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Home Explore Great Everyday Meals Magazine Media Kit Sep 2013

Great Everyday Meals Magazine Media Kit Sep 2013

Published by yuri233, 2015-07-28 02:46:00

Description: Great Everyday Meals Magazine Media Kit Sep 2013

Keywords: digital food magazine,food,lifestyle,everyday meals,family


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AOpdpvoretrutniitsiiens g PAGE 1Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities

THE PASTA ISSUE •• • Winter 2013 •KSaaulesa&ge regcaidPMaeYesWe Have a Hearty That Will Have Everyone TalkingZiti Recipe for thisCozy Winter Combo Fabio VivianigrocerY we go behind the scenesadventures at his siena tavern restaurant in chicagoat standard MarketPLUS:Nona’s Gravy Recipe -You Will Want to PutIt On Everything!Our MissionGreat Everyday Meals Magazine is about celebrating simple ingredientsand basic cooking techniques, while empowering readers to get backin their kitchens. Our core values are to inspire creativity, to bring joyin the home, to engage readers with meaningful content, to encouragediscovery in everyday life, and to promote togetherness with loved ones.Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 2

Our StoryGreat Everyday Meals is the mission of our curator andcreator, Momma Cuisine. Since 2009, Johanna M. Cookas Momma Cuisine has been gaining loyal fans for hersimple approach to cooking and true understandingof what modern-day families are looking for: greateveryday meals, creatively and inspirationally prepared.As a result of Johanna’s simple approach in the kitchen, has gained lots of national press sinceits inception. In 2013, Great Everyday Meals Magazinewas born to give fans and followers old and new anexperience where recipes, videos, magazine features, andfamily travel collide in a digital magazine experience.Our ReadersGreat Everyday Meals Magazine readers are interested in home cooking.Whether they are single, married, parents, or empty-nesters, GEM Magazine readerswant to get inspired in the kitchen and find REAL recipes for the busy, modernlifestyle. They are conscious about healthy eating habits, looking for products andcompanies to help them live more while spending less, and find importance increating a home with their loved ones. GEM Magazine readers love learning fromchefs and great cooks. They enjoy dining out, then taking those experiences into theirown kitchens and discovering new things that will enhance their lifestyle.Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 3

As an advertiser, these are exactly the customersyou want to reach. Our readers trust MommaCuisine as an expert in home cooking and alsosee themselves in her, a modern-day parent andindividual looking to live the best life possiblewhile sticking to a budget. GEM Magazine isthe place readers will subscribe to find the bestinformation out there on family travel, foodproducts, recipes, and life experiences. Your adswill live much longer in GEM Magazine than intraditional magazines because of our publication’sfull digital integration and cross marketing withthe Momma Cuisine brand and cooking personality.47%twitter 53% Weekly female male Impressions56%facebook 44% female Momma Cuisine receives male about 2.5 – 3 million weekly impressions across Twitter, Facebook and You Tube. Watch the Momma Cuisine Clip Reel64%youtube 36% median income female male $0-50k 30% $50-100k 50%54.2% $100-150k 13% $150K+ 7%female maleGreat Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities AGES 25 – 55 years old Median Follower is 35 years old PAGE 4

Multimedia PlatformWill Get Your Ad NoticedGreat Everyday Meals Magazine has a ads and advertorial content will deliver themass-market editorial focus toward families same engaging experience with the optionand individuals looking for inspiration or to add video within ad pages. This is a greatguidance in everyday cooking, with features way for your brand to go a step further byin food and family travel. Highly integrated creating loyalty with consumers using videowith video, pictures, and text, GEM ad content.Magazine is delivering a full, interactive GEM Magazine will initially gain paidexperience for readers curated by a trusted subscribers to the publication throughcooking personality, Momma Cuisine. Your the built-in fan base of Momma Cuisine, who are eager for her to deliver a tangible product fit for their lifestyle. GEM Magazine is delivered to subscribers on their smart phones, iPads and other tablet devices, Kindles, laptops and home computers. Subscribers also have the option to request a print version of the magazine. GEM Magazine will host monthly Twitter chats (#GEMFoodMag) to engage current readers and attract new subscriptions. This allows for brands to join the conversation, sponsor chats, and hold product giveaways to further enhance their exposure within the publication. Adding to the value are Great Everyday Meals Magazine Ambassadors, who we will carefully select to become advocates of the magazine’s mission, further enhancing the magazine’s reach and subscription base. With such a dynamic web presence, high engagement and loyal following, GEM Magazine will set the standard in the digital food magazine experience where your brand will be showcased.Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 5

MomMEmeta Johanna Cook Creator of Momma Cuisine AS SEEN ON... ...and more PAGE 6Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities

Advertising Rates Advertising RatesBest value! Ad Size 4 Seasons 3 Seasons 2 Seasons 1 SeasonBest exposure! Full Page Regular Rate 2,800 3,200 3,600 4,000 Full Page, Page 1 & 2 Introductary Rate 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Premium Placements 4,000 4,400 4,800 1/2 Page Regular Rate 3,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 Introductary Rate 1,600 1,500 1,700 1,900 1/3 Page 1,250 1,400 1,600 Regular Rate 1,200 1,000 1,200 1,400 1/4 Page Introductary Rate 1,000 800 1,000 1,200 750 850 950 Add Video Regular Rate 800 500 650 800 (1/3 page and up) Introductary Rate 600 +2,100 +2,300 +2,500 Sponsor 1,700 1,700 1,700 #GEMFoodMag Chat Regular Rate 600 Introductary Rate 400 Regular Rate 1,900 Introductary Rate 1,700 - - - 2,000 Advertorial Rates Content Marketing, Article Style, Branded Recipe, Sponsored Article Content Size 4 Seasons 3 Seasons 2 Seasons 1 Season 2 Page Advertorial/Recipe Regular Rate 5,400 5,600 5,800 6,000 1 Page Advertorial/Recipe Introductary Rate 4,400 4,600 4,800 5,000 4,600 4,800 5,000 Regular Rate 4,400 3,600 3,800 4,000 Introductary Rate 3,400 Discounted Introductary Rates Apply Only Until October 2013Great Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 7

Advertising SpecificationsFull Page Ad Full Page Ad Vertical horizontal DIGITAL AD788 px x 1044 px 696 px x 952 px Half Page Ad Half Page Ad REQUIREMENTS:(+ 10px bleed) 348 px x 952 px 696 px x 476 px Digital File & Contract Proof: Must be clearly indicated as to Issue, Publication, and Advertiser. PREFERRED FILE FORMATS: Great Everyday Meals accepts press-ready PDFs, InDesign files (packaged with fonts, images and IDML file), or Illustrator (all fonts must be outlined). All files should be saved down to be compatible to Adobe CS5. Materials should comply with SWOP standards. On bleed ads and undersized non-bleed ads, provide separate ruled position proof showing trim .vertical horizontal vertical horizontalTHIRD Page Ad THIRD Page Ad quarter quarter232 px x 952 px 696 px x 316 px Page Ad Page Ad 348 px x 476 px 696 px x 236 pxGreat Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 8

Contact IAN EVERETT Digital EditorJOHANNA COOK [email protected], Principal [email protected] SAMANTHA EVERETT630.524.1160 Art Director [email protected] PAULSON 312.612.9678Director of Sales & [email protected] [email protected] Everyday Meals • Advertising Opportunities PAGE 9

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