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Published by haetranpariya1789, 2021-05-23 10:07:23

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E – M A G A Z I N E 13th EDITION All new astonishing art. From all around the college. WHEN WILL COLLEGE RUN OFFLINE AGAIN? A discussion on whether student SHOULD ATTENT AT FULL STRENGTH? GET INSPIRED Develop a new hobby, or get back to old one’s, here are some art, literature and photography skills to inspire you.  ARTICLE  STORY


From the desk of Faculty Coordinators We are turning TEENs now! Its 13! SCET STUDENT E-Magazine enters its 13th edition and 7th year. We are super happy that we have been able to keep our tradition of publishing one magazine edition every semester without any break. SCET STUDENT E-Magazine is platform for SCET Students to showcase their talents at one place. Our young, enthusiastic and zealous students have again and again proved their potential in versatile fields and with this magazine we are celebrating creativity of our students. Our students are not just excelling technically but are also amazing at- story- poem writing, article writing, clicking pictures, creating cartoon-caricature-animations- rangoli! With SCET STUDENT E-Magazine we encourage them to share their skills and creativity with us so that we can share it with entire SCET Family. Since last 1.5 years- we all are struggling with pandemic. COVID has added uncertainty, fear, health complications and anxiety to our otherwise routine-normal life. With this 13th Edition we are sending “Good vibes, Healing vibes, Lots of positivity and Love” to every one of you! With this edition we are sending prayers to god almighty to save us all and end this tough times. We also extend out support, care, concern and love to everyone who is reading this being part of SCET PARIVAR. Hope this edition will find you in best of your health and wealth. Let us also take moment and appreciate Student Editorial team of SCET STUDENT E- Magazine for being consistent, hardworking and extra ordinary skilled to design such a beautiful magazine. Stay happy, healthy and at peace. Keep washing your hands and wearing masks-also keep smiling under your masks! Do share your feedback, suggestions, criticism to us – to help us improve. Take care everyone! Prof. Bhumika Shah Prof. Dhatri Pandya

E-note from Student Coordinators Dear Readers, New normal must have arrived but the SCET E-magazine hasn’t adopted any new normal but has definitely brought you something new. Yes, this year has been a total roller coaster ride. A year that is unforgettable but even our journey hasn’t been less happening, After All it’s our 1st year and the 13th edition of the magazine. Being a part of this editorial team was a fantastic role to behold. But we also won’t forget to admire the one who ignited this spark of bringing out the creativity from their students. Yes, our torch bearer Prof. (Dr.) Mayank Dalal who dreamt of this amazing take of college magazine and this step is now well taken care of by Prof.(Dr.) Keyur Rana. They have been the pillars to make this idea a fruitful one. And we also pass on our extended gratitude to our faculty coordinators Prof. Bhumika Shah and Prof. Dhatri Pandya for their immense support. This is the time when we are at the verge to bring in new light and prosperity by welcoming 2021 with open arms. Moreover, we also pray for the entire human race to raise above this situation and hope everything gets back to normal to the earliest. To end this we express our heartfelt gratitude to all our friends for their fabulous efforts and generous response. Because without them it was not possible to reach this milestone. So, without waiting a minute more let’s hop into the magazine. Have a Happy Reading. Cheers! Chavi Kothari Haet Ranpariya Jesika Jariwala

INDEX REASONS WHY ? You should see this magazine 1. It might contain your art 2. You’ll get inspired and motivated 3. You might get to know what a great artist or writer your fellow mates are 4. If you are an artist you’ll get new ideas for your next art piece 5. If you’re or not SCET students you’ll see some nice article, poems, drawing, cartoons, etc. 6. It’s worth using net to see a nice and inspiring magazine 7. May be after seeing you’ll try to draw or write something which might gain space in next edition. 8. It contains nice poems by students which will lighten your mood. 9. It contains cartoons, a memory of your past. 10. Some relatable poems are always welcomed. 11. You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have. 12. Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash. 13. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. Find number of times your name is present in the maze if you can.

Name: Jhanvi Rakeshbhai Desai Name: Kushal Jasani Branch: ME Env-2nd year Branch: CO-1st year Enrollment no. : 200420107018 Enrollment number: 190420717002 ફક્ત તુ હા, તારો જ ખ્યાલ છે, Name: Nirjara Vasanwal આપોઆપ આવતા મલકાટમાંા, Branch: EC – 1ST year ચાંચળ આંખા ોના પલકારમાાં, Enrollment no.: 200420111013 અનુભવી શકાય એવા દરકે ગીતમાંા, બધી જ પ્રેમગાથાઓની પ્રીતમાંા, શભુ કાયોની શરૂઆતમાાં, દરકે ઈચ્છાની રજુ આતમાંા, ઉઠતાની સાથે આવતી પહેલી યાદમાંા, ને સતૂ ા પહેલાાં આવતા ગમતા વવચારમાાં, તારો પ્રેમએ હવે મારા શબ્દો પાછળનો સાર છે, કારણકે અતંા ે તો ફક્ત.... 'તારો જ ખ્યાલ છે' - વનજજરા Name: Sahal Motiwala Branch: Chem – 1st year Enrollment No.: 200420105047

Name: Chavi Anil Kothari Branch: EC – 2nd year Enrollment no.: 190420111026 Name: Krupa Yagnesh Naik Branch: CO – 4th Year Enrollemnt No.: 170420107537 1. ।नामभभअ ारमे ,ररूग ारमे !तराभ ।नामभभअ ारमे ,ररूग ारमे !तराभ कत नामत्व रण ्पूवरौग सण े साहतभइ रण ्वसु 'सोने की भिभिया' से 'भिभिटल इंभिया' तक ।नामभभअ ारमे ,ररूग ारमे !तराभ रीव णनेाि ान नण ेसुनअ नण ेगभनअ तप्भमस यण ेलभ णके ीटाम ,नण ्ेि मण ीटाम नण ेतकभ रीव णके ाणम तराभ ातसब मण गर गर कण े निभ ननूिु ाक िारस्व एालहक कत णगेरं तभ कण े रण ्वतराभ सण े वण ेगभ कण े िारस्व ।नामभभअ ारमे ,ररूग ारमे !तराभ ारमे णव्ग ,ीरमे नािहप हण ानोह यीतराभ कए कत नामत्व रण ्पूवरौग सण े साहतभइ रण ्वसु 'सोने की भिभिया' से 'भिभिटल इंभिया' तक ।नामभभअ ारमे ,ररूग ारमे !तराभ Name:-Jaini Jariwala Branch: CO – 3RD year Enrollment no:-180420107024

Name: Panwala Jay Rakeshkumar Branch: Mech-1st Year Enrollment No : 200420119009 Name:- Nidhi D Shetty Branch: EL- 4th year Enrollment Number:-170420109543

? ें ी र ो ईारप में चस ीद िंभ ाक्य हण ीहर ोह ीयारप णम शदे ीह नण ेपअ ' भहंदी ' की िसे भवदाई हो रही ह! मण ोणबं श ीिग्रेअं दिं हण तण ेाि ोह शखु भहंदी स्कू लों म भी भहंदी की रूसवाई हो रही ह। सण े नाबिु रह ीभक ाथ ातलमभ िाल ोि मीठी सी िुबान िसे आि खटाई हो रही ह। तण ेदे णदे ाजस ोत ीगरं िभ ोि रागहानगु ातोह अपने ही बच्ों से मां की दुशमनाई हो रही ह। ोक ीनास्तदुहंभ रह रप सिभ णव्ग ाथ ानोह अंग्रेजी से उसकी शम् की भरपाई हो रही ह। रक नब राह ाक णोरं स्व ीभक ीथ ीतिस ोि आधुभनक पीढी के भलए दमघोटं ू सी टाई हो रही ह। रऔ लबसंभ सट्स्टे ीस रलॉि ीजग्रेअं हण ईग नब भहंदी िसे रुपए की पाई पाई हो रही ह। ोक नाश ीनपअ ओआ लण ािब रकलमभ भारत की नीवं ह, िो भबखरने भरभराई हो रही ह। - रौनक लखोभटया Name: Rounak Lakhotia Branch: El – (passed batch 2020) Enrollment no.: 160420109048 Name:-Jaini Jariwala Branch: CO – 3RD year Enrollment no:-180420107024 Name: Devanshiben J. Shah Branch: CO – 1st year Enrollment no.: 20042107029

TOP 10 HIGHEST PAYING JOBS AFTER COMPUTER ENGINEERING IN INDIA As we all aware about the fact that anyone who Name: Bhagat Anuj Bharatkumar wants to get highly paid by the IT companies of India Branch: CO – 2nd year has to start his/her journey towards his dream career from the college. So, here is a list of top 10 highest Enrollment no.: 180420107503 paying jobs in India for a computer engineer. By referring this list everyone can get motivation. towards pursuing their career in the following field and make sure that they always go with the trend and make impact of their work in the future 1. Principal Software Engineer: Principal Software Engineers are the leading executives who supervise and manage all the technical aspects and functions of a company. They are principal software architects whose primary responsibility is to scale projects efficiently while maximizing performance and productivity and minimizing costs. Salary: The average annual salary of Principal Software Engineers in India is ₹2,346,700 LPA. 2. Software Architect: Software Architects Design, coordinate, and supervise technical standards (coding, tools, frameworks, and systems) in a company. They design and build software systems and applications specifically tailored for client needs and preferences such as web services, user interfaces, coding programs, databases, and desktop applications. Salary: The average annual salary of Software Engineers in India is ₹2,135,024 LPA. 3. Computer Scientist: Computer Scientists build and maintain computer-based tools to enhance and boost a company’s business operations and productivity. They conduct thorough research on different technological fields like AI, VR, and Robotics. Salary: The average annual salary of Computer Scientistsin India is ₹1,749,672 LPA. 4. IT Project Manager: IT Project Managers plan, organize and integrate cross-functional projects that are big in size and scope. They coordinate the work of IT experts and administrative employees, delivery of beta and production releases, creating and maintaining IT project plans. Salary: The average annual salary of IT Project Managers in India is ₹1,511,574 LPA

5. Site Reliability Engineer: Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) are responsible for maintaining user-side services and production systems functioning smoothly. They work closely with IT development and operations teams to perform a host of tasks, like building and implementing services (modifying production code, monitoring adjustments, etc.) to enhance the productivity of IT and operations teams. Salary: The average annual salary of Site Reliability Engineer in India is ₹1,192,691 LPA 6. Data Engineer: Data Engineers develop, test, and maintain large-scale processing systems and databases. They design technical solutions to enhance data usage within an organization. Salary: The national average salary of Data Engineers in India ₹826,959 LPA. 7. IT Security Consultant: An IT Security Consultant chiefly works with computer networks and the technological resources of a company. They are responsible for maintaining data security, conduct timely audits across departments, and identify vulnerable areas in the data flow & storage and implement befitting solutions. Salary: The average annual salary of IT Security Consultants in India is ₹718,173 LPA. 8. DevOps Engineer: DevOps Engineers develop and maintain website platforms and cloud infrastructure of an organization. Their primary duty is to create, test, and maintain the company infrastructure, tools, and systems to facilitate speedy development and deployment of software products. Salary: The average annual salary of DevOps Engineers in India is ₹6,89,961 LPA-₹16,00,000LPA.

9. Systems Analyst: System Analysts implement, maintain, and support IT and information systems to meet the changing and scaling needs of organizations as they expand (grow). They analyze system problems and design specific tests, specifications, and requirements for the same. Salary: The average annual salary of System Analysts in India is ₹647,537 LPA. 10. Cybersecurity Engineer: Cybersecurity Engineers focus on protecting a company’s computer and networking systems from cybercriminals and cyber-attacks. They analyze security logs and network flows, implement correlation rules, manage security incidents and lookout for potential threats. Salary: The national average salary for Cybersecurity Engineers in India is ₹7,17,971 LPA Name: Harshini Sistu Branch: EC – 2nd year Enrollment no.: 190420111061 Name: Suchitra Dandpat Branch: EC – 3rd year Enrolment: 180420111014

Name: Gandhi Krinal Branch: CO – 2nd year Enrollment No.: 190420107513 Name : Tandel Gangeshvari Govindbhai Happiness Branch : ME TCP 1st year Enrollment No : 200420748015 Happiness is a choice Whether we wish to weep or rejoice Name: Drashti Gor Branch:CO – 1ST yeat People spend their lives chasing Enrollment no.: 200420107550 money and fame Very late does one perceive they are playing the wrong game Everyday we crave for excess Without being grateful for what we possess We shall look for a new direction So we can leave behind our misconception Joy can be found in moments which are small We just need to change our perspective after all

THE SOUL Name: Dev Singapuri Branch: IT – 1st year I am empty with the full emotion, I am Full with the empty expression. Sometimes I fight with evil or virtuousness, Sometimes I fight with bad or goodness. But these all are depend on karma. My best friend is human, But my best enemy is human's mind, it never compromise with me always be my competitor. And because of this my best friend human, never take good decision. I may fall in love with other soul, And I may hate the other soul. Sometimes I may win, and sometimes I may lose. Sometimes I feel very lonely, And sometimes I feel hundred of miles of happiness. I am the inner feeling of every humans, Because I live in human's heart and sometimes I may live in graveyard. But I never ever end because I am infinity, Just I change my best friend human body with new chapter and new emotions. Name : Tandel Gangeshvari G. Branch : ME TCP Sem 1 Enrollment No : 200420748015 Name- Patel Aelisha Branch: CO- 3rd Year Enrollment No- 180420107038

Name:- Chhowala Virat DharmeshKumar Branch :- Mech -2nd year Enrollment No:- 200420119504 Name: Jaimin Kapopara Branch: IT -1st year Name : Nishwa kamalkumar shah Branch: EL – 4th year Enrollment No. :170420109050 Name: Patel Helly Jayantibhai Branch: C0- 1st year Enrollment no.:200420107114 Name: Soni Nimisha Prakashbhai Branch: CO – 3rd year Enrollment No: 190423107505

Name : Shruti Savani Branch: Computer - 1st Enrollment No. : 200420107017 Name:Naiyaben .m.patel Branch: CO-1st year Entrollment no:200420107023 Name: Astha Khanvanshi Branch: ELE (M)- Sem 8 Enrollment no.: 170420109019 \"કોરોના નો કહેર...!!\" ના જાણેલંાુ એ કુ દરતે જણાવયુાં , કોરોના માાં જે ન સાાભં ળે લ;ાંુ એ પણ ઓછુાં બોલાયાંુ. ગયા તહેવારો, આનંદા અને હર્ષોઉલ્લાસ; બસ રહી ગયા તો માત્ર ગમ, આતાકં વાદ અને અાંતે ઉદાસ. Name:- Chhowala Virat DharmeshKumar Branch :- Mech -2nd year હવે રહી માત્ર રાહ જોવાની અને ખશુ ાલી Enrollment No:- 200420119504 મનાવવાની, પરાંતુ કોરોના ને કારણ,ે તે આશા હજી ઝાાખં ી દે ખાણી, તેમ છતાંા પણ આશા કરતા વધુ ભરોસો છે, કુ દરત પર, કારણકે જે કદી ના જાણલે ંુા; તે તો આખરે કુ દરતે જ જણાવયુંા. - વિરાટ

Name: Haet Ranpariya Branch: CO – 2nd year Enrollment: 190420107556 Name: Chavi Anil Kothari Branch: EC – 2nd year Enrollment no.: 190420111026 \"कभवता समझदारो की..!!\" भगरे हुए को कभी, संभालना नहीं पिता वसे ही, भसखने वाले को कभी, भसखाया नहीं िाता | वसे ही हॅसनेवाले को कभी, रुलाया नहीं िाता और, हरानेवाले को कभी, भी हराया नहीं िाता | भले ही बुरा वक़्त क्ों न हो, हे मानवी तेरे और तेरे ये िूनून का, पर सब्र रख क्ोभं क सूय् के भबना कभी, उिाला ही नहीं हो पता | कभी-कभी अपने अंदर भी झाख भलया कर, ऐ बुझभदल कायर, क्ोभं क बुढा शेर भी कभी नही,ं हारता बिी छलांग मारकर | क्ो?ं कोसं रहा ह अपने नभसब को और, Name:- Chhowala Virat DharmeshKumar क्ो?ं रो रहा ह अपने इन हालातो पर ? Branch :- Mech -2nd year क्ोभं क, होगा होसला िूनून का तो, Enrollment No:- 200420119504 िज़्बात तो क्ा ये खुदा भी दे गा साथ तुझे, हर राह पर | नहीं िाभहए भकसी के अहसान की भकं मत, और, न िाभहए भकसी के बाप की दौलत | कमाऐगे तो हर पसीने की बूंद की कसम से, और उिाएगे तो उसी शाही शहशा की तरह से | अंत म ये याद रख भक, झुकनेवाला झुक ही िायेगा, और भितनेवाला हार कर भी, भित ही िायेगा | बस हौसं ला रख कायम और सख्त रहने का क्ोभक, िुनौभतयों को कभी हटाया नहीं िाता पर, हराया िरूर िाता ह | - भिराट

Name :- Purav Patel Branch :- Mech – 3rd year Enrollment number :- 180420119041 Name:Naiyaben .m.patel Branch:CO-1ST year Entrollment no:200420107023 મન ભરીન.ે ... Name : Shruti Savani Branch : CO - 1st year આખંાુ આ આભ છે તારંા Enrollment No. : 200420107017 ... ભર તાું રાંગ મન ભરીને Name: Jhanvi Rakeshbhai સવાર થી સયૂ ાજસ્ત અને સૂયાસજ ્ત થી સવાર થતા વાર નથી Desai લાગતી Branch: ME Env-2nd year ... વનહાળ તુાં એ વિવતજ ને મન ભરીને Enrollment number: જશે અધાં કાર ની રાત સફર ની 190420717002 ... જો રાહ તુાં નવી સવાર ની મન ભરીને રાખ દૂર તંાુ યાદ ફવરયાદ ના તફુ ાન ને ... જીવ તંાુ આ નવી ઉડાન મન ભરીને ભર તુાં નવી ડાયરી કમજ ની કલમ થી ... લખ તુાં કલ્પના તારી મન ભરીને કર આસ્માન થી ઊંા ચી તારી ઈચ્છાઓ પરુ ી ... જીવ તુાં સપનાઓ મન ભરીને ... જીવ તાંુ આ ગઝલ સફર ની મન ભરીને ________ જ્હાન્િી દે સાઈ

Name:- Vekariya Aryan .N Branch:- Mech – 1st year Enrollment No. :-200420119016 MY FEELINGS ABOUT PRE REPUBLIC DAY CAMP 2020 I always wanted to do something for society I live, and National Service Scheme provide me that platform do so. To be a part of a Pre Republic Day Parade Camp is the honor that any NSS volunteer can get in his students life. The Republic Day Parade camp is one of the most prestigious camp of the Ministry of youth affairs and sports, Government of India. Selected NSS volunteers from all over the country take part in this camp which is held in Delhi for 30 days. To take part in this parade camp student volunteers from different zone go through a selection process which is a 10-day long camp known as the Pre-Republic Day Parade camp. Here in this Pre republic Parade camp selected students from different state universities meet and go through further selection. The camp organizers invite the eminent personalities to boost the morale of NSS volunteers and the volunteers interact with them. It also helps the volunteers to broaden their knowledge base. In order to understand the folk art, dance, culture a cultural evening is organized every day in such a way that each and every participating volunteer gets a chance to exhibit his talent and cultural background. We got family of more than 200 friends from all out the country. we all departed heavy heartedly \"And, the journey does not ends here, the journey begins here, the journey of self realization and the journey for providing our patriotism. Tomorrow, we all will be in different walks of life, but we are sure that together we will working for making for making India. A heaven, a more beautiful place that it is today with good governance and a sensitized society\" Name : Yash Kanadhiya Branch :- El- - 4th year

Name: Utsav Bhatt Branch: Chemm – 4th Year Enrollment No.: 180423105001 Name: Gandhi Krinal Branch: CO – 2nd Enrollment no: 190420107513 Name : Ketasvi Aakoliya Branch : EC – 3rd year Enrolment : 180420111001 Name: Desai Vishwa Pareshkumar Branch: CO – 1st Enrollment no.: 200420107117

Name: Agarwal Karina Branch: EC – 2nd year Enrollment no.: 190420111026 દોસ્ત એટલે શ ુુ ુ....? દોસ્ત એટલે વશીવ ની બહાવ ધવબતુીંા રદલ... દોસ્ત એટલે આપણી બહાવ જવતુીાં આપણીુ ાં રૂપ... દોસ્ત એટલે Name: Aditi Prajapati પાસવડા રવનાનુીાં વએાઉન્ટ.... Branch :M.E.(Town and Country Planning) Enrollment no: 200420748024 દોસ્ત એટલે ઈવિનુીાં સૌથી અમલુ ્ય મરે ્ ી ાં ગ... દોસ્ત એટલે જવનના બગીા્ની સુગીધંા .... દોસ્ત એટલે ડીગ્રી રવનાનો ડોવટટ.... દોસ્ત એટલે Name: Kushal Jasani ખશુ ીના ખજાનાની ્ ાવી... Branch: CO-1st year Enrollment no. : 200420107018 દોસ્ત એટલે હાસ્યની વહતે ી ગીગંા ોત્રી.. દોસ્ત એટલે ૩૬૫ રદવસ ૨૪ x ૭ વ લાવ ખલુ ્લી વ હતે ી ઈવમજન્સી.... દોસ્ત એટલે પાબીદંા ી રવનાની મહેફીલ... દોસ્ત એટલે જને ે ઉદાસીનો અણસાવ સૌથી પહલે ાીાં આવે.... બસ મને તો એટલી જ ખવબ પડે.....વ ે દોસ્ત એટલે... સ્વયીંા પછીનો સૌથી પહેલો સ્વજન.....!

Name: Desai Vishwa pareshkumar Branch: CO – 1st year Enrollment no.: 2000420107117 उडान Name : Patel Naiyaben Mahendhrabhai Branch : CO – 1st year पंछी की तरह उि लो, अपने सपने पूरे कर लो, Enrollment no : 200420107023 भजंदगी के ये आसमान म, अपना रास्ता खोि लो । Nmae: Mepani Nirav Name: Chavi Anil Kothari Branch: Chem – 2° year Branch: EC – 2nd year Enrollment no.: 180420105027 Enrollment no.: 190420111026

Memories Name: - Desai Vishwa Pareshkumar They never lie, Branch: - CO – 1st year But makes you cry. Entrollment no :- 200420107117 They never die, Just like knot of tie. Name: Nandini Patel Pankajbhai Branch : CO – 1st year They never fades, But has many shades; Enrollment no. : :200420107123 Of many dates And few breaks. Evidence of moments, Once been spent; In the tents, With happiness rent. Not in one’s hold, Never be sold; In the treasure’s mould, Just a priceless gold. Classics of dear one, Smiles with known one; An inextricable stone, Of life’s lawn. Name: Astha Khanvashi Branch: EL – 4th year Enrollment no.: 170420109019 Name: Vivek Jadav Enrollment No.: 200420119017 Branch: Mech – 1st Year

Name:Naiyaben .m.patel Midnight Shots Branch:CO – 1st year Entrollment no:200420107023 With the moon brightening, The star twinkling, Name: Astha Khanvashi Branch: EL – 4th year And the world sleeping; Enrollment no.: 170420109019 Me on my searching. Chitchats between two mould, Mind and soul; Out of the world, In the blanket rolled. Childish and logical, With Li’l philosophical, And more fictional; Crowd’s in mind arrival. With some memories, And few worries; In the time pieces, Eyelash kisses. The dreams world, Looks so bold; That sleeps holds, And night folds. Name: Aniketh Dey Branch: EL – 4th year Enrolmment no. : 170420109007

Name:- Vekariya Aryan .N Branch:- Mech – 1st year Enrollment No. :-200420119016 Name:Naiyaben .m.patel Branch:CO – 1st year Entrollment no:200420107023 Name: Patel Utsav Branch: IT 4th Enrollemnt no.: 180423116009 Name: Vekariya Aryan Branch: Mech – 1st year Enrollment no.: 200420119024

Name:- Nisha Kakadiya Branch:- CO – 3rd year Enrollment No:- 180420107518 JUST DO IT Name: Samrat Bikram Shah Branch: MCA – 1st I am scared, To be dared, Enrollment no.: 66 It is my luck card That everything will be hard? I am not a loser, But time made me a chooser, I have much to praise in life, Don’t know why just stuck on all wrong five. Just know your form, Thoo you are nt absolutely wrong, The Journey is so long, Baby, its all about to be strong. - FORAM PARMAR Name: Foram Parmar Branch: Chem – 3rd year Enrolment no - 180420105033

Vote of thanks You are at last page of the thirteenth edition of SCET Student E-Magazine Thanks a lot for reading and don’t forget to share your feedback to us! Student Team Chavi Kothari | Jesika Jariwala | Haet Ranpariya Faculty Team Prof. Bhumika Keyur Shah (Coordinator, E-Magazine, SAWC) Prof. Dhatri Pandya (Committee Member, E-Magazine, SAWC) Prof. (Dr.) Keyur Rana (Dean, SAWC) Dr. Hiren Patel (Principal, SCET)