2017 Product Catalog 2916 Idea Avenue | Aberdeen, SD 57401 | 605.225.5081 [email protected]
Updated June 2016Wooden Mallet is the leading manufacturer of wooden literature display racks. Built in the United States with the highest quality,domestically sourced materials, our products offer lasting beauty and durability.Our selection consists of a wide range of office furnishings including: magazine racks, brochure display racks, chart holders, luggageracks, coat racks, reception chairs, sofas and end tables built from solid oak.Wooden Mallet is a high volume distributor specializing in drop shipping. We promise an industry-leading 24-hour turnaround onmost items. Upholstered items ship in just 3 days. Our cutting edge, green manufacturing practices are environmentally friendly. Ourlean manufacturing process keeps costs low.Company History eliminated freight damage.Jim Kreber started his woodworking career in 1975 creating Statistics showmade-to-order pieces for local customers in Aberdeen, SD. that only 1 inHis business eventually grew into what is now Wooden 250 WoodenMallet, manufacturer and wholesale distributor of wooden Mallet productsoffice and institutional fixtures. Today his son David Kreber are damaged inhas taken over the reins of this family-owned and operated transit.company. Of course, occasionallyQuality and Customer Service there are customer concerns that must be addressed. In these instances, Wooden Mallet strives for a quick and simpleWooden Mallet prides itself on fast service. Our lean resolution of the problem.manufacturing process provides for a backorder rate of All the quality and customer service, yet Wooden Mallet products remain very competitively priced. The companyalmost zero. Once continually invests in production technology which helps keep product handling to a minimum, which in turn keepsWooden Mallet prices down.receives your Equipment and Facility Some of Woodenorder, the Mallet's trend-setting technologicalproducts are equipment includes 4 CNC routing machines,assembled and and laser engraving machine, and a state-drop-shipped of-the-art finishing system. The routingdirectly to your machines afford a better degree of accuracy as pieces are cut for assembly. Thecustomer via UPS laser engraving machine enables products to be customized with any artwork or logo. The finishing system used byor FedEx. Most Wooden Mallet is one of the first of its kind in the Midwest. The system uses ultraviolet light to cure the finish; not only isitems ship within 24 hours, our Dakota Wave furniture the finish more durable, but the process meets the emissioncollections ship within 3 days. Being centrally located in South 1Dakota means your customers on both coasts receiveproducts within days. Most products are shipped fullyassembled so they can be used within a week of placing theorder!Meanwhile, the quality of the product is never compromised.Wooden Mallet uses solid oak sides and components. Thisconstruction provides a durable and solid product. Allcomponents are pre-finished before assembly to ensure aneven finish in all nooks and crannies, and a better protectedproduct.Through a constant, vigilant effort by the company'spackaging department, Wooden Mallet has virtually
standards set by the Environment Protection Agency for 72nd, in 1996 it rose to 18th, and in 1997 rose again to 11th.many years to come. In 1998, the company ranked 13th, in 1999 25th, 2000 83rd, 2001 60th, and in 2002 Wooden Mallet ranked 93rdAwards and Growth nationally. The ranking is figured on the company'sFor over 10 years, Wooden Mallet ranked consistently ranked percentage growth from the previous year. In fact the annualin the top 100 of the Wood & Wood Products, Wood 100 sales volume of Wooden Mallet grew a massive 1300 percentAnnual Report for Solid Wood and Panel Technology. In 1993 from 1993 to 2002.and 1994, the company ranked 13th in the nation; in 1995\"Excellence in wood products manufacturing is Wooden Mallet's primary goal. To make this possible, we believe in a family of trained and dedicated employees, top quality materials, and the most modernequipment and facilities. With these tools, we can bring to our customers a consistently superior product, prompt ship times, and a smooth running partnership.\"Going GREEN We recycle 100% of the cardboard scraps producedWorried about your from our packaging process which eliminates foamcarbon footprint? and plastic inserts.Look to wood Wooden Mallet uses a high-tech finishing systemproducts! Wood is and finishes that are waterborne high solids and CFC1/2 carbon by weight free. This greatly reduces emissions in the air, isbecause trees use nonflammable, and has no odor.solar power to takecarbon emissions out All of our MDF, HDF, and other fiberboards meetof the air and store itin the wood that we CARB regulations which use substantially lessuse. Wood products also use less energy to make into formaldehyde in their manufacturing process.finished products than plastics or steel. When you consider allthe carbon emitted in processing the wood, the net result is Even our employees breathe better at work due tostill carbon storage, meaning products made from wood areactually carbon negative. our high efficiency dust collection system. We are constantly getting praised about how clean our workThis carbon advantage only exists if the wood used is grown environment is, even by OSHA!in sustained forests. This is why Wooden Mallet only useswood products that are grown in sustained forests in the Some people say that GREEN is just a fad that Americans goUnited States. through whenever we see an increase at the gas pumps. Businesses get all excited about it and say they are going toAt Wooden Mallet we take many steps to assure our facilities change their ways. Then, after trying it for a while they just goare doing everything possible to reduce, reuse and recycle. back to their old ways. They come up with excuses like it is \"too expensive\", \"too hard to find green products\", or \"too Our wood scraps and wood chips don't make it to inconvenient\". the landfill. We use the wood chips as bio-fuel to At Wooden Mallet we don't think GREEN is a fad. Instead of heat our entire production plant, warehouse space, spending our time coming up with reasons not to go green and offices. We don't use any natural gas or we prefer to come up with ways to go green. For instance, petroleum products for heat. back in the 70's, Jim Kreber (founder of Wooden Mallet) spent his free time building an electric car. Later he designed We donate our unused scraps to local organizations and built the wood scrap boiler and hot water radiator system to heat the original plant. So, you see, for us GREEN is and individuals to use for heating their facilities. The a way of life. At Wooden Mallet, we believe that every step remainder of our wood chips and sawdust is used by towards GREEN is a step in the right direction local ranchers for animal bedding. 2
Cascade™ Oak Magazine RacksOur Cascade™ oak racks neatly display and organize magazines. Wooden Mallet's wall racks are constructed of 3/4\" solid oak sides.These magazine racks are sealed with a durable state-of-the-art finish. Magazine rack pockets are 9\" wide by 3/4\" deep. All wallracks are predrilled and include hardware for easy wall mounting. Floor racks require a screwdriver to attach feet. MR24-4 MR24-8 MR36-74 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack 8 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack 7 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack specs specs specs MR36-14 MR48-10 MR48-2014 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack 10 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack 20 Pocket Magazine Wall Rack specs specs specs MR7-FS MR14-FS BR16-TT7 Pocket Magazine Floor Rack 14 Pocket Magazine Floor Rack 16 Pocket Brochure Rotary Counter Rack specs specs specs 3
MR10-FS MR20-FS MR16-TT10 Pocket Magazine Floor Rack 20 Pocket Magazine Floor Rack 16 Pocket Magazine Rotary Counter Rack specs specs specs MR40-SP BR24-440 Pocket Magazine Rotary Floor Rack 4 Pocket Brochure Wall Rack specs specsAll Cascade™ oak racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications: Width Height Depth Weight 10 1/2\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 8 lbs.MR24-4 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 24\" 12\" 5\" 9 lbs.MR24-8 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 20 1/2\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 14 lbs. 9 lbs. 92.5 0.8 Rack 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 27\" 22\" 5\" 16 lbs. 16 lbs. 100 1.7MR36-7 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 10 1/2\" 36\" 3 3/4\" 12 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 9\" 8\" 3/4\" 14 lbs. 92.5 1.4 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight 39\" 12\" 5\" 14 lbs. 4 Shipping Carton
MR36-14 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetMR48-10 Pocket - Inside Dimensions 20 1/2\" 36\" 3 3/4\" 24 lbs. 34 lbs. 100 3.3MR48-20 Shipping Carton 9\" 8\" 3/4\"MR7-FS Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight ClassMR14-FS Rack 41\" 23\" 6\" 27 lbs. 19 lbs. 92.5MR10-FS Pocket - Inside DimensionsMR20-FS Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetMR16-TT 10 1/2\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 17 lbs. 44 lbs. 100 1.8MR40-SP Rack 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight ClassBR16-TT Shipping Carton 51\" 12\" 5\" 19 lbs. 15 lbs. 92.5BR24-4 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 20 1/2\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 32 lbs. 34 lbs. 100 4.2 Shipping Carton 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Rack 53\" 23\" 6\" 35 lbs. 20 lbs. 92.5 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 10 1/2\" 37\" 3 3/4\" 13 lbs. 44 lbs. 100 1.4 Pocket - Inside Dimensions 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class 39\" 12\" 5\" 15 lbs. 75 lbs. 150 Rack Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 20 1/2\" 37\" 3 3/4\" 25 lbs. 133 lbs. 125 3.3 Rack 9\" 8\" 3/4\" 16 lbs. 70 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 41\" 23\" 6\" 27 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class 1.8 Width Height Depth Weight 45 lbs. 125 Rack 10 1/2\" 49\" 3 3/4\" 18 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Dim Weight Freight Class Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight 6 lbs. 92.5 Shipping Carton 2 51\" 12\" 5\" 20 lbs. Rack Width Height Depth Weight Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 20 1/2\" 49\" 3 3/4\" 33 lbs. 4.2 Shipping Carton 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Cubic Feet Rack 53\" 23\" 6\" 35 lbs. 7.2 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 18\" 25\" 18\" 38 lbs. 9\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight 31\" 20\" 20\" 42 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight Cubic Feet 18\" 50\" 18\" 98 lbs. 12.8 9\" 8\" 3/4\" 0.7 Length Width Depth Weight 50\" 21\" 21\" 88 lbs. 21\" 20\" 3\" 16 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight Cubic Feet 12\" 23\" 12\" 24 lbs. 4.3 4 1/2\" 6 1/4\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight 29\" 16\" 16\" 26 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight Cubic Feet 6 1/4\" 22 1/2\" 3 1/4\" 5 lbs. 0.6 4 1/2\" 6 1/4\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight 25\" 8\" 5\" 6 lbs. 5
Divulge™ Oak & Acrylic Literature RacksDivulge™ oak and acrylic racks add warmth to any room while displaying magazines and literature. These literature racks areconstructed with solid oak sides with a state-of-the-art finish. Clear acrylic front panels hold literature neatly in place. Pockets are 9\"wide for magazines and 2\" deep. LM model racks are provided with removable plastic pocket inserts, which are used whendisplaying 4\" brochures. All wall racks are predrilled with screws and wall anchors included for simple wall mounting. Optional legsavailable for the MM-9, MM-12, LM-12, and LM-16 to create a floor display. MM-3 LM-43 Magazine Wall Rack 3 Magazine /6 Brochure Wall Rack includes specs 3 removable pocket inserts specs MM-4 LM-64 Magazine Wall Rack 4 Magazine /8 Brochure Wall Rack includes specs 4 removable pocket inserts specs MM-6 LM-96 Magazine Wall Rack 6 Magazine /12 Brochure Wall Rack includes 6 removable pocket inserts specs specs 6
MM-9 LM-129 Magazine Wall Rack 9 Magazine /18 Brochure Wall Rack includes 9 removable pocket inserts specs specs MM-12 LM-1612 Magazine Wall Rack 12 Magazine / 24 Brochure Wall Rack specs includes removable pocket inserts specs LM-FS Removable Optional legs to create floor display pocket insertsFits MM-9, MM-12, LM-12, and LM-16 are provided with all LM (shown here on a LM-12) models. These specs inserts can be snapped onto the acrylic fronts to separate each magazine pocket into two, four-inch brochure pockets. There are enough pocket inserts provided with each LM rack to separate all magazine pockets. LM8-TT LM24-FS8 Magazine /16 Brochure Rotary Counter 12 Magazine / 24 Brochure Rotary Floor Display includes 12 removable dividers Display Includes 8 removable dividers specs specs 7
All Divulge™ Literature Racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 10 1/2\" 36 3/4\" 3\" 11 lbs.MM-3/LM-4 9\" 12\" 2\" Rack Length Width Depth Pocket - Inside Dimensions 40\" 12\" 5\"MM-4/LM-6 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 20 1/4\" 24\" 3\" 12 lbs. 13 lbs. 100 1.4 Rack 9\" 12\" 2\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 27\" 22\" 5\" 11 lbs. 125 1.7 Shipping Carton Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 12 lbs. 16 lbs. 125 2.5MM-6/LM-9 Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 30\" 24\" 3\" 17 lbs. 125 4 Rack 9\" 12\" 2\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Freight Class Cubic Feet 32\" 27\" 5\" 125 5.2 Shipping Carton Weight Dim Weight 17 lbs. 23 lbs. Freight Class Cubic Feet 150 1.8MM-9/LM-12 Width Height Depth Weight 30\" 36 3/4\" 3\" 25 lbs. Rack 9\" 12\" 2\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth 42\" 33\" 5\" Shipping Carton Weight Dim WeightMM-12/LM-16 Width Height Depth 27 lbs. 42 lbs. Rack 40\" 36 3/4\" 3\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions 9\" 12\" 2\" Weight Length Width Depth 34 lbs. 43\" 42\" 5\" Shipping Carton Weight Dim Weight Rack 36 lbs. 90 lbs.LM-FS Width Height Depth Weight - 53\" 16 8 lbs. Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight 57\" 18\" 3\" 8 lbs. 16 lbs.LM8-TT Rack Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetLM24-FS Pocket - Inside Dimensions 16 1/2\" 24 3/4\" 16 1/2\" 30 lbs. 75 lbs. 150 7.2 9\" 12\" 2\" Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 31\" 20\" 20\" 34 lbs. 150 10 Rack 250 7.2 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight 16 1/2\" 61 1/2\" 16 1/2\" 68 lbs. 104 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 9\" 12\" 2\" 75 lbs. Shipping Carton 2 Length Width Depth Weight 43\" 20\" 20\" 47 lbs. 31\" 20\" 20\" 25 lbs. 8
Stance™ Oak & Acrylic Literature DisplaysDisplay literature, brochures, and magazines in our beautiful Stance™ displays. These racks were specifically designed to hold yourliterature up straight without having the corners of your literature curl over. The combination of clear corner supports and curvedand tilted faces keep even light single sheet literature standing straight. The overlapping design allows for more pockets in a smallerspace. These displays are constructed with solid oak sides and clear acrylic shelves. Each pocket measures 9\" wide. Optionalremovable inserts are available to use when displaying 4\" brochures. The removable dividers give you the versatility to display asmany 4\" brochures as you need, in which ever location you prefer, and they can easily be changed to adjust for your future needs.All racks include wall mounting hardware. AC12-1 AC19-2 AC19-41 Pocket Wall Display 2 Pocket Wall Display 4 Pocket Wall Display specs specs specs AC26-3 AC26-6 AC26-93 Pocket Wall Display 6 Pocket Wall Display 9 Pocket Wall Display specs specs specs AC34-4 AC34-8 AC34-124 Pocket Wall Display 8 Pocket Wall Display 12 Pocket Wall Display specs specs specs 9
AC48-6 AC48-12 AC12-FS 6 Pocket Wall Display 12 Pocket Wall Display 12 Pocket Floor Display specs specs specs AC-DIVOptional removable inserts are available tofit all Stance™ racks. They can be snapped onto the acrylic fronts to divide each magazine pocket into two, four-inch brochure pockets.All Stance™ Displays are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 11\" 11 3/4\" 3\" 3 lbs.AC12-1 9 1/2\" 1\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 14\" 12\" 4\" 4 lbs. Shipping Carton Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 4 lbs. 92.5 0.4AC19-2 Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class 11\" 19\" 3\" 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 92.5 Rack 9 1/2\" 1\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class 23\" 12\" 4\" 6 lbs. 11 lbs. 100 Shipping Carton Cubic Feet 0.6 RackAC19-4 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight 21 1/4\" 19\" 3\" 9 lbs. Shipping Carton 9 1/2\" 1\" Cubic Feet Length Width Depth Weight 1.2 23\" 22\" 4\" 11 lbs. 10
AC26-3 Width Height Depth Weight 11\" 26 1/4\"\" 3\" 8 lbs. Rack 9 1/2\" 1\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight 29\" 12\" 4\" 9 lbs.AC26-6 Shipping Carton Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 8 lbs. 92.5 0.8 Rack 21 1/4\" 26 1/4\" 3\" 12 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions 9 1/2\" 1\" Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Length Width Depth Weight 14 lbs. 92.5 1.5 Shipping Carton 29\" 23\" 4\" 15 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetAC26-9 Width Height Depth Weight 20 lbs. 100 2.2 31 1/2\" 26 1/4\" 3\" 17 lbs. Rack 9 1/2\" 1\" Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight 9 lbs. 92.5 1 33\" 29\" 4\" 20 lbs. Shipping Carton Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 18 lbs. 100 2AC34-4 11\" 33 1/2\" 3\" 9 lbs. 9 1/2\" 1\" Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack Length Width Depth Weight 39 lbs. 125 3.7 Pocket - Inside Dimensions 37\" 12\" 4\" 11 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 14 lbs. 92.5 1.5 21 1/4\" 33 1/2\" 3\" 15 lbs.AC34-8 9 1/2\" 1\" Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Length Width Depth Weight 38 lbs. 125 3.7 Rack 37\" 23\" 4\" 18 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 54 lbs. 150 5.2 Shipping Carton 31 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 3\" 22 lbs. 13 lbs. 100 1.4 9 1/2\" 1\"AC34-12 Length Width Depth Weight 38\" 34\" 5\" 26 lbs. Rack Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight 11\" 48\" 3\" 13 lbs.AC48-6 Shipping Carton 9 1/2\" 1\" Length Width Depth Weight Rack 53\" 12\" 4\" 16 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 21 1/4\" 48\" 3\" 20 lbs. 9 1/2\" 1\"AC48-12 AC48-12 Length Width Depth Weight Rack 53\" 24\" 5\" 23 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 21 1/4\" 64\" 14\" 27 lbs. 9 1/2\" 1\"AC12-FS Length Width Depth Weight 53\" 24\" 7\" 29 lbs. Rack 49\" 16\" 3\" 12 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton 1 Shipping Carton 2 11
Slope™ Oak Literature DisplaysSlanted back shelves in our Slope™ displays allow full view of literature while keeping it neat and organized. These racks areconstructed with 3/4\" solid oak sides and sealed in a durable state-of-the-art finish. Removable dividers keep literature andmagazines neat and orderly. They let you display 4\" brochures or 8 1/2\" x 11\" and wider literature. All racks are predrilled withhardware included for simple wall mounting. Optional legs are available for 49\" tall displays. LD24-8 LD24-12 LD49-88 Pocket Literature Display 12 Pocket Literature Display 8 Pocket Literature Display specs specs specs LD49-12 LD49-16 LD49-2412 Pocket Literature Display 16 Pocket Literature Display 24 Pocket Literature Display specs specs specs LD-FS Optional legs to create floor displayFits LD49-8, LD49-12, LD49-16, and LD49- 24 (shown here on a LD49-24) specs Legs attach to sides and raise the rack approximately 7 1/2\" off of floor. 12
All Oak Literature Displays are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 19 1/2\" 24 1/2\" 4 3/4\" 14 lbs.LD24-8 18\" 11 1/2\" 1 1/4\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 27\" 21\" 6\" 16 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 28 1/4\" 24 1/2\" 18 lbs. 100 2LD24-12 26 3/4\" 11 1/2\" Depth Weight Length Width 4 3/4\" 17 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 30\" 28\" 1 1/4\" 30 lbs. 125 2.9 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Depth Weight Width Height 6\" 19 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 10 1/2\" 49\" 32 lbs. 125 3.1 9\" 11 1/2\"LD49-8 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 54\" 14\" 4 3/4\" 18 lbs. 39 lbs. 125 3.7 Rack 1 1/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 15\" 49\" 7\" 22 50 lbs. 125 4.8 Shipping Carton 13 1/2\" 11 1/2\" Length Width Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetLD49-12 54\" 17\" Depth Weight 71 lbs. 150 6.8 4 3/4\" 24 lbs. Rack Width Height 1 1/4\" Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 19 1/2\" 49\" Depth Weight 9 lbs. 125 0.9 18\" 11 1/2\" 7\" 26 Shipping Carton Length Width 54\" 22\"LD49-16 Depth Weight Width Height 4 3/4\" 28 lbs. Rack 28 1/4\" 49\" 1 1/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions 26 3/4\" 11 1/2\" Depth Weight Length Width 7\" 30 Shipping Carton 54\" 31\"LD49-24 Width Height Depth Weight - 56 1/2\" 4 3/4\" 35 lbs. Rack Length Width 1 1/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions 28\" 19\" Depth Weight 7\" 37 Shipping CartonLD-FS Depth Weight 16 5 lbs. Rack Depth Weight 3\" 6 lbs. Shipping Carton 13
Oak & Acrylic Counter RacksCounter top literature holders display magazines, forms and brochures in an orderly and attractive fashion. Racks are constructed of1/2\" solid oak sides and a 3/4\" solid oak bottom. Clear acrylic front panel protect and provide easy viewing. Magazine holders havepockets 8 3/8\" wide by 2 1/4\" deep. Brochure pockets are 4\" wide and the 4 and 8 pocket literature holders are multi-tiered with anelevated back row. LHT1's are constructed with 3/4\" sides and base with an acrylic front. The LHT1 also has a slot routed into thebase that can be used to hold business cards. LHT1 LT-1 PT-1Literature Display w/Business Card Holder 1 Pocket Brochure Counter Rack 2 Pocket Newspaper Counter Rack specs specs specs MT-1 LT-41 Pocket Magazine Counter Rack 4 Pocket Brochure Counter Rack specs specs MT-2 LT-82 Pocket Magazine Counter Rack 8 Pocket Brochure Counter Rack specs specsAll Oak & Acrylic Counter Racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH) 14
Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 12\" 11 1/2\" 7\" 4 lbs.LHT1 9 1/2\"\" 11\" 2 1/4\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 14\" 14\" 6\" 5 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 5 1/4\" 7 1/2\" 4\" 2 lbs. 5 lbs. 70 0.7LT-1 4 1/4\"\" 7\" 2 3/8\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 9\" 8\" 5\" 3 lbs. 2 lbs. 70 0.2 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 17 3/4\" 12 1/2\" 4 3/4\" 9 lbs. 10 lbs. 92.5 1PT-1 16 3/4\" 9\" 1 3/4\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 20\" 15\" 6\" 10 lbs. 3 lbs. 85 0.3 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 9 1/2\" 7 1/2\" 4\" 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 85 0.5LT-4 4 1/4\"\" 5\" 1\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 12\" 9\" 5\" 4 lbs. 3 lbs. 85 0.3 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 18 1/4\" 7 1/2\" 4\" 5 lbs. 5 lbs. 92.5 0.5LT-8 4 1/4\"\" 5\" 1\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 21\" 9\" 5\" 6 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 9 1/2\" 7 1/2\" 4\" 3 lbs.MT-1 8 1/2\" 7\" 2 3/8\" Length Width Depth Weight Rack 12\" 9\" 5\" 4 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 18 1/4\" 7 1/2\" 4\" 5 lbs. 8 1/2\" 7\" 2 3/8\"MT-2 Length Width Depth Weight 21\" 9\" 5\" 6 lbs. Rack Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton 15
Oak Chart & File Wall PocketsKeep your files handy with our attractive chart or file holders. These racks are constructed with solid oak sides with a durable state-of-the-art finish. Chart holder pockets are 12 1/2\" wide. The four and ten pocket chart holders offer 3/4\" deep pockets, while thethree and five pocket holders offer a deeper 1 1/4\" pocket for thicker files. Single pocket racks will hold files up to 2\" thick. All wallracks are predrilled and include hardware for easy wall mounting. CH15-1 CHD15-1 CH14-11 Pocket Chart Holder 1 Pocket Extra Deep Chart Holder 1 Pocket Chart Holder specs specs specs CH14-3 CH14-2 CH14-53 Pocket Chart Holder 4 Pocket Chart Holder 5 Pocket Chart Holder specs specs specs CH14-10 CH10-FS XR-110 Pocket Chart Holder 10 Pocket Free Standing Chart Holder 1 Pocket X-ray Wall Rack specs specs specs CH17-1 CH17-3 CH17-4Legal Size File Pocket 3 Pocket Legal Size File Holder 4 Pocket Legal Size File Holder specs specs specs 16
CH17-5 CH17-10 CH17-FS 5 Pocket Legal Size File Holder 10 Pocket Legal Size File Holder 10 Pocket Free Standing Legal File Holder specs specs specsAll Oak Chart & File Racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 15\" 11\" 3\" 5 lbs.CH15-1 13 1/2\" 7 3/8\" 2\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 17\" 14\" 5\" 6 lbs. Shipping Carton Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 100 0.7CHD15-1 Width Height Depth 15\" 11\" 4 1/2\" Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 13 1/2\" 7 3/8\" 3 1/2\" 7 lbs. 7 lbs. 100 0.8 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth 16\" 14\" 6\" Weight Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 5 lbs. 0.7CH14-1 Width Height Depth Cubic Feet 14\" 12\" 3 3/4\" 1.3 Rack 3/4\" bottom Pocket - Inside Dimensions 12 1/2\" 8\" 3\" top Cubic Feet Depth 1.3 Shipping Carton Length Width 5\" Weight Dim Weight Freight Class 16\" 15\" 6 lbs. 6 lbs. 100 RackCH14-3 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight ClassCH14-2 Shipping Carton 14\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 9 lbs. 10 lbs. 125 12 1/2\" 8\" 1 1/4\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Pocket - Inside Dimensions 27\" 16\" 5\" 10 lbs. 10 lbs. 125 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 14\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 9 lbs. 12 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight 27\" 16\" 5\" 10 lbs. 17
CH14-5 Rack Width Height Depth WeightCH14-10 Pocket - Inside Dimensions 14\" 36\" 3 3/4\" 13 lbs.CH10-FS Shipping Carton 12 1/2\" 8\" 1 1/4\"XR-1 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetCH17-1 Rack 39\" 16\" 5\" 14 lbs. 14 lbs. 125 1.8CH17-3 Pocket - Inside DimensionsCH17-4 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetCH17-5 14\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 18 lbs. 100 2.4CH17-7 Rack 12 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\"CH17-10 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetCH17-FS Shipping Carton 51\" 16\" 5\" 23 lbs. 23 lbs. 100 2.4 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 14\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 22 lbs. 100 0.9 Shipping Carton 12 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 51\" 16\" 5\" 23 lbs. 23 lbs. 125 0.8 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 22 1/2\" 12\" 3 3/4\" 8 lbs. 100 1.35 Rack 21\" 9\" 2 1/2\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 25\" 13\" 5\" 8 lbs. 9 lbs. 125 1.35 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Pocket - Inside Dimensions 17\" 11\" 3\" 5 lbs. 100 2.1 Shipping Carton 15 1/2\" 7 3/8\" 2\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 19\" 14\" 5\" 7 lbs. 7 lbs. 100 2.41 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 17\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 9 lbs. 100 2.48 Rack 15 1/2\" 8\" 1 1/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 27\" 19\" 5\" 101 lbs. 11 lbs. 100 2.8 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 17\" 24\" 3 3/4\" 9 lbs. Shipping Carton 15 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Rack 27\" 19\" 5\" 12 lbs. 12 lbs. Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 17\" 36\" 3 3/4\" 13 lbs. 15 1/2\" 8\" 1 1/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight 39\" 19\" 5\" 16 lbs. 16 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight 17\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 21 lbs. 15 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight 39\" 19\" 5\" 17 lbs. 217 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight 17\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 18 lbs. 15 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight 51\" 19\" 5\" 26 lbs. 29 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight 17\" 48\" 3 3/4\" 22 lbs. 15 1/2\" 8\" 3/4\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight 51\" 16\" 5\" 26 lbs. 29 lbs. 18
Privacy Chart HoldersOak privacy chart racks are HIPAA COMPLIANT to keep your patients files handy while keeping their names and records private.These chart holders are constructed with solid oak sides. Front dividers offer a recess to make retrieving files easier. Chart holderpockets are 12 1/2\" wide. The three and five pocket chart holders have pockets that are 1 1/4\" deep while the single pocket holder is2\" deep. Front dividers cover 9\" of the file. All racks are predrilled and include hardware for easy wall mounting. PCH15-1 PCH24-3 PCH36-5 1 Pocket Privacy Chart Holder 3 Pocket Privacy Chart Holder 5 Pocket Privacy Chart Holder specs specs specsAll Privacy Chart Holders are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 15\" 11\" 3\" 5 lbs.PCH15-1 13 1/2\" 9\" 2\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 17\" 14\" 5\" 6 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 14\" 24\" 7 lbs. 100 0.7PCH24-3 12 1/2\" 9\" Depth Weight Length Width 3 3/4\" 10 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 27\" 16\" 1 1/4\" 12 lbs. 100 1.3 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Depth Weight Width Height 5\" 10 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 14\" 36\" 17 lbs. 100 1.8 12 1/2\" 9\"PCH36-5 Length Width Depth Weight 39\" 16\" 3 3/4\" 14 lbs. Rack 1 1/4\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Depth Weight 5\" 14 lbs. Shipping Carton 19
Open-end Oak Chart & File RacksOur open ended chart holders provide easy access to charts while providing necessary privacy. These HIPAA compliant racks have ataller 9\" front panel to keep names and records private. Chart holder pockets are 13 1/2\" wide and will hold files up to 2\" thick. Allchart holders are constructed with 3/4\" solid oak bottom and mounting plate. All wall racks are predrilled and include hardware foreasy wall mounting. OCHS15-1 OCHO20-1Open End Chart Holder with Square Open End Chart Holder with Oval Mounting Plate Mounting Plate specs specsAll Open-end Chart Holders are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications: Width Height Depth Weight 15 5/8\" 11 1/2\" 3 1/2\" 6 lbs.OCHS15-1 13 1/2\" 9\" 2\" Rack Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 17\" 14\" 5\" 7 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 17 1/2\" 11 1/2\" 7 lbs. 100 0.7OCHO20-1 13 1/2\" 9\" Depth Weight Length Width 3 1/2\" 6 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 19\" 14\" 2\" 7 lbs. 125 0.8 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Depth Weight 5\" 7 lbs. Shipping Carton 20
Wall Desk/Laptop WorkstationThe laminated wood grain wall desk is available in Oak and Dark Red Mahogany with a white and wood grain laminate interior. Thebeautiful and durable contoured “wrap around” laminate covers all surfaces for easy cleaning. Braking slides have been inserted fora soft opening and gives support while not letting the front panel slam down. Magnetic catch ensures that the desk will stay closedwhen accidentally bumped. All wall desks are constructed with a 5/8” thick front panel and sides. The 21” x 17” writing surfaceextends to 20 ¼” from the wall when open and supports a distributed weight of 20 lbs. Each desk is outfitted with a useful pocketand pen holder inside. Shallow closed depth means that these desks are ADA compliant when placed in passage ways. These deskscan be mounted at chair or standing height, but must be mounted to studs in the wall. Heavy duty mounting hardware is included.WD17-21 Wall Desk shown closed Modern radius edges are smooth and lookWall Desk great. This is not old-fashioned edgespecs banding.All Wall Desks are available in the following colors:Oak (OAK) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 21\" 17\" 4\" 15 lbs. 21 lbs. 92.5 1.8WD17-21 21\" 17\" 20.25\" Desk Closed Length Width Depth Weight Desk Open 24\" 21\" 6\" 21 lbs. Shipping Carton 21
Oak Key HolderWooden Mallets unique key ring holder is a convenient way to keep track of all your household's keys. Solid oak key easily mountson any flat surface. Five brass hooks hold an assortment of key rings. Light oak finish compliments any décor. Key Holder takessimple assembly with pliers. All Wooden Mallet products are warranted for one year against defects in materials and workmanship.KEYWall Mounted Key HolderspecsOak Key Holders are available in the following finish color:Light Oak (LO)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 18\" 5.75\" .75\" 1 lbs. 3 lbs.KEY Length Width Depth Weight Key 20\" 8\" 3\" 3 lbs. Shipping Carton 22
Oak Business Card DisplaysOak counter top business card holders are an attractive way to display multiple cards in an organized fashion. These displays workwell to present business cards in any office setting including: medical offices, dental offices, banks, law firms, or real estate offices.They can also be used in retail stores at point of sale to display gift cards. They are available in three, six, nine, and 12 pocket units.Each pocket is 3 1/2\" wide and can hold a stack of cards up to 1/2\" thick. All displays are constructed of solid oak and are available ina Light Oak, Medium Oak, and Mahogany finish. Our unique design allows cards to sit freely Use these displays at Point of Sale for giftBase and card slots built of solid oak in slots with only side supports cards, as well. BCC1-3 BCC2-63 Pocket Business Card Display 6 Pocket Business Card Display specs specs BCC3-9 BCC4-129 Pocket Business Card Display 12 Pocket Business Card Display specs specsAll Oak Business Card Displays are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches. 23
Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 5 3/4\" 5 3/4\" 4 3/8\" 1 lbs.BCC1-3 3 1/2\" 2\" 1/2\" Display Length Width Depth Weight Pocket - Inside Dimensions 8\" 8\" 5\" 3 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 9 1/2\" 5 3/4\" 4 3/8\" 1 lbs. 2 lbs. 70 0.2BCC2-6 3 1/2\" 2\" 1/2\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Display 12\" 8\" 5\" 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 92.5 0.3 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 13 1/4\" 5 3/4\" 4 3/8\" 2 lbs. 4 lbs. 85 0.4 3 1/2\" 2\" 1/2\"BCC3-9 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 16\" 8\" 5\" 5 lbs. 5 lbs. 92.5 0.5 Display Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 17\" 5 3/4\" 4 3/8\" 2 lbs. 3 1/2\" 2\" 1/2\"BCC4-12 Length Width Depth Weight 20\" 8\" 5\" 5 lbs. Display Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton 24
Oak Hook & Peg Coat & Hat RacksThese attractive coat racks are stylish enough to match almost any decor. All racks are made of solid oak for extra durability withbright brass or nickel hooks, or solid wood pegs. Coat and hat racks have 2 oak top bars mortised into the sides to easily supporthats, purses, or briefcases. All racks are fully assembled and complete with all necessary hardware for simple wall mounting. NEW! HSD2B/N NEW! HSD3B/N NEW! HSD4B/N2 Double Prong Hook Rail/Coat Rack 3 Double Prong Hook Rail/Coat Rack 4 Double Prong Hook Rail/Coat Rack specs specs specs 24HCRB/N 32HCRB/N 36HCRB/N4 Hook Coat & Hat Rack 5 Hook Coat & Hat Rack 6 Hook Coat & Hat Rack specs specs specs HCR-2B/N HCR-5B/N2 Hook Coat Rack 5 Hook Coat Rack specs specs HCR-2W HCR-5W2 Wood Peg Coat Rack 5 Wood Peg Coat Rack specs specsAll hook and peg coat racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches. 25
Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 10\" 2 1/4\" 1 3/4\" 1 lbs.HSD2 Length Width Depth Weight Rack 11\" 3\" 2\" 2 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 15\" 2 1/4\" 1 3/4\" 1 lbs. 2 lbs. 85 .1HSD3 Length Width Depth Weight 16\" 3\" 2\" 3 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 3 lbs. 85 .2 Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 20\" 2 1/4\" 1 3/4\" 1 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Length Width Depth Weight 3 lbs. 85 .2HSD4 21\" 3\" 2\" 3 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack Width Height Depth Weight 13 lbs. 85 1.8 24 3/4\" 8 1/2\" 9\" 12 lbs. Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 29\" 12\" 9\" 13 lbs. 14 lbs. 85 2.324HCR Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 32 3/4\" 8 1/2\" 9\" 13 lbs. 15 lbs. 85 2.6 Length Width Depth Weight Shipping Carton 37\" 12\" 9\" 14 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 3 lbs. 85 0.332HCR Width Height Depth Weight 36 3/4\" 8 1/2\" 9\" 14 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack Length Width Depth Weight 7 lbs. 85 0.7 41\" 12\" 9\" 15 lbs. Shipping Carton Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 3 lbs. 85 0.336HCR 12\" 3 1/2\" 4 1/2\" 3 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 14\" 8\" 5\" 3 lbs. 7 lbs. 85 0.7 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 36\" 3 1/2\" 4 1/2\" 6 lbs.HCR-2B/N Length Width Depth Weight Rack 39\" 6\" 5\" 7 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 12\" 3 1/2\" 3 3/4\" 3 lbs.HCR-5B/N Length Width Depth Weight Rack 14\" 8\" 5\" 3 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 36\" 3 1/2\" 3 3/4\" 6 lbs.HCR-2W Length Width Depth Weight 39\" 6\" 5\" 7 lbs. Rack Shipping CartonHCR-5W Rack Shipping Carton 26
Solid Oak Coat RacksOur coat racks are made of solid oak, not veneer or wood grain vinyl coverings. They are available in light oak or mahogany state-of-the-art finish. The sturdy 1\"x2\" oak hat rack bars are mortised into the sides and locked into place with screws. Choose from a 1\" or5/8\" diameter chrome steel hanger bar. Color matched wood plugs are included to cover wall mounting screws. Racks are shippedknocked down and assemble in minutes.Single Coat Rack (SCR) Double Coat Rack (DCR) Available in 24\", 32\", & 36\" widths Available in 48\", 64\", & 72\" widths 32\" designed to install on 16\" on-center wall studs. 64\" designed to install on 16\" on-center wall studs. 24\" & 36\" designed to install on 12\" on-center wall 48\" & 72\" designed to install on 12\" on-center wall studs. studs. Or install on any wall using heavy duty wall anchors. Or install on any wall using heavy duty wall anchors. Call to inquire about custom lengths. Call to inquire about custom lengths.Available in the following state-of-the-art finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches. Easy to assemble SpecificationsModel Specifications24SCR Width Height Depth Weight 25 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 7 lbs. Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 33\" 13\" 3\" 8 lbs. 8 lbs. 85 0.7 Shipping Carton 33\" 13\" 11\" 38 lbs. 38 lbs. 85 2.7 5 Pack Shipping Carton 27
32SCR Rack Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet36SCR Shipping Carton 33 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 8 lbs. 9 lbs. 85 0.748DCR 5 Pack Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight 40 lbs. 85 2.764DCR 33\" 13\" 3\" 9 lbs.72DCR Rack 33\" 13\" 11\" 40 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 9 lbs. 85 0.8 5 Pack Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 43 lbs. 85 3.1 37 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 8 lbs. Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 37\" 13\" 3\" 9 lbs. 14 lbs. 85 0.8 37\" 13\" 11\" 43 lbs. Rack Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 15 lbs. 85 0.8 49 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 14 lbs. Rack Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 37\" 13\" 3\" 14 lbs. 16 lbs. 85 0.8 Width Height Depth Weight 65 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 15 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight 37\" 13\" 3\" 15 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight 73 3/4\" 11 1/2\" 15 1/2\" 16 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight 37\" 13\" 3\" 16 lbs. 28
Deluxe Oak Luggage RacksFolding luggage racks are designed and built using all solid oak construction and state-of-the-art \"high tech\" finish for heavy use andlasting beauty. They incorporate 4 strap supports in tapestry or tan, brown, or black polypropylene webbing and will handle almostany size suitcase. The racks conveniently fold up for easy storage. LR LR2 LR3 LR4 specs specs specs NEW! WallSaver™ specsAll Oak Luggage Racks are available with the following wood finish options:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)And the following strap choices:Black (BLK) Brown (BRN) Tan (TAN) Tapestry (TAP)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 23 3/4\" 20\" 15 1/2\" 6 lbs. 7 lbs. 200 1.7LR Length Width Depth Weight Rack 28\" 26\" 4\" 7 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 7 lbs. 200 1.7 Shipping Carton 23 3/4\" 20\" 15 1/2\" 6 lbs.LR2 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 28\" 26\" 5\" 7 lbs. 7 lbs. 200 1.7 Rack Width Height Depth Weight 23 3/4\" 20\" 15 1/2\" 6 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight 8 lbs. 200 2.3LR3 28\" 26\" 5\" 7 lbs. Width Height Depth Weight Rack 23 3/4\" 24 1/4\" 18 1/4\" 6 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight Shipping Carton 31\" 25\" 5\" 8 lbs.LR4 Rack Shipping Carton 29
Oak Fire Extinguisher CabinetsSurface mount fire extinguisher cabinet allows you to hide an unsightly extinguisher in plain sight for safety. These high qualitycabinets feature solid construction. Contemporary engraving or acrylic door panel compliments any decor. These cabinets easilyaccommodates up to a 5 or10 lb. fire extinguisher. Heavy duty mounting hardware is included. FEC10 specs FEC11 specs5 lb. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet 5 lb. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet with engraved front panel with acrylic front panel FEC20 specs FEC21 specs10 lb. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet 10 lb. Fire Extinguisher Cabinet with engraved front panel with acrylic front panelAll Fire Extinguisher Cabinets are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 10\" 19 1/2\" 6 1/4\" 8 lbs. 11 lbs. 85 1FEC10/11 8\" 18\" 5 1/4\" Cabinet Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Inside Dimensions 22\" 11\" 7\" 11 lbs. 13 lbs. 92.5 1.1 Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 30FEC20/21 10\" 25 3/4\" 6 1/4\" 10 lbs. 8\" 24 1/4\" 5 1/4\" Cabinet Length Width Depth Weight Inside Dimensions 28\" 11\" 7\" 13 lbs. Shipping Carton
Oak Glove Box Wall RacksOak Glove box holders are an attractive way to hold your boxes of gloves. These racks will accommodate almost all brands and sizesof gloves. These racks also work well for standard size facial tissue boxes. They are available in one, two, three, and four box units.All glove box racks are constructed of 3/4\" solid oak sides and bottoms with 1/4\" laminate front panels. All racks are drilled andinclude wall mounting hardware for easy wall mounting.NEW! Design GBS11-1 NEW! Design GBS11-21 Glove Box Wall Rack 2 Glove Box Wall Rack specs specsNEW! Design GBS11-3 NEW! Design GBS11-43 Glove Box Wall Rack 4 Glove Box Wall Rack specs specs GBW11-1 GBW11-21 Glove Box Wall Rack 2 Glove Box Wall Rack specs specs GBW11-3 GBW11-43 Glove Box Wall Rack 4 Glove Box Wall Rack specs specs 31
All Oak Glove Box Wall Racks are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model SpecificationsGBS/W11-1 Rack Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetGBS/W11-2 Pocket - Inside Dimensions 7\" 11\" 4 1/2\" 3 lbs. 4 lbs. 125 0.4GBS/W11-3 5 1/2\" 10\" 3 1/2\" Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 14\" 9\" 6\" 3 lbs. 6 lbs. 125 0.7 Rack Pocket - Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 12 3/8\" 11\" 4 1/2\" 4 lbs. 8 lbs. 125 0.9 Shipping Carton 10 7/8\" 10\" 3 1/2\" Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Rack 16\" 12\" 6\" 4 lbs. 10 lbs. 125 1.1 Pocket - Inside Dimensions Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 17 5/8\" 11\" 4 1/2\" 6 lbs. 16 1/8\" 10\" 3 1/2\" Length Width Depth Weight 21\" 12\" 6\" 6 lbs.GBS/W11-4 Width Height Depth Weight 23\" 11\" 4 1/2\" 7 lbs. Rack 21 1/2\" 10\" 3 1/2\" Pocket - Inside Dimensions Length Width Depth Weight 26\" 12\" 6\" 7 lbs. Shipping Carton 32
Oak Towel & Tissue Dispensers Forget using a plain metal dispenser. Wooden Mallet's oak paper towel and glove/tissue dispensers add a touch of beauty and class to your restroom or clinical setting. The tissue/glove box holders will accommodate almost all brands and sizes of gloves. These racks also work well for standard size facial tissue boxes. The towel dispensers will work with both multi-fold and c-fold paper towels. All glove box and towel dispenser cabinets are constructed of 3/4\" solid oak sides with 1/4\" laminate front panels. The paper towel cabinets have a plastic bottom where the towels are dispensed for easy cleaning. All cabinets are drilled and include wall mounting hardware for easy wall mounting. WCX1 Combo Towel Dispenser & Tissue/Glove Box Holder specs WCT1 WCG2Paper Towel Dispenser Glove/Tissue Box Holder specs specsAll Oak Towel & Tissue Dispensers are available in the following finish colors:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 12 1/2\" 15\" 4 3/4\" 6 lbs. 9 lbs. 92.5 0.9WCT1 11\" 12\" 3 1/2\" Cabinet Length Width Depth Weight 33 Inside Dimensions 17\" 14\" 6\" 9 lbs. Shipping Carton
WCG2 Cabinet Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetWCX1 Inside Dimensions 11 3/4\" 15\" 4 3/4\" 6 lbs. 9 lbs. 92.5 0.8 10 1/4\" 12\" 3 1/2\" Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 17\" 13\" 6\" 9 lbs. 9 lbs. 92.5 0.9 Cabinet Inside Dimensions Width Height Depth Weight 12 1/2\" 15\" 4 3/4\" 6 lbs. Shipping Carton 11\" 12\" 3 1/2\" Length Width Depth Weight 17\" 14\" 6\" 9 lbs. 34
Valley Series Chairs & SofasStylish, economical, and comfortable, Wooden Mallet's Dakota Wave chairs and sofas are built to last. They are constructed of oneinch thick solid oak with a beautiful, durable, state-of-the-art finish. They are available in five styles of fabric and vinyl, and areCalifornia TB 117 compliant. Standard chairs and sofas are rated to support 400 lbs. per seat. Bariatric chairs are rated to support800 lbs. per bariatric seat. Assembly is a breeze with the use of slide brackets, as no tools are required. DW1-1 DW2-1Single Sled Base Chair with Arms Single Sled Base Armless Chair specs specs DW3-1 DW4-1Single Standard Leg Chair with Arms Single Standard Leg Armless Chair specs specs 35
DW1-2 DW1-3 DW1-4Double Sled Base Chair with Arms Triple Sled Base Chair with Arms Quadruple Sled Base Chair with Arms specs specs specs DW2-2 DW2-3 DW2-4Double Sled Base Sofa Triple Sled Base Sofa Quadruple Sled Base Sofa specs specs specs DWBA1-1 DWBA3-1 DWBA1-330\" Single Bariatric Chair Single Bariatric Standard Leg Chair Bariatric Sled Base Sofa with Arms 800 Lbs. capacity 800 Lbs. capacity 800 Lbs. capacity - center seat specs specs 400 Lbs. capacity - end seats specsAll Valley Series Chairs and Sofas are available with the following finish and upholstery options:Wood Finish:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) 36
Upholstery:Standard Solid:Powder Blue (PB) Foliage Green (FG)Cabernet Burgundy (CB) Charcoal Gray (CG)Standard Vinyl:Vinyl Blue (VB) Vinyl Green (VG) NEW! Vinyl Black (VK)Vinyl Wine (VW) Vinyl Cream (VC) NEW! Vinyl Mocha (VM)Vinyl is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. 37
Designer Leaf: Leaf Green (LG)Leaf Blue (LB)Leaf Wine (LW) Leaf Taupe (LT)Designer Arch: Arch Green (AG) Arch Olive (AO)Arch Blue (AB)Arch Wine (AW) Arch Slate (AW) Arch Khaki (AK)Designer Watercolor:Watercolor Blue (WB) Watercolor Green (WG) 38
Watercolor Rose (WR) Watercolor Earth (WE)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 21 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 27 lbs.DW1-1 Length Width Depth Weight Chair 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 42\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 51 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9DW1-2 Length Width Depth Weight 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Chair 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9DW1-3 Shipping Carton 1 62 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 75 lbs. Shipping Carton 2 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Chair 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 1 Shipping Carton 2 Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 3 83\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 99 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9DW1-4 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Chair 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 1 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 2 Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 3 21 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 27 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 4 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9DW2-1 Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Chair 42\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 51 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs.DW2-2 Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Sofa 62 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 75 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 1 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 2 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs.DW2-3 Width Height Depth Weight Sofa 83\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 99 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight Shipping Carton 1 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Shipping Carton 2 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. Shipping Carton 3 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs.DW2-4 Sofa Shipping Carton 1 Shipping Carton 2 Shipping Carton 3 Shipping Carton 4 39
DW3-1 Sofa Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetDW4-1 Shipping Carton 21 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 27 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9DWBA1-1 Length Width Depth WeightDWBA3-1 Sofa 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetDWBA1-3 Shipping Carton 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Width Height Depth Weight Chair 21 1/2\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 27 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight 51 lbs. 125 4.9 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Chair Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight 51 lbs. 125 4.9 30\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 35 lbs. Sofa Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 1 31\" 21\" 13\" 37lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 2 51 lbs. 125 4.9 Shipping Carton 3 Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 30\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 35 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight 31\" 21\" 13\" 37lbs. Width Height Depth Weight 81\" 33 1/2\" 23 1/4\" 86 lbs. Length Width Depth Weight 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 31\" 21\" 13\" 37 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 40
Prairie Series Chairs & SofasDakota Wave Prairie series with its full length, fully upholstered back offers graceful styling for sophisticated good looks. Thiscollection is constructed of solid oak with a state-of-the-art finish for beauty and durability. Choose from dozens of stain and fabriccombinations to customize this collection for any décor or contact us to learn about supplying your own fabric for a personalizedlook. Choose Prairie series chairs and sofas as part of our complete Dakota Wave collection of lobby essentials. Check out ourcoordinating tables, benches, coat racks and literature displays. Available in light oak, medium oak or mahogany state-of-the-art finish. Choose from 14 designer fabrics with Teflon stain repellent finish or four antimicrobial vinyl colors. Assembly is a breeze with our unique slide brackets. No tools are required. This collection complies with California TB 117 fire code. Wooden Mallet warrants all of its products for one full year against defects in materials and workmanship. Made in the USA. Seat Dimensions: 19.5\"W x 18\"D x 17\"H. Seat Height: 19\". Arm Height: 25\". Weight Capacity: 400 lbs. per seat. DW7-1 DW8-1Prairie Guest Chair - Sled Base Prairie Armless Guest Chair - Sled Base specs specs 41
DW9-1 DW10-1Prairie Guest Chair - Standard Leg Prairie Armless Guest Chair - Standard Leg specs specs DW7-2 DW7-3 DW7-4Prairie Two Seat Chair w/Center Arms - Prairie Three Seat Chair w/Center Arms - Prairie Four Seat Chair w/Center Arms - Sled Base Sled Base Sled Base specs specs specs DW8-2 DW8-3 DW8-4Prairie Two Seat Sofa - Sled Base Prairie Three Seat Sofa - Sled Base Prairie Four Seat Sofa - Sled Base specs specs specsAll Dakota Wave Prairie Series Chairs and Sofas are available in the following finish and upholstery options:Finish:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches. 42
Upholstery:Standard Vinyl:Vinyl Blue (VB) Vinyl Green (VG) NEW! Vinyl Black (VK)Vinyl Wine (VW) Vinyl Cream (VC) NEW! Vinyl Mocha (VM)Vinyl is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial.Designer Leaf:Leaf Blue (LB) Leaf Green (LG)Leaf Wine (LW) Leaf Taupe (LT) 43
Designer Arch: Arch Green (AG) Arch Olive (AO)Arch Blue (AB)Arch Wine (AW) Arch Slate (AW) Arch Khaki (AK)Designer Watercolor:Watercolor Blue (WB) Watercolor Green (WG)Watercolor Rose (WR) Watercolor Earth (WE)Colors may vary due to differences in monitors. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Model Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 21 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 27 lbs.DW7-1 Length Width Depth Weight Chair 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. Width Height Depth WeightDW8-1 Shipping Carton 21 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 27 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Chair Length Width Depth Weight 43 lbs. 125 4.1 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Shipping Carton Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 41 lbs. 125 3.9 44
DW9-1 Chair Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetDW10-1 21 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 27 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9DW7-2 Shipping Carton Length Width Depth WeightDW7-3 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetDW7-4 Chair Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 21 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 27 lbs.DW8-2 Shipping Carton Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic FeetDW8-3 27\" 21\" 12\" 28 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1DW8-4 Chair Width Height Depth Weight 43 lbs. 125 4.1 42\" 37\" 26\" 51 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1 Chair Width Height Depth Weight 43 lbs. 125 4.1 62 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 75 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1 Shipping Carton 3 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. 43 lbs. 125 4.1 Chair Width Height Depth Weight 43 lbs. 125 4.1 83\" 37\" 26\" 99 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 4.1 Shipping Carton 3 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 4 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 22\" 12\" 25 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Sofa Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 4.1 42\" 37\" 26\" 51 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Sofa Width Height Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 4.1 62 1/2\" 37\" 26\" 75 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. 41 lbs. 125 3.9 Shipping Carton 3 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. Sofa Width Height Depth Weight 83\" 37\" 26\" 99 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 Length Width Depth Weight Shipping Carton 2 27\" 22\" 12\" 28 lbs. Shipping Carton 3 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. Shipping Carton 4 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 27\" 21\" 12\" 25 lbs. 45
Dakota Wave BenchesStylish, economical, and comfortable, Wooden Mallet's Dakota Wave benches are built to last. They are constructed of one inchthick solid oak with a beautiful, durable, state-of-the-art finish. They are available in three styles of fabric and vinyl, and areCalifornia TB 117 compliant. Assembly is a breeze with the use of slide brackets, as no tools are required. DW5-1 DW5-2 Single Bench Double Bench specs specs DW5-3 DW5-4 Triple Bench Quadruple Bench specs specsModel Specifications Width Height Depth Weight 21 1/2\" 19\" 20\" 20 lbs.DW5-1 Length Width Depth Weight Bench 24\" 24\" 11\" 21 lbs. Shipping Carton Width Height Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 42\" 19\" 20\" 37 lbs. 38 lbs. 150 3.7DW5-2 Length Width Depth Weight 24\" 24\" 11\" 21 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Bench 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. 38 lbs. 150 3.7 35 lbs. 150 3.3 Shipping Carton 1 Width Height Depth Weight Shipping Carton 2 62 1/2\" 19\" 20\" 54 lbs. Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet Length Width Depth Weight 38 lbs. 150 3.7DW5-3 24\" 24\" 11\" 21 lbs. 35 lbs. 150 3.3 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. 35 lbs. 150 3.3 Bench 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. Shipping Carton 1 Shipping Carton 2 Shipping Carton 3 46
DW5-4 Width Height Depth Weight 83\" 19\" 20\" 70 lbs. Bench Length Width Depth Weight Dim Weight Freight Class Cubic Feet 24\" 24\" 11\" 21 lbs. 38 lbs. 150 3.7 Shipping Carton 1 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. 35 lbs. 150 3.3 Shipping Carton 2 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. 35 lbs. 150 3.3 Shipping Carton 3 24\" 24\" 10\" 17 lbs. 35 lbs. 150 3.3 Shipping Carton 4All Dakota Wave Benches are available with the following finish and upholstery options:Wood Finish:Light Oak (LO) Medium Oak (MO) Mahogany (MH)Colors may vary due to differences in stain lots. Request swatches to make exact color matches.Upholstery:Standard Solid:Powder Blue (PB) Foliage Green (FG)Cabernet Burgundy (CB) Charcoal Gray (CG)Standard Vinyl:Vinyl Blue (VB) Vinyl Green (VG) NEW! Vinyl Black (VK) 47
Vinyl Wine (VW) Vinyl Cream (VC) NEW! Vinyl Mocha (VM)Vinyl is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial.Designer Leaf:Leaf Blue (LB) Leaf Green (LG)Leaf Wine (LW) Leaf Taupe (LT)Designer Arch: Arch Green (AG) Arch Olive (AO)Arch Blue (AB)Arch Wine (AW) Arch Slate (AW) Arch Khaki (AK) 48
Designer Watercolor:Watercolor Blue (WB) Watercolor Green (WG)Watercolor Rose (WR) Watercolor Earth (WE)Colors may vary due to differences in monitors. Request swatches to make exact color matches. 49