Economic Characteristic of South America น.ส.ปภาวรินท์ ไกรสทุ ธิวงศ์ ม.4/14 เลขที่ 35Agriculture livestock Fishery Forestry
Cultivation of Rice SugarSouth America cane coffee PotatoMost agriculture in South America is a coffee Fruitsself-sufficiency cultivation and not much ofcommercial cultivation. South America uses Corn Cottonfewer chemicals and limited areas..
The important economic crops1.Coffee – It is cultivated all through the continent and has made SouthAmerica became the world’s largest coffee exporter.2.Sugar cane – Brazil is a leader in using sugar cane as a raw material toproduce alcohol.3.Corn – It is cultivated in Brazil, Argentina,Uruguay and Peru.4.Potato – It is the food crop that spread all through the continent.
5.Rice – It is cultivated a lot in the basin of Brazil,Uruguay,Guyana and Suriname6.Fruits – Fruits that are grown commercially are bananas,which are exported to Europe and USA Market.7.Cocoa – It is a native crop of the tropical climate of South America.Its seeds are used in making chocolate.8.Cotton – It is highly cultivated in Brazil,Argentina,Paraguay.
South America is one of the leading playersin the global agricultural market and accounts forapproximately 10% of the world’s agricultural product export.South America also has many commercial farms, especially in Argentina Brazil Chile Uruguay Colombia
livestockLivestock production systems areconsidered to be the most appropriatesocial, economic and cultural strategy formaintaining the welfare of communitiesbecause this is the only activity that cansimultaneously provide security for dailysubsistence, preserve ecosystems, promotewildlife conservation and satisfy culturaltraditions and values.
Important livestockBeef cows and dairy cows – Brazil is the largest producer in SouthAmerica,which is the world’s second largest after India.Sheep – important areas for sheep farming are in the Brazillianhighland,Patagonia highland in the south of Argentina.Pigs – they are raised for domestic consumption.The importantcountry that raises pigs is Brazil.Poultry – The important one is chicken,which are lot in every contry.
FisheryThe highly productive coastal fisheries of the region, together with themajor riverine/estuarine system of the Amazon basin, and a range oflesser river systems, lakes and wetlands, provide a massive resourcewhich is largely exploited by a diverse range of small-scale fisheries.
ForestryThe important area of the continent is the selvas forest,but due to theglobal campaign against deforestation,forest industry of South Americais mostly from forest cultivation.Most of the wood products are for domestic use,and the export oftimbers and logs in low quanlity.
STAMP 414 No.35
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