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Home Explore Medical Physiology

Medical Physiology

Published by helviitenge, 2014-08-01 04:01:02

Description: The goal of this second edition of Medical Physiologyis to
provide a clear, accurate, and up-to-date introduction to
medical physiology for medical students and students in
the allied health sciences. Physiology, the study of normal
function, is key to understanding pathophysiology and
pharmacology and is essential to the everyday practice of
clinical medicine.
Level. The level of the book is meant to be midway between an oversimplified review book and an encyclopedic
textbook of physiology. Each chapter is written by medical
school faculty members who have had many years of experience teaching physiology and who are experts in their
field. They have selected material that is important for
medical students to know and have presented this material
in a concise, uncomplicated, and understandable fashion.
We have purposely avoided discussion of research laboratory methods or historical material because most medical
students are too busy to be burdened by such information.
We have also avo


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CHAPTER 14 The Cardiac Pump 247 lungs (Fig. 14.11). In a steady state, the oxygen leaving the consumption can all be measured and, therefore, cardiac lungs (per unit time) via the pulmonary veins must equal output can be calculated. The theory behind this method is the oxygen entering the lungs via the (mixed) venous blood sounder than the theory behind the indicator dilution and respiration (in a steady state, the amount of oxygen en- method because it avoids the need for extrapolation. How- tering the blood through respiration is equal to the amount ever, because the cardiac catheterization required to meas- consumed by body metabolism): ure pulmonary artery oxygen content is avoided, the indi- cator dilution method is more popular. The two methods O 2 in blood leaving the lungs agree well in a wide variety of circumstances. O 2 in blood and air entering the lungs (8) or Imaging Techniques Are Also Used for O 2 output via pulmonary veins  O 2 input via pulmonary Measuring Cardiac Output artery  O 2 added by respiration (9) A variety of other techniques, many of which employ im- The O 2 output via the pulmonary veins is equal to the aging modalities, can be used to measure or estimate car- pulmonary vein O 2 content multiplied by the cardiac out- diac output. All of them use time dependent images of put (CO). Because O 2 is neither added nor subtracted from the heart to estimate the difference between end-dias- the blood as it passes from the pulmonary veins through the tolic and end-systolic volumes. This difference gives left heart to the systemic arteries, the O 2 output via pul- stroke volume and, with heart rate, allows calculation of monary veins is also equal to the arterial O 2 content (aO 2) cardiac output. multiplied by the cardiac output (CO). Similarly, O 2 input via the pulmonary artery is equal to mixed venous blood Radionuclide Techniques. In radionuclide tech- oxygen input to the right heart and is mixed venous blood niques, a radioactive substance (usually technetium-99) – O 2 content (vO 2) multiplied by the cardiac output (CO). can be made to circulate throughout the vascular system As indicated above, in the steady state, O 2 added by respi- by attaching (tagging) it to red blood cells or albumin. ˙ ration is equal to oxygen consumption (VO 2). By substitu- The radiation (gamma rays) emitted by the large pool(s) tion in equation 9, of blood in the cardiac chambers is measured using a spe- – ˙ cially designed gamma camera. The emitted radiation is (CO) (aO 2 )  [(CO) (vO 2 )]  VO 2 (10) proportional to the amount of technetium bound to the which rearranges to blood (easily determined by sampling the tagged blood) ˙ – CO  VO 2 /(aO 2  vO 2 ) (11) and the volume of blood in the heart. Using computer- ized analysis, the amount of radiation emitted by the left Systemic arterial blood oxygen content, pulmonary ar- (or right) ventricle during various portions of the cardiac terial (mixed venous) blood oxygen content, and oxygen cycle can be determined (Fig. 14.12A and B). The amount Q  Cardiac output O 2 consumption 250 mL/min O 2 consumption Q A–V 250 mL O 2 /min Q 0.05 mL O 2 /mL Q  5,000 mL/min 20 20 19 O 2 vol %(V) 10 5 14 venous blood O 2 vol %(A) 10 Arterial 15 15 Mixed blood 5 0 0 Calculating cardiac output using the oxygen “indicator” that is “added” to the mixed venous blood. For oxygen, FIGURE 14.11 uptake/consumption method. Oxygen is the 1 vol %  1 mL oxygen/100 mL blood.

248 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY A B CD EF Imaging techniques for measuring cardiac echocardiograms. In this cross-sectional view, the left ventricle ap- FIGURE 14.12 output. A and B, Radionuclide angiograms. The pears as a ring. White arrows indicate wall thickness. In diastole (C), white arrows in A show the boot-shaped left ventricle during car- the ventricle is large and the wall is thinned; during systole (D), the diac diastole when it is maximally filled with radionuclide-labeled wall thickens and the ventricular size decreases. E and F, Ultrafast blood. In B, much of the apex appears to be missing (white arrows) (cine) computed tomography. The ventricular size and wall thick- because cardiac systole has caused the blood to be ejected as the in- ness can be assessed during diastole and systole, and the change in traventricular volume decreases. C and D, Two-dimensional ventricular size can be used to calculate cardiac output. of blood ejected with each heartbeat (stroke volume) is Echocardiography. Echocardiography (ultrasound car- determined by comparing the amount of radiation meas- diography) provides two-dimensional, real-time images of ured at the end of systole with that at the end of diastole; the heart. In addition, the velocity of blood flow can be de- multiplying this number by the heart rate yields cardiac termined by measuring the Doppler shift (change in sound output. frequency) that occurs when the ultrasound wave is re-

CHAPTER 14 The Cardiac Pump 249 flected off moving blood. Echocardiography can, there- Cardiac Energy Consumption Is Required to fore, be used to measure changes in ventricular chamber Support External and Internal Cardiac Work size (Fig. 14.12C and D), aortic diameter, and aortic blood flow velocity occurring throughout the cardiac cycle. With Cardiac energy consumption (which is equivalent to car- this information, cardiac output may be estimated in one of diac oxygen consumption) provides the energy for both ex- two ways. First, the change in ventricular volume occurring ternal work and internal work. with each beat (stroke volume) can be determined and mul- Most of the external work of the heart involves the ejec- tiplied by the heart rate. Second, the average aortic blood tion of blood from the ventricles into the aorta and pul- flow velocity can be measured (just above or below the aor- monary artery. The work of ejecting blood from the ven- tic valve) and multiplied by the measured aortic cross-sec- tricles is the stroke work. Stroke work, strictly speaking, is tional area to give aortic blood flow (which is nearly iden- equal to the product of the volume of blood ejected (stroke tical to cardiac output). volume, SV) and the pressure against which the blood is ejected (aortic and pulmonary artery pressure during sys- tole). Because the systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery Computed Tomography. Ultrafast (cine) computed to- is about one sixth of the pressure in the aorta, more than mography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide 80% of external work is done by the left ventricle. Left ven- cross-sectional views of the heart during different phases of tricular stroke work (SW) is usually calculated as: the cardiac cycle (Fig. 14.12E and F). Stroke volume (and cardiac output) can be calculated using the same principles SW  SV  P a (12) described for radionuclide techniques or echocardiogra- Mean arterial pressure (P a ) is used instead of mean arte- phy. When ventricular volume changes are estimated from rial pressure during systole because it is more readily avail- cross-sectional data, assumptions are made about ventricu- able and is a reasonable index of mean systolic pressure. lar geometry. Although these assumptions can lead to er- A small additional component of external work (usually rors in calculating cardiac output, these methods have 10%) is kinetic work. Kinetic energy is the energy im- proven to be highly useful. parted to blood in the form of flow velocity as it is ejected with each heartbeat. We do not elaborate on this compo- nent of external work because it is of little importance in most situations. THE ENERGETICS OF CARDIAC FUNCTION Cardiac contractions involve many events that do not The heart converts chemical energy in the form of ATP result in external work. These include internal mechanical into mechanical work and heat. The relationship between events such as developing force by stretching series elastic- the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed to synthesize ity (see Chapter 10), overcoming internal viscosity, and re- ATP and the output of mechanical work by the heart is at arranging the muscular architecture of the heart as it con- the center of many clinical problems. tracts. These activities, known as internal work, use far more energy (perhaps 5 times as much) than external work. Cardiac Efficiency. The efficiency of the heart in per- Cardiac Energy Production Depends Primarily on forming external work can be estimated by dividing the ex- Oxidative Phosphorylation ternal work of the heart by the energy equivalent of the The sources of energy for cardiac muscle function were de- oxygen consumed by the heart. Only 5 to 20% of the en- scribed in Chapter 10. Although the major source of en- ergy liberated by cardiac oxygen consumption is used for ergy for the formation of ATP is oxidative phosphoryla- external work under most conditions. Therefore, changes tion, glycolysis can briefly compensate for a transient lack in external work do not reveal much about changes in en- of aerobic production of ATP when a portion of the heart ergy consumption in the heart. This is because internal receives too little oxygen, as during brief coronary artery work, the major determinant of oxygen consumption and, occlusion. thereby, cardiac efficiency, varies independently of exter- Oxidative phosphorylation in the heart can use either nal work. As we shall see, large increases in internal work carbohydrates or fatty acids as metabolic substrates. The can occur in the absence of changes in external work. formation of ATP depends on a steady supply of oxygen via When this happens, oxygen consumption increases and ef- coronary blood flow. Oxygen delivery by coronary blood ficiency decreases. The difference between pressure work flow is, therefore, the most important determinant of an ad- and volume work illustrates this point. equate supply of ATP for the mechanical, electrical, and metabolic energy needs of cardiac cells. Furthermore, car- “Pressure Work” Versus “Volume Work”. Most of the diac oxygen consumption is an accurate measure of the use cardiac energy devoted to internal work is used to maintain of energy by the heart. (Coronary blood flow is discussed the force of contraction (and, thus, ventricular pressure) in Chapter 17.) rather than to eject the blood. The importance of this is As in skeletal muscle, ATP in cardiac muscle is in near seen by comparing two tasks: lifting a 20-pound weight equilibrium with phosphocreatine. The presence of phos- from the floor to a table and lifting the weight to the table phocreatine adds to the storage capacity of high-energy height and continuing to hold it. The second task is clearly phosphate and speeds its transport from mitochondria to more difficult, even though the external work done (i.e., actomyosin crossbridges. the force multiplied by the distance the object was moved)

250 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY in each case is the same. The ventricles not only develop creased by increasing heart rate, the energy expended in the the pressure required to move the blood, but must maintain internal work of isovolumetric contraction increases propor- the pressure during systole. This takes far more energy than tionately. By contrast, if cardiac output is increased by in- the external work alone as calculated from arterial pressure creasing stroke volume, there is a much smaller increase in and stroke volume. In fact, if the external work of the heart internal work. This means that increasing cardiac output by is raised by increasing stroke volume but not mean arterial increasing heart rate is more energetically costly than the pressure, the oxygen consumption of the heart increases same increase by means of stroke volume. very little. Alternatively, if arterial pressure is increased, the oxygen consumption per beat goes up much more. In other Contractility. Altered myocardial contractility has signif- words, pressure work by the heart is far more expensive in icant energetic consequences because of differential effects terms of oxygen consumption than volume work. This on external and internal work. Inotropic agents (e.g., nor- makes sense because internal work consumes far more en- epinephrine) may increase pressure work by raising arterial ergy than external work. pressure and, thereby, increase internal work. However, in- otropic agents can also cause the heart to do the same Afterload. The discussion of pressure work versus volume stroke work at a smaller end-diastolic volume, reducing work emphasizes the importance of afterload as a determi- both afterload and internal work. During exercise, in- nant of energy use and oxygen consumption by the heart. creased contractility causes end-diastolic volume to de- Because of Laplace’s law, an increase in ventricular radius is crease despite the increase in venous return. This lowers the equivalent to an increase in arterial pressure. Thus, an in- contribution of ventricular radius to afterload and avoids crease in ventricular radius, as can occur with heart failure, the inefficiency of an increase in end-diastolic volume. also causes a proportional increase in internal work and en- ergy use, independent of any change in external work. The Double Product Is Used Clinically to Estimate the Energy Requirements of Cardiac Work Heart Rate. Thus far, we have considered only the ener- getic events associated with a single cardiac contraction. A useful index of the cardiac oxygen consumption is the The energy consumed per unit time is equal to the energy product of aortic pressure and heart rate—the double consumed in a single heartbeat multiplied by the heart rate. product. This index includes one of the determinants of ex- It follows that the production of energy from oxidative ternal work (pressure) and the determinant of energy use as phosphorylation per unit time must be sufficient to match a function of time, heart rate. The double product does not the energy consumed in a single heartbeat multiplied by include the effect of changes in stroke volume on energy the heart rate. consumption, but these are less significant than changes in There is another important consideration related to heart pressure. In addition, the double product does not take into rate. Much of the internal work of the heart occurs during account effect of changes in radius of the ventricle on en- isovolumetric contraction, when force is being developed ergy consumption. The extra energy required by patholog- but no external work is being done. If cardiac output is in- ically dilated hearts is not reflected in the double product.

CHAPTER 14 The Cardiac Pump 251 REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered (B) Left atrial pressure is always less drug A than for drug B items or incomplete statements in this than left ventricular pressure (E) Cardiac efficiency is higher with section is followed by answers or by (C) Aortic pressure reaches its lowest drug B than with drug A completions of the statement. Select the value during ventricular systole 6. Using the data below, which is ONE lettered answer or completion that is (D) The ventricles eject blood during correct? BEST in each case. all of systole Volume in ventricle at end of diastole: (E) Ventricular end-systolic volume is 130 mL 1. The figure below shows pressure- greater than end-diastolic volume Volume in ventricle at end of systole: volume loops for two situations. When 4. Point Y in the figure below is the 60 mL compared with loop A, loop B control point. Which point Heart rate: 70 beats/min demonstrates corresponds to a combination of Mean arterial blood pressure: increased contractility and increased 90 mm Hg 150 ventricular filling? (A) Cardiac output is 9,100 mL/min (B) Cardiac output is 4,200 mL/min (C) Stroke work is 11,700 mL Pressure (mm Hg) 100 B A Stroke volume A D C (D) Stroke work is 6,300 mL mm Hg mm Hg (E) Stroke work is 4,900 mL/min 50 70-kg man during heavy exercise. B Y E 7. The data below are from an athletic Which statement is correct? Oxygen consumption: 4 L/min End-diastolic volume Arterial oxygen 19 mL/100 mL 50 100 150 content: blood Volume (mL) (A) Point A Mixed venous oxygen 3 mL/100 mL (A) Increased preload (B) Point B content: blood (B) Decreased preload (C) Point C Heart rate: 180 beats/min (C) Increased contractility (D) Point D (A) Cardiac output is 12 L/min (D) Increased afterload (E) Point E (B) Cardiac output is 25 L/min (E) Decreased afterload 5. Drug A causes a 33% increase in stroke (C) Stroke volume is 67 mL 2. During the cardiac cycle, volume and no change in systolic (D) Stroke volume is 100 mL (A) The aortic and mitral valves are aortic blood pressure. Starting with the (E) Stroke volume cannot be calculated never open at the same time same baseline, drug B causes a 33% without data on end-diastolic and end- (B) The first heart sound is caused by increase in systolic and mean aortic systolic volume the rapid ejection of blood from the blood pressure and no change in stroke 8. Which of the following would cause a ventricles volume. Neither drug changes heart decrease in stroke volume, compared (C) The mitral valve is open rate. with the normal resting value? throughout diastole (A) Drug A increases the external work (A) Reduction in afterload (D) Left ventricular pressure is always of the left ventricle more than drug B (B) An increase in end-diastolic less than aortic pressure (B) Drug B increases the internal work pressure (E) Ventricular filling occurs primarily of the left ventricle more than drug A (C) Stimulation of the vagus nerves during systole (C) Drug A increases the oxygen (D) Electrical pacing to a heart rate of 3. During the cardiac cycle, consumption of the heart more than 200 beats/min (A) The second heart sound is associated drug B (E) Stimulation of sympathetic nerves with opening of the aortic valve (D) The “double product” is greater for to the heart SUGGESTED READING Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Lilly, LS: Pathophysiology of Heart Dis- Davidson CJ, Bonow RO. Cardiac Wilkins, 2001. ease. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams & catheterization. In: Braunwald E, Zipes LeWinter MM, Osol G. Normal physi- Wilkins, 1998. DP, Libby P, eds. Heart Disease. 6th ology of the cardiovascular system. Opie LH. Mechanisms of cardiac contrac- Ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2001. In: Fuster V, Alexander RW, tion and relaxation. In: Braunwald E, Fung YC. Biomechanics: Circulation. 2nd O’Rourke RA, eds. Hurst’s the Heart. Zipes DP, Libby P, eds. Heart Disease. Ed. New York: Springer, 1997. 10th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 6th Ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, Katz AM. Physiology of the Heart. 3rd 2001. 2001.

The systemic circulation CHAPTER 15 15 Thom W. Rooke, M.D. Harvey V. Sparks, Jr., M.D. CHAPTER OUTLINE ■ DETERMINANTS OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE ■ SYSTEMIC VASCULAR RESISTANCE (SVR) ■ THE MEASUREMENT OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE ■ BLOOD VOLUME ■ THE NORMAL RANGE OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE ■ THE COUPLING OF VENOUS RETURN AND CARDIAC OUTPUT KEY CONCEPTS 1. Cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance determine 5. Systemic vascular resistance is most influenced by the ra- mean arterial pressure. dius of arterioles. 2. Stroke volume and arterial compliance are the main deter- 6. The venous side of the systemic circulation contains a minants of pulse pressure. large fraction of the systemic blood volume. 3. Arterial compliance decreases as arterial pressure in- 7. Venous return and cardiac output are equal at a unique creases. right atrial pressure. 4. Systolic and diastolic arterial pressure can be measured 8. Shifts in blood volume between the periphery (extratho- noninvasively. racic blood volume) and chest (central blood volume) influ- ence preload and cardiac output. n understanding of the major systemic hemodynamic Mean Arterial Pressure Is Determined by Cardiac Avariables—arterial pressure, systemic vascular resist- Output and Systemic Vascular Resistance ance, and blood volume—is a prerequisite to understanding – the regulation of arterial pressure and blood flow to indi- Mean arterial pressure (P a) is determined mathematically as vidual tissues. The purpose of this chapter is consider these indicated in Figure 15.1, but is often approximated from the variables in detail, in preparation for discussions of blood equation, flow to specific regions of the body as well as the regulation – – – – – – – (1) P a  P d  (P s  P d )/3 or P a  (2P d  P s )/3 of the circulation. – – where P d is the diastolic pressure, P s is the systolic pressure, – – – – and P s  P d is the pulse pressure. P a is closer to P d , instead – – DETERMINANTS OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE of halfway between P s and P d, because the duration of dias- The key measures of systemic arterial pressure are mean ar- tole is about twice as long as systole. terial pressure, systolic and diastolic arterial pressures, and The difference between mean arterial pressure and right pulse pressure. These terms were introduced in Chapter 12 atrial pressure (P ra) is equal to the product of cardiac output and, now that cardiac output, stroke volume, and heart rate (CO) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR): have been discussed in Chapter 14, we can discuss them in – (2) P a – P ra  CO  SVR more depth. For simplicity, mean arterial pressure, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure are often presented as con- Because right atrial pressure is small compared to mean stant from moment-to-moment. Nothing could be further arterial pressure, cardiac output and SVR are usually con- from the truth. Arterial pressures vary around average val- sidered to be the physiologically important determinants of ues from heartbeat to heartbeat and from minute to minute. mean arterial pressure. 252

CHAPTER 15 The Systemic Circulation 253 The above discussion shows that the influence of stroke volume on pulse pressure depends on the mean arterial pressure. As mean arterial pressure increases, arterial com- pliance decreases. As arterial compliance decreases, a given stroke volume causes a larger pulse pressure. Stroke Volume, Heart Rate, and Systemic Vascular Resistance Interact in Affecting Mean Arterial and Pulse Pressures When cardiac changes in the face of a constant SVR, mean ar- – terial pressure is influenced according to the formula P a  CO  SVR. The influence of a change in cardiac output on mean Definition of mean arterial pressure. Mean FIGURE 15.1 arterial pressure is independent of the cause of the change— pressure is the area under the pressure curve di- vided by the time interval. This can be approximated as the dias- heart rate or stroke volume (remember that CO  SV  HR). tolic pressure plus one-third pressure. In contrast, the effect of a change in cardiac output on pulse pressure greatly depends on whether stroke volume or heart rate changes. Below we consider the effects of changes in heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, SVR, and arterial Pulse Pressure Is Determined Largely by compliance on pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Stroke Volume and Arterial Compliance Arterial compliance is a nonlinear variable that depends on Effect of Changes in Heart Rate and Stroke Volume With the volume of the aorta and major arteries. The volume of No Change in Cardiac Output. If an increase in heart rate the aorta and major arteries is dependent on mean arterial is balanced by a proportional and opposite change in stroke pressure, meaning that pulse pressure is indirectly depend- volume, mean arterial pressure does not change because car- ent on mean arterial pressure. Figure 15.2A shows the effect diac output remains constant. However, the decrease in of a change in aortic volume on aortic pressure if aortic com- stroke volume that occurs in this situation results in a di- pliance were not a function of aortic volume. No matter minished pulse pressure; the diastolic pressure increases, what initial volume is present, the same change in volume while the systolic pressure decreases around an unchanged causes the same change in pressure. In real life, however, mean arterial pressure. An increase in stroke volume with aortic compliance decreases as aortic volume is increased, as no change in cardiac output likewise causes no change in shown in Figure 15.2B. Because of this, a given change in mean arterial pressure. The increased stroke volume, how- aortic volume at a low initial volume causes a relatively small ever, produces a rise in pulse pressure; systolic pressure in- change in pressure, but the same change in volume at a high creases and diastolic pressure decreases. initial volume causes a much larger change in pressure. The Another way to think about these events is depicted in large arteries behave in an analogous manner. Figure 15.3A. The first two pressure waves have a diastolic pressure of 80 mm Hg, systolic pressure of 120 mm Hg, and mean arterial pressure of 93 mm Hg. Heart rate is 72 beats/min. After the second beat, the heart rate is slowed to A B 60 beats/min, but stroke volume is increased sufficiently to maintain the same cardiac output. The longer time interval between beats allows the diastolic pressure to fall to a new P (lower) value of 70 mm Hg. The next systole, however, Aortic pressure Aortic pressure P 2 produces an increase in pulse pressure because of the ejec- 2 tion of a greater stroke volume, so systolic pressure rises to 130 mm Hg. The pressure then falls to the new (lower) di- P 1 pressure does not change because cardiac output and SVR P 1 astolic pressure, and the cycle is repeated. Mean arterial are constant. The increased pulse pressure is distributed V 1 V 2 V 1 V 2 evenly around the same mean arterial pressure. Aortic volume Aortic volume If an increase in heart rate is balanced by a decrease in stroke volume so that there is no change in cardiac output, Relationship between aortic volume and the result is no change in mean arterial pressure but a de- FIGURE 15.2 pressure. A, aortic compliance is independent crease in pulse pressure. Systolic pressure decreases and di- of aortic volume. The change in volume (V 1 ) causes the change astolic pressure increases. in pressure (P 1). The same change in volume (V 2) at a higher initial volume causes a change in pressure (P 2) equal to P 1. B, aortic compliance decreases as aortic volume increases. The Effect of Changes in Cardiac Output Balanced by change in volume (V 1) causes the change in pressure (P 1). The Changes in Systemic Vascular Resistance. Mean arte- same change in volume (V 2) at a higher initial volume causes a rial pressure may remain constant despite a change in car- much larger change in pressure (P 2). diac output because of an alteration in SVR. A good exam-

254 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY A Exercise ↑SV ↑HR ↓SVR ↑CO B ↑Pulse pressure (↑systolic ↓diastolic) Little change in mean arterial pressure Effect of dynamic exercise on mean arterial FIGURE 15.4 pressure and pulse pressure. Heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) increase, resulting in an increase in car- diac output (CO). However, dilation of resistance vessels in skeletal muscle lowers systemic vascular resistance (SVR), balanc- ing the increase in cardiac output and causing little change in C mean arterial pressure. pressure to 140 mm Hg, after which the pressure falls to a new diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg. In this new steady state, systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures are all higher. The increase in mean arterial pressure (to 107 mm Hg) results in a decrease in arterial compliance (see Effects of A, Effect of increased stroke volume FIGURE 15.3 Fig 15.2). The increase in pulse pressure results from both on arterial pressure with constant cardiac out- higher stroke volume and decreased arterial compliance. put and SVR. When cardiac output is held constant by lowering heart rate, there is no change in mean arterial pressure (93 mm Hg) and systolic pressure increases while diastolic pressure de- Effect of Increased SVR. When SVR increases, flow out creases. B, Effect of increased heart rate and stroke volume with of the larger arteries transiently decreases. If cardiac output no change in mean arterial pressure because of decreased SVR. is unchanged, the volume in the aorta and large arteries in- After the first two beats, stroke volume and heart rate are in- creases (Fig. 15.5). Mean arterial pressure also increases, creased. Pulse pressure increases around an unchanged mean arte- until it is sufficient to drive the blood out of the larger ves- rial pressure, and systolic pressure is higher and diastolic pressure sels and into the smaller vessels at the same rate as it enters is lower than the control. C, Effect of increased stroke volume, from the heart (i.e., cardiac output). At a higher volume with constant heart rate and SVR. Cardiac output, mean arterial (and mean arterial pressure) arterial compliance is lower, pressure, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse pressure and therefore pulse pressure is greater for a given stroke are all increased. volume (see Fig. 15.2). The net result is an increase in mean arterial, systolic, and diastolic pressures. The extent of the increase in pulse pressure depends on how much arterial ple of this is dynamic exercise (e.g., running or swimming). compliance decreases with the rise in mean arterial pressure Dynamic exercise often produces little change in mean ar- and arterial volume. terial pressure because the increase in cardiac output is bal- anced by a decrease in SVR. The increase in cardiac output Outflow is caused by increases in both heart rate and stroke volume. from aorta: ↓ Aortic The elevated stroke volume results in a higher pulse pres- ↑ SVR decrease ↑ Aortic compliance volume sure. Systolic pressure is higher because of the elevated increase stroke volume. Diastolic pressure is lower because the fall in SVR increases flow from the aorta during diastole (Figs. 15.3B and 15.4). These examples demonstrate that when ↑ Mean aortic mean arterial pressure remains constant, moment-to-mo- pressure ment changes in pulse pressure can be predicted from ↑ Pulse changes in stroke volume. pressure Effect of increased SVR on mean arterial Effect of Changes in Cardiac Output With Constant SVR. FIGURE 15.5 Figure 15.3C shows what happens if stroke volume is in- and pulse pressures. Increased SVR impedes creased with no change in heart rate (cardiac output is in- outflow from the aorta and large arteries, increasing their volume and pressure. The increase in aortic pressure brings the outflow creased). The increased stroke volume occurs at the time of from the aorta back to its original value, but at a higher aortic the next expected beat, and the diastolic pressure is, as for volume. The larger volume lowers aortic compliance and, previous beats, 80 mm Hg. After a transition beat, the in- thereby, raises pulse pressure at a constant stroke volume. The creased stroke volume results in an elevation in systolic word “increase” in smaller type indicates a secondary change.

CHAPTER 15 The Systemic Circulation 255 The compliance of the aorta decreases with age. The Pressure fall in compliance for a given increase in mean arterial mm Hg Cuff pressure pressure is greater in older than in younger individuals Systolic pressure (Fig. 15.6). This explains the higher pulse and systolic 110 pressures often observed in older individuals with modest 100 elevations in SVR. 90 80 70 Arterial pressure pulse 60 THE MEASUREMENT OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE 50 Diastolic 40 Inflation bulb pressure Arterial blood pressure can be measured by direct or indi- 30 Stethoscope rect (noninvasive) methods. In the laboratory or hospital 20 setting, a cannula can be placed in an artery and the pres- 10 sure measured directly using electronic transducers. In 0 clinical practice, however, blood pressure is usually meas- ured indirectly. Sphygmomanometer Brachial Radial artery The Routine Method for Measuring Human cuff artery Blood Pressure Is by an Indirect Procedure The relationship between true arterial pres- Using a Sphygmomanometer FIGURE 15.7 sure and blood pressure as measured with a The sphygmomanometer uses an inflatable cuff that is sphygmomanometer. When cuff pressure falls just below systolic wrapped around the patient’s arm and inflated so that the pressure, turbulent blood squirting through the partially occluded pressure in it exceeds systolic blood pressure (Fig. 15.7). artery under the cuff produces the first Korotkoff sound, which can be heard via a stethoscope bell placed over the brachial artery (aus- The external pressure compresses the artery and cuts off cultatory method). Systolic pressure can also be estimated by pal- blood flow into the limb. The external pressure is meas- pating the radial artery and noting the cuff pressure at which the ured by the height of a column of mercury in the pulse is first felt at the wrist (palpatory method). When the cuff manometer connected to the cuff or by means of a me- pressure falls just below diastolic pressure, the artery stays open, flow is no longer turbulent, and the sounds cease. The arterial pres- sure tracing is simplified in that systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures vary around average values from moment-to-moment. For this reason, the production of sounds may vary from heartbeat to heartbeat. (From Rushmer RF. Cardiovascular Dynamics. 4th Ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1970;155.) chanical manometer calibrated by a column of mercury. The air in the cuff is slowly released until blood can leak past the occlusion at the peak of systole. Blood spurts past the point of partial occlusion at high velocity, resulting in turbulence. The vibrations associated with the turbulence Volume Age (yr) are in the audible range, enabling a stethoscope (placed over the brachial artery) to detect noises caused by the A: 20 24 turbulent flow of the blood pushing under the cuff; the B: 29 31 noises are known as Korotkoff sounds. The pressure cor- E C: 36 42 responding to the first appearance of blood pushing under D: 47 52 the cuff is the systolic pressure. As pressure in the cuff E: 71 78 continues to fall, the brachial artery returns toward its normal shape and both the turbulence and Korotkoff D C sounds cease. The pressure at which the Korotkoff sounds B cease is the diastolic pressure. A Pressure Indirect Methods of Measuring Arterial Pressure Effect of aging on vascular compliance. The May Be Subject to Artifacts FIGURE 15.6 curves illustrate the relationship between pres- sure and volume for aortas of humans in different age groups. In The width of the inflatable cuff is an important factor that older aortas, because of decreased compliance, a given increase in can affect pressure measurements. A cuff that is too narrow volume causes a larger increase in pressure. (Modified from Hal- will give a falsely high pressure because the pressure in the lock P, Benson IC. Studies on the elastic properties of human iso- cuff is not fully transmitted to the underlying artery. Ideally, lated aorta. J Clin Invest 1937;16:595–602.) cuff width should be approximately 1.5 times the diameter of

256 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY the limb at the measurement site. In older adults (or those serving a profile of the pressure drop along the vascular tree who have “stiff” or hard-to-compress blood vessels from (Fig. 15.8). Little change in pressure occurs in the aorta and other causes, such as arteriosclerosis), additional external large arteries. Approximately 70% of the pressure drop oc- pressure may be required to compress the blood vessels and curs in the small arteries and arterioles, and another 20% stop the flow. This extra pressure gives a falsely high estimate occurs in the capillaries. Contraction and relaxation of the of blood pressure. Obesity may contribute to an inaccurate smooth muscle in the walls of small arteries and arterioles assessment if the cuff used is too small. cause changes in vessel diameter, which, in turn, influence blood flow. When medium and large arteries are affected by disease, THE NORMAL RANGE OF ARTERIAL PRESSURE they may become major sources of increased resistance and significantly reduce blood flow to regions of the body (see As with all physiological variables, values for individuals are Clinical Focus Box 15.1). distributed around a mean value. Although the range of blood pressures in the population as a whole is rather broad, changes in a given patient are of diagnostic impor- Blood Viscosity, Vessel Length, and Vessel tance. Normal arterial blood pressure in adults is approxi- Radius Affect Resistance mately 120 mm Hg systolic and 80 mm Hg diastolic (usu- ally written 120/80). To understand the importance of smooth muscle in the control of SVR, we will consider the role of each factor ex- pressed in Poiseuille’s law (see Chapter 12): Age, Race, Gender, Diet and Body Weight, R  8L/r 4 (3) and Other Factors Affect Blood Pressure Viscosity () increases with hematocrit, especially when In Western societies, arterial pressure is dependent on age. the hematocrit is above the normal range of 38 to 54% Systolic blood pressure rises throughout life, while diastolic (Fig. 15.9). An increase in viscosity raises vascular resist- blood pressure rises until the sixth decade of life after which ance and, thereby, limits flow. Because oxygen delivery de- it stays relatively constant. Blood pressure is higher among pends on blood flow as well as blood oxygen content, a lim- African Americans than Caucasian Americans. Blood pres- ited flow can negate the increase in oxygen content sure is higher among men than among women with func- resulting from the increased number of red blood cells. In tional ovaries. Dietary fat and salt, as well as obesity, are as- individuals with polycythemia (an increased number of red sociated with higher blood pressures. Other factors that blood cells), less oxygen may actually be delivered to tis- affect blood pressure are excessive alcohol intake, physical sues because of increased viscosity; this occurs despite the activity, psychosocial stress, potassium and calcium intake, enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity provided by the extra and socioeconomic status. red blood cells. A normal hematocrit reflects a good bal- ance between sufficient red blood cells for oxygen trans- port and the viscosity caused by red blood cells. Hypertension Is a Sustained Elevation in Blood Pressure Epidemiological data show that chronically elevated blood pressure is associated with excess cardiovascular morbidity 120 and mortality. In adults, hypertension is defined as sustained 100 systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher, sustained diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher, or taking 80 antihypertensive medication. Hypertension causes damage 60 to the arterial system, the myocardium, the kidneys, and the Pressure (mm Hg) nervous system, including the retinas. Medical treatment 40 that lowers blood pressure to normal values significantly re- duces the risk of damage of these target tissues. 20 0 SYSTEMIC VASCULAR RESISTANCE (SVR) SVR is the frictional resistance to blood flow provided by all of the vessels between the large arteries and right atrium, including the small arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, Aorta Large Small Small Large Vena small veins, and veins. arteries arteries veins veins cava Arterioles Venules Capillaries Small Arteries, Arterioles, and Capillaries Account for 90% of Vascular Resistance FIGURE 15.8 Pressures in different vessels of the sys- temic circulation. Pulse pressure is greatest in The relative importance of the various segments contribut- the aorta and large arteries. The greatest drop in pressure occurs ing to the systemic vascular resistance is appreciated by ob- in the arterioles.

CHAPTER 15 The Systemic Circulation 257 CLINICAL FOCUS BOX 15.1 Arterial Disease dying from infarction, making this the leading cause of Disease processes such as atherosclerosis can reduce death in the nation. the diameter of most medium and large arteries, causing Stenoses in the carotid or vertebral arteries can lead to an increase in arterial resistance and a subsequent de- ischemia and infarction—stroke or cerebrovascular ac- crease in blood flow. The signs and symptoms resulting cident—involving the brain. Strokes are the third leading from atherosclerotic disease depend on which arteries are cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of stenotic (narrowed) and the severity of the reduction in significant disability. blood flow. Regions commonly affected by atherosclerosis As with the heart, mild arterial disease involving the include the heart, brain, and legs. legs usually becomes symptomatic only when the demand Coronary artery disease is the most common serious for blood flow is high, such as during exercise involving manifestation of atherosclerosis. When the stenotic le- the lower extremities. Muscle ischemia produces pain sions are relatively mild, blood flow may be inadequate called claudication, which typically resolves rapidly only when the myocardial demand is high, such as during when the patient rests. As the disease becomes more se- exercise. If blood flow is inadequate to meet the metabolic needs of a particular tissue, the tissue is said to be is- vere, symptoms may progress to include rest pain and, chemic. In the heart, short periods of ischemia may pro- ultimately, limb infarction with gangrene. duce chest pain known as angina. As the disease pro- In all of these cases, blood flow to the affected organ gresses and the coronary stenosis becomes more severe, may be preserved by the development of collateral arter- ischemia tends to occur at increasingly lower cardiac work- ies, which can carry blood around the stenotic or occluded loads, eventually resulting in angina at rest. In cases of se- segments of arteries. When collateral flow is inadequate to vere stenosis and/or complete occlusion of the coronary meet needs, blood flow may be improved with angio- arteries, blood flow may become inadequate to maintain plasty (using a balloon catheter, laser, etc.) or bypass myocardial viability, resulting in infarction (cell or tissue surgery (using autologous vein or synthetic material to death). Millions of people in the United States are affected route blood around a blockage). More than 1 million revas- by coronary disease, with more than 1 million experienc- cularization procedures using these techniques are per- ing myocardial infarction each year and 700,000 ultimately formed in the United States annually. Returning to equation 3, despite the potential effect of growth) and is, therefore, not important as a physiological blood viscosity on resistance, hematocrit normally does not determinant of vascular resistance. The remaining influence, ves- change much and is usually not an important cause of sel radius (r), is the major determinant of changes in SVR. Since re- 4 changes in vascular resistance. Likewise, the length (L) of sistance is inversely proportional to r , small changes in the blood vessels does not change significantly (except with radius cause relatively large changes in vascular resistance. For example, the vascular resistance to skeletal muscle dur- ing exercise may decrease 25-fold. This fall in resistance re- sults from a 2.2-fold increase in resistance vessel radius (i.e., 4 Normal range: 38–54% Normal range: 38–54% 2.2  25). Vessel radius is determined primarily by the contractile activity of smooth muscle in the vessel wall (see Chapter 16). Relative viscosity Oxygen delivery (mL O 2 /min) Sources of Resistance in the Systemic Circulation Are Arranged in Series and in Parallel Systemic vascular resistance is the net result of the resist- ance offered by many vessels arranged both in series and in parallel, and it is worth considering the effects of vessel arrangement on total resistance. Resistances in series are simply summed; for example: SVR  R small arteries  R arterioles  R capillaries R venules  R small veins (4) For resistances in parallel, the reciprocals of the parallel 0204060 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 resistances are summed (Fig. 15.10); for example, for the Hematocrit (%) Hematocrit (%) various parallel blood flows in the body: Effect of hematocrit on blood viscosity. 1/SVR  1/R cerebral  1/R coronary  1/R splanchnic \ FIGURE 15.9 Above-normal hematocrits produce a sharp in- 1/R renal  1/R muscle  1/R skin  1/R other (5) crease in viscosity. Because increased viscosity raises vascular re- sistance, hemoglobin and oxygen delivery may fall when the Resistances in hemodynamic circuits are treated the hematocrit rises above the normal range. same way as in the analysis of electrical circuits.

258 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY Central Blood Volume Is About One Fourth of Total Blood Volume Lungs Heart 10–12% 8–11% In considering the role of distribution of blood volume in filling the heart, it is useful to divide the blood volume into central (or intrathoracic) and extrathoracic portions. The Systemic arteries central blood volume includes the blood in the superior 10–12% vena cava and intrathoracic portions of the inferior vena cava, right atrium and ventricle, pulmonary circulation, and left atrium; this constitutes approximately 25% of the total Capillaries 4–5% blood volume. The central blood volume can be decreased or increased by shifts in blood to and from the extrathoracic Systemic veins blood volume. From a functional standpoint, the most im- portant components of the extrathoracic blood volume are Small veins Large and venules veins the veins of the extremities and abdominal cavity. Depend- ing on several factors to be discussed below, blood shifts 60–68% readily between these veins and the vessels containing the central blood volume. Although a part of the extrathoracic blood volume, the blood in the neck and head is less impor- tant because there is far less blood in these regions, and the blood volume inside the cranium cannot change much be- cause the skull is rigid. Blood in the central and extratho- racic arteries can be ignored because the low compliance of Blood volumes of various elements of the FIGURE 15.10 circulation in a person at rest. these vessels means that little change in their volume occurs. The volume of blood in the veins of the abdomen and ex- tremities is about equal to the central blood volume; there- fore, about half of the total blood volume is involved in BLOOD VOLUME shifts in distribution that affect the filling of the heart. The blood volume is distributed among the various por- tions of the circulatory system according to the pattern shown in Figure 15.10. Total blood volume in a 70-kg adult The Measurement of Central Venous Pressure is 5.0 to 5.6 L. Provides Information on Central Blood Volume Central venous pressure can be measured by placing the tip of a catheter in the right atrium. Changes in central ve- Three Fourths of the Blood in the Systemic nous pressures are a good indicator of central blood volume Circulation Is in the Veins because the compliance of the intrathoracic vessels tends to Approximately 80% of the total blood volume is located in be constant. In certain situations, however, the physiologi- the systemic circulation (i.e., the total volume minus the cal meaning of central venous pressure is changed. For ex- volume in the heart and lungs). About 60% of the total ample, if the tricuspid valve is incompetent, right ventricu- blood volume (or 75% of the systemic blood volume) is lo- lar pressure is transmitted to the right atrium during cated on the venous side of the circulation. The blood pres- ventricular systole. In general, the use of central venous ent in the arteries and capillaries is only about 20% of the pressure to assess changes in central blood volume depends total blood volume. Because most of the systemic blood vol- on the assumption that the right heart is capable of pump- ume is in veins, it is not surprising that changes in systemic ing normally. Also, central venous pressure does not neces- blood volume primarily reflect changes in venous volume. sarily reflect left atrial or left ventricular filling pressure. Abnormalities in right or left heart function or in pul- monary vascular resistance can make it difficult to predict Small Changes in Systemic Venous Pressure left atrial pressure from central venous pressure. Can Cause Large Changes in Venous Volume Unfortunately, measurements of the peripheral venous pressure, such as the pressure in an arm or leg vein, are sub- Systemic veins are approximately 20 times more compliant than systemic arteries; small changes in venous pressure are, ject to too many influences (e.g., partial occlusion caused therefore, associated with large changes in venous volume. by positioning or venous valves) to be helpful in most clin- If 500 mL of blood is infused into the circulation, about ical situations. 80% (400 mL) locates in the systemic circulation. This in- crease in systemic blood volume raises mean circulatory Cardiac Output Is Sensitive to Changes filling pressure by a few mm Hg. This small rise in filling in Central Blood Volume pressure, distributed throughout the systemic circulation has a much larger effect on the volume of systemic veins Consider what happens if blood is steadily infused into the than systemic arteries. Because of the much higher compli- inferior vena cava of a normal individual. As this occurs, the ance of veins than arteries, 95% of the 400 mL (or 380 mL) volume of blood returning to the chest—venous return—is is found in veins, and only 5% (20 mL) is found in arteries. transiently greater than the volume leaving it—the cardiac

CHAPTER 15 The Systemic Circulation 259 output. This difference between the input and output of atmospheric) results in little distention of arteries because blood produces an increase in central blood volume. It will of their low compliance, but results in considerable disten- occur first in the right atrium where the accompanying in- tion of veins because of their high compliance. In fact, ap- crease in pressure enhances right ventricular filling, end-di- proximately 550 mL of blood is needed to fill the stretched astolic fiber length, and stroke volume. Increased flow into veins of the legs and feet when an average person stands up. the lungs increases pulmonary blood volume and filling of Filling of the veins of the buttocks and pelvis also increases, the left atrium. Left cardiac output will increase according but to a lesser extent, because the increase in transmural to Starling’s law, so that the output of the two ventricles ex- pressure is less. actly matches. Cardiac output will increase until it equals Blood is redistributed to the legs from the central blood the sum of the previous venous return to the heart plus the volume by the following sequence of events. When a person infusion of new blood. stands, blood continues to be pumped by the heart at the same rate and stroke volume for one or two beats. However, much of the blood reaching the legs remains in the veins as Central Blood Volume Is Influenced by they become passively stretched to their new size by the in- Total Blood Volume and Its Distribution. creased venous (transmural) pressure, decreasing the return Changes in central blood volume initiate changes in filling of blood to the chest. As cardiac output exceeds venous re- of the ventricles, and therefore, central blood volume is an turn for a few beats, the central blood volume falls (as does important influence on cardiac output. Central blood vol- the end-diastolic fiber length, stroke volume, and cardiac ume is altered by two events: changes in total blood volume output). Once the veins of the legs reach their new steady- and changes in the distribution of total blood volume be- state volume, the venous return again equals cardiac output. tween central and extrathoracic regions. The equality between venous return and cardiac output is reestablished even though the central blood volume is re- Changes in Total Blood Volume. An increase in total duced by 550 mL. However, the new cardiac output and ve- blood volume can occur as a result of an infusion of fluid, nous return are decreased (relative to what they were before the retention of salt and water by the kidneys, or a shift in standing) because of the reduction in central blood volume. fluid from the interstitial space to plasma. A decrease in Without compensation, the resulting decrease in systemic blood volume can occur as a result of hemorrhage, losses arterial pressure would cause a drop in brain blood flow and through sweat or other body fluids, or the transfer of fluid loss of consciousness. Compensatory events, including in- from plasma into the interstitial space. In the absence of creased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, to be compensatory events, changes in blood volume result in discussed in Chapter 18, are required to maintain arterial proportional changes in both central and extrathoracic pressure in the face of decreased cardiac output. blood volume. For example, a moderate hemorrhage (10% When the smooth muscle of the systemic veins con- of blood volume) with no distribution shift would cause a tracts, the compliance of the systemic veins decreases. This 10% decrease in central blood volume. The reduced central results in a redistribution of blood volume toward the cen- blood volume would, in the absence of compensatory tral blood volume. Venoconstriction is an important com- events, lead to decreased filling of the ventricles and di- pensatory mechanism following hemorrhage. The redistri- minished stroke volume and cardiac output. bution of blood toward the central blood volume helps to maintain ventricular filling and cardiac output. Redistribution of Blood Volume. Central blood volume can be altered by a shift in blood volume to or away from the periphery. Shifts in the distribution of blood volume THE COUPLING OF VENOUS RETURN occur for two reasons: a change in transmural pressure or a AND CARDIAC OUTPUT change in venous compliance. Changes in the transmural pressure of vessels in the Because the blood moves in a closed circuit, venous re- chest or periphery enlarge or diminish their size. Because turn—the flow of blood from the periphery back to the there is a finite volume of blood, it shifts in response to right atrium—must equal cardiac output. The interplay be- changes in transmural pressure in one or the other of these tween venous return and cardiac output can be analyzed regions. Imagine a long balloon filled with water: If it is from the viewpoint of the heart or the systemic circulation. slowly turned end over end, the lower end of the balloon From the viewpoint of the heart, venous return is kept equal has the greatest transmural pressure because of the weight to cardiac output by Starling’s law. An increase in venous of the water pressing from above. As it is turned, the lower return raises diastolic filling of the ventricles and cardiac end of the balloon will bulge and the upper end will shrink. output rises to match the new venous return. The relation The best physiological example of a change in trans- between cardiac output and right atrial pressure, shown in mural pressure occurs when a person stands up. Standing Figure 15.11, was presented earlier (see Fig. 14.2). increases the transmural pressure in the blood vessels of the From the viewpoint of the systemic circulation, venous legs because it creates a vertical column of blood between return to the heart is driven by the pressure gradient cre- the heart and the blood vessels of the legs. The arterial and ated by contractions of the left ventricle. The relationship venous pressures at the ankles during standing can easily be between venous return and right atrial pressure is shown in increased by 130 cm (4.3 ft) of water (blood), which is al- Figure 15.11. If, in the absence of any reflex compensa- most 100 mm Hg higher than in the recumbent position. tions, the heart fails and cardiac output falls below venous The increased transmural pressure (outside pressure is still return, right atrial pressure rises. In Figure 15.11, the por-

260 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY 20 standable because right atrial pressure and all other circula- Cardiac output and venous return (L/min) 15 A B mm Hg is not sensitive to right atrial pressure (see tory pressures will equal mean circulatory filling pressure when the heart stops (see Chapter 12 to review this point). The venous return curve for right atrial pressures below 0 Fig. 15.11). Instead of continuing to increase as right atrial pressure falls, venous return levels off. Venous return does not increase because, when right atrial pressure drops be- 10 low zero (atmospheric pressure), the large veins collapse as they enter the chest. This is because the pressure in the lungs surrounding the veins is close to atmospheric pressure 5 veins. The suction imposed by further drops in right atrial = 16 pressure further collapses the large veins, instead of sucking more blood into the chest. No matter how low right atrial 0 MCFP = 7 MCFP and the transmural pressure gradient favors collapse of the -4 0 +4 +8 +12 +16 pressure gets, venous return hardly increases. Right atrial pressure (mm Hg) Figure 15.11 shows a unique right atrial pressure at which a specific cardiac output curve and a specific venous Interplay between venous return and car- FIGURE 15.11 return curve intersect. This is the right atrial pressure that diac output. The Starling curve relating car- provides a level of ventricular filling adequate to produce diac output to right atrial pressure is shown in black. The normal cardiac output that exactly matches the venous return. curve showing venous return as a function of right atrial pressure The relationship between right atrial pressure, venous is shown in solid red. Note that venous return is zero when right atrial pressure equals the mean circulatory filling pressure (7 mm return, and cardiac output is not fixed. For example, Figure Hg). The two curves intersect at point A where cardiac output 15.11 shows the effects of transfusion of a liter of blood on and venous return are equal; the right atrial pressure in this case is these variables. Central blood volume participates in the in- 0 mm Hg. The dashed red line shows the venous return curve af- creased blood volume, and filling of the heart is increased. ter transfusion of 1 L of blood. Filling of the cardiovascular sys- This increases cardiac output from point A to point B, along tem by the extra volume of blood raises mean circulatory filling an unchanged cardiac output curve. The increase in blood pressure to 16 mm Hg. The slope of the venous return curve is volume further fills the cardiovascular system and increases also changed by the transfusion. The Starling curve is unchanged mean circulatory filling pressure. This changes the rela- by the transfusion. The unique right atrial pressure that gives tionship between right atrial pressure and venous return, as equal venous return and cardiac output (point B) is now 8 mm shown by the dashed line. The curve is shifted to the right Hg. The transfusion raises cardiac output and venous return from 5 to 13 L/min. (From Guyton AC, Hall JE. Medical Physiology. so that there is zero venous return at the new, elevated Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000;219). mean circulatory filling pressure (16 mm Hg). It also changes the slope of the venous return curve for reasons not discussed here. The unique right atrial pressure at which tion of the venous return curve for right atrial pressures venous return is equal to cardiac output is now 8 mm Hg. above 0 mm Hg shows this. In this example, when right Other factors that influence the relationship between car- atrial pressure reaches 7 mm Hg, venous return stops. Gen- diac output, venous return, and right atrial pressure include erally, when right atrial pressure reaches the mean circula- venous resistance to venous return, changes in sympathetic tory filling pressure, venous return stops. This is under- nervous system activity, and changes in SVR. REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered 2. Mean arterial pressure changes if with no change in heart rate items or incomplete statements in this (A) Heart rate increases, with no 3. Blood pressure measured using a section is followed by answers or by changes in cardiac output or systemic sphygmomanometer completions of the statement. Select the vascular resistance (A) May be falsely low with too ONE lettered answer or completion that is (B) Stroke volume changes, with no narrow a cuff BEST in each case. changes in heart rate or systemic (B) May be falsely low in patients with vascular resistance badly stiffened arteries 1. Mean arterial pressure equals (C) Arterial compliance changes, with (C) May be falsely high in obese (A) Arterial compliance times stroke no changes in cardiac output or patients volume systemic vascular resistance (D) Gives a direct reading of mean (B) Heart rate times stroke volume (D) Heart rate doubles and systemic arterial pressure (C) Cardiac output times systemic vascular resistance is halved, with no (E) Depends on the disappearance of vascular resistance change in stroke volume sound to signal systolic pressure (D) Cardiac output times arterial (E) Arterial compliance doubles and 4. In the systemic circulation, vascular compliance systemic vascular resistance is halved, resistance (continued)

CHAPTER 15 The Systemic Circulation 261 (A) Changes occur mainly in the aorta pressure of 150/90 mm Hg and a right (A) Less than normal and large arteries atrial pressure of 3 mm Hg develops an (B) Greater than normal (B) Is altered more by changes in blood incompetent tricuspid valve, and right (C) The same as normal viscosity than radius atrial pressure rises to 13 mm Hg with (C) Is altered more by changes in no change in arterial pressure. The SUGGESTED READING vessel radius than length pressure gradient forcing blood Coleman TG, Hall JE. Systemic hemody- (D) Is altered more by changes in through the systemic circulation namics and regional blood flow regula- vessel length than radius (A) Is unchanged tion. In: Izzo JL, Black HR, eds. Hyper- 5. Standing up causes (B) Decreased from 107 to 97 mm Hg tension Primer. Baltimore: Lippincott (A) Decreased diameter of leg veins (C) Increased from 103 to 113 mm Hg Williams & Wilkins, 1999. (B) Decreased blood volume within the (D) Decreased from 147 to 137 mm Guyton AC, Hall JE. Medical Physiology. cranium Hg Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000, (C) Increased stroke volume (E) Increased from 93 to 103 mm Hg Chapter 20. (D) Increased right atrial volume 8. If mean arterial pressure increases (due Kaplan NM. Systemic hypertension: (E) Decreased central blood volume to an increase in systemic vascular Mechanisms and diagnosis. In: Braun- 6. If a person has an arterial blood resistance) and stroke volume and wald E, Zipes DP, Libby P, eds. Heart pressure of 125/75 mm Hg, heart rate remain constant, the pulse Disease. 6th Ed. Philadelphia: WB (A) The pulse pressure is 40 mm Hg pressure Saunders, 2001. (B) The mean arterial pressure is 92 (A) Increases O’Rourke MF. Arterial stiffness and hyper- mm Hg (B) Decreases tension. In: Izzo JL, Black HR, eds. Hy- (C) Diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg (C) Does not change pertension Primer. Baltimore: Lippin- (D) Systolic pressure is 120 mm Hg 9. If the compliance of veins were equal cott Williams & Wilkins, 1999. (E) The mean arterial pressure is 100 to that of arteries, the change in Rowell LB. Human Cardiovascular Con- mm Hg central blood volume with standing trol. New York: Oxford University 7. A person with an arterial blood would be Press, 1993, Chapter 1.

The Microcirculation and CHAPTER 16 16 the Lymphatic System H. Glenn Bohlen, Ph.D. CHAPTER OUTLINE ■ THE ARTERIAL MICROVASCULATURE ■ TRANSCAPILLARY FLUID EXCHANGE ■ THE CAPILLARIES ■ THE REGULATION OF MICROVASCULAR ■ THE VENOUS MICROVASCULATURE PRESSURES ■ THE LYMPHATIC VASCULATURE ■ THE REGULATION OF MICROVASCULAR RESISTANCE ■ VASCULAR AND TISSUE EXCHANGE OF SOLUTES KEY CONCEPTS 1. Arterioles regulate vascular resistance and microvascular 9. Tissue hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures are minor pressures. forces for absorption and filtration of fluid across capillary 2. Capillaries are the primary sites for water and solute ex- walls. change. 10. The ratio of postcapillary to precapillary resistance 3. Venules collect blood from the capillaries and act as reser- is a major determinant of capillary hydrostatic voirs for blood volume. pressure. 4. Lymphatic vessels collect excess water and protein mole- 11. Myogenic arteriolar regulation is a response to increased cules from the interstitial space between cells. tension or stretch of the vessel wall muscle cells. 5. Water-soluble materials pass through tiny pores between 12. By-products of metabolism cause the dilation of adjacent endothelial cells. arterioles. 6. Lipid-soluble molecules pass through the endothelial cells. 13. The axons of the sympathetic nervous system release 7. The concentration difference of solutes across the capillary norepinephrine, which constricts the arterioles and wall is the energy source for capillary exchange. venules. 8. Plasma hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures are the 14. Autoregulation of blood flow allows some organs to main- primary forces for fluid filtration and absorption across tain nearly constant blood flow when arterial blood pres- capillary walls. sure is changed. he microcirculation is the part of the circulation where laries, are partially constricted by contraction of their vas- Tnutrients, water, gases, hormones, and waste products cular smooth muscle cells. If all microvessels were to dilate are exchanged between the blood and cells. The microcir- fully because of relaxation of their smooth muscle cells, the culation minimizes diffusion distances, facilitating ex- arterial blood pressure would plummet. Cerebral blood change, its most important function. Virtually every cell in flow in a standing individual would be inadequate, resulting the body is in close contact with a microvessel. In fact, most in fainting, or syncope. Regulation of vascular resistance in cells are in direct contact with at least one microvessel. As the microcirculation is an important aspect of total health. a consequence, there are tens of thousands of microvessels There is a constant conflict between the regulation of vas- per gram of tissue. The lens and cornea are exceptions be- cular resistance to preserve the arterial pressure and simulta- cause their nutrients are supplied by the fluids in the eye. neously to allow each tissue to receive sufficient blood flow A second major function of the microcirculation is to to sustain its metabolism. The compromise is to preserve the regulate vascular resistance and thereby interact with car- mean arterial pressure by increasing arterial resistance at the diac output to maintain the arterial blood pressure (see expense of reduced blood flow to most organs other than the Chapter 12). Normally, all microvessels, other than capil- heart and brain. The organs survive this conflict by increas- 262

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 263 ing their extraction of oxygen and nutrients from blood in the microvessels as the blood flow is decreased. The microvasculature is considered to begin where the smallest arteries enter the organs and to end where the smallest veins, the venules, exit the organs. In between are microscopic arteries, the arterioles, and the capillaries. De- pending on an animal’s size, the largest arterioles have an inner diameter of 100 to 400 m, and the largest venules have a diameter of 200 to 800 m. The arterioles divide into progressively smaller vessels to the extent that each section of the tissue has its own specific microvessels. The branching pattern typical of the microvasculature of differ- ent major organs and how it relates to organ function are discussed in Chapter 17. THE ARTERIAL MICROVASCULATURE Large arteries have a low resistance to blood flow and func- tion primarily as conduits (see Chapter 15). As arteries ap- proach the organ they supply, they divide into many small arteries both just outside and within the organ. In most or- FIGURE 16.1 Scanning electron micrographs of smooth muscle cells wrapping around arterioles of gans, these small arteries, which are 500 to 1,000 m in di- various sizes. Each cell only partially passes around large-diame- ameter, control about 30 to 40% of the total vascular re- ter (1A) and intermediate-diameter (2A) arterioles, but com- sistance. These smallest of arteries, combined with the pletely encircles the smaller arterioles (3A, 4A). 1A, 2A, and the arterioles of the microcirculation, constitute the resistance small insets of 3A and 4A are at the same magnification. The en- blood vessels; together they regulate about 70 to 80% of larged views of 3A and 4A are at 4-times-greater magnification. the total vascular resistance, with the remainder of the re- (Modified from Miller BR, Overhage JM, Bohlen HG, Evan AP. sistance about equally divided between the capillary beds Hypertrophy of arteriolar smooth muscle cells in the rat small in- and venules. Constriction of these vessels maintains the rel- testine during maturation. Microvasc Res 1985;29:56–69.) atively high vascular resistance in organs. Constriction re- sults from the release of norepinephrine by the sympathetic larger vessel, but may encircle a smaller vessel almost 2 nervous system, from the myogenic mechanism (to be dis- times (see Fig. 16.1). cussed later), and from other chemical and physical factors. Vessel Wall Tension and Intravascular Pressure Arterioles Regulate Resistance by the Contraction Interact to Determine Vessel Diameter of Vascular Smooth Muscle The smallest arteries and all arterioles are primarily respon- The vast majority of arterioles, whether large or small, are sible for regulating vascular resistance and blood flow. Ves- tubes of endothelial cells surrounded by a connective tissue sel radius is determined by the transmural pressure gradient basement membrane, a single or double layer of vascular and wall tension, as expressed by Laplace’s law (see Chap- smooth muscle cells, and a thin outer layer of connective ter 14). Changes in wall tension developed by arteriolar tissue cells, nerve axons, and mast cells (Fig. 16.1). The vas- smooth muscle cells directly alter vessel radius. Most arte- cular smooth muscle cells around the arterioles are 70 to 90 rioles can dilate 60 to 100% from their resting diameter and m long when fully relaxed. The muscle cells are anchored can maintain a 40 to 50% constriction for long periods. to the basement membrane and to each other in a way that Therefore, large decreases and increases in vascular resist- any change in their length changes the diameter of the ves- ance and blood flow are well within the capability of the sel. Vascular smooth muscle cells wrap around the arteri- microscopic blood vessels. For example, a 20-fold increase oles at approximately a 90 angle to the long axis of the ves- in blood flow can occur in contracting skeletal muscle dur- sel. This arrangement is efficient because the tension ing exercise, and blood flow in the same vasculature can be developed by the vascular smooth muscle cell can be al- reduced to 20 to 30% of normal during reflex increases in most totally directed to maintaining or changing vessel di- sympathetic nerve activity. ameter against the blood pressure within the vessel. In the majority of organs, arteriolar muscle cells operate at about half their maximal length. If the muscle cells fully relax, the diameter of the vessel can nearly double to in- THE CAPILLARIES crease blood flow dramatically (flow increases as the fourth Exchanges Between Blood and power of the vessel radius; see Chapter 12). When the mus- Tissue Occur in Capillaries cle cells contract, the arterioles constrict, and with intense stimulation, the arterioles can literally shut for brief periods Capillaries provide for most of the exchange between of time. A single muscle cell will not completely encircle a blood and tissue cells. The capillaries are supplied by the

264 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY brane. Lipid-soluble molecules, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, readily pass through the lipid components of en- dothelial cell membranes. Water-soluble molecules, how- ever, must diffuse through water-filled pathways formed in the capillary wall between adjacent endothelial cells. These pathways, known as pores, are not cylindrical holes but complex passageways formed by irregular tight junctions (see Fig. 16.2). The capillaries of the brain and spinal cord have virtually continuous tight junctions between adjacent endothelial cells; consequently, only the smallest water-soluble mole- cules pass through their capillary walls. In all capillaries, there are sufficient open areas in adjacent tight junctions to provide pores filled with water for diffusion of small mole- cules. The pores are partially filled with a matrix of small fibers of submicron dimensions. The potential importance of this fiber matrix is that it acts partially to sieve the mol- The various layers of a mammalian capil- FIGURE 16.2 ecules approaching a water-filled pore. The combination of lary. Adjacent endothelial cells are held to- the fiber matrix and the small spaces in the basement mem- gether by tight junctions, which have occasional gaps. Water-sol- brane and between endothelial cells explains why the ves- uble molecules pass through pores formed where tight junctions are imperfect. Vesicle formation and the diffusion of lipid-soluble sel wall behaves as if only about 1% of the total surface area molecules through endothelial cells provide other pathways for were available for exchange of water-soluble molecules. exchange. The majority of pores permit only molecules with a radius less than 3 to 6 nm to pass through the vessel wall. These smallest of arterioles, the terminal arterioles, and their out- small pores only allow water and inorganic ions, glucose, flow is collected by the smallest venules, postcapillary amino acids, and similar small, water-soluble solutes to venules. A capillary is an endothelial tube surrounded by a pass; they exclude large molecules, such as serum albumin basement membrane composed of dense connective tissue and globular proteins. (Fig. 16.2). Capillaries in mammals do not have vascular A limited number of large pores, or possibly defects, al- smooth muscle cells and are unable to appreciably change low virtually any large molecule in blood plasma to pass their inner diameter. Pericytes (Rouget cells), wrapped through the capillary wall. Even though few large pores ex- around the outside of the basement membrane, may be a ist, there are enough that nearly all the serum albumin mol- primitive form of vascular smooth muscle cell and may add ecules leak out of the cardiovascular system each day. structural integrity to the capillary. An alternative pathway for water-soluble molecules Capillaries, with inner diameters of about 4 to 8 m, are through the capillary wall is via endothelial vesicles (see the smallest vessels of the vascular system. Although they Fig. 16.2). Membrane-bound vesicles form on either side of are small in diameter and individually have a high vascular the capillary wall by pinocytosis, and exocytosis occurs resistance, the parallel arrangement of many thousands of when the vesicle reaches the opposite side of the endothe- 3 capillaries per mm of tissue minimizes their collective re- lial cell. The vesicles appear to migrate randomly between sistance. For example, in skeletal muscle, the small intes- the luminal and abluminal sides of the endothelial cell. tine, and the brain, capillaries account for only about 15% Even the largest molecules may cross the capillary wall in of the total vascular resistance of each organ, even though this way. The importance of transport by vesicles to the a single capillary has a resistance higher than that of the en- overall process of transcapillary exchange remains unclear. tire organ’s vasculature. The large number of capillaries Occasionally, continuous interconnecting vesicles have arranged in hemodynamic parallel circuits allows their been found that bridge the endothelial cell. This open combined resistance to be quite low (see Chapter 15). channel could be a random error or a purposeful structure, The capillary lumen is so small that red blood cells must but in either case, it would function as a large pore to allow fold into a shape resembling a parachute as they pass the diffusion of large molecules. through and virtually fill the entire lumen. The small diam- eter of the capillary and the thin endothelial wall minimize the diffusion path for molecules from the capillary core to THE VENOUS MICROVASCULATURE the tissue just outside the vessel. In fact, the diffusion path is so short that most gases and inorganic ions can pass Venules Collect Blood From Capillaries through the capillary wall in less than 2 msec. After the blood passes through the capillaries, it enters the venules, endothelial tubes usually surrounded by a mono- The Passage of Molecules Through the Capillary layer of vascular smooth muscle cells. In general, the vascu- Wall Occurs Both Between Capillary Endothelial lar muscle cells of venules are much smaller in diameter but Cells and Through Them longer than those of arterioles. The muscle size may reflect the fact that venules operate at intravascular pressures of 10 The exchange function of the capillary is intimately linked to 16 mm Hg, compared with 30 to 70 mm Hg in arterioles, to the structure of its endothelial cells and basement mem- and do not need a powerful muscular wall. The smallest

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 265 venules are unique because they are more permeable than capillaries to large and small molecules. This increased per- meability seems to exist because tight junctions between adjacent venular endothelial cells have more frequent and larger discontinuities or pores. It is probable that much of the exchange of large water-soluble molecules occurs as the blood passes through small venules. The Venular Microvasculature Acts as a Blood Reservoir In addition to their blood collection and exchange func- tions, the venules are an important component of the blood reservoir system in the venous circulation. At rest, approx- imately two thirds of the total blood volume is within the venous system, and perhaps more than half of this volume is within venules. Although the blood moves within the ve- nous reservoir, it moves slowly, much like water in a reser- voir behind a river dam. If venule radius is increased or de- creased, the volume of blood in tissue can change up to 20 mL/kg of tissue; therefore, the volume of blood readily available for circulation would increase by more than 1 L in a 70-kg (154-pound) person. Such a large change in avail- able blood volume can substantially improve the venous re- turn of blood to the heart following depletion of blood vol- ume caused by hemorrhage or dehydration. For example, FIGURE 16.3 Lymphatic vessels: basic structure and functions. The contraction-relaxation cycle of the volume of blood typically removed from blood donors lymphatic bulbs (bottom) is the fundamental process that re- is about 500 mL, or about 10% of the total blood volume; moves excess water and plasma proteins from the interstitial usually no ill effects are experienced, in part because the spaces. Pressures along the lymphatics are generated by lym- venules and veins decrease their reservoir volume to restore phatic vessel contractions and by organ movements. the circulating blood volume. sels in the tissue and the macroscopic lymphatic vessels THE LYMPHATIC VASCULATURE outside the organs have contractile cells similar to vascular smooth muscle cells. In connective tissues of the mesentery Lymphatic Vessels Collect Excess Tissue and skin, even the simplest of lymphatic vessels and bulbs Water and Plasma Proteins spontaneously contract, perhaps as a result of contractile endothelial cells. Even if the lymphatic bulb or vessel can- Lymphatic vessels are microvessels that form an intercon- nected system of simple endothelial tubes within tissues. not contract, compression of these lymphatic structures by They do not carry blood, but transport fluid, serum pro- movements of the organ (e.g., intestinal movements or teins, lipids, and even foreign substances from the intersti- skeletal muscle contractions) changes lymphatic vessel tial spaces back to the circulation. The gastrointestinal size. Forcing lymph from the organs is important because a tract, the liver, and the skin have the most extensive lym- volume of fluid equal to the plasma volume is filtered from phatic systems, and the central nervous system may not the blood to tissues every day. It is absolutely essential that contain any lymph vessels. The lymphatic system typically this fluid be returned by lymph flow to the venous system. begins as blind-ended tubes, or lymphatic bulbs, which drain into the meshwork of interconnected lymphatic ves- Lymph Fluid Is Mechanically Collected sels (Fig. 16.3). Although lymph collection begins in the Into Lymphatic Vessels From Tissue lymphatic bulbs, lymph collection from tissue also occurs in the interconnected lymphatic vessels by the same me- Fluid Between Cells chanical processes. In all organ systems, more fluid is filtered than absorbed by A schematic drawing of the lymphatic system in the the capillaries, and plasma proteins diffuse into the intersti- small intestine (Fig. 16.4) illustrates the complexity of lym- tial spaces through the large pore system. By removing the phatic branching. The villus lacteals are lymphatic bulbs in fluid, the lymphatic vessels also remove proteins. This individual villi of the small intestine. Note that lymph col- function is essential because the protein concentration is lection from the submucosal and muscle layers of this tissue higher in plasma than in tissue fluid and only some form of must occur primarily in tubular lymphatic vessels because convective transport can return the protein to the plasma. few, if any, lymphatic bulbs are present in these layers. The ability of lymphatic vessels to change diameter— The lymphatic vessels coalesce into increasingly more whether initiated by the lymphatic vessel or by forces gen- developed and larger collection vessels. These larger ves- erated within a contractile organ—is important for lymph

266 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY The compression/relaxation cycle—whether controlled by lymphatic smooth muscle cells or the contractile lym- phatic endothelial cells—increases in frequency and vigor when excess water is in the lymph vessels. Conversely, less fluid in the lymphatic vessels allows the vessels to become quiet and pump less fluid. This simple regulatory system ensures that the fluid status of the organ’s interstitial envi- ronment is appropriate. The active and passive compression of lymphatic bulbs and vessels also provides the force needed to propel the lymph back to the venous side of the blood circulation. To maintain directional lymph flow, microscopic lymphatic bulbs and ves- sels, as well as large lymphatic vessels, have one-way valves (see Fig. 16.3). These valves allow lymph to flow only from the tissue toward the progressively larger lymphatic vessels and, fi- nally, into large veins in the chest cavity. Lymphatic pressures are only a few mm Hg in the bulbs and smallest lymphatic vessels and as high as 10 to 20 mm Hg during contractions of larger lymphatic vessels. This progression from lower to higher lymphatic pressures is possible because, as each lymphatic segment contracts, it develops a slightly higher pressure than in the next lym- phatic vessel and the lymphatic valve momentarily opens to allow lymph flow. When the activated lymphatic vessel relaxes, its pressure is again lower than that in the next ves- sel, and the lymphatic valve closes. The arrangement of lymphatic vessels in FIGURE 16.4 the small intestine. The intestinal lymphatic vessels are unusual in that lymphatic valves are normally restricted VASCULAR AND TISSUE EXCHANGE to vessels about to exit the organ, whereas valves exist throughout OF SOLUTES the lymphatic system of the skin and skeletal muscles. (Modified from Unthank JL, Bohlen HG. Lymphatic pathways and role of The Large Number of Microvessels Provides a valves in lymph propulsion from small intestine. Am J Physiol Large Vascular Surface Area for Exchange 1988;254:G389–G398.) The overall branching structure of the microvasculature is a tree-like system, with major trunks dividing into progres- sively smaller branches. This arrangement applies to both formation and protein removal. In the smallest lymphatic vessels and to some extent in the larger lymphatic vessels in the arteriolar and the venular microvasculature; actually two a tissue, the endothelial cells are overlapped rather than “trees” exist—one to supply the tissue through arterioles and fused together as in blood capillaries. The overlapped por- one to drain the tissue through venules. In general, there are tions of the cells are attached to anchoring filaments, four to five discrete branching steps from a small artery en- which extend into the tissue (Fig. 16.3). When stretched, tering an organ to the capillary level and from the capillaries anchoring filaments pull apart the free edges of the en- to the largest venules. These branching patterns are so con- dothelial cells when the lymphatic vessels relax after a com- sistent among like organ systems of various mammals, in- pression or contraction. The openings created in this cluding humans, that they must be genetically determined. process allow tissue fluid and molecules carried in the fluid The increasing numbers of vessels through successive to easily enter the lymphatic vessels. branches dramatically increases the surface area of the mi- The movement of fluid from tissue to the lymphatic ves- crovasculature. The surface area is determined by the length, sel lumen is passive. When compressed or actively con- diameter, and number of vessels. In the small intestine, for tracted lymphatic vessels are allowed to passively relax, the example, the total surface area of the capillaries and smallest 3 2 pressure in the lumen becomes slightly lower than in the in- venules is more than 10 cm for one cm of tissue. The large terstitial space, and tissue fluid enters the lymphatic vessel. surface area of the capillaries and smallest venules is impor- Once the interstitial fluid is in a lymphatic vessel, it is called tant because the vast majority of exchange of nutrients, lymph. When the lymphatic bulb or vessel again actively wastes, and fluid occurs across these tiny vessels. contracts or is compressed, the overlapped cells are me- chanically sealed to hold the lymph. The pressure devel- The Large Number of Microvessels Minimizes the oped inside the lymphatic vessel forces the lymph into the Diffusion Distance Between Cells and Blood next downstream segment of the lymphatic system. Be- cause the anchoring filaments are stretched during this The spacing of microvessels in the tissues determines the process, the overlapped cells can again be parted during re- distance molecules must diffuse from the blood to the inte- laxation of the lymphatic vessel. rior of tissue cells. In the example shown in Figure 16.5A, a

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 267 Cell illaries, decreasing diffusion distances. The arteriolar dila- A tion during exercise allows arterioles to supply blood flow to nearly all of the available capillaries in muscle. Regular exercise induces the growth of new capillaries in skeletal muscle. As shown in Figure 16.5C, three capillaries contribute to the nutrition of the cell and elevate cell con- centrations of molecules derived from the blood. However, decreasing the number of capillaries perfused with blood Capillary by constricting arterioles or obliterating capillaries, as in di- abetes mellitus, can lengthen diffusion distances and de- crease exchange. B The Interstitial Space Between Cells Is a Complex Environment of Water- and Gel-Filled Areas As molecules diffuse from the microvessels to the cells or from the cells to the microvessels, they must pass through the interstitial space that forms the extracellular environ- Capillary ment between cells. This space contains strands of collagen and elastin together with hyaluronic acid (a high-molecu- lar-weight unbranched polysaccharide) and proteoglycans C (complex polysaccharides bound to polypeptides). These large molecules are arranged in complex, water-filled coils. To some extent, the large molecules and water may cause the interstitial space to behave as alternating regions of gel- like consistency and water-filled regions. The gel-like areas may restrict the diffusion of water-soluble solutes and may exclude solutes from their water. An implication of the gel and water properties of the in- terstitial space is that the effective concentration of mole- cules in the free interstitial water is higher than expected Capillary because the molecules are restricted to readily accessible water-filled areas. The circuitous pathway a molecule must Effect of the number of perfused capillaries FIGURE 16.5 move in the maze of the interstitial gel- and water-filled on cell concentration of bloodborne mole- cules (dots). A, With one capillary, the left side of the cell has a spaces slows the diffusion of water-soluble molecules. It is low concentration. B, The concentration can be substantially in- also possible that the relative amounts of gel and water creased if a second capillary is perfused. C, The perfusion of three phases can be altered in a way that diffusion in the extra- capillaries around the cell increases concentrations of bloodborne cellular space is changed. molecules throughout the cell. The Rate of Diffusion Depends on Permeability single capillary provides all the nutrients to the cell. The and Concentration Differences concentration of bloodborne molecules across the cell in- Diffusion is by far the most important means for moving terior is represented by the density of dots at various loca- solutes across capillary walls. The rate of diffusion of a tions. Diffusion distances are important; as molecules travel solute between blood and tissue is given by Fick’s law (see farther from the capillary, their concentration decreases Chapter 2): substantially because the volume into which diffusion pro- ceeds increases as the square of the distance. In addition, J s  P (C b  C t )(1) some of the molecules may be consumed by different cellu- J s is the net movement of solute (often expressed in lar components, which further reduces the concentration. moles/min per 100 g tissue), P is the permeability coeffi- If there is a capillary on either side of a cell, as in Figure cient, and C b and C t are, respectively, the blood and tissue 16.5B, the cell has a higher internal concentration of mole- concentrations of the solute. cules from the two capillaries. Therefore, increasing the The permeability coefficient is usually measured under number of microvessels reduces diffusion distances from a conditions in which neither the surface area of the vascula- given point inside a cell to the nearest capillary. Doing so ture nor the diffusion distance is known, but the tissue mass minimizes the dilution of molecules within the cells caused can be determined. The permeability coefficient is directly by large diffusion distances. At any given moment during related to the diffusion coefficient of the solute in the capil- resting conditions, only about 40 to 60% of the capillaries lary wall and the vascular surface area available for exchange are perfused by red blood cells in most organs. The capil- and is inversely related to the diffusion distance. The surface laries not in use do contain blood, but it is not moving. Ex- area and diffusion distance are determined, in part, by the ercise results in an increase in the number of perfused cap- number of microvessels with active blood flow. The diffusion

268 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY coefficient is relatively constant unless the capillaries are If the blood loses material to the tissue, the value of E is damaged because it depends on the anatomical properties of positive and has a maximum value of 1 if all material is re- the vessel wall (e.g., the size and abundance of pores) and the moved from arterial blood (C v  0). An E value of 0 (C a chemical nature of the material that is diffusing. C v ) indicates that no loss or gain occurred. A negative E The number of perfused capillaries and blood and tissue value (C v  C a ) indicates that the tissue added material to concentrations of solutes are constantly changing, and the blood. The total mass of material lost or gained by the chronic changes occur as well. Therefore, the diffusion dis- blood can be calculated as: tance and surface area for exchange can be influenced by ˙ physiological events. The same is true for concentrations in Amount lost or gained  E  Q C a (3) ˙ the tissue and blood. In this context, microvascular exchange E is extraction, Q is blood flow, and C a is the arterial is dynamically altered by many physiological events. For ex- concentration. While this equation is useful for calculat- ample, about half of the capillaries of the intestinal villus are ing the total amount of material exchanged between tis- perfused when the bowel lumen is empty. During absorption sue and blood, it does not allow a direct determination of foodstuff, all of the capillaries are perfused as arterioles di- of how changes in vascular permeability and exchange late to provide a higher blood flow to support the increased surface area influence the extraction process. The ex- metabolic rate of villus epithelial cells. traction can be related to the permeability (P) and sur- The magnitude of the difference in blood and tissue con- face area (A) available for exchange as well as the blood ˙ centrations is influenced by many simultaneous and interact- flow (Q): ing processes. It is important to remember that the diffusion PA/Q ˙ rate depends on the difference between the high and low con- E  1—e (4) centrations, not the specific concentrations. For example, if The e is the base of the natural system of logarithms. the cell consumes a particular solute, the concentration in This equation predicts that extraction increases when ei- the cell will decrease, and for a constant concentration in ther permeability or exchange surface area increases or blood plasma, the diffusion gradient will enlarge to increase blood flow decreases. Extraction decreases when perme- the rate of diffusion. If the cell ceases to use as much of a ability and surface area decrease or blood flow increases. given solute, the concentration in the cell will increase and Consequently, physiologically induced changes in the the rate of diffusion will decrease. Both of these examples as- number of perfused capillaries, which alters surface area, sume that more than sufficient blood flow exists to maintain and changes in blood flow are important determinants of a relatively constant concentration in the microvessel. overall extraction and, therefore, exchange processes. In many cases, the above scenario may not be true. For ex- The inverse effect of blood flow on extraction occurs be- ample, as blood passes through the tissues, the tissues extract cause, if flow increases, less time is available for ex- approximately one fourth to one third of the oxygen con- tained in arterial blood before it reaches the capillaries. The change. Conversely, a slowing of flow allows more time oxygen diffuses directly through the walls of the arterioles for exchange. and is readily available for any cells in the vicinity. There is Ordinarily, the blood flow and total perfused surface usually ample oxygen in the capillary blood to maintain aer- area usually change in the same direction, although by dif- obic metabolism; however, if tissue metabolism is increased ferent relative amounts. For example, surface area is usually and blood flow is not appropriately elevated, the tissue will able, at most, to double or be reduced by about half; how- exhaust the available oxygen from the blood while it is in the ever, blood flow can increase 3- to 5-fold or more in skele- microvessels. The result is that, although the cells have gen- tal muscle, or decrease by about half in most organs, yet erated conditions to increase their aerobic metabolic rate, in- maintain viable tissue. The net effect is that extraction is adequate oxygen is exchanged for this increased need. To rarely more than doubled or decreased by half relative to temporarily perform their functions, the active cells resort to the resting value in most organs. This is still an important anaerobic glycolysis to provide cell energy. This scenario range because changes in extraction can compensate for re- routinely occurs when skeletal muscles begin to contract and duced blood flow or enhance exchange when blood flow is blood flow has not yet been appropriately increased to meet increased. the increased oxygen demand. Transcapillary Fluid Exchange The Extraction of Molecules From Blood Is To force the blood through microvessels, the heart pumps Influenced by Vascular Permeability, Surface blood into the elastic arterial system and provides the pres- Area, and Blood Flow sure needed to move the blood. This hemodynamic—hy- drostatic pressure—while absolutely necessary, favors the As a result of diffusional losses and gains of molecules as pressurized filtration of water through pores because the blood passes through the tissues, the concentrations of var- hydrostatic pressure on the blood side of the pore is greater ious molecules in venous blood can be very different from than on the tissue side. The capillary pressure is different in those in arterial blood. The extraction (E), or extraction ra- each organ, ranging from about 15 mm Hg in intestinal vil- tio, of material from blood perfusing a tissue can be calcu- lus capillaries to 55 mm Hg in the kidney glomerulus. The lated from the arterial (C a) and venous (C v) blood concen- interstitial hydrostatic pressure ranges from slightly nega- tration as: tive to 8 to 10 mm Hg and, in most organs, is substantially (2) less than capillary pressure. E  (C a  C v)/C a

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 269 The Osmotic Forces Developed by sue hydrostatic pressure is a filtration force when negative Plasma Proteins Oppose the Filtration and an absorption force when positive. of Fluid From Capillaries Support stockings are routinely prescribed for people whose feet and lower legs swell during prolonged standing. The primary defense against excessive fluid filtration is Standing causes high capillary hydrostatic pressures from the colloid osmotic pressure, also called plasma oncotic gravitational effects on blood in the arterial and venous ves- pressure, generated by plasma proteins. Plasma proteins sels and results in excessive filtration. Support stockings are too large to pass readily through the vast majority of compress the interstitial environment to raise hydrostatic water-filled pores of the capillary wall. In fact, more than tissue pressure and compress superficial veins, which helps 90% of these large molecules are retained in the blood lower venous pressure and, thereby, capillary pressure. during its passage through the microvessels of most or- If water is removed from the interstitial space, the hy- gans. Colloid osmotic pressure is conceptually similar to drostatic pressure becomes very negative and opposes fur- osmotic pressures for small molecules generated across se- ther fluid loss (Fig. 16.6). If a substantial amount of water is lectively permeable cell membranes; both primarily de- added to the interstitial space, the tissue hydrostatic pres- pend on the number of molecules in solution. The major sure is increased. However, a margin of safety exists over a plasma protein that impedes filtration is serum albumin wide range of tissue fluid volumes (see Fig. 16.6), and ex- because it has the highest molar concentration of all cessive tissue hydration or dehydration is avoided. If the plasma proteins. The colloid osmotic pressure of plasma tissue volume exceeds a certain range, swelling or edema proteins is typically 18 to 25 mm Hg in mammals when occurs. In extreme situations, the tissue swells with fluid to measured using a membrane that prevents the diffusion of the point that pressure dramatically increases and strongly all large molecules. opposes capillary filtration. The ability of tissues to allow Colloid osmotic pressure offsets the capillary hydro- substantial changes in interstitial volume with only small static blood pressure to the extent that the net filtration changes in pressure indicates that the interstitial space is force is only slightly positive or negative. If the capillary distensible. As a general rule, about 500 to 1,000 mL of pressure is sufficiently low, the balance of colloid osmotic and hydrostatic pressures is negative, and tissue water is ab- fluid can be withdrawn from the interstitial space of the en- sorbed into the capillary blood. The majority of organs tire body to help replace water losses due to sweating, diar- continuously form lymph, which indicates that capillary rhea, vomiting, or blood loss. and venular filtration pressures generally are larger than ab- sorption pressures. The balance of pressures is likely 1 to 2 The Balance of Filtration and Absorption Forces mm Hg in most organs. Regulates the Exchange of Fluid Between the Blood and the Tissues The Leakage of Plasma Proteins Into Tissues The role of hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures in de- Increases the Filtration of Fluid From the Blood termining fluid movement across capillaries was first postu- to the Tissues lated by the English physiologist Ernest Starling at the end of the nineteenth century. In the 1920s, the American A small amount of plasma protein enters the interstitial space; these proteins and, perhaps, native proteins of the physiologist Eugene Landis obtained experimental proof space generate the tissue colloid osmotic pressure. This pressure of 2 to 5 mm Hg offsets part of the colloid osmotic pressure in the plasma. This is, in a sense, a filtration pres- Edema sure that opposes the blood colloid osmotic pressure. As discussed earlier, the lymphatic vessels return plasma pro- teins in the interstitial fluid to the plasma.  Normal Hydrostatic Pressure in Tissues Can Either Tissue hydrostatic pressure 0 Favor or Oppose Fluid Filtration From the Blood to the Tissues The hydrostatic pressure on the tissue side of the endothe-  Safe range Excessive lial pores is the tissue hydrostatic pressure. This pressure is volume determined by the water volume in the interstitial space Dehydration and tissue distensibility. Tissue hydrostatic pressure can be increased by external compression, such as with support Interstitial fluid volume stockings, or by internal compression, such as in a muscle during contraction. The tissue hydrostatic pressure in vari- FIGURE 16.6 Variations in tissue hydrostatic pressure as interstitial fluid volume is altered. Under ous tissues during resting conditions is a matter of debate. normal conditions, tissue pressure is slightly negative (subatmos- Tissue pressure is probably slightly below atmospheric pheric), but an increase in volume can cause the pressure to be pressure (negative) to slightly positive (3 mm Hg) dur- positive. If the interstitial fluid volume exceeds the “safe range,” ing normal hydration of the interstitial space and becomes high tissue hydrostatic pressures and edema will be present. Tis- positive when excess water is in the interstitial space. Tis- sue dehydration can cause negative tissue hydrostatic pressures.

270 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY for Starling’s hypothesis. The relationship is defined for a change occurs in both venules and capillaries. CFC values single capillary by the Starling-Landis equation: in tissues such as skeletal muscle and the small intestine are typically in the range of 0.025 to 0.16 mL/min per mm Hg J V  K h A (P c  P t ) (COP p  COP t ) (5) per 100 g. J V is the net volume of fluid moving across the capillary The CFC replaces the hydraulic conductivity (K h ) and 3 wall per unit of time (m /min). K h is the hydraulic con- capillary surface area (A) in the Starling-Landis equation for ductivity for water, which is the fluid permeability of the filtration across a single capillary. The CFC can change if 2 3 capillary wall. K h is expressed as m /min/(m of capillary fluid permeability, the surface area (determined by the surface area) per mm Hg pressure difference. The value of number of perfused microvessels), or both are altered. For K h increases up to 4-fold from the arterial to the venous end example, during the intestinal absorption of foodstuff, par- of a typical capillary. A is the vascular surface area, P c is the ticularly lipids, both capillary fluid permeability and per- capillary hydrostatic pressure, and P t is the tissue hydro- fused surface area increase, dramatically increasing CFC. In static pressure. COP p and COP t represent the plasma and contrast, the skeletal muscle vasculature increases CFC pri- tissue colloid osmotic pressures, respectively, and  is the marily because of increased perfused capillary surface area reflection coefficient for plasma proteins. This coefficient during exercise and only small increases in fluid permeabil- is included because the microvascular wall is slightly per- ity occur. meable to plasma proteins, preventing the full expression of The hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure differ- the two colloid osmotic pressures. The value of  is 1 when ences across capillary walls—the Starling forces—cause molecules cannot cross the membrane (i.e., they are 100% the movement of water and dissolved solutes into the in- “reflected”) and 0 when molecules freely cross the mem- terstitial spaces. These movements are, however, nor- brane (i.e., they are not reflected at all). Typical  values mally quite small and contribute minimally to tissue nu- for plasma proteins in the microvasculature exceed 0.9 in trition. Most solutes transferred to the tissues move most organs other than the liver and spleen, which have across capillary walls by simple diffusion, not by bulk capillaries that are very permeable to plasma proteins. The flow of fluid. reflection coefficient is normally relatively constant but can be decreased dramatically by hypoxia, inflammatory processes, and tissue injury. This leads to increased fluid fil- THE REGULATION OF MICROVASCULAR tration because the effective colloid osmotic pressure is re- PRESSURES duced when the vessel wall becomes more permeable to plasma proteins. The microvascular pressures, both hydrostatic and col- The capillary exchange of fluid is bidirectional because loid osmotic, involved in transcapillary fluid exchange capillaries and venules may filter or absorb fluid, depending depend on how the microvasculature dissipates the pre- on the balance of hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pres- vailing arterial and venous pressures and on the concen- sures. It is possible that filtration occurs primarily at the ar- tration of plasma proteins. Plasma protein concentration teriolar end of capillaries, where filtration forces exceed ab- is determined largely by the rate of protein synthesis in sorptive forces. It is equally likely that fluid absorption the liver, where most of the plasma proteins are made. occurs in the venular end of the capillary and small venules Disorders that impair protein synthesis—liver diseases because the friction of blood flow in the capillary has dissi- and malnutrition and kidney diseases in which plasma pated the hydrostatic blood pressure. Based on directly proteins are filtered into the urine and lost—result in re- measured capillary hydrostatic and plasma colloid osmotic duced plasma protein concentration. A lowered plasma pressures, the entire length of the capillaries in skeletal colloid osmotic pressure favors the filtration of plasma muscle filters slightly all of the time, while the lower capil- water and gradually causes significant edema. Edema for- lary pressures in the intestinal mucosa and brain primarily mation in the abdominal cavity, known as ascites, can al- favor absorption along the entire capillary length. How- low large quantities of fluid to collect in and grossly dis- ever, as each of these organs does filter fluid, some of the tend the abdominal cavity. capillaries and, probably, the smaller arterioles are filtering fluid most of the time. The extrapolation of fluid filtration or absorption for a Capillary Pressure Is Determined by the single capillary to fluid exchange in a whole tissue is diffi- Resistance of and Blood Pressure in Arterioles cult. Within organs, there are regional variations in mi- and Venules crovascular pressures, possible filtration and absorption of fluid in vessels other than capillaries, and physiologically Capillary pressure (P c ) is not constant; it is influenced by and pathologically induced variations in the available sur- four major variables: precapillary (R pre ) and postcapillary face area for capillary exchange. Therefore, for whole or- (R post ) resistances and arterial (P a ) and venous (P v ) pres- gans, a measurement of total fluid movement relative to the sures. Precapillary and postcapillary resistances can be cal- mass of the tissue is used. To take into account the various culated from the pressure dissipated across the respective ˙ hydraulic conductivities and total surface areas of all vessels vascular regions divided by the total tissue blood flow (Q), involved, the volume (mL) of fluid moved per minute for a which is essentially equal for both regions: change of 1 mm Hg in capillary pressure for each 100 g of R pre  (P a  P c)/Q (6) ˙ tissue is determined. This value is called the capillary fil- tration coefficient (CFC), although it is likely that fluid ex- ˙ R post  (P c  P v)/Q (7)

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 271 In the majority of organ vasculatures, the precapillary re- Myogenic Vascular Regulation Allows Arterioles sistance is 3 to 6 times higher than the postcapillary resist- to Respond to Changes in Intravascular Pressure ance. This has a substantial effect on capillary pressure. To demonstrate the effect of precapillary and postcapil- Vascular smooth muscle can contract rapidly when stretched lary resistances on capillary pressure, we use the equations and, conversely, can reduce actively developed tension when for the precapillary and postcapillary resistances to solve passively shortened. In fact, vascular smooth muscle may be for blood flow: able to contract or relax when the load on the muscle is in- creased or decreased, respectively, even though the initial ˙ Q (P a  P c )/R pre  (P c  P v )/R post (8) muscle length is not substantially changed. These responses are known to persist as long as the initial stimulus is present, The two equations to the right of the flow term can be solved for capillary pressure: unless vasoconstriction reduces blood flow to the extent that tissue becomes severely hypoxic. This process, called myo- (9) P c  (R post /R pre )P a  P v genic regulation, is activated when microvascular pressure is increased or decreased. 1  (R post /R pre ) The cellular mechanisms responsible for myogenic reg- Equation 9 indicates that the ratio of postcapillary to pre- ulation are not entirely understood, but several possibilities capillary resistance, rather than the absolute magnitude of are likely involved. The first mechanism is a calcium ion-se- either resistance, determines the effect of arterial pressure lective channel that is opened in response to increased (P a ) on capillary pressure. In addition, venous pressure sub- membrane stretch or tension. Adding calcium to the cyto- stantially influences capillary pressure. The denominator plasm would activate the smooth muscle cell and result in also influences both pressure effects. At a typical postcapil- contraction. Limiting calcium entry would allow calcium lary to precapillary resistance ratio of 0.16:1, the denomina- pumps to remove calcium ions from the cytoplasm and fa- tor will be 1.16, which allows about 80% of a change in ve- vor relaxation. The second mechanism is a nonspecific nous pressure to be reflected back to the capillaries. The cation channel that is opened in proportion to cell mem- postcapillary to precapillary resistance ratio increases during brane stretch or tension. The entry of sodium ions through the arteriolar vasodilation that accompanies increased tissue open channels would depolarize the cell and lead to the metabolism; the decreased precapillary resistance and mini- opening of voltage-activated calcium channels, followed mal change in postcapillary resistance increase capillary by contraction as calcium ions flood into the cell. During pressure. Because the balance of hydrostatic and colloid os- reduced stretch or tension, the nonspecific channels would motic pressures is usually 2 to 2 mm Hg, a 10- to 15-mm close and allow hyperpolarization to occur. Hg increase in capillary pressure during maximum vasodila- Other mechanisms are likely involved in myogenic reg- tion can cause a profound increase in filtration. The in- ulation. What is clear is that vascular smooth muscle cells creased filtration associated with microvascular dilation is depolarize as the intravascular pressure is increased and hy- usually associated with a large increase in lymph produc- perpolarize as the pressure is decreased. In addition, myo- tion, which removes excess tissue fluid. genic mechanisms are extremely fast and appear to be able to adjust to most, rapid pressure changes. Myogenic regulation has some benefits. First, and per- Capillary Pressure Is Reduced When the haps most important, blood flow can be regulated when the Sympathetic Nervous System Increases arterial pressure is too high or too low for appropriate tis- Arteriolar Resistance sue blood flow. Second, the myogenic response helps pre- vent tissue edema when venous pressure is elevated by When sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes a substantial increase in precapillary resistance and a propor- more than about 5 to 10 mm Hg above the typical resting tionately smaller increase in postcapillary resistance, the values. The elevation of venous pressure results in an in- capillary pressure can decrease up to 15 mm Hg and, crease in capillary and arteriolar pressures. Myogenic arte- thereby, greatly increase the absorption of tissue fluid. This riolar constriction lowers the transmission of arterial pres- process is important. As mentioned earlier, fluid taken from sure to the capillaries and small venules to minimize the risk the interstitial space can compensate for vascular volume of edema, but at the expense of a decreased blood flow. The loss during sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea. As water is lost myogenic response to elevated venous pressure may be due by any of these processes, the plasma proteins are concen- to venous pressures transmitted backward through the cap- trated because they are not lost. illary bed to the arterioles and, perhaps, to some type of re- sponse initiated by venules and transmitted to arterioles, possibly through endothelial cells or local neurons. THE REGULATION OF MICROVASCULAR RESISTANCE Tissue Metabolism Influences Blood Flow The vascular smooth cells around arterioles and venules re- In all organs, an increase in metabolic rate is associated with spond to a wide variety of physical and chemical stimuli, increased blood flow and extraction of oxygen to meet the altering the diameter and resistance of the microvessels. metabolic needs of the tissues. In addition, a reduction in Here we consider the various physical and chemical con- oxygen within the blood is associated with dilation of the ditions in tissues that influence the muscle cells of the mi- arterioles and increased blood flow, assuming neural re- crovasculature. flexes to hypoxia are not activated. The local regulation of

272 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY the microvasculature in response to the metabolic needs of In contrast to venules, many arterioles have a normal-to- tissues involves many different types of cellular mecha- slightly increased periarteriolar oxygen tension during nisms, one of which is linked to oxygen availability. skeletal muscle contractions because the increased delivery Oxygen is not stored in appreciable amounts in tissues, of oxygen through elevated blood flow offsets the in- and the oxygen concentration will fall to nearly zero in creased use of oxygen by tissues immediately around the ar- about one minute if blood flow is stopped in any organ. An teriole. Therefore, as long as blood flow is allowed to in- increase in metabolic rate would decrease the tissue oxygen crease substantially, it is unlikely that oxygen availability at concentration and possibly directly signal vascular muscle the arteriolar wall is a major factor in the sustained vasodi- to relax by limiting the production of ATP for the contrac- lation that occurs during increased metabolism. tion of smooth muscle cells. Figure 16.7 shows examples of Recent studies indicate that vascular smooth muscle the changes in oxygen partial pressure (tension) around ar- cells are not particularly responsive to a broad range of terioles (periarteriolar space), in the capillary bed, and oxygen tensions. Only unusually low or high oxygen ten- around large venules during skeletal muscle contractions. sions seem to be associated with direct changes in vascular At rest, venular blood oxygen tension is usually higher than smooth muscle force. However, either oxygen depletion in the capillary bed, possibly because venules acquire oxy- from an organ’s cells or an increased metabolic rate does gen that diffuses out of nearby arterioles. Although both cause the release of adenine nucleotides, free adenosine, periarteriolar and capillary bed tissue oxygen tensions de- Krebs cycle intermediates, and, in hypoxic conditions, lac- crease at the onset of contractions, both are restored as ar- tic acid. There is a large potential source of various mole- teriolar dilation occurs. The oxygen tension in venular cules, most of which cause vasodilation at physiological blood rapidly and dramatically decreases at the onset of concentrations, to influence the regulation of blood flow. skeletal muscle contractions and demonstrates little recov- An increase in hydrogen ion concentration, resulting ery despite increased blood flow. The sustained decline in from accumulation of carbonic acid (formed from CO 2 and venular blood oxygen tension probably reflects increased water) or acidic metabolites (such as lactic acid), causes va- extraction of oxygen from the blood. It is apparent from sodilation. However, usually only transient increases in ve- Figure 16.7 that the oxygen tension of venular blood in nous blood and interstitial tissue acidity occur if blood flow skeletal muscle is not a trustworthy indicator of the oxygen through an organ with increased metabolism is allowed to status of the capillary bed at rest or during contractions. increase appropriately. Endothelial Cells Can Release Chemicals That Cause Relaxation or Constriction of Arterioles An important contributor to local vascular regulation is re- leased by endothelial cells. This substance, endothelium- derived relaxing factor (EDRF), is released from all arteries, microvessels, veins, and lymphatic endothelial cells. EDRF is nitric oxide (NO), which is formed by the action of ni- tric oxide synthase on the amino acid arginine. NO causes the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle by inducing an in- crease in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). When cGMP is increased, the smooth muscle cell extrudes cal- cium ions and decreases calcium entry into the cell, in- hibiting contraction and enzymatic processes that depend on calcium ions. Compounds such as acetylcholine, hista- mine, and adenine nucleotides (ATP, ADP) released into the interstitial space, as well as hypertonic conditions and hypoxia cause the release of NO. Adenosine causes NO re- lease from endothelial cells and directly relaxes vascular smooth muscle cells through adenosine receptors. Another important mechanism to release NO is the Arteriolar dilation and tissue oxygen ten- shear stress generated by blood moving past the endothe- FIGURE 16.7 sions during skeletal muscle contractions. lial cells. Frictional forces between moving blood and the The decrease in arteriolar, capillary bed, and venous oxygen ten- stationary endothelial cells distort the endothelial cells, sions at the start of contractions reflects increased oxygen use, opening special potassium channels and causing endothe- which is not replenished by increased blood flow until the arteri- lial cell hyperpolarization. This increases calcium ion entry oles dilate. As arteriolar dilation occurs, arteriolar wall and capil- into the cell down the increased electrical gradient. The el- lary bed oxygen tensions are substantially restored, but venous evated cytosolic calcium ion concentration activates en- blood has a low oxygen tension. During recovery, oxygen ten- dothelial nitric oxide synthase to form more NO, and the sions transiently increase above resting values because blood flow remains temporarily elevated as oxygen use is rapidly lowered to blood vessels dilate. normal. (Modified from Lash JM, Bohlen HG. Perivascular and This mechanism is used to coordinate various sized arte- tissue PO 2 in contracting rat spinotrapezius muscle. Am J Physiol rioles and small arteries. As small arterioles dilate in re- 1987;252:H1192–H1202.) sponse to some signal from the tissue, the increased blood

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 273 flow increases the shear stress in larger arterioles and small In damaged heart tissue, such as after poor blood flow arteries, which prompts their endothelial cells to release resulting in an infarct, cardiac endothelial cells increase en- NO and relax the smooth muscle. As larger arterioles and dothelin production. The endothelin stimulates both vas- small arteries control much more of the total vascular re- cular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle to contract more sistance than do small arterioles, the cooperation of the vigorously and induces the growth of surviving cardiac larger resistance vessels is vital to adjusting blood flow to cells. However, excessive stimulation and hypertrophy of the needs of the tissue. Examples of this process, called cells appears to contribute to heart failure, failure of con- flow-mediated vasodilation, have been observed in cere- tractility, and excessive enlargement of the heart. Part of bral, skeletal muscle, and small intestinal vasculatures. En- the stimulation of endothelin production in the injured dothelial cells of arterioles also release vasodilatory heart may be the damage per se. Also, increased formation prostaglandins when blood flow and shear stress are in- of angiotensin II and norepinephrine during chronic heart creased. However, NO appears to be the dominant va- disease stimulates endothelin production, probably at the sodilator molecule for flow-dependent regulation. Clinical gene expression level. Activation of protein kinase C Focus Box 16.1 describes the defects in endothelial cell (PKC) increases the expression of the c-jun proto-onco- function and NO production that are a major contribution gene, which, in turn, activates the preproendothelin-1 to the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. gene. Endothelin has also been implicated as a contributor Endothelial cells also release one of the most potent vaso- to renal vascular failure, both pulmonary hypertension and constrictor agents, the 21 amino acid peptide endothelin. the systemic hypertension associated with insulin resist- Extremely small amounts are released under natural condi- ance, and the spasmodic contraction of cerebral blood ves- tions. Endothelin is the most potent biological constrictor of sels exposed to blood after a brain injury or stroke associ- blood vessels yet to be found. The vasoconstriction occurs ated with blood loss to brain tissue. because of a cascade of events beginning with phospholipase C activation and leading to activation of protein kinase C (see Chapter 1). Two major types of endothelin receptors The Sympathetic Nervous System have been identified and others may exist. The constrictor Regulates Blood Pressure and Flow function of endothelin is mediated by type B endothelin re- by Constricting the Microvessels ceptors. Type A endothelin receptors cause hyperplasia and Although the microvasculature uses local control mecha- hypertrophy of vascular muscle cells and the release of NO nisms to adjust vascular resistance based on the physical from endothelial cells. The precise function of endothelin in and chemical environment of the tissue and vasculature, the the normal vasculature is not clear; however, it is active dur- dominant regulatory system is the sympathetic nervous sys- ing embryological development. In knockout mice, the ab- tem. As Chapter 18 explains, the arterial pressure is moni- sence of the endothelin A receptor results in serious cardiac tored moment-to-moment by the baroreceptor system, and defects so newborns are not viable. An absence of the type B the brain adjusts the cardiac output and systemic vascular receptor is associated with an enlarged colon, eventually resistance as needed via the sympathetic and parasympa- leading to death. Endothelin clearly has functions other than thetic nervous systems. Sympathetic nerves communicate vascular regulation. with the resistance vessels and venous system through the CLINICAL FOCUS BOX 16.1 Diabetes Mellitus and Microvascular Function ease as a result of endothelial cell abnormalities; loss of More than 95% of persons with diabetes experience peri- toes or whole legs as a result of microvascular and athero- ods of elevated blood glucose concentration, or hyper- sclerotic pathology; and loss of retinal microvessels fol- glycemia, as a result of inadequate insulin action and the lowed by a pathological overgrowth of capillaries, leading resulting decreased glucose transport into the muscle and to blindness. The kidney glomerular capillaries are also fat tissues and increased glucose release from the liver. damaged—this may lead to renal failure. The most common cause of diabetes mellitus is obesity, The mechanism of many of these abnormalities ap- which increases the requirement for insulin to the extent pears to stem from the fact that hyperglycemia activates that even the high insulin concentrations provided by the protein kinase C (PKC) in endothelial cells. PKC inhibits ni- pancreatic beta cells are insufficient. This overall condition tric oxide synthase, so NO formation is gradually sup- is called insulin resistance. pressed. This leads to loss of an important vasodilatory Obesity independent of periods of hyperglycemia does stimulus (NO) and vasoconstriction. PKC also activates not injure the microvasculature. However, periods of hy- phospholipase C, leading to increased diacylglycerol and perglycemia over time cause reduced nitric oxide (NO) arachidonic acid formation. The increased availability of production by endothelial cells, increased reactivity of vas- arachidonic acid leads to increased prostaglandin synthe- cular smooth muscle to norepinephrine, accelerated ather- sis and the generation of oxygen radicals that destroy part osclerosis, and a reduced ability of microvessels to partic- of the NO present. In addition, oxygen radicals damage ipate in tissue repair. The consequences are cells of the microvasculature, and produce long-term prob- cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) and coronary artery dis- lems caused by DNA breakage.

274 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY release of norepinephrine onto the surface of smooth mus- cle cells in vessel walls. Because sympathetic nerves form an extensive mesh- work of axons over the exterior of the microvessels, all vas- cular smooth muscle cells are likely to receive norepineph- rine. Since the diffusion path is a few microns, norepinephrine rapidly reaches the vascular muscle and ac- tivates -adrenergic receptors, and constriction begins within 2 to 5 seconds. Sympathetic nerve activation must occur quickly because rapid changes in body position or % sudden exertion require immediate responses to maintain or increase arterial pressure. The sympathetic nervous sys- tem routinely overrides local regulatory mechanisms in most organs—except the heart and skeletal muscle—dur- ing exercise. But even in these, the sympathetic nervous system curtails somewhat the full increase in blood flow during submaximal contractions. Certain Organs Control Their Blood Flow via Autoregulation and Reactive Hyperemia If the arterial blood pressure to an organ is decreased to the extent that blood flow is compromised, the vascular resist- ance decreases and blood flow returns to approximately normal. If arterial pressure is elevated, flow is initially in- % creased, but the vascular resistance increases and restores the blood flow toward normal; this is known as autoregu- lation of blood flow. Autoregulation appears to be prima- rily related to metabolic and myogenic control, as well as an increased release of NO if the tissue oxygen availability decreases. The cerebral and cardiac vasculatures, followed closely by the renal vasculature, are most able to autoregu- late blood flow. Skeletal muscle and intestinal vasculatures FIGURE 16.8 Autoregulation of blood flow and vascular exhibit less well-developed autoregulation. resistance as mean arterial pressure is al- A phenomenon related to autoregulation is reactive hy- tered. The safe range for blood flow is about 80 to 125% of nor- peremia. When blood flow to any organ is stopped or re- mal and usually occurs at arterial pressures of 60 to 160 mm Hg duced by vascular compression for more than a few sec- due to active adjustments of vascular resistance. At pressures above about 160 mm Hg, vascular resistance decreases because onds, vascular resistance dramatically decreases. Absence the pressure forces dilation to occur; at pressures below 60 mm of blood flow allows vasodilatory chemicals to accumulate Hg, the vessels are fully dilated, and resistance cannot be appre- as hypoxia occurs; the vessels also dilate due to decreased ciably decreased further. myogenic stimulation (low microvascular pressure). As soon as the vascular compression is removed, blood flow is dramatically increased for a few minutes. The excess blood in the part is called hyperemia; it is a reaction to the previ- eventually leading to rupture of small vessels and excess ous period of ischemia. A good example of reactive hyper- fluid filtration into the tissue and edema. emia is the redness of skin seen after a compression has Although the various mechanisms responsible for au- been removed. toregulation are constantly interacting with the sympa- An example of autoregulation, based on data from the thetic nervous system, the actions of the sympathetic nerv- cerebral vasculature, is shown in Figure 16.8. Note that the ous system usually prevail in most organs. Only the arterioles continue to dilate at arterial pressures below 60 cerebral and cardiac vasculatures exhibit impressive au- mm Hg, when blood flow begins to decrease significantly toregulatory abilities because the sympathetic nervous sys- as arterial pressure is further lowered. The vessels clearly tem is incapable of causing large increases in resistance in cannot dilate sufficiently to maintain blood flow at very the brain and heart. Sympathetic dominance of vascular low arterial pressures. At greater-than-normal arterial pres- control in the majority of organ systems is beneficial to the sures, the arterioles constrict. If the mean arterial pressure body as a whole. Maintenance of the arterial pressure by is elevated appreciably above 150 to 160 mm Hg, the ves- sustained constriction of most peripheral vascular beds and sel walls cannot maintain sufficient tension to oppose pas- perfusion of the heart and brain at the expense of the other sive distension by the high arterial pressure. The result is organs that can tolerate reduced blood flow for prolonged excessive blood flow and high microvascular pressures, periods of time is lifesaving in an emergency.

CHAPTER 16 The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System 275 REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered (D) The autoregulation of blood flow 11.When the sympathetic nervous system items or incomplete statements in this (E) Its role as a blood reservoir is activated, section is followed by answers or 6. When lipid-soluble molecules pass (A) Norepinephrine is released by the completions of the statement. Select the through a capillary wall, they primarily vascular smooth muscle cells ONE lettered answer or completion that is cross through (B) Acetylcholine is released onto BEST in each case. (A) The lipid component of cell vascular smooth muscle cells membranes (C) Norepinephrine is released from 1. The vessels most responsible for both (B) The water-filled spaces between axons onto the arteriolar wall controlling systemic vascular resistance cells (D) The arterioles constrict because and regulating blood flow to a (C) The specialized transport proteins nitric oxide production is suppressed particular organ are the of the cell membranes (E) The endothelial cells induce (A) Small arteries (D) The pinocytotic-exocytotic vascular smooth muscle cells to (B) Arterioles vesicles formed by endothelial cells constrict (C) Capillaries (E) Filtration through the capillary wall 12.At a constant blood flow, an increase (D) Venules 7. Venules function to collect blood from in the number of perfused capillaries (E) Lymphatic vessels the tissue and improves the exchange between blood 2. The structures between adjacent (A) Act as a substantial source of and tissue because of capillary endothelial cells that resistance to regulate blood flow (A) Greater surface area for the primarily determine what size water- (B) Serve as a reservoir for blood in the diffusion of molecules soluble molecules can enter the tissue cardiovascular system (B) Faster flow velocity of plasma and are the (C) Are virtually impermeable to both red blood cells in capillaries (A) Fiber matrices at the blood side of large and small molecules (C) Increased permeability of the endothelial pores (D) Are about the same diameter as microvasculature (B) Molecular-sized openings within arterioles (D) Decreased concentration of the tight junctions (E) Exchange a large amount of oxygen chemicals in the capillary blood (C) Basement membrane structures of with the tissue. (E) Increased distances between the the capillary 8. The interstitial space can best be capillaries (D) Plasma proteins trapped in the described as a 13.For an arterial blood content of 20 mL spaces between cells (A) Water-filled space with a low oxygen per 100 mL blood and venous (E) Rare, large defects found between plasma protein concentration blood content of 15 mL oxygen per adjacent endothelial cells (B) Viscous space with a high plasma 100 mL of blood, how much oxygen is 3. The major pressures that determine protein concentration transferred from blood to tissue if the filtration and absorption of fluid by (C) Space with alternating gel and blood flow is 200 mL/min? capillaries are the liquid areas with a low plasma protein (A) 5 mL/min (A) Capillary hydrostatic pressure and concentration (B) 10 mL/min plasma colloid osmotic pressure (D) Space primarily filled with gel-like (C) 15 mL/min (B) Plasma colloid osmotic pressure material and a small amount of liquid (D) 20 mL/min and interstitial hydrostatic pressure (E) Major barrier to the diffusion of (E) 25 mL/min (C) Interstitial hydrostatic pressure and water and lipid-soluble molecules 14.Assume plasma proteins have a tissue colloid osmotic pressure 9. An arteriole with a damaged reflection coefficient of 0.9, plasma (D) Capillary hydrostatic pressure and endothelial cell layer will not colloid osmotic pressure is 24 mm Hg, tissue colloid osmotic pressure (A) Constrict when intravascular and tissue colloid osmotic pressure is 4 (E) Plasma colloid osmotic pressure pressure is increased mm Hg. What is the net pressure and tissue colloid osmotic pressure (B) Dilate when adenosine is applied to available for filtration or absorption of 4. Myogenic vascular regulation is a the vessel wall fluid if capillary hydrostatic pressure is cellular response initiated by (C) Constrict in response to 23 mm Hg and tissue hydrostatic (A) A lack of oxygen in the tissue norepinephrine pressure is 1 mm Hg? (B) Nitric oxide release by vascular (D) Dilate in response to adenosine (A) 1 mm Hg muscle cells diphosphate (ADP) or acetylcholine (B) 2 mm Hg (C) Stretch or tension on vascular (E) Dilate when blood flow is reduced (C) 3 mm Hg muscle cells 10.The first step for lymphatic vessels to (D) 4 mm Hg (D) Shear stress on the endothelial remove excess fluid from interstitial (E) 5 mm Hg cells tissue spaces is by (E) An accumulation of metabolites in (A) Generating a lower intravascular SUGGESTED READING the tissue than tissue hydrostatic pressure Davis MJ, Hill MA. Signaling mechanisms 5. The most important function of the (B) Contracting and forcing lymph underlying the vascular myogenic re- microcirculation is into larger lymphatics sponse. Physiol Rev 1999;79:387–423. (A) The exchange of nutrients and (C) Opening and closing one-way Milnor WR. Hemodynamics. Baltimore: wastes between blood and tissue valves in the lymph vessels Williams & Wilkins, 1982;11–96. (B) The filtration of water through (D) Lowering the colloid osmotic Weinbaum S, Curry FE. Modelling the capillaries pressure inside the lymph vessel structural pathways for transcapillary (C) The regulation of vascular (E) Closing the opening between exchange. Symp Soc Exp Biol resistance adjacent lymphatic endothelial cells 1995;49:323–345.

Special Circulations CHAPTER 17 17 H. Glenn Bohlen, Ph.D. CHAPTER OUTLINE ■ CORONARY CIRCULATION ■ SKELETAL MUSCLE CIRCULATION ■ CEREBRAL CIRCULATION ■ DERMAL CIRCULATION ■ SMALL INTESTINE CIRCULATION ■ FETAL AND PLACENTAL CIRCULATIONS ■ HEPATIC CIRCULATION KEY CONCEPTS 1. The ability of the heart to pump blood depends almost ex- because of its limited oxygen requirements, but flow and clusively on oxygen supplied by the coronary microcircula- oxygen use can increase up to or beyond 20-fold during in- tion. tense muscle activity. 2. Brain blood flow increases when the neurons are active 6. The skin has a low oxygen requirement, but the high blood and require additional oxygen. flow during warm temperatures or exercise supplies a 3. The regulation of intestinal blood flow during nutrient ab- large amount of heat for dissipation to the external envi- sorption depends on the elevated sodium chloride concen- ronment. tration in the tissue and the release of nitric oxide (NO). 7. The fetus obtains nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s 4. The liver receives the portal venous blood from the gas- blood supply, using the combined maternal and fetal pla- trointestinal organs as its main blood supply, supple- cental circulations. mented by hepatic arterial blood. 8. The heart chambers have radically different roles in pump- 5. Skeletal muscle tissue receives minimal blood flow at rest ing blood in the fetus and adult. his chapter discusses the anatomical and physiological as much oxygen as does an equal mass of skeletal muscle dur- Tproperties of the vasculatures in the heart, brain, small ing vigorous exercise (see Table 17.1). Coronary blood flow intestine, liver, skeletal muscle, and skin. Table 17.1 pres- can normally increase about 4- to 5-fold, to provide more of ents data on blood flow and oxygen use by these different the heart’s oxygen needs, during heavy exercise. This incre- organs and tissues. The features of each vasculature, which ment in blood flow constitutes the coronary blood flow re- are related to the specific functions and specialized needs serve. The ability to increase the blood flow to provide addi- of each organ or tissue, are described. The vascular tional oxygen is imperative. Heart tissue extracts almost the anatomy and physiology of the fetus and placenta and the maximum amount of oxygen from blood during resting con- circulatory changes that occur at birth are also presented. ditions. Because the heart’s ability to use anaerobic glycolysis The pulmonary and renal circulations are discussed in to provide energy is limited, the only practical way to increase Chapters 20 and 23. energy production is to increase blood flow and oxygen de- livery. The production of lactic acid by the heart is an omi- nous sign of grossly inadequate oxygenation. CORONARY CIRCULATION The Work Done by the Heart Determines Its Cardiac Blood Flow Decreases During Systole and Oxygen Use and Blood Flow Requirements Increases During Diastole The coronary circulation provides blood flow to the heart. Blood flow through the left ventricle decreases to a minimum During resting conditions, the heart muscle consumes about when the muscle contracts because the small blood vessels 276

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 277 TABLE 17.1 Blood Flow and Oxygen Consumption of the Major Systemic Organs Estimated for a 70-kg Adult Man Flow Oxygen Use (mL/100g Total Flow (mL/100g Total Oxygen Organ Mass(kg) per min) (mL/min) per min) Use (mL/min) Hear Rest 0.4–0.5 60–80 250 7.0–9.0 25–40 Exercise 200–300 1,000–1,200 25.0–40.0 65–85 Brain 1.4 50–60 750 4.0–5.0 50–60 Small intestine Rest 3 30–40 1,500 1.5–2.0 50–60 Absorption 45–70 2,200–2,600 2.5–3.5 80–110 Liver Total 1.8–2.0 100–300 1,400–1,500 13.0–14.0 180–200 Portal 70–90 1,100 5.0–7.0 Hepatic Artery 30–40 350 5.0–7.0 Muscle Rest 28 2–6 750–1,000 0.2–0.4 60 Exercise 40–100 15,000–20,000 8.0–15.0 2,400–? Skin Rest 2.0–2.5 1–3 200–500 0.1–0.2 2–4 Exercise 5–15 1,000–2,500 are compressed. Blood flow in the left coronary artery during derived from the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate cardiac systole is only 10 to 30% of that during diastole, (ATP) in cardiac cells, is a potent vasodilator, and its release when the heart musculature is relaxed and most of the blood increases whenever cardiac metabolism is increased or flow occurs. The compression effect of systole on blood flow blood flow to the heart is experimentally or pathologically is minimal in the right ventricle, probably as a result of the decreased. Blockade of the vasodilator actions of adenosine lower pressures developed by a smaller muscle mass with theophylline, however, does not prevent coronary va- (Fig. 17.1). Changes in blood flow during the cardiac cycle sodilation when cardiac work is increased, blood flow is in healthy people have no obvious deleterious effects even suppressed, or the arterial blood is depleted of oxygen. during maximal exercise; however, in people with compro- Therefore, while adenosine is likely an important contribu- mised coronary arteries, an increased heart rate decreases the tor to cardiac vascular regulation, there are obviously other time spent in diastole, impairing coronary blood flow. potent regulatory agents. Vasodilatory prostaglandins, H , The heart musculature is perfused from the epicardial CO 2 , NO, and decreased availability of oxygen, as well as (outside) surface to the endocardial (inside) surface. Mi- myogenic mechanisms, are capable of contributing to coro- crovascular pressures are dissipated by blood flow friction nary vascular regulation. No single mechanism adequately as the vessels pass through the heart tissue. Therefore, the explains the dilation of coronary arterioles and small arter- mechanical compression of systole has more effect on the ies when the metabolic rate of the heart is increased, or blood flow through the endocardial layers where compres- when pathological or experimental means are used to re- sive forces are higher and microvascular pressures are strict blood flow. However, the release of NO from en- lower. This problem occurs particularly in heart diseases of dothelial cells—in response to blood flow-mediated dila- all types, and most kinds of tissue impairment affect the tion (see Chapter 16) and in response to ATP, adenosine subendocardial layers. diphosphate (ADP), tissue acidosis, and decreased oxygen availability—appears to be one of the most important mechanisms to produce vasodilation. Coronary Vascular Resistance Is Primarily Coronary arteries and arterioles are innervated by the Regulated by Responses to Heart Metabolism sympathetic nervous system and can be constricted by nor- Animal studies indicate that about 75% of total coronary epinephrine, whether released from nerves or carried in the vascular resistance occurs in vessels with inner diameters of arterial blood. The constrictor mechanism appears to be less than about 200 m. This observation is supported by more important in equalizing blood flow through the lay- clinical measurements in humans that show little arterial ers of the heart than in reducing blood flow to the heart pressure dissipation in normal coronary arteries prior to muscle in general. The coronary arteries and larger arteri- their smaller branches entering the heart muscle tissue. The oles predominately have  1 receptors, which induce vascu- majority of the coronary resistance vessels—the small ar- lar constriction when activated by norepinephrine. Smaller teries and arterioles—are surrounded by cardiac muscle arterioles predominately have  receptors, which cause va- cells and are exposed to chemicals released by cardiac cells sodilation in response to epinephrine released by the adre- into the interstitial space. Many of these chemicals cause nal medulla during sympathetic activity. In addition, epi- dilation of the coronary arterioles. For example, adenosine, nephrine increases the metabolic rate of the heart via  1

278 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY what would exist without sympathetic effects on resist- Systole Diastole ance vessels, for improved perfusion of the tissue at risk in the deeper layers of the heart. Aortic blood pressure (mm Hg) Coronary Vascular Disease Limits Cardiac Blood 120 Flow and Cardiac Work Pathology of the coronary vasculature is the direct cause of cieties. Prior to death, most of these people have impaired 80 death in about one third of the population in developed so- cardiac function as a result of coronary artery disease, lead- 100 ing to heart failure with decreased quality of life. Progres- sive occlusion of coronary arteries by atherosclerotic Left coronary artery blood flow (mL/min) blood clots in damaged coronary arteries are life-threaten- plaques and acute occlusion as a result of the formation of ing because the metabolic needs of the cardiac muscle can no longer be met by the blood flow. Because the plaque or clot partially occludes the vessel lumen, vascular resistance is increased, and blood flow would decrease if smaller coro- nary vessels did not dilate to restore a relatively normal blood flow at rest. In doing so, the reserve for dilation of 0 these vessels is compromised. While this usually has no ef- fect at rest, when cardiac metabolism is increased, the de- Right coronary artery blood flow (mL/min) formance. In many cases, inadequate blood flow is first 50 creased ability to increase blood flow can limit cardiac per- noticed as chest pain—known as angina pectoris—origi- nating from the heart, and a feeling of shortness of breath during exercise or work. The vascular occlusion can cause 0 conditions ranging from impaired contractile ability of the 0.6 1.2 cardiac muscle, which limits cardiac output and tolerance Time (sec) to everyday work and exercise, to death of the muscle tis- Aortic blood pressure and left and right sue, a cardiac infarct. FIGURE 17.1 coronary blood flows during the cardiac cy- If the coronary occlusion is not severe, medication can cle. Note that left coronary artery blood flow decreases dramati- be used to cause coronary vasodilation or decreased car- cally during the isovolumetric phase of systole, prior to opening diac work, or both. If the arterial pressure is higher than of the aortic valve. Left coronary artery blood flow remains lower normal, various approaches are used to lower the blood during systole than during diastole because of compression of the pressure, decreasing the heart’s workload and oxygen coronary blood vessels in the contracting myocardium. The left ventricle receives most of its arterial blood inflow during diastole. needs. In addition to pharmacological treatment, mild to Right coronary artery blood flow tends to be sustained during moderate exercise, depending on the status of the coro- both systole and diastole because lower intraventricular pressures nary disease, is often advised. Aerobic exercise stimulates are developed by the contracting right ventricle, resulting in less the development of collateral vessels in the heart, im- compression of coronary blood vessels. (Adapted from Gregg DE, proves the overall performance of the cardiovascular sys- Khouri EM, Rayford CR. Systemic and coronary energetics in the tem, and increases the efficiency of the body during work resting unanesthetized dog. Circ Res 1965;16:102–113; and and daily activities. This latter effect lowers the cardiac Lowensohn HS, et al. Phasic right coronary artery blood flow in output needed for a given task, thereby decreasing the conscious dogs with normal and elevated right ventricular pres- heart’s metabolic energy requirement. sures. Circ Res 1976;39:760–766.) Significant changes in lifestyle—including strictly lim- iting dietary fat (especially saturated fat), strenuous and prolonged daily exercise, and reduced mental stress— receptors. This, in turn, leads to dilatory stimuli that po- have been shown to greatly slow and even slightly reverse tentially could overcome vasoconstriction. coronary atherosclerosis. The goal is to lower blood lev- The overall concept evolving from both human and els of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), which are known animal studies is that the sympathetic nervous system to accelerate the formation of cholesterol-containing ar- suppresses the decrease in coronary vascular resistance terial plaques. The LDL concentration should typically be during exercise despite the metabolic effects of epineph- lowered below 120 mg/dL, but some cardiologists favor rine mentioned. The partial constriction of large coro- lowering levels below 100 mg/dL. For most people, re- nary arterioles and most arteries by norepinephrine ap- ductions in LDL below 120 mg/dL are not attainable with pears to limit the retrograde flow of blood during diet and exercise. In those persons, drugs, known as ventricular systole and, in doing so, prevents part of the statins, which block the formation of cholesterol in the decreased flow in the deep layers of the heart wall. In ef- liver, appear to be highly effective in decreasing the risk fect, the body trades a small decrease in flow, relative to and severity of coronary artery disease. Simultaneous

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 279 treatment with an aerobic exercise program and large CEREBRAL CIRCULATION amounts of niacin, to increase high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), may help the body remove cholesterol for pro- The ultimate organ of life is the brain. Even the determina- cessing in the liver. (See Clinical Focus Box 17.1). tion of death often depends upon whether or not the brain is viable. The most common cause of brain injury is some form of impaired brain blood flow. Such problems can de- Collateral Vessels Interconnect Sections velop as a result of accidents to arteries in the neck or brain, of the Cardiac Microvasculature occlusion of vessels secondary to atherosclerotic processes, and, surprisingly frequently, aneurysms that occur as a re- One of the likely contributing factors to compensate for sult of vessel wall tearing. Fortunately, treatment of these slowly developing coronary vascular disease is the enlarge- problems is constantly improving. ment of collateral blood vessels between the left and right coronary arterial systems or among parts of each system. In the healthy heart of a sedentary person, collateral arterial Brain Blood Flow Is Virtually Constant vessels are rare, but arteriolar collaterals (internal diameter, Despite Changes in Arterial Blood Pressure 100 m) do occur in small numbers. The expansion of The cerebral circulation shares many of the physiological existing collateral vessels and the limited formation of new characteristics of the coronary circulation. The heart and collaterals provide a partial bypass for blood flow to areas brain have a high metabolic rate (see Table 17.1), extract a of muscle whose primary supply vessels are impaired. large amount of oxygen from blood, and have a limited Subendocardial arteriolar collaterals usually enlarge more ability to use anaerobic glycolysis for metabolism. Their than epicardial collaterals. In part, the greater collateral en- vessels have a limited ability to constrict in response to largement in the endocardium compared to the epicardium sympathetic nerve stimulation. As described in Chapter 16, may be due to the lower pressure and blood flow in reach- the brain and coronary vasculatures have an excellent abil- ing the endocardial vessels. ity to autoregulate blood flow at arterial pressures from about The exact mechanism responsible for the development of 50 to 60 mm Hg to about 150 to 160 mm Hg. The vascula- collateral vessels is unknown. However, periods of inade- ture of the brainstem exhibits the most precise autoregula- quate blood flow to the heart muscle caused by experimental tion, with good but less precise regulation of blood flow in flow reduction do stimulate collateral enlargement in healthy the cerebral cortex. This regional variation in autoregula- animals. It is assumed that in humans with coronary vascular tory ability has clinical implications because the region of disease who develop functional collateral vessels, the mech- the brain most likely to suffer at low arterial pressure is the anism is related to occasional or even sustained periods of in- cortex, where consciousness will be lost long before the au- adequate blood flow. Whether or not routine exercise aids in tomatic cardiovascular and ventilatory regulatory functions the development of collaterals in healthy humans is debat- of the brainstem are compromised. able; the benefits of exercise may be by other mechanisms, A variety of mechanisms are responsible for cerebral vas- such as enlargement of the primary perfusion vessels and the cular autoregulation. The identification of a specific chemi- reduction of atherosclerosis. However, there is no doubt that cal that causes cerebral autoregulation has not been possible. frequent and relatively intense aerobic exercise is beneficial For example, when blood flow is normal, regardless of the ar- to cardiac vascular function. terial blood pressure, little extra adenosine, K , H , or other CLINICAL FOCUS BOX 17.1 Coronary Vascular Disease this is a much more invasive surgery and often requires Approximately 45% of the adult population in the United several months of recovery. States will, at some time during their lifetimes, require Despite, the multiple treatments available to deal with ex- medical or surgical intervention because of atherosclero- isting coronary artery blockage, the ideal treatment is to avoid sis of the coronary arteries. The typical circumstance is the problem. Excessive intake of cholesterol-rich food, seden- rupture of the endothelial layer over an atherosclerotic tary lifestyles that tend to raise low-density lipoproteins (LDL) plaque, followed by a clot that occludes or nearly oc- and lower high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and obesity lead- cludes a coronary artery. About 10% of these incidents ing to insulin resistance are key problems leading to acceler- result in death before the patient reaches the hospital. ated coronary heart disease. Two of the three can be ad- For those who reach a coronary care facility, about 70% dressed with a lowered cholesterol and calorie-restricted diet will be alive 1 year later, and about 50% will be alive in 5 to promote loss of body fat. Aerobic exercise of any type for years. If the patient does not have a risk of bleeding, the approximately 30 minutes, 3 days a week, has consistently clot can be dissolved by administering tissue plasmino- been shown to lower LDL and raise HDL, as well as aid in body gen activator or streptokinase. If the blood flow is quickly fat loss. Pharmacological blockade of cholesterol synthesis in restored within a few hours, the damage to the heart the liver with the statin family of compounds is effective to muscle can be minimal. In some cases, advancing a both prevent second heart attacks and lower the risk of a first catheter into the blocked artery to expand the vessel and heart attack. These drugs are so effective that in the near fu- remove the clot is the best approach. In a few cases, ture, most persons older than age 50 may be advised to follow emergency replacement of the blocked artery is required; a dietary and exercise plan complemented with statin therapy.

280 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY vasodilator metabolites are released, and brain tissue P O2 re- of the blood-brain barrier is more easily disrupted. There- mains relatively constant. However, increasing concentra- fore, some aspect of sympathetic nerve activity other than tions of any of these chemicals causes vasodilation and in- the routine regulation of vascular resistance is important for creased blood flow. The brain vasculature does exhibit the maintenance of normal cerebral vascular function. This myogenic vascular responses and may use this mechanism as may occur because of a trophic factor that promotes the a major contributor to autoregulation. Animal studies indi- health of endothelial and smooth muscle cells in the cere- cate that both the cerebral arteries and cerebral arterioles are bral microvessels. involved in cerebral vascular autoregulation and other types of vascular responses. In fact, the arteries can change their re- sistance almost proportionately to the arterioles during au- The Cerebral Vasculature Adapts to toregulation. This may occur in part because cerebral arter- Chronic High Blood Pressure ies exhibit myogenic vascular responses and because they are In conditions of chronic hypertension, cerebral vascular re- partially to fully embedded in the brain tissues and would sistance increases, thereby allowing cerebral blood flow likely be influenced by the same vasoactive chemicals in the and, presumably, capillary pressures to be normal. The interstitial space as affect the arterioles. adaptation of cerebral vessels to sustained hypertension lets them maintain vasoconstriction at arterial pressures that Brain Microvessels Are Sensitive to CO 2 and H  would overcome the contractile ability of a normal vascula- ture (Fig. 17.2). The cerebral vasculature dilates in response to increased The mechanisms that enable the cerebral vasculature to CO 2 and H and constricts if either substance is decreased. adjust the autoregulatory range upward appear to be hy- Both of these substances are formed when cerebral metab- pertrophy of the vascular smooth muscle and a mechanical olism is increased by nerve action potentials, such as during constraint to vasodilation, as a result of more muscle tissue, normal brain activation. In addition, interstitial K is ele- vated when a large number of action potentials are fired. The cause of dilation in response to both K and CO 2 in- volves the formation of nitric oxide (NO). However, the mechanism is not necessarily the typical endothelial forma- tion of NO. The source of NO appears to be from nitric ox- ide synthase in neurons, as well as endothelial cells. The H formed by the interaction of carbon dioxide and water or from acids formed by metabolism does not appear to cause dilation through a NO-dependent mechanism, but additional data are needed on this topic. Reactions of cerebral blood flow to chemicals released by increased brain activity, such as CO 2 , H , and K , are % part of the overall process of matching the brain’s meta- bolic needs to the blood supply of nutrients and oxygen. The 10 to 30% increase in blood flow in brain areas ex- cited by peripheral nerve stimulation, mental activity, or visual activity may be related to these three substances re- leased from active nerve cells. The cerebral vasculature also dilates when the oxygen content of arterial blood is reduced, but the vasodilatory effect of elevated CO 2 is much more powerful. Cerebral Blood Flow Is Insensitive to Hormones and Sympathetic Nerve Activity % Circulating vasoconstrictor and vasodilator hormones and the release of norepinephrine by sympathetic nerve termi- nals on cerebral blood vessels do not play much of a role in moment-to-moment regulation of cerebral blood flow. The blood-brain barrier effectively prevents constrictor and FIGURE 17.2 Chronic hypertension. This condition is asso- dilator agents in blood plasma from reaching the vascular ciated with a rightward shift in the arterial pres- smooth muscle. Though the cerebral arteries and arterioles sure range over which autoregulation of cerebral blood flow oc- are fully innervated by sympathetic nerves, stimulation of curs (upper panel) because, for any given arterial pressure, resistance vessels of the brain have smaller-than-normal diameters these nerves produces only mild vasoconstriction in the (lower panel). As a consequence, people with hypertension can majority of cerebral vessels. If, however, sympathetic activ- tolerate high arterial pressures that would cause vascular damage ity to the cerebral vasculature is permanently interrupted, in healthy people. However, they risk reduced blood flow and the cerebral vasculature has a decreased ability to autoreg- brain hypoxia at low arterial pressures that are easily tolerated by ulate blood flow at high arterial pressures, and the integrity healthy people.

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 281 or more connective tissue, or both. The drawback to such ply do not occur. For example, if intense exercise is required adaptation is partial loss of the ability to dilate and regulate in the midst of digesting a meal, blood flow through the blood flow at low arterial pressures. This loss occurs be- small intestine can be reduced to half of normal by the sym- cause the passive structural properties of the resistance ves- pathetic nervous system with no ill effects, other than de- sels restrict the vessel diameter at subnormal pressures and, layed food absorption. Once the stress imposed on the body in doing so, increase resistance. In fact, the lower pressure is over, intestinal blood flow again increases and the process limit of constant blood flow (autoregulation) can be almost of digesting and absorbing food resumes. as high as the normal mean arterial pressure (see Fig. 17.2). This can be problematic if the arterial blood pressure is rap- idly lowered to normal in a person whose vasculature has The Three Regions of the Intestinal Wall Are adapted to hypertension. The person may faint from inad- Supplied From a Common Set of Large Arterioles equate brain blood flow, even though the arterial pressure Small arteries and veins penetrate the muscular wall of the is in the normal range. Fortunately, a gradual reduction in bowel and form a microvascular distribution system in the arterial pressure over weeks or months returns autoregula- submucosa (Fig. 17.3). The muscle layers receive small ar- tion to a more normal pressure range. terioles from the submucosal vascular plexus; other small arterioles continue into individual vessels of the deep sub- mucosa around glands and to the villi of the mucosa. Small Cerebral Edema Impairs Blood Flow to the Brain arteries and larger arterioles preceding the separate muscle The brain is encased in a rigid bony case, the cranium. As and submucosal-mucosal vasculatures control about 70% of such, should the brain begin to swell, the intracranial pres- the intestinal vascular resistance. The small arterioles of the sure will dramatically increase. There are many causes of muscle, submucosal, and mucosal layers can partially adjust cerebral edema—an excessive accumulation of fluid in the blood flow to meet the needs of small areas of tissue. brain substance—including infection, tumors, trauma to Compared with other major organ vasculatures, the cir- the head that causes massive arteriolar dilation, and bleed- culation of the small intestine has a poorly developed au- ing into the brain tissue after a stroke or trauma. In each toregulatory response to locally decreased arterial pressure, case, the following approximate scenario occurs. As the in- and as a result, blood flow usually declines because resist- tracranial pressure increases, the venules and veins are par- ance does not adequately decrease. However, elevation of tially collapsed because their intravascular pressure is low. venous pressure outside the intestine causes sustained myo- As these outflow vessels collapse, their resistance increases genic constriction; in this regard, the intestinal circulation and capillary pressure rises (see Chapter 16). The increased equals or exceeds similar regulation in other organ systems. capillary pressure favors increased filtration of fluid into the Intestinal motility has little effect on the overall intestinal brain to further raise the intracranial pressure. The end re- blood flow, probably because the increases in metabolic sult is a positive feedback system in which intracranial pres- rate are so small. In contrast, the intestinal blood flow in- sure will become so high as to begin to compress small ar- creases in approximate proportion to the elevated meta- terioles and decrease blood flow. bolic rate during food absorption. Excessive intracranial pressure is a major clinical prob- lem. Hypertonic mannitol can be given to promote water loss from swollen brain cells. Sometimes opening of the 4V Longitudinal muscle skull and drainage of cerebrospinal fluid or hemorrhaged 5A Circular muscle blood, if any, may be necessary. Hemorrhaged blood is par- 2V 3V Submucosa ticularly a problem because clotted blood contains dena- 1V 3A 4A tured hemoglobin that destroys nitric oxide. This in turn leads to inappropriate vasoconstriction of the arterioles in MV 2A the area of the hemorrhage. 1A If blood flow to the pons and medulla of the brain is de- MA creased, tissue hypoxia will activate the sympathetic nervous system control centers. This response—called Cushing’s re- flex—raises the arterial blood pressure, often dramatically. This can be viewed as an attempt to raise cerebral blood flow. While blood flow may improve, microvascular pres- sures are elevated, which worsens cerebral edema. The vasculature of the small intestine. The FIGURE 17.3 intestinal vasculature is unusual because three very different tissues—the muscle layers, submucosa, and mucosal layer—are served by branches from a common vasculature lo- SMALL INTESTINE CIRCULATION cated in the submucosa. Most of the intestinal vascular resistance The small intestine completes the digestion of food and then is regulated by small arteries and arterioles preceding the separate absorbs the nutrients to sustain the remainder of the body. At muscle and submucosal and mucosal vasculatures. MA, muscular arteriole; 1A to 5A, successive branches of the arterioles; 1V to rest, the intestine receives about 20% of the cardiac output 4V, successive branches of the venules; MV, muscular venule. and uses about 20% of the body’s oxygen consumption. Both (Modified from Connors B. Quantification of the architectural of these numbers nearly double after a large meal. Unless the changes observed in intestinal arterioles from diabetic rats. Ph.D. blood flow can increase, food digestion and absorption sim- Dissertation, Indiana University, 1993.)

282 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY The Microvasculature of Intestinal Villi Has a High Low Capillary Pressures in Intestinal Blood Flow and Unusual Exchange Properties Villi Aid in Water Absorption The intestinal mucosa receives about 60 to 70% of the to- Although the mucosal layer of the small intestine has a tal intestinal blood flow. Blood flows of 70 to 100 mL/min high blood flow both at rest and during food absorption, per 100 g in this specialized tissue are probable and much the capillary blood pressure is usually 13 to 18 mm Hg higher than the average blood flow for the total intestinal and seldom higher than 20 mm Hg during food absorp- wall (see Table 17.1). This blood flow can exceed the rest- tion. Therefore, plasma colloid osmotic pressure is ing blood flow in the heart and brain. higher than capillary blood pressure, favoring the ab- The mucosa is composed of individual projections of tis- sorption of water brought into the villi. During lipid ab- sue called villi. The interstitial space of the villi is mildly hy- sorption, the plasma protein reflection coefficient for the perosmotic (400 mOsm/kg H 2 O) at rest as a result of NaCl. overall intestinal vasculature is decreased from a normal During food absorption, the interstitial osmolality increases value of more than 0.9 to about 0.7. It is assumed that to 600 to 800 mOsm/kg H 2 O near the villus tip, compared most of the decrease in reflection coefficient occurs in with 400 mOsm/kg H 2 O near the villus base. The primary the mucosal capillaries. This lowers the ability of plasma cause of high osmolalities in the villi appears to be greater ab- proteins to counteract capillary filtration, with the net re- sorption than removal of NaCl and nutrient molecules. There sult that fluid is added to the interstitial space. Eventu- is also a possible countercurrent exchange process in which ally, this fluid must be removed. Not surprisingly, the materials absorbed into the capillary blood diffuse from the highest rates of intestinal lymph formation normally oc- venules into the incoming blood in the arterioles. cur during fat absorption. Food Absorption Requires a High Blood Flow Sympathetic Nerve Activity Can Greatly Decrease to Support the Metabolism of the Mucosal Intestinal Blood Flow and Venous Volume Epithelium The intestinal vasculature is richly innervated by sympa- Lipid absorption causes a greater increase in intestinal thetic nerve fibers. Major reductions in gastrointestinal blood flow, a condition known as absorptive hyperemia, blood flow and venous volume occur whenever sympa- and oxygen consumption than either carbohydrate or thetic nerve activity is increased, such as during strenuous amino acid absorption. During absorption of all three exercise or periods of pathologically low arterial blood classes of nutrients, the mucosa releases adenosine and pressure. Venoconstriction in the intestine during hemor- CO 2 and oxygen is depleted. The hyperosmotic lymph and rhage helps to mobilize blood and compensates for the venous blood that leave the villus to enter the submucosal blood loss. Gastrointestinal blood flow is about 25% of the tissues around the major resistance vessels are also major cardiac output at rest; a reduction in this blood flow, by contributors to absorptive hyperemia. By an unknown heightened sympathetic activity, allows more vital func- mechanism, hyperosmolality resulting from NaCl induces tions to be supported with the available cardiac output. endothelial cells to release NO and dilate the major resist- However, gastrointestinal blood flow can be so drastically ance arterioles in the submucosa. Hyperosmolality result- decreased by a combination of low arterial blood pressure ing from large organic molecules that do not enter en- (hypotension) and sympathetically mediated vasoconstric- dothelial cells does not cause appreciable increases in NO tion that mucosal tissue damage can result. formation, producing much less of an increase in blood flow than equivalent hyperosmolality resulting from NaCl. These observations suggest that NaCl entering the en- HEPATIC CIRCULATION dothelial cells is essential to induce NO formation. The hepatic circulation perfuses one of the largest organs in The active absorption of amino acids and carbohydrates the body, the liver. The liver is primarily an organ that and the metabolic processing of lipids into chylomicrons maintains the organic chemical composition of the blood by mucosal epithelial cells place a major burden on the mi- plasma. For example, all plasma proteins are produced by crovasculature of the small intestine. There is an extensive the liver, and the liver adds glucose from stored glycogen network of capillaries just below the villus epithelial cells to the blood. The liver also removes damaged blood cells that contacts these cells. The villus capillaries are unusual in and bacteria and detoxifies many man-made or natural or- that portions of the cytoplasm are missing, so that the two ganic chemicals that have entered the body. opposing surfaces of the endothelial cell membranes appear to be fused. These areas of fusion, or closed fenestrae, are thought to facilitate the uptake of absorbed materials by The Hepatic Circulation Is Perfused by capillaries. In addition, intestinal capillaries have a higher Venous Blood From Gastrointestinal Organs filtration coefficient than other major organ systems, which and a Separate Arterial Supply probably enhances the uptake of water absorbed by the villi (see Chapter 16). However, large molecules, such as plasma The human liver has a large blood flow, about 1.5 L/min proteins, do not easily cross the fenestrated areas because or 25% of the resting cardiac output. It is perfused by both the reflection coefficient for the intestinal vasculature is arterial blood through the hepatic artery and venous greater than 0.9, about the same as in skeletal muscle and blood that has passed through the stomach, small intes- the heart. tine, pancreas, spleen, and portions of the large intestine.

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 283 The venous blood arrives via the hepatic portal vein and accounts for about 67 to 80% of the total liver blood flow (see Table 17.1). The remaining 20 to 33% of the total flow is through the hepatic artery. The majority of blood flow to the liver is determined by the flow through the stomach and small intestine. About half of the oxygen used by the liver is derived from venous blood, even though the splanchnic organs have removed one third to one half of the available oxygen. The hepatic arterial circulation provides additional oxygen. The liver tissue efficiently extracts oxygen from the blood. The liver has a high metabolic rate and is a large organ; consequently, it has the largest oxygen consumption of all organs in a resting person. The metabolic functions of the liver are discussed in Chapter 28. The Liver Acinus Is a Complex Microvascular Unit With Mixed Arteriolar and Venular Blood Flow The liver vasculature is arranged into subunits that allow the arterial and portal blood to mix and provide nutrition for the liver cells. Each subunit, called an acinus, is about 300 to 350 m long and wide. In humans, usually three acini occur together. The core of each acinus is supplied by a single ter- minal portal venule; sinusoidal capillaries originate from this venule (Fig. 17.4). The endothelial cells of the capillar- FIGURE 17.4 Liver acinus microvascular anatomy. A sin- ies have fenestrated regions with discrete openings that fa- gle liver acinus, the basic subunit of liver struc- cilitate exchange between the plasma and interstitial spaces. ture, is supplied by a terminal portal venule and a terminal hepatic arteriole. The mixture of portal venous and arterial blood occurs The capillaries do not have a basement membrane, which in the sinusoidal capillaries formed from the terminal portal partially contributes to their high permeability. venule. Usually two terminal hepatic venules drain the sinusoidal The terminal hepatic arteriole to each acinus is paired capillaries at the external margins of each acinus. with the terminal portal venule at the acinus core, and blood from the arteriole and blood from the venule jointly perfuse the capillaries. The intermixing of the arterial and portal One might suspect that during digestion, when gas- blood tends to be intermittent because the vascular smooth trointestinal blood flow and, therefore, portal venous blood muscle of the small arteriole alternately constricts and re- flow are increased, the gastrointestinal hormones in portal laxes. This prevents arteriolar pressure from causing a sus- venous blood would influence hepatic vascular resistance. tained reversed flow in the sinusoidal capillaries, where However, at concentrations in portal venous blood equiva- pressures are 7 to 10 mm Hg. The best evidence is that he- lent to those during digestion, none of the major hormones patic artery and portal venous blood first mix at the level of appears to influence hepatic blood flow. Therefore, the in- the capillaries in each acinus. The sinusoidal capillaries are creased hepatic blood flow during digestion would appear drained by the terminal hepatic venules at the outer mar- to be determined primarily by vascular responses of the gins of each acinus; usually at least two hepatic venules drain gastrointestinal vasculatures. each acinus. The vascular resistances of the hepatic arterial and por- tal venous vasculatures are increased during sympathetic nerve activation, and the buffer mechanism is suppressed. The Regulation of Hepatic Arterial and When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, about Portal Venous Blood Flows Requires an half the blood volume of the liver can be expelled into the Interactive Control System general circulation. Because up to 15% of the total blood volume is in the liver, constriction of the hepatic vascula- The regulation of portal venous and hepatic arterial blood ture can significantly increase the circulating blood volume flows is an interactive process: Hepatic arterial flow in- during times of cardiovascular stress. creases and decreases reciprocally with the portal venous blood flow. This mechanism, known as the hepatic arterial buffer response, can compensate or buffer about 25% of the decrease or increase in portal blood flow. Exactly how SKELETAL MUSCLE CIRCULATION this is accomplished is still under investigation, but va- The circulation of skeletal muscle involves the largest mass sodilatory metabolite accumulation, possibly adenosine, of tissue in the body: 30 to 40% of an adult’s body weight. during decreased portal flow, as well as increased metabo- At rest, the skeletal muscle vasculature accounts for about lite removal during elevated portal flow, are thought to in- 25% of systemic vascular resistance, even though individ- fluence the resistance of the hepatic arterioles. ual muscles receive a low blood flow of about 2 to 6 mL/min

284 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY per 100 g. The dominant mechanism controlling skeletal ance because remarkably little additional lactic acid accu- muscle resistance at rest is the sympathetic nervous system. mulates in the blood. While the tissue oxygen content Resting skeletal muscle has remarkably low oxygen con- likely decreases as exercise intensity increases, the reduc- sumption per 100 g of tissue, but its large mass makes its tion does not compromise the high aerobic metabolic rate metabolic rate a major contributor to the total oxygen con- except with the most demanding forms of exercise. The sumption in a resting person. changes in oxygen tensions before, during, and after a pe- riod of muscle contractions in an animal model were illus- trated in Figure 16.7. Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow and Metabolism To ensure the best possible supply of nutrients, particu- Can Vary Over a Large Range larly oxygen, even mild exercise causes sufficient vasodila- tion to perfuse virtually all of the capillaries, rather than just Skeletal muscle blood flow can increase 10- to 20-fold or more during the maximal vasodilation associated with 25 to 50% of them, as occurs at rest. However, near-maxi- high-performance aerobic exercise. Comparable increases mum or maximum exercise exhausts the ability of the mi- in metabolic rate occur. Under such circumstances, total crovasculature to meet tissue oxygen needs and hypoxic muscle blood flow may be equal to three or more times the conditions rapidly develop, limiting the performance of the muscles. The burning sensation and muscle fatigue during resting cardiac output; obviously, cardiac output must in- maximum exercise or at any time muscle blood flow is in- crease during exercise to maintain the normal to increased adequate to provide adequate oxygen is partially a conse- arterial pressure (see Chapter 30). quence of hypoxia. This type of burning sensation is par- With severe hemorrhage, which activates baroreceptor- ticularly evident when a muscle must hold a weight in a induced reflexes, skeletal muscle vascular resistance can steady position. In this situation, the contraction of the easily double as a result of increased sympathetic nerve ac- muscle compresses the microvessels, stopping the blood tivity, reducing blood flow. Skeletal muscle cells can sur- flow and, with it, the availability of oxygen. vive long periods with minimal oxygen supply; conse- The vasodilation associated with exercise is dependent quently, low blood flow is not a problem. The increased upon NO. However, exactly which chemicals released or vascular resistance helps preserve arterial blood pressure consumed by skeletal muscle induce the increased release when cardiac output is compromised. In addition, contrac- of NO from endothelial cells is unknown. In addition, tion of the skeletal muscle venules and veins forces blood in skeletal muscle cells can make NO and, although not yet these vessels to enter the general circulation and helps re- tested, may produce a substantial fraction of the NO that store a depleted blood volume. In effect, the skeletal mus- causes the dilation of the arterioles. If endothelial produc- cle vasculature can either place major demands on the car- tion of NO is curtailed by the inhibition of endothelial ni- diopulmonary system during exercise or perform as if tric oxide synthase, the increased muscle blood flow during expendable during a cardiovascular crisis, enabling ab- contractions is strongly suppressed. However, there is con- solutely essential tissues to be perfused with the available cern that the resting vasoconstriction caused by suppressed cardiac output. NO formation diminishes the ability of the vasculature to dilate in response a variety of mechanisms. Flow-mediated vasodilation, for example, appears to be used to dilate The Regulation of Muscle Blood Flow Depends smaller arteries and larger arterioles to maximize the in- on Many Mechanisms to Provide Oxygen for crease in blood flow initiated by the dilation of smaller ar- Muscular Contractions terioles in contact with active skeletal muscle cells. Studies in animals indicate these vessels make a major contribution As discussed in Chapter 16, many potential local regulatory mechanisms adjust blood flow to the metabolic needs of the to vascular regulation in skeletal muscle and must be par- tissues. In fast-twitch muscles, which primarily depend on ticipants in any significant increase in blood flow. anaerobic metabolism, the accumulation of hydrogen ions from lactic acid is potentially a major contributor to the va- sodilation that occurs. In slow-twitch skeletal muscles, which DERMAL CIRCULATION can easily increase oxidative metabolic requirements by The Skin Has a Microvascular Anatomy to more than 10 to 20 times during heavy exercise, it is not hard Support Tissue Metabolism and Heat Dissipation to imagine that whatever causes metabolically linked vasodi- lation is in ample supply at high metabolic rates. The structure of the skin vasculature differs according to lo- During rhythmic muscle contractions, the blood flow cation in the body. In all areas, an arcade of arterioles exists during the relaxation phase can be high, and it is unlikely at the boundary of the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue that the muscle becomes significantly hypoxic during sub- over fatty tissues and skeletal muscles (Fig. 17.5). From this maximal aerobic exercise. Studies in humans and animals arteriolar arcade, arterioles ascend through the dermis into indicate that lactic acid formation, an indication of hypoxia the superficial layers of the dermis, adjacent to the epider- and anaerobic metabolism, is present only during the first mal layers. These arterioles form a second network in the several minutes of submaximal exercise. Once the vasodila- superficial dermal tissue and perfuse the extensive capillary tion and increased blood flow associated with exercise are loops that extend upward into the dermal papillae just be- established, after 1 to 2 minutes, the microvasculature is neath the epidermis. probably capable of maintaining ample oxygen for most The dermal vasculature also provides the vessels that workloads, perhaps up to 75 to 80% of maximum perform- surround hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands.

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 285 hands and feet and, to a lesser extent, the face, neck, and ears to lose heat efficiently in a warm environment. Skin Blood Flow Is Important in Body Temperature Regulation The skin is a large organ, representing 10 to 15% of to- tal body mass. The primary functions of the skin are pro- tection of the body from the external environment and dissipation or conservation of heat during body temper- ature regulation. The skin has one of the lowest metabolic rates in the body and requires relatively little blood flow for purely nu- tritive functions. Consequently, despite its large mass, its resting metabolism does not place a major flow demand on the cardiovascular system. However, in warm climates, body temperature regulation requires that warm blood from the body core be carried to the external surface, where heat transfer to the environment can occur. Therefore, at typical indoor temperatures and during warm weather, skin blood flow is usually far in excess of the need for tissue nu- trition. The reddish color of the skin during exercise in a warm environment reflects the large blood flow and dila- tion of skin arterioles and venules (see Table 17.1). The increase in the skin’s blood flow probably occurs through two main mechanisms. First, an increase in body core temperature causes a reflex increase in the activity of sympathetic cholinergic nerves, which release acetyl- choline. Acetylcholine release near sweat glands leads to the breakdown of a plasma protein (kininogen) to form bradykinin, a potent dilator of skin blood vessels, which in- creases the release of NO as a major component of the dila- The vasculature of the skin. The skin vascu- FIGURE 17.5 tory mechanism. Second, simply increasing skin tempera- lature is composed of a network of large arteri- oles and venules in the deep dermis, which send branches to the ture will cause the blood vessels to dilate. This can result superficial network of smaller arterioles and venules. Arteriove- from heat applied to the skin from the external environ- nous anastomoses allow direct flow from arterioles to venules and ment, heat from underlying active skeletal muscle, or in- greatly increase blood flow when dilated. The capillary loops into creased blood temperature as it enters the skin. the dermal papillae beneath the epidermis are supplied and Total skin blood flows of 5 to 8 L/min have been esti- drained by microvessels of the superficial dermal vasculature. mated in humans during vigorous exercise in a hot environ- ment. During mild to moderate exercise in a warm envi- ronment, skin blood flow can equal or exceed blood flow to Sweat glands derive virtually all sweat water from blood the skeletal muscles. Exercise tolerance can, therefore, be plasma and are surrounded by a dense capillary network in lower in a warm environment because the vascular resist- the deeper layers of the dermis. As explained in Chapter 29, ance of the skin and muscle is too low to maintain an ap- neural regulation of the sweating mechanism not only propriate arterial blood pressure, even at maximum cardiac causes the formation of sweat but also substantially in- output. One of the adaptations to exercise is an ability to creases skin blood flow. All the capillaries from the superfi- increase blood flow in skin and dissipate more heat. In ad- cial skin layers are drained by venules, which form a venous dition, aerobically trained humans are capable of higher plexus in the superficial dermis and eventually drain into sweat production rates; this increases heat loss and induces many large venules and small veins beneath the dermis. greater vasodilation of the skin arterioles. The vascular pattern just described is modified in the tis- The vast majority of humans live in cool to cold regions, sues of the hand, feet, ears, nose, and some areas of the face where body heat conservation is imperative. The sensation in that direct vascular connections between arterioles and of cool or cold skin, or a lowered body core temperature, venules, known as arteriovenous anastomoses, occur pri- elicits a reflex increase in sympathetic nerve activity, which marily in the superficial dermal tissues (see Fig. 17.5). By causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin. Heat loss contrast, relatively few arteriovenous anastomoses exist in is minimized because the skin becomes a poorly perfused in- the major portion of human skin over the limbs and torso. sulator, rather than a heat dissipator. As long as the skin tem- If a great amount of heat must be dissipated, dilation of the perature is higher than about 10 to 13C (50 to 55F), the arteriovenous anastomoses allows substantially increased neurally induced vasoconstriction is sustained. However, at skin blood flow to warm the skin, thereby increasing heat lower tissue temperatures, the vascular smooth muscle cells loss to the environment. This allows vasculatures of the progressively lose their contractile ability, and the vessels

286 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY passively dilate to various extents. The reddish color of the plied by two umbilical arteries, which branch from the in- hands, face, and ears on a cold day demonstrates increased ternal iliac arteries, and is drained by a single umbilical vein blood flow and vasodilation as a result of low temperatures. (Fig. 17.6). The umbilical vein of the fetus returns oxygen To some extent, this cold-mediated vasodilation is useful be- and nutrients from the mother’s body to the fetal cardio- cause it lessens the chance of cold injury to exposed skin. vascular system, and the umbilical arteries bring in blood However, if this process included most of the body surface, laden with carbon dioxide and waste products to be trans- such as occurs when the body is submerged in cold water or ferred to the mother’s blood. Although many liters of oxy- inadequate clothing is worn, heat loss would be rapid and hy- gen and carbon dioxide, together with hundreds of grams pothermia would result. (Chapter 29 discusses skin blood of nutrients and wastes, are exchanged between the mother flow and temperature regulation.) and fetus each day, the exchange of red blood cells or white blood cells is a rare event. This large chemical exchange without cellular exchange is possible because the fetal and FETAL AND PLACENTAL CIRCULATIONS maternal blood are kept completely separate, or nearly so. The Placenta Has Maternal and Fetal The fundamental anatomical and physiological structure Circulations That Allow Exchange Between for exchange is the placental villus. As the umbilical arter- the Mother and Fetus ies enter the fetal placenta, they divide into many branches that penetrate the placenta toward the maternal system. The development of a human fetus depends on nutrient, These small arteries divide in a pattern similar to a fir tree, gas, water, and waste exchange in the maternal and fetal the placental villi being the small branches. The fetal capil- portions of the placenta. The human fetal placenta is sup- laries bring in the fetal blood from the umbilical arteries Arteries to Fetal lung upper body High-resistance pulmonary vessels Ductus Pulmonary arteriosus artery Foramen 31 ovale Superior FIGURE 17.6 The fetal and vena cava shunt placental circu- lations. Schematic representation of the left and right sides of the fe- tal heart are separated to empha- 52 62 size the right-to-left shunt of blood through the open foramen ovale in Right Left ventricle ventricle 58 the atrial septum and the right-to- Inferior left shunt through the ductus arte- vena cava 67 riosus. Arrows indicate the direc- Ductus venosus Abdominal aorta tion of blood flow. The numbers 27 Portal represent the percentage of satura- vein tion of blood hemoglobin with oxygen in the fetal circulation. Iliac Closure of the ductus venosus, 26 arteries Liver 80 foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus, 58 Umbilical Umbilical artery and placental vessels at birth and Syncytiotrophoblast vein the dilation of the pulmonary vas- Cytotrophoblast culature establish the adult circula- tion pattern. The insert is a cross- sectional view of a fetal placental villus, one of the branches of the Intervillous tree-like fetal vascular system in space the placenta. The fetal capillaries Fetal provide incoming blood, and the placenta sinusoidal capillaries act as the ve- nous drainage. The villus is com- Maternal placenta pletely surrounded by the maternal blood, and the exchange of nutri- Fetal Syncytial Spiral artery Endometrial vein ents and wastes occurs across the capillary knot fetal syncytiotrophoblast.

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 287 and then blood leaves through sinusoidal capillaries to the pinocytosis and exocytosis. Lipid-soluble molecules diffuse umbilical venous system. Exchange occurs in the fetal cap- through the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. For example, illaries and probably to some extent in the sinusoidal capil- lipid-soluble anesthetic agents in the mother’s blood do en- laries. The mother’s vascular system forms a reservoir ter and depress the fetus. As a consequence, anesthesia dur- around the tree-like structure such that her blood envelops ing pregnancy is somewhat risky for the fetus. the placental villi. As shown in Figure 17.6, the outermost layer of the pla- cental villus is the syncytiotrophoblast, where exchange by The Placental Vasculature Permits passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport Efficient Exchanges of O 2 and CO 2 between fetus and mother occurs through fully differenti- ated epithelial cells. The underlying cytotrophoblast is Special fetal adaptations are required for gas exchange, par- composed of less differentiated cells, which can form addi- ticularly oxygen, because of the limitations of passive ex- tional syncytiotrophoblast cells as required. As cells of the change across the placenta. The P O2 of maternal arterial syncytiotrophoblast die, they form syncytial knots, and blood is about 80 to 100 mm Hg and about 20 to 25 mm eventually these break off into the mother’s blood system Hg in the incoming blood in the umbilical artery. This dif- surrounding the fetal placental villi. ference in oxygen tension provides a large driving force for The placental vasculature of both the fetus and the exchange; the result is an increase in the fetal blood P O2 to mother adapt to the size of the fetus, as well as to the oxy- 30 to 35 mm Hg in the umbilical vein. Fortunately, fetal gen available within the maternal blood. For example, a hemoglobin carries more oxygen at a low P O2 than adult minimal placental vascular anatomy will provide for a small hemoglobin carries at a P O2 2 to 3 times higher. In addition, the concentration of hemoglobin in fetal blood is about fetus, but as the fetus develops and grows, a complex tree of 20% higher than in adult blood. The net result is that the placental vessels is essential to provide the surface area fetus has sufficient oxygen to support its metabolism and needed for the fetal-maternal exchange of gases, nutrients, growth but does so at low oxygen tensions, using the and wastes. If the mother moves to a higher altitude where unique properties of fetal hemoglobin. After birth, when less oxygen is available, the complexity of the placental vas- much more efficient oxygen exchange occurs in the lung, cular tree increases, compensating with additional areas for the newborn gradually replaces the red cells containing fe- exchange. If this type of adaptation does not take place, the tal hemoglobin with red cells containing adult hemoglobin. fetus may be underdeveloped or die from a lack of oxygen. During fetal development, the fetal tissues invade and cause partial degeneration of the maternal endometrial lin- The Absence of Lung Ventilation Requires ing of the uterus. The result, after about 10 to 16 weeks a Unique Circulation Through the Fetal Heart gestation, is an intervillous space between fetal placental villi that is filled with maternal blood. Instead of microves- and Body sels, there is a cavernous blood-filled space. The intervil- After the umbilical vein leaves the fetal placenta, it passes lous space is supplied by 100 to 200 spiral arteries of the through the abdominal wall at the future site of the umbili- maternal endometrium and is drained by the endometrial cus (navel). The umbilical vein enters the liver’s portal ve- veins. During gestation, the spiral arteries enlarge in di- nous circulation, although the bulk of the oxygenated ve- ameter and simultaneously lose their vascular smooth mus- nous blood passes directly through the liver in the ductus cle layer—it is the arteries preceding them that actually venosus (see Fig. 17.6). The low-oxygen-content venous regulate blood flow through the placenta. At the end of blood from the lower body and the high-oxygen-content gestation, the total maternal blood flow to the intervillous placental venous blood mix in the inferior vena cava. The space is approximately 600 to 1,000 mL/min, which repre- oxygen content of the blood returning from the lower body sents about 15 to 25% of the resting cardiac output. In is about twice that of venous blood returning from the up- comparison, the fetal placenta has a blood flow of about per body in the superior vena cava. The two streams of 600 mL/min, which represents about 50% of the fetal car- blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae do not com- diac output. pletely mix as they enter the right atrium. The net result is The exchange of materials across the syncytiotro- that oxygen-rich blood from the inferior vena cava passes phoblast layer follows the typical pattern for all cells. through the open foramen ovale in the atrial septum to the Gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, and nutrient left atrium, while the upper-body blood generally enters the lipids move by simple diffusion from the site of highest right ventricle as in the adult. The preferential passage of concentration to the site of lowest concentration. Small oxygenated venous blood into the left atrium and the mini- ions are moved predominately by active transport mal amount of venous blood returning from the lungs to the processes. Glucose is passively transferred by the GLUT 1 left atrium allow blood in the left ventricle to have an oxy- transport protein, and amino acids require primarily facili- gen content about 20% higher than that in the right ventri- tated diffusion through specific carrier proteins in the cell cle. This relatively high-oxygen-content blood supplies the membranes, such as the system A transporter protein. coronary vasculature, the head, and the brain. Large-molecular-weight peptides and proteins and The right ventricle actually pumps at least twice as much many large, charged, water-soluble molecules used in phar- blood as the left ventricle during fetal life. In fact, the infant macological treatments do not readily cross the placenta. at birth has a relatively much more muscular right ventric- Part of the transfer of large molecules probably occurs be- ular wall than the adult. Perfusion of the collapsed lungs of tween the cells of the syncytiotrophoblast layer and by the fetus is minimal because the pulmonary vasculature has

288 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY a high resistance. The elevated pulmonary resistance oc- system also stimulates the peripheral arterioles to constrict. curs because the lungs are not inflated and probably be- The net result is that the left ventricle now pumps against a cause the pulmonary vasculature has the unusual character- higher resistance. The combination of greater resistance and istic of vasoconstriction at low oxygen tensions. The right higher blood flow raises the arterial pressure and, in doing so, ventricle pumps blood into the systemic arterial circulation increases the mechanical load on the left ventricle. Over via a shunt—the ductus arteriosus—between the pul- time, the left ventricle hypertrophies. monary artery and aorta (see Fig. 17.6). For ductus arterio- During all the processes just described, the open foramen sus blood to enter the initial part of the descending aorta, ovale must be sealed to prevent blood flow from the left to the right ventricle must develop a higher pressure than the right atrium. Left atrial pressure increases from the returning left ventricle—the exact opposite of circumstances in the blood from the lungs and exceeds right atrial pressure. This adult. The blood in the descending aorta has less oxygen pressure difference passively pushes the tissue flap on the left content than that in the left ventricle and ascending aorta side of the foramen ovale against the open atrial septum. In because of the mixture of less well-oxygenated blood from time, the tissues of the atrial septum fuse; however, an the right ventricle. This difference is crucial because about anatomic passage that is probably only passively sealed can two thirds of this blood must be used to perfuse the pla- be documented in some adults. The ductus venosus in the centa and pick up additional oxygen. In this situation, a lack liver is open for several days after birth but gradually closes of oxygen content is useful. and is obliterated within 2 to 3 months. After the fetus begins breathing, the fetal placental ves- sels and umbilical vessels undergo progressive vasocon- The Transition From Fetal to Neonatal striction to force placental blood into the fetal body, mini- Life Involves a Complex Sequence of mizing the possibility of fetal hemorrhage through the Cardiovascular Events placental vessels. Vasoconstriction is related to increased After the newborn is delivered and the initial ventilatory oxygen availability and less of a signal for vasodilator movements cause the lungs to expand with air, pulmonary chemicals and prostaglandins in the fetal tissue. vascular resistance decreases substantially, as does pul- The final event of gestation is separation of the fetal and monary arterial pressure. At this point, the right ventricle can maternal placenta as a unit from the lining of the uterus. perfuse the lungs, and the circulation pattern in the newborn The separation process begins almost immediately after the switches to that of an adult. In time, the reduced workload on fetus is expelled, but external delivery of the placenta can the right ventricle causes its hypertrophy to subside. require up to 30 minutes. The separation occurs along the The highly perfused, ventilated lungs allow a large decidua spongiosa, a maternal structure, and requires that amount of oxygen-rich blood to enter the left atrium. The in- blood flow in the mother’s spiral arteries be stopped. The creased oxygen tension in the aortic blood may provide the cause of the placental separation may be mechanical, as the signal for closure of the ductus arteriosus, although suppres- uterus surface area is greatly reduced by removal of the fe- sion of vasodilator prostaglandins cannot be discounted. In tus and folds away from the uterine lining. Normally about any event, the ductus arteriosus constricts to virtual closure 500 to 600 mL of maternal blood are lost in the process of and over time becomes anatomically fused. Simultaneously, placental separation. However, as maternal blood volume the increased oxygen to the peripheral tissues causes con- increases 1,000 to 1,500 mL during gestation, this blood striction in most body organs, and the sympathetic nervous loss is not of significant concern. REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered (E) Increased vascular resistance during 3. Incoming arterial and portal venous items or incomplete statements in this aerobic exercise blood mix in the liver section is followed by answers or 2. The intestinal blood flow during food (A) As the hepatic artery and portal completions of the statement. Select the digestion primarily increases because of vein first enter the tissue ONE lettered answer or completion that is (A) Decreased sympathetic nervous (B) In large arterioles and portal BEST in each case. system activity on intestinal venules arterioles (C) In the liver acinus capillaries 1. Which of the following would be an (B) Myogenic vasodilation associated (D) In the terminal hepatic venules expected response by the coronary with reduced arterial pressure after (E) In the outflow venules of the liver vasculature? meals 4. As arterial pressure is raised and (A) Increased blood flow when the (C) Tissue hypertonicity and the lowered during the course of a day, heart workload is increased release of nitric oxide onto the blood flow through the brain would be (B) Increased vascular resistance when arterioles expected to the arterial blood pressure is increased (D) Blood flow-mediated dilation by (A) Change in the same direction as (C) Decreased blood flow when mean the major arteries of the abdominal the arterial blood pressure because of arterial pressure is reduced from 90 to cavity the limited autoregulatory ability of 60 mm Hg by hemorrhage (E) Increased parasympathetic nervous the cerebral vessels (D) Decreased blood flow when blood system activity associated with food (B) Change in a direction opposite the oxygen content is reduced absorption change in mean arterial pressure (continued)

CHAPTER 17 Special Circulations 289 (C) Remain about constant because (B) Ductus venosus, foramen ovale, (C) The upper body is perfused by the cerebral vascular resistance changes in right ventricle, ascending aorta ductus arteriosus blood flow the same direction as arterial pressure (C) Spiral artery, umbilical vein, left (D) The heart takes less of the oxygen (D) Fluctuate widely, as both arterial ventricle, umbilical artery from the blood in the left ventricle pressure and brain neural activity status (D) Right ventricle, ductus arteriosus, (E) The right ventricular stroke volume change descending aorta, umbilical artery is greater than that of the left ventricle (E) Remain about constant because the (E) Left ventricle, ductus arteriosus, cerebral vascular resistance changes in pulmonary artery, left atrium SUGGESTED READING the opposite direction to the arterial 7. How does chronic hypertension affect Bohlen HG. Integration of intestinal struc- pressure the range of arterial pressure over which ture, function and microvascular regula- 5. Which of the following special the cerebral circulation can maintain tion. Microcirculation 1998;5:27–37. circulations has the widest range of relatively constant blood flow? Bohlen HG, Maass-Moreno R, Rothe CF. blood flows as part of its contributions (A) Very little change occurs Hepatic venular pressures of rats, dogs, to both the regulation of systemic (B) The vasculature primarily adapts to and rabbits. Am J Physiol vascular resistance and the higher arterial pressure 1991;261:G539–G547. modification of resistance to suit the (C) The vasculature primarily loses Delp MD, Laughlin MH. Regulation of organ’s metabolic needs? regulation at low arterial pressure skeletal muscle perfusion during exer- (A) Coronary (D) The entire range of regulation cise. Acta Physiol Scand (B) Cerebral shifts to higher pressures 1998;162:411–419. (C) Small intestine (E) The entire range of regulation Fiegl EO. Neural control of coronary (D) Skeletal muscle shifts to lower pressures blood flow. J Vasc Res 1998;35:85-92. (E) Dermal 8. Why is the oxygen content of blood Johnson JM. Physical training and the con- 6. Which of the following sequences is a sent to the upper body during fetal life trol of skin blood flow. Med Sci Sports possible anatomic path for a red blood higher than that sent to the lower Exerc 1998;30:382–386. cell passing through a fetus and back body? Golding EM, Robertson CS, Bryan RM. to the placenta? (Some intervening (A) Blood oxygenated in the fetal lungs The consequences of traumatic brain structures are not included.) enters the left ventricle injury on cerebral blood flow and au- (A) Umbilical vein, right ventricle, (B) Oxygenated blood passes through toregulation: A review. Clin Exp Hy- ductus arteriosus, pulmonary artery the foramen ovale to the left ventricle pertens 1999;21:229–332.

Control Mechanisms in CHAPTER 18 18 Circulatory Function Thom W. Rooke, M.D. Harvey V. Sparks, M.D. CHAPTER OUTLINE ■ AUTONOMIC NEURAL CONTROL OF THE ■ SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM CONTROL OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEM BLOOD PRESSURE COMPARED ■ INTEGRATED SUPRAMEDULLARY ■ CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL DURING STANDING CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL ■ HORMONAL CONTROL OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM KEY CONCEPTS 1. The sympathetic nervous system acts on the heart prima- 6. Baroreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors are key in rily via -adrenergic receptors. the moment-to-moment regulation of arterial pressure. 2. The parasympathetic nervous system acts on the heart via 7. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, arginine vaso- muscarinic cholinergic receptors. pressin, and atrial natriuretic peptide are important in the 3. The sympathetic nervous system acts on blood vessels pri- long-term regulation of blood volume and arterial pres- marily via -adrenergic receptors. sure. 4. Reflex control of the circulation is integrated primarily in 8. Pressure diuresis is the mechanism that ultimately adjusts pools of neurons in the medulla oblongata. arterial pressure to a set level. 5. The integration of behavioral and cardiovascular re- 9. The defense of arterial pressure during standing involves sponses occurs mainly in the hypothalamus. the integration of multiple mechanisms. he mechanisms controlling the circulation can be di- arteries. Afferent nerve traffic from these receptors is inte- Tvided into neural control mechanisms, hormonal con- grated with other afferent information in the medulla ob- trol mechanisms, and local control mechanisms. Cardiac longata, which leads to activity in sympathetic and performance and vascular tone at any time are the result of parasympathetic nerves that adjusts cardiac output and sys- the integration of all three control mechanisms. To some temic vascular resistance (SVR) to maintain arterial pres- extent, this categorization is artificial because each of the sure. Sympathetic nerve activity and, more importantly, three categories affects the other two. This chapter deals hormones, such as arginine vasopressin (antidiuretic hor- with neural and hormonal mechanisms; local mechanisms mone), angiotensin II, aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic are covered in Chapter 16. peptide, serve as effectors for the regulation of salt and wa- Central blood volume and arterial pressure are normally ter balance and blood volume. Neural control of cardiac maintained within narrow limits by neural and hormonal output and SVR plays a larger role in the moment-by-mo- mechanisms. Adequate central blood volume is necessary ment regulation of arterial pressure, whereas hormones play to ensure proper cardiac output, and relatively constant ar- a larger role in the long-term regulation of arterial pressure. terial blood pressure maintains tissue perfusion in the face In some situations, factors other than blood volume of changes in regional blood flow. Neural control involves and arterial pressure regulation strongly influence cardio- sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the auto- vascular control mechanisms. These situations include nomic nervous system (ANS). Blood volume and arterial the fight-or-flight response, diving, thermoregulation, pressure are monitored by stretch receptors in the heart and standing, and exercise. 290

CHAPTER 18 Control Mechanisms in Circulatory Function 291 AUTONOMIC NEURAL CONTROL OF THE thetic nervous system activity, parasympathetic activation CIRCULATORY SYSTEM reduces cardiac contractility. Sympathetic fibers to the heart release NE, which binds Neural regulation of the cardiovascular system involves the to  1 -adrenergic receptors in the sinoatrial node, the atri- firing of postganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic oventricular node and specialized conducting tissues, and neurons, triggered by preganglionic neurons in the brain cardiac muscle. Stimulation of these fibers causes increased (parasympathetic) and spinal cord (sympathetic and heart rate, conduction velocity, and contractility. parasympathetic). Afferent input influencing these neurons The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system tend comes from the cardiovascular system, as well as from other to oppose each other in their effects on the heart, and ac- organs and the external environment. tivities along these two pathways usually change in a recip- Autonomic control of the heart and blood vessels was rocal manner. described in Chapter 6. Briefly, the heart is innervated by Blood vessels (except those of the external genitalia) re- parasympathetic (vagus) and sympathetic (cardioaccelera- ceive sympathetic innervation only (see Fig. 18.1). The tor) nerve fibers (Fig. 18.1). Parasympathetic fibers release neurotransmitter is NE, which binds to  1 -adrenergic re- acetylcholine (ACh), which binds to muscarinic receptors ceptors and causes vascular smooth muscle contraction and of the sinoatrial node, the atrioventricular node, and spe- vasoconstriction. Circulating epinephrine, released from cialized conducting tissues. Stimulation of parasympathetic the adrenal medulla, binds to  2 -adrenergic receptors of fibers causes a slowing of the heart rate and conduction ve- vascular smooth muscle cells, especially coronary and locity. The ventricles are only sparsely innervated by skeletal muscle arterioles, producing vascular smooth mus- parasympathetic nerve fibers, and stimulation of these cle relaxation and vasodilation. Postganglionic parasympa- fibers has little direct effect on cardiac contractility. Some thetic fibers release ACh and nitric oxide (NO) to blood cardiac parasympathetic fibers end on sympathetic nerves vessels in the external genitalia. ACh causes the further re- and inhibit the release of norepinephrine (NE) from sym- lease of NO from endothelial cells; NO results in vascular pathetic nerve fibers. Therefore, in the presence of sympa- smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation. Parasympathetic Sympathetic Vagus nerves Ganglion ACh ACh SA NE ACh AV NE NE ACh ACh Thoracic Adrenal medulla ACh ACh 90% E Most blood vessels 10% NE NE Lumbar Sacral Blood vessels of external genitalia ACh Spinal cord ACh Autonomic innervation of the cardiovascular system. ACh, acetylcholine; NE, norepi- FIGURE 18.1 nephrine; E, epinephrine; SA, sinoatrial node; AV, atrioventricular node.

292 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY The Spinal Cord Exerts Control Over Changes in the firing rate of the arterial baroreceptors Cardiovascular Function and cardiopulmonary baroreceptors initiate reflex re- sponses of the autonomic nervous system that alter cardiac Preganglionic sympathetic neurons normally generate a output and SVR. The central terminals for these receptors steady level of background postganglionic activity (tone). are located in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) in the This sympathetic tone produces a background level of medulla oblongata. Neurons from the NTS project to the sympathetic vasoconstriction, cardiac stimulation, and RVL and nucleus ambiguus where they influence the firing adrenal medullary catecholamine secretion, all of which of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure. This tonic activity is generated by excitatory signals from the medulla oblongata. When the spinal cord is acutely Baroreceptor Reflex Effects on Cardiac Output and Sys- Increased pressure in the transected and these excitatory signals can no longer temic Vascular Resistance. carotid sinus and aorta stretches carotid sinus barorecep- reach sympathetic preganglionic fibers, their tonic firing tors and aortic baroreceptors and raises their firing rate. is reduced and blood pressure falls—an effect known as Nerve fibers from carotid sinus baroreceptors join the glos- spinal shock. sopharyngeal (cranial nerve IX) nerves and travel to the Humans have spinal reflexes of cardiovascular signifi- NTS. Nerve fibers from the aortic baroreceptors, located in cance. For example, the stimulation of pain fibers entering the wall of the arch of the aorta, travel with the vagus (cra- the spinal cord below the level of a chronic spinal cord nial nerve X) nerves to the NTS. transection can cause reflex vasoconstriction and increased The increased action potential traffic reaching the NTS blood pressure. leads to excitation of nucleus ambiguus neurons and inhibi- tion of firing of RVL neurons. This results in increased The Medulla Is a Major Area for Cardiovascular parasympathetic neural activity to the heart and decreased Reflex Integration sympathetic neural activity to the heart and resistance ves- sels (primarily arterioles) (Fig. 18.2), causing decreased car- The medulla oblongata has three major cardiovascular diac output and SVR. Since mean arterial pressure is the functions: product of SVR and cardiac output (see Chapter 12), mean • Generating tonic excitatory signals to spinal sympa- arterial pressure is returned toward the normal level. This thetic preganglionic fibers completes a negative-feedback loop by which increases in • Integrating cardiovascular reflexes mean arterial pressure can be attenuated. • Integrating signals from supramedullary neural networks Conversely, decreases in arterial pressure (and decreased and from circulating hormones and drugs stretch of the baroreceptors) increase sympathetic neural Specific pools of neurons are responsible for elements of activity and decrease parasympathetic neural activity, re- these functions. Neurons in the rostral ventrolateral nu- sulting in increased heart rate, stroke volume, and SVR; this cleus (RVL) are normally active and provide tonic excita- tory activity to the spinal cord. Specific pools of neurons within the RVL have actions on heart and blood vessels. RVL neurons are critical in mediating reflex inhibition or activating sympathetic firing to the heart and blood vessels. The cell bodies of cardiac preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are located in the nucleus ambiguus; the activity of these neurons is influenced by reflex input, as well as in- put from respiratory neurons. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, described in Chapter 13, is primarily the result of the influ- ence of medullary respiratory neurons that inhibit firing of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons during inspiration and excite these neurons during expiration. Other inputs to the RVL and nucleus ambiguus will be described below. The Baroreceptor Reflex Is Important in the Regulation of Arterial Pressure The most important reflex behavior of the cardiovascular system originates in mechanoreceptors located in the aorta, carotid sinuses, atria, ventricles, and pulmonary vessels. These mechanoreceptors are sensitive to the stretch of the walls of these structures. When the wall is stretched by in- Baroreceptor reflex response to increased creased transmural pressure, receptor firing rate increases. FIGURE 18.2 arterial pressure. An intervention elevates ar- Mechanoreceptors in the aorta and carotid sinuses are terial pressure (either mean arterial pressure or pulse pressure), called baroreceptors. Mechanoreceptors in the atria, ven- stretches the baroreceptors, and initiates the reflex. The resulting tricles, and pulmonary vessels are referred to as low-pres- reduced systemic vascular resistance and cardiac output return ar- sure baroreceptors or cardiopulmonary baroreceptors. terial pressure toward the level existing before the intervention.

CHAPTER 18 Control Mechanisms in Circulatory Function 293 returns blood pressure toward the normal level. If the fall in mean arterial pressure is very large, increased sympathetic neural activity to veins is added to the above responses, causing contraction of the venous smooth muscle and re- ducing venous compliance. Decreased venous compliance shifts blood toward the central blood volume, increasing right atrial pressure and, in turn, stroke volume. Baroreceptor Reflex Effects on Hormone Levels. The baroreceptor reflex influences hormone levels in addition to vascular and cardiac muscle. The most important influ- ence is on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). A reduction in arterial pressure and baroreceptor firing results in increased sympathetic nerve activity to the kidneys, which causes the kidneys to release renin, activat- ing the RAAS. The activation of this system causes the kid- neys to save salt and water. Salt and water retention in- creases blood volume and, ultimately, causes blood pressure to rise. The details of the RAAS are discussed later in this chapter and in Chapter 24. The information on the firing rate of the baroreceptors Carotid sinus baroreceptor nerve firing rate is also projected to the paraventricular nucleus of the hy- FIGURE 18.3 and mean arterial pressure. With normal pothalamus where the release of arginine vasopressin conditions, a mean arterial pressure of 93 mm Hg is near the (AVP) by the posterior pituitary is controlled (see Chapter midrange of the firing rates for the nerves. Sustained hyperten- 32). Decreased firing rate of the baroreceptors results in in- sion causes the operating range to shift to the right, putting 93 creased AVP release, causing the kidney to save water. The mm Hg at the lower end of the firing range for the nerves. result is an increase in blood volume. An increase in arterial pressure causes decreased AVP release and increased excre- tion of water by the kidneys. mately 40 mm Hg (when the receptor stops firing) to 180 Hormonal effects on salt and water balance and, ulti- mm Hg (when the firing rate reaches a maximum) mately, on cardiac output and blood pressure are powerful, (Fig. 18.3). Pulse pressure also influences the firing rate of the but they occur more slowly (a timescale of many hours to baroreceptors. For a given mean arterial pressure, the firing days) than ANS effects (seconds to minutes). rate of the baroreceptors increases with pulse pressure. Baroreceptor Reflex Effects on Specific Organs. The Baroreceptor Adaptation. An important property of the defense of arterial pressure by the baroreceptor reflex re- baroreceptor reflex is that it adapts during a period of 1 to sults in maintenance of blood flow to two vital organs: the 2 days to the prevailing mean arterial pressure. When the heart and brain. If resistance vessels of the heart and brain mean arterial pressure is suddenly raised, baroreceptor fir- participated in the sympathetically mediated vasoconstric- ing increases. If arterial pressure is held at the higher level, tion found in skeletal muscle, skin, and the splanchnic re- baroreceptor firing declines during the next few seconds. gion, it would lower blood flow to these organs. This does Firing rate then continues to decline more slowly until it re- not happen. turns to the original firing rate, between 1 and 2 days. Con- The combination of (1) a minimal vasoconstrictor effect sequently, if the mean arterial pressure is maintained at an of sympathetic nerves on cerebral blood vessels, and (2) a elevated level, the tendency for the baroreceptors to initi- robust autoregulatory response keeps brain blood flow ate a decrease in cardiac output and SVR quickly disap- nearly normal despite modest decreases in arterial pressure pears. This occurs, in part, because of the reduction in the (see Chapter 17). However, a large decrease in arterial rate of baroreceptor firing for a given mean arterial pressure pressure beyond the autoregulatory range causes brain mentioned above (see Fig. 18.3). This is an example of re- blood flow to fall, accounting for loss of consciousness. ceptor adaptation. A “resetting” of the reflex in the central Activation of sympathetic nerves to the heart causes  1 - nervous system (CNS) occurs as well. Consequently, the adrenergic receptor-mediated constriction of coronary ar- baroreceptor mechanism is the “first line of defense” in the terioles and  1 -adrenergic receptor-mediated increases in maintenance of normal blood pressure; it makes the rapid cardiac muscle metabolism (see Chapter 17). The net effect control of blood pressure needed with changes in posture is a marked increase in coronary blood flow, despite the in- or blood loss possible, but it does not provide for the long- creased sympathetic constrictor activity. In summary, when term control of blood pressure. arterial pressure drops, the generalized vasoconstriction caused by the baroreflex spares the brain and heart, allow- Cardiopulmonary Baroreceptors Are Stretch ing flow to these two vital organs to be maintained. Receptors That Sense Central Blood Volume Pressure Range for Baroreceptors. The effective range Cardiopulmonary baroreceptors are located in the cardiac of the carotid sinus baroreceptor mechanism is approxi- atria, at the junction of the great veins and atria, in the ven-

294 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY tricular myocardium, and in pulmonary vessels. Their nerve creased parasympathetic activity to the heart. These events fibers run in the vagus nerve to the NTS, with projections lead to increases in cardiac output, SVR, and mean arterial to supramedullary areas as well. Unloading (i.e., decreasing pressure. An example of this reaction is the cold pressor re- the stretch) of the cardiopulmonary receptors by reducing sponse—the elevated blood pressure that normally occurs central blood volume results in increased sympathetic when an extremity is placed in ice water. The increase in nerve activity and decreased parasympathetic nerve activ- blood pressure produced by this challenge is exaggerated in ity to the heart and blood vessels. In addition, the car- several forms of hypertension. diopulmonary reflex interacts with the baroreceptor reflex. A second type of response is produced by deep pain. Unloading of the cardiopulmonary receptors enhances the The stimulation of deep pain fibers associated with crush- baroreceptor reflex, and loading the cardiopulmonary re- ing injuries, disruption of joints, testicular trauma, or dis- ceptors, by increasing central blood volume, inhibits the tension of the abdominal organs results in diminished sym- baroreceptor reflex. pathetic activity and enhanced parasympathetic activity Like the arterial baroreceptors, the decreased stretch of with decreased cardiac output, SVR, and blood pressure. the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors activates the RAAS and This hypotensive response contributes to certain forms of increases the release of AVP. cardiovascular shock. Chemoreceptors Detect Changes Activation of Chemoreceptors in the Ventricular Myocardium Causes Reflex in PCO 2 , pH, and PO 2 Bradycardia and Vasodilation The reflex response to changes in blood gases and pH be- gins with chemoreceptors located peripherally in the An injection of bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (sero- carotid bodies and aortic bodies and centrally in the tonin), certain prostaglandins, or various other compounds medulla (see Chapter 22). The peripheral chemoreceptors into the coronary arteries supplying the posterior and inferior of the carotid bodies and aortic bodies are specialized regions of the ventricles causes reflex bradycardia and hy- structures located in approximately the same areas as the potension. The chemoreceptor afferents are carried in the va- carotid sinus and aortic baroreceptors. They send nerve im- gus nerves. The bradycardia results from increased parasym- pulses to the NTS and are sensitive to elevated PCO 2 , as pathetic tone. Dilation of systemic arterioles and veins is well as decreased pH and PO 2 . Peripheral chemoreceptors caused by withdrawal of sympathetic tone. This reflex is also exhibit an increased firing rate when (1) the PO 2 or pH of elicited by myocardial ischemia and is responsible for the the arterial blood is low, (2) the PCO 2 of arterial blood is in- bradycardia and hypotension that can occur in response to creased, (3) the flow through the bodies is very low or acute infarction of the posterior or inferior myocardium. stopped, or (4) a chemical is given that blocks oxidative metabolism in the chemoreceptor cells. The central medullary chemoreceptors increase their firing rate prima- INTEGRATED SUPRAMEDULLARY rily in response to elevated arterial PCO 2 , which causes a CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL decrease in brain pH. The increased firing of both peripheral and central The highest levels of organization in the ANS are the chemoreceptors (via the NTS and RVL) leads to profound supramedullary networks of neurons with way stations in peripheral vasoconstriction. Arterial pressure is signifi- the limbic cortex, amygdala, and hypothalamus. These cantly elevated. If respiratory movements are voluntarily supramedullary networks orchestrate cardiovascular corre- stopped, the vasoconstriction is more intense and a striking lates of specific patterns of emotion and behavior by their bradycardia and decreased cardiac output occur. This re- projections to the ANS. sponse pattern is typical of the diving response (discussed Unlike the medulla, supramedullary networks do not later). As in the case of the baroreceptor reflex, the coro- contribute to the tonic maintenance of blood pressure, nor nary and cerebral circulations are not subject to the sympa- are they necessary for most cardiovascular reflexes, al- thetic vasoconstrictor effects and instead exhibit vasodila- though they modulate reflex reactivity. tion, as a result of the combination of the direct effect of the abnormal blood gases and local metabolic effects. In addition to its importance when arterial blood gases The Fight-or-Flight Response Includes are abnormal, the chemoreceptor reflex is important in the Specific Cardiovascular Changes cardiovascular response to severe hypotension. As blood Upon stimulation of certain areas in the hypothalamus, cats pressure falls, blood flow through the carotid and aortic demonstrate a stereotypical rage response, with spitting, bodies decreases and chemoreceptor firing increases— clawing, tail lashing, back arching, and so on. This is ac- probably because of changes in local PCO 2 , pH, and PO 2 . companied by the autonomic fight-or-flight response de- scribed in Chapter 6. Cardiovascular responses include ele- vated heart rate and blood pressure. Pain Receptors Produce Reflex Responses The initial behavioral pattern during the fight-or-flight in the Cardiovascular System response includes increased skeletal muscle tone and gen- Two reflex cardiovascular responses to pain occur. In the eral alertness. There is increased sympathetic neural activ- most common reflex, pain causes increased sympathetic ac- ity to blood vessels and the heart. The result of this cardio- tivity to the heart and blood vessels, coupled with de- vascular response is an increase in cardiac output (by

CHAPTER 18 Control Mechanisms in Circulatory Function 295 increasing both heart rate and stroke volume), SVR, and ar- and peripheral vasoconstriction (sympathetic) of the ex- terial pressure. When the fight-or-flight response is con- tremities and splanchnic regions when his or her face is summated by fight or flight, arterioles in skeletal muscle di- submerged in cold water. With breath holding during the late because of accumulation of local metabolites from the dive, arterial PO 2 and pH fall and PCO 2 rises, and the exercising muscles (see Chapter 17). This vasodilation may chemoreceptor reflex reinforces the diving response. The outweigh the sympathetic vasoconstriction in other organs arterioles of the brain and heart do not constrict and, there- and SVR may actually fall. With a fall in SVR, mean arterial fore, cardiac output is distributed to these organs. This pressure returns toward normal despite the increase in car- heart-brain circuit makes use of the oxygen stored in the diac output. blood that would normally be used by the other tissues, es- Emotional situations often provoke the fight-or-flight pecially skeletal muscle. Once the diver surfaces, the heart response in humans, but it is usually not accompanied by rate and cardiac output increase substantially; peripheral muscle exercise (e.g., medical students taking an examina- vasoconstriction is replaced by vasodilation, restoring nu- tion). It seems likely that repeated elevations in arterial trient flow and washing out accumulated waste products. pressure caused by dissociation of the cardiovascular com- ponent of the fight-or-flight response from muscular exer- cise component are harmful. Behavioral Conditioning Affects Cardiovascular Responses Fainting Can Be a Cardiovascular Cardiovascular responses can be conditioned (as can other Correlate of Emotion autonomic responses, such as those observed in Pavlov’s fa- mous experiments). Both classical and operant condition- Vasovagal syncope (fainting) is a somatic and cardiovascu- ing techniques have been used to raise and lower the blood lar response to certain emotional experiences. Stimulation pressure and heart rate of animals. Humans can also be of specific areas of the cerebral cortex can lead to a sudden taught to alter their heart rate and blood pressure, using a relaxation of skeletal muscles, depression of respiration, variety of behavioral techniques, such as biofeedback. and loss of consciousness. The cardiovascular events ac- Behavioral conditioning of cardiovascular responses has companying these somatic changes include profound significant clinical implications. Animal and human studies parasympathetic-induced bradycardia and withdrawal of indicate that psychological stress can raise blood pressure, resting sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone. There is a dra- increase atherogenesis, and predispose to fatal cardiac ar- matic drop in heart rate, cardiac output, and SVR. The re- rhythmias. These effects are thought to result from an in- sultant decrease in mean arterial pressure results in uncon- appropriate fight-or-flight response. Other studies have sciousness because of lowered cerebral blood flow. shown beneficial effects of behavior patterns designed to Vasovagal syncope appears in lower animals as the “playing introduce a sense of relaxation and well-being. Some clini- dead” response typical of the opossum. cal regimens for the treatment of cardiovascular disease take these factors into account. The Cardiovascular Correlates of Exercise Require Integration of Central and Peripheral Mechanisms Not All Cardiovascular Responses Are Equal Exercise causes activation of supramedullary neural net- Supramedullary responses can override the baroreceptor re- works that inhibit the activity of the baroreceptor reflex. flex. For example, the fight-or-flight response causes the The inhibition of medullary regions involved in the barore- heart rate to rise above normal levels despite a simultaneous ceptor reflex is called central command. Central command rise in arterial pressure. In such circumstances, the neurons results in withdrawal of parasympathetic tone to the heart connecting the hypothalamus to medullary areas inhibit the with a resulting increase in heart rate and cardiac output. baroreceptor reflex and allow the corticohypothalamic re- The increased cardiac output supplies the added require- sponse to predominate. Also, during exercise, input from ment for blood flow to exercising muscle. As exercise in- supramedullary regions inhibits the baroreceptor reflex, pro- tensity increases, central command adds sympathetic tone moting increased sympathetic tone and decreased parasym- that further increases heart rate and contractility. It also re- pathetic tone despite an increase in arterial pressure. cruits sympathetic vasoconstriction that redistributes blood Moreover, the various cardiovascular response patterns flow away from splanchnic organs and resting skeletal mus- do not necessarily occur in isolation, as previously de- cle to exercising muscle. Finally, afferent impulses from ex- scribed. Many response patterns interact, reflecting the ex- ercising skeletal muscle terminate in the RVL where they tensive neural interconnections between all levels of the further augment sympathetic tone. CNS and interaction with various elements of the local During exercise, blood flow of the skin is largely influ- control systems. For example, the baroreceptor reflex inter- enced by temperature regulation, as described in Chapter 17. acts with thermoregulatory responses. Cutaneous sympa- thetic nerves participate in body temperature regulation The Diving Response Maintains Oxygen (see Chapter 29), but also serve the baroreceptor reflex. At Delivery to the Heart and Brain moderate levels of heat stress, the baroreceptor reflex can cause cutaneous arteriolar constriction despite elevated The diving response is best observed in seals and ducks, core temperature. However, with severe heat stress, the but it also occurs in humans. An experienced diver can ex- baroreceptor reflex cannot overcome the cutaneous vasodi- hibit intense slowing of the heart rate (parasympathetic) lation; as a result, arterial pressure regulation may fail.

296 PART IV BLOOD AND CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY HORMONAL CONTROL OF THE temic vasoconstriction and increases mean arterial pressure. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The reflex masks some of the direct cardiac effects of NE by significantly increasing cardiac parasympathetic tone. In Various hormones play a role in the control of the cardio- contrast, epinephrine causes vasodilation in skeletal muscle vascular system. Important sites of hormone secretion in- and splanchnic beds. SVR may actually fall and mean arte- clude the adrenal medulla, posterior pituitary gland, kid- rial pressure does not rise. The baroreceptor reflex is not ney, and cardiac atrium. elicited, parasympathetic tone to the heart is not increased, and the direct cardiac effects of epinephrine are evident. At Circulating Epinephrine Has high concentrations, epinephrine binds to  1 -adrenergic Cardiovascular Effects receptors and causes peripheral vasoconstriction; this level of epinephrine is probably never reached except when it is When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, the ad- administered as a drug. renal medulla releases epinephrine ( 90%) and norepi- Denervated organs, such as transplanted hearts, are very nephrine ( 10%), which circulate in the blood (see Chap- responsive to circulating levels of epinephrine and norepi- ter 6). Changes in the circulating NE concentration are nephrine. This increased sensitivity to neurotransmitters is small relative to changes in NE resulting from the direct re- referred to as denervation hypersensitivity. Several factors lease from nerve endings close to vascular smooth muscle contribute to denervation hypersensitivity, including the and cardiac cells. Increased circulating epinephrine, how- absence of sympathetic nerve endings to take up circulating ever, contributes to skeletal muscle vasodilation during the norepinephrine and epinephrine actively, leaving more fight-or-flight response and exercise. In these cases, epi- transmitter available for binding to receptors. In addition, nephrine binds to  2 -adrenergic receptors of skeletal mus- denervation results in up-regulation of neurotransmitter re- cle arteriolar smooth muscle cells and causes relaxation. In ceptors in target cells. During exercise, circulating levels of the heart, circulating epinephrine binds to cardiac cell  1 - norepinephrine and epinephrine increase. Because of their adrenergic receptors and reinforces the effect of NE re- enhanced response to circulating catecholamines, trans- leased from sympathetic nerve endings. planted hearts can perform almost as well as normal hearts. A comparison of the responses to infusions of epineph- rine and norepinephrine illustrates not only the different effects of the two hormones but also the different reflex re- The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System sponse each one elicits (Fig. 18.4). Epinephrine and norep- Helps Regulate Blood Pressure and Volume inephrine have similar direct effects on the heart, but NE The control of total blood volume is extremely important elicits a powerful baroreceptor reflex because it causes sys- in regulating arterial pressure. Because changes in total blood volume lead to changes in central blood volume, the long-term influence of blood volume on ventricular end-di- astolic volume and cardiac output is paramount. Cardiac Epinephrine Norepinephrine output, in turn, strongly influences arterial pressure. Hor- monal control of blood volume depends on hormones that Cardiac output (L/min) regulate salt and water intake and output as well as red 10 10 blood cell formation. Reduced arterial pressure and blood volume cause the 5 5 01216 8 4 01216 release of renin from the kidneys. Renin release is mediated 8 4 by the sympathetic nervous system and by the direct effect of lowered arterial pressure on the kidneys. Renin is a pro- Systemic vascular resistance 10 14 giotensinogen, a plasma protein, to angiotensin I teolytic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of an- 19 15 (Fig. 18.5). Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), primarily in the lungs. Angiotensin II has the following actions: 4 8 4 01216 8 01216 • It is a powerful arteriolar vasoconstrictor, and in some circumstances, it is present in plasma in concentrations Systolic sufficient to increase SVR. 150 150 Arterial blood pressure (mm Hg) 100 Diastolic 100 • It reduces sodium excretion by increasing sodium reab- sorption by proximal tubules of the kidney. Mean • It causes the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cor- tex. 50 50 01216 4 8 8 4 • It causes the release of AVP from the posterior pituitary gland. Time (min) 01216 Time (min) Angiotensin II is a significant vasoconstrictor in some A comparison of the effects of intravenous FIGURE 18.4 circumstances. Angiotensin II directly stimulates contrac- infusions of epinephrine and norepineph- rine. (See text for details). (Modified from Rowell LB. Human tion of vascular smooth muscle and also augments NE re- Circulation: Regulation During Physical Stress. New York: Ox- lease from sympathetic nerves and sensitizes vascular ford University Press, 1986.) smooth muscle to the constrictor effects of NE. It plays an

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