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Home Explore Activity Report 2008_09

Activity Report 2008_09

Published by dtpinfo, 2014-12-06 05:45:02

Description: Activity Report 2008_09


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A mighty kinship is this daring’s cause.All we attempt in this imperfect world,Looks forward or looks back beyond Time’s glossTo its pure idea and firm inviolate typeIn an absolute creation’s flawless skill.To seize the absolute in shapes that pass,To fix the eternal’s touch in time-made things,This is the law of all perfection here.A fragment here is caught of heaven’s design;Else could we never hope for greater lifeAnd ecstasy and glory could not be. ‘Savitri’ by Sri Aurobindo Book II The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds Canto II The Kingdom of Subtle Matter 1


I remember my professor of anatomy in medical school.He used to push all his students to do better and better.From him I heard for the first time the word Yoga for perfection.Whether it was sharpening a scalpel, studying or dissection he saidthat one should always aspire to “do Yoga”.These things helped me, these things became a part of me.Discipline became a part of me, hard work became a part of me andthe aspiration for perfection too became a part of my nature. 3

Activity Report 2008 - 2009 (From April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009) Contents Highlights 2008-09 07 Performance 11 Community Outreach 13 Education and Training Programmes 19 Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology 31 Information Technology and Systems 43 Aravind Communications 45 Human Resources 46 Aravind Managed Eye Care Services 51 Rotary Aravind International Eye Bank 54 Aravind Medical Research Foundation 57 Aurolab 63 Awards and Accolades 67 Partners in Service 70 Trustees and Staff 71 Photo Credits: Balasubramaniam, Aravind-Pondicherry Gokulnath, Aravind-Coimbatore Isakki Raja, Aravind-Tirunelveli Jacques Vekemans, France Jeyakrishnan, Aravind-Madurai Karthick, Aravind-Coimbatore Magnus Rew, UK Mike Myers, USA Rajkumar, Aravind-Madurai Sukumar, Aravind-Pondicherry4

Aravind Eye Care SystemMission:To eliminate needless blindness . . .. . . by providing compassionate and high quality eye care for all ARAVIND EYE HOSPITALS. . . through teaching, training, capacity building, advocacy, research and publications LIONS ARAVIND INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY OPHTHALMOLOGY (LAICO). . . by providing evidence through research and evolving methods to translate existing evidence and knowledge into effective action DR. G. VENKATASWAMY EYE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, ARAVIND MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION. . . by making high quality ophthalmic products affordable and accessible worldwide AUROLAB. . . by reducing corneal blindness through eye banking activities, training, research and public awareness programmes ARAVIND EYE BANKS. . . by working with socially committed partners in underserved areas of India and other developing countries ARAVIND MANAGED EYE CARE SERVICES (AMECS) 5

Dr.P. Namperumalsamy receiving the Gates 2008 Award from Mr.Bill Gates Sr. Mr.R.D. Thulasiraj, Ms. Suzanne Gilbert (Seva Foundation), Mr. Craig Barrett (Intel Corporation), and Mr. David Stileman (Standard Chartered Bank) with Mr. Bill Clinton at the CGI Annual Meeting6

Highlights 2008-09The Model Captures Global Attention: was established in a similar manner under the RajivAwards and Accolades Gandhi Charitable Trust. However, this hospital is managed by Aravind Eye Care System, and it handled2008-09 was a year of unprecedented global recognition over 60,000 outpatient visits in its first year of operationfor the Aravind model and a time of intensive foundation and performed over 10,000 surgeries. It is the fourth in abuilding for future scalability. The recognition came by growing network of eye hospitals managed by Aravind.way of the prestigious Bill & Melinda Gates Award forGlobal Health, and marked the first time ever this award The managed hospital approach becoming a key strategyhas been presented to an organisation not working in the for providing eye care in underserved areas, called for therealm of communicable disease or population control. creation of a separate organisation to drive the process.Another significant acknowledgment came from the The new division dubbed the ‘Aravind Managed EyeClinton Global Initiative when former US President Care Services’ (AMECS) was launched on 6th November.Bill Clinton personally introduced Aravind’s work in This division is headed by Dr. S Aravind who also holdsthe field of Diabetic Retinopathy at the Clinton Global responsibility as the administrator of Aravind EyeInitiative Annual Meeting held in September 2008. Not Hospital, Madurai. AMECS during the year spearheadedlong after, the popular magazine “Fast Company” listed several activities, including team building and leadershipAravind amongst the top 50 World’s most innovative development initiatives to strengthen the network ofcompanies. These recognitions apart, Aravind has been managed eye hospitals. Project teams from the Universitycited as a successful model addressing a social need by of Michigan business school engaged in the developmentmany authors in their books, leading business and popular of strategic road maps both for AMECS and its partners.magazines with many of them carrying exclusive articleson Aravind. It is evident that these marks of recognition Dr.G. Natchiar, Dr. Usha Kim, Ms. Suzanne Gilbert withare granted to Aravind, not merely as an eye care institute, Prof. Mohamed Yunus at the inauguration ceremony ofbut as the originator of an influential model, one that Grameen GC Eye Hospital, Bogradelivers a crucial health service to both rich and poor ina sustainable manner, and that has impacted hundreds ofeye care programmes worldwide.A Hands-on Approach to Partnership: The Creationof AMECSCloser to home a validation of the model came throughthe inauguration of two hospitals. One was the GrameenGC eye hospital at Bogra, Bangladesh, designed, staffedand equipped with Aravind’s involvement which wasinaugurated on 12th May 2008. While Aravind willcontinue to provide technical and management support,Grameen will run the hospital under the leadershipof Prof. Mohammed Yunus. The Indira Gandhi EyeHospital at Lucknow, inaugurated on the 1st of May, 7

Dr. M. Srinivasan at the inauguration of Usilampatty Vision Centre The emerging new building for IP and surgical theatres at Aravind-Madurai, adjacent to the newly inaugurated Dr. G. Venkataswamy Eye Research InstituteEye Care Close to Home : Camps, Vision Centres and theatres, thus freeing up the entire existing hospitalCommunity Eye Clinics for outpatient and administrative services. Aravind Eye Hospital-Madurai opened a City Centre on 13th MarchDue to unfortunate infections across eye camps run by for the convenience of the public particularly employeesother organisations, outreach activities were temporarily working in commercial and industrial establishmentssuspended, resulting in a significant drop in surgeries on and school students. Situated in the heart of the city, itpatients admitted through outreach. These numbers were is well equipped with latest equipment and instrumentsmade up; thanks to intense work at the base hospitals for comprehensive eye examination and basic out-patientand referrals from the thirty Aravind Vision Centres and procedures. Patients who need further care or surgery arefive Community Eye Clinics. During the year, across referred to the main hospital.all Aravind Eye Hospitals, including the managed eyehospitals, a total of 2,748,216 outpatient visits were Against the backdrop of the increasing number of studentshandled and 309,015 surgical and laser procedures were coming from all over the world, and the skyrocketing hotelperformed. rates, the construction of a students’ hostel equipped with all modern amenities is underway to provide high qualityAravind’s Construction Projects: Patient Centered affordable housing. Aravind-Tirunelveli inaugurated a new guest house, while at Aravind-Coimbatore, theWhile Aravind’s external growth sharply accelerated construction of additional staff quarters is in progress.during the year, it was matched stride for stride, by During this year the community eye centre at Tuticorinan intensive internal capacity building process across moved from a rented space to an owned building. This isall dimensions – buildings, equipment and personnel. the first step towards an eventual upgrade into a surgicalIn Madurai, a pressing need for more space to cater facility that will give Tuticorin residents the option ofto Aravind’s growing patient care services, led to the undergoing cataract surgery and other procedures in theirconstruction of a new building, which when completed hometown.will house all the inpatient services, including the surgicalThe new guest house at Aravind - Tirunelveli Aravind-Madurai’s City Centre situated at the Palace Road8

Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, Dr. Natchiar and Dr. P.Namperumalsamy presenting aDr. VR. Muthukkaruppan with Dr.APJ. Abdul Kalam at the memento to Mr. Raj Arjunan, at the launch of the DVD oninauguration of Dr.G.Venkataswamy Eye Research Institute vitreo retinal surgical techniquesBridging an Important Gap: The Research Initiative and offer the learner a real-life feel and experience. Forat Aravind self learning and teaching purposes, an interactive DVD, with animations on Vitreo Retinal surgical techniques,Research has been ongoing at Aravind since inception. was released on 14th June. This DVD was developed byIt is now being given heightened focus with the recent a team of Aravind’s retina surgeons headed by Dr. Kim,inauguration of a spectacular research facility- Chief of Vitreo Retina, Aravind-Madurai. and created byDr. G.Venkataswamy Eye Research Institute. The building Mr. Raj Arjunan, a skilled volunteer animator. The contentwhich was opened by our Honourable former President and quality of this DVD, has captured the attention ofDr. APJ Abdul Kalam, will bring under its umbrella, all global academic institutions including the Internationalresearch activities - basic, clinical, epidemiological and Council of Ophthalmology and the American Academy ofoperations research studies. In addition the new facility Ophthalmology.will offer workshops, courses and related services topromote cutting edge research. Over the years Aravind has built competence in the application of Information Technology across all aspectsIt’s a known fact that developing countries which account of eye care services. A few years ago it was listed amongstfor over 90% of the blindness worldwide, contribute the “Top 20 Wired Organisations” in India. Applicationsto less than 5% of the total research publications. To have been developed in areas as wide ranging as patientaddress this unfortunate situation, Aravind is now making care management, Tele-medicine, Benchmarking, Humanresearch publications a priority. During this year Aravind’s Resource Management, Training administration andstaff published over 60 articles in peer reviewed journals, Project Monitoring. This year at the request of Worldmaking it the largest institutional contributor. During the Health Organization, Mr. Ganesh Babu, Aravind’s Senioryear a total of 164 Aravind staff members participated in Manager, IT, was involved in the development of datavarious national and international conferences, presenting management software for a WHO study on Presbyopiaa total of over 200 papers. conducted in seven different countries. FollowingBringing Technology to Eye Care: Aravind’s Efforts Dr. Leon, Mr. Ganesh Babu and Dr. Pierre Huguet at WHO, GenevaInside and OutAravind continues to upgrade its technology both inpatient care and training. On the patient care front, state-of-the-art equipment has been incorporated in many areasincluding current generation Phaco machines and excimerlasers. To refine and accelerate the learning of advancedsurgeries like vitrectomy, retinal detachment surgeriesand Phacoemulsification, state-of-the art computer aidedsurgical simulation facilities have been established atAravind-Coimbatore and Aravind-Madurai. These surgicalsimulators, considered to be the first of their kind inAsia, use microscopes and special surgical instruments 9

Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj, Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, Ms. Suzanne Gilbert, An Experiment in Service: Laico Pilots a New FormDr. R.D. Ravindran and Mr. Martin Bortal in Paraguay of Partnershipcustomary practice, these IT products are made available LAICO in addition to ongoing training and capacityto other eye care programmes worldwide. Recognising building programmes assisted in the development of thethe potential of IT in eye care and Aravind’s own potential national eye care plan for Eritrea and followed up on theto contribute to it, a separate division is currently in the national eye care plan for Rwanda which was developedmaking. Once the physical facilities are in place in the previous year. LAICO gave several presentations at‘Auro-iTech’ will come into formal existence to provide IT the prestigious General Assembly of International Agencyservices and support to eye care programmes worldwide. for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) held at Buenos AiresLike other Aravind initiatives, this will also pioneer in August 2008, and is now engaged in an interestingproviding low cost affordable IT solutions that enhance experiment to see how close partnership between anthe delivery of eye care services. eye hospital and a community based organisation can strengthen each other’s mission. LAICO is providingExploring New Territory: Aurolab’s Latest Advances technical support to two organisations in Asunción, Paraguay - Fundación Visión, an eye hospital andAurolab made a complete transition to its stunning new Fundación Paraguay, a community based micro-credit andfacility during the year and quickly recovered any ground developmental organisation. This initiative is supportedlost during the transition process. With the additional by a grant from the Lemellson and efficient infrastructure, they are poised forsignificant growth and diversification. A project that had Celebration and Remembrance: Staff Activities andbeen in the making for a long while became a reality with Eventsthe launch of the low cost Frequency doubled YAG Laserfor the treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy at the All India Aravind has always maintained that its core asset isOphthalmological Society’s annual meeting at Jaipur. With its staff. Several activities were held during the yearthis launch now under its belt, Aurolab has diversified in recognition of this and to help those who workproduction into equipment manufacturing as well. Another here, reconnect to the founding mission. Mission Dayimportant milestone was crossed with the registration of celebrations were held on the 7th of July as a way ofits products in several new countries including China. remembering Dr. V on the anniversary of his passing away, and rededicating staff effort towards carrying forward his vision. ‘Sangamam’, a special gathering of Aravind employees was held on 24th July to celebrate the two prestigious International awards – Champalimaud Vision Award and the Bill & Melinda Gates Award for Global Health. Aravind also has an ongoing employee welfare programme titled ‘Aurowel’. Under this programme all employees receive a systematic health check up and several free sessions on healthy living. In addition, several other retreats geared towards supporting the well-being of staff members were organised by Aravind’s Human Resources Department.‘Sangamam’ at Aravind-Madurai10

Performance: April 2008 - March 2009Aravind Eye Hospitals (includes Aravind Managed Eye Care Services - AMECS)* Madurai Theni Tirunelveli Coimbatore Pondicherry AMECS* TotalOUT PATIENTS 437,906 68,564 201,082 286,624 187,961 188,892 1,371,029Paying (new + review) 137,486 19,803 63,218 97,357 55,778 - 373,642Free (new + review)OUTREACH 100,767 24,049 45,362 73,927 55,818 83,686 383,609Comprehensive Free Eye Camps 9,857 4,449 13,456 21,824 2,833 - 52,419Diabetic Retinopathy Camps 8,242 5,805 7,530 14,686 8,351 56,894Refraction Camps 68,160 15,831 38,182 33,600 46,956 12,280 210,139School Eye Screening - Base Hospitals 11,275 50,962 2,650 2,350 7,410 67,237School Eye Screening - Vision Centres 1,311 - 2,403Paediatric Eye Screening - - 334 260 498 - 7,397Mobile Van DR Screening Camps 36,637 355 1,985 5,057 - 123,198Vision Centres 35,165 31,105 26,192 13,436 - - 100,249Community Eye Clinics 13,770 25,934 25,380 15,828 - 2,748,216TOTAL OUTPATIENT VISITS 846,806 234,693 425,925 574,501 -SURGERIES - 292,268 146,206Paying 57,484 374,023 162,809Free (direct + camp) 54,152 14,911 309,015TOTAL SURGERIES 111,636 4,541 19,556 33,112 16,602 24,527SURGERIES IN DETAIL 4,772 20,450 39,663 19,245 39,438 204,672Cataract surgeries 71,011 9,313 40,006 72,775 35,847 7,099Trab & combined procedures 2,445 30,888 8,393Retina & vitreous surgery 2,883 7,227 26,917 45,091 23,538 1,048 1,693Squint correction 91 1,023 1,861 631 1,581Keratoplasty 816 2 3,647 727 602 3,565Pterygium 868 - 532 95 39 1,164Ocular injuries 1,628 - 230 513 133 97 5,218Lacrimal surgeries 382 109 109 374 414 411 6,336Other orbit and oculoplasty surgeries 2,699 11 191 812 302 12 7,877OTHER SURGERIES 2,966 126 72 385 550 211 57,958Laser procedures 2,708 208 771 861 675 254 3,459LASIK refractive surgery 21,508 99 729 1,504 1,854 334TOTAL SURGERIES 1,722 1,074 1,808 6,451 5,542 309,015 111,636 1,440 7,800 15,217 477 - 558 702 - 40,006 72,775 35,847 39,438 9,313* AMECS : Priyamvada Birla Aravind Eye Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal; Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital and Research Centre, Munshiganj, Uttar Pradesh; Sudarshan Netralaya, Amerli, Gujarat; Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital and Research Centre, Quaiserbagh, Lucknow, Uttar PradeshAMECS Aravind Eye Hospitals Out-Patient Visits: April 2008 - March 2009 Free292,268 2,455,948 Paying39,438 269,577 Surgeries: April 2008 - March 2009 11

Post-operative eye examination of a group of camp patients at Aravind-Pondicherry Inside the van fitted with V-SAT: Mr. Sathish explaining to a group of students how tele-ophthalmology is used to remotely detect diabetic retinopathy at the ‘Kannae Nalama’ exhibition at Aravind-Theni12

Community OutreachRight from its inception over 30 years ago, the Community of those in need of eye care. Whereas, within a year ofOutreach Division of Aravind Eye Hospitals has been operation, the Vision Centres were able to reach 54%.rendering an excellent service in providing quality eye careto the unreached and economically backward rural people. Training Programme to Self Help Groups and Village VolunteersThe year ending March 2009 witnessed a growth in theperformance and extension of the activities of the division To involve community volunteers and increase theas eight new Vision Centres were opened in Nellikuppam, community participation in the vision centres a one dayManamadurai, Kadamalaigundu, Thevaram, Valliyoor, training programme was organised for self help groupsBatlagundu, Anaimalai and Usilampatti, bringing the total working around Madurai vision centres. A total of 38to thirty. These IT linked vision centres provide permanent volunteers from Indian Christian Rural Development,primary eye care facility to the rural folk. Apart from these, Usilampatti, Kurunchi Vatara Kalanjiyam, Alanganallur,a total of five Community Eye Clinics cater to the eye care and Inba Seva Sangam, Kadavur attended the trainingneeds of the semi–urban and rural population. programme. Objective of this programme is to make these volunteers to screen and identify people with defectiveEvents and Programmes at Vision Centres and vision in the community and refer them to vision centres.Community Eye Clinics Orientation Programme on Low Vision RehabilitationAnniversary celebrations of vision centres An orientation programme on low vision rehabilitationAs a meaningful way of celebrating the first anniversary, was held for vision centre technicians and CBR fieldthe vision centres at Thiruppuvanam, Alanganallur, workers at Aravind-Madurai on April 6. The trainees fromGandhigram, Natham, Marakkanam, Surandai and all the centres participated in the programme throughKinathukadavu conducted Diabetic Retinopathy camps, video-conferencing. They discussed various topics likeglaucoma camps and general awareness camps. A study CBR project, low vision assessment and low vision aids,showed that the reach of the eye camps was only 7% case finding, documentation and interventions.Eye Care Awareness Exhibition during the first Anniversary Vision Rehabilitation Programme held for CBR field workerscelebration of Kinathukadavu Vision Centre 13

Outreach Performance Madurai Theni Tirunelveli Coimbatore Pondicherry AMECS* Total1. Regular Comprehensive Eye Camps 335 88 264 342 248 441 1,718 Camps 100,767 24,049 45,362 73,927 55,818 83,686 383,609 12,976 12,327 10,769 Patients examined 18,393 6,436 9,116 10,555 70,017 Glasses advised 15,702 5,877 7,316 9,662 7,437 56,549 Glasses ordered 12,264 4,454 5,308 8,852 6,470 333 37,681 On the spot deliveries 76% 73% 84% 67% 4% Percentage 78% 67%2. Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Camps 40 20 78 135 13 - 286 Camps 9,857 4,449 13,456 21,824 2,833 - 52,419 Patients screened 4,617 1,234 - 15,486 Diabetics identified 3,946 4,787 902 - 2,612 DR Patients Identified 659 213 590 1,010 1403. Refractive Error Camps 30 25 38 58 30 88 269 Camps 8,242 5,805 7,530 14,686 8,351 12,280 56,894 Patients examined 3,113 1,552 2,204 3,339 3,162 3,179 16,549 Glasses prescribed 2,745 1,362 1,894 3,003 2,735 2,528 14,267 Glasses ordered 1,780 1,379 2,565 1,785 On the spot deliveries 65% 956 73% 85% 65% 887 9,352 Percentage 70% 35% 66%4. Eye Screening of School Children - Base Hospital Schools 58 10 29 27 36 20 180 60 232 54 135 61 939 Teachers trained 397 15,831 38,182 33,600 46,956 7,410 210,139 1,329 2,440 5,142 3,325 1,094 18,101 Children screened 68,160 160 2 3 - Children with eye defects 4,771 0 8 6 - 2,650 2,350 -5. Eye Screening of School Children - Vision Centre 50,962 148 147 - 3,034 Schools 13 - 178 - 63 Teachers trained 49 - 67,237 - 3,932 Children screened 11,275 Children with eye defects 6036. Paediatric Camps 4 0 3 3 2 - 12 Camps 1,311 0 334 260 498 - 2,403 Children examined 0 - 288 Refractive error 179 0 35 27 47 - 202 Glasses prescribed 130 0 26 5 41 - 170 Glasses ordered 117 0 20 0 33 - 166 Other defects identified 21 51 70 247. Mobile Van DR Screening Camps 01 12 29 - - 42 Camps 0 355 1985 5057 - - 7,397 Patients screened 0 108 1332 - - 2,277 Diabetics identified 06 837 - - 506 DR patients identified 198 302 88 5 - 308. Vision Centres 36,637 31,105 5 4 15,828 - 123,198 Centres 26,192 13,436 - 15 New + Review 17 16 10 Outpatients / day / vision centre 19 139. Community Eye Clinics 21 1 1 - -5 Centres 35,165 13,770 25,934 25,380 - - 100,249 New + Review - - 64 Outpatients / day / community eye 56 44 83 81 clinics14

III Batch of Community based Rehabilitation DIABETIC RETINOPATHY INITIATIVESProgramme According to WHO, 41.9 million people are affected byThe III Batch of CBR module-2 training was held from diabetes in India. This figure is estimated to rise to 79.4July 2-24. A team of 20 eye health field workers of million by 2030, the largest diabetic population of anyAravind Vision Centres from Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli, nation in the world. Various studies conducted in IndiaPondicherry and Coimbatore attended the training show that 15 – 20% of this population develops DR. Theprogramme. Eye health field workers were given training working model that Aravind developed to screen diabetesin the following aspects: Orientation and Mobility, Daily patients for diabetic retinopathy has proved effectiveLiving Skills, Educational Rehabilitation, Vocational in addressing this massive problem. As a Centre ofRehabilitation and Social Rehabilitation for the Blind and Excellence in Diabetic Retinopathy under TIFAC –Low vision. It is proposed to rehabilitate 400 blind persons CORE, Aravind is becoming a world leader in patient care,and 2000 persons with low vision through this project in research and training related to Diabetic Retinopathy.the vision centre service area by May 2009. The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)Other Outreach Programmes Aravind Eye Care System has joined forces with severalA large and comprehensive exhibition ‘Kannae Nalama’ international institutions including the World Healthwas held at Aravind-Theni from November 14-16 to create Organization to fight needless blindness around the globe.awareness among public about various eye diseases and Now Aravind has extended a hand in collaboration withtreatment. Mr. Selvakumar, Chief Educational Officer the Clinton Foundation to globally address the risinginaugurated the exhibition, which was viewed by over problem of Diabetic Retinopathy.3,100 persons including the public and students. At the fourth annual meeting of the Clinton GlobalAt Aravind-Tirunelveli an ‘Awareness programme on Initiative, an internationally represented humanitarianGeriatric Eye Diseases for Senior Citizens’ was held body of Clinton Foundation, former US President Billon July 25. A total of 150 senior citizens attended the Clinton personally introduced Aravind’s work in the fieldprogramme. of Diabetic Retinopathy. Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj, Executive Director, LAICO represented Aravind at this meeting.Sponsors Day-2008 Aravind’s declaration of Commitment to Action under the Clinton Global Initiative, reads, ‘We commit toSponsors Day was organised at Aravind-Madurai, creating access to comprehensive management of DiabeticTirunelveli and Pondicherry. The function is organised Retinopathy services through affordable technologicalevery year to honour the camp sponsors whose support solutions for the underserved population’.is the main source of encouragement in conducting eyecamps. The main objective of this occasion is to recognise This declaration dated September 26, 2008 was signed bythe sponsors’ invaluable contribution to our community Mr. Bill Clinton, the former President of the United Stateseye care service programmes. The opportunity is also of America on behalf of the William J. Clinton Foundationutilised to get the sponsor’s feedback on how to conduct and Dr. P. Namperumalsamy, Chairman, AECS,the camps more effectively. Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj and Dr.R.Kim, Chief, Retina - Vitreous, on behalf of the Aravind Eye Care System.A view of the camp sponsors participating at the Sponsors’ day Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj and Dr. Christine Melton at the CGI meetingprogramme at Aravind-Tirunelveli 15

Emerging Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Model Green laser - Aurolase 532 being used to treat DR in the Vitro Retina Service at Aravind-MaduraiThe core objective of this approach is to have a robustIT enabled service delivery model consisting of Training Course on “Flow Cytometry and itsophthalmic diagnostic equipment, a trained technician, applications in Ophthalmic Research”Web browser based software, ADRES 3.0 (AravindDiabetic Retinopathy Evaluation Software) and internet A training course on “Flow Cytometry and its Applicationsconnectivity in a diabetes centre and a tertiary centre in Ophthalmic Research” was held from February 17-21 atall working together to effectively manage diabetic Aravind Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) organisedretinopathy in developing countries. The advantage of by Dr.G. Venkataswamy Eye Research Institute, Aravindthis approach is the opportunity it extends for effective Medical Research Foundation and TIFAC-CORE. PGscreening by collaborating with other specialists, like students, Ph.D scholars and faculty of various colleges anddiabetologists. Thus, patients are in a better position to universities participated in the training.receive expert consultation without having to make visitsto a tertiary eye hospital. Product DevelopmentPerformance: This model has been extended to two more Green laser - Aurolase 532 was launched at the All Indiadiabetes centres (Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu and Kolkata Ophthalmology Society (AIOS) meeting, held at Jaipurin West Bengal) in the year 2008. The table below shows from February, 5-7. Aurolab’s laser team plans to visitthe outcome of the services. hospitals across India provide laser demo, to help build awareness among doctors of its uses.Diabetes Centres Total DR % Eyes Eyes DR Orientation Programme for Lions Supported EyeM.V. Diabetes Centre, Madurai, 4,376 924 21% Hospitals at KolkataTamil Nadu (Report from 20.1.07to 28.2.09) 1,512 321 21% The Lions Club International has been supporting LionsR.R.V. Diabetic and research Eye Hospitals for promoting diabetic retinopathy projectscentre, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 102 26 26% in West Bengal. As part of this project, in January 2009,(Report from 1.7.08 to 28.02.09) the Aravind team was invited to deliver a lecture onNeotia Elbit Take care, Kolkata, 5,990 1,271 21%West Bengal (Report from 8.6.08 Dr. Naresh Babu and Mr. Vijayakumar at the Lions Supported Eyeto 28.02.09) Hospital in KolkataTotalTIFAC-CORE Phase IIThe TIFAC-CORE Phase II commenced in July 2007 withthe objectives of (1) organising new academic programmeson Molecular Genetic methods in Diabetic Retinopathy,(2) application of confocal microscopy and flow cytometryin eye diseases and (3) research and development onFunctional Genomics and Proteomics of DiabeticRetinopathy in collaboration with Joslin Diabetes Centre,Boston, USA. The Phase II activities were all under wayin 2008.Training ProgrammesTraining programme was conducted for TIFAC-COREcoordinators on Management of Industry –Academialinkages for Academicians/Scientists organised byAdministrative College of India, Bella Vista, Hyderabadand TIFAC, Mission REACH, Department of Science andTechnology, New Delhi from November 17 to 21.16

Dr. Naresh Babu and Mr. Vijayakumar with Peking University Eye At a Diabetic Retinopathy Screening campCentre teamDiabetic Retinopathy and share Aravind’s experiences planned. As part of the consultancy process, a team fromin the field with the staff of the Lions Eye Hospitals at Peking University Eye Centre visited Aravind and LAICOKolkata. Around 37 participants attended this workshop, as an exchange visit to understand diabetic retinopathyincluding representatives from the Lions hospitals, services, facilities, academic programme, communityOphthalmologists, Administrators/ District Governors, outreach screening and awareness programme.the International Governor, the Past InternationalGovernor, the SightFirst Project Chairman, and the Aravind World Diabetes Foundation DR projectTechnical Advisor. Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore and TirunelveliExchange Visit by Peking University Eye Centre(PUEC) A total of 26 awareness seminars were conducted across all Aravind Eye Hospitals in the year ending March 2009. 2269Eli Lilly Diabetic Eye Disease Centre (ELDEDC), Beijing, participants including Medical Officers from various NGOsChina and Primary Health Centres participated in these seminars. 7 exhibitions were also conducted for the general public.The Peking University Eli Lilly Diabetic Eye DiseaseCentre was established on March 20, 2007 at PUEC, World Diabetes Day ObservationBeijing, China to lessen the incidence of avoidable visualimpairment and blindness due to diabetes in collaboration World Diabetes Day was observed on 14th November atwith International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). Aravind Eye Hospitals to create awareness among theRecognising the challenge of diabetic eye disease, a public about diabetes and its complications. The theme ofmulti-year consultation with Aravind and Lions Aravind this year’s World Diabetes Day campaign is “Diabetes inInstitute of Community Ophthalmology (LAICO) was Children and Adolescents.”Dr. R. Ramakrishnan with Mr. K. Prakash, District Collector, Tirunelveli at the Awareness Rally on World Diabetes day atAravind - Tirunelveli 17

Sr. Alikutty Vargeese at the CME on Sterilisation and Aseptic Techniques in Eye Surgery Dr. Marlyn T. Miller, USA, lighting the lamp to inaugurate the Paediatric Ophthalmology Silver Jubilee CME18

Education and TrainingTraining eye care professionals worldwide has always MAJOR CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATIONbeen a core mandate of AECS. Apart from standard PROGRAMMES ORGANISED AT ARAVINDteaching and upgrading activities, customised and needbased short term skill development programmes have Paediatric Eye Diseases and Radiology in Paediatricsensured that a large number of eye care professionals Aravind-Tirunelveli, April 20including doctors, technicians, eye care leaders, managers,programme managers and community workers are A total of 45 paediatricians from Tirunelveli, Tuticorinbenefitted every year. As these training and education and Kanyakumari Districts participated in the CME.programmes have won world wide acclaim, there is a Apart from the Aravind faculty, Dr.Gopinath, Radiologistconstant request from eye care organisations around the from Aarthi CT Scan, presented radiology in paediatricsworld seeking training for their personnel. and Dr.S.Raju, Paediatrician from Krishna Nursing Home spoke on the paediatric eye diseases.Internal Capacity Building GLUCONS-2008 Aravind-Coimbatore, June 28-29Dr. Mohideen Abdul Kader, Glaucoma Consultant,Aravind-Tirunelveli underwent training at Moorefields A total of 180 delegates participated in the CME. TheEye Hospital, London under Dr. Maria Papadopoulos,MD guest faculty were Dr. V. Velayutham, Director RIO,from October 13-17 and had training in Tube-shunt Govt. Ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai, Dr.Tanuj Dada,surgeries. He along with Dr. George V Puthuran, Associate Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr.Devindar SoodGlaucoma Consultant, Aravind-Madurai participated from Glaucoma Imaging Center, New Delhi, Dr.Ronniein the III- International innovative Glaucoma surgery George from Sankara Netralaya and Dr.Murali Ariga frommeeting at Recklinghausen, Germany, from October 24-26 Sundaram Medical Foundation, Chennai. The meetingand also underwent training for non-penetrating filtering focused on the topics Basic Course, Imaging and Newersurgery (NPFS)-Canaloplasty at Recklinghausen Eye Diagnostic Tools in Glaucoma, Glaucoma Clinical Course,Centre from October 20-29 under Dr. Gabor B. Scharioth. Medical management and Glaucoma practice. On theDr. George, Dr. Mohideen with Dr. Gabor at Recklinghausen, Dr. Sathyan guiding a participant during a Wet Lab session atGermany GLUCONS-2008 19

CANDIDATES TRAINED 2008-2009 surgical front, optimising trabeculectomy outcome, managing cataract and glaucoma, rescuing a failing filter,Name of the Course Duration Total Ahamed Glaucoma Valve, viscocanalostomy, canaloplasty, intent, express shunt were discussed. Wet lab session wasPOST GRADUATE COURSES 2 years 8 also held during the programme.Diploma in Ophthalmology (D.O) 3 years 6Master of Surgery in Ophthalmology (M.S) 3 years 12 Essential Trends in Orbit, Oculoplasty and OncologyDiplomate of the National Board (Dip.N.B) 2 years 7 Aravind-Tirunelveli, August 30-31Post DO DNB The main purpose of this CME was to get the participantsLONG TERM - OPHTHALMOLOGY FELLOWSHIP 2 years 10 familiarised with the latest developments in the field.Retina - Vitreous 2 years 17 Experts such as Radiologists, Plastic Surgeons, NeuroAnterior Segment / Intraocular Lens Microsurgery 2 years 7 Surgeons, and ENT Specialists were invited as Faculty toGlaucoma 18 months 12 discuss the recent advances and developments in detail.Cornea 18 months 9Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 18 months 4 Paediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusOrbit and Oculoplasty 18 months 1 Aravind-Coimbatore, September 21Uvea 18 months 1General Ophthalmology 2 years 1 This CME was organised for practising paediatriciansComprehensive General Ophthalmology and paediatric residents. The Programme was specifically designed to refresh knowledge in common paediatricSHORT TERM - FELLOWSHIP 6 months 1 ophthalmic problems.(Only for International Candidates) 6 months 1Orbit and Oculoplasty I - Neurons 2008Cornea Aravind-Coimbatore, October 11-12SHORT TERM - CLINICAL COURSES 1 month 48 The conference was attended by 174 delegates. The guestIOL Microsurgery 1 month 55 faculty were Dr. Joseph Rizzo, Consultant NeurologistSmall Incision Cataract Surgery 1 month 57 and Ophthalmologist from Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary,Phacoemulsification 2 months 48 Boston, Dr.V.Jayakumar, Consultant Neurologist fromDiagnosis and Management of Glaucoma 2 months 44 JK Institute of Neurology, Madurai, Dr.Navin Jayakumar,Lasers in Diabetic Retinopathy Management 1 month 2 Director, Dharshan Eye Clinic, Chennai, Dr. MathewLow Vision Cherian, Interventional Radiologist, Dr. Vijayan, ConsultantOrientation to Paediatric Ocular Anaesthesia 1 month 2 Neurologist, Dr.Rupa, Consultant Radiologist fromfor Anaesthetist KMCH, Coimbatore and Dr. Gopi Krishnan, Professor of Neurosurgery, PSG Hospital, Coimbatore. The programmeLONG TERM - PARAMEDICAL COURSES 2 years 25 covered various topics such as Recurrent Optic Neuritis,Diploma in Ophthalmic Techniques Multifarious Etiology of Disc Edema, Presentation and Management of Intracranial Vascular Lesions, EvaluationSHORT TERM - PARAMEDICAL COURSES 3 months 11 of Transient visual loss and Diplopia, Localising valueOptical Dispensing 2 months 2 of field defects, Nystagmus, Supranuclear gaze palsies,OT Techniques 2 months 2Refraction Techniques 6 months 4 Dr. Kalpana at the CME on “Paediatric Ophthalmology &Training for Orthoptist 3 months 10 Strabismus” at Aravind-CoimbatoreTraining for Paediatric Nurses 2 months 3Training for Paediatric Counsellors 3 weeks 2Training for Ocularist 2 months 11Fundus Angiography and UltrasonographyMANAGEMENT COURSESManagement Training for Eye Care Programme Managers 2 weeks 23 26Management Priorities in Eye Care Delivery 1 week 16Management Training and Systems Development 9 24for Hospital Administrators or Managers 6 weeks 2Project Management Training for Eye Care 4 weeks 19Instruments Maintenance for Technicians 6 weeksInstruments Maintenance for Ophthalmologist 5 daysCommunity Outreach and Social Marketing ofEye Care Services 4 weeksTOTAL 54220

Dr. R.D. Ravindran at “I-Neurons” at Aravind-Coimbatore Dr. Thiruvengadakrishnan at the PHACOEXCEL 2008 WorkshopInvestigative procedures in Neuro-ophthalmology Phacoexcel CMEand Interventional Radiological procedures in Neuro- Aravind-Madurai, December 13-14ophthalmology. About 120 delegates from various parts of the country participated in this CME.Update in OphthalmologyOctober 13-17 at LAICO The guest faculty were Dr.David Lubeck, Senior CataractAravind-Tirunelveli, March 22 and refractive surgeon from Illinois, USA; Dr.Jeevan Titiyal, Additional Professor in Cornea and RefractiveThis provided practical and applicable information through Surgery, R.P. Centre, New Delhi; Dr.Prashanth Garg,didactive lectures and interactive case presentations, videos Consultant Ophthalmologist and Director of Education atand discussions. It helped the participants to augment L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad; Dr.Mathew Kurian,their basic theoretical knowledge, enhance their practical Consultant from Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore andexamination, and improve their understanding of various Dr.Minu Mathen, Senior Consultant from Chaitanya Eyeinvestigative and diagnostic tools. Hospital and Research Institute, Trivandrum. The entire programme was transmitted live to the AMECS centers,Cornea CME Kolkota and Lucknow through video conferencing and theAravind-Tirunelveli, November 22-23 doctors at those hospitals had the opportunity to interact real-time with the faculty.A total of 99 delegates attended the CME Programme.The main purpose of this CME was to get familiarised CME Programme on Instruments Maintenancewith the recent trends. The guest faculty were Dr.Pulin Aravind-Madurai, January 10-11Shah, Director, Ochsner Laser vision centre, New Orleans,USA, Dr.J.K.Reddy, Sankara Eye Hospital, Coimbatore, Bio-Medical engineers and technicians and trainees fromDr.Bhaskar Srinivasan, Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, and all the hospitals attended the CME programme.Dr.Srinivas K.Rao, Dharshan Eye Clinic, Chennai. Prof. V. Srinivasan explained the scope of the programme. Dr. P. Balakrishnan, Managing Director, Aurolab spoke onCornea Faculty with Dr. R. Ramakrishnan at the Cornea CME atAravind-Tirunelveli CME Programme on Instrument Maintenance at Aravind-Madurai 21

CONFERENCES ATTENDED ELSEWHERE Joint INDO-US workshop Bangalore, January 4-5 DR. R. KIM - Ophthalmology: present, future, and beyond presented a paper on Diabetic Macular Edema at Narayana Nethralaya.Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi at the Paediatric Ophthalmology Silver Jubilee SCUT (Steroids in Corneal Ulcer Trial) DSMC MeetingCME USA, January 12the role of Instruments Maintenance, what it is and what Dr. M Srinivasan participated in SCUT DSMC meeting atit should be. Dr. G. Natchiar, Vice-Chairman, AECS and Proctor Foundation, USA.Mrs. Preethi Pradhan, Senior HR Manager addressed theparticipants. Ms. Susila, Ms. Ganga, Ms. Poomari, Asia Cornea SocietyMs. Alaguselvi, Mr. Sekar, Mr. Siva Krishnamenon Hyderabad, January 14delivered lectures on various topics. DR. N.V. PRAJNA - Mycotic ulcer treatment trial comparing topical voriconazolePaediatric Ophthalmology Silver Jubilee CMEAravind-Madurai, January 10-11 and natamycin: preliminary resultA total of 90 participants attended the CME programme. Asia ARVO MeetingGuest faculty were Dr. Marlyn T. Miller, USA, Dr.Robert Hyderabad, January 15-18Peterson, USA, Dr. Clare Gilbert, UK, Dr.Stephen Kraft, DR. P. NAMPERUMALSAMYCanada, Dr. Kim Curnyn, USA, Prof. Jill Keffe, Australia, - Chairman of the symposium on “Diabetic Retinopathy – The newDr. Andrew R. Webster, UK, Dr. James N.Ver Hoeve, USA,Dr. Ken K. Nischal, UK, Dr. Pradeep Sharma, AIIMS, Delhi, epidemic”Dr. Surendran, Dr.Meenakshi and Dr.Sumitha Agarkar fromSankara Nethralaya, Chennai, and Dr. Ramesh Kekuniya, Chairman of the keynote Session 3LVPEI, Hyderabad. DR. R. KIMAnother important milestone achieved was the launch - Telemedicine for Diabetic Retinopathy Screeningof a CD on ‘Evaluation of Strabismus – A step by step DR. HARIPRIYA ARAVINDapproach’ developed by Department of Paediatric - Challenging case in Phaco video Symposium.Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus. A meeting was DR. USHA KIMorganised for Aravind Paediatric Ophthalmology Alumni - Overview of Eye lid Tumourson January 12. The participants shared their experiences in - The hot orbit – moderatorthe field. There was also discussion with the experts on a - Lid session – moderatorvariety of difficult-to-manage cases. - Lid Injury finger on the pulse - Endonasal DCR – performance and precisionCME for Ophthalmic Assistants DR. P. VIJAYALAKSHMI - The prevalence and management of childhood hyperopiaSterilisation and Aseptic Techniques in Eye Surgery - Techniques in paediatric cataract surgeryLAICO, January 3-4 - Management of aphakia in children DR.VR.MUTHUKKARUPPANA total of 185 participants from Tamilnadu, Karnataka, - Ex vivo expansion of human corneal epithelial stem cells andKerala and Andhra Pradesh attended the workshop.Operation Theatre Nurses and OT managers participated transplantation for ocular surface reconstructionin the workshop. The topics covered in the workshop DR. P. SUNDARESANwere Importance of Sterilisation, Sources of Infection, - Genetic studies of corneal endothelial dystrophySterilisation Procedures, Infection Control Committee, - Genetic and functional analysis of myocilin, a protein associatedWaste Management Practices, Theatre Administration. with primary open angle glaucoma MS.B.HEMA DEVI - COL8A2 and SLC4A11 gene variants in Indian patients with Fuch’s endothelial corneal dystrophy MS. S. ANANTHI - Development of an Effective Sample Preparation Method for the Tear Proteomic Analysis Using 2-D Gel Electrophoresis MS. K. RENUGA DEVI - Genetic Analysis of Indian Oculocutaneous Albinism Patients22

MS. S. JEYALAKSHMI DR. RATHINAM- Characterisation of human epithelial cells and epithelial mesen- - Infectious Uveitis: a mixed bag of surprises chymal transition cells in relation to PCO formation in culture. Delhi Ophthalmological Society conference This received the “Best Scientific Paper Presentation Award” at New Delhi, March 19-21 ASIA ARVO . DR. SHUKLAMS. B. SUGANTHALAKSHMI - Brilliant Blue G: A new stain for ILM peel in Vitreomacular- Lack of EPO Gene Promotor SNP rs1617640 and association of RAGE gene 3 SNP rs2070600 with type 2 diabetic retinopathy in surgeries South Indian population DR. KAMAL PREETMS. S. VAISHALI - Orbital mass lesions due to Paranasal sinus malignancy.- Evaluation of adult human limbal fibroblasts as a feeder layer for Ex Vivo expansion of buccal mucosal epithelial cells American Society for Cataract and Refractive SurgeryMS. P. NARMATHADEVI (ASCRS)- Proteomic analysis of secretome of aspergillus flavus isolated Chicago, April 4-9 from fungal keratitis patients Dr.R.Venkatesh conducted an instruction course onMR. P. PRABHU Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery and spoke on- Ex vivo Expansion of human corneal epithelial stem cells in - Torsional phaco for small pupil in a course on torsional phaco for limbal explants cultureDR. C. GOWRI PRIYA challenging cases.- A New method to identify human corneal epithelial stem cells on the basis of ABCG2 expression combined with a large N/C ratio Interactive symposium on Glaucoma and DiabeticDR. S. SENTHIL KUMARI Retinopathy- Demonstrating the effect of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) modulation at SS Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, June 8 blood ocular barriers using Gamma Scintigraphy DR.R.KIMDR. NARENDRAN - Pharmocotherapy- Anti-VEGF- Vitrectomy in Endophthalmitis - Surgical management of diabetic retinopathy and setting upDR. RATHINAM- Tuberculosis and Uveitis vitreo retina services- Etiology of Uveitis: expect the unexpectedDR. M. SRINIVASAN Philippines Society of Cataract and Refractive Society- Role of Anti Inflammatory Therapy in the Treatment of Meeting Microbial Keratitis Philippines, Manila, June 25- The Clinical utilities of Genetic testing in the Diagnosis & Dr. S. Aravind, Administrator, AEH participated in the management of inherited disorders Philippines Society of Cataract and Refractive Society- What are High Risk Grafts meeting and did live surgery in the meeting. The surgeons- Screening the Eye donors for communicable diseases – challenges along with Dr. S. Aravind were Dr. Charith Fonseka & solutions (Sri Lanka), Dr. Robert Cioni (USA), Dr. Ces EspirituDR. N. V. PRAJNA (Philippines) and Dr. Samuel Masket (USA).- ‘Training the Trainers – An International Perspective’ in the session ‘Transcending the Borders in Ophthalmic Education’ World Ophthalmology Congress Hong Kong, June 26-28Moderator for the session - Scientific Paper Session 4 DR. P. NAMPERUMALSAMY - “WHO collaborating centre in Madurai: current activities and- Refractive Surgery- Newer antifungal in the treatment of fungal Keratitis educational programmes”DR. LALITHA PRAJNA Retina Society - Update in Diabetic Retinopathy- In-vitro susceptibility of antifungal and co-relation of clinical Dr. S. Aravind at the Philippines Society of Cataract and Refractive outcome in fungal Keratitis Society MeetingDr.R.D.Ravindran, Dr.Thiruvengada Krishnan, Chief ofCornea, Aravind-Pondicherry Dr.Badrinath Talwar,Dr. Parag. K.Shah attended the meeting.DR. SENGUPTA SABYASACHI- Safety and efficiency of single site manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Combined with TrabeculectomyJoint meeting of the Hyderabad OphthalmologistsAssociation (HOA) and Pre-conference meeting of theUveitis Society of India - Uveitis and Ocular traumaHyderabad, January 20 23

Dr.P.Namperumalsamy, Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna, Chief of Cornea, Aravind-Madurai, Dr.R.D.Ravindran, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind-Pondicherry, Mr.R.D.Thulasiraj and Ms. Chitra participated in a discussion on collaboration between AECS and AAO on ONE network.Dr. Kalpana Narendran, Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi, Dr.M. Srinivasan, IX International low vision conferenceand Dr.V. Narendran at the World Ophthalmology Congress Montreal, Canada, July 7-11- Talk on “New approaches to diabetic retinopathy screening and Dr. K. Ilango, attended the IX International conference disease monitoring in large populations” on low vision named as Vision 2008 at the palais des congress de Montreal, Canada and presented a paper on- Using the internet and technology to extend eye care the “Importance of low vision service among developingand he participated as the Chairman for the session on countries”. He also presented a poster on “Effectiveness- Low cost, long distance tele-ophthalmology network in rural of vision stimulation in congenitally blind children”. Dr.Ilango also visited the Montreal University. India.DR. USHA KIM IX Biennial Conference of SAARC Academy ofParticipated as the guest speaker for Ophthalmology and II Indian AMD Conference- How allied personnel should be trained and assessed, most effectively? New Delhi, August 22-24- Development of course and assessment of knowledge DR. P. NAMPERUMALSAMYDR. P. VIJAYALAKSHMI- Setting up a school screening programme South Asian Academy Oration Award 2008 was presented- How to conduct training programme in surgical management of to him for his presentation on diabetic retinopathy: paediatric cataract - An emerging epidemic of blindness in the session on “Management- Update on infantile cataract of diabetic retinopathy”.DR.M. SRINIVASAN- Corneal Blindness - Impact of community based preventive - Keynote speaker for the practice management symposium and talk on “Aravind Model” strategies - Will the dream of elimination of blindness due to corneal Infection realise some day? DR. M. SRINIVASANDR. KALPANA NARENDRAN- Establishing tertiary children eye care service participated as the Convenor of the sessionMr. R. D. Thulasiraj and Dr. P. Namperumalsamy alongwith ICO conducted a joint review of the Eli Lily funded - Keratitis…. diagnosis and managementproject at Peking University Eye Centre, Beijing forestablishing a community oriented diabetic retinopathy also as the Co-Chairman of the sessionservices. - Corneal blindness… the task aheadDr.K.Ilango presented a poster at the IX International Low Vision - The problems and remediesConference DR. RAMAKRISHNAN - Keynote address on recent advances in glaucoma surgery DR. KRISHNADAS - Keynote address on principles of glaucoma medical therapy DR. SATHYAN - Talks on early glaucoma diagnosis by OCT and manual small incision cataract surgery and trabeculectomy DR. ANAND RAJENDRAN - Role of steroids in management of diabetic macular edema - Diagnosis and management of PCV in SAARC Context - Avastin - place in AMD management Diabetic Retinopathy Symposium Lions Clubs International, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, October 4-5 DR.KIM - Awareness of diabetic retinopathy - KAP DR. P. SUNDARESAN - Genetics on diabetic retinopathy 17th Annual Conference of Ophthalmologists Sri Lanka, October 9-12 DR. KALPANA NARENDRAN - Recent advances in paediatric cataract management - Visual acuity estimation in children24

Instruction Course: Dr.R.Kim attended the training programme for- Management of syndromes in strabismus TIFAC-CORE coordinators in Management of Industry- III and IV nerve palsy management –Academia linkages for Academicians / Scientists.International AMD Congress CME on Ocular Sports TraumaItaly, October 17-19 Gwalior, November 23Dr.V.Narendran, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind- Dr. Shukla, Consultant, Retina-Vitreous Service attendedCoimbatore participated in the International AMD the CME on ocular sports trauma at Gwalior.Congress at Italy. Diabetes Summit for East AsiaWorkshop on Manual and Wall charts on ROP Chennai, November 28-30New Delhi, October 22 Dr. P.Namperumalsamy, Dr. R.Kim and Mr.V.VijayakumarDR. PARAG K. SHAH attended the summit. The summit was organised by the- Management of ROP World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHOAnnual Meeting of Glaucoma Society of India SEARO), the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) andChandigarh, November 1-2 the World Bank.DR. RAMAKRISHNAN DR.P. NAMPERUMALSAMYLecture on optimising success in Glaucoma filtering - Preventing blindness related to diabetessurgery DR. R. KIMDR. KRISHNADAS - The Aravind experience in WDF diabetic retinopathy projects- Talk on over functioning blebs, panel chair on medical Vitreo Retinal Society of India (VRSI) management of glaucoma Raichak, Kolkatta, December 4-6DR. SATHYAN DR. D. SHUKLA- Optic disc damage in glaucoma, video lecture on small incision - Brilliant Blue G: A new dye for staining of internal limiting trabeculectomy & MSICS membrane during vitrectomy for macular holeDR. VENKATESH DR. NARESH BABU- Video lecture on non penetrating glaucoma surgery - 23 gauge Trans Scleral Sutureless silicone oil removalDR. MANJU DR. ANAND RAJENDRAN- Combating glaucoma blindness in third world- video on - Ranbizumab (Lucentis): Clinical implications on posology glaucoma training development and efficacy of dosing strategiesDR. PRATEEK AGARWAL DR. SOMNATH CHAKRABORTY- Correlation of CCT and retinal nerve fiber thickness by OCT. - A case of chronic central serous retinopathy with anteriorIndian Council of Medical Research segment neovascularisationDelhi, November 6DR. USHA KIM Annual meet of the Philippines Academy of- Retinoblastoma registry Ophthalmology Philippines, Manila, November 26-2927th Conference of Karnataka State Ophthalmic Society DR. SHIVAKUMARShimoga, November 7-8 - “Aravind eye hospital MSICS Training Course”Dr. Kalpana Narendran, Senior Medical Officer, Aravind- The course was aimed at presenting MSICS as anCoimbatore delivered a talk on Intermittent Exotropia. affordable and viable alternative to phacoemulsification.IVth National Conference of Telemedicine Society of Vitreo Retina Society of India ConferenceIndia Kolkatta, December 4-6Chandigarh, November 15-16 DR. PARAG K. SHAHMR. VIJAYAKUMAR - Dosimetry and treatment planning for ophthalmic brachytherapy- Primary Eye Care Services through IT enabled vision centres in using indigenous iodine -125 seeds for choroidal melanomas rural areas Dr. George Manayath received Best Poster Award for theMR. SANTHANAKRISHNAN poster presented on- Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy - Affordable Technological - Sub threshold TTT for Chronic CSR Dr. V Narendran, Dr. V.R. Saravanan, Dr. Rodney J. solutions Morris, Dr. Rama Subba Reddy, and Dr. Thomas K.Mr. T. Santhanakrishnan received the best paper award Chacko participated in the conference.for oral presentation. 25TIFAC–CORE MeetingNew Delhi, November 17-20

VISION 2020 Conference ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALSKathmandu, Nepal, December 5-9 International JournalsDr. P.Vijayalakshmi, Chief of Paediatric ophthalmologyand adult strabismus and Dr. Anil Kumar, Assistant prof. ARCHIVES OF OPHTHALMOLOGYof Paediatric, Aravind-Madurai attended this conferenceand highlighted the challenges faced in paediatric VOL: 126 (5) 2008 MAY P.700-708cataract followed by evaluation, surgical management HEMADEVI, BOOMIRAJ VEITIA, R A; SRINIVASAN, M;and post operative management to an audience of local ARUNKUMAR, J; PRAJNA, V; LESAFFRE, C; SUNDARESAN, Pophthalmologists and practising paediatric ophthalmology - Identification of Mutations in the SLC4A11 Gene in Patientsand eye care managers. with Recessive Congenital Hereditary Endothelial DystrophyA similar session along with an interactive programmewas conducted on December 6 at Biratnagar eye hospital, 2008 OCT; 126 (10):1448-54.Biratnagar, Nepal. The following day Dr.P.Vijayalakshmi, LEE BW, SATHYAN P, JOHN RK, SINGH K, ROBIN AL.interacted with ophthalmologists, and conducted - Predictors of and Barriers Associated with Poor Follow-Up ina session on practical approach to a child with eyeproblems. This included strabismus, amblyopia and Patients with Glaucoma in South India.low vision. She examined children in the OPD and gavesuggestions. ASIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGYOn 9th December she spoke on recent advances in VOL: 10 (10) 2008 P.221-229paediatric cataract surgery in the Tribhuvan teaching eye MITTAL, SAURABH; MITTAL, APOORVA AND RAMAKRISHNAN, Rhospital, (Kathmandu – Nepal) followed by discussion - Safety and Efficacy of manual Small-Incision Cataracton development of a paediatric ophthalmology unit atNational Children Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal and gave Surgery Combined with Trabeculectomy: Comparison withvaluable inputs. PhacotrabeculectomyAnnual Conference of Oculoplasty Association of India BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGYHyderabad, December 5-7 2008 OCT 1. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT]The best poster award was given to Dr. Akash D Shah, SRINIVASAN M, LALITHA P, MAHALAKSHMI R, PRAJNA NV,Dr. Usha Kim, Chief of Orbit and Oculoplasty, Aravind- MASCARENHAS J CHIDAMBARAM JD, LEE S, HONG KC,Madurai, Dr.Vipul Arora, and Dr.M.G.Raginikanth for the ZEGANS ME, GLIDDEN DV, MCLEOD S, WHITCHER JP,paper presented on LIETMAN TM, ACHARYA NR.- A study of clinical, histopathological profile and outcome - Corticosteroids for Bacterial Corneal Ulcers of sino-orbital aspergillus in immunocompetent and VOL: 93 (1) 2009 JAN. P.116-119 immunocompromised individuals DAY, S LALITHA, P; HAUG, S; FOTHERGILL, A W; CEVALLOS, G; VIJAYAKUMAR, R; PRAJNA, N V; ACHARYA, N R; MCLEAD, S D;Dr. Gagan Dudeja, Dr. Usha Kim, and Dr. Krishna Kumar LIETMAN, T Mreceived best poster award for the paper on - Activity of Antibiotics against Fusarium and Aspergillus- Efficacy, surgical outcome and complications of frontalis sling CLINICAL VACCINE & IMMUNOLOGY suspension surgery using silicon rod (Auro sling) Ehibond materials. VOL: 15 (6) 2008 JUN. P.1017-1023 VERMA, ASHUTOSH; RATHINAM, R; GOWRI PRIYA, C;Dr. Akash D.Shah and Dr. Akang participated in the MUTHUKKARUPPAN, V R; STEVENSON, BRIAN; TIMONEY,meeting. JOHN F. T - LruA and LruB Antibodies in Sera of Humans with Leptospiral Uveitis CORNEA VOL: 27 (10) 2008 DEC. P.1164-1170 ARPITHA, PARTHASARATHY PRAJNA, NAMPERUMALSAMY V; SRINIVASAN, MUTHIAH; MUTHUKKARUPPAN, VEERAPPAN - A Subset of Human Limbal Epithelial Cells with Greater Nucleus-to-Cytoplasm Ratio Expressing High Levels of p63 Possesses Slow-Cycling Property26

EYE VOL: 23 (2) 2009 FEB. P.477-479 TYPE: CASE REPORTVOL: 22 (4) 2008 APR. P.592-596 KRISHNAN, T; SENGUPTA, S; REDDY, P R; RAVINDRAN, R DSHUKLA, D AIELLO, L P; KOLLURU, C; BADDELA, S; JAGER, R D; - Secondary Pseudomonas Infection of Fungal Keratitis followingKIM, R- Relation of Optical Coherence Tomography and Unusual Use of Contaminated Natamycin Eye Drops: a case series Angiographic Leakage Patterns in Central Serous HEALTH AFFAIRS Chorioretinopathy VOL: 27 (4) 2008 MAR. P.964-976VOL: 22 (4) 2008 APR. P.600-602 BHANDARI, AMAN; DRATLER, SANDRA; RAUBE, KRISTIANA;SHUKLA, D; CHAKRABORTY, S AND RAJENDRAN, A THULASIRAJ, R D- Combined Pharmacotherapy and Thermotherapy for Chronic - Specialty Care Systems: a Pioneering Vision for Global Health Central Serous Chorioretinopathy with Anterior Segment HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS Neovascularisation” VOL: 18 (6) 2009 MAR 15; P. 1110-21. EPUB 2009 JANVOL: 22 (9) 2008 SEP. P.1198-1200 TYPE: LETTER ASAI-COAKWELL M, FRENCH CR, YE M, GARCHA K, BIGOTSHUKLA, D; CHAKRABORTY, S K, PERERA AG, STAEHLING-HAMPTON K, MEMA SC, CHANDA- Pre-Macular Nematode in Diffuse Unilateral Subacute B, MUSHEGIAN A, BAMFORTH S, DOSCHAK MR, LI G, DOBBS MB, GIAMPIETRO PF, BROOKS BP, VIJAYALAKSHMI P, SAUVÉ Y, Neuroretinitis” ABITBOL M, SUNDARESAN P, VAN HEYNINGEN V, POURQUIÉ O, UNDERHILL TM, WASKIEWICZ AJ, LEHMANN OJ.2008 JUL 11. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT] - Incomplete penetrance and phenotypic variability characterizeSHUKLA D, AGRAWAL D, DHAWAN A, RAMCHANDANI B.- Posterior Scleritis Presenting with Simultaneous Branch Retinal Gdf6-attributable oculo-skeletal phenotypes Artery Occlusion and Exudative Retinal Detachment. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE2008 APR 25. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT] VOL: 24 (8) 2008 JUL. P.E PUBSHUKLA D, MURALY P. CHIDAMBARANATHAN, GOWRI PRIYA; RATHINAM, AND- Myopic Tractional Maculopathy Associated with MUTHUKKARUPPAN, V - Evidences for Endotoxin as a Causative Factor for Leptospiral Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment. Uveitis in HumanVOL: 22(7) 2008 JUL P.900-4. EPUB 2007 MAR 30.SHUKLA D, KANUNGO S, PRASAD NM, KIM R. JAAPOS- Surgical Outcomes for Vitrectomy in Eales’ Disease VOL: 12 (2) 2008 APR. P.163-1652008 TYPE: E-PUB SUNDARESH, KANNAN; JETHANI, JITENDRA AND VIJAYALAKSHMI,KRISHNAN, T SENGUPTA, S; REDDY, P R; RAVINDRAN, R D PERUMALSAMY- Secondary Pseudomonas Infection of Fungal Keratitis following - Optical Iridectomy in Children with Corneal Opacities Use of Contaminated Natamycin Eye Drops: a case series VOL: 12 (5) 2008 OCT. P.531-533 VIJAYALAKSHMI, PERUMALSAMY; MURALIDHAR, RAJAMANI;2008 JUN 20. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT] SHETTY, SHASHIKANT; SANE, MONAVENKATESH R, TAN CS, SINGH GP, VEENA K, KRISHNAN KT, - Resolution of Anterior Segment Ischemia after the Removal ofRAVINDRAN RD- Safety and Efficacy of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Lateral Fixation Sutures for Brunescent and Black Cataracts. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY EYE HEALTHJUL 2008. [EPB AHEAD OF PRINT] VOL: 21 (67) 2008 SEP. P.40-42RAMAKRISHNAN R, BHARATHI MJ, SHIVKUMAR C, MITTAL S, NATCHIAR, G; THULASIRAJ, R D AND MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM, RMEENAKSHI R, KHADEER MA, AVASTHI A. - Cataract Surgery at Aravind Eye Hospitals: 1988-2008- Microbiological profile of culture-proven cases of exogenous and JOURNAL OF GLAUCOMA endogenous endophthalmitis: a 10-year retrospective study. VOL:17 ( 8 ) 2008 DEC P. 605-610VOL: 22 (7) JUL 2008 P.953-60. EPUB 2007 JUN 29 NITIN DESHPANDE; PRAJNA LALITHA; S. R. KRISHNA DAS;BHARATHI MJ, RAMAKRISHNAN R, MANEKSHA V, JITENDRA JETHANI; R. MANJU PILLAI; ALAN ROBIN; KARTHIKSHIVAKUMAR C, NITHYA V, MITTAL S. - Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibodies in Aqueous Humor and- Comparative bacteriology of acute and chronic dacryocystitis. Serum of Subjects with Primary Open Angle and Pseudo-2009 JAN 16. [EPUB AHEAD OF PRINT] exfoliation Glaucoma in a South Indian Population.SHUKLA D, DHAWAN A.- Foveoschisis after vitrectomy for myopic macular hole with secondary retinal detachment.VOL: 23 (1) 2009 JAN. P.176-180SHAH, P K; NARENDRAN, V; KALPANA, N; TAWANSY, K A- Anatomical and Visual Outcome of Stages 4 and 5 Retinopathy of Prematurity 27

JOURNAL OF NUTRITION - Vitrectomy for Epimacular Membrane Secondary to Adult- Onset Coats’ Disease138: 787–792, 2008JAMES M. TIELSCH; LAKSHMI RAHMATHULLAH; JOANNE KATZ; R. VOL: 39 (3) 2008 MAY.-JUN. P.228-229 TYPE: CASED THULASIRAJ; CHRISTIAN COLES; S. SHEELADEVI AND KARTIK REPORTPRAKASH VENKATESH, RENGARAJ; TAN. C S H; VEENA, KANNUSAMY;- Maternal Night Blindness during Pregnancy is Associated with RAVINDRAN, R D - Severe Anterior Capsular Phimosis following Acrylic Low Birth weight, Morbidity, and Poor Growth in South India Intraocular Lens Implantations in a Patient withJOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY PseudoexfoliationVOL: 46 (10) 2008 OCT. P.3477-3478 VOL: 39 (6) 2008 NOV.-DEC.LALITHA, P; VIJAYKUMAR, R; PRAJNA, N V; FOTHERGILL. A W SHUKLA, DHANANJAY; RAJENDRAN, ANAND; CHAKRABORTY,- In-vitro Natamycin Susceptibility of Ocular Isolates of SOMNATH; MAHESHWARI, RAJKUMAR - Chronic Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachments with Unusual Fusarium and Aspergillus Species: comparison of commercially formulated Natamycin Eye drops to pharmaceutical grade Clinical, Angiographic and Tomographic Presentations Powder VOL: 40 (2) 2009 MAR-APR; P.115-119MEDICAL MYCOLOGY SHUKLA D, BEHERA UC, CHAKRABORTY S, MAHALAKSHMI R, PRASAD NM.VOL: 46 (3) 2008 MAY P. 279-84 - Serous macular detachment as a predictor of resolution ofMANIKANDAN P, VISMER HF, KREDICS L, DOCZI I, MARASASWF, BHASKAR M, ANITA R, REVATHI R, NARENDRAN V macular edema with intravitreal triamcinolone injection.- Corneal Ulcer Due To Neocosmospora Vasinfecta in an OPHTHALMOLOGY Immunocompetent Patient. VOL: 115(11) 2008 NOV. P. 2094MICROSCOPIC RESEARCH TECHNIQUES Venkatesh R, Ravindran RD, Bharathi B, Sengupta S Optic Nerve CysticercosisVOL: 71 (6) 2008 JUN. P.469-476ARPITHA, PARTHASARATHY; PRAJNA, NAMPERUMALSAMY; RETINASRINIVASAN, MUTHIAH; MUTHUKKARUPPAN, VEERAPPAN- A Method to Isolate Human Limbal cells Enriched for a VOL: 28 (6) 2008 JUN. P.817-824 Subset of Epithelial Cells with a large Nucles/Cytoplasm ratio RETINAL CASES AND BRIEF REPORTS Expressing High Levels of p63 MRUGESWARI, PONNALAGU SHUKLA, DHANANJAY; RAJENDREN, ANAND; KIM, RAMASAMY; NAMPERUMALSAMY, P;MOLECULAR VISION MUTHUKARUPPAN, VEERAPPAN - Proinflammatory Cytokines and Angiogenic and Anti-VOL: 9 2008 NOV. P.500-507ANANTHI, SIVAGNANAM; CHITRA THANGAVEL; BINI, Angiogenic Factors In Vitreous of Patients with ProliferativeRAMACHANDRAN; PRAJNA, VENKATESH; LALITHA, PRAJNA; Diabetic Retinopathy and Eales’ DiseaseDHARMALINGAM, KUPPAMUTHU- Comparative analysis of the tear Protein Profile in Mycotic VOL: 2 (1) 2008. P.55-60 Keratitis Patients RETINAL CASES AND BRIEF REPORTS SHEIN, JEAN; SHUKLA, DHANANJAY. REDDY, SHANTHAN;VOL: 14 2008 P.1157-1169 YANNUZZI, LAWERENCE A; CUNNINGHAM, EMMETT TRAMAYA DEVI, R; YAO, WENLIANG; VIJAYALAKSHMI, P; SERGEEV, - Macular Infraction AS A Presenting Sign of Systemic LupusYARI V; SUNDARESAN, P; HEIJTMANCH, F- Crystallin Gene Mutations in Indian Falilies with Inherited Erythematosus Pediatric Cataract RETINA TODAYMOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2008 SEP.-OCT. P.44-47 NAMPERUMALSAMY, PVOL: 282 2008 P.2-11 - Guidelines for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in a LargeMOUMNE, L; BATISTA, F; BENAYOUN, B A; NALLATHAMBI, J;FELLOUS, M; SUNDARESAN, P; VEITIA, R A Population Rationale for Diabetic Retinopathy Services in India.- The Mutations and Potential Targets of the forhead WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & Transcription Factor FOXL2 BIOTECHNOLOGYOPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING VOL: 24 2008 P.903 PANDARANAYAKA, ESWARI, P J; KANAGAVALLI, J; KRISHNADAS, SVOL: 39 (3) 2008 MAY.-JUN. P.239-401 R; SUNDARESAN, P; KRISHNASAMY, SSHUKLA, DHANAJAY; CHAKRABORTHY, SOMANATH; BEHERA, - Over Expression and Purification of Recombinant HumanUMESH C; KIM, R Myocilin28

National Journals VOL: 56 (3) 2008 JUL. P.319-322 TYPE: CASE REPORT MITTAL, SAURABH; MITTAL, APOORVA AND RAMAKRISHNAN , RCHAKSHU - Ocular Manifestations in Bidi Industry Workers: Possible2008 Consequences of Occupational Exposure To Tobacco DustRATHINAM, S R- Chikungunya VOL: 56 (4) 2008 AUG. P.417-419 RATHINAM, S R; KHAZAEI, HADI2008 - Histopathological Study of Ocular Erythema NodosumRATHINAM S.R- Leptospirosis Leprosum and Post-Therapeutic Scleral Perforation: a case ReportORBIT VOL: 56 (6) 2008 NOV. P.504-5072008; 27(4):267-77.- TYPE: CASE REPORTMADGE SN, PRABHAKARAN VC, SHOME D, KIM USHA, HONAVAR JETHANI, JITENDRA; DAGAR, ABHISHEK AND VIJAYALAKSHMI, PS, SELVA D. - Anterior Plagiocephaly with Contralateral Superior Oblique- Orbital tuberculosis: a review of the literature. OveractionCLINICAL RHINOLOGY VOL: 57 (1) 2009 JAN. P.15-18SEPTEMBER-2008 VENKATESH, RENGARAJ; VEENA, KANNUSAMY AND RAVINDRAN,RAJINIGANTH, USHA KIM, VIPUL ARORA RAVILLA D- Xanthoma in the supraorbital ethimoid cell: An unusual lesion at - Capsulotomy and Hydroprocedures for Nucleus Prolapse in unusual site Manual Small Incision Cataract SurgeryDOS TIMES VOL: 57 (1) 2009 JAN. P.19-21 SRINIVASAN, ARAVINDVOL: 14 (6) DEC. 2008 - Nucleus Management with Irrigating VectisASHISH JAIN, RITA SINGH, AMIT SOLANKI, RAMAKRISHNAN, R- Non Penetrating Glaucoma Surgeries (NPGS): An Overview VOL: 57 (1) 2009 JAN. P.63-68 TYPE: CASE REPORT SLEATH, BETSY L KRISHNADAS, R; CHO, MINHEE; ROBIN, ALANVOL: 14 (5) NOV. 2008 P.41-42 L; MEHTA, RAKHI; COVERT, DAVID; TUDOR, GAILHARIPRIYA ARAVIND - Patient-Reported Barriers to Glaucoma Medication Access, Use,- Phacoemulsification in Brown Cataract and Adherence in Southern IndiaVOL: 14 (5) NOV. 2008 P.45-47RAMAKRISHNAN, R; DEVENDRA MAHESWARI PEDIATRIC CLINICS OF INDIA- Phacoemulsification in Phacomorphic Glaucoma VOL: 43 (2) 2008 APR. P.151-164INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY PARAG K.SHAH, DR.V.NARENDRAN, N.KALPANA - Retinopathy of PrematurityVOL: 56 (3) 2008 MAY P.179-188SINGH, RAMANDEEP; RAMASAMY KIM; ABRAHAM, CHANDRAN; BOOK CHAPTERSGUPTA, VISHALI; GUPTA, AMOD RATHINAM S.R- Diabetic Retinopathy: An Update - Applied Anatomy of uveitis in Imaging in Eds A. GUPTA, V. GUPTA, CP HERBORTVOL: 56 (3) 2008 MAY P.203-207 - Imaging and Investigational Techniques in UveitisSRINIVASAN, M; MASCARENHAS, JEENA AND PRASHANTH, C N- Distinguishing Infective Versus Noninfective Keratitis HENNAI: JAYPEE PUBLISHERS, 2008. 145 LALITHA PRAJNA; VIJAYAKUMAR ; VENKATESH PRAJNA ;VOL: 56 (3) 2008 JUL. P.307-312 SRINIVASAN, MVENKATARAMAN, ARVIND; RATHINAM, S R - Aravind’s Atlas of Fungal Corneal Ulcers Clinical Features and- A Pre- and Post-Treatment Evaluation of Vision-Related laboratory Identification Methods Quality of Life in Uveitis 29

Staff around the rotunda in the centre of LAICO (Photo: Jacques Vekemans) Mr. R. D. Thulasiraj with participants of the Vision Building Workshop from South Africa and Paraguay30

Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology(LAICO)With a mission to contribute to the prevention and control Consultancy is carried out in phases - Needs Assessmentof global blindness through teaching, training, consultancy, Visits, Vision Building Workshops, Follow up Visits andadvocacy and research in eye care delivery, LAICO plays a Monitoring followed by a final situation analysis visit.major role in developing and training ophthalmic human LAICO has provided this service to 252 eye hospitalsresources across the globe. Successfully completing its spread across the country and in other developing nations.15th year of service in 2008, LAICO is now equippedwith various divisions to serve the administrative and Needs Assessment Visitsmanagerial training and consultancy needs of eye care From April 2008 to March 2009, Needs Assessment Visitsinstitutions in the developing countries. Being Asia’s first were made to the following hospitals:international institute for blindness control programmes,its global impact on the quality and efficiency of eye care - Lions Ranchi East Niramaya Hospital, Kokar Industrialdelivery is steadily growing. Area, Ranchi, Jharkand, IndiaConsultancy and Capacity Building Services - Sushil Eye Hospital, Nasik, Maharashtra, India - Kota Eye Hospital & Research Foundation, Kota,A major part of LAICO’s activities centres aroundenhancing the capacity of existing and new eye hospitals Rajasthan, Indiaworldwide for comprehensive organisational development - Lion Asansol East, ADDA and B.S. Gopalka, Asansol,through sharing the best practices in eye care. It works incollaboration with international voluntary organisations West Bengal, Indiasuch as the Lions Clubs International Foundation, - Lions Charitable Eye Hospital, Chittagong, BangladeshSightsavers International, Christoffel Blinden Mission, - Sri Sadguru Sankalp Netra Chikitsalaya, Anandpur,International Eye Foundation, Right to Sight, SevaFoundation, ORBIS International, Lavelle Fund for the Madhya Pradesh, IndiaBlind, International Council for Ophthalmology and the - Ebonyi State Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, NigeriaWorld Health Organisation. - St. Mary’s Catholic Eye Hospital, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria (also visited: Eleta Eye Institute, Eleta, Ibadan; Atupa Eye Clinic, Our Lady Hospital, Iseyin; AM Eye Clinic, Eruwa) - M.M. Joshi Eye Institute, Hubli, Karnataka, India - The Tenton Family Vision Foundation (An Unit of Bhakti Vedanta Hospital), Thane, Maharashtra, IndiaMr. Prasanth, Ms. Sasipriya and Dr. Sri Shankar with the Ebonyi Deputy Governor, Senior State Officials, Dr. Chimdia and her team 31

- Fundación Visión (also Fundación Paraguaya - Micro- - Lions Asansol East, ADDA & B. S. Gopalka, Asansol, financing), Asuncion, Paraguay West Bengal, India- Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra (CSR Wing of Usha Martin - Siliguri Lions Netralaya, Siliguri, West Bengal, India Ltd), Ranchi, Jharkand, India October 20-25: 23 participants from the following- Dhaka Shariatpur Central Lions Eye Hospital, hospitals participated: Shariatpur, Bangladesh Eertse River Hospital, Cape Town and Mahatma GandhiVision Building and Strategic Planning Workshops Memorial Hospital, Durban, South Africa supported by Right to Sight and Fundación Visión & FundaciónSix workshops were conducted during the year ending Paraguaya- Asuncion, Paraguay funded by Leapfrog.March 2009. March 2 - 7: A total of 15 participants were from theMay 19-24: 24 senior members from the following following organisations participated.organisations supported by ORBIS International, andRight to Sight participated: St. Mary’s Catholic Eye Hospital, Ayo – Iwoye, Nigeria, supported by ICO, Ebonyi State University Teaching- Mbingo Baptist Hospital, Bamenda, Cameroon Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi, Nigeria and the Tenton- Presbyterian Health Services Eye Clinic, Bafoussam, Family Vision Foundation (A unit of Bhakti Vedanta Hospital), Thane, Maharashtra, India. Cameroon- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Kigali, Kigali, March 14-16: A workshop was conducted exclusively for Grameen Eye Hospital, Barisal. A total of 26 members Rwanda from Grameen Eye Hospital along with the staff deputed- Grarbet Tehadiso Mahber, Butajira, Ethiopia from Aravind Eye Hospital participated in the workshop.- Fitsum Birhan Hospital, Mekele, Tigray Region, Onsite Strategic Planning Workshop Ethiopia- Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Kolkata, West Lions SightFirst Eye Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya Bengal, India September 3 – 5July 14-19: 12 participants from the following hospitals: Aravind Team consisting of Dr. Veena, Chief, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Aravind - Pondicherry. Ms. Preethi- Lions Ranchi East Niramaya Hospital, Ranchi, India Pradhan, Senior Manager, HR and Ms. G.K.Veni,- Sushil Eye Hospital, Nasik, India Administrator, LAICO along with Right to Sight team- Lions Charitable Eye Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh visited Lions SightFirst Eye Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya to carry out training readiness assessment for developing thisAugust 11-16: 24 participants from following Right to hospital as a regional training center in Africa. The mainSight supported organizations: objective of this visit was to assess the current capacity of the hospital with reference to training and identify all- Yaounde Central Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon strategic inputs towards developing it as a training centre- University Teaching Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon of excellence. The visit identified the needs in terms of- Yaounde Gynaeco Obstetric Pediatric Hospital, infrastructure, staff, training technology, systems and Yaounde, Cameroon Mr. Mohammed Gowth with Vision Building Workshop participants- General Hospital, Douala, Cameroon from India and Bangladesh visiting Aundipatty Vision Centre- Kota Eye Hospital and Research Foundation, S.S. Shaktinagar, Kota, Rajasthan, IndiaDr. R.D. Ravindran, Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj,Ms. Kannamma and Ms. Sashipriya with Mr. Luis Fernando and histeam from Fundacion Paraguay during the Needs Assessment Visit32

Ms. Preethi Pradhan, Dr. Abdirisak Dalmar, Ms. Veni, Dr. Veena, Mr. Prasanth, Ms. Priya, Ms. Sangeetha, Ms. Prabhavathi,Dr. Annapoorna and Mr. Asit Banerjee at Lions SightFirst Eye Ms. Samuthirakani and Ms. Kalyani at Grameen GC eye hospital,Hospital, Kenya Bogratraining of staff. This was done recognising the country’s and demonstrated various features and how the reportpolicy in terms of rules and regulations for becoming a generation from the software could be used for bettertraining centre. At the end of this visit, a comprehensive management.plan with a three year time frame towards establishing theregional training center and detailed action plan for one Grameen Eye Hospital, Bogra & Barisalyear road map has been worked out and submitted. Bangladesh, March 18-24Onsite Support Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj, Executive Director, LAICO, Mr.R.Suresh Kumar, Faculty, LAICO, Dr. Suzanne GilbertGrameen GC Eye Hospital, Bogra, Bangladesh and Mr. Nagarajan representing Seva Foundation, and Dr.Asim Kumar Sil from NNN, Chaitanyapur, WestAravind team comprising Dr. P.M. Aravind, MO, Cataract Bengal visited Grameen Eye Hospital, Bogra to understand& IOL clinic, Aravind-Madurai, Mr. Prasanth, Faculty the status, and to have a strategic level discussion withAssociate, LAICO, Ms. Priya, OT, Ms. Sangeetha, OP, Prof. Mohammed Yunus and Mr. Imamus Sultan regardingMs. Prabhavathi, Refraction, Ms. Samuthirakani, MRD establishing a chain of Grameen hospitals. They alsoand Ms. Kalyani, OT visited Grameen GC Eye Hospital visited the construction site of Grameen GC Eye Hospital,(GGCEH), Bogra for a period of three months from April June 2008. The purpose of the visit was to streamlineits system and procedures and also to strengthen the local Apart from this, to get a perspective of eye care inleadership of the hospital. Bangladesh, the team also visited a few other reputed institutes such as Christian Mission Hospital in BograFrom March 7-April 10, Dr. Marie Fredrick, MO, and Islamia Eye Hospital and National Institute ofPaediatric Ophthalmology Department, Aravind- Madurai Ophthalmology in Dhaka.visited Grameen GC Eye Hospital to enhance the surgicalskills of ophthalmologists in Phaco techniques and also to Nkhoma Eye Hospital, Nkhoma, Malawisupport the CMO in the overall management. February 23 – 27Follow-up visits Dr. R. Venkatesh and Mr. Ganesh Babu along with the Right to Sight representatives visited Nkhoma EyeShalina Hospital, Hospital in Malawi for a follow up visit. During theirCongo, July 7-12 visit, they met with Dr. Nick Metcalfe, Dr. Will Dean and the hospital team with main objectives of reviewingDr. Venkatesh, Aravind-Pondicherry and Mr. Ganesh the current status on the strategies that were developedBabu, Senior Manager, IT & Systems along with the Right by the team at LAICO in February 2008; understandto Sight team visited Shalina Eye Clinic, DR Congo to various challenges faced; discuss on the improvementsreview the progress and also discuss further strategies for that could be made. During this visit, a simple MIS tooloverall improvements and support required. During the was demonstrated which would help in generating keyvisit, Dr. Venkatesh met with several government officials information; introduced manual system to capture theto discuss on strengthening outreach activities, enhancing data for the tool and also trained the target users in usingreferrals and establish good relationship. Mr.Ganesh Babu this tool.reviewed the utilization of IHMS, fixed some key issues 33

Prevention of Blindness, Cambodia, representatives from various INGO’s working in Cambodia, ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals participated. Other Consultancy VisitsDr. Thiruvengatakrishnan and Mr. Suresh Kumar with the Christoffel Blinden Mission, CBM SARO (N)Cambodia team during the Programme Evaluation visit June 19-20Feasiblity Study Visit Organisationally CBM has changed its paradigm toTripura, August 20-27 partner enablement and increased its range to consider all disability and using community based rehabilitation as aDr. Datta, CMO, Aravind-Theni, and Mr. Suresh Kumar, strong approach.visited Tripura from August 20-27. The main objective ofthe visit was to understand the eye care burden in Tripura, At the request from Ms. Silvannna Mehra at the helm,the available eye care infrastructure and professionals, so Mr. R D Thulasiraj, Mr. Ganesh Babu, and Ms.Preethias to study the feasibility for establishing an advanced eye Pradhan conducted the workshop on “Partner Enablementcare centre in the State of Tripura. for CBM-SARO N” to provide training to the 12 staff from the CBM SARO (N). The objectives of the workshopProgramme Evaluation were:IRIS supported Eye Clinics, Cambodia - To develop a deeper and comprehensive understanding of different aspects of partner enablement andDr. K. Tiruvengadakrishnan, Aravind-Pondicherry and sustainabilityMr.S. Suresh Kumar visited Cambodia from June 10-25 forProgramme Evaluation of Eye Clinics supported by IRIS - To have tools and strategies to assess, influence, set(International Resources for the Improvement of Sight) targets and monitor partner developmentASIA. The main objective of the visit was to understandand learn from current performances, challenges etc., - To develop individual capacity to be able to do partnerassess the needs and finally provide recommendations/ developmentsuggestions for the future course of action. National Plan Validation workshopDr. Tiruvengadakrishnan, made a second visit to Rwanda, July 31Cambodia on December 2, to present the findings andrecommendations of LAICO based on the evaluation made Ms. Sasipriya KM, Faculty, LAICO visited Rwanda toearlier. Representatives from National sub-committee for take part in the National Plan Validation workshop held on July 31. This initiative is supported by Right to Sight. Other members of the visiting team included Mr. Keerti Pradhan and Mr. Raja Bollineni from Right to Sight and Dr. Rohit Khanna, ICARE – LVPEI. This workshop was conducted as continuation of the Ist planning workshop to develop Five Year National Plan for Eye Care in Rwanda held in March 10 - 12. Representatives from INGOs and eye hospitals in Rwanda took part in the workshop to finalise programme strategies and theMr. R.D. Thulasiraj, Ms. Preethi Pradhan and Mr. Ganesh Babu with Mr.R. Vasantha Kumar, Dr. Guldeep, Dr. Aloy Majumdar andthe CBM SARO team at Bangalore Mr. Diljo with the Sitapur Eye Hospital team34

Mr. Sanil Joseph, at Lumbini Eye Institute, Nepal Mr. Kirubanithi with the SNC hospital team in Chitrakootbudget. The team also had discussions with several representatives from all 7 CCOs, LVPEI, SEVAMr. Mzaymana Bonaventure, Coordinator, Taskforce Foundation, SEVA Canada & Dr.Pararajasegaram- Health Care, Ministry of Health. Visit to Nirmay Nethra Niketan Hospital (NNN) HospitalSitapur Eye Hospital, Chaitanyapur, West Bengal, July 16-18Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, September 16-19 Mr. Kirubanithi, Senior Librarian, LAICO visited NNNMr. R.Vasantha Kumar, Manager New projects, AMECS, Hospital to plan for the library infrastructure to suit theand Dr. Aloy Majumdar, Deputy CMO, IGEHRC, available space, to install and train on GSDL (Green StoneAmethi visited Sitapur Eye Hospital in Uttar Pradesh Digitial Library) and to train and orient the librarian tofrom September 16-19, to prepare a case study on the accessing online journals, the concept of CCOs specific toinstitution. Resource centre & AVSL membershipDiabetic Retinopathy Programme Visit to Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya (SNC)Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kolkata, Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, August 11-13January 29 Mr. Kirubanithi and Mr Ganesh Babu visited SNC, Chitrakoot. Mr Kirubanithi installed GSDL and trainedDr. Naresh Babu, Retina Consultant, Aravind-Madurai the staff to use it. He also showed ways to use resourcesand Mr. V. Vijayakumar, Project Coordinator, LAICO available in Aravind database.shared Aravind experiences in conducting the Diabetic Mr. Ganesh Babu studied their present IT structure,Retinopathy Programme, with Lions Eye Hospitals at the discussed with individual users their problems andBengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Kolkata. requirement and finally developed a plan of action andAround 37 persons including representatives from Lions presented to the management.Eye Hospitals, SightFirst Project Chairman, TechnicalAdvisor and dignitaries from the Lions Clubs participated Teaching and Training Divisionin theworkshop. Induction Training on Eye Hospital OperationsLAICO – Seva CCO Initiatives LAICO, September 1Lumbini Eye Institute, Bhairava, Nepal, September 18-19 Inaugural function of the Induction Training on EyeMr. Sanil Joseph, Faculty-LAICO visited Lumbini Hospital Operations for the third batch was held atEye Institute along with Mr. David Naylor from W² LAICO on September 1. A total of five members joined theConsulting, UK. The purpose of the visit was to conduct course.onsite review of the Consultancy Skills Workshop for theSEVA CCO partners held at LAICO in October 2007. Community Outreach and Social Marketing of Eye Care Services at LAICOCentre for Community Ophthalmology (CCO) meeting 23rd course: June 16 – July 14Aravind-Pondicherry, October 15 A total of 11 members from the following hospitalsA CCO meeting was held at Aravind-Pondicherry on participated:October 15 to discuss on the current progress in variousCCOs and future plans. The meeting was attended by 35

Mr. Meenakshi Sundaram with the participants of the 24th course on - Rural Development Institute (HIHT), Uttarakhand, IndiaCommunity Outreach & Social Marketing of Eye Care Services - H.V.Desai Eye Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Suraj Eye Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India- Raj Eye Hospital Pvt. Ltd, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, - Grameen Health Care Services Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh India - Tilganga Eye Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal - Himalaya Eye Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal- Vivekananda Mission Ashram, Chaitanyapur, West - Lions SightFirst Eye Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya Bengal, India - Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore, India- Premananda Memorial Leprosy Hospital, Kolkata, Workshop on Primary Eye Care Services West Bengal, India LAICO, August 26-28 A total of 10 members from Urban Primary Health- Shri Sadguru Seva Sangh Trust, Anandapur, Madhya Care Project, Bangladesh attended the workshop. The Pradesh, India main objectives of the workshop were to stress the importance of primary eye care, to orient the participants- Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital, Mayurbhanj, Orissa, to the Aravind model. The importance of community India participation, awareness creation, referral network, monitoring and evaluation, and sustainability were focal- Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, Kolkata, points for the discussions. West Bengal, India Workshop on Primary Eye Care Management for Project- Kalinga Eye Hospital and Research Centre, Dhenkanal, Managers Orissa, India LAICO, December 18-20- Venu Eye Institute, New Delhi, India Supported by ORBIS Bangladesh, a total of 10 participants- Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, Mumbai, India from Second Urban Primary Health Care Project attended- MGM Eye Institute, Raipur, Chattisgarh, India the workshop.- Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital, Lucknow, India Certificate Course in Project Management for Eye Care24th Course : November 15 – December 14 LAICO, September 1-27The participants were from the following Hospitals: A total of seven members attended the course. The main objectives of the course are to understand the structure of- Hospital Central Da Beira and Light for the World, the project management module, to learn the elements of Sofala, Mozambique the project proposal, and to internalize the content of the project proposal.- Sri Jagdamba Charitable Eye Hospital, Rajasthan, India- Health Care Development Project (HCDP), Dhaka, Orientation to Aravind model LAICO, November 30-December 2 Bangladesh The fourth batch of this course for Islamia Eye HospitalPrimary Eye Care Services Workshop participants with the LAICO team, Bangladesh was held with support from ORBISteam Management Training and Systems Development Course participants with the LAICO team36

International, Bangladesh. A total of 5 members attended - Jogla Hospital, Harari, Ethiopiathe course. The main purpose of this course was to - Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopiaunderstand the Aravind model and how a secondary - Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital, Madhya Pradesh, Indiaeye hospital (such as Aravind - Theni) incorporates the - The Leprosy Mission, Kolkata, Indiaoutreach component successfully. - Global Hospital Institute of Ophthalmology Talheti,Management Training and Systems Development for Rajasthan, IndiaHospital Administrators - Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaLAICO, April 14 - May 24 - Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi, India - KK Eye Institute, Maharashtra, IndiaA total of seven members participated in the course. The - Yugrishi Shriram Sharma Acharya Charitable Trustparticipants were from the following organisation- Blind Peoples Association, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India Unit, Kolkata, India- Ambohibao Lutheran Church Hospital Eye Services, - Yugrishi Shriram Sharma Acharya Charitable Trust Antananarivo, Madagascar Unit, Maharashtra, India- Presbyterian Eye Clinic Acha, Bafoussam, Cameroon - Fatima Hospital, Uttar Pradesh, India- KCCO (Kilimanjaro Center for Community - Sagarmatha Choudhary Eye Hospital, Lahan, Nepal - Lumbini Eye Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal Ophthalmology), Moshi, Tanzania - Ophthalmological Foundation of the Phillippines, Pasis- Fundación Cristiana para la Salud (FUNCRISA), City, Phillippines Ecuador, South America - Tagum Doctors Hospital, Tagum City, Phillippines- Cuttack Diabetes Research foundation, Orissa, India - Fred Hollows Foundation, Middle Drift, South Africa - Nghe An Eye Centre, Nghe an Province, VietnamOctober 1-November 10 Management Training for Eye Care Programme ManagersThe participants were from the following organisations LAICO, February 16-27- Purnima Netralaya, Jamshedpur, India A total of 23 members from the following organizations- Mbingo Baptist Hospital, Mbingo, Cameroon participated in the course- Ophthalmology Centre, Lao. P.D.R, Thailand- Victory Nursing Home, Madurai, India - Dr. Shroff Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi- ECOS Eye Hospital, Orissa, India - SightSavers International, India- M. Ram Reddy Lions Eye Hospital, Andhra Pradesh, - Fred Hollows Foundation, Bangladesh - VISION 2020 India, India India - Islamia Eye Hospital, Bangladesh- Shroff Eye Hospital, Mumbai, India - SightSavers International, Bangladesh- Quiha Zonal Hospital, Tigray, Ethiopia - Trachoma & Prevention of blindness programme,- Grameen Health Care Services, Dhaka, Bangladesh MyanmarManagement Priorities in Eye Care Delivery - Fred Hollows Foundation, CambodiaLAICO, January 4-10 - CBM International, China - Fred Hollows Foundation, AustraliaA total of 26 members participated from the following - He Eye Hospital, Chinaorganisations. - International Resources for the Improvement of Sight- Yigalem Hospital Secondary Eye Unit, Ethiopia (IRIS)Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj with the participants of the Management Fellowship Retreat - 2008Training for Eye Care Programme Managers course LAICO, July 23 For the first time a retreat was organised for the current and previous batches of Fellows in Eye Hospital Management to refresh the roles they play at their respective jobs in the organisation and discuss how to channelise their individual works towards Aravind’s Mission. 37

During the fellowship retreat held at LAICO Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj, Dr. Suzanne Gilbert, Mr. R. Basil, Mr. Sudeep at the inauguration of PRISM-2009 at LAICOThe Retreat focused on two major areas, one being, how the Fellows in Eye Hospital Management and the Aravindto spot the areas of work and secondly how to become Administrative Team. PRISM aims to enhance newself-driven. During the Retreat, the senior fellows who insights into hospital management for professionals andplay vital roles in the five Aravind Eye Hospitals and the students in this sector through sharing of rich experiencesAravind Managed Eye Care hospitals shared their success by professionals from diverse fields of management.and failure stories and also the individual learnings from it. PRISM provides a forum for hospital administrativeAt the end of the retreat follow up activities that should professionals to keep themselves updated with the latestbe taken at individual level to carry forward the learning happenings in the hospital management sector.were planned and agreed upon. Mr. R. Basil, Director & CEO, Manipal Health System,Fourth batch of Fellowship in Eye Hospital Management Bangalore, Mr. Venkat Changavalli, CEO, EmergencyInagurated on August 6, LAICO Management Research Institute (EMRI), Secunderabad, Dr. S. Ramesh Babu, Medical Superintendent, GlobalA total of 12 fellows have joined this batch. Hospital and Health City, Chennai, Mr. Sathya Shankar, Vice President, Eagle Software India Private Limited,The ultimate aim of the programme is to select potential Chennai, Ms. Kshititi Nagarkar, HOSMAC, India Pvt.young health management professionals, and train them Ltd., Mr. Sudeep, Registrar, Centre for Earth Science,to meet the requirement in Aravind’s own system as well Trivandrum, Mr. Srinivasan H, Assistant Vice President,as in the network of Managed Hospitals. These Fellows Star Health Insurance, Chennai, Mr. Raj Pandyan, Teamon completion of the one-year training will be employed Leader, Health Programme, Dhan Foundation, Madurai,as Managers in various areas according to their aptitude, Mr. Vijendra Katre, Project Officer, Rashtiya Swasthyaskills and the requirement in the system. Bima Yojana, Govt. of Gujarat and Dr. Suzanne Gilbert, Co-ordinator-IAPB, Director-Centre for Innovation in EyePRISM 2009 “Excellence in Hospital & Healthcare Care, Seva Foundation, USA were the leading speakersAdministration” who handled the various sessions in the conference.LAICO, February 14-15, 2009 Mr. Poornachandran conducting the Instrument MaintenancePRISM is an annual national meet organised at LAICO by Course at Al Noor Magrabi Eye Hospital, Cairo, EgyptFourth batch of Fellows in Eye Hospital Management38

Mbingo, Cameroon Examination Centres’ in rural parts of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry. Eight Vision Centres were establishedAl Noor Magrabhi Hospital, Cairo, Egypt in phase one and eleven more in phase two. Based onJuly 23-August 12 the experience gained on an earlier initiative, Aravind is incorporating Community Based RehabilitationMr. Poornachandran, Mr. K. Sekar and Prof. V. Srinivasan, coupled with systematic community based activities,visited Egypt to conduct the Instruments Maintenance thus providing comprehensive coverage and servicescourse. A total of 21 technicians from Egypt, Sudan and - preventive, curative and rehabilitative. On theYemen participated in the course. An important feature rehabilitation front, 113 incurably blind people and 69of this course was repairing and sharpening of surgical persons with low vision have been identified. CBR servicesinstruments. were provided for 37 persons. Each of these centres is staffed by a team consisting of a Technician, a PatientMbingo, Cameroon Counsellor and an Eye Health Community Worker.March 16-28 Seeing is Believing – Standard Chartered Bank supportedThe second visit by Mr. Poornachandran and Vision Centre project.Prof. V. Srinivasan to Cameroon was to conduct thecourse in Ophthalmic Instruments Maintenance at Baptist Seeing is Believing Project is supported by StandardMission Hospital. The course was jointly sponsored by Chartered Bank, UK through International Agency for“gtz” (a German Government aid organization), EPOS Prevention of Blindness (IAPB)) for setting up of forty(health consultants in Cameroon), Ministry of Health vision centres across four States in the country as part of aof Government of Cameroon and the international NGO strategy of providing comprehensive sustainable eye careRight to Sight. Fifteen technicians attended the course, to under-served populations in India. The implementingwhich included training in care, maintenance and repair of agencies areall instruments in a secondary level eye hospital. - Aravind Eye Hospital - Theni and Madurai, Tamil NaduProjects Division - Venu Charitable Society, Tapal, Aligarh - Sadguru Netra Chikitsalaya, Chitrakoot, MadhyaLAICO Projects Division contributes to the elimination ofneedless blindness through Pradesh - Dr. Shroff Charitable Eye Hospital, Delhi- Effective provision of end to end project management systems and processes Aravind WDF Diabetic Retinopathy Management Projects - Phase III (Aravind-Coimbatore, Tirunelveli)- Development of project management capability through sharing of best practices, systems and training Aravind has developed a sustainable service delivery model for Diabetic Retinopathy with the supportThe main areas of work under this division are promoting from Lions Clubs International and World Diabetesthe right approaches to project development, its Foundation. With the successful implementation ofimplementation and evaluation. The developments in Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Programme at Aravind Eyethe year ending March 2009 in the major projects are Hospitals at Madurai, Theni, Tirunelveli and Pondicherry,discussed here. WDF is now extending support to further expand this programme to Aravind- Coimbatore covering threePrimary Eye Care through Vision Centres districts-Coimbatore, Salem and Erode and has extended the support to Tirunelveli region also. Key strategies ofLavelle Fund, USA is supporting establishment of 20 the DR programme are continuous awareness creationVision Centres, now onwards known as ‘Primary Eye campaigns, aggressive community outreach, providing required diagnostic and treatment services. This project (Phase III) was commenced in 2006 and will be concluded in April 2009. Experience and insights gained through this programme are being shared with other eye care programmes through publications, seminars and participation in expert committees. TIFAC-CORE in Diabetic Retinopathy Project – Phase II Aravind Eye Hospital has established TIFAC-CORE in Diabetic Retinopathy in February 2003 with the support 39

from Mission REACH, TIFAC. The Phase II of this project - Investigating Gender Equity in the Utilisation ofcommenced in July 2007 with the objective of undertaking Cataract Surgical Services in Aravind Eye Hospitals,new academic programmes, research and development. Madurai - Seva CanadaThe main focus is given to research on “FunctionalGenomics and Proteomics of Diabetic Retinopathy”. The - Uptake of Spectacles for Refractive Errors acrossresearch and academic programmes are under progress. different Delivery SystemsA2Z Child Blindness Project, Aravind-Madurai - Assess the prevalence and socio-economic burden of near visual impairment caused by uncorrectedA2Z, The USAID Micronutrient and Child Blindness presbyopiaProject managed by Academy for EducationalDevelopment (AED) is supporting Paediatric Department - HR practices which influence employee satisfactionof Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai in the eye care and patient satisfactionprogrammes on school based screening for refractiveerror, paediatric cataract surgery and Retinopathy of Workshop on Research MethodologyPrematurity (ROP) screening at Neo-natal Intensive CareUnits. A2Z supports this programme for twenty two LAICO, October 2-5months starting from October 08. The expected result ofthe project is to increase the knowledge on paediatric eye This basic level workshop was designed to enhance thediseases and make the community realise the importance research culture among health care service providers andof checking visual acuity in all children in the age group structured to facilitate the participants get oriented to0–14 years. both research methodology and statistical methods. This included didactic lectures, problem solving sessions,ORBIS – Aravind Paediatric Ophthalmology Learning and hands-on-training, group work and participants’Training Centre (POLTC) presentations. The main objectives of the workshop were toPaediatric Ophthalmology Learning and Training centreis functioning in Paediatric department at Aravind Eye - Understand the relevance of clinical and operationalHospital, Madurai with the support of ORBIS - India from research, identify a research questionJanuary 2007. Training of human resource for paediatricophthalmology service is the main focus of this centre. - Design and conduct a study on their own; acquireThis centre is conducting training courses on long-term better understanding of various sampling proceduresfellowship for Ophthalmologists and short term for and sample size calculationpaediatric anaesthetists, MLOPs, community outreachworkers and instruments’ maintenance workers. This - Manage databases, perform appropriate statisticalcentre has developed a training manual exclusively for this analysis and meaningfully interpret the course. A total of 32 participants attended the workshop onResearch Division Research Methodology.LAICO’s Research Division was established primarily Developmental Initiatives at LAICOto build the organisations’ research capacity to conductscientifically rigorous and relevant research, and to engage LAICO Retreatin epidemiologic, and population based studies and health Pondicherry, April 9-12systems research to generate evidence to guide globalpolicy in the elimination of avoidable blindness. A total of 22 members consisting of LAICO division members, Central office LAICO facilitators, Leadership team, and Potential LAICO contributors participated in the retreat. The retreat focused on reflections to move Participants of Research Methodology Workshop held at LAICOThe Biostatistics Department provides vital supportin data entry, management and analysis for all ongoingclinical, epidemiological and health systems researchconducted at Aravind. Additionally, statistical inputs areprovided whenever needed for planning research studiesand for reviewing articles by various reviewers withinAravind and to research projects elsewhere on request.The major operations research undertaken by LAICO inthe year ending March 2009 are40

October Summit Eye Excel - Expanding Global Eye Care Workforce through Excellence in Training LAICO, October 9-11 A total of 42 members attended this training programme. This workshop aims at developing an organisation which can deliver quality training programmes and have the capacity to provide training programmes on a regular basis.Mr. Sanil Joseph with Mr. Viv Miles at W² Consulting, UK Global Consultation on Sustainability in Eye Care Aravind-Pondicherry, October 13–14forward, not intended as problem solving, but more forsetting the broader directions. A total of 62 members participated in the workshop. The main objectives of the workshop were to deliver the bestSecondment in the UK practices of sustainability and its applications in healthUK, May 24-June 14 care sector, develop appropriate strategies that could be employed in eye care, and changing the perceptions andMr. Sanil Joseph underwent a three week secondment decoding the concept of sustainability for eye care amongwith W² Consulting, UK starting from 26th May 2008. INGOs and the eye care providers. This workshop wasW² (W squired) is a UK based organisation specialised sponsored by WHO - Aravind - Seva and co-sponsored byin developing consultancy skills in order to improve SBM, RTS, IEF.the effectiveness of organization and individuals andhas got many years of association with Aravind. This Advocacy in Eye Care Servicessecondment was in continuation of the ‘Consultancy Aravind-Pondicherry, October 16-18Skills Development Workshop’ hosted by LAICO forthe SEVA Centres for Community Ophthalmology Advocacy is defined as “creating an enabling environment(CCO) in October, 2007 facilitated by W², Consulting. so that eye care services reach all those in need”. A total of 42 members participated in the workshop which was heldCase Writing Workshop as a VISION 2020 SEAR workshop in collaboration withLAICO, January 28-29 IAPB-SEAR, ICEH and LAICO. It was conducted with the funding support of CBM, SSI, OEU, ORBIS, and ICEH.Case Writing Workshop was held at LAICO from January28-29. The main objective of the workshop was to learn The main objectives of this workshop werehow to use the case study as part of teaching in the class,and to prepare the teaching guide of the case study, to - To identify the major issues in eye care which areunderstand the factors which make a good case study, to limiting the provision of efficient, high quality andunderstand the process of writing up a case study and to comprehensive eye careunderstand the different ways of a case study. - To identify the major issues countrywise for the South East Asia Region - To identify advocacy mechanisms in order to address these issues.Ms. Preethi Pradhan with the participants of the Eye Excel Workshop 41

Training at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill VISION 2020 Board Meeting Rajasthan, Jodhpur, July 10-11Ms. Nithya Neelakantan, Biostatistician, LAICO visited Mr.R.D.Thulasiraj participated in the VISION 2020 BoardUnited States to attend a short term training programme Meeting held at Jodhpur on July 10 and 11.on ‘Data Management Techniques and StatisticalAnalytic Methods’ at the Department of Biostatistics 8th General Assembly of International Agency for- Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center (CSCC), Prevention of BlindnessSchool of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America, August 22-29Chapel Hill, USA from March 15 to April 30. MR. R. D. THULASIRAJThe main purpose of the visit was to improve her - Community Mobilizationstatistical analytic and data management skills through - Critical components for Financial Sustainabilityindividualised readings with Dr. Shrikant I Bangdiwala, - Vision CentresSenior Professor and visiting CSCC - a center that - Human Resource Developmentcoordinates major large collaborative clinical studies. - Reaching the Unreached - Sustainability case study: Vision CentresCONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS ATTENDED DR. R. D. RAVINDRANELSEWHERE-LAICO - Diabetic retinopathy - the way forward - Tele-ophthalmologyGuest Lecture - CRO Meeting: Update on Indian PerformanceInternational Centre for Eye Health, London, May 7-11 - Conversion from ECCE to SICS - Role of District Level ManagersMr. R.D. Thulasiraj visited ICEH, London from May 7-11, MR. R. MEENAKSHI SUNDARAMto deliver lecture for the M.Sc students. - Capacity Development: setting up of sustainable primary eyeGuest Lecture care centresInternational Centre for Advancement of Rural Eye Care, MR. GANESH BABULVPEI, Hyderabad, June 3-4 - IT enabled Aravind Primary Eye Care Centres in rural areas:Mr. Suresh Kumar handled the session on Planningand Management for Eye Care Service Delivery for the Outcome oriented Modelstudents of Diploma in Community Eye Health. - Refractive Error Services in Primary Eye Care Centre: AravindWorld Ophthalmology Congress model for sustainable eye care in rural areasHong Kong, June 26-28 MS. SASIPRIYAMr. R.D. Thulasiraj participated in the Refractive Errors - Young Achievers: LAICO’s Capacity building experienceCommitte Task force meeting of Indian Council of MS. SANTHAOphthalmology (ICO). He attended the IAPB’s Human - EYE-Q, DemonstrationResource Programme Committee meeting and he alsoparticipated as the speaker in four scientific sessions on Christoffel Blinden Mission (SARO-N) Meeting- Sustainable eye care programmes Delhi, September 17-18- Add the challenges of cataract blindness Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj made a presentation about AECS- Tele-ophthalmology at a meeting with the senior management team of India- Moving beyond cataract Medtronic Pvt. Ltd at Delhi.Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj at the 8th General Assembly of International American Academy of Ophthalmology MeetingAgency for Prevention of Blindness Meet Atlanta, November 8-10 Mr. R. D. Thulasiraj presented the Aravind Training Mr. R.D. Thulasiraj with Mr. Paul Coelho at the World Economic Forum42

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS With a vision of becoming a Centre of Excellence in IT Applications for Eye Care, the IT & Systems division of AECS takes care of the overall implementation, maintenance and support of all applications and technologies. It helps in exploring new and alternative technologies and also in the development of new solutions.Mr. Sanil Joseph with the team members of IGEHRC Amethi and During the year 2007 - 2008, the department undertookLucknow a revamping exercise to improve the performance and features of all its existing applications and also initiatedModel at the ICO meeting. He participated as Instructor several new the course on Sustainable Eye Care.- International Forum: debate on user fee Integrated Hospital Management software (IHMS)Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum This software is constantly being enhanced to improveDavos, Switzerland, January 28-February 1 the performance as well as to address new requirements.Mr. R. D. Thulasiraj, Executive Director, LAICO During this year, an exercise was undertaken toparticipated and had a discussion at Annual Meeting completely revamp the database and its relatedof World Economic Forum which was held at Davos, programmes to improve the overall performance. It helpedSwitzerland from January 28 to February 1. to improve the reports processing, hurdle free concurrent usage of data, and also curtailed the transactionVisit to Manipal Academy of Higher Education processing time.Mr. Sanil Joseph, Faculty, LAICO visited ManipalAcademy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka A simplified version of IHMS was implemented in thefrom July 28 to 31, as Examiner for Viva voce for the newly opened “City centre” at Mahal-Madurai, and thestudents of Master of Health and Hospital Information Community Eye Centre at Cumbum -Theni.Administration (MHHIA). Vision Centre Management System (VCMS)Visit to IGEHRC Amethi and LucknowMr. Sanil Joseph, Faculty-LAICO visited AMECS The Vision Centre Management System was developedhospitals- Indira Gandhi Eye Hospital & Research Centre with specific features and facilities to meet theat Amethi on September 22 and Lucknow on September requirements for running the vision centres more23 and conducted mini workshops titled “Together we can efficiently. The software covers registration, billing,make a difference”. electronic medical records, optical sales, medicine sales, referral tracking etc. It was implemented in 8 vision centres and also in various other organisations. It will be extended to the remaining centres in the coming year. Inventory Management Software Significant changes and improvements were introduced in the Inventory Management software. Facilities to send 43

materials requested by the user through the intranet, MSSRF (MS Swaminathan Research Foundation) – Ruralsub-store and lot level stock to track expiry details were Innovation Fund Awardincluded as new features. AECS received fund from Microsoft through MSSRF toSMS Services for Patient Care enhance Aravind’s vision centre promotional activities and to design and develop MIS for vision centreThis service was initiated for patients with chronic activities. Using this project, the department developed aproblems like Glaucoma to constantly remind them of comprehensive information system and its flow and accessthe importance of medications, follow-up and treatment. from remote areas.It was implemented in Glaucoma Clinic of Aravind- Coimbatore and will be extended to other areas in the Promys-Project Management Systemcoming year This software development initiative was supported byDocument Management System Seva and was completed and implemented internally for all Aravind projects.An open source product to archive documents for futureretrieval was implemented during 2008 – 2009. All the VISION 2020 e-resourcedocuments of the “WHO Presbyopia study” were archivedusing this tool and it was very useful during the data The www.v2020 was revamped with severalcleaning process. This will be further extended to other user friendly features.areas like office documents, patient records and so on. Residency MISUpgrade of IT facilities This software was recently implemented internally to assess the residency programme at Aravind Eye Hospitals.Major Activities Upcoming ProjectsA lot of improvements were made to wireless network Electronic Medical Recordduring the year 2008 particularly regarding the numberof users, relocation, redirecting, increasing the range and This project has remained pending for a very long time duecapacity etc. Apart from these, various initiatives were to non – availability of appropriate technology solutions.also undertaken like: With the availability of several new technology options to maintain and use this system, the project has been1. Structured cabling work for the new research building reinitiated during the last year. The department has set a2. Expansion of Wireless network to new areas to set up target to implement it at one of the Aravind Eye Hospitals by the end of 2009. vision centres3. Centralised email services for all our hospitals RFID : Radio Frequency Identification TechnologyMajor Projects This software system will help in managing patient flow more efficiently with proper tracking; ensuring rightData Management software for WHO Study patients are in a given location, it will help track patients and resources distribution at any given point of time.WHO conducted a Presbyopia study in 7 countries forwhich the department developed Data managementsoftware and distributed it to all the study centres.Mr. Ganesh Babu, Senior Manager, IT & Systems visitedWorld Health Organisation at Geneva, Switzerland fromMay 4-10 to work with Dr. Leon and Dr. Pierre Huguetfor Presbyopia study data management software. Theyreviewed the forms and data entry screens and discussedthe issues faced during the pilot testing of the forms.At the end, the team produced WHO Presbyopia studykit containing Protocol, Forms, Epi-info software, andsoftware for data entry and cleaning, code book andinstallation guide. During this visit, he met Dr. JacobRobert for discussion on ICD codes and Dr. ShergeReskinoff for getting an overview on WHO Infobase.44

Transport Management System For self learning and teaching purposes an interactive animated DVD on Vitreo Retinal surgical techniquesThis system will keep track of transport management was released on 14th June 2008. Developed by a team ofactivities like requesting a vehicle, maintenance Aravind’s retina surgeons headed by Dr. Kim and createdscheduling, expenditures, utilization etc. by Mr. Raj Arjunan, a skilled volunteer animator, the DVD has captured the attention of global academic institutions.THE ARAVIND TELE-OPHTHALMOLOGY NETWORK A Tamil book titled “Kannae Nalamaa” written by Dr.The Aravind Tele-ophthalmology Network (ATN) was R. Ramakrishnan, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind Eyelaunched in the year 2002. Since then, Telemedicine link Hospital – Tirunelveli was also brought out during the lasthas been established between all the satellite hospitals year. The book contains a number of articles on variousof Aravind. Where ever possible, Aravind uses this eye diseases and the need for protecting to overcome the issues of transportation andinadequate specialist availability. Another notable contribution of the Communications Division is the large number of posters it brought out forThrough this videoconferencing facility doctors, the eye exhibition held at Aravind – Theni in the monthparamedical personnel and administrative staff at Aravind of November. These posters on eye diseases were wellcan interact and share their experiences with the experts appreciated by the visitors to the exhibition.for Continuing Medical Education (CME), Grand rounds,Journal Clubs, research and management meetings. Equipped with Panasonic DVX 102 A, and Avid express Pro, the Videography Department develops instructionalEducational interactions include grand rounds (cases of videos and awareness films. The Department hasacademic interest), journal clubs (Clinical research and developed a video on Glaucoma to create awarenessmanagement articles), clinical meetings, special lectures among the public. Interesting videos on Alanganallurand regular class sessions, Research Committee Meeting, Vision Centre, Camp Hospital and clinical surgeries werePost Graduates classes, CMEs, projects review meetings also produced by the audio visual department.and classes for Mid Level Ophthalmic Personnel andParamedics. The Spanish version of DVDs on Instruments Maintenance has been produced with the assistance of Mr. IsmaelAround 435 videoconferencing sessions were conducted Cordero, Health Care Technology Specialist, ORBISduring the last academic year (April 2008 to March 2009). International, New York. The Spanish text was recordedThe average time taken per session was around 1 hour 30 in his voice at Aravind’s audio visual department. Later theminutes. A total of approximately 630 hours have been audio and video were integrated and some improvementsspent for video conferencing sessions during the last year. made in the animations by Aravind’s videographers.ARAVIND COMMUNICATIONS Websites Developed and launched in 2008-09 A website for v2020eresource:Consisting of the publications and audio visual was revamped with several userdepartments, Aravind Communications Division friendly features.plays a major role towards fulfilling the publication,communication, health education and publicity material Auroserveneeds of Aravind Eye Care System. The department is A website which details about the volunteeringfully equipped with the state – of – the – art desktop opportunities at Aravind.publishing facilities, digital photography, videography,video - editing and projection facilities. 45

‘Aurowel’ programme held at Aravind - Tirunelveli and also on ‘Health and healthy living’. In addition to various health check ups conducted by doctors, awarenessHUMAN RESOURCE week and Aurowel exhibition were also held.With a view to standardising the HR activities across all Various guest lectures on cardiac care, Gynaecology,the Aravind Hospitals, HR Department, during the last Dentistry, Dermatology, Dietetics etc were also held asyear introduced an HR calendar and a personnel calendar. part of the programme.This helps to streamline all the activities across thesystem and serves as a reminder of what needs to be done. - As part of Employee welfare programme “Auroneechal”,Initiatives were taken to streamline the parameter process swimming pool was inaugurated in Aurofarm inand a major step forward has been the introduction of September 2008.the parameter external audits. A team was formed whichvisited the different Aravind and AMECS hospitals to - ‘Take a minute exercise’ was arranged for the staffhelp set the parameter system in place and to conduct members of Aravind Eye care system, Madurai fromthe audit. Many new programmes were undertaken to January 21-22 under the guidance of Ms.Zuleika fromenhance the employee participation in the organisation California.and to make them aware of the latent potentials in them.Several retreats were organized during the last year which - As part of Aurowel health programme-2009 the 40 plusnot only helped in planning but also served to promote the age group employees of Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai,spirit of teamwork and cooperation among the employees. went on a heritage walk to Samanar Caves on March 1,An HR retreat was also conducted in which HR theme for 2009. They headed for a place which is just a 30-minutethe year 2009 was “Standardising Measurement Systems travel from the city to a mountain cave inhabited byfor the Growth of Organisation and Employees”. Jain monks 1500 years ago at Nagamalai Pudukottai.Employees Welfare Activities - A four day Yoga class was held at Aravind-Coimbatore from March 10-13, for the MLOP staff who haveAurowel-2008 completed five years. Yoga experts (Trainers) Mrs. Erika Weber and Mr. Loganathan from IntegralAurowel-2008 Programme was held at all Aravind Eye Yoga Institute handled the session.Hospitals. Various activities were held to create awarenessamong the staff members regarding ‘Aurowel’ programme - Art of living sessions were held at Aravind-Coimbatore and Tirunelveli from June 12-15 for and from SeptemberYoga class held at Aravind-Coimbatore for MLOP staff 30-October 3 respectively for the newly joined MLOPs and women staff members, to bring about a transformation showing the complete potential of each individual. Guest Lectures and Training Programmes - A Guest Lecture on Transactional Analysis was held at Aravind-Tirunelveli on August 7 and November 29. Mr.R. Ganesan, DCW spoke on the theory of psychology, psychotherapy, human well being, best in treating people and personality development. - Mr.Shylas Raja, a hotel manager was invited as guest at Aravind-Tirunelveli on September 6, to share few serving and table etiquettes with the Housekeepers. Guest Lecture on ‘Free Ambulance Service’ was held at Aravind- Tirunelveli46

This class was arranged for the housekeepers who Participants of Medical Records Department CME programme perform the dual role of housekeeping and catering at the time of CMEs, conferences, meetings. showed the audience a live demonstration regarding- Newly recruited staff of Catering Department from Free Ambulance Service. Aravind-Coimbatore visited Nilgiris on September 26 - A Guest Lecture was arranged for Electricians and for observation and training programme. They observed Instruments Technicians on March 11 at Aravind- the areas of bakery division, hotel-dining area, kitchen Tirunelveli. Mr.D. Vijay Amirdharaj, Senior Service recipes, super market and so on. Engineer of Numeric Power Systems Limited gave a- In order to create awareness among MLOPs regarding talk on “Power Saving Audit”. health insurance, a session was held at Aravind – Tirunelveli and Madurai on November 18 and January CME Programmes 9 respectively.- Mr. Krishnamurthy from Vivekananda Kendra, CME for MLOPs Kanyakumari gave a guest lecture titled “By serving others you serve yourselves” on January 17. Dr. Girija CMEs for MLOPs were held at all Aravind Eye Hospitals Sathiyasankar delivered a lecture to all the supervisors during the months of October and January. The CMEs and tutors in Aravind –Madurai on “Self Discipline” on stressed the importance of knowledge, skill and attitude January 29. in providing patient centred care.- Mr. Nagarajan, Board Member, Seva Foundation, US and Consultant - Aravind Eye Care System gave a guest There has been a constant emphasis within the lecture to the Administrative staff of Aravind-Madurai organisation to continually improve specific clinical skills on “Open Source in Information Technology” on along with soft skills in order to provide the best service February 12. for the patients.- Mrs.Saraswathi Ramanathan, an eminent academician delivered lecture entitled “Uyirum Uyarvum”, on CME for MRD staff women empowerment explaining it with 12 letters of Aravind-Madurai, August 2-3 Tamil alphabets on March 6 at Aravind-Madurai. She A total of 16 staff members from all Aravind Eye Hospitals also addressed the supervisors and tutors on the topic attended the training Programme. The main objective of “Leadership and role model”. of the workshop was to upgrade and standardise the- Mr.Sainath, Sri Akshaya Catering Service of Coimbatore teaching methodology of all the senior staff of Medical shared many North Indian recipes and also gave very Records with the guidance of Medical Records Manual. useful tips.- Housekeepers at Aravind-Tirunelveli visited Hotel Sri III CME for Training Coordinators Janakiram on February 17 to get an idea about ‘linen Aravind-Coimbatore, February 7-8 management’, bed making and also housekeeping practices.- Guest Lecture on ‘Free Ambulance Service’ was held at Aravind-Tirunelveli on February 20. Mr. Manikandan, Operations Executive of Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI) delivered a Lecture andTraining coordinators CME held at Aravind - Coimbatore 47

A total of 17 participants from all Aravind Eye Hospitalsattended the workshop. The main purpose of theCME was to strengthen the training administration bystandardising the process through developing the capacityof the training coordinators in the area of communication,documentation, report generation, and adopting thesystems and procedures.Employee Recreational Activities Hospital Day celebrations at Aravind - CoimbatoreMelody Friday-a monthly event for the employees to Service Award Function-2008relax and rejoice is observed at Aravind-Madurai andTirunelveli. This event provides a platform for the staff Service Award function was held at all Aravind Eyeto display their talents. Festive Friday is celebrated at Hopsitals in December 2008. Awards were distributedAravind – Coimbatore for the employees to bring out to the employees who served for more than 5, 10, 15 and 20their latent potential through singing, dancing and other years at Aravind.performing arts. Graduation Day celebrations at AravindMoments of Relaxation Graduation Day was celebrated for the tiny tots ofStaff members from various cadres like MLOPs, Admin Janakiamma Child Care Centre at Aravind-Madurai,staff, cleaners etc were taken on a trip to different places Tirunelveli, and Coimbatore on March 23, 25, and 28. Thewhich provided them entertainment as well as repose in Kids showed their talents by dancing and singing nurserythe midst of their hectic schedule. rhymes. “Ready to School” certificates were distributed to the kids.Other Events Marathon by Dhan FoundationMission Day, the memorial day of Dr. V, was observedon July 7 at all Aravind Eye Hospitals. All the senior staff A total of 63 staff members of Aravind Eye Care System,shared their experience of working with Dr. V. They Madurai participated in the 6km marathon conducted byremembered their association with the Chief and pledged Dhan Foundation for the cause of spreading awarenessto carry forward his mission. about anemia on January 22.October 1 is the birthday of our beloved founder chairman HR Review WorkshopDr. Govindappa Venkataswamy and this special day wascelebrated as “Founder’s Day” at all Aravind Eye Hospitals. The HR team members from Aravind- Madurai, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Pondicherry, AMECS andHospital Day was celebrated at all Aravind Eye Hopsitals Aurolab participated in the workshop held at LAICO fromat Theni (September 30), Coimbatore (January 24), November 13-14. The HR activities of 2009 were plannedTirunelveli (February 14) and Pondicherry (February 21). in the workshop via coming up with the HR calendar.International Women’s day was celebrated at all AravindEye Hospitals. As part of one week programme variouscompetitions, guest lectures and debates were held fromMarch 6-13.Graduation Day celebrations held at Aravind-Madurai HR retreat held at Aravind - Tirunelveli48

Medical Records Exhibition at Aravind - Madurai Counselling Exhibition at Aravind - TirunelveliSupervisors and Tutors Meeting The retreat began with each hospital presenting a report of their activities in January 2009. The main areas ofEvery year as part of leadership enhancement programme, discussion in the retreat werethe MLOPs who have completed five years are eligible toapply for the post of Supervisor and Tutor. In December - Planning the HR activities on the HR calendar-2009the IV batch of supervisors and tutors was selected from - Standardising the manpower planning for MLOPsall the Aravind Eye Hospitals and they had a formal three - Enhancing the employee development systemday orientation programme at Madurai from January 29-31 ‘Sigarathai Nokki’Retina Retreat - Effective utilisation of Human Resource InformationKodaikanal, January 10-11 SystemRetina Department of Aravind Eye Care System organised - Streamlining and standardising the current personnela retreat at Kodaikanal. It was attended by medicalofficers and fellows from Aravind-Madurai, Coimbatore, policiesTirunelveli and Puducherry hospitals.The main objectiveof the meet was to discuss various amendments, Patient Centered Care Workshop for OT Stafffinancial administration and academic schedule.Decisions pertaining to the above were taken with active Patient Centered Care Workshop for OT staff was held inparticipation of all for further improvement in services of Aravind-Madurai from March 14-19. The workshop wasretina department. addressed in the form of role plays, group discussion and film clippings.HR Retreat 2009-“Standardising Measurement System forGrowth of Organisation and Employees” Exhibitions held at AravindHR Retreat was held at Aravind-Tirunelveli from In order to create awareness among patients and publicFebruary 5-6. The objective of the retreat was to various exhibitions were held at the Aravind Eyeoperationalise the theme “standardising measurement Hospitals. Exhibitions were held by the departmentssystem for growth of organisation and employees”. of Outpatient, Counselling, Housekeeping, Inpatient, Refraction, Ward, Medical Records, Paediatric and Optical. Various charts, equipment, models, layouts models made out of thermacol and photos were displayed in the Exhibition. 49

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