SUKHASANA (Easy sitting pose) How to do Sukhasana: 1.Sit on a mat with legs stretched. 2.Bend one of your legs and place it under the opposite thigh. 3.Similarly, bend the other leg and place it under the folded leg. 4.Sit erect and keep your head, neck, and trunk in a straight line. 5.Put your hands on thighs in Chin Mudra or Jnana mudra. Benefits of Sukhasana: •Gradually strengthens muscles of the back and improves body posture. •Being a meditative pose it has relaxing effects on mind and body. •Works as a preparatory pose for more difficult meditative poses. •Builds physical and mental balance. •Helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. • Unlock hips and open the ankles. -51-
ARDHAPADAMASANA (Half lotus) How to do Ardhapadamasana: 1. Sit with your legs stretched. 2.Bend one leg and place the foot on the opposite thigh in such a way that the sole is placed as near to the pelvic bone as possible. 3. Bend the other leg and place the foot under the opposite leg. 4. Head and spine should erect and be in a straight line and both knees should touch the ground. 5. Place the hands on the knees in Jnana Mudra or chin mudra. 6. Close the eyes and place the mind in between the eyebrows. 7. Keep your breath as slow as possible. Benefits of Ardhapadamasana: It gives stability and peace of mind and drives away stress and anxiety. It restricts blood flow to the lower part of the body. This helps in increasing digestive power. It helps in therapeutic conditions like hypertension, type II diabetes, and cardiac ailments. It helps in mastering advanced postures like lotus pose and adept pose. the right big toe. -52-
VAJRASANA (Diamond pose) How to do Vajrasana 1.Fold up the legs backward moreover sit down by the assist of your knees. 2.Your spine, neck, head, must straight moreover seal the eyes. 3.Exact palm to maintain on right knee moreover left palm to be reserved on left knee plus elbows in a straight line. 4.Look front and inhale in general. 5.While you free your breath believe that you can eliminate all the disorder is coming out of your nose. 6.Leave over these steps for 5 to 7 minutes moreover get a break. You can boost the time by 15 – 20 minutes. Benefits of Vajrasana Support your muscles of legs. Diamonds Pose facilitates in relieve stress plus providing mental peace. Throughout Diamond Pose the energy is pushed towards the upper part of the body and makes one feel rejuvenating and energetic. Diamond Pose radiates the blood supply and helps the body fight next to diseases by stimulating the immune system. The normal practice of Diamond Pose helps to hold back waist pain as well as back pain. Diamond Pose is approving for women while it offers free from pelvic strain, burning sensation, and waist pain cause throughout the menstrual period. Diamond Pose assists women in menstrual disorder or else abortion correlated problems. This Diamond Pose will get rid of your whole constipation problem. The fatty belly and stomach will be summary by practicing this asana frequently. Diamond poses help to reduce the gas difficulty if this asana arranged directly next a meal. -53-
VEERASANA-1 (Sitting warrior) How to do Veerasana: 1.Kneel on the floor with your hands rest on your knees. 2.Bring your knees closer to each other. 3.Slowly lower your hips so that you find yourself sitting on the mat. 4.Press the tops of your feet on the floor. 5.Your toes and feet should be on the ground and pointed outward. Benefits of Veerasana: Meditative yoga: One can use it as a meditative yoga pose. Like all meditative yoga poses, it is conducive to physical and mental equilibrium. Strengthens the legs: It is a good yoga pose to make your thighs, knees, and ankles stronger. Removes lethargy: The practicing of the yoga pose helps to remove lethargy and enables you to be active and energetic. Discourage more sleeping: A person who is prone to excessive sleeping should practice this yoga pose. Strength & vigor: The practice of the yoga pose gives you strength, vigor courage, fortitude, and power. -54-
VEERASANA-3 (Hero with heel out of hips) How to do Veerasana: 1 Sit on the floor on your knees. Keeping the knees together, the feet and place them away from your hips 2 Bring the hips to the floor and sit back completely on your gluteus resting next to the heels. 3 Then hold the fingers at the required mudra depending on the pranayama practices. Placing the back of the wrists on the knee closer towards the thighs. 4 Lean back elbows on the ground. 5 Begin deep breathing ensuring the spine remains straight and strong. Benefits of Veerasana: Strengthen thighs, knees, ankles, and feet. Help to stimulate the reproductive organs. Improves digestion. Improves cardiovascular health. Reduces lower body fat. Relieves in menstrual issues. Improves blood circulation. -55-
UPAVISHTA TADASAN ( Sitting mountain pose) How to do UpavishtanTadasan: 1- Start in any comfortable sitting posture like Sukhasana, Padmasana, or Ardha Padmasana You may even do this sitting on a chair if that is more convenient. 2- Take the hands forward and interlock the fingers. 3- Turn the palms outwards and stretch out the hands in front of you. 4- Now raise the hands above the head with the palms turned upwards towards the roof. 5- Give a good stretch to the body and align the head, trunk, and hands in a straight line. 6- Gaze straight ahead in a relaxed way and breathe normally. Relax the whole upper body, yet keep it straight and firm. 7- Remain in this position for as long as comfortable. Breathe normally and steadily in this final position. The lower body, below the waist, should be stable. The body above the waist should be straight and stable, yet relaxed. Become aware of the straight spine with the aligned and expanded chest. 8- The posture can be released after about a minute. Also, if you experience aching of the hands or shoulders, you can release the pose as and when you feel the pain. To release the pose, turn the palm inwards and bring down the hands. 9- Release the finger lock and let the palms rest on the thighs 10- One can rest and continue to the next round of the practice. 11- Do as many rounds as you feel comfortable. Benefits of UpavishtanTadasan: Seated Mountain Pose gives a good stretch to the spine. It improves the alignment of the spine. It can remove shoulder and back pain. This pose can calm down the mind and is a relaxation pose. Seated Mountain Pose relaxes the upper body and can be practiced before meditation. -57-
UPAVISHTA GARUDASAN ( Sitting Eagle) How to do Upavishta Garudasan: 1.Sit in a comfortable position on the floor with arms resting on the thighs. 2.Bring the two hands together with the elbows close to each other. 3.Take the right arm around the left arm and make the right palm touch the left palm. At this point, the two arms are intertwined together like two snakes. 4.Keep the spine straight and relax the shoulders. 5.Gaze straight ahead. Breathe normally in this final position. 6.Maintain the position for as long as you are comfortable. 7.To release the position, un-twine the arms and bring the arms back to the thighs. 8.One can also practice with the left arm twisting around the right arm. Benefits of Upavishta Garudasan: Seated Eagle Pose stretches the joints of the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Improves the posture and it straightens the spines and makes it steady. Removes stress from the shoulders and the lower neck region. It opens up the shoulders and chest. It can improve the sense of balance. For those who want to exercise the leg muscles too, they may perform the standing eagle pose or Garudasana. -58-
SINGHASANA ( Lion Pose) How to do Singhasana: 1.Distance your knees as far as you can comfortably. 2.The toes of both the feet must be touching each other just as in Vajrasana. 3.Move the body slightly forward. Place the palm of your hands on the floor right between the knees. 4.Turn the wrists outward so that the fingers point toward the body. Keep the arms straight. 5.Slightly arch the back, partially shifting the weight of your body on the wrists. Move the head backward comfortably. 6.Close your eyes and relax the body in this position for a while to feel comfortable 7.Now open your eyes and focus your gaze on the eyebrow center. Inhale deeply and slowly. 8.Open your mouth and draw the tongue outwards towards the chin as far as you can. 9.As you exhale from the mouth, produce a sound of ‘ahh’ coming out from your throat. 10.Close the mouth after exhalation and inhale normally. Relax the body in the final position. Benefits of Singhasana: Simhasana retains the good health of ears, nose, throat, and eyes. Practicing it in front of the rising sun makes it more beneficial. It effectively reduces stress and frustration. Useful for people who are shy, often nervous, or introverted in nature. Exercises the face and neck muscles keeping the skin tight. Develops a deep and clear voice. Removes tension from the chest. -59-
BADDHAKON ASANA ( Butterfly Pose ) How to do : 1.Sit with your spine erect and legs spread straight out. 2.Then Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together as you let your knees fall out to either side. 3.Draw your feet in as close to your body as is comfortable. Back off if you feel any pain in your knees. 4.Take a deep breath in. Breathing out, press the thighs and knees downward towards the floor. Make a gentle effort to keep pressing them downward. 5.Sit up tall with a long spine. Benefits : Improves flexibility in the hip and groin muscles Helps in the intestine and bowel movement Offers relief from menstrual discomfort and menopause symptoms Helps in smooth delivery if practiced regularly until late pregnancy This pose tones up the kidney and aids in its function. Good for conditions like Sciatica and lower back pain. It supports the treatment for High Blood pleasure, Asthma, and infertility. -60-
ROCKING BABY (Leg craddle) How to do Rocking baby: 1.Sit on the mat in dandasana(staff pose) with both legs extended in front of you and your spine long and erect. 2.Keep your left leg extended or bend the left knee and bring the left foot into the right groin if that feels more comfortable. 3.Bend your right knee and bring the right foot over the left thigh. Slip both hands, palms up, under the right calf to lift the leg and draw it towards your body. 4.Flex your right foot to protect the knee, which is now close to your right armpit. 5.Grasp your right heel with your left hand and your right knee with your right hand, breathing evenly, sitting tall, and keeping the right calf parallel to the floor. 6.In this position facing squarely forward, move your bent leg gently to the right and to the left a few times, pivoting at the hip. 7.Place your right heel in the curve of your left elbow and scoop your right arm under your bent knee. Clasp your hands in front of your leg to \"cradle\" it like a baby. 8.Adjust your torso to maintain an erect spine as you draw the entire leg in towards your body. Don't slouch over the leg. 9.\"Rock\" the cradled leg easily from side to side, deepening the stretch as you inhale and exhale, keeping the focus on the movement at the hip. 10.Use your arms to move the leg back and forth at least ten times-- longer if you are enjoying the stretch--before releasing the leg, returning to dandasana, and repeating the pose with the left leg. Benefits of Rocking baby: Opens the hips. Strengthens and stretches the groins. Massages the digestive and reproductive organs. Relaxes the lower body. Stretches the muscles of the buttocks. Calms the mind. -61-
MAHAMUDRA (Advanced) How to do Mahamudra: 1. Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Fold the left leg and press the perineum with the left heel 2. The right leg remains stretched out in front throughout the practice 3. Bend forward and hold the big toe of the right leg with the hands. Exhale while bending forward 4. Raise the head slightly upwards and let the gaze be on the eyebrow center. Inhale slowly and deeply while tilting the head. 5. Hold the breath inside and perform Moola Bandha 6. Contract the throat so that air does not escape from the lungs. 7. Maintain this position with breath inside (Antar Kumbhaka) for as long as you are comfortable. 8. This is one round. One can practice from 3 rounds to 12 rounds depending on time and convenience. 9. To release the pose, exhale slowly and bring the head to a normal position. Stretch out the legs, relax the body and breathe normally. 10. The attention is maintained at the eyebrow center throughout the practice. There is also a variation of the practice where the attention is rotated between the Mooladhara, the Vishuddhi Chakra, and the Ajna Chakra. Benefits of Mahamudra: It has enormous physical and spiritual benefits. Improves digestion cures stomach disorders. Cures consumption, leprosy, colic, and diseases caused due to indigestion. Neutralizes the effect of toxins in the body. Alleviates Kapha disorders. -62-
JANUSHEERSHASAN (forward bend) How to do Janusheershasan: 1. Sit in a relaxed manner with a straight back. 2. Stretch both the legs in front of your body. 3. Bend the right leg at the knee so that the sole of the right foot touches the left thigh. 4.Take a deep breath and lift both your hands over your head and clasp the feet together. 5. Inhale and exhale as you bend from the waist and bring your forehead toward the left knee. 6. Hold your breath for a while. Follow the same procedure on the other side. Benefits of Janusheershasan: Helpful in diabetes and relieving constipation. Strengthens the lungs. Strengthens and tones the waist, thigh, and calf muscles. Effective in relieving urinary disorders. Relieves tiredness and boosts energy Help relieve symptoms of menopause -63-
PARVARTIT JANUSHEERSHASAN How to do: Begin in Seated Wide-Legged straddle Bend your right knee and bring the sole of your right foot to your inner thigh. With an inhale extend your arms up towards the sky. Exhale and lean your torso as far to the left as possible, bringing the backside of your left forearm to the floor inside your left leg. On an exhale, begin to twist at the waist, slowly rotating your upper body away from your left leg, opening your chest to the ceiling. Lift your gaze upwards, letting your neck and head follow the twist in the spine. Raise your right arm overhead and then let the right biceps come over your right ear. Keep your right arm straight. As an alternative, bend the right elbow and hold the back of your head with your right hand. Don’t let the right elbow collapse inward. Work to keep it open to the right. Keep your left foot flexed. After several breaths, untwist and come back up to sitting position. Switch the position of your legs for a twist to the other side. Benefits : •Calms the brain and helps relieve mild depression. •Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings, and groins. •Improves digestion. •Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause. •Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, menstrual discomfort. -64
ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA (half spinal twist) How to do : 1. Sit with legs straight and stretched in front of you. 2. Bend the right leg, lift it and place in on the left side of the stretched left foot. 3. Bend the left leg and bring to close to the body. Place it under the right buttocks. 4. Take the left arm around the right leg and grab the toes of the right leg with the left hand. The left armpits will be close to the right knee. This may be difficult in the beginning. You need a flexible back and spine to achieve this. If you cannot hold the toes, then hold the ankles or part the lower leg to start with. Later with practice you will be able to hold the toes. 5. Now turn to towards the right and simultaneously move the right hand behind the back. Twist the back and the neck to as far right as possible. Exhale while twisting the back and neck. 6. Remain in this position as much as possible. Breathe normally and slowly in this final position. You may maintain the position from few seconds to a minute, as per your comfort. This is Ardha Matsyendrasana. 7. Return to the original position (both legs stretched forward). Inhale while coming back to the original position. Repeat with the other leg. Benefits : • It helps in relieving back pain. • This improves the flexibility of the spine. • It massages and stimulates the functioning of the abdominal organs. • This asana can help in managing slip disks. •It calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety. • Reduces depression. • Stimulates blood circulation and detoxifies your organs. -65-
PASCHIMOTANASANA How to do: 1.Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out straight. 2.Keep your spine straight and your toes flexed toward you. 3.Breathe in as you raise both your arms above your head and breathe out as you bend forward and extend your torso over your legs. 4.You can rest your head just beyond your knees and take hold of the big toes using your fingers. 5.Breathing in, slightly lift your head, and breathing out, bring your navel towards the knees. 6.Stay in this position as long as you can. 7.Relax and try to feel the changes in the body and mind. Benefits: It can help calm your anxious mind, relieve stress and anxiety. promotes flexibility and strength. It can help improve digestion if practiced regularly. It tones the shoulders and stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and hips. It also helps with symptoms of insomnia and promotes good sleep. -66-
NAUKAASANA (boat) How to do Naukaasana: 1.First lie down flat on your yoga mat, with your feet together and your arms on the side. 2.Keep your arms straight and your finger outstretched towards your toes. 3.Start inhaling and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet. Benefits of Naukaasana: Naukasana strengthens the abdominal muscles. It strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs, and shoulders. It improves the health of all organs in the abdomen especially the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It helps in regulating blood flow. -67-
MANDOOKASANA - 2 How to do mandookasana -2 1.Bring your left palm below the belly button, put the right palm on top of the left palm. 2.Inhale, raise your head up, and expand the chest. 3.Exhale, bend forward, and rest the chest on the thighs and forehead on the floor. 4.Your palms are pressing the stomach. 5.Hold the pose for 5 breaths. 6.Inhale, slowly raise the head and upper body up. 7.Exhale, go back to the starting pose - place the hands on the thighs, palms down and look forward. Benefits of Mandookasana -2 • speeding up digestion due to the pressure on the stomach • getting rid of excess wind or gas in your belly •adding strength to the calf and thigh muscles. -69-
MERUDANDASAN (holding angles off the floor) How to do Merudansan: 1.Sit in Baddha Konasana; your sole of the feet touching each other and thighs on either side of the ground. 2.Now, place your feet flat on the floor, slightly away from the hips. 3.Hold your big toes and raise your feet upward slowly and steadily while leaning back; your spine should be erect here, Balance your body on the tail bone (coccyx). 4.Now, apart from the legs; as far as it feels comfortable and straightens them along with your arms. 5.Hold the position while looking at a fixed point; this will provide an invisible hand to support your posture. 6.After holding as per your ability to remain in that position; return back by bringing the leg together and by freeing sit bone; to the previous state and relax. Benefits of Merudansan: Tones abdominal organs Optimizes Digestive system – Spinal column pose is helpful in restoring the health of the digestive system Strengthen Nervous System – The straightening of the spine rejuvenates the spinal nerves; and this further impacts their endings (organs). Improve Strength & Flexibility – It gives an excellent stretch to the hamstring, inner thigh, groin, hips, calves, shoulder, neck, and arms; Ultimately, makes one’s body supple and stronger. -70-
KAGASANA How to do Kagasana: 1. Sit down on the feet as in a squatting position. 2. Keep the feet and knees together. 3. Keep the back erect. 4. Place the hands on the knees. 5. Fix the gaze straight ahead. 6. Maintain the position for as long as possible. 7. Alternately the knees and feet can be kept a little apart also. 8. Repeat this three to four times. Benefits of Kagasana: This asana is very beneficial for improving blood circulation to the lower limbs. It relieves pain in the lower limbs. It increases the agility of the body. -71-
MALASANA How to do Malasana: 1. Assume the squat stand. 2.Screw your feet into the floor. 3.Keep your spine straight. 4.Keep your shoulders down. 5.Keep your ears away as you squat down. Benefits of Malasana: Open your hips and groin. Stretches your ankles, lower hamstrings, back, and neck. Tones your abdominals. Aids indigestion. Strengthens your metabolism. Keeps your pelvic and hip joint healthy. Ideal for prenatal yoga. -72-
Yoga is like a geologist for the soul; It can show you where to dig, and what to dig for, but the digging .. You must do your self. -73-
अगर ज़ दगी म कु छ बनना चा हए तो, इन दोन स ंत को ढृढ़ से पकड़ना है। ज़ रत बन जाएगे आपके हर एक कदम पर। जसै े एक ब ा अपने माँ के गोद म बड़े हो जाते - वसै े ही यह आपके अ दर दन भर मज़बतू बन जाएगी। यह आपको एक अ े इंसान बनने म मदद करेगी। योग पांच हज़ार वष से भारतीय ानपीठ का एक मा अंग ह। यह ायाम का एक ाचीन प ह। योग के मह व जानने म मानव को कु छ हज़ार साल लगी। आज, इस नव यगु म योग के एक बड़ा भाव ह। व म २०१५ से इ क स जनू को अंतररा ीय योग दवस मानते ह। य द भारत क बात करो तो, योग को एक सार हण ान दया है। इसको ज़ दगी का एक अंग बनाने म कु छ यास ज़ र बन जायग।े ले कन, एक कर दा क मठास कड़वा के बाद आते ह- वैसे ही है योग। धीरे - धीरे यह आपके रोज़ मेहमान बन जाएगी। सबु ह या शाम, अगर मन शांत ह थो महे मान को अपनाए। एक सुनसान ान खोज और चनै के तीथ या ा शु करो। य द मन, ाण , शरीर 'एकता' से काम करते है और हर योगी 'अनशु ासन' से योग अ यास करते तो , उनके मान सक वा य मल जाएगी। तभी ज़ दगी भरा आ महसूस हो जाएगी। अब आप सोच रहे ह, या रा. के . को. योग म कोई लेन देन ह ? गहरे से सोचो , तभी आपको उ र मलेगी। रा. के . को. एक ऐसे मा क है जसमे एक साधारण अ त उ कृ बन जाते ह। यह आपको अ तरह सजू न करते ह। यह ह इसका सफलता। जब एक कै डेट रा. के . को. 'एकता और अनुशासन' स ातं अपने जीवनकाल, अपने हर एक कम योग करे तो वे जीवन म सफल हो जाएग।े यह ह ज़ दगी के सरल त व। जय हद। SGT Athulya M -74- KL18SWA195849
BACKBEND POSES Yoga backbends are one of the main categories of yoga poses. Practicing backbends open up the front body, increase your hip flexibility, and improve the mobility of your lumbar and thoracic spine. -75-
POORNA BHUJANGASANA (king cobra) How to do Poorna bhujangasana: 1. Inhale, assume bhujangasana. 2.Holding the position, breathe in and out normally a few times. Exhale, bend the knees, and raise the feet. 3.Stretch the head, neck, and shoulders back a little further and try to touch the back of the head with the soles of the feet. This is the final position. Breathe normally. 4.Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. Gradually extend the duration. To return to the starting position, exhale, lower the feet. 5.Release the pose and relax with the arms by the side of the body and the head turned to one side. This is one round. Perform 3 rounds. This variation is only suitable for adults or children over the age of 12 with very supple backs. Benefits of Poora Bhujangasana: Stretches chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. Helps to remove backache and neck ache as well as keeping the spine supple and healthy. The pressure on the abdomen is also beneficial to the abdominal organs and in particular the digestive organs. Expands and opens the chest which encourages deep breathing as well as helping to correct rounded shoulders. -76-
ADHOMUKHA SHWANASANA (downward facing dog) How to do Adhomukha shwanasana: 1. Sit in vajrasana. 2. Go to a tabletop position with fingers open and pointing the toes in. 3. Now gently lift up, hold for a little and come back to balasana and relax. Benefits of Adhomukha shwanasana: * Calms the brain and gently stimulates the nerve, decrease anxiety. * Slowdown heartbeat and rejuvenates the brain cells. * Strengthen the ankles and tones the legs. * Strengthen abdominal muscles and improve digestion. * Opens the shoulders, stretches the hamstrings * Helps to improve brain functions -77-
URDHAVAMUKHA SHWANASANA (upward facing dog) How to do Urdhavamukha Shwanasana: 1. At first, lie on the floor on your stomach. 2. Spread the palms of your hands forward in the tilted state and keep your fingers parallel. 3. Exhale and raise your knees in the shape of a small bow and lift the ankles above the ground. 4. Pull your hips from the pelvis on this point and press lightly towards the pubis. 5. Keep hands fully stretched from the bottom of the shoulders to the ground, but the fingers should be spread on the ground. 6. After this, bow down your knees on the ground and raise the hips as much as possible. 7. The head should be slightly tilted towards the ground and should be in the backline itself. 8. Put weight on your hands and lift the shoulders up and straighten the muscles. 9. Come on until you completely straighten out. 10. Keep your feet firmly with your fingers. 11. Now move the head backward and focus your eyes forwards to the ceiling. 12. Take five breaths in total and leave them out so that you can stay in the asana for 30-60 seconds. Benefits of Urdhavamukha Shwanasana: Stimulates the stomach organs and improves digestion. Brings a pull in the chest, lungs, shoulders, and stomach and thus strengthens them. The spinal cord strengthens the muscles and wrists with the regular practice of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. This asana helps to light depression, also helps in fatigue, and gives relief from cystic. -78-
CHAKRA ASANA (wheel pose) How to do Chakrasana 1.Stand straight with your feet slightly apart. 2.Place your palms against your lower back and push your pelvic region slightly forward. 3.Exhale. Curve your trunk backward. Support the weight of your body with your thighs. 4.Slowly stretch your arms over your head as you continue to bend backward. 5.Bend till your palms drop to the floor behind you. 6.Immediately straighten your palms to support your body and to avoid a fall. 7.Your body should form an arch. Benefits of Chakrasana Spine Flexibility and strength - Apart from strengthening your spine, it elongates your spinal cord and increases elasticity. It's common knowledge that our skeletal frame starts to shrink with age, this asana helps maintain your posture and form. Tones the abdominal region - Regular practice ensure that the obliques and the abdominal fat are reduced. Opens up the chest - Increases lung capacity and helps oxygen circulate in the body easily. Stimulates the nervous system and endocrine system - Due to stimulation of the thyroid and pituitary glands, when engaged in the posture, happy hormones are secreted. It energizes and de-stresses you. This exercise stretches the hip while increasing hip flexibility. Improves cardiovascular health - As the chest is pushed out, the cardiovascular health improves, the energy is activated. Strengthens the arms, shoulders and wrist. -80-
JATHATA PRAVITTANASANA 2 (Spiral twist with knees straight) How to do Jathata Pravittanasana: 1. Lying on your back, bring your arms out to the sides with the palms facing down in a T position. Bend both knees into the chest. 2. Exhale drop both knees over to the left side of your body, twisting the spine and low back. Slide the knees as close to the left arm as possible. Look at the right fingertips. 3. Keep the shoulders flat to the floor, close the eyes, and relax into the posture. Let gravity pull the knees down, so you do not have to use any effort in this posture. 4. Breathe and hold for 6-10 breaths. 5. To release: inhale and roll the hips back to the floor. 6. Repeat on the other side. Benefits of Jathata Pravittanasana: stretches the back muscles, realigns and lengthens the spine hydrates the spinal disks. -81-
JATHATA PRAVITTANASANA (lying on back and spiral twist) How to do Jathata pravittanasana: 1.Lie down on your back with your hands beside hips, palm facing backward. 2.Inhale, raise the right leg up to 90°, stretch both hands to the sides on the shoulder level. 3. Exhale bring the right straight leg to the left side, touch the toes to the floor, keep the right leg straight. 4.Twist the head and look to the right side at your palm. Hold the pose for few seconds 5.Inhale straighten the head and raise the leg up to 90° 6.Exhale release the right leg straight on the floor. 7.Repeat on the other side. Benefits of Jathata pravittanasana: Loosening muscles and relaxing the spinal vertebrae. Lowering the blood pressure. The perfect pose to practice at the end of the yoga section. -82-
EKPAD SHEERSHASANA (single leg head stand) How to do Ekpad Sheershasana: 1.Begin the practice in Ardha Sirsasana On Forearms. 2. From here, inhale and release the right foot from the floor, engage the abdominal muscles and lift the right leg up, taking it straight and extending it. Benefits: •calm the mind. •alleviate stress and depression. •activate the pituitary and pineal glands. •stimulate the lymphatic system. •strengthen the upper body, spine, and core. •enhance lung capacity. •stimulate and strengthen abdominal organs. •boost digestion. -83-
SUPTA VIRASANA (sleeping warrior) How to do Supta Virasana: 1. First, sit in a vajrasana pose on your mat. 2. Stand on your knees and bring them closer to spread your feet wide apart. 3. Turn your calves outward using your hands and place your buttocks in between the heels. 4. Press your elbows to the floor, exhale and start leaning back. 5. Bring your hands to your heels and lie down on your back. 6. Inhale and raise your arms and extend them overhead with the palms facing upwards. 7. Keep breathing and stay in the pose for 30-60 seconds. 8. Inhale and bring your arms back to the heels. 9. By pressing the elbows, come back up. 10. Bring your hands to your knees. 11. Stand on your knees and bring your feet together. 12. Sit in Virasana and relax. Benefits of Supta Virasana: 1. Strengthens the muscles 2. Flexibility and pain reliever 3. Improves blood circulation 4. Improves digestion 5. Enhances sexual health. -85-
VASHISHTHASANA (side table) How to do Vashishthasana: 1.Place the left foot over the right foot. 2.Extend the left arm up. 3.Bring the hips in line with the shoulders and the face. 4.Inhale, extend the arm and pull the belly in engaging the core and abdominal muscles and stay in a side plank. pose for about 4 breaths. Benefits of Vashishthasana: * It strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles, forearms, shoulders, spines & legs. * It will improve focus & concentration. * It will stretch the back of the legs. * The sense of balance is improved with this asana. * It increases flexibility in the wrists, hips& hamstring. -86-
VYAGRAHASANA (on 4s,knee to nose) How to do Vyagrahasana: 1.Begin in Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Dog position and slowly bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Make sure your knees are positioned directly below your hips and your palms below your shoulders. 2. Place the upper part of your feet on the floor. 3. Your head should be in line with your back, eyes facing the floor. 4. Take a deep breath in and lift your right leg up. Bend your knee and bring your foot close to the back of your head. Point your knee towards the ceiling. 4. Inhale and arch your back as you stretch your shoulder blades. 5. Let your abdomen sink towards the floor. 6. Lift your head up stay in this pose for 3 to 6 long breaths. 7. Exhale and move into Marjaryasana / Cat Pose. To come out of the pose, lift your knees off the floor and rest in Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Dog. Benefits of Vyagrahasana: • Strengthens the back as you bend it alternatively in both directions. • Tones the nerves in your spinal cord. •Loosens your leg and hip joints. •Stretches your abdominal muscles. •Keeps your digestive system in check. •Induces proper and great metabolism. •Stimulates rich blood circulation. -87-
VYAGRAHASANA 2 (tiger pose extended chest) How to do Vyagrahasana 2: 1. Begin with a table pose and gently ease into Marjaryasana or the cat pose. 2. Relax your breathing and ease your body. 3. As you proceed to arch your back, make and straighten your right leg behind you. 4. Stretching your leg up and over, bend your right knee. 5. Look up at the sky and bring your toes as close as you can towards the back of your head. 6. Hold your breath and stay in this position for a few seconds. 7. Slowly straighten your right leg, bend your knee, and slowly swing your right leg under your belly. 8. Hold here and retain your breath outside for a few seconds. 9. Then, take the leg back again, straighten it and stretch gently. Finally, bring the right knee down the floor back into the initial Marjariasana. 10. Repeat in a similar way with the left leg. Benefits of Vyagrahasana 2: Tones the nerves in your spinal cord. Alleviates sciatica by relaxing the sciatic nerves Loosens your leg and hip joints. Tones the female reproductive organs and is especially beneficial for post-childbirth and women with many children. Stretches your abdominal muscles. Keeps your digestive system in check. Induces proper and great metabolism. Stimulates rich blood circulation. Responsible for weight loss in your hips and thighs. -88-
UTTHANPADASANA (holding leg raise in 45°) How to do Utthanpadasana: 1. Lie down completely on the mat. Keep your legs straight without any gap and hands close to the body with palms facing down. 2. As you inhale raise both the legs straight at 30°angle without bending them. 3. Now you can keep your legs at 45° or 60°.You want to feel the pressure on abdominal muscles, keep breathing. Hold this posture as long you can. 4. To come out from this posture exhale and slowly bring your legs down and relax. Repeat the procedure 3 to 5 times. Benefits of Utthanpadasana: It strengthens & Tones the abdominal muscles. Cures stomach disorders like gas, indigestion, acidity, and constipation. Back and thigh muscles get strengthened. Helpful in arthritis, diabetes, heart problems & back pain. It also helps for weight loss /obesity and slimming. Condition called'Navel displacement' can be cured by this asana. Uttanpadasana is the best treatment for 'Hernia'. -89-
Rise up... -93-
Our good old days... -94-
Little drops of water make a mighty ocean, so do our works. Together we stood, the result is our ATMA. Even if it is not a perfect one, we learned many things, the spirit of NCC, the coordination, the love as a family, and moreover exploring our creative sides. Greater gratitude goes to our ANO mam who gave us an opportunity to do something wonderful and helping and correcting us throughout our editing. Our beloved principal, our Adm officer of 9(K) Girls Bn, our seniors, the yoga acharyas and our dear cadets who gave their enormous support by their yoga poses, articles and documents. Last but not the least, the whole editorial team, who dedicated their valuable time and ideas to this magazine. Only with your greater support, we could make it. Thank you everyone for making our dream ATMA to life. -96-
WE acknowledge all contributors, to this healthy initiative. We hope to have served the purpose behind creating this magazine. Finally yet importantly, WE thank each and every one of you for the love, support, and blessings you have showered on this conception. Thank you. -97-