulatory Affairs G. Krishna Veni, R. Krishna Kumar, b.pharm, ms PROTEOMICS Senior Manager-Human Resources Director S. Franklinraja, ma, (p.m & ir) Prof. K. Dharmalingam,, ph.d Manager-Human Resources Scientists Dr. J. Jeya Maheshwari,, ph.d V. Swetha, mba Dr. O.G. Ram Prasad,, ph.d Dr. Daipayan Banerjee,, ph.d Manager-IT & Systems K.R. Sankar, Chief Accounts Officer MICROBIOLOGY Vaithiyanathan,, bba, Clinician Scientists c.a. articleship Dr. Lalitha Prajna, md, dnb Dr. S.R. Rathinam, fams, ph.d 73

ARAVIND EYE HOSPITALS & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology MADURAI - 1, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0452) 435 6100 TIRUNELVELI - S.N. High Road, Tirunelveli Jn. 627 001, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0462) 435 6100 COIMBATORE - Avinashi Road, Coimbatore 641 014, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0422) 436 0400 PONDICHERRY - Cuddalore Main Road, Thavalakuppam, Pondicherry 605 007, India. Phone: (0413) 261 9100 SALEM - Sankagiri Main Road, Nethimedu, Salem 636 002, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0427) 235 6100 CHENNAI - Poonamallee High Road, Noombal, Chennai 600 077, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone : (044) 409 56100 TIRUPATI - Alipiri to Zoo Park Road, Beside NCC Campus, Tirupati 517 505, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Phone: (0877) 250 2100, 350 2100 THENI - Periyakulam Road, Theni 625 531, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (04546) 252 658 TIRUPUR - Dharapuram Main Road, Chettipalayam Post, Tirupur 641 608, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0421) 226 6100, 87547 28996 DINDIGUL - Old door no 21/1, Thadicombu Road, Dindigul-624 001, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0451) 244 8100 TUTICORIN - Meenakshipuram West, Near Old Bus Stand, Tuticorin 628 002, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0461) 230 0410 UDUMALPET - 112, Dhalli Road, Opp. Palaniandavar Mills, Udumalpet 642 126, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (04252) 260 400 COIMBATORE CITY CENTRE - Cowly Brown Road, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore 641 002, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: (0422) 254 0400 KOVILPATTI - 4/897, New Appaneri, Padmavathi Garden, Thiruvenkadam Main Road, G.V.N. College (PO), Kovilpatti 628 502, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (04632) 290 800, 85258 22027, 85250 66250 LIONS ARAVIND INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY OPHTHALMOLOGY 72, Kuruvikaran Salai, Gandhinagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0452) 435 6500 ARAVIND INTEGRATED EYE BANK SERVICES ROTARY - ARAVIND INTERNATIONAL EYE BANK 1, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0452) 435 6100 ROTARY - ARAVIND EYE BANK S.N. High Road, Tirunelveli Jn. 627 001, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0462) 435 6100 IOB - ARAVIND EYE BANK Avinashi Road, Coimbatore 641 014, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0422) 436 0400 ARAVIND EYE BANK ASSOCIATION OF PONDICHERRY Cuddalore Main Road, Thavalakuppam, Pondicherry 605 007, India. Phone: (0413) 261 9100 ARAVIND EYE BANK Poonamallee High Road, Noombal, Chennai 600 077, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone : (044) 409 56100 ARAVIND MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION DR. G. VENKATASWAMY EYE RESEARCH INSTITUTE 1, Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0452) 435 6550 AUROLAB 1, Sivagangai Road, Veerapanjan, Madurai 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: (0452) 244 6100 ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM 74



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