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Home Explore M1 September Newsletter

M1 September Newsletter

Published by hollisvernita, 2020-09-15 16:58:32

Description: M1 September Newsletter


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WELCOME M1 CUBS School Information: School Address: 1 North Street Hamilton, Pembroke HM09, Bermuda School phone: (441) 295-7404 School Fax: (441) 292-9327 School Website: School hours: 8:30a.m. - 3:15p.m.

ADMINISTRATION Acting Principal Mrs. LuAnn Wainwright-Dill, BS, BA, MHR, MEd [email protected] Deputy Principal Ms. Terry-Lynn Doyle, BA, MA [email protected] School Administrative Assistants Miss Carmilita Cyrus [email protected] Miss Shernette Outerbridge [email protected] School Counselors Mrs. Terry-lynn Richards [email protected] Miss Donna-mae Postlethwaite [email protected] Miss Jenaya Wade-Fray [email protected]

WELCOME PARENTS & STUDENTS Good Day M1 Parents and Students, The M1 Cubs Team welcome you and your child to Dellwood Middle School, the Home of the Roaring Lions. We hope you and your family are ready for the 2020-21 school year. As your child transitions from primary school to “The Dell”, we want to reassure you that your child's education, health, safety and social wellbeing remain an essential priority. As we define our new normal, our aim is to ensure you have a smooth transition into middle school. I know as parents you would want to see your children to their classes on the first day of school. This year you will only be allowed to drop them off in the parking lot and they will be escorted to their classrooms once their temperature has been checked and hands sanitized. We must follow health and safety protocols outlined by the Department of Health, so we thank you for your cooperation. Mask must be worn for all middle school students and by anyone who enters Dellwood’s campus. Students with respiratory issues are exempt once you provide a letter outlining the health condition. M1 Cubs will enter and exit the campus from the school parking lot. Students will remain in their bubbles for instructional time as well as the lunch break. Be assured that our team of dedicated professionals are committed to providing students with an educational experience that provides for some semblance of normalcy. Mrs.Vernita Hollis, the M1 Year Advisor, is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have and is always available via WhatsApp at 504-3601 or email at [email protected]. Again welcome, you have officially joined our school family! We are excited about having a successful school year. Celebrate...WHOOP! WHOOP! WELCOME! Best, Page 3 M1 TEAM

MONDAY M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 M1-5 8:30 am - 9:00 am X CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN 9:00 am - 9:55 am ENC(1) - DRA 10:00 am - 10:55 am 1 SS - DARRELL SC - TROTT ENC(1) - VA ENC(1) - DN 10:55 am - 11:10 am FL 11:10 am - 12:05 pm 2 ENC(1) - VA ENC(1) -DRA FL FL BREAK SS - DAVIS 12:10 pm - 1:05 pm A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 1:10 pm - 2:05 pm LUNCH 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm 3 EL - TEAR SS - DARRELL SC - TROTT MT - MARONIE 2:20 pm - 3:15 pm MT - DUNN 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm L LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH BREAK TUESDAY 4 ENC(2) - FS ENC(2) - D&T EL - HAMILTON SC - TROTT EL - REGO 8:30 am - 9:00 am A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK CHECK-OUT 9:00 am - 9:55 am 10:00 am - 10:55 am 5 SC - TROTT EL - TEAR MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL M1-5 10:55 am - 11:10 am 11:10 am - 12:05 pm X CHECK-OUT LUNCH CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT CHECK-IN FL 12:10 pm - 1:05 pm M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 SC - JAMES 1:10 pm - 2:05 pm X CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN BREAK 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm 2:20 pm - 3:15 pm 1 MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL FL FL SS - DAVIS 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm 2 FL FL MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL LUNCH WEDNESDAY A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK ENC(2) - BUS 8:30 am - 9:00 am BREAK 9:00 am - 9:55 am 3 SC - TROTT MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL EL - TEAR 10:00 am - 10:55 am EL - REGO L LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 10:55 am - 11:10 am CHECK-OUT 11:10 am - 12:05 pm 4 SS - DARRELL SC - TROTT ENC(2) - FS ENC(2) - D&T 12:10 pm - 1:05 pm M1-5 A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 1:10 pm - 2:05 pm CHECK-IN 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm 5 ENC(2) - FS ENC(2) - D&T EL - TEAR SC - TROTT EL - REGO 2:20 pm - 3:15 pm 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm X CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT LUNCH CHECK-OUT SC - JAMES M1 SCHEDULE THURSDAY M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 BREAK SS - DAVIS 8:30 am - 9:00 am X CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN 9:00 am - 9:55 am LUNCH 10:00 am - 10:55 am 1 EL - TEAR MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL SC - TROTT 10:55 am - 11:10 am MT - DUNN 2 LUNCH SC - TROTT EL - TEAR MT - MARONIE BREAK 11:10 am - 12:05 pm A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK PE/HEALTH 12:10 pm - 1:05 pm 3 FL FL SC - TROTT SS - DARRELL CHECK-OUT 1:10 pm - 2:05 pm 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm L LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH M1-5 2:20 pm - 3:15 pm 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm 4 PE/HEALTH PE/HEALTH MT - MARONIE EL - TEAR CHECK-IN SC - JAMES FRIDAY A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 8:30 am - 9:00 am 5 MT - MARONIE EL - TEAR PE/HEALTH PE/HEALTH EL - REGO 9:00 am - 9:55 am 10:00 am - 10:55 am X CHECK-OUT LUNCH CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT MT - DUNN 10:55 am - 11:10 am M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 LUNCH 11:10 am - 12:05 pm X CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN PE/HEALTH 12:10 pm - 1:05 pm BREAK 1:10 pm - 2:05 pm 1 EL - TEAR SS - DARRELL MT - MARONIE SC - TROTT 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm ENC(2) - BUS 2:20 pm - 3:15 pm 2 BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK CHECK-OUT 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm A ENC(1) - VA ENC(1) - DRA SS - DARRELL EL - TEAR M1-5 3 SS - DARRELL EL - TEAR SC - TROTT LUNCH CHECK-IN MT - DUNN L LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH FL 4 MT - MARONIE SC - TROTT PE/HEALTH PE/HEALTH BREAK A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK ENC(1) - DRA 5 SC - TROTT MT - MARONIE ENC(2) - FS ENC(2) - D&T LUNCH X CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT SC - JAMES BREAK M1-1 M1-2 M1-3 M1-4 SS - DAVIS X CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-IN CHECK-OUT 1 FL FL EL - TEAR SS - DARRELL 2 EL - TEAR MT - MARONIE LUNCH FL A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 3 SC - TROTT EL - HAMILTON ENC(1) - VA ENC(1) - DN L LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 4 PE/HEALTH PE/HEALTH SS - DARRELL MT - MARONIE A BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK 5 MT - MARONIE SS - DARRELL SC - TROTT EL - TEAR X CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT CHECK-OUT

M1 TEAM OF TEACHERS M1 ZOOM IDs & EMAILS TEACHER SUBJECT ZOOM ID EMAIL T.Tear ENGLISH CORE TEACHERS [email protected] J. Rego 879 919 3254 [email protected] J. Maronie [email protected] D. Dunn ENGLISH 545 790 9830 [email protected] C. DeSilva [email protected] D. Trott MATH 753 759 2616 [email protected] S. James [email protected] J. Darrell MATH 957 980 8103 [email protected] S. Davis D. Reid MATH 957 062 4211 [email protected] C. Anglade SCIENCE 615 669 1751 [email protected] T. Hill [email protected] S. Grant SCIENCE 740 970 8112 [email protected] J. Clarke SOCIAL STUDIES 989 944 1079 [email protected] Q. Robinson [email protected] S. Ming SOCIAL STUDIES 434 688 9039 LEARNING SUPPORT [email protected] T. Campbell [email protected] W. Maxwell FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS [email protected] S. Daniels SUB FL - FRENCH 241 223 7931 [email protected] T. Robinson [email protected] S. Spence FL - SPANISH 455 437 4617 [email protected] S. Hines FL - Spanish [email protected] H. Stafford [email protected] D. Greene PHYSICAL EDUCATION [email protected] K. Lightbourne [email protected] S. Simmons PHYSICAL ED 944 157 0824 [email protected] C. Gibbons [email protected] J. Butterfield PHYSICAL ED 852 747 7204 [email protected] E. Albuoy [email protected] S. Reid PHYSICAL ED [email protected] L. Davis [email protected] D. Gardner ENCORE [email protected] Page 5A. Jackson [email protected] V. Hollis FAMILY STUDIES 615 376 6824 DANCE 830 482 0429 BUSINESS 685 391 3371 MUSIC DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY 804 582 1151 DRAMA 799 293 3910 VISUAL ART 570 158 6191 LIBRARIAN SUPPORT STAFF & PROGRAMS 265 346 4237 ASD 615 664 0961 FUNCTIONAL AC. 598 150 2353 PARA - FS 467 597 6760 PARA - FA 725 240 9153 PARA –FA N/A PARA - ASD 759 869 5620 PARA 614 797 5882 FUCTIONAL SKILLS 839 397 1836 PARA - FS 751 359 5899 PARA - FS 816 087 0393 ED. THERAPY/ YEAR ADVISOR 874 283 7130

ESSENTIAL CURRICULUM & TENTIVE PACING GUIDE M1 ESSENTIAL CURRICULUM First Unit of Study (Weeks 1 -4) SUBJECT UNIT TOPIC English The First 20 Days Involves setting up interactive note books, learning classroom expectations, learning the genres, learning how to choose 'just' right books, and interactive read alouds. Mathematics Geometry Points, Lines & Angles MA07 – GEO01 CIE Standards: Estimate the size of acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest 10° (7Gs4) Use a ruler, set square and protractor to: 1. Measure and draw straight lines to the nearest millimeter 2. Measure and draw acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest degree 3. Draw parallel and perpendicular lines 4. Construct a triangle given two sides and the included angle (SAS) or two angles and the included side (ASA) 5. Construct squares and rectangles 6. Construct regular polygons, given a side and the internal angle (7Gs10) Science Biology Plant & Body Systems Social Studies Geography 7.SS.G1 Distinguish and explain Bermu- da’s human, physical and environmental geography and the 5 Themes of Geogra- phy

REMOTE LEARNING PLATFORMS ZOOM, GOFORMATIVE, SCHOOLOGY... To get started on Dreambox: All student accounts remain the same as their elementary school username/passwords: To get started on Go Formative: 1. 2. Enter Join Code: The join code is the CLASS CODE (will be provided once accounts are set up) 3. Log in: The code is similar to Dreambox with a 1 in front of their User Name (U/N) and the Password (P/W) will be the same as the one used for Dreambox. Example: Dreambox Example: Go Formative U/N: johnd P/W: hair U/N: 1johnd P/W: hair To get started on Education Perfect (for Foreign Language) 1. Download the app or EducationPerfect or google or follow this link: 1. User Name: DELL+firstname+lastname Password: first name (lowercase/NO CAPS) E.g. U/N: DELLJohnDarrell P/W: john To get started on Zoom: 1. 2. Enter Teacher’s Zoom ID HOW TO… VIDEO LINKS for PARENTS Below are YouTube tutorial video clips that will assist you with accessing the various learning platforms we are using: 1. Google Classrooms Tutorial 2. Zoom Tutorial 3. GoFormative Tutorial

DMS SCHOOL PRINCIPLES MISSION STATEMENT To promote the academic, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of students in a safe and productive environment as we strive for excellence. VISION We are a community of learners who: achieve academic excellence; face life with confidence; appreciate the Arts; love learning; value and respect ourselves and others; and experience success and fulfill our dreams. 4 CORE VALUES 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Prepared to Learn 4. Be Safe SCHOOL AFFIRMATION “As a member of the Dellwood Middle School Family: I will give the best, do the best, get the best to build the best.” OUR MOTTO “Deeds not Words” DELLWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL is an “8 Key of Excellence School”

SCHOOL SONG Dellwood Middle School is the place to be, At Dellwood Middle School, we are a family; At Dellwood Middle school, we strive to do our best And at Dellwood Middle, we study hard for our tests (Chorus) Because at Dellwood Middle School, We obey the rules Dellwood Middle School is the place to be, At Dellwood Middle School, we are a family. At Dellwood Middle School, we say not words, but deeds And at Dellwood Middle school we work hard to succeed At Dellwood Middle School good teachers lead the way At Dellwood Middle School, we work hard everyday (Chorus) Because at Dellwood Middle School, We obey the rules Dellwood Middle School is the place to be, At Dellwood Middle School, we are a family. Give the best, Do the best, Get the best, to build the best (step it up) x 3 Dellwood Middle School is the place to be, At Dellwood Middle School, we are a family. Page 9 Written by: Patricia O’Connor Music by: John Woolridge

SUPPLES LIST STUDENTS MUST HAVE LIST Pens (Blue or Black) No. 2 Pencils Colored pencils 2 dry erase markers Folder for writing Highlighter 12’’Ruler Eraser Scissors 2 Glue sticks Pencil Sharpener Geometry Set TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator Homework folder Pencil Case USB Key Large zipper pouch Face Mask Travel size cosmetic bag (with deodorant, hand sanitizer, feminine products, etc.) Electronic Device (if able—until provided by DOE) Due to heath and safety precautions, students are NOT permitted to share supplies. Pencil cases, wrist bands and exercise books will remain in the classroom. Kindly have a set of supplies at home.

GET IN THE KNOW! • We are an 8 Keys of Excellence School! • We are the Home of the Roaring Lions! • Our school colors are navy and maroon. • We are a WATER ONLY campus & a NUT FREE school (due to a severe nut allergy). • No microwave lunches (H&S Protocols) • There is ZERO tolerance for fighting and bullying! • Lunch is provided daily by Rosa’s Cantina at the cost of $8—starts Oct. 5th • M1s eat lunch in the Amphi-Theatre and in the courtyard (on the school benches) ~ no food is to be eaten on the field. • Students must have their face mask daily. • Students will report directly to advisory once they check-in • Football is played on the school fields ONLY! • The school field is off limits on rainy days. • Late students must report to the office for a late slip and follow the entry protocol (temperature check, hands sanitized). • Detentions take place in the Amphi-Theatre/Cafetorium until 4:00p.m. • Grub Days: NO bellies, butts, boobs, spaghetti straps, tights, hats, du-rags, holes or rips in jeans and/or short shorts. • DMS PE Kits will be worn on days that students have PE and Dance. • Each M1 Cub should complete 10 hours of Community Service and 10 Co-Curricular Hours for the school year. Page 11 • PASSWORD for ALL ZOOM MEETING ROOMS: DMSLion

HEALTH & SAFETY PROTOCOLS SCREENING Students and staff must com- Students and staff must have Students and staff who are plete COVID screening (4 temperature taken and unwell will not be allowed in questions) each day before entering the school. observed for signs of illness school – will be placed in before entering the school. isolation until pickup. Stu- dents must be collected within 15 minutes. 4 SCREENING QUESTIONS 1. Do you have- 2. Have you been ex- 3. Does anyone in 4. Has anyone in COVID 19 posed to anyone with your household have your household symptoms? travelled in the last COVID-19? COVID-19 or has been exposed to 14 days? COVD-19? STUDENTS AND STAFF WHO ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER SCHOOL! FACE MASKS Worn by students and staff Worn by students and staff Worn outside when 6ft when indoors. when entering, moving distance can not be maintained. throughout the property and leaving school. Face shields can not replace masks. If a child cannot wear a mask due to respiratory issues a letter must outline the heath condition. PHYSICAL DISTANCING Desks are placed 3 feet apart Dedicated stairways, hall- Yellow dots to maintain six ways, lunch and play areas feet distance outside SICKNESS Students and staff who are Students and staff who Students will be escorted to sick MUST NOT come to become ill throughout the the sick room (in the office) school day MUST go home. and parents will be contacted school. to collect their child.

DMS CANTEEN ~ ROSA’S CANTINA Week One Menu Monday ---Jerk Chicken macaroni & Mixed veg Tuesday ---Tacos Chili beef or grilled chicken with lettuce, tomato on gluten free shell Wednesday ---Sweet & sour Chicken with Brown rice broccoli & carrots Thursday --- Philly Cheese Steak or Philly Chicken with onions & peppers lettuce tomato Friday –- Chicken Tenders & Fries Week 2 Menu Monday --- Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli Tuesday --- GF Quesadilla with chicken, pork or veg Wednesday --- Stew Chicken rice, beans & corn Thursday --- Chicken Cesar Wrap Friday – Hamburger, Chicken Burger or Veggie Burger & fries Week 3 Menu Monday --- Scalloped potato with chopped chicken breast and summer vegetables Tuesday --- GF Tacos Ground Sirloin or BBQ chicken with lettuce & tomato Wednesday ---Curry Chicken with broccoli & carrots long grain rice Thursday--- Bbq chicken wrap with broccoli slaw and cheese Friday – Chicken Wings with bbq or honey garlic sauce Bring a packed lunch for the first 3 weeks of school. Week 4 Menu No Deliveries / No Microwave Monday --- Baked Spaghetti with ground turkey & veg Tuesday --- Hay Stacks chili beef & chicken with shredded lettuce & tomato Wednesday ---Curry Chicken with broccoli & carrots long grain rice Thursday--- Bbq chicken wrap with broccoli slaw and cheese Friday – Pizza Slices COST FOR LUNCH $8.00 per meal $2.00 Cookies Page 13 $1.00 Bottle Water

SCHOOL UNIFORM Girls Boys Navy slacks/ skirt (knee length) Navy shorts/ pants White dress shirt White dress shirt School tie School Tie Black/brown belt Black/brown belt Navy blue socks (knee length) Navy blue socks Navy blue sweater/vest Navy blue sweater/vest Black/brown shoes Black/brown shoes Silver/Gold/Pearl Studs 1 stud in left ear WINTER UNIFORM (only add):  Navy Blazer  Navy Sweater/Vest  DMS School Crest Purchasing of Uniforms: School Crest & Ties ……………………......English Sports Shop School Uniform ……………….…………....English Sports Shop PE Kits and Tracksuits.………….…...……..Side Kicks* *Preorders are available NOTE: PE Kits and/or School Tracksuits are to be worn on the days stu- dents have PE and Dance.

CELL PHONE POLICY 1. Dellwood Middle School students may possess electronic devices while on Dellwood Middle School property. Dellwood Middle School students may use their electronic devices for educational purposes during class time, at the discretion of the classroom teacher, and in the morning prior to the bell ringing. Students will not be allowed to make phone calls or engage in forms of messaging during the school day. Students must use devices ONLY in the classroom setting under teacher supervision. 2. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that the device is turned off and out of sight during times of unauthorized use. 3. Students may not use their devices while on chartered bus for school-sponsored activities during the official instructional day without the permission of a lead member of staff accompanying the students. 4. No student may use an electronic device in a manner that is illegal, profane, indecent and obscene, constitutes an invasion of privacy, or violates Dellwood Middle School’s regulations regarding academic integrity. Examples of this include, but are not limited to the following: phone calls, taking photographs, engaging on social media, making videos, or sending or receiv- ing text messages. Any student who violates this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action. 5. Any member of staff having knowledge or reasonable suspicion of unauthorized possession or use of an electronic device shall confiscate the device and bring to the office. The student may collect the device at the end of the school day. In the instance of a second offence, the member of staff shall again confiscate the device and bring it to the office, where it must then be collected by a member of the student’s family. On the occasion of a third office, the member of staff shall again collect the device and bring it to the office. The device will be held for a period of time at the discretion of the building administrator. 6. Parents are encouraged to get in contact with their child through the office. Students will not be permitted to call or text their parents with their cell phones. In an emergency, students will be permitted to use the school office phone. Dellwood Middle School will assume no responsibility or liability for loss, theft, or damage to a device or for the unauthorized use of any such device. Page 15

DISCIPLINE POLICY It is the goal of the administration, staff and parents to encourage students to exercise self-discipline. Students share the responsibility for creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Student Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the student to attend school regularly, to show conscientious effort in classroom work, and to conform to school rules and regulations. Most of all, the student shares with the administration and school staff the responsibility to devel- op a climate within the school that is conducive to effective teaching and learning. No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students. To fulfill their responsibility the student should: 1. Respect and protect the rights of teachers, students, administrators, and everyone else involved in the educational process. 2. Practice academic honesty. 3. Express ideas and opinions in a respectful manner which does not offend or slan- der others. 4. Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and abide by them. 5. Be willing to assist in investigations of disciplinary offences. 6. Wear uniform correctly at all times, including out of school. 7. Assist the staff in running a safe school for all students. 8. Protect and take care of school property. 9. Attend school daily and be on time to all classes and other school functions. 10.Make up work when absent from school.

DISCIPLINE REFERRAL PROCESS Procedure for teachers: 1. Conference with student and restate behavioral expectations. 2. Issue classroom consequence. 3. Contact parent/guardian to explain the behavioral problem and the discipline consequence(s) if problem continues. Teachers must let the Year Advisor know the date of the parent phone call. 4. Refer student to Year Advisor for a year level consequence. 5. Office referral (completed by the Year Advisor). Major Infractions Handled by Administration: 1. Profanity- swearing at a teacher 2. Threats- physical or verbal 3. Property damage 4. Alteration of school documents 5. Fighting 6. Stealing 7. Drugs 8. Alcohol 9. Sexual Misconduct 10.Pulling the fire alarm Procedure: 1. Identify problem and discuss appropriate behavioral expectations. 2. Determine appropriate corrective action. Corrective action will be based on the student’s developmental level, past history, as well as the frequency and severity of their behavior. 3. Contact parent either verbally and/or written. Consequences levied by administration:  Saturday Detention (8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in full school uniform)  In-school or out-of-school suspension

AT A GLANCE SEPTEMBER 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 234 5 TEACHER PD / SBG PRINCIPAL LED TEACHER PD / SBG TEACHER CLASSROOM 6 7 Labour 8 9 M1 10 M1 11 12 HOLIDAY 8 Keys of Excel- 8 Keys of Excel- MIRRORS Work- MIRRORS Work- @ DMS 8:30AM - @ DMS 8:30AM - TEACHERS MIRRORS SURNAMES: A - L SURNAMES: M - Z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SCHOOL CLOSED SCHOOL CLOSED HURRICANE HURRICANE MIRRORS Parent 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 1 23 ELECTION DAY REMOTE LEARNNG FROM HOME 6 7 8 9 10 M1 E N D E A V O U R P R O G R A M - M 1.1/2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 M1 E N D E A V O U R P R O G R A M - M 1.3/4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 KOTR KOTR M1 E N D E A V O U R P R O G R A M - M 1.5 /ASD/FA/FS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MID-TERMBREAK TEACHER PD TEACHER PD

ACTION ITEMS □ Read through the entire M1 newsletter with your child. □ Watched DMS Entry Points video clip. □ Downloaded the DMS App on your phone or tablet. □ Logged onto PowerSchool (District Code: DQTP). If you forgot your password select restore to reset your password. □ Completed Updated Information Form (if info has changed) □ Completed Health Form □ Purchased PE Kit from SideKicks □ Purchased School Tie & Crest from English Sports Shop □ Purchased School Supplies & Face Mask □ Purchased Spirit Shirt (order forms will be sent out once students are placed on houses) □ If you do NOT wish your child to be photographed or filmed for any school related events, kindly notify the Year Advisor by emailing [email protected]

SCHOOL COUNSELORS Dr. Donna-Mae Postlethwaite ~ [email protected] ZOOM ID: 257-736-6890 Mrs. Terri-Lynn Richards ~ [email protected] ZOOM ID: 536-952-1051 Miss Jenaya Wade-Fray ~ [email protected] ZOOM ID: 622-961-2585 HELPING AGENCIES: The Family Centre …………………………………………...232-1116 The Coalition for the Protection of Children ……………….732-1152 Child and Family Services Hotline ………………………….278-9111/ 294-5870 Child and Adolescent Services ……………………………... 236-3770 The Dept of Workforce Development ………………………. 297-7714/ 297-7716 The Women’s Resource Center ……………………………... 295-3882/ 533-3882 EDUCATIONA L THERAPY DEPT. ZOOM ID: 874 283 7130 Mrs. Vernita Hollis ~ [email protected] ZOOM ID: 304 943 9259 Miss Roslynn Lee ~ [email protected] ZOOM ID: 493 363 4712 Mrs. Tiffany Whitter ~ [email protected]

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