CAREER At TTSH, we believe in engaging and empowering our staff and WITH A H E A R T value-adding to their careers.• One of Singapore’s T TSH Our promise to our employees is largest centered around these six Staff public hospitals Values:• Diverse range Part of my job satisfaction Ř&ODULW\b of roles to suit comes from the strong team • Dialogue both experienced support I have received over Ř5HVSHFWb professionals these years. We are always learning, Ř2SSRUWXQLWLHVb and graduating sharing and improving our Ř(TXLW\b individuals service together. I am glad to • Quality of Life be part of the TTSH family.• Nurturing We are on a journey of excellence environment Ms Shelley Lau where we aim to make TTSH where one can learn, a Great Place for Working, for develop and grow Patient Information Healing, for Learning and for Ambassador Becoming the Best, so as to deliver the best value to our staff, JOB POSITIONS AVAILABLE our patients and our community.AWARD WINNING INSTITUTION • Cook • Food & Beverage Coordinator • Central Sterile Supplies Department AssistantTTSH is the only local employer to havebeen awarded the Aon Hewitt Best • Facilities Engineering TechnicianEmployers Award consecutively in 2013 Ř%LRPHGLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ7HFKQLFDO2IƓFHUand 2015. Our attainment of numerousinternationally recognized accreditations • Patient Service AssociateUHŴHFWVRXUFRPPLWPHQWWRKLJK • Patient Information Associate • Assistant Nursestandards and continuous improvement. • Staff Nurse • Phlebotomist OHSAS 18001 Cert no. 2002-0155 ISO 14001 : 2004 JOIN THE TTSH FAMILY Cert no. OHS-2002-0020 & BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH BS OHSAS 18001 : 2007 A HEART TODAY! Visit us at www.ttshhr.comIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWRVXEPLW\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQ2QO\VKRUWOLVWHGDSSOLFDQWVZLOOEHQRWLƓHG
CAREER BE PART OF AN AWARD WHY TTSH’s PSA Framework WINNING HOSPITAL has given me the opportunityWITH A H E A R T CHOOSE T T S H to learn new skills and made TTSH is the only local employer me a better people manager. PATIENT SERVICE ASSOCIATE to have been awarded the Aon Hewitt Best Employers Award Ms Angela AngOur PSAs play a vital role in consecutively in 2013 and 2015.providing quality frontline service Patient Serviceto the patients and the public. VALUE-ADD TO YOUR CAREER ExecutiveBased at specialist outpatientclinics, pharmacy, wards and the Our PSAs can progress to Executive AND BEYONDemergency department, they are level and other healthcare professions PATIENT SERVICE EXECUTIVEimportant touch points in our under the hospital’s award-winningpatients’ care journey. career framework.We believe in Growing our PSAs! Several career tracks are SUPERVISOR My prior experience776+LVWKHƓUVWUHVWUXFWXUHG available to develop ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR as a PSA in the clinic hashospital in Singapore which gives our PSAs to their SENIOR PATIENT SERVICE ASSOCIATE developed my interest inPSAs opportunities to perform fullest potential. PATIENT SERVICE ASSOCIATE diagnostic testing. This motivatedclinical responsibilities. We are me to take on my new role as analso the only local public hospital BE PART OF A Ophthalmic Technician tothat trains PSAs in blood-taking. DISTINGUISHED assist patients in improving PROFESSION The people’s skills their vision.have been improved, and Our PSAs are trained toWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQKDVbEHHQ become specialists working alongside Mr Mohammad Faridimproved, … That is medical professionals to facilitatewhat we would like to care delivery. Ophthalmic Techniciando for all workers, allSingaporeans. Our annual PSA Day pays tribute to our PSAs for their contribution and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong dedication. during his visit to TTSH If you can multitask in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, possess good interpersonal and organizational skills & want to make a difference to the care journey of our patients. WE WANT YOU! JOIN THE TTSH FAMILY & BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH A HEART TODAY! Visit us at www.ttshhr.comIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWRVXEPLW\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQ2QO\VKRUWOLVWHGDSSOLFDQWVZLOOEHQRWLƓHG
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