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Home Explore The Students' Journal Issue No14

The Students' Journal Issue No14

Published by syspyl48, 2022-06-01 07:28:00

Description: The Students' Journal Issue No14


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The Students’ Journal SUMMER 2022 ISSUE 14 Peggy in Paris 3 Supervising Teachers: My Dream School 4 Chasiotis Paschalis In Summer… 5 Konstantara Fouli My favourite country 7 Panagou Lilia If animals could talk 12 Rizou Roula Eat healthy! 17 Triantafyllou Ioanna World's biggest... 19 Talented kids 20 Editing: Captain Grant's children 23 Stamatiadou Maria City VS Country life 24 Lilia's blog 28 Help the planet! 34 Views on pocket money 38 Challenges of modern 42 world Was is in deinem 45 Rucksack? Mein bester Freund 47 Mein Lieblingssänger-in 48 Mein Lieblingsband Eine komische Sportart 49

Αγαπητοί γονείς και μαθητές, Κλείνεις τα μάτια, κι όταν τα ξανά ανοίγεις, τα παιδιά που είχες το 1981 όταν ξεκίνησες είναι 41 χρόνια μεγαλύτερα τώρα! Έχεις σκεφτεί τί θα τους έλεγες; Άραγε τί θα τα ρωτούσες; Ονειρεύεσαι να έχουν κάνει οικογένεια; Να έχουν ταξιδέψει; Ή μήπως να συνεχίζουν την οικογενειακή επιχείρηση; Θα έχουν παιδιά; Κι αν ναι, τί γονείς θα είναι; Σκέφτεσαι πως είναι ένα μακρινό όνειρο Για θυμήσου όμως... Δεν ήταν μόλις χθες Άραγε πώς πέρασε ο καιρός; Αυτό το τεύχος του Ιουνίου του 2022 είναι αφιερωμένο σε όλους τους παλαιούς μαθητές του SUCCESS που ξεκίνησαν μαζί μας από το 1981 και σε αυτούς που συνεχίζουν να μας εμπιστεύονται φέρνοντας τα παιδιά τους. Μπήκαμε λοιπόν στον Ιούνιο και φθάνουμε στο κλείσιμο αυτής της δύσκολης και ανατρεπτικής χρονιάς... Προσπαθήσαμε όλοι πολύ να μη μας επηρεάσουν όλα τα τραγικά που ακούγαμε και ζούσαμε και κυρίως να προστατέψουμε τα παιδιά. Να τους δείξουμε με το δικό μας παράδειγμα ότι στις δυσκολίες παλεύουμε και μαθαίνουμε, αγωνιζόμαστε και δεν το βάζουμε κάτω με τίποτε αλλά διαμορφώνουμε τις συνθήκες που θα μας πάνε μπροστά! Σας ευχαριστούμε όλους που ήσασταν οι συνοδοιπόροι μας, μας εμπιστευτήκατε και προσπαθήσατε μαζί μας να κάνουμε αυτή τη χρονιά μια ωραία και δημιουργική χρονιά για τα παιδιά μας! Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ και στους διαδικτυακούς μας μαθητές εκτός πολεοδομικού συγκροτήματος Χορτιάτη που θα παραμείνουν μαζί μας μέχρι την ολοκλήρωση των σπουδών τους και την απόκτηση του πτυχίου τους. Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους συνεργάτες μου που μαζί υλοποιούμε το όνειρο για μια διαφορετική ξενόγλωσση εκπαίδευση. Μα πάνω από όλα θέλω να ευχαριστήσω ιδιαίτερα τους μαθητές μας για τη συνεργασία και την ωριμότητά τους. Μία δύσκολη και απαιτητική χρόνια έφτασε στο τέλος της. Page 1

Μία χρονιά που παρά τις δυσκολίες ήταν γεμάτη από: ➢ Δημιουργικότητα και φαντασία ➢ Κιναισθητικές ασκήσεις και πολλή διάδραση (ακόμα και αν τα μαθήματα γινόταν μέσω υπολογιστή) ➢ Συνεχή αξιολόγηση των μαθημάτων μας και των καθηγητών ➢ Ανάπτυξη όλων των δεξιοτήτων (listening , speaking , reading , writing ) ➢ Δημιουργικό παιχνίδι Αλλά πάνω απ' όλα, χαρούμενες φατσούλες και πολλά χαμόγελα!!! Και κυρίως χωρίς εκπτώσεις στις διδακτικές μας διαδικασίες!!! Καλό καλοκαίρι! Π.ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 2

The best birthday present! A few days ago it was my birthday and my parents surprised me with a great present. It was a trip to Paris! I went there with my mum and we stayed for 4 days. On the first day we visited Disneyland. We watched a parade with cartoon characters, which was amazing. The next day we did a lot of things. We visited the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre where an artist made a picture of us but in a funny way. The next day it was time to leave and I felt a bit sad. Before we left we had gone shopping to buy souvenirs for my family and we had also eaten crepes. In Paris I really liked the Eiffel Tower because it was very tall. I hope I will visit Paris again one day because I had the time of my life!  Peggy Goudakou Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Page 3 Class: A Senior

A big football pitch with many players and no books but electronics and we paint the walls and what we paint becomes alive. Giantsios Dimitris My dream school has got pets, no teachers, play stations and no books. Thomaidou Sofia I want it to be like now. I love everyone so much and I love kittens so much, they are the best pet. Rabbits and they are my favourite pet. Desara Muco Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A Junior 1 Page 4

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students’ Journal Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 1 In summer I will go on holiday in In Summer I can go to the beach. I can Halkidiki. I will play with my friends play with my friends too. I can eat a lot in the sea. I will dig holes in the of ice creams. I can also go with my sand. I will eat ice creams and mum and my dad to an island on fruits. holiday. I love Summer!!! Kostantinos Fevgatidis Nikos Merkouriadis In Summer I will go on holiday with In Summer I will go on holiday with my family. We will go to my my family. I will swim in the sea and grandpa and grandmother’s. I will eat ice creams. I will play with I will play with my friends on the my friends in the parks. I will also beach. I will help my mum in the meet my cousins from America. I garden. like Summer, it is the best season. Nefeli Papapostolou Dimitris Tzourtzou In Summer I can swim in the sea. I can In Summer I will go on holiday with play on the beach with my mum. my family. I will swim and I will eat We can dig holes in the sand. ice creams. I will play with my I love Summer because I can play with friends too. my friends and I can eat ice creams. Stavroula Eugenidou Alexandra Protogirou Hi, my name is Sophia Iliaki. In Summer I can go to the beach. I will In Summer, I will go on holiday swim every day. I will make castles in the with my family in Crete. There, I sand. I will go on holiday with my sister. will swim, I will play with my We can play every day because schools brother and I will eat ice creams. are closed in Summer! Sophia Iliaki Bill Dervisis Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: A Junior 2-3 Page 5

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students’ Journal Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 2 In Summer I will go on holiday with This Summer I will go to the beach and I my family. We go to Halkidiki every will and I will eat ice creams. I will go to year. There, I will meet my summer my grandfather’s to Germas. I will swim in friend Vaggelis. I will swim with the sea and I will eat fish and watermelon. him in the pool. In the evenings I will go with my mum and my Christi Liakoudi brother to eat ice creams. I love our Summer!!! Chris Pamporis In Summer I can go with my family In Summer I will go to the sea. My sister and I camping. We will sleep in a tent. I have got a lot of toys. I can swim very well. will play in the sand with my In Summer I like eating ice creams. My sister brother and my friends. We will can’t swim and my mum will help her. We eat creams and strawberries. will also go fishing. Vaggelio Panagiotopoulou Joanna Patika My family and I go on holiday in In summer, I will go on vacation with my August. We will go to Skala family and our friends. I will swim and make Potamias in Thasos Island. Every castles in the sand. I will eat ice creams. I day we will swim. We will eat ice love summer because I can play with my creams and will go for walks. friends all day! Evita Koutsikou Sophia Kanaki Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: A Junior 2-3 Page 6

My name is Tasos and I am from Greece. In My favourite country is Greece. The capital my country, there are 11 million people. The of Greece is Athens. There are a lot of capital of Greece is Athens. There are a lot islands in it. In Summer, thousands of of sightseeing to visit in Athens. The tourists visit Greece. The most popular food Acropolis is one of the most popular in is mousakas and gyros. I love my country! Greece. In Thessaloniki there is the white Tower. Our food is very special, like Maloukos John mousaka and gyros! My favourite country is Greece, Its capital is Tasos Vavatsiklis Athens. There are 11million inhabitants who are called Greeks. The symbol of the flag is My favourite country is Greece! They live 11 a cross into blue. There are many places of million people in it. The capital of Greece is interest to visit, the Parthenon, Meteora, Athens. The Acropolis in Athens and the Olympus mountain. There are a lot of white tower in Thessaloniki, are the most islands too. The most famous food is famous sights in Greece. There are also a mousaka and gyros. I love Greece! lot of islands in it. Gyros and mousaka are the most popular food. Papathanasiou George Stefanidou Areti Supervising Teacher:Konstantara Fouli Class: B Junior 2 Page 7

The capital of Italy is Rome. There are sixty My favourite country is Italy. It has got the million people in Italy. One of the most best football team in the world. The capital popular attractions in Rome is the of Italy is Rome. There are a lot of Colosseum. A lot of years ago, there were sightseeing to visit as the Collusion. It is animal battles. The Italians like eating famous for its pizza and spaghetti. spaghetti and pizza. I like Italy very much! Dimitris Stefanidis Jim Karanastasis My favourite country is the United Kingdom. My favourite country is England because I It has got a lot of big parks and the river love the English language. The capital of Thames. The Hyde Park is the most famous England is London. London has got a of it. About food, fish and chips are the most beautiful river, Thames. There are a lot of popular. One day I will go to visit London, sightseeing to visit, as the Big Ben, the the capital of England, where my cousin Hyde park, the London eye. English lives. breakfast is famous for his eggs with bacon. Kassandros Kostoudis Eleftheria Stefanidou Supervising Teacher:Konstantara Fouli Class: B Junior 2 Page 8

My favourite country is France. The capital Μy favourite country is France. The is Paris. The most famous sight is the Eiffel population is 17million residents and the tower. There, tourists take photos and enjoy capital is Paris. The attractions of France the view. I t is a very romantic country. are the Eiffel tower, the Notre dame and the Croissants and macaroons are the most museum of Louvre. The food that French popular food in France. Another place to people eat is croissants and crepes. visit is Disneyland, which I would like to visit some day with my family!!! Kioupkioli Dimitra Olympia Kanakari My favourite country is France. I like it, Μy favourite country is France. The because Paris is the capital in which I population of France is 67.39 million. The always dream of going there. I have also French cuisine is very famous in the whole heard that it has perfect ice cream flavors. world. The capital is Paris, where you can The Eiffel Tower and the Louvre museum is visit the museum of Louvre. Mona Lisa and the most popular. France will always be my Guernica the two masterpieces of Picasso, favourite country. are exhibited there. Another great monument is the Eiffel tower. You can also Pavlina Litsa visit the two of the most beautiful churches, The Notre dame and Montmartre. It is a My favourite country is France. The capital beautiful country and when I grow up I will is Paris, which is a very beautiful city. You definitely visit it. can visit the Eiffel tower, the museum of Louvre. You can eat the famous croissants Chris Kyrillidis and crepes and you can drink wine. Stepanian Lilian Supervising Teacher:Konstantara Fouli Class: B Junior 2 Page 9

My name is Dimitra and my favourite My favourite country is Japan. The capital is country is Japan. It has got 30 million Tokyo. Its population is 126 million people. people. Tokyo is the capital of the country, The Highest mountain Fuji. You can visit the which consists of 6852 islands. Japan’s Imperial palace and shop in the Ginza. You largest city has got 377.972 inhabitants. can eat sushi, ramen, tempura and taiaki, a sweet cake. Kotangi Dimitra Evi Evreniadi The capital of Germany is Berlin. It is the country that I know well, because my grandparents live there. There are a lot of churches, rivers, mountains, parks with animals and big shops. Apostolakoulis John My favourite country is Russia. The capital is Moscow. It stands on the Moscow river. Its population is 146.748590. The currency is the rub. I like the colour of the buildings there. There are a lot of sights in Moscow, the Kremlin, Bolshoi theatre, the red square and others. I hope sometimes to visit it. Stelios Kampouris Supervising Teacher:Konstantara Fouli Class: B Junior 2 Page 10

My favourite country is Spain. The capital is Madrid. There is a city called Barcelona. There, is the stadium of Barcelona FC and a beautiful port too. The food is delicious and very different of ours. Tacos is one of the most famous dishes. Steven Protogiros My favourite country is America. The United states of America consists of 52 states. America is a continent of the western hemisphere consisting of north and south America. It occupies 8,3% of the planet’s total surface are and 28,4 of the land and hosts about 13,1% of the world’s population. Also the population of America is 1002 billion. John Kampouris CAIRO My favourite country is Egypt. I like Egypt, because it is a beautiful country. Cairo is the capital. The most famous sightseeing is the pyramids. The Sphinx stands proudly in the famous necropolis. This country is full of dunes. You can cross the desert using camels. If you are lucky, you may also find a treasure. Loggos Constantinos Supervising Teacher:Konstantara Fouli Class: B Junior 2 Page 11

Athina Kontantzi Page 12 Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A Senior 1 & 3

Rex the dog I am chasing the dog now and he is so fast. After, Rex says “You won’t catch me, but I’m so lucky you found me”, and then I go to bed but the dog is so sad. Rex is crying and he says “Leo, I want to play a little more”. I caress Rex, he sleeps and I go to bed. Leo Myrta Oliver the dog: I’m hungry, I want a fresh bone. Kiki the cat: I’m lucky people give me food every day because they love me hahaha.You not hahaha. Eirini Protogyrou Make a bamboo cake (pandas) Page 13 Tim: Mum can you make a cake? Mum: Your favourite? Tim: Yes! Mum: Ok! Let’s start! Tim: Mum can I help you? Mum: Give me bamboo flour, two eggs and milk. Tim: Ok. Mum: In thirty minutes the cake will be ready. Tim: Thanks mommy! Maria Triantafyllidou Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A Senior 1 & 3

Bob the parrot and the snake - Hello Bob. How are you? - I’m fine thank you. - Do you want to play football or basketball with me? - No problem. Let’s go! - Have you got a ball for football? - Yes, here it is. Let’s go. - Oh no! My grandma is waiting for me to have lunch together. - Ok see you later. Call me when you finish. - Ok, bye. Lucas Kikioaka My name is Iran. My owner is very good. His name is Mr. Chris. I am a sheep-dog but I’m very friendly. I have black and white spots and big teeth. I live in a kennel and I eat 2 or 3 meals every day. Sometimes I play with my owner’s grandchildren Chris and Adam. I love my family and they love me too. Adam Kyrillidis If I had a fish I think it would tell me to not throw garbage in the sea because it may die and have no oxygen and to not throw plastic and other things constantly. Christos Gkouramanis Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A Senior 1 & 3 Page 14

-Hi. Hello! I’m a deer, I live in the forest. -Hi. Hunters usually kill me, my family and -What’s your name? my friends. Please stop killing us and live -My name is Jack, you? peacefully with us. Humans shall -My name is Lola. understand that we aren’t their food! We -How old are you? are their friends! -I am 3, you? Christos Papavasileiou -I am 2. -What do you do in your free time? If animals could talk they - I play with my owner, you? would say “leave me alone” or -Me too. “I’m hungry” or “I want -Ok, bye. water” or “I want to go to -Bye sleep” or “I want to play with you”. Konstantinos Kartalis Katerina Lytridou If my pet could talk I think he If animals could talk, they would say “I’m would tell me to buy him the hungry, please give me some food”. They croquettes he likes. But these would also say “Please be quiet, I can’t sleep”, croquettes are not so healthy for “Don’t touch me because I will attack you”, dogs. Once I bought them for him “Don’t leave me alone, I hate water, I hate the and he loved them. He would also zoo!”. tell me to play more with him I’m sure they would say that they love me! because we don’t play together as Christos Liakoudis often. Page 15 Aggeliki Thomaidou Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A Senior 1 & 3

Lion: I’m the king of the jungle. Cheetah: I’m the fastest of all. Panda: I exist? I live? Monkey: I’m the best at climbing. Giraffe: I’m the tallest of all. Ant: I’m the shortest of all. Orestis Kosteas The lion asks the tiger. One morning a lion was walking in the jungle because it L: Can I have your phone? was very hungry. The lion saw a mouse running and the T: Yes, of course. lion started chasing the mouse. L: Thanks! Hello Wolf! The mouse stopped and said to the lion: “There is a big W: Hello Lion please call back because I am elephant behind you!” eating a burger. Lion: I am not listening to you. L: Ok! Mouse: Please! Don’t eat me, because I want to be your friend. Be careful! Here there are traps. ...TWENTY MINUTES LATER… Lion: Bam! Oh no, I didn’t listen to you. The trap caught L: Hello again Wolf. me. W: Hi! L: Do you have money? John Papapostolou W: Yes, I do. L: Please, can you give me? W: No problem. L: Thanks. Goodbye! W: Bye! Menelaou Panagiotis Animal (dog): Hello, what’s your name? Me: Hi, I’m Lefteris. What’s your name? Dog: My name is Dogy. Me: Would you like to play with me? Dog: Of course I want to but first I would like something to eat. Me: Ok. Wait a minute… Look I’ve got some food for you. I hope you like it. Dog: Thank you so much… It’s delicious! Me: Now can we play? Dog: Of course. But first I need to drink water, can you bring me some? Me: Of course… Here you are. Now can we play? Dog: No I can’t. I’m tired right now and I need to sleep. Sorry Lefteris! Lefteris Mavrelis Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Page 16 Class: A Senior 1 & 3

If someone wants to live a good life and to be It is important to follow a healthy eating program healthy, he must follow a healthy diet. Healthy every day. We need all the vitamins, minerals and eating means to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, the proteins from our food to stay healthy. The which have a lot of vitamins that help us in our daily food pyramid can help us to follow this program. program. Also we mustn’t eat many sweets and fast It’s wise to make the right choices with your food food because they are bad for our organism. to stay healthy. George Protogirou Bouzoudi Athanasia Breakfast: every day we must eat brown bread Healthy eating is very important for people, with honey and drink orange juice. especially for our age. Fruit and vegetables have a lot Lunch: we must eat fish or meat with vegetables. of vitamins and minerals which are necessary for our Dinner: it must be light. We can eat fruit or salad. health. Last but not least, water is also very Fisikoudis Apostolos important. Tasou Vicky Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: A Senior 2 Page 17

To be healthy you need to eat healthy and to Healthy eating is very important for everyone. I exercise. If you are healthy you can run or swim like healthy eating, but I also eat sweets. When faster. When you eat healthy you will live longer you want to follow a healthy diet, you must and decrease the possibilities to catch a cold include vegetables, fruit, milk, fruit juice, eggs, and certainly you can sleep better. Healthy cornflakes. I wish people could eat more eating is a way to live!!! healthy!!! Tsakis Apostolos Anastasiadou Sophia Healthy eating helps our organism to work better. I follow a healthy diet, so everyday I eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, milk, bread, cheese and digestive products. I would like my friends to support healthy eating!!! Anastasiadis Peter Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: A Senior 2 Page 18

… Waterfall Angel Falls is the world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 metres. The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyan-Tepui  mountain in the Canaima National Park. The falls are along a fork of the Río Kerepacupai Merú which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River, itself a tributary of the Orinoco River. Steven Bitzikos … Lake The Caspian Sea is in the eastern part of Asia, on the borders of Russia and Iran. It is Earth's largest inland body of water, which makes it the world's biggest lake. It is very salty because it doesn't connect to any other seas. This means that the salts and nutrients that come into the Caspian Sea from rivers and rain collect there. The sea is home to the beluga sturgeon, a fish whose eggs are used to make a very expensive food called caviar. Katerina Savva … River The longest river in the world is the Amazon river which flows 4,345 miles from the Peruvian Andes through Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean. It is 20 meters or 66ft deep and it goes to maximum 100 meters. It is very dangerous to swim in the Amazon river because there are many dangerous fish that can kill you. Some people have swam in the Amazon river and were safe but others that swam in the river were found dead. Rafaela Gkantina Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: B Senior 1 Page 19

My best thing is drawing. I like drawing so much! I usually draw in my free time or when I’m bored. I use my imagination and the reason I like drawing is that you draw whatever you want. M y dad draws and I have him as an example. Papaiordanidou Charitini My best thing is painting and I paint in my free time or even when I’m bored. I use some markers and sometimes color pencils. Most times I paint alone but rarely with my friends. I like designing different aesthetic things. Achelonoudi Aspa My best thing is chess. I am playing every Wednesday at 5:00 with my friends. I like chess because it is hard but a very enjoyable game. Chess needs two players in every game and 36 pieces. Bazios Marios Supervising Teachers: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: B Senior 2 Page 20

My best thing is basketball. I play basketball every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday with my friends. It is a very easy game and it’s loads of fun, too! Gkouramani Kyriaki My best thing I like to do is playing basketball. I practice every Wednesday at 7:00 o’ clock and on Saturday at 10:00. I love playing basketball with my friends because we play as a team! Gkouramani Despina My best thing is football. It’s not too difficult but not too easy either. I like it because it helps me forget about all the negative things and it relaxes me. My football team is really great and we can achieve a lot. Psemmas Marios My best thing is football. I have played for 6 My best thing is football. Every day I years and it is my favorite sport. I have a talent have one hour of training. You don’t for this because every time I play I enjoy it and I need much equipment. You need a bottle am never bored. It is something that I’ve been of water, some cones and a ball. I like it doing for a long time. It trains you both physically because it is entertaining, hard and takes and mentally. a lot of skill. Lanaras Nick Therapiotis Joseph Page 21 Supervising Teachers: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: B Senior 2

My best thing is dancing. I dance all day with my best friend Debbie. I wear a white T-shirt and blue jeans. I put music on my CD player. I love music and dancing and my dance teacher, Melina. Karafili Cleopatra My best thing is singing. Ever since I was little my mother told me that I have a very nice voice and to take advantage of it. I have always liked music, I just didn’t tell the others because I was ashamed, so I sang alone. I’m trying to be better in singing and K-pop is my favourite. Kotantzi Sofia Supervising Teachers: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: B Senior 2 Page 22

CAPTAIN GRANT’S CHILDREN The crew of the Duncan ship belonging to Glenarvan, catches a fish in blue waters of Scotland, in which there was a message asking for help from a victim of a shipwreck. Glenarvan goes to London to organize a rescue mission, but the government didn’t want to help for political reasons. Captain Grant’s children, son and daughter went to the boat in the hope to learn something about their father. When Glenarvan returns home, his wife persuaded him to go in search of the captain. They travelled a lot by land and by sea cross Patagonia, visit the islands of Tristan du canha and Amsterdam, pass by Australia and New Zealand. They experienced many dangerous adventures. Finally they found captain Grant on a small island of Taboro! Gabriela Papadeli Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: B Senior Page 23

For me life in the city is as good as life in the country. In the city there are stores so you can buy clothes and other things that you can’t buy in the country. Also, in the city it is easier to find a job. If someone gets hurt or isn’t feeling good, he can be taken to the hospital which is in the city. But in cities there is noise which is very annoying and also traffic. In the country, it is quiet and it allows you to concentrate. There is also fresh air. But there aren’t any facilities. Marios Thomoudis In the city there is a lot of traffic while in the village it is quieter. The village is the best because there is no crime but it is far from the city center, there aren’t any facilities and also people gossip. In the city it is easier to find a job and it is also important that you can find hospitals and stores. Vasiilis Tsabazis Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: C Senior 2 Page 24

I think life in the country is healthier. It is calm, silent, and very peaceful away from all the chaos of the city. There is more oxygen because of the trees. Country life has also disadvantages. There aren’t any facilities for fun, you cannot find a job easily and it is difficult to have access to the latest technology. In the city there is a large number of cars and fumes but you can find stores and meet new people. Kapeliou Fani In the village there is not so much pollution, the environment has cleaner air and it is not so dangerous because people know each other. It is also more beautiful because of the nature in which you can take walks for hours. In the city, there are also several things you can do like go for a walk to the shops or a Cafι. Maria Ainatsidou It is better to live in the countryside because it has more advantages. There is fresh air, it is quiet, and there are many trees that produce oxygen. But there are disadvantages, too. There is gossip, it is far from the center, there are not enough facilities and prices are high. In the city there are many stores for food or clothes, you find a job easily and the hospital is near. The disadvantages are the traffic, the noise and car fumes. Nick Iliakis Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: C Senior 2 Page 25

Many people prefer living in cities because it is easier to find a job but not everyone agrees. In the country everyone knows each other and they are friendlier. It is more peaceful. You can breathe fresh air and most houses have gardens. But there aren’t many stores and they are expensive. There are also no entertainment centers. In cities, you can find work near your house and there are many stores but no parks and you can only live on a flat. John Lytridis Life in the city is better because you have a lot of things to do. You can go to the theatre or cinema and visit museums. It is easier to find a job and there are more hospitals. A disadvantage is that there are always lots of cars and it’s difficult to move around. Also, the noise. On the other hand, in the country it is peaceful and calm but you can’t find entertainment facilities. Kapeliou Christina Many people say that it is better to live in the village because it is quieter. My opinion is that it is better to live in the city because there are jobs, shops and health centers. In the city there is a lot of noise, traffic and factories that pollute the environment. In the country there is fresh air and you know a lot of people. On the other hand, the village is far from the shops and there isn’t much to do there. Anna Protoyirou Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: C Senior 2 Page 26

I have never stayed in the city so I don’t I think life in the country is healthier. It is know what it’s like to live there. When you calm, silent, and very peaceful away from live in the city it is different I think. You are all the chaos of the city. There is more closer to the supermarket, you find work oxygen because of the trees. Country life more easily and you have easy access to the has also disadvantages. There aren’t any hospital. As for the disadvantages, there is facilities for fun, you cannot find a job a lot of noise, traffic and exhaust fumes. easily and it is difficult to have access to There is also crime in contrast to the village the latest technology. In the city there is a but you don’t have people gossip about large number of cars and fumes but you whatever you do. can find stores and meet new people. Kiveli Kondrasi Kapeliou Fani Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: C Senior 2 Page 27

Lilia: It’s better to talk to someone face-to-face than online. Joanna_here<3: That’s true. I think that when you talk to someone face-to-face, you can express your emotions better than by sending emojis. Moreover, they will react to what you said immediately, but if you send a message they may reply days later. Giianhs: I totally agree. I think that in this way you can express yourself better and show them how you feel. You will also get an answer to your questions in seconds. Despoinalog31: That’s true! This is more useful than online chatting. When you talk to someone face-to-face you can see them, notice their reactions and understand their feelings. Stellina*: It is safer than chatting online. There are fake accounts on social media and you might get into trouble. GeorgeK: You are right! If you want to have a serious discussion with somebody it is better to talk to them face-to-face and not online. JimBak: Yes, I agree because you can see your friend and show how you feel, which cannot be done through a text message. Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Page 28 Class: Pre Lower 2

Lilia: It’s rude to look at your phone while somebody is talking to you. Despoinalog31: You’re absolutely right! If you do this to someone, you show that you don’t respect the other person. It’s so annoying! Stellina*: I totally agree with you. It’s so annoying and rude when you hang out with someone and they are on their phone the whole time. Joanna_here<3: Yes, I agree. In other words, that’s phubbing and it annoys me so much. People should take a little break from social media and live in the real world. GeorgeK: That’s true! If someone is talking to you, it’s rude to look at your phone. You should pay attention to what they are saying. Giianhs : You are right. It’s rude and you show no respect which is annoying for the other person not to get an answer when they talk to you. JimBak: I totally agree because in this way you don’t join the discussion. So, why didn’t you stay at home instead? Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Page 29 Class: Pre Lower 2

Lilia: Celebrities only post the good things about their lives. Stellina*: Yes! I see what you mean but I think that celebrities mostly have good times in their lives indeed! Bad things also happen to them and they don’t always post them. Despoinalog31: Yes, maybe, but sometimes they post touchy things about their life and family. Also, they post about peace, racism and they share their own experiences. GeorgeK: That’s true because celebrities want fame. As a result, they only post the good things regarding their personal life. Joanna_here<3: Yes, but don’t you think that they also share the remarkable moments in their life that many people would be interested in? They do this to get more followers or just to draw people’s attention. JimBak: Yes, maybe, but people know this is fake and not their real life. Giianhs: I see what you mean but I also believe that celebrities also post some bad things that happen to them so as to show support to other people. That’s how they get more fame. Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Page 30 Class: Pre Lower 2

Lilia: We all need to take a break from social media now and again. GeorgeK: Yes, I agree because a break from social media is good for everyone. Social media are too tiring and annoying for some people. Despoinalog31: I totally agree. They are toxic and tiring. We should live a little bit more in the real world. Some people are fed up with social media while others are addicted to them. Giianhs: That’s true. We should all do this and live more in the real world than the online world. Some people are addicted to social media and also get influenced by other people’s comments. JimBak: Yes, because we spend so much time on them while we could do something more useful and not waste our time. Stellina*: That’s right! Real life is much more amazing than this fake online world. Joanna_here<3: I believe that we should all stop wasting so much time on social media and have a great time with our family and friends. Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Class: Pre Lower 2 Page 31

Lilia: People under 16 should not be allowed to use social media. JimBak: I disagree because at this age we are old enough to be responsible and watch videos on YouTube or have social media accounts. Stellina*: No, I disagree with that because kids over 12 should be allowed to use social media but with a time limit per day. Parents should let them be online for a couple of hours. Giianhs: I don’t think so. They should be allowed to use social media when they are over 11 because if they are younger they may be addicted or influenced by other older people and do harmful things. Despoinalog31: I totally agree because the Internet is harmful sometimes, so people under this age shouldn’t use it. GeorgeK: I don’t think so. Kids over 10 should be able to use social media to communicate with their friends. Joanna_here<3: Yes, maybe, but through social media we can get informed about what is going on in the world and also talk to our friends. Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Class: Pre Lower 2 Page 32

Lilia: Young people waste too much time on the Internet. Giianhs: Yes, maybe, but only when they are at home and they are bored or they don’t know what else to do. So, they go online and end up surfing for hours. Stellina*: You are absolutely right. Kids today use their phones to play games. They use them at home and when they are outside. They really need to take a break. JimBak: I agree because they get distracted and don’t do their homework or read any books in their free time. Despoinalog31: Yes, they want to talk to their friends or visit their favourite celebrities’ social media accounts. As a result, they waste so much time in front of a screen which is harmful to their eyes and also they don’t read any books. Joanna_here<3: I totally agree. More and more young people nowadays waste so much time on the Internet that they don’t have time to do something more creative. GeorgeK: Yes, maybe, but some people get bored easily and they want to do something. A lot of them use the Internet for more hours than they need to. Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou Class: Pre Lower 2 Page 33

“I know we need to change to help the planet but I don’t want to give up the comfortable lifestyle I have now”. Do you agree? I agree because people use a lot of plastic plates and straws and all these help us a lot in our daily lives but do a lot of harm to the environment. I agree because with paper straws when you drink something the straw a little liquid. So I believe we need it. Athanasia Zachari I don’t agree with the existence of plastic because it’s a bad influence on the environment and this will have an impact on our daily lives. Of course plastic isn’t the only problem for the environment, burning it also creates problems not only for the environment but also in our health that’s why I think they should be abolished. Katerina Zachari Yes, I agree but if we want to have a healthy lifestyle we need to do something to help the environment too. We could stop using plastic straws and start using metallic ones. We could stop using plastic bags and replace them with reusable ones. We could do so many things to help the environment but not many of us do. Elena Konta Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: Pre Lower 3 Page 34

I think we should all help our planet because many of us humans have suffered so we have to respect the planet we live in, but there are ways to help without changing anything. One way is to recycle as it helps a lot, to respect animals and take care of them and the last way is when we go somewhere not to leave rubbish behind us. These are the only ways I think to help. Eleni Kourouklidou I understand that we all have a comfortable life with cars and plastic and many things that are harmful for the planet but we have to do something to for the Earth because we live here. I would suggest reducing the use of plastic and using materials suitable for the planet. We shouldn’t throw rubbish on the ground because we find it boring to take it to the bin. We all have to make an effort to live better! Marina Tzelepi Trees, plants and all of nature are our protectors, the things that keep us alive, so it is our responsibility to help and protect them. As we all know, our lives are used to the easy ways and as a result we destroy the environment and then our planet. God gave us the chance to think and control nature but we do the opposite of that; we destroy and never think about what we really do when we throw cigarettes or other trash on the ground, even the sea. Animals may take it as food and when we catch this animal to eat it we are unsuspected about eating it with the plastic or the trash we threw away. So, we need to use other ways to do the things we need to do. An example would be to use reusable bags, recycle our cans or even make a fire to heat ourselves. Let’s make our planet cleaner for our kids and future. Help me with protecting the environment. Charalampos Leontaridis Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: Pre Lower 3 Page 35

Well, I firmly believe that no one wants to give up the comfortable lifestyle but the environment suffers because of the many kinds of pollution. We don’t need to give up the comfortable lifestyle completely, but we must make some changes. It will obviously be difficult in the beginning, but we will get used to it soon. With some changes, we’re going to help and save the environment from pollution and disorder and we will create a better world for us. Vasiliki Karanastasi I disagree, because we must protect our planet. We can’t give up on Earth, because we destroy it. It is our home and anything that hurts is affects us. It doesn’t matter if we have a comfortable lifestyle, because if we keep polluting the Earth, we won’t be able to have a comfortable. In addition, we harm the poor animals which are innocent. Let’s all make a contribution to our planet and protect not only the earth and the animals, but also ourselves! Foteini Gkogkou Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: Pre Lower 3 Page 36

I don’t agree with this opinion, because I believe that we can keep our comfortable life style but at the same time we can also protect our planet. For example, we can get an electric car rather than driving cars that use gas in order to move around, which keep our atmosphere clear and save as money. Also, there are small moves with big value such as recycling, not wasting water and electricity and use biodegradable material like paper which helps the environment without decreasing the quality our lifestyle. Not only can we have a comfortable life with these actions, but also we can make a better planet for everyone. Georgia Vlachonikoli I agree with this idea and I am going to give some advice on how we can help the environment. Instead of plastic straws we could use paper ones. We can either use vehicles that are ECO friendly such as electric cars, or we could use ECO buses. We can do everything in our power to help the environment. Chris Ntagkas Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: Pre Lower 3 Page 37

Views on pocket money I believe that getting pocket money is I reckon that giving your child pocket money on a good but up to a certain degree. monthly or weekly basis is a good way to help them Allowance helps a teenager learn how learn how to manage it and make it last. Children to manage money and how to spend it. learn to be responsible and understand how it is to live Moreover, they may learn the value of on a limited budget. It also works as a motivation for money and it can also be a motivation better school performance. On the other hand, to do better at school. On the other constantly giving pocket money might spoil kids. It is hand, there are drawbacks. For helpful anyway and will affect children’s future in a instance, large amounts of money may good way. spoil children. Lina Kanaki Charitini Kouva In my opinion, pocket money is good for children. First of all, children learn how to manage their own money and this is an advantage for their future. In addition, children can understand the value of money, so this motivates them to find a good job in the future. Getting an allowance is a push for kids to progress at school. All in all, it has multiple benefits. Lambrinos Chroneos Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Page 38 Class: Lower

I think pocket money is not good due to kids being irresponsible while using it and not spending it carefully. Giving teens a large amount of money occasionally will spoil them and they will not appreciate it. They will not be able to save money in the future and when they will need it they won’t have it. They might be addicted to it and ask for more thinking it is no big deal without considering how hard it is to earn it. Nefeli Ikonomou Pocket money might be good for kids but it can also be bad and dangerous. That’s because sometimes children buy illegal things like alcohol or even drugs. As a reward, it is taken too seriously by kids and if they get a bad grade they become sad, stressed, insecure…I think all kids should be given pocket money but within limits. Christina Bambaolou In my opinion, pocket money can have a bad influence on children especially teenagers, simply because getting money without working for it destroys the whole value of money itself. Children should learn how to earn the money they need, not wait for someone else to give them everything they want, and be aware of the right management of the money they receive. Fotini Syrpa In my opinion, pocket money is bad because of some kids’ behavior. First of all, they start abusing it and not being careful about what they buy. Secondly, some kids can’t understand the value of money and therefore ask for money on a daily basis. Lastly, they may be rude to their friends if they have more money than them. Nikolina Kechagia Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: Lower Page 39

My opinion is that pocket money is good for children. First of all, a child learns how to use their own money. Except that, they have a motive to do better at school and learn the value of money. On the other hand, a large amount might spoil children and change their behavior. Also, kids will spend their money on wrong things. Stathis Kousidis To my mind, children should be given pocket money because they become more responsible. They decide on what they will spend money on. They decide if it is for a good reason and in this way they mature. Allowance can become a motivation for children to improve their grades. In some cases, giving pocket money makes the child spoiled so parents should set a good example for them. Zoe Loggou It cannot be denied that pocket money can make Pocket money is something all kids is given. every kid’s dream come true but despite that is it With pocket money kids learn at a young age to something good? Pocket money teaches you how to manage their finances. It makes kids realize the save money and keep a balance in the future. Not value of money by preparing them to be able to everyone knows how to save or use money so that live on a certain budget. On the other hand, it would be a big trouble for them. Pocket money spoils kids. Knowing that you will be given sounds fun, but it is something that takes much money can make you brag about it to children more thinking. that may not be able to have that or it makes you always want more. Aggeliki Lanara Margarita Mavropoulou In response to this major mystery about pocket money, what I consider to be the right answer is that pocket money is a fresh perspective for school goers and of primary importance to them. Adolescents would sooner have some backup money for an upcoming event or perhaps for an emergency. Stergios Syrpas Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: Lower Page 40

From my point of view, pocket money is not the best way to teach a child how to manage their own money. Most of them are not mature enough and buy the things they don’t need. Allowance, especially on a daily basis, spoils children and it can create envy among peers. On the other hand, there are a few teenagers that can manage their money and understand its value. Spyros Kouvas Pocket money can influence minors. Sometimes they become more responsible and can understand the value of it. On the other hand, some adolescents don’t appreciate it much. There are also situations in which teenagers that get large amounts of pocket money compare themselves with others so as to show off. Teo Kikioaka Pocket monet , in my opinion, is good because it Pocket money is good but sometimes not because it can help you sometimes. I think it is good to save can spoil children. For example, if a parent gives money for a difficult time or for a time you need it their children a lot of it, the kids may ask request to go out with your friends. Pocket money should even more. In my opinion, if someone wouldn’t be given once a month, in order for children to want to disappoint their offspring, they should understand how to save it. provide only a little allowance and make a deal on the time of giving it. Valantis Kranias Nikos Tasho Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: Lower Page 41

CHALLENGES OF MODERN WORLD It is a very common phenomenon for a lot of people to face the unacceptable behaviour of some critizens all around the word. Not only do they not respect boundaries but they also try to make sure that everybody is going to adopt their lifestyle which is full of stereotypes. Freedom, is the most essential good that each of us have and that is why we need to live a life that we desire .Stereotypes cannot exist for much longer as everybody has chosen a completely different way of leading their life. This is totally normal as not all people can indetify with somebody else’s opinions. Christine Kogkolidou Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Currently, people find it hard to be hired at a Class: Proficiency well-paid job or even at a job that can provide a source of income to make a living at all. First of all, there are no jobs available and this has a negative impact on people who have decent knowledge . Secondly , it does not be given to middle-aged people the opportunity to prove that they deserve a job and so a large percentage of the population remains unemployed. Therefore, companies need to adapt their recruitment system into the new data . Dimitris Geromanolis Page 42

One of the main problems we all face in the last two years is the Covid-19 pandemic. It is obvious that having all the people in the world faced with such a difficult situation, deprives them of a normal daily life. People of all ages were called to get used to very difficult living conditions. Also, we all had to be quarantined for about a whole year, losing all contact with friends or relatives. This alone makes these last two years perhaps the most difficult that humanity has ever experienced. In addition, a large percentage of people have lost many of their people in a short period of time or acquired irreparable health problems. In general, the psychology of all people is disturbed and difficult to recover. Georgia Menelaou There are multiple causes that are linked and compounding. Poverty can strike during an unexpected crisis such as, a serious health problem, job loss, or a divorce. These crises can be particularly debilitating when compounded by other risk factors such as low education, limited skills training, lack of savings, or lack of family supports. Poverty can result from personal struggle physical, mental, or emotional and many people experiencing poverty are faced with a lack of emotional, psychological or financial support. Poverty has far reaching consequences on the society. People suffering from poverty will generally have a low standard of living. They are not able to afford education and lack access to health care and education. This will lead to a low quality of human capital and thus compromise economic growth.  Santos Vagios Mikel Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: Proficiency Page 43

The Russian invasion into Ukraine has evolved into an economical crisis. These challenges are not limited to Ukraine, but due to the globalised world we live in, challenges are being emerged across the world. The war in Ukraine is causing food and fuel crises. Thousands of lives have been lost, and millions of livelihoods have been disrupted through displacement, lost homes and even members of their family.  Daniil Stepanian Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Class: Proficiency Page 44

W Mein Name ist Aggeliki und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Ich habe einen schönen Rucksack. In meinem Rucksack sind drei Bücher, ein Heft und eine Federtasche. In meiner Federtasche sind zwei Bleistifte, ein Radiergummi, ein Spitzer, fünf Kulis, eine Schere, ein Lineal und viele Buntstifte. Meine Schulsachen sind super! Aggeliki Thomaidou Hallo, ich heiße Jannis und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Mein Rucksack ist groß und praktisch. In meinem Rucksack sind ein Radiergummi, ein Kuli, ein Lineal, ein Bleistift, meine Hefte, meine Bücher, ein Atlas, eine Federtasche, eine Schere und ein Spitzer. Ich brauche meine Schulsachen jeden Tag! Jannis Papapostolou Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Klasse: Deutsche A1.1 Page 45

Mein Name ist Konstantinos und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Ich habe einen großen Rucksack für die Schule. In meinem Rucksack sind ein Spitzer, zwei Bleistifte, meine Bücher, meine Hefte, eine Federtasche, ein Kuli, ein Radiergummi, eine Schere und ein Lineal. Ich brauche meine Schulsachen jeden Tag! Konstantinos Kartalis Hallo, ich heiße Christos und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Mein Rucksack ist groß und schön. In meinem Rucksack sind meine Bücher, meine Hefte und eine Federtasche. In meinem Federtasche sind zwei Bleistifte, ein Kuli, ein Radiergummi, ein Spitzer, eine Schere und ein Lineal. Ich finde meine Schulsachen super! Christos Papavasileiou Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Klasse: Deutsche A1.1 Page 46

Mein bester Freund heißt Stefan und ist elf Jahre alt. Er ist nicht so groß und hat braune Augen und blonde Haare. Mein Freund wohnt in Hortiatis und hat eine Schwester. Stefan spielt gern Fußball und malt auch sehr gern. Wir treffen uns jeden Tag in der Schule, denn wir sind Mitschüler in der Klasse 5. Zusammen spielen wir Fußball und Computerspiele am Wochenende. Ich wünsche wir sind beste Freunde für immer! Marios Psemmas Mein bester Freund ist Marios, er ist 11 Jahre alt und lebt in Hortiatis. Sein Vater heißt Dimitris, seine Mutter ist Sofia und sein Bruder heißt Thanos. Thanos ist 22 Jahre alt. Marios ist groß und hat schwarze Haare und schwarze Augen. Wir gehen gemeinsam spazieren, hören Musik und spielen jeden Tag Fußball. Seine Hobbys sind Musik, er spielt Gitarre und natürlich Fußball. Marios und ich sind beste Freunde für immer! Stefanos Bitzikos Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Klasse: Deutsche A1.2 Page 47

Mein Lieblingssänger-in Meine Lieblingsband Meine Lieblingsband ist Maneskin. Das ist eine Band von< vier Personen, Damiano dem Sänger, Victoria der Bassistin, Thomas dem Gitarrist und Ethan spielt Schlagzeug. Damiano ist 23 Jahre alt, Victoria und Ethan sind 22 und Thomas ist 20 Jahre alt. Sie kommen aus Italien, aber Victoria kommt aus Italien und Dänemark. Der Name von der Band ist ein Wort in Dänisch und bedeutet Mondlicht. Sie spielen Pop Rock, glam Rock, alternativer Rock und hard Rock. Mein Lieblingslied von ihnen ist <La paura del buio>. Maneskin finde ich wunderschön!! Vasiliki Karanastasi Meine Lieblingsband ist AC/DC. Sie sind eine australianische Band und kommen aus Sydney, eine große Stadt. Sie machen Hard-Rock Musik. Ihr Lied mit dem Titel ´Thunderstruck´ hatte eine Milliarde Views im youtube!! Der Sänger heißt Brian Johnson und die anderen Mitglieder, Bob Scott singt auch, Angus Young und Malcolm Young spielen Gitarre und Phil Rudd spielt Schlagzeug. Diese Band finde ich super!!! Christos Dagas Meine Lieblingsband ist Black Sabbath. Sie Page 48 kommen aus England und sind Ozzy Osbourne der Sänger, der Gitarrist Tommy Iommi, der Bassist Geezer Butler und der Schlagzeugspieler Bill Ward. Sie kommen aus England und ihr letztes Konzert war in London. Die Band macht Rock und heavy metal Musik und das Lied mit dem Titel ´Paranoid´ ist ein Hit seit 1970!! Einmal möchte ich Black Sabbath treffen. Vielleicht geben sie mir dann ein Autogramm!! Haralambos Leontaridis Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Klasse: Deutsche A2.1

Eine komische Sportart und ihre Herkunft Eine komische Sportart ist sepak takraw. Sepat takraw ist ein beliebter Sport in Malaysia und in Thailand. Es wurde erstmals im 15. Jahrhundert gespielt und wurde als offizieller Sport dieser beiden Länder südostasiens übernommen. Es ist weniger wie Fußball, sondern eher wie Volleyball. Zwei Mannschaften bestehend aus jeweils drei Spielern, stehen auf einem durch ein Netz geteilten Spielfeld gegenüber und versuchen den Ball hoch zu halten. Spieler dürfen den Ball jedoch nicht mit den Händen berühren, außer mit den Füßen, Knien oder dem Kinn. Das Ziel ist den Ball über das Netz auf den Boden der gegnerischen Spielfelfhälfte. Lina Kanaki Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Es ist ein Sport, dessen Zweck, wie der Name schon sagt, Klasse: Deutsche A2.2 das Bügeln ist. Aber es ist nicht so einfach, wie es klingt da es an seltsamen aber auch unzugänglichen Orten wie Seen, Flüssen, Bergen und sogar Booten stattfidet. Dieser Sport ist Team- und Einzelsport zugleich. Seine Inspiration war Phil Shaw, ein Bewohner von Leicester, England, der früher im Hof seines Hauses bügelte. Nach einem anstrengenden Tag in der Fabrik, in der arbeitete, beschloss er auf dem Hügel spazieren zu gehen, was ihm gefiel und er dachte darüber nach, seine andere Lieblingsbeschäftigung, das Bügeln zu kombinieren. Also beschloss er im Juni 1999 eine Kampagne zur Förderung des Sports zu starten. Diese Bemühungen zahlten sich aus als eine Weltmeisterschaft im Leben gerufen wurde, wobei die erste in München Deutschland stattfand. Giannis Vlachoudis Page 49

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