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Current Affairs GK Today

Published by toms, 2020-04-25 23:50:59

Description: Central, as well as All-State Governments recent, announced for filling up all departments vacant posts so aspirants basically this is a golden chance for job seekers who preparing for....

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22 November 2019 Current Affairs | Highonstudy.Com Current Affairs Question • Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella tops Fortune's Businessperson of the Year 2019 list/ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के सीईओ सत्या ििेला फॉर्चयािू के बबजिेसपसाि ऑफ द ईयर 2019 की सूिी मंे सबसे ऊपर िंै l • India has successfully tested its indigenously developed nuclear-capable Prithvi- II missile under user testing by the Indian Army./ भारत िे भारतीय सेिा द्वारा उपयोगकताा परीक्षर् के तित अपिी स्वदेशी रूप से ववकमसत परमार्-ु सक्षम पथृ ्वी- II ममसाइल का सफलतापवू ाक परीक्षर् ककया िै। • उद्योग सगं ठि भारतीय पररसघं (CII) और कंे द्रीय ववदेश मंत्रालय द्वारा िाल िी में भारत-यूरोप 29 बबजिसे फोरम के 5 वें संस्करर् का आयोजि िई हदल्ली मंे ककया गया था।/ The 5th edition of the India-Europe 29 Business Forum was recently organized in New Delhi by the Industry Organization Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Union Ministry of External Affairs. •httpKisra:/n/Mwawzuwm.dhairg-Shhoawn,sCthuadiryp.ecrsoomn a/ncdaMteagnoagriyng/cDuirrercetonrto-faBfifoaciorns,-htaosdbaeyen/ awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)./ ककरर् मजूमदार-शॉ, बायोकॉि की िेयरपसाि और प्रबंध निदेशक, को भारतीय आयवु वजा ्ञाि अिुसंधाि पररर्द (ICMR) द्वारा लाइफटाइम अिीवमटें अवािा से सम्मानित ककया गया िै। • Recently, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the longest serving Prime Minister in the history of Japan's constitutional government./ िाल िी म,ंे प्रधाि मतं ्री मशजं ो अबे जापाि की संवैधानिक सरकार के इनतिास मंे सबसे लबं े समय तक सेवा करिे वाले प्रधाि मतं ्री बिे िै। Visit Website Please Like, Follow, Share, Subscribe Visit Website to Highonstudy Social Media Plate www.Hig h o n s tu d y .co m For All Central and State Forms for daily Current Affairs PDF For All Central and State Download .Thank You! Government Government Recruitment, Bank Jobs, Recruitment, Bank Jobs, SSC, UPSC, Defense, SSC, UPSC, Defense, Railway and Other Railway and Other Recruitment 2019. Also Recruitment 2019. Also Subscribe to E-Mail and Subscribe to E-Mail and Notification Subscription Notification Subscription for Instant Updates.. for Instant Updates.. 02 © : Copyright 2 0 1 9 | www.Hig hons t udy .c om

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