Dear valued Cordillera Members:Welcome to the start of the 2016 summer season. As we start our fourth season together everyone at Troon and the associates at the Club at Cordillera would like to thank all ofyou for your continued support and encouragement of our efforts. We are looking forward to our best season yet.We are excited to announce that 2016 membership sales have started briskly. We are now over 520 memberships as we begin the summer. Participation in all of our club activities continues to grow and is up from prior years. Please come out, sign up and get involved at the Club! We’re anxiously awaiting your return. We have just completed our second refinancing of the property. We have moved to ANBBank here in Colorado. We have extended our term and improved our loan package which gives us stable footing for years to come and the chance to bank locally. My door remains open for anyone wishing to share their thoughts and experiences withthe club as I welcome your feedback. You can always email me at [email protected] . It continues to be an honor and a privilege to serve you, and it has been a pleasure get- ting to know you, your families, and guests. Sincerely, Michael F. Henritze, General Manager
Golf EventsThursday, June 16 – Men’s Member-Member Tournament – Summit Course – 9:00AM Shotgun.Thursday, June 16 – Water Aerobics – Valley Club Pool – 10:00AM. Join Helen Mayes, MembershipAccountant and Certified Instructor, for water aerobics at the Valley Club. Water aerobics is a great alter- native for individuals who may not be able to do higher im- pact activities due to injury and a fun way to work out for all. There is no cost to partici- pate. For more information or to sign up, email Helen at [email protected] Thursday, June 16 – Tennis Clinic – Valley Club Tennis Courts – 4:00PM. Join Mike Evans, Cordillera Tennis Pro, for a 60 minute clinic covering a shot of the day and incorpo- rate that shot into game play. Cost $20 for Members and$30 for Guests.Thursday, June 16 – Tim Mahoney’s Trackman Clinic – Valley Course – 4:00PM. 60 minute clinicwith Top 50 Instructor Tim Mahoney utilizing Trackman Technology and focusing on a specific impactbenchmark, such as distance, club head speed, club face, trajectory and swing plane. Benchmarks willbe compared weekly. Cost $50 for members and $60 for guests. For more information, call the ValleyGolf Shop at (970) 926-5950.Thursday, June 16 – Junior Tennis Clinic – Valley Club Tennis Courts – 5:00PM. 60 minute JuniorTennis Clinic with Mike Evans, Cordillera Tennis Pro, working on the fundamentals of tennis throughgames and a fun atmosphere. Cost $20 for Members and $30 for Guests.Friday, June 17 – Men’s Member-Member Tournament – Valley Course – 9:00AM Shotgun.Friday, June 17 – Ladies’ Member-Member Tournament – Mountain Course – 9:00AM Shotgun.
Golf EventsFriday, June 17 – Tim Mahoney’s Golf Fitness Friday – Valley Course – 4:00PM. 60 minute golf clin-ic with Top 50 Instructor Tim Mahoney utilizing Skilz equipment, attention to positions within the golfswing creating stability, structure and strength. Guaranteed distance and directional control. Cost $50 formembers and $60 for guests. For more information, call the Valley Golf Shop at (970) 926-5950Saturday, June 18 – Men’s Member-Member Tournament – Mountain – 9:00AM Shotgun.Saturday, June 18 – Ladies’ Member-Member Tournament – Valley – 9:00AM Shotgun.Saturday, June 18 – 2 Hour Trackman Clinic with Tim Mahoney – Valley Course – 1:00PM. 2 hourclinic with Top 50 Instructor Tim Mahoney utilizing Trackman Technology. Focusing on Impact Bench-marks such as distance, club head speed, club face, trajectory and swing plane. For more information,call the Short Course at (970) 926-3988.Saturday, June 18 – Tim Mahoney’s Short Game Clinic – Short Course – 4:00PM. 60 minute clinicwith Top 50 Instructor Tim Mahoney focusing on shots within 50 yards of the green. Pitching, bunker,chipping and putting. Controlling direction, distance and trajectory. Mastering all scoring clubs. Cost $50for members and $60 for guests. For more information, call the Short Course Golf Shop at (970) 926-3988.
Hello Parents, I am pleased to share that our PGA Junior League is complete for the season thanks to a high volume of participation. With that said, I have decided to put together a 9 hole tourna-ment series at The Valley Course. Tournamentswill be held every other Friday at 5pm and beginmid-June. The format for this tournament series will change each event. Parents are encouraged to participate as well! Golf professionals will play along with the juniors and parents each week. The price for each tournament will be $30/member and $40/guest. Please let us knowif you are interested so we can staff accordingly. Our goal is to have as many kids and parentsparticipate as possible and have fun while doing so. Bryan Winkel [email protected]
Food and Beverage NewsNew this year! We will now be offering valet services at theTimberHearth for dinner service every Friday and Saturday In the next 2 weeks.... June 15th-18th is Member Member! June 19th, we have a Father's Day Buffet at The TimberHearth Also on June 19th, is our first Concert on the Green of the summer at The TimberHearth! June 25th is the Summer Kick Off Party at the TimberHearth
In the next 2 months…. July 3rd is our Community Day Celebration at the TimberHearth July 4th, we will be having a BBQ at the Valley ClubJuly 10th is the second Concert on the Green (featuring First Chair) The Desperado Golf Tournament is July 20th-23rdThe Grande Brunch Buffet will be held July 31st at the TimberHearth (PS, CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR TIMES AND MENUS!)
VosfLenpoaereelcmPoSifaaoctlsnashtlaeBolonfNeperJiairngutyhuinTwtreewai2dlrilt1tblhseetts for dessert
Smokehouse specials for June 18th include smoked brisketchili, smoked prime rib, and apulled chicken sandwich with choice of sides
Chef’s Corner Chef Danny Woodbridge Shrimp Fra Diavolo 1 c Mashed Potatoes 3 T Mango Salsa 5 Jumbo Shrimp – Cleaned ¼ c Sambal 2 Head on Prawns – Tails cleaned 2 T Butter 6 ea. Asparagus 1 t Garlic and Shallots – Minced 1 T White wine 2 ea. Green Onion – Cut on Bias Prepare mashed potatoes and mango salsa and set aside. In a hot, oiled sauté pan, addthe shrimp and season with salt and pepper. After about 30 seconds, flip the shrimp andadd the sambal sauce. Add the head on prawns after the sambal. Once the shrimp are all cooked through, add the butter and turn off the heat. In another hot, oiled sauté pan,add the asparagus. Continue cooking until al dente. Add the garlic and white wine. Sea- son with salt and pepper.
Meet the StaffMeet Jim! Jim is our Lead Server at the Meet Christian! Christian is our Pan- TimberHearth. He has been with us try Chef. He recently moved to the for a year, which is about the sametime he has lived in the Valley. Before Valley in April, after attending Califor- Jim moved here, he bounced around nia Institute of Technology. Christian Yellowstone National Park, Alaska, received a Culinary Arts degree, study-and Copper Mountain for three years. ing cuisines ranging from South EastHe attended Texas A&M University, Asian to French to Latin. Originallyand earned a degree in Psychology. He from Modesto, California, he enjoysconsiders himself to be from both Tex- painting, drawing, cooking and hiking. as and Illinois. In his free time, he en- Christian loves working here because, joys golfing, thrift shop hunting, disc “Chef Danny puts in a lot of work andgolf and Star Wars. “I enjoy the team time with his staff. He builds up ourwork that comes along with working confidence with his hands-on guid-here. Everyone works really hard, and ance. That’s not always something you the members are great and easy to get when you work in this field, and it’s made me confident in my work.” have conversations with.” Welcome to the team Christian!
Greetings from the great outdoors! The courses are taking shape and the Summit course opening was a success! The spring preparations of the courses started early for the agronomy staff when alongwith preparing the Valley course for opening we began to remove snow off of the Mountain course greens in mid- March. Fast forward to the summer months ahead and the agronomy department will focusing on establishing a healthier stand of turf in all in-play areas, starting withthe greens. Along with healthy turf, we will be reviewing our water resource management plan. As a part of this management, we have already spent some considerable effort performing irrigation audits and will continue to do so as the season progresses. The Valley course greens aerification is right around the corner where we will be able to give the greens a breathof fresh air through this ever important cultural practice. We will be using smaller tine sizing this year which should help aid in a quicker recovery. Take care, David Soltvedt, CGCS Director of Agronomy
Community Bulletin Board Mah Jong will start on June 22nd at noon at the Timber- Hearth. Lunch is a la carte but not required. For more in- formation, email Mrs. Rhonda Gross at [email protected] Cordillera Women's Bridge meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM year-round at the Metro building on Carter- ville Road. If you are a member of the club or a resident of Cordillera and would like to play in a social game, please contact Mrs. Gail O'Brien at 970-569-3054 or at [email protected]. If you would like to include anything in the next Bulletin board, please contact Alyssa at [email protected]
Our annual Member-Member golf tournament begins with the kickoff reception on June 15th. Food and Beveragehours of operation during the tournament are listed below.
Contact ListMike Henrtize– General Manager (970.926.4625Helen Mayes– Membership Accounting (970)569.6435Cathy Rix– Operations Manager (970)926.4685Suzanne Morgan– Director of Membership (970)569.6418Jack LoBiondo– Director of Golf (970)926.5904Darren Szot– Director of Golf (970)926.5903Allyson Mason– Activities (970)926.4687Rob Podley– Clubhouse Manager (970)926.4622Danny Woodbridge– Executive Chef (970)926.4340Cecilia Strong– Chaparral F&B Manager/Events Director (970)926.5902Cory Melroy– TimberHearth F&B Manager (970)926.4616David Soltvedt– Director of Agronomy (970)926.5285 Valley CourseGolf Shop (970)926.5950Chaparral (970)926.5922Clubhouse (970)926.5988Pool (970)926.5932 Cont’d
Mountain Course (970)926.5100 (970)926.5588Golf Shop (970)926.5500TimberHearthClubhouse (970)926.5300 (970)926.6565 Summit Course (970)926.3988Golf ShopSummit Restaurant Short CourseGolf Shop
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