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Home Explore Liz Local Williamsburg - Summer 2021

Liz Local Williamsburg - Summer 2021

Published by lynnettetully, 2021-08-02 10:35:13

Description: Liz Local Williamsburg - Summer 2021


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WILLIAMSBURG SUMMER 2021 Dream Homes Favorite Ice Cream Shop Outdoor Spaces Office Space

Are You Living in Your Coloring Contest Winners Dream Home? Age 0-4 The past 15 months has been a roller coaster in our real estate world. It’s hard to imagine OLIVIA AGE 4 that in spite of being in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, we also experienced the Age hottest real estate market in US history. The 5-9 perfect storm of low listing inventory and historic low interest rates converged to cause HARPER AGE 7 buyer demand to spike to all-time highs. One last thought on dream homes... Clearly, it’s a great time to be a seller. But… what about the other side of that equation? We recently completed a “Dream Home Coloring Contest” for kids Sellers are asking themselves, “I may get peak and got some wonderful inspiration. Who wouldn’t want room for barn pricing for my home right now, but then I’ll animals (including a sunglass-wearing llama), a house that converts into have to turn around and pay peak pricing a rocket ship, or a rainbow facade? One submission even had a bathtub on the other end. Does that make sense for shaped like a high heel shoe! Check it out on our Facebook page! me?” Every situation is different, and the answer really depends on a lot of different While I’m not sure our agents will be able to score those features for factors. One thing that definitely makes you in a new home, we definitely can find you a place that you would sense, though, is that now is a great time for call a dream home! an in-depth look at values with your favorite REALTOR. If you’re not currently living in your dream home, now just may be the perfect time to explore alternatives. Other drivers that are causing people to re- think their current space are the possibilities created by new opportunities to work remotely. Many people have realized that they can hang up their commute, and work from home…and that home can be anywhere they want. That freedom extends beyond location – it also means new and different features are important in a home: home offices and outdoor spaces have become all the buzz in recent months. We’ve devoted this month’s edition of Liz Local to exploring a few of those features. Liz Moore, President

Be the first to know what’s happening Contents in your neighborhood! Dream Homes Get the Scoop! 2 Sign up to receive FREE emails when a neighbor’s home hits Hello From Your Liz Moore REALTOR® the market or goes under contract. Insider emails include 3 price, photos, and home feature details. There’s no cost and absolutely no obligation...simply call or send me your email Favorite Ice Cream Shop address and neighborhoods you’d like to “scoop.” 4 Age Outdoor Spaces 10+ 6 HAYLEE AND AUTUMN AGE 11 Office Space 8 Featured Homes for Sale 10 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL 3

Favorite Ice Cream Shop Under new ownership and drive-thru coming soon! As a child, Caroline West looked forward to family trips to Bruster’s Real Ice Cream where she could enjoy her favorite treat – a scoop of Peanut Butter Puddles. Now, West - who is 31 - can enjoy ice cream whenever she wants. In summer of 2020, amidst a pandemic, West purchased Bruster’s from original owners Tom and Sandy Samson, who opened the ice cream shop in 2002. Though 2020 was a scary time for a lot of businesses, West felt secure when she bought Bruster’s. She knew its current business model – where people walk up to a window and order and don’t have to go inside – wouldn’t be affected by capacity limitations. Everything was already takeout. Plus, she figured families would see Bruster’s as a respite, as a place to go and get a treat like normal. “People wanted ice cream, they wanted to get out of the house and they wanted to do it in a thoughtful, safe way,” said West. “We were super fortunate that Bruster’s was very COVID-friendly. “Even though people were going through some of the worst times of their lives, they still wanted to go get ice cream with their families or celebrate.” 4 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL

Located in the Williamsburg Crossing shopping center at the corner of Route 199 and John Tyler Highway, Bruster’s is well- loved by the community and tourists alike. Children delight in the Dino and Dirt Sundaes while adults crave scoops of the popular Chocolate Raspberry Truffle and Key Lime Pie flavors, among many others. There are tables and benches surrounded by trees around the store. On any given night, you can likely find several people enjoying a milkshake, waffle bowl or cone. A Williamsburg native, West is not just an ice cream aficionado, she is also an experienced small business owner. She purchased Parcel Stop in Monticello Marketplace from her father in 2015. The biggest difference between the two stores, says West, is that her coworkers at Bruster’s are mostly teenagers. But, she doesn’t mind. West has a background in child development and family studies, plus she has three children of her own. The work environment is fun and she likes being a mentor to her young employees. “All the kids I work with are very responsible,” said Haman. “I’ve been so impressed.” Ready for some real ice cream? Business this past year has continued to be Bruster’s strong. So strong in fact that West will be 5289 John Tyler Highway Williamsburg building a drive-thru window at Bruster’s. 757-220-8930 | She got the idea from attending Bruster’s corporate training. With people wanting more contactless service, Haman figured it was a great time to add a drive-thru. The county has been supportive and is currently reviewing the site plan. She hopes to have the new service available by the end of the year. “I’m really excited to be able to offer this drive- thru option to residents and visitors as another alternative to get their ice cream,” said West. As for other changes, West plans to make little updates to the current location in the coming years, including fresh paint, new landscaping and possibly a larger area for kids to play. “I just want to make it a place that people really enjoy.” SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL 5

Outdoor Spaces We’ve all been spending more time outdoors lately. On any Mike Bramble-Turkovich, owner of Berkeley Design Group, given weekend, local home improvement stores are packed - agrees. Bramble-Turkovich said it’s apparent that people are especially if it’s pretty outside. You see people walking out wanting to spend more time outdoors and are investing in with plants and flowers, new patio furniture, fire pits and for their yards. In addition to patio and fire pit installations, the real yard enthusiast – dozens of stones or brick for deco- Bramble-Turkovich said many of his clients are wanting to rative landscaping. When the pandemic shut down schools, add outdoor lighting and fountains to their space. He is also offices, sports and other events, people found themselves at seeing a demand for outdoor kitchens. “People are wanting home with time on their hands. Backyard ideas that may have to stay outside longer and socialize longer and having an out- been planned for the future or “sometime down the road,” door kitchen, with a grill and refrigerator right there makes suddenly sounded like a good idea for the present and many life easier,” he said. “You don’t even need to go inside your began making outdoor improvements themselves or hiring house.” Enhanced lighting such as downlighting on columns contractors to do the work. and posts as well as recessed lighting in pavers also means more time outside, said Bramble-Turkovich. Trey Watford works for River Pools and Spas and runs a part- time landscape design business. He said the outdoor improve- Much like pool installation, however, finding available contrac- ment industry is booming. “For pools, we’re booking a full tors can be tricky. After going through a year of the pandem- year out right now,” said Watford. “It’s just crazy. Basically, if ic, Jen and Tim German began thinking about their outdoor you want a place to swim in next year, you need to start plan- space and how nice it would be to have a patio and fire pit for ning now.” get-togethers. Wanting it to be ready by the summer, the Ger- mans contacted a company in January about installation and Watford has been equally busy with his outdoor design work. were told they could get started in about six weeks out. Those “Once people realized they would be staying home and cruis- six weeks eventually turned into several months. “We tried es and trips to Disney were put on hold, they started to look calling a few other people, but they either couldn’t get to us at their own houses and yards and wanted to create a better until August or were booked until next year,” said Jen German. space for their families,” said Watford. Watford said he believes the demand for outdoor design, pool Watford has been doing a lot of designs for outdoor kitch- installation, landscaping and hardscaping will continue for a ens as well as for roof structures that extend over an outdoor couple of years and said homeowners should be prepared to space to create an open-air patio. “People are wanting to ex- wait. “Any reputable company is going to be busy right now,” tend their home to create a multiuse space that could be used he said. “If they say they can get to you in the next couple of for entertaining or for work,” said Watford. days, there’s probably something wrong.” 6 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL

For some, improving their outdoor space meant getting a lit- “We’ve really enjoyed the chickens,” she said. Dalgleish also tle creative. Harmony Dalgleish had always wanted a garden. added a tire swing, because her kids had always wanted one, A busy college professor with two children, Dalgleish didn’t as well as a fire pit and a new grill. “Being home because of the have a lot of free time on her hands. But, that changed in pandemic really got me thinking differently about my out- April 2020 when she began working from home. Suddenly, door space,” said Dalgleish. “I had all these ideas and things I Dalgleish had time for the yard projects she had been putting wanted to do, and I finally had the time, so we did them, and aside. Wanting to create the best garden possible, Dalgleish I’m glad we were able to.” spent a day sun mapping her yard. This process takes a while, but it helps you understand the movement of light and shade Businesses in your yard – that way you know where to place plants in the yard so they thrive. Turns out, the best place for her gar- Trey Watford: Outdoor Design den was the front yard. Dalgleish and her family built raised 757-876-5578 garden beds and installed a picket fence around it to keep the deer away. She purchased a kiwi vine, blueberry and raspber- ry bushes and herbs. She plans on adding tomatoes, zucchini and cucumber as well. In addition to the garden, Dalgleish Berkeley Design Group and her family also bought a chicken coop. “It was totally spur 757-903-1772 of the moment,” laughed Dalgleish. Looking to improve your outdoor space? Here are some popular trends and tips! Outdoor Kitchens Patios Gardens Pergolas Lighting Outdoor kitchens Creating a cozy Adding a vegetable Homeowners are You can go big or complete with weath- outdoor space often or flower garden to looking to extend small with outdoor starts with a patio. your outdoor space their usable living lighting. From add- erproof cabinets, Even small patios not only provides space outdoors - ing string lights to lighting, furniture, tangible results, it can especially with more installing recessed storage, fireplaces, spruced up with also be therapeutic. people crowded in lighting in pavers space heating, refrig- outdoor furniture, Gardening offers for more hours at or downlighting on erators and music sys- greenery and décor motivation to leave home - and they often posts, the extra light tems are all migrating can offer a comfort- the house and spend need shade to properly means more time to the wilds of the able oasis. With time outdoors, which enjoy it. A pergola is a enjoying the outside. backyard, substan- lumber and compos- is good for the mind relatively quick and af- You’ll be surprised ite prices increasing, and body. Gardens fordable solution, and at the impact this tially extending installing patio pavers can often be built or simple touch can living space. is both economical can be simple installed in a weekend. have on your yard. or intricate. and attractive. SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL 7

Office Space When COVID-19 first impacted the United States in 2020, companies and businesses that could, instructed their employees to work from home... At one point in April of 2020, nearly As weeks of working from home turned For Kinkead, she needed functional- 70% of full-time employees were work- into months, she decided it was time to ity, but also wanted the office to look ing from their homes. For many, this upgrade her space. If this was the new like it belonged there. After meeting meant working from their sofa, bedroom, normal, then she needed a new office. with Bristow, Kinkead decided to put kitchen table or even their closet! Gone Since her house didn’t have an extra in a desk, bookshelf, credenza and in- were such niceties as ergonomic chairs, room for an office, she chose to turn her stall new lighting. She also decided to white boards, filing systems, monitors formal living room, which she hardly add French doors for additional priva- and executive desks. At the same time, used, into a workspace. Not know- cy. “My husband is at home as well, so people were navigating new communica- ing where to start, Kinkead reached when I was working in the dining room, tion methods such as Zoom or Webex out to Deanne Bristow, an interior de- I would have to announce when I was meetings all the while managing occa- signer with The Guild Hall, for guid- having a Zoom call or meeting since sional interruptions from children, pets ance. Bristow had worked with some of there were no doors,” said Kinkead. and doorbells. Their home was now their Kinkead’s family members and came workplace. Though the number of people highly recommended. Kinkead is looking forward to working who work from home has decreased over from home in her new office. She loved the year, many employers have elected to First thing Bristow did was meet with collaborating with Bristow and is excit- keep their employees virtual. Kinkead to assess her space. Like she ed about the furniture she picked out. does with all clients, Bristow asked “We’re doing it all in rattan, so it has Rebecca Kinkead is one of them. A Kinkead a number of lifestyle ques- kind of a British West Indies look mixed sourcing specialist for the College of tions. “There are a lot of things to con- with a little colonial because that’s their William & Mary, Kinkead has been sider when redesigning a space, such as vibe,” said Bristow. “So now when you working from home since April of if the client has kids or pets and how walk in the front door, instead of there 2020. Her setup at home, however, is much light the room gets,” said Bristow. being this living room that they never a far cry from her office at the college. “Everything that can affect the room’s used, there will now be this new space.” “I work in the dining room mostly,” environment plays into the design.” laughed Kinkead. “My computer takes over the table.” 8 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL

Need to upgrade your home office space? Here are five inexpensive ways to make wherever you work in your house “work” for you. 1 4 A Good Desk Since you’re going to be spending a lot of time there, it’s important to find a desk that you like. Desks range in sizes and price, so there are plenty of options. 2 You can even consider a standing desk if you’re looking to improve your health. Soft Light Desk Lamp Invest In An Ergonomic Chair If you spend the majority of Working slumped over a kitchen table or the day looking at a computer, propped up by pillows on your couch isn’t it’s important to have good doing your back any favors. A comfortable lighting. Working in dimly lit ergonomic chair, designed for maximum environments can strain your lumbar support, will help minimize back eyes, which can lead to fatigue, pain and let you focus. If there’s one thing headaches and blurred vision. to spend money on, it’s this. If you have blinds or curtains, open them. Natural light is also good for mental health. 5 Get Some Plants Plants are more than just pretty decora- tions, studies have shown that being around plants is good for your health. They filter the air and their presence is therapeutic. 3 Use Your At home you might not have an administrative assistant to help you, but you probably have a smart device such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant. Smart Devices You can you both devices to set reminders, to-do lists, set up calls and schedule meetings. Thinking of redesigning your space? The Guild Hall | 1300 Jamestown Road | Williamsburg, VA 23185 | 757-565-0221 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL 9

Love Where You Live! 156 Ensign John Utie | Kingsmill | $2,100,000 214 Rolfe Road | Williamsburg | $1,499,000 622 Dock Landing | Kingsmill | $1,479,000 117 Thomas Cartwright | Kingsmill | $775,000 104 Thorpes Parish | Kingsmill | $630,000 4001 Kings Oak Ln | Colonial Heritage | $598,000 4737CaptainJohnSmith|PageLanding|$559,000 6013 Beechtree Lane | Wexford Hills | $550,000 181 Maxton Lane | Williamsburg | $458,000 4920 Trailview | Village Walk | $457,000 10 SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL

4811 Courthouse Street | New Town | $411,000 4221 Greenview | New Town | $389,900 1104 Eaglescliffe | Ford’s Colony | $387,900 128 Matoaka Court | Matoaka Court | $379,000 105 Waters Edge | Powhatan Secondary | $375,000 241 Quarterpath | Village At Quarterpath | $370,000 9478 Astilbe Lane | Stonehouse | $330,000 4224 Teakwood | Springhill | $319,000 934 Foley Drive | James Terrace | $205,000 The Liz Moore Difference At Liz Moore and Associates we take a different approach to both pricing and marketing. We don’t be- lieve that “one size fits all” for a marketing plan, nor do we believe that a computer program can ef- fectively recommend a market value. We have reinvented the process by beginning with the end in mind and have accordingly developed a marketing methodology that delivers better results for our clients! ADVERTISEMENT SUMMER 2021 / LIZ LOCAL 11 5350 Discovery Park Boulevard, Williamsburg, VA 23188 © COPYRIGHT LIZ MOORE AND ASSOCIATES. IF YOUR HOME IS CURRENTLY LISTED WITH ANOTHER REALTOR® PLEASE DISREGARD THIS POSTAL, AS IT IS NOT INTENDED TO SOLICIT ANOTHER AGENT’S LISTING. REASONS TO INVEST Diversify Your in Rental Property Portfolio Investment properties come with many benefits. Increased Wealth Eligible Tax Professional Management Deductions Earn Services Rental Rental Income Income Pays The Mortgage Contact our property management division for professional management services for your investment rental. Virginia Payne, Director of Property Management 757-707-5388