Summer 2015 A health & family focused digital magazine & community.Mariel Hemingway on mindful livingSummerSun Safety GuideFinding Your BalanceSetting EffectiveScreen Time LimitsFresh SummerRecipesInspired Ideasfor Family Travel 1
Contents8 Eco Fab A few of our favorite summer finds, inspired by nature10 Finding Balance This Summer Summer is the perfect time to slow down and enjoy life to the fullest12 Nutritional Nuggets From getting out of a food rut to the benefits of collagen-rich foods, expert Christina Towle answers your questions14 Stretch into the Sun Celebrating the Summer Solstice18 Screen Time Limits Attachment parenting expert Kelly Bartlett shares actionable tips for setting effective screen limits22 How I Conquered My Fear of Gardening Our Stable Table’s Carrie Saum shares her first experiences in her community garden, plus a delicious recipe for red sauce26 Free Range Kids Finding the balance between independence and supervision28 Sage Spoonfuls Tomato & Watermelon Salad, Blueberry Peach Frozen Yogurt Popsicles, Banana Coconut Tofu Pudding32 Conscious Kitchen Anti-inflammatory Cocktail, Morning Energy Drink 3
Contents34 Summer Cookout Recipes 76 Your Green Child Springtime “cocktails,” Veggie Kabobs, A peek into the families of our readers Saba Noodle Summer Rolls, Strawberry Popsicles 78 Little Artists40 The More You Know Eco Sharing the talents of our youngest community members. Water Conservation - using water wisely benefits all of us On the Cover:42 One Room @ A Time Mariel Hemingway p44 Sun Safety p56 Create a healthy space for room sharing Finding Balance p10 with your baby Screen Time Limits p18 Recipes p2844 Out Came the Sun Family Travel p48 Green Child Magazine talks with Mariel Summer 2015 A health & family focused digital magazine & community. Hemingway48 Eco Travel with Kids From faraway to local, Anne Michelsen will inspire your family vacation with eco- mindfulness and fun56 Summer Sun Safety Everything you need for a fun, safe day at the pool or beach58 Back to Nature The benefits of plant medicine for your MonamriienldfHul lievmingingway family62 Look Listen Read Our editors’ top picks in books, apps & more SSuunmSmaeferty Guide Finding Your Balance64 Making the Switch The benefits of cloth menstrual pads69 Guided Relaxation SScertetiengn TEifmfeectLivimeits FNoar ttuhreaOl DldisecriCplhinilde Farm Fresh Recipes A beautiful meditation for your child on RFreeschiSpuemsmer releasing worry, sadness, and stress SfIuonmrspFmaireemr d2il0yI1d4Teraavsel EafortuhnMdearmGMaCeAMlinndgtaaellOkBlsasobtnoy71 Green Grandma Questions from our readers answered72 ReUse Craft No-sew beach bag 74 Community Marketplace Cover Photography by Eco-friendly products & services from our Chris Baldwin4 collection of artisan shops & resources
1 in 3 families strugglesto afford cloth diapers.We can help.Visit our website to see if your family qualifies. 5
Publisher & Editor Amity Hook-Sopko Creative Director Amanda Hearn Advertising Director Tracy Carter Copy Editor Megan McCoy Dellecese Columnists Liza Huber Mellisa Dormoy Megan McCoy Dellecese Christina Towle Hana Haatainen Caye Contributors Megan McCoy Dellecese Molly Westerman Kelly Bartlett Carrie Saum Nicholas Sopko Anne Michelsen Susie Lyons Tracy Puhl Media & Other Inquiries [email protected]
from our publisher & editor To be nobody but yourself in a world We can remind ourselves that social mediawhich is doing its best, night and day, to is essentially everyone’s highlight reel, but itmake you everybody else means to fight doesn’t make it any less overwhelming. So then what? Are we supposed to airbrush our photos the hardest battle which any human and join in the perfection pageant?being can fight; and never stop fighting. I don’t think so. I had the great pleasure of speaking to Mariel ~ e.e. cummings Hemingway for this issue, and I was struck byCan we just be real for a minute? her transparency. Her life has been a journeyBy the time you find this issue in your inbox or to overcome the stigma of mental illness thatyour social media feed, you’ve probably seen plagued her legendary family, yet her opennessdozens of images on your phone or computer. is a true mark of the beauty of imperfection.A perfectly packed bento lunch with carefully Had she swept her “flaws” under the rug, shesliced fruits, veggies, and just the right amount would have missed the opportunity to validateof protein and healthy fat. Those pins of your and inspire countless people impacted by mentaldream home with sweeping views of the ocean, disorders.master chef ’s kitchen… and more pillows than Does it make you wonder how many of us arethe Pottery Barn catalog. Your gorgeous friend missing out on life by trying to be someone we’refrom high school smiling radiantly in her post- not?power workout selfie (wait – did she really I hope this issue inspires you to find yourPhotoshop her workout pic?) authentic self and share it with the world.I don’t know about you, but some days I find itexhausting. It’s as if I could toil away incessantly, -Amityand I’m never going to manage the healthiestmeal with the cleanest kitchen, with the mostorganized laundry room and the smartestchildren, all the while having the whitest teethand the thinnest thighs. 7
EcoFab Indugle a little with these Summer must-haves, hand-picked by our editors! The Wet Brush Wet hair is elastic and easy to damage with traditional brushes, but those tangles won’t get themselves out. The Wet Brush is designed specifically to meet the needs of wet hair and has become a fast favorite with stylists! $8 at Amazon Sanuk’s Yoga Joy Sanuk is the Thai word for “fun.” It’s no wonder these summer must-haves will carry you to your happy place. Made from yoga mats, you’ll be winning with eco-style in these comfy, durable flip flops. $30 at Sanuk8
Green Salve by MotherloveIf it itches, Green Salve to the rescue. This all-natural, versatile salve quickly and effectivelytakes the itch out of insect bites, bee stings andpoison ivy. It soothes and eases the discomfortof rashes, chapped and irritated skin. A must forevery mom’s medicine cabinet. Made with 100%certified organic ingredients. $9 at Motherlove DYLN Living Alkaline Water Bottle DYLN Living Alkaline Water Bottle - Alkalinity helps to promote optimal health in the body, while acidity has a negative impact. Now you can enjoy the benefits of alkaline water without the waste of single use bottles. $34 at DYLN FEED Wine Bag To date, Lauren Bush’s FEED Project has helped provide more than 85 million meals all over the world. Now her classic natural fiber tote is available in a wine bottle size. Keep your best vino secure while you help provide 5 school meals with every purchase. $22 at FEED 9
finding your balance this summer |by Megan McCoy Dellecese Summer is a perfect chance to rejuvenate your Here are a handful of ways to help create some life. It’s both restful and exciting at the same new, healthy habits during this sunny season. time. If you work outside the home, your schedule may loosen and you find good excus- • Get Zen. Take some quiet time to yourself es to take some of that well-deserved vacation and start meditating at the same time each time. If you work inside the home, you, too, day (yes, even if it involves getting up ear- may grow a bit more lax in your scheduling, lier), or take up a yoga class. By using some enjoying more non-structured free-time with of your extra summer free time to learn your young ones and adhering to less strict how to properly focus and find inner peace, bedtimes. No matter your situation, it’s simply you’ll get into a great habit and continue it a wonderful time to recharge. throughout the rest of the year (the times when you really need it).10
• Take advantage of the sunshine. meal plan for when things get busy again.It’s difficult NOT to be happy on a gor-geous, sunny day, isn’t it? Get outside when • Allow for unstructured play. Okay,nature allows the chance, whether it’s just most of us do this during the summertime,to garden or do yard work while the kids anyway, but the point here is to create therun around, or on a more structured na- habit, then see it through. Allow for anture walk. Just be sure to use natural sun allotted time of unstructured play duringprotection for any prolonged exposure! the same block of time (if possible) every- day. When the autumn hits along with the• Establish a family reading time. busyness of school and added responsibili- ties, try to maintain that daily hour or soMany studies prove that children who are (before or after dinner, for little ones afterraised by parents who model good read- a nap, etc) for creativity and imaginationing practices (even if it involves reading amagazine or newspaper) have a far greater to bloom. This is also a time for you tochance of becoming life-long readers (and relax and allow your own creative juices tolearners). So, block out a quiet time for flow, which can be far more powerful thanthe family to read, whether separately or parents may realize.all in the same room. Make regular visitsto the library to allow your child to try • Get in touch with your inner and different books. Talk about the We can get serious and, at times, grumpythings you’ve read, especially any ideas that when things get stressful. Use the open flowpopped into your heads or questions that that summer brings to not only get back inmight have arisen. Your child is also likely touch with your actual children, but withto have less of a summer your own inner child, as well.learning gap when they Throw on your own “playreturn to school in the fall Ultimately, it’s all about clothes” and get down in thesince their brains were taking a step back from dirt with your little ones. Blowstill “exercising” all sum- the fast-paced environment bubbles and look for shapes inmer long. You’ll even no- we all experience daily the clouds. Truly listen to thetice your brain sparking and filling our summer with conversations your child startsquicker in the process! moments of calm and joy. and reciprocate, no matter how silly or nonsensical they• Focus on food. Summer is the perfect may be. If playtime doesn’t help, try journ- time to get creative in the kitchen. During aling to find your true voice again (it’s notthis time, meals aren’t as rushed, grilling just for teenagers; most people jotted downallows you to prepare foods in new ways, short diary entries a century ago).and the abundance of fresh farmers’ mar-ket products gets your wheels turning. If Take just a couple of these steps to heart andyou’re feeling super adventurous, purchase see if they help to rejuvenate your spirit thisa CSA (find some near you at Local Har- season. Ultimately, it’s all about taking a stepvest), which can actually last you well into back from the fast-paced environment we allthe fall. Either way, be mindful while you experience daily and filling our summer (andcook and add some new recipes to your beyond) with moments of calm and joy. 11
Nutritional Nuggets Expert Christina Towle answers your questions! Question: I recently read about collagen- Also, complement your diet by monitoring based supplements and powders to combat sun exposure, getting lots of fresh-oxygen aging and capture youthful looking skin. Is daily through deep breathing, exercise, and there truth behind this trend? outdoor play to naturally maintain youthful skin and radiance. The quest for the fountain of youth...and collagen! It is true that as we age, collagen Question: I’m bored!! I feel like I buy, production slows, resulting in the thinning/ serve, and eat the same foods day-in, day- sagging of the skin. The good news is we out. What do you suggest I do to liven up can certainly make efforts to keep our col- my meals and get me excited about food lagen engine functioning optimally through again? our food choices. I hope I can inspire! Especially since dietary Adding collagen-boosting supplements and boredom often leads to mindless overeating, powders will likely not have a negative affect less variety of nutrients, and less satisfaction. on your body, but I would save my money and eat real foods that include the full nutri- A few tips: tional package of collagen, plus a variety of nutrients and anti-inflammatory benefits. 1. Ensure that your kitchen is an inspiring environment. Perhaps pick up a few Tomatoes and beets with Lycopene help books on Feng Shui to guide you on increase collagen production; Omega-3 fatty creating kitchen calm. Clean your space acid fish like salmon & tuna are good, Vita- before each meal. This will help work up min C rich greens like kale & spinach and an appetite, slowly starting the engine of fruit like mangos help boost production too. digestion instead of shocking the body, White tea is believed to prevent enzyme ac- which causes poor digestion. Put on tivity that breaks down collagen, along with music, light a candle, relax - the Sistine high quality protein like eggs and grass-fed Chapel was not painted in a day, likewise, beef. If it’s difficult to include these foods in your body is worthy of time. your diet, than you can seek out grass-fed animal protein-based shakes as your source.12
2. Envision your masterpiece meal. vegetables boost immunity; white and Coaches, psychologists, and spiritual tan fruits maintain healthful cholesterol advisors recommend the power of levels; Yellow and orange fruits promote imagery. If you envision a healthy meal, eye health; red fruits and vegetables you will eat one. A simple way to achieve promote urinary tract health; and brown a vision is to find a recipe for dinner, whole grains, legumes reduce the risk of ideally one with a gorgeous picture. colon and other cancers. Display the pic in your kitchen or laptop 4. Finally, frame your creation. Take and get ready to smile and enjoy it for pictures of your meals to create a dinner that night. showcase of health. You’ll track your success while gaining a portfolio of pride.3. Use a variety of colors in your I hope these tips help spice things up for preparation. Colored food provides you! fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals. Specifically, purple and blue help 13 memory function; green fruits and
Stretch into the Sun Celebrating the Summer Solstice |by Molly Westerman Hot afternoons, wild thunderstorms, and • light, heat, fire, and sun nights filled with fireflies! The summer sol- • the earth in full bloom: flowers and stice, or midsummer, is a wonderful opportu- nity to celebrate and learn about the warmest greenery season with our families. • life in full bloom: joy, pleasure, creativity, At the Peak of the Light and stretching into the long day This is the time of Midsummer Day, St. John’s The word “solstice” brings together two Latin Day, Litha, and the Midnight Sun Festival (in- words: sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). At cluding Nome, Alaska’s icy Polar Bear Swim!). the winter and summer solstices, the sun as In some historical and cultural locations, the seen from Earth appears to pause in its sea- summer solstice has also been a magically sonal motion and then reverse its path. potent day—and especially night—when healing herbs should be gathered and when The summer solstice is the day of the year witches and fairies are abroad. It is a lovely when the sun seems to rise highest in the sky, time to read, perform, or see Shakespeare’s A following its longest and tallest arc, and rises Midsummer Night’s Dream with older chil- and sets at its northernmost point on the ho- dren and to enjoy tales of summer magic with rizon. This is also the longest day and shortest people of all ages. night of the year, with the difference in day- time hours more noticeable at high latitudes— Celebrating with children closer to the north or south pole, farther from the equator. In the northern hemisphere, our How tall is my shadow? summer solstice occurs around 21 June each At noon on each solstice day, measure year. (In the southern hemisphere, this date from your child’s toe to his or her shadow’s marks the winter solstice; 21 December is top. Have the child measure your shadow, their summer and our winter solstice.) too, and record the numbers. After gath- ering data on all four holidays, you can Summer festivals and personal ask your child to guess which shadow was observances of the solstice often longest, compare your shadows’ changing reflect the following themes: heights with your own heights (when did it come up to your knee? when was it about14
Photography by Christie Brown Photography15
Celebrating the Summer Solstice as tall as you? when would it be too tall to Looking forward, looking back stand up in your living room?), discuss the This observance can take place with your changing angles of the sun, read up on our family or alone. On paper, out loud, or solar system and the Earth’s seasons, and simply in your thoughts, reflect on these experiment with a flashlight and a globe. questions or others that suit you better: Sun foods What bright lights and simple pleasures Children of all ages can help choose, pre- illuminate your life this summer? How can pare, and eat foods and beverages that you stretch into the season’s opportunities? remind us of the sun. Think shades of or- What do you miss from winter’s darkness, ange, red, and yellow, as well as foods that and how might you hold onto those gifts in can be circular in shape: oranges, pine- this very different time? apples, grapefruits, pancakes, fried eggs, sun- or flower-frosted cupcakes, brightly- Read colored juice or punch, and so on. These picture books are great family read- Flowers and greenery alouds for the vernal equinox. Make real or paper flower crowns to wear • The Longest Day: Celebrating the at your solstice celebration. Bring flow- Summer Solstice (Wendy Pfeffer) ers or beautiful greenery into your home. introduces the science, history, and Draw or paint a tree, leaf, or flower in its cultural traditions surrounding this full summer glory. solstice. The book also includes projects Music and recipes to try at home. For a Many songs celebrate the sun and the long, more fanciful approach to a summer fun days of summer. Put together a playlist celebration, try The Flowers’ Festival and dance or sing together. (Elsa Beskow). Light a fire • Mama, Is It Summer Yet? (Nikki Bonfires and fireworks are summer solstice McClure) is a sweet, simple book about traditions in many countries. wanting—and getting—summer. Its cut Go outside paper illustrations offer lots to point If the weather is pleasant, this is a wonder- out and discuss. Beach Feet (Kiyomi ful day for a picnic, for playing outside, Konagaya) is another favorite for and for staying out late to witness the toddlers and preschool-aged children. enduring light. • Summer Sun Risin’ (W. Nikola-Lisa), Make a sundial Summer Days and Nights (Wong Instructions for projects—from very simple Herbert Yee), Come On, Rain! (Karen to elaborate—are readily available online. Hesse), Hot Day on Abbott Avenue Constructing a sundial is an engaging way to (Karen English), and Think Cool learn about how our days and seasons work. Thoughts (Elizabeth Parry) all explore the height of summer with wonderful16 sensory details and energy. 17
- simple tips for setting effective -Screen Time Limits |by Kelly BartlettToo often parents take responsibility for to solve their own problems so they can de-their kids’ screen-free time by structuring velop their emotional muscles and the skillsactivities for them. They think that if kids necessary for the even bigger struggles theyare upset or bored without electronic enter- will encounter throughout their lives.tainment, they must provide another activ-ity for them to do. But this is just another When allowing children to suffer...form of rescuing. When parents are quick tostep in with activities to distract kids from 1. Express empathy. “You are really angryboredom or anger about not having their about not being able to play your videoscreens, they inadvertently rob children of game right now. I understand.”the opportunity to develop problem solvingskills and resilience. 2. Avoid lectures.Turning off the TV is a challenge for many 3. Do not rescue. It’s OK to feel and families. Have faith in them to 4. Let them know you have faith in them towork through this “suffering” to feel morecapable in managing their time. When you figure out what to do.have faith in your children to handle theirfeelings, they will learn to have faith in When a child “suffers” because she can’tthemselves, too. watch the show she wants, allowing her toIt is important that parents do not make endure this experience can help her developchildren suffer, but sometimes it is most her resiliency muscles. She learns that shehelpful to “allow” them to suffer with sup- can survive the ups and downs of life, asport. Parents too often (in the name of love) well as the decision of what to do with herwant to protect their children from struggle. time when there are no screens to watch.They don’t realize that their children need to The support parents can offer is to validatestruggle, to deal with disappointment, and her feelings, but avoid solving the ultimate problem of what to do instead. Say, “I can see this is very upsetting to you. It can be 19
Setting Screen Time Limits • “No TV until after homework is done. I will be in the kitchen making dinner. disappointing when we don’t get what we Anyone is welcome to come work in want.” Period. Some parents overdo vali- there with me.” dating feelings; they go on and on with the hope that validating feelings will take away • “You may watch a half-hour of TV. You the suffering. can turn it off when the time is up, or I Validate a child’s feelings and then allow her will.” to recover from those feelings. Then comes the tough part— no rescuing and no lec- • “Everyone must turn their phones off tures. Simply have faith that she can get over during dinner. I will put mine away and her disappointment and figure out what she meet you at the table.” can do with herself. Children will learn to get past the disap- • “We’re not going to play video games pointment of reduced screen time, and they today. I am going for a bike ride and will be able to develop their imagination and would love for you to join me.” creativity in solving the problem of, “What should I do?” Parents just need to provide • “We have discussed the responsibilities an atmosphere of loving support that does that go along with the privileges of not include “bawling them out” (lectur- having electronic equipment. When ing on how many other toys, games, crafts, you don’t keep our agreements for the and activities there are available to do), and responsibilities, I will confiscate the “bailing them out” (fixing their boredom by equipment until you are ready to try providing a new activity). Have faith in your again.” children; they will grow stronger for it. • “I know you are disappointed and I’m Decide What You Will Do going to give you a big hug; so you’d You have set a limit on screen time with better run if you don’t want one.” kindness and firmness. You have faith in your children to handle their unhappy feel- Stating what you will do allows children ings about the limit. Now comes the part to decide what they will do in the face of a where you must decide what you will do. limit that has been set. You are communi- Rather than rescuing a child from solv- cating, “I decided what I will do; what will ing their problem of, “Now what can I do?” you do?” They may continue to cry, com- when the screens are turned off, have faith plain, and have difficult feelings about the in them to work it out themselves. Since limit, and that’s OK. They may simply need this usually takes time, it is helpful for you more time to express and recover from their to decide what to do that does not include disappointment. By deciding what you will lectures or rescue in the presence of their do, you are providing an example, while20 turbulent feelings. ultimately turning the decision over to the child.
Follow Through Children know when you mean what you say and when you don’t. It is really that sim-Many parents have great intentions to set ple. If you say it, mean it, and if you mean it,limits around and manage their children’s follow through. Parents sometimes believescreen time, but for one reason or another, that giving children what they want willthe limits are never held. Or they’re not show them that they are loved. But childrenheld consistently. Sometimes a lack of fol- will suffer much more throughout their liveslow through on screen time limits is due if they develop the belief that love meansto losing track of time—you tell your kids others should take care of them and givethey can watch a half-hour of television, and them whatever they want.before you know it, an hour or more hasgone by because you were absorbed in other They will suffer when they don’t learn theytasks. Or maybe you don’t really want screen can survive disappointments in life—includ-time to end because t will mean the kids ing setting limits around electronics—andwill go back to their arguing, bickering, or discover how capable they are in the process.fighting; the screen is a welcome distraction Permissiveness is not the way to help chil-and you’re not ready to handle the problems dren develop initiative or any other valuablethat come when it gets turned off. Or per- social or life skill. Parents who say whathaps you just don’t want to be “the bad guy” they mean and mean what they say do notand have to tell your kids that screen time have to use a lot of words. In fact, the feweris over. They’re enjoying the time, and it’s words used, the better. When you use a lot oftough to be the one who brings it to an end. words you are lecturing, and children tune out lectures. One reason you may use a lotWhatever the reason, not following of words is that you are trying to convincethrough on a limit you have set about yourself, as well as your child, that what youyour child’s time on front of a video want is okay. If what you are asking is rea-screen sends a few messages: sonable, have confidence in your request.• Limits on screens are not When it is time for TV or video games or 21 important. computer play to be over, ensure that it does indeed end in a timely manner. You may• You don’t care what they do with need to help your children stick to the me- their time. dia limits by following through with kind and firm action. It may take a while for• You don’t really mean what you kids to get used to your decisiveness about say. the limits, but when you are able to follow through each time, they will understand• It’s OK to keep playing or watching, that you mean what you say when it comes even when you’ve said stop. to limits on electronics. Say it; mean it; and follow-through.• You don’t prioritize family engagement.• You lack confidence as a parent.
how i conquered my fear of gardening |by Carrie SaumThis year, I conquered my fear of As with anything involving a toddler, thingsgardening. did not go as planned.I have a gorgeous little community plot, 20 My Zen feelings about gardening with myfeet from my front door. I’ve tried to mus- kiddo dissolved about 10 minutes into ourter up the courage to begin growing food for first foray at the plot. I was trying to dig holesyears, and as a chronic Black Thumb, I wor- to plant our tender starters while E tried toried that I would kill all of the things. So, I pull up all of the green things and my pro-conducted an experiment. I bought a basil gress right along with it. And because this isplant, and vowed if I could keep this one small a community garden, he pulled up plants thatplant alive for at least a month in my house, I were not ours. I stopped every 30 secondswould try my hand at gardening this summer. to still his hands with mine and quietly say,As it turns out, I was fearful for no reason. “Gentle touch. Everything that grows is pre-The basil plant survived, and is currently cious. Green things belong in the ground.”thriving in my small plot of budding earth, Then E would immediately resume his Tasma-just past my doorstep. nian devil activity as I began mentally writingGardening requires some work, but I genu- notes of apology to our neighbors who foundinely enjoy interacting with nature through onions uprooted or baby kale shredded tocultivating, caring and digging in the dirt. I bits.engage my body and mind, and find myselfhumming horrible 90’s tunes while pulling up Luckily for us, E is well loved and toleratedweeds and spreading compost. Somehow, MC by our little garden village, so nobody held aHammer and my old food scraps make magic grudge. In fact, a few showed E their plots,together. explained which plants were which, andI decided if I was really going to do this, (and I encouraged him to smell the blossoms andam a person who does things full-out or not at touch the leaves. He loved the special inter-all); I had to bring my toddler, E, into the gar- action and listened closely as our neighborsden with me. Since he is old enough to be ac- explained the plants to him, absorbing a littletive, I figured he might be old enough to enjoy bit of information and 100% of the attention.learning about the broader aspects of organichorticulture and getting filthy in the process. I figured out small ways to involve E along the 23 way. I gave him his own set of tools I found at a gardening store, as well as a space to work on his own plants and weeds. He quickly caught
how i conquered my fear of gardening on to watering the plants, breaking up the soil, friend who has just had a baby and needs easy, getting his hands caked with mud, and talking healthy food with minimal effort. to the garden. And by talking, I really mean yelling “Daaaaaa!” at the top of his lungs ad Carrie’s Red Sauce infinitum while racing up and down the rows. Our hours in the garden became a bit easier Feeds 6 regular people, or 3 growing toddlers. when I resurrected the baby pool from last summer and brought it down to the garden so Ingredients: E could splash and play while I kept a watch- ful eye on him as I pulled weeds, watered my • 6 lbs fresh tomatoes, diced growing plants, and harvested wild lemon • 3-4 Tbsp butter balm, peppermint, and rosemary I found ris- • 1 bulb garlic, minced ing up along the edges of the property. Now • 1 medium onion, diced I love pulling off my shoes and dipping my • 2 Tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped feet in the shallow water for a few minutes • 3 Tbsp cup fresh basil, chopped and splashing with him before gathering our • 1 Tbsp fresh or dried oregano things and walking home, wet, muddy, tired • 1 Tbsp fresh or dried thyme and usually in good spirits. Fellow community • ½ tsp cumin members and I use the water from the wad- • salt ing pool to quench our thirsty plants after E is • pepper finished with his fun, and we are careful to use all of our resources, especially in the drought- Directions: parched West Coast. Our community garden lives up to its mis- 1. In a large stockpot, sauté onions until sion. We are growing together, raising vegeta- translucent. Add garlic and sauté until bles and babies and awareness around organ- barely golden, stirring often. ic, sustainable, urban gardening. We are also building a sweet little community that loves to 2. Add tomatoes and dried herbs. Add eat and play and work together. cumin, salt and pepper. This year’s community garden veggie selection includes heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, kale, 3. Bring to a bubble (not boil), stirring green onion, cauliflower, and green beans. occasionally. Once it’s bubbling, cover and One of my favorite community meals to make reduce heat to low. Simmer for an hour, with this abundance? Zoodles with Red Sauce. stirring occasionally. Anyone can make it, and you don’t have to be a green thumb or even a culinary wizard to 4. Add fresh herbs and simmer covered make this dish. It just takes a little time to prep for another 30-45 minutes, stirring and simmer, and once it’s made, it freezes like occasionally. a dream. I love thawing a batch of red sauce in24 late fall for a nourishing meal, or share with a 5. Taste sauce and add salt and pepper and more herbs as needed. Remove from heat and serve over your favorite pasta or spiralized zucchini noodles, or allow to cool and transfer to storage containers. 6. This sauce can stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, and freezes for up to 6 months.
Free Range KidsFinding the balance between independence and supervision|by Megan McCoy Dellecese Let’s play a game. Visualize your childhood outside until the street lights came on (at playtime routine. which point you knew you’d better get home Go ahead! and fast)? To many of us, this was a very close Was it filled with running, playing and explor- facsimile of childhood. ing in your backyard (and all your friends’ Today, these kids would be referred to as “free yards)? Did you ride your bike through your range.” Their parents would be practicing surrounding neighborhoods and maybe even “free range parenting” (also called “simplicity” to school to use the jungle gym ad nauseam? or “slow parenting”). It often involves more Were your summers permeated with spraying unstructured free time, less of a focus on the sprinklers, green rubber hoses, worn jump use of electronic devices, and less hovering of ropes, entire days spent outside, and skinned parents around children as they play or make knees? Did your evenings entail playing ball new discoveries. Children are ultimately al- lowed to explore the world at their own pace.26
It is said that free range parenting is in re- However, it’s important to note that America,sponse to the widespread trend for parents in general, is at its safest point in years. Ac-to schedule many activities and classes after cording to a recent child mortality report putschool, solve problems for their children, and together by numerous government agencies,often “helicopter” around their children to childhood mortality has never been lower. Inhelp with any issues that arise. Others contend 1935, there were 450 deaths per 100,000 chil-that this less hands-on, more independence- dren aged 1 to 4, compared with today’s num-inducing style is simply a return to the style in ber of 30. Some of this can be attributed to awhich many of us were raised. rise in the use of vaccines (do your homeworkIt is important to note some of the positives and decide if this is right for you), but theof free range parenting. The free range life- rates have nonetheless continued to drop instyle allows children to develop many valuable recent decades. Homicide rates are at a low ofskills, such as problem-solving, self-confi- 1.5 per 100,000 children under 14, as well.dence, and creativity, to say nothing of the val-ue of a well-honed imagination. Children with Beyond these facts, though, comes the active, exploratory life have lower risk of It’s not just about a child’s possible deathmental health and emotional issues and higher (although that’s huge). What about an abduc-development of motor skills. It is said that the tion or disappearance? According to the FBImore time kids spend in the great outdoors, National Crime Information Center, reportsas well, lower their chances of developing of missing juveniles under 18 since 1997 areasthma, allergies, and have a general immunity down 40%. This information also tells of theagainst many illnesses. They are also far better fact that a vast majority - 96% - of all missingable to bounce back from the disappointments person reports are runaways. A very minuteof life after gaining hands-on troubleshooting percentage of these cases are what we mightexperience in their day-to-day activities. consider a “stereotypical kidnapping.” MoreBut, as with most forms of parenting, opin- details can be found through this informativeions differ and controversies arise. Washington Post article, but the point is, basi-With a greater awareness of child abuse and cally, that things are pretty darn safe on aver-neglect, many are on the lookout for strange age, depending on your particular life situa-or “off ” behavior - such as seeing children out tion and neighborhood demographic.walking or playing without supervision. Al-though each case and scenario is different and As parents, we all know that parenting isn’tunique, many times we see in these news sto- “one size fits all.” Every child is unique andries that the children ultimately get picked up every parent reacts to situations police and, due to proper procedure, taken Hopefully, we can all agree that as long asto Child Protective Services before finally al- children are in a loving, cared-for scenario -lowing the parents to have contact with their even if it’s completely different than our own“missing” children. - there’s nothing to worry about.There are two schools of thought here. One- those poor parents must have been frantic! It is up to us to use our common sense and 27Two - the same parents would feel worse if intuition to recognize when something is seri-their children had gone missing for real. Both ously wrong, or that we simply need to backare completely valid points. off and allow other parents the courtesy to make their own choices for their families.
28Photography by Liza Huber
|by Liza Huber CEO & Founder of Sage SpoonfulstmHeirloom Tomato & Watermelon SaladThis summer salad is sure to be the hit of any barbecue or gathering. Refreshing andnourishing for everyone, but we’ve made to sure to slice these in the perfect finger food sizefor older babies (12 months and up) and toddlers to easily handle.Ingredients Directions• 1/2 organic watermelon - cut into 1. Place the watermelon, tomatoes and basil cubes into a mixing bowl and toss with the salt.• 1 pound organic heirloom tomatoes - 2. Place into a serving bowl or dish, drizzle washed and chopped with the balsamic vinegar and olive oil.• 1 tablespoon organic fresh organic 3. Leftovers can be stored in an airtight basil - washed and cut into strips container for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.• 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 4. Enjoy!• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil• ½ teaspoon coarse grain sea salt or pink salt 29
Blueberry Peach Frozen Yogurt Popsicles I can’t think of a better treat for summer than homemade popsicles. They’re easy-to-make, deli- cious and healthy. The best part is that you avoid all of the artificial ingredients found in most store-bought popsicles. Suitable for babies 10 months and up, toddlers, big kids and adults. Ingredients Directions • 1 cup organic vanilla yogurt – can use 1. Place a slice of banana into each jar and place a dairy, coconut milk or almond milk yogurt wooden popsicle stick into each slice. • 2 ripe organic peaches or nectarines – 2. Put the yogurt, peaches and blueberries into washed, peeled and chopped a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into each jar or popsicle mold until • 1 cup organic blueberries – washed about ¾ full. • 4 banana slices • Wooden popsicle sticks 3. Place into your freezer for 4-5 hours. When you are ready to serve, run the jar or mold under warm water for a few seconds to release the popsicle – enjoy!30
Banana Coconut Tofu This mix of banana, coconut and tofu tastes like pudding and I love it - so do the kids! It’s a healthy, protein packed treat! Suitable for babies 10 months and up, toddlers, big kids and adults. Ingredients Directions • 1 large ripe organic banana 1. Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor • 1 cup of organic tofu - can use and blend until smooth. Serve and enjoy! soft or firm 2. Banana Coconut Tofu will stay fresh in an airtight • 1 heaping tablespoon organic container, like Sage Spoonfuls jars, for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. Some discoloration of the banana is to finely grated, unsweetened be expected, but does not affect taste. Mix well before coconut serving.Photography by Liza Huber 31
Conscious KitchenSpringtime Cocktails |by Cherie Calbom The Juice Lady Anti-Inflammatory Cocktail Fennel is an anti-inflammatory, anti- histamine, analgesic, & antioxidant. Apples inhibit the development of allergies because rich in histamine- lowering quercetin. Cucumber has analgesic (pain killing) properties and is an antioxidant that prevents the synthesis of the inflammatory compound prostaglandin. Broccoli is anti-carcinogenic, prevents gastric mucosal damage (suggesting potential histamine-lowering action), and finally, ginger is as effective as an H2 receptor antagonist prescription drug. • 1 green apple • ½ large fennel with fronds • 1-inch-piece ginger root • 1 large broccoli stem • 3 leaves kale • ½ cucumber, peeled if not organic Cut produce to fit your juicer. Start by juicing the apple and finish with the cucumber. Drink as soon as possible.32
Morning Energy • 1 cucumber, peel if not organic • 1 handful spinach or several chard leavesBeets contain unique phytonutrients called • ½ lemon, peeledbetalains, which have been shown to • 1-inch-piece ginger root, scrubbed, peel if oldprovide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juicedetoxification effects. all ingredients and stir. Pour into a glass and• 1 – 2 carrots, scrubbed well, tops removed, drink as soon as possible. ends trimmed• ½ small beet, with leaves 33
Summer Cookout |by Jennifer Katzinger Excerpted from Gluten-Free & Vegan for the Whole Family Sizzlin’ Kabobs Kebabs are such a festive summer food. The whole family will enjoy having a meal cooked on the grill. You might want to grill up some extra vegetables that have been marinating too!Photography by Charity Burggraaf © 2015 by Jennifer Katzinger. All rights reserved. Excerpted • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 4 wooden skewers from Gluten-Free & Vegan for the Whole Family by permission of Sasquatch Books. • 1 small red onion, minced • 8 crimini or button mushrooms • 2 cloves garlic • 12 shiitake mushrooms • 4 cups chopped fresh tomatoes • 12 cherry tomatoes • 1/3 cup maple syrup • 1 small orange bell pepper, seeded and cut • 1⁄4 cup blackstrap molasses • 1⁄2 cup apple cider vinegar into bite-size pieces • 2 teaspoons mustard powder • 2 small baby bok choy, leaves separated • 1 teaspoon chile powder • 1 yellow summer squash, cut into bite-size • 1 teaspoon sea salt • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper pieces • 1/8 to 1⁄4 teaspoon paprika • 1 (8-ounce) package tempeh, cut into bite- size pieces • Cooked rice, for serving 1. To make the sauce, in a large saucepan or 2. Prepare the wooden skewers by soaking Dutch oven, heat the oil and sauté the onion them in water for 15 minutes. Preheat the and garlic until softened and transparent, grill to medium heat. Skewer the vegetables about 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, maple and tempeh in a colorful pattern. Brush syrup, molasses, vinegar, mustard powder, the kebabs generously with the sauce. Grill chile powder, salt, pepper, and paprika to the kebabs for 3 minutes on each side. You the saucepan. Bring to a boil and reduce may need to brush the kebabs with more the heat to low. Cook, uncovered, for 1 sauce after flipping to the other side. The hour. Puree the sauce, using an immersion kebabs are ready when the vegetables are blender, or in batches in a blender or food slightly browned and seared. Serve over processor. Return the sauce to the saucepan rice. Leftover sauce can be stored in an and continue simmering for 30 minutes airtight container for up to 2 weeks in the more. Remove from the heat and let cool. refrigerator or 2 months in the freezer. 35
Summer Cookout Soba Noodle Summer Rolls There is so much goodness in these mouthwatering summer rolls—bright antioxidant-rich vegetables, creamy avocado loaded with vitamin E, powerful immune-supporting shiitake mushrooms, protein-rich tofu, and satisfying buckwheat noodles! The rice paper wrappers are very sticky, so they hold the rolls together beautifully. • 10 shiitake mushrooms, stemmed and sliced • 1⁄2 avocado, cut into thin slices • 1/3 cup tamari • 1 cup fresh basil leaves, finely chopped • 3 oz 100 percent buckwheat soba noodles • 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped • 1⁄2 cup sesame seeds • 1⁄2 small red onion, minced (about 1⁄2 cup) • 12 rice paper wrappers • 2 teaspoons chile oil • 14 ounces tofu, cut into thin rectangles • 1 cup rice wine vinegar • 1 small cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced • 1 green onion, minced • 1 medium carrot, peeled and julienned 1. In a small bowl, combine the mushrooms in a line down the center of the wrapper. and tamari to marinate. Sprinkle with oil and, working with your hands, lift up the edge of the rice paper 2. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil and below the filling and fold it over the filling then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook the toward the center. Next, fold in the sides of noodles for 8 minutes. Drain and rinse the the rice paper toward each other. Finally, roll noodles under cold water. Slice the noodles up the roll. Continue in this way with the into 2-inch lengths. remaining filling and rice papers. 5. To make the dipping sauce, in a small bowl, 3. In a dry skillet over medium heat, roast the combine the vinegar and green onion. Slice sesame seeds until they brown slightly and each roll in half to expose the vibrant colors smell fragrant. of the filling. Serve with the dipping sauce on the side. 4. Prepare a large container of cold water to Note: Softened rice paper wrappers are very soften the rice paper wrappers. (I use a large sticky, so to keep the rolls from sticking to sauté pan because the size and shallow depth one another in a packed lunch, wrap a bit of work well.) Assembling 1 roll at a time, lay parchment paper around each before packing 1 paper in the water until softened, about 2 snugly in a container. to 3 minutes. Put the softened wrapper on a flat surface and arrange the mushrooms, noodles, tofu, cucumber, carrots, avocado, basil, cilantro, onion, and the sesame seeds36
Summer Cookout 1 2 Sunday s DSund5ay 12 19 2 26 2 Monda sm 56 12 13 19 20 266 27 2 Oc sm tStrawberry Surprise Popsicles 13 45 6 11 12 13These popsicles have a surprising ingredient—cucumber! Cucumber not only adds a refreshing 18 19 20note, but it’s a good source of B vitamins. Strawberries contain vitamin C in great abundance. Try 25 26 27throwing some basil in with the mint for an even brighter flavor. 20 • 3 cups fresh strawberries 1. In a high-powered blender or food 2 • 1 cup chopped peeled cucumber processor, blend all the ingredients until • 1/8 cup maple syrup completely smooth. Pour the mixture into • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 6 popsicle molds and freeze for at least 3 • 1⁄2 cup fresh mint leaves hours. • 1⁄2 cup water38
Our gift to you... Helpful Kitchen Conve 81 Free Mix & Match Pages Measurements 1 Quart 1 Pint 2 Pints 2 Cups Home Organization, To-Do Lists, 1 Gallon 4 Cups 41860OMuilnlicliteesrs Meal Planning, Budgeting, & More 4 Quarts 3.295OLuintecress otes Available in your choice of 8 Pints Leaves or Hearts Design! itter16 Cups For The S N128 Oz EMonthlyCBudgetNaNmmuRemeeIrlNabngaNtecimrouReonmeenmslTNabhoceaNteitpimaErouRylnmexesl1apbh2364tSeei4.8piR8o8nroT0u1enasOHTLncbdsMBbeCoeSiuSUuhsuttlnauuieunpaMeicsltaplesgdspiceeruilfapyipBasegcctcto1lpoioruseeaurq/oeoltotrleu3rtSetl:ntenssiaei1uSAdlsdseBrcobsytspAhfsuoSsnr4bo.pd1cuur1tycsl2Tuegb6.hp1ta2s1p0a/Teu./b.net4O4MalaeuClsisTlnlppAPbwtiuilcoosoineosptDaerecoroesEfFtrselnnCitirhelagmtdausssfgexghfsxfagwoifemaawSMrrlr-1daui1e/Sid1eWe3tdtba02enThge1asiDlTn5eraehc.lmoF3eg.dbiilrbMesaAu.ilTsfnkecsebifildullfshpeo1lsiotNpliwroOiaerotoesoeeounn1rtnn:sc1seScGiMseJanuary Februarys m t w t f s March4 1 2 sm t wt 5 6 7 8 9 3 123 fs sm t wt fs 2015 Year at a Glance 1112 13 14 15 16 10 8 9 10 45 1231819 20 21 22 23 17 15 16 17 67 8 9 10 45 6726 27 28 29 30 24 22 23 24 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14Ap November25 31 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 12 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 18 19 27 28 25 26cDtoJeublecyrrilemNobvAeeumgrMbueasryt DeScepetmeJbmuenbreermsta22y22y2121718018637147m14w81t252722222122181T9971412M82985w5u1t41teo232322sn211910d2081d5w393691622ataf3yy23322121011113119644277930310tsfW6282w233111Te14120578w23u045d1fs19e28wn5221ss1e231d.5328Gs4211s0a10d396r3296y2mase233123y2e10121111n141471772W309430C7ms3T04thh21e21162ui1d511l8548d1r415m28n1w4Ms1t3e2d21sa121a1619d6g1952562yw9t5a2a43t21yz22211211i217n870026103w6730eT653tf1.h2Fc272221uro182817i1248r7m14d714ts4sfa2d222y11a9922828525y114sf15710363221s110922319622S22s61811a771408F6m3tsru222i22d2r21511988d2a871547141mstay23y2222561101199238956w228325m111t022333227S2111011104a3997639263w02ttt2u2226r1111114d5874w7430130faty2272111111645198525482s14t12f1822111166995252sf2217063s S INaNmuRmeelaboteirAropnMv(esofahccosiparhi1debatodaolpkB1iuanrngea)nensatructiowwnws.GreenCh www.Gre Total Income Total Subscribe { free on our website! } & receive this planner as our thanks!27 28 29 30 Click Now to Subscribe! Already a Subscriber? Keep an eye out for a special link in an upcoming newsletter! 39
ecotMhKeonyrooeuw : Water Conservation |by Nicholas Sopko Oak Meadow Distance Learning 7th Grade Student Water is very necessary for human life. Our water and use it to water your plants. When bodies need water to live. We use water to you change your pet’s drinking bowl, use it to grow our crops and to clean our environment. water your plants. When you clean out your The earth’s water supply is being contami- fish tank, put the water in a plant. When an nated and depleted by overuse and pollution. ice cube falls out of your refrigerator, put it in Our planet has a water problem, and we have your plant. to figure out what to do about it and devise Always check your water bill. If the bill is steps to prevent further waste. higher than usual, you may have a leak in Although water makes up 71% of the earth’s your home. Phone your local water company surface, we are having trouble saving it. Take and ask for them to check for leaks in or California, for instance. They are now under- around your home. Take 5-minute showers going a major drought and by the next year, instead of baths. Reward kids for the water according to NASA, will be out of water. This saving tips they use. could happen in more places if we are not All of these things can help us save and use smarter on water conservation. water more wisely, and when we save water, The easiest way to save water is to not use it we can help other lands or people if they are when you have no need for it. For instance, low, like California. It’s up to everyone now you can run some warm water in a sink then to make a change and conserve water, be- plug it up to rinse the dishes instead of run- cause while water is considered a renewable ning it the whole time, or turn the water off resource, we’re not getting any more of it on while brushing your teeth. this planet. There is only so much of it and we You should recycle as much water as pos- need to preserve what we have. The best way sible. When washing fruit, you can save the to do that is to follow these tips and save as much as we can.40
live One Room @ a Time laugh loveroom -sharing with baby green B A42 D E
royTooimpusraltitofea.g.. troeimneeen! A Musical Friend Sweet distractions and gentle sleep C soothers can come in handy. We love this F pull-string musical lovey and all of its chewy goodness. $45 at Käthe Kruse B Extra Organic Sheets Whether you bedshare or not, baby will likely make a visit for a mid- night feeding, diaper change, or other haphazard sleepy happening. Extra sheets are a must. Starting at $50 at West Elm C SnapPower Guidelights These outlet covers include a sen- sor and ultra energy efficient LED lights that are perfect for illuminating hallways, bathrooms, and kitchens for late night needs. Starting at $15 at SnapPower D Lullaby Earth Healthy Support Mattress in Leaf Pattern Keep baby safe and close with this fully waterproof mattress weighing a mere 7 lbs. It offers firm and durable construc- tion, square corners for a snug fit, and no harmful chemicals or allergens. This mattress meets the strictest GREEN- GUARD® certification standards for elimi- nating chemical emissions and is proudly made in the U.S.A. Available in regular or 2-stage firmness. $199 at Lullaby Earth E Gentle Cleaner More imprortant than ever, gentle cleansers like vigenar and water are tough on germs and messes, but leave behind no toxins to harm indoor air quality where baby sleeps. Free in your kitchen. F Smart Cookies! Having snacks on hand when trapped beneath a sleeping, or nursing, baby can be a lifesaver. These smart cook- ies from Bitsy’s Brainfood are full of real fruits and veggies to help provide vital nutrients for mom or a hungry sibling. 43
Out Came the SunGreen Child Magazine Talks with Mariel HemingwayMuch of my generation knows Mariel Hemingway as a celebritywho uses her status to advocate for mental health and mindful liv-ing. While we certainly remember her grandfather, iconic Ameri-can writer Earnest Hemingway, I realized in preparing for thisinterview, not all of us were aware of the depths of the Hemingwayfamily “curse” of mental illness and suicide.Mariel’s new books: “Out Came the Sun: Overcoming the Legacyof Mental Illness, Addiction, and Suicide in My Family,” and“Invisible Girl,” a similar memoir written in her own teenagevoice, show us how a legendary family wasn’t above a stigma thatplagues so many families.After reading her books and having the pleasure of speaking toher, I’m touched by the poignancy of Mariel’s story, told with gra-ciousness and understanding toward her family. By shining a lightonto her own dark history, she’s helping countless people opentheir hearts, be conscious, and learn to heal.Amity: In one way or another, every one of us has been affectedby mental illness. Yet most of us are scared or embarrassed anddon’t want to talk about it. I’ve been watching the reaction in thebrief time since the book has been out, and it’s tremendous. You’reconnecting with SO many people.Mariel: Thank you. You know, it’s time for this. People want 45to talk about this issue. It’s been around longer than any of thediseases we put time and energy into, and yet, it’s the one we wantto pretend doesn’t happen.
Out Came the Sun actually big and have a profound effect on our growth and expansion into the world. Amity: Your perspective in the books is Amity: Our readers are quite interested in almost like reading your journal. It’s beautiful how you were able to write about your food, and I know they’ll be interested in your parents and sisters in an objective, yet kind thoughts. In the books, you talk about how and compassionate, way. How do you think you used food as a way of exerting control in you remained less affected than the other your life. So you had lots of rules about what members of your family? you would or wouldn’t eat. We joined you with Dr. Greene and Ed Brown for a webinar Mariel: I think some of us put ourselves in last year, and you’re very involved in the real food movement. Are you at a healthy place in a world where we want to get better. Some your life with food? people grow up embedded in deception and denial. It’s the reality of what we’re taught and Mariel: Yes, for me food is all about local what we perpetuate. It’s really hard to make the choice to change. It isn’t a place to think – gardening, farmer’s markets – doing what you’re better than anyone else or the people you can to be connected to your food. Again you came from. it’s about nature. How do we make the circle If you want to be healthy – body, mind, spirit back? I’m not vegan anymore. I used to be – and really connected, you have to do that everything with a rule or regulation. But now digging and discovering. And it’s so reward- it’s like: How can I just be mindful? Can I eat ing. fewer animals? And when I do have meat, Memories really can’t hurt us. They’re so scary can I choose animals that weren’t abused? So in our head, but the minute you say them or it’s just about being conscious. write them down, it’s like, “Oh ,that’s not so bad. Nothing came out and bit me.” So we Amity: Having taken on the caregiver role have misconceptions. Our fears are the fears of things we allow to be buried. But they kind when your mother had cancer, you seemed to of have a voice and they speak to you, so you be formulating a plan of how you were going push them away. Ultimately, you can push to parent your children. So often that pattern something away so long that eventually it is repeated, but you raised your daughters in a slams you. And the outcome of that can be completely different way. physical illness, mental illness, poor relation- ships, inability to communicate. Mariel: I think there’s always someone in There are so many ways it manifests, but we all have the choice to change. We all have the a family that says, “I don’t want to carry this choice to be healthy. We really do. And that’s on.” You’re not conscious of it when you’re just becoming conscious about all the choices young. You live in fear, you don’t feel safe, but we make. How we parent, what we eat, wheth- at the same time you don’t know anything er we remember to breathe or take time to be different. So you think maybe feeling unsafe is silent. The things that seem little… but they’re normal... until you realize that’s actually not how you’re supposed to be.46
Amity: How old are your daughters now? Growing up, that was the only thing I had thatMariel: They’re 25 and 27. I remember made sense to me. Nature was like, “Ahhh, this is real. This is life.”all of it like yesterday. You never lose thatconnection. Actually, Langley and I just It’s always there, it doesn’t judge. I feel likedid a Mother’s Day project for Coach. They nature is such an important part of our livesinterviewed us separately. It was so cool to that we’re not paying enough attention to. Ihear what she said about me; you just get really feel like nature is where God lives. That’schoked up when you realize you did a pretty where I feel a connection. That’s my religion,good job and your kid likes you! and where I can feel most still and grounded. So I think when you’re trying to find a placeAmity: Of course she does! Your thoughts to tune in to your instincts, that’s where you go. That’s what will allow you to hear your in-on mindfulness and spirituality completely ner voice.inspired me. Can you share more on that? Amity: And that constant of nature isMariel: I don’t think of spirituality as grounding, too. The stream you sit by isa separate thing we do. Everything we do the same today as it was yesterday, and lastis related to everything. Spirituality is an year, and maybe even from when you wereextension of eating good food in the morning, a child. Something that remains unchangedtaking a mindful approach to all that you do. feels really important in a world where yourYou know, “Chop wood, carry water.” Do Twitter feed is completely different in fiveone thing at a time. I think our lives are so seconds.complicated now because we have technologyup the wazoo and nobody knows when to Mariel: It’s true.turn it off. I’m as guilty as the next person.But we have to learn to compartmentalize and And it’s all aboutalso learn to take time for yourself; when to be allowing, with noconscious, when to slow down, when to speed expectation.up, when to make all kinds of choices. To me,living life is a spiritual experience if you’re Read on inliving in the present moment. Mariel’s new books:Amity: It’s perfect, truly. Another way you “Out Came the Sun: Overcoming theinspire us is your Instagram feed. It’s so calm Legacy of Mentaland peaceful. Our whole team just breathes Illness, Addiction, andmore deeply when we look at your photos. Suicide in My Family”And your sweet dog! & “Invisible Girl”Mariel: No, I love your magazine images 47with kids in nature!
with your kids!Tread Lightly — Eco Travel |by Anne Michelsen Eco travel? With kids? munities you visit. In fact, tourism provides You bet. a much-needed economic incentive for many communities around the world to protect For many people the term “ecotourism” brings their natural and cultural heritage. to mind exotic (and expensive) adventures Traveling with your kids is also a wonder- in far-off places. Many people do enjoy ad- ful way to expose them to different cultures venture traveling with kids. But if the idea of and allow them to experience first-hand the changing diapers atop a pitching whitewater wonders of the natural world. This can help raft or hiking for miles through the steam- them develop tolerance, confidence, and ing jungle with your toddler in a sling doesn’t an open-hearted love of and interest in the make you want to book a flight this minute, world – critical attitudes to foster if our so- don’t despair. There are sustainable travel ciety is ever to learn to live in harmony with options to please every family – regardless of the earth. “Eco travel is full of what educa- your interests and the ages of your kids. tors call teachable moments or, more defini- tively, unplanned opportunities to explain a What is eco travel? concept that has unintentionally captured a child’s interest,” says Irene Lane, president of You might be wondering if the term “eco the eco-travel agency Greenloons. “Whether travel” is perhaps an oxymoron. It is true that it is touring the rainforests of the Amazon, everything we do has an impact on the envi- observing blue footed boobies throughout the ronment. It can be difficult to plan a trip with- Galapagos Islands or understanding the water out increasing our environmental footprint. issues that surround the Okavango Delta in However, keep in mind that ‘impact’ can be Botswana, eco travel is a vacation experience positive as well as negative. A well-planned that provides boundless opportunities to teach trip can bring positive benefits to the com- younger generations about the fragility of eco- systems and the significance of heritage.”48
Tread Lightly — Eco Travel like Servas or Couchsurfing. Our kids (born in 1987 and 1992) grew up with it. As adults, with your kids! both of them have stayed members of Servas.” Homestays can, and often do, result in deep Here are some ideas to consider when making mutual appreciation and even lifelong friend- your sustainable travel plans: ships between members of diverse cultures. Think local How you get there counts Your vacant home still consumes resources Eight times out of ten, Americans jump in the even while you’re away. One way to avoid car when they get the urge for leisure travel. excess consumption is to plan a vacation at But car travel may not be the most sustainable home or “staycation”. Many people get so choice for your trip. According to research by caught up in their daily lives that they never the Sightline Institute, even air travel trumps take the time to discover and enjoy the won- the average car for fuel emissions per pas- ders that surround them. Chances are you senger, when driving solo. Adding passengers have a week’s worth of attractions just a short improves your stats (as does driving a fuel-ef- drive or bike ride away from your home. Why ficient car), but it does make sense to explore not use your vacation time to visit them? Vis- alternatives. it your local tourist center or talk to friends If you are traveling to and within urban cent- for ideas. If you are blessed with sensitive or ers, consider taking the train or bus. These high-need children who get overstimulated forms of transportation typically consume easily, this can be a wonderful option. You can half the fuel of flying or driving. And as even plan a rest day in the middle of the week Corinne McDermott of HaveBabyWillTravel. where you don’t go anywhere, just to help com explains, riding them can add to the fun. them recharge. “Getting around a new city by public transit is Even if you decide to travel away from home, a green way to explore a destination that kids you can still think local. Locally owned, bou- absolutely love. Not only are you reducing tique hotels and local restaurants and mar- your carbon footprint, you’re saving money kets offer unique tastes and experiences you too by not taking expensive cabs. Children will never experience elsewhere. Patronizing enjoy taking buses and trains, and you expe- them also helps support the communities you rience more of your destination this way as visit in a big way. “With most hotels, only 4% well.” If you’re planning a long trip, consider of their profits go local,” explains adventure booking a sleeper compartment on the train. travel consultant Dana Johnson of Open Leaf Kids love the novelty, and it makes travel a lot Excursions. “When you stay in a boutique more comfortable. hotel, an average of 70% of the profits stay in If you really want to travel green, consider the local economy.” Supporting these smaller bicycle touring. Bikes are amazingly versatile: businesses helps keep the communities you they can go places cars can’t, and you can even visit vital and alive. take them on many trains and buses. Bicycle As an alternative, consider arranging a home stay. Green business consultant Shel Horowitz says, “(Our family has) been doing that all the50 way back to 1983, through homestay networks