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Home Explore JRMC Independent Newsletter - The Center V1 I3

JRMC Independent Newsletter - The Center V1 I3

Published by Aimee Ulep, 2016-04-07 22:20:14

Description: JRMC Independent Newsletter - The Center V1 I3


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JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDICAL CENTERTHE CENTER VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 December 2015- February 2016Welcome to the third issue of The Center! In this issue:Winter is here and so are the challenges that JRMC 1.......... Partnership for Holistic Healthcareand our partners are hitting head on! Read on to 2.......... Go Red, Wear Red for Womenlearn more about new projects, events and recent 2.......... Centering Pregnancy: A Lasting Bondsuccesses at JRMC. 3.......... Healthcare Foundation of NJ: Spotlight 4.......... Farewell JRMC! by Nicolle Segarra“Good health and good sense are two of life’s 4.......... Ugly Sweater Contestgreatest blessings. 5.......... Department Spotlight: Patient Financial - Publilius Syrus ServicesPartnership for Holistic Healthcare JRMC and the Richard Hall Mental Health Center inBridgewater have formed a partnership as part of a new ini-tiative: the Renaissance Integration Initiative. The new holistichealth program aims to promote good health for both the mindand body. \"Good physical health can optimize brain functioning,\"said Nicci Spinazzola, executive director of Richard Hall, in aninterview with “This is a very big project. Itis cutting edge in whole healthcare.” The four-year program is funded by a $1.6 millionfederal grant which will connect behavioral health and physical Robert Hall Mental Health Centerhealthcare services for Somerset County residents. JRMC will station mobile units outside of Richard Halland provide primary healthcare services and dental care. Additionally, they will provide health education innutrition, fitness, keeping well and developing good health habits, including smoking cessation. Spinazzolaexplains that this is key to the success of the program. In her January interview with, Janet White-Hunt, Chief Operations Officer atJRMC, was asked about the new partnership. \"We're very excited to be working hand-in-hand with RichardHall to provide this much-needed service.\"

Go Red,Wear Red Centering Pregnancy: for Women A Lasting Bond It has been a busy On February 5th, JRMC par- winter for the Center- ticipated in the American Heart ing Pregnancy Program. Association’s Go Red for Women Since December, two National Wear Red Day! JRMC groups of women in need staff, with help from the City of of pre-natal care came Perth Amboy and P.A.R.T.N.E.R, together at JRMC. In the dressed down and wore red to sessions, coordinators Centering pregnancy group at JRMC JRMC Staff dressing downdonate and help spread awareness about heart disease and provided the women support and education. To-stroke in women. JRMC sold bracelets and pins to help the gether the women built trust and encouraged eachcause. other, creating long-lasting friendships as well. Sorangie Castillo, a Planning & Development As- Carmen Nieves, a medical assistant atsociate at JRMC, organized the event. “We wanted to raise JRMC sees the program’s success first hand butawareness for women in Perth Amboy and Newark. Heart with every group comes goodbyes. “It is sad whenproblems are a big issue that JRMC sees every day. This year, a group ends, but we know they are prepared forwe surpassed last year’s fundraising efforts with a total of what’s next.” she says. “We’ll schedule the moth-$730. We were glad to play our part in raising awareness for er’s post-partum appointments and the newborn’san issue that hits so close to home.” Castillo said, wearing appointments right here at JRMC. We are still aher Wear Red Day pin. resource and answer all their questions.” Since the first National Wear Red Day in 2006, huge Along with Central Jersey Family Healthstrides have been made in women’s health. Now, death in Consortium, JRMC’s Centering Pregnancy is awomen has decreased by more than 30 percent. Women’s prenatal group care program offering support andguidelines created by the American Heart Association have education to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Now en-educated millions of healthcare providers to recognize andtreat heart disease and stroke in women. rolling both Spanish and English groups for March 2nd!

The Healthcare Foundation ofNew Jersey: Partner Spotlight Connecting people to primary health care a large part of their day, in a place that parents trust,can be a difficult task, especially in a city like New- the health and wellness of families would improve.ark, where formidable barriers to access present a In 2005, HFNJ recruited JRMC to take overreal challenge: Quality primary health care pro- the school-based program and JRMC’s Newarkviders are sparse or people do not know where to School-Based Health Centers were born. “HFNJ hasfind them; many people work erratic schedules and been our core strategic partner when it comes tocan’t make appointments; and some just distrust the our NSBHC since day one,” says Jorge Cruz, Chiefhealth care system. The Healthcare Foundation of Strategy Officer at JRMC. “Without their continuedNew Jersey has been addressing these issues since its support and direction, children and their parentsinception 20 years ago, and has throughout the years would be missing out on health care they can trustbeen a crucial partner to health centers, hospitals, and rely on.” So far HFNJ has contributed nearly $5academic institutions, and community organiza- million to establish and support NSBHC.tions, awarding more than $120 million in the area HFNJ has been and is still a vital partner forto support quality care. This funding allows Newark’s many of Newark’s most effective community pro-more vulnerable populations – men, women and grams. In 2015, the Foundation awarded nearly 60children of all ages and those with special needs – grants to community organizations. Most recently,to find the trusting providers they need keep them HFNJ supported WAVE (Wellness Assessment Vanhealthy. for Elders) at Clara Maass Medical Center, and three HFNJ was founded in 1996, when Newark key initiatives: the HFNJ Veteran’s Mental HealthBeth Israel Medical Center was sold to Barnabas Initiative; the ACA Education, Outreach & Enroll-Health. One of its first initiatives was the funding ment Initiative; and the HFNJ Integrated Pediatricof the first school-based health centers in Newark Primary Care Initiative for reach children and their parents who could not Check out the Foundation’s work at www.hfnj.orgotherwise receive quality health care. It was hopedthat by putting a health center where children are for

Farewell JRMC!275 Hobart Street My desire for community lead- patient walking into our facility. All thePerth Amboy, NJ, 08861 ership led me to AmeriCorps, a recog- while, I attended every AmeriCorps nized leader in national service. The service weekend event and participatedwww. Jewish Renaissance Foundation received in a team-based health initiative group.mark etin [email protected] an AmeriCorps grant this time last I thank JRMC for being my year and jumpstarted my journey. My home over the past year. I am perpetual- assigned site, the Jewish Renaissance ly grateful for the experiences and mem- Medical Center (JRMC), was a perfect ories I have built here. I walk away with fit since I strive to delve into every realm a deeper understanding of what service of medicine and eventually become a and civic engagement truly entails. well-rounded doctor. As a Public Relations Associate, - Nicolle Segarra my goal was to increase agency visibil- ity while upholding JRMC’s mission. Nicolle Segarra, AmeriCorps Member Through effective marketing, I was able to better provide the public with edu- cation, resources and support in areas of preventive care and personal health management. I also managed JRMC’s capital raising events to acquire the funds needed to facilitate the afford- able, accessible and comprehensive high-quality care we promise to each Ugly Sweater Contest On Friday, December 18, 2015, JRMC hosted We give special thanks to HR Director Jamieits annual staff Ugly Sweater Contest. Pictures of the Rivello, HR Assistant Marta Ferreira and Dr. Saini forcompetitors were displayed on a table with an anony- coordinating the event and reminding JRMC staff ofmous polling box in the 2nd floor Community Room. the joy of the holidays.At the end of the workday, JRMC staff voted for theugliest sweater in the year’s silliest contest. Beverag- Left to right: Melissa Zambrano (1st), Maria Jose Lodeiro-Skennion (3rd), and Kevin Padilla (2nd)es and sweet holiday snacks were served to ease thesuspense while the votes were tallied. Melissa Zam-brano, Medical Assistant in JRMC’s Women’s Wellnessdepartment, won Ugliest Sweater for her elaboratelythree dimensional sweater, decorated with bulbousribbons and jingle bells. Registrar Kevin Padilla andnutritionist Maria Jose Lodeiro-Skennion came in 2ndand 3rd place for the Uglier and Ugly Sweater Awards,respectively. Dr. Saini, head clinician of JRMC’s AdultMedicine department, presented winners with certif-icates and large, festive jars of cookies to munch onduring their holiday weekend.

Department Spotlight: Patient Financial Services Health insurance is often uncharted territo- are insured. [We] specialize in Charity Care, thery for most of us. We also have unique backgrounds Health Insurance Marketplace through the Afford- and medical history to consider able Care Act, and Medicaid. We’re here to serve the when we are trying to pay for community.” our healthcare. There are so The financial counsel- many plans and options as well ors bring the knowledge and as terminology and definitions experience that JRMC’s pa- that we know very little about. tients need to assist with their It is especially difficult for those healthcare costs. just arriving in the US who have Candida Servones, a fi-Sandra Ardavin, Financial nancial counselor at the JRMC, Candida Servones, Financial CounselorCounselor Manager little or no idea about our health has been helping the uninsuredinsurance culture and language. One issue that the and families navigate their health finances for 9JRMC sees is that many in the community do not years. “My job is to make sure people who comeunderstand the basic structure of insurance and in with questions leave with answers and a smile,”have trouble comprehending things like co-pay- Servones said.ment, premium, deductible, co-insurance, provider Janisse Rivera, also a financial counselor,network, out-of-pocket maximum, etc. Patients says,“Being able to help my pa-have to choose a plan and it can be challenging. tients get insured so they can get In the Financial Counseling Department at treated, is an everyday rewardingthe JRMC, the goal is to educate and assist people in feeling.”choosing the right insurance to meet their medical The Patient Financialneeds. Services has been dedicated to “We educate patients about different options serving the community for nearlyin health coverage and help them to understand 15 years and are still JRMC pa-their coverage,” says Sandra Ardavin, Financial tients go-to for financial help and Janisse Rivera, Financial CounselorCounselor Manager at the JRMC. “We also make resources.sure those that have difficulty in obtaining coverage

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