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Home Explore University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Published by UAC, 2017-07-11 21:43:24

Description: This booklet is for Year 10 students choosing their subjects for
Years 11 and 12. Its aim is to help you think about the next two years and provide information so that you can make the best decision for successful study in senior school and beyond. For more information visit


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University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Essentials: University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 StudentsFast factsThink about Base your subject selectionyour interests, for Years 11 and 12 on yourqualities and skills interests, abilities and futurewhen planning plans – students do best infor your future courses they enjoy and applyand consider if themselves to.tertiary study isfor you.Choose subjects that give you In addition to the ATAR, be aware thatbroad options, including being many institutions have admissioneligible for the HSC and the ATAR. requirements such as prerequisites, as wellFind out about admission requirements for the as assumed knowledge, recommendedtertiary courses you’re interested in and check studies and additional selection criteria.that you meet them – this booklet is a goodplace to start.

ContentsOpen days 2017 2 SAE Creative Media Institute 58 SIBT 59Part 1 Year 10: A year of decisions Southern Cross University 60 Top Education Institute 63Introduction 3 Torrens University Australia 64About UAC 3UAC jargon 4 University of Canberra 67 University of New England 71All about the HSC and the ATAR 6 University of Newcastle 73 University of Sydney 77 The NSW HSC 6 University of Technology Sydney 80 The ATAR 7 University of Wollongong 84 Applying to uni 8 UNSW Sydney 88 Need to know more? 10 Western Sydney University 92 FAQ about the ATAR 10Step 1: Consider 13Who inspires you? 13What do you like to do? 13 Contacting UAC:What are you good at? 14Who can you talk to? 14 Telephone:Brainstorming 15 1300 ASK UAC (1300 275 822)Worksheet 1 16 from mobiles: (02) 9752 0200Worksheet 2 17 from overseas: +61 2 9752 0200 In person:Step 2: Explore 18 Quad 2, 6 Parkview Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 What are my options? 18 For those travelling by train, UAC is 250 metres from Olympic Park railway station.Step 3: Decide 24 Office hours:HSC subjects and courses 24 8.30am–4.30pmChoosing courses 25 Monday to Friday (Sydney time)HSC Board Developed courses to be Postal address:examined in 2019 30 UACBoard Endorsed courses (Content Endorsed Locked Bag 112courses) 31 Silverwater NSW 2128 Email and web address:Part 2 Institution requirements email online enquiry form:Prerequisites 32 selection criteria 32 Facebook:Assumed knowledge 32 studies 32 Twitter: YouTube:Australian Catholic University 33 College of Applied Psychology 36Australian Maritime College 37Australian National University 38Charles Sturt University 42CQUniversity 45Griffith University 47International College of Management, Sydney 50La Trobe University 51Macleay College 53Macquarie University 54MIT Sydney 57National Art School 57 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 1

Open days2017Australian Catholic University Macleay College University of Canberra Surry Hills Bruce Canberra 26 August 19 August 26 AugustNorth Sydney 2 SeptemberStrathfield 9 September Macquarie University University of New England College of Applied Psychology North Ryde Armidale 19 August 5 MaySydney 23 August, 22 November MIT Sydney University of Newcastle Maritime College Port Macquarie 3 Central Coast (Ourimbah) 12 AugustNewnham For campus tours/appointments and course Newcastle (Callaghan) 19 August information call (02) 8267 1400 or visit the website. 12 AugustAustralian National University National Art School 2 September University of Sydney 26 Darlinghurst All campuses 26 AugustCharles Sturt University SAE Creative Media Institute University of Technology Sydney Sydney and Byron Bay 5 August 26 August City Albury-Wodonga 22 AugustSydney 26 August SIBT University of WollongongWagga Wagga 29 August 31 August Wollongong CQUniversity For campus tours call (02) 9964 6555 or visit 19 August the 6 September Southern Cross University 4 December UNSW Sydney 26 AugustSydney 5 December 2 SeptemberOnline Chat 2, 16 & 30 August 7 December UNSW Canberra available 3-6pm 13 September UNSW Sydney Coffs Harbour Griffith University Lismore Gold Coast Southbank, Nathan and Gold Coast 23 July TOP Education Institute Western Sydney University Sydney Parramatta 27 AugustInternational College of Management, Sydney 23 Torrens University AustraliaManly 6 August Trobe University The Rocks 29 April, 12 4 August Billy Blue College 29 April, 12 August 6 August of Design (Ultimo) Shepparton 12 AugustMelbourne 16 August Media Design School (Ultimo) 12 AugustAlbury-Wodonga 27 AugustMildura email [email protected] Blue Mountains International HotelBendigo for an individual appointmentSydney Management School (Leura) 2 September William Blue College of 29 April,12 August Hospitality Management (The Rocks)

Part 1Year 10: A year of decisionsThis booklet is for Year 10 students choosing their subjects forYears 11 and 12. Its aim is to help you think about the next two yearsand provide information so that you can make the best decision forsuccessful study in senior school and beyond.Introduction To view a presentation on how to use this booklet, visit Year 10 you will choose the subjects that you will study forthe next two years. Although there are many pathways to uni About UACor college, choosing the right courses at school can make iteasier to enter and succeed at tertiary study. The Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) is theIn this booklet, UAC’s participating institutions have listed central office that receives and processes applicationsthe courses they plan to offer for 2020 admissions. For each for undergraduate and postgraduate courses at itscourse they have also set out, where applicable, details of: participating institutions, mainly in NSW and the ACT. In 2016–17, there were more than 2,000 undergraduate areas of study courses listed through UAC by participating and apply prerequisites direct institutions. assumed knowledge UAC also: recommended studies  calculates and provides the Australian Tertiary Admission additional selection criteria.While NSW institutions don’t have a lot of prerequisites, Rank (ATAR) to NSW HSC studentsmany do specify assumed knowledge and recommended  processes applications for Schools Recommendationstudies. This is important information to consider whenchoosing subjects to study in Years 11 and 12. Schemes (SRS)While institutions do offer bridging courses if you have not  processes applications for Educational Access Schemesstudied the HSC courses listed as assumed knowledge orrecommended studies, bridging courses are not equivalent (EAS)to the two-year HSC course and may add significantly to your  processes applications for some Equity Scholarships (ES).workload.This booklet also provides general information about HSC For further information about UAC, visit, how the ATAR is calculated and used for tertiaryentry, and how bonus points work. There are worksheetsto guide you through the steps involved in choosing yoursubjects for Years 11 and 12.If you’re not sure about the exact career path you want tofollow, this booklet can help you choose subjects whichwill keep your options open and give you the best chanceof succeeding in the future. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 3

UAC jargonFollowing is a summary of terms generally used by UAC and our participating institutions. Take a few minutes to read thesedefinitions as they will help you to understand the information provided in this booklet.Additional selection criteria ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)Criteria used by institutions, as well as, or instead of,the ATAR for selection purposes for a particular course. A number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates yourExamples include a personal statement, questionnaire, overall academic achievement in Year 12 in relation toportfolio of work, audition, interview or test. your age cohort. The ATAR is a rank, not a mark. It helps institutions rank applicants for selection.You should find out as soon as possible if the course you’reinterested in has additional selection criteria as some of ATAR coursesthese require materials and evidence of experience to becompiled or documented during Years 11 and 12. Board Developed courses for which the NSW Education Standards Authority conducts examinations that produceAdmission requirements graded assessments. Classified as Category A courses or Category B courses, these are the only courses that can beThe minimum qualifications required for entry to a particular included in the ATAR calculations.course. Entry to courses is competitive and the attainmentof minimum qualifications does not guarantee the offer of Bachelor degreea place. An award requiring three or four years of full-time, orAdvanced Diploma equivalent part-time, undergraduate study.An award requiring two or three years of full-time, or Bonus pointsequivalent part-time, study. Points allocated to an applicant by an institution (eg subjectAreas of study bonus points) and used in addition to the applicant’s ATAR to increase their selection rank for a particular courseAreas of in-depth study or specialisation within a course preference. They do not change the applicant’s ATAR.consisting of a sequence of subjects/units in a singlediscipline generally studied throughout the course. In some Category A coursescourses it is possible to have more than one area of study.Some institutions may refer to areas of study as majors or ATAR courses that have the academic rigour and depth ofspecialisations. knowledge to provide an adequate background for tertiary studies and can contribute to the ATAR calculation.Associate Degree Category B coursesAn award requiring two years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, tertiary study, which equates to the first two years of a ATAR courses that don’t provide an adequate backgrounddesignated three-year degree course. for tertiary studies, but can contribute to the ATAR when combined with Category A courses. No more than twoAssumed knowledge units of Category B courses can be included with the ATAR calculation.Knowledge of a specific Year 12 course that an institutionassumes you have before you begin your tertiary course. If Combined/double/dual degreesyou don’t have the assumed level of knowledge but do havea suitable ATAR, you may still be selected for the course but Allow you to complete two degrees in less time than if thehave difficulty coping with your studies. two degrees were studied sequentially. Sometimes called vertical degrees.Some institutions offer bridging or introductory coursesto help you achieve the required level of assumedknowledge. However, if you include one or more of thesebridging courses in your program, it could prevent you fromcompleting your tertiary course in the minimum time.4 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Year 10: A year of decisionsCourse cut-off Open daysThe lowest selection rank (ATAR + bonus points) obtained Open days are set aside for prospective students to visitby current Australian Year 12 students receiving an offer to a campus to view the facilities and meet academic staffa course. The cut-offs for courses in a particular year are and students.only known after offers for that year are made. The coursecut-offs published by UAC are the cut-offs from the previous Pathway coursesyear. They are intended to be used as a guide. Coursecut-offs can change from year to year, depending on the Non-degree courses – such as foundation studies,number of places available, the number of applications for preparatory courses and Certificates, Diplomas orthe course and the quality of the applicants. Associate Degrees – offered by institutions to applicants who don’t meet the entry requirements for their courseDeferment or need further support and preparation before studying at degree level. Many institutions offer entry into theThe situation when a student has received an offer to enrol degree after successful completion of the correspondingin a tertiary course but has been given permission by the pathway course.institution to delay the start of the course for a fixed period,usually one year. PrerequisitesDiploma A specified NSW HSC course or equivalent that you need to have completed, or achieved a specified standard in,An award usually requiring two or three years of full-time, or before you are eligible to be offered a place in the tertiaryequivalent part-time, undergraduate study. These courses course (course prerequisites) or a subject within that courseare usually characterised by more emphasis on practical (subject prerequisites).skills than on the theoretical content. Recommended studiesHSC subjects and courses Year 12 courses that an institution suggests will help you inA subject is a general area of study or a key learning area. your chosen university course. If you haven’t studied theseA course is a branch of study within a subject. A subject courses your chances of selection are not affected. However,may have several courses. For example, the courses if you have studied these courses you will be better preparedEnglish (Standard), English (Advanced), HSC English for your chosen tertiary course.Extension 1, HSC English Extension 2 and English asa Second Language are all courses within the subject Undergraduate courseof English. An entry-level course for first-time university students thatInstitution leads to a first qualification, such as a Bachelor degree, an Associate Diploma or a Diploma.A provider of tertiary study, such as a university or a college. Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)NSW Education Standards Authority(NESA) The central office that receives and processes applications for admission to most undergraduate courses at itsNSW Government authority that sets the core curriculum participating institutions as well as applications forfor Kindergarten to Year 12, sets guidelines for school Educational Access Schemes, Equity Scholarships andassessment tasks, and sets, organises and marks the HSC Schools Recommendation Schemes. UAC notifies currentexaminations for government and non-government schools NSW HSC students of their ATAR and makes offers ofin NSW. Previously called the Board of Studies, Teaching and admission on behalf of participating institutions.Educational Standards NSW. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 5

All about the HSC andthe ATARUnderstanding more about the HSC, the ATAR and applying to uni willhelp you make the best decisions about your subjects, so here’s what it’sall about.The NSW HSC For this reason, only two units of Category B courses can be included in the ATAR calculation.Studying for the NSW HSC begins in Year 11 with preliminary HSC Board Developed courses that will be examinedcourses and ends with the HSC exams at the end of Year 12. in 2019 are listed in the table on pages 30–31.Your Year 12 assessment marks and your HSC exam markswill contribute equally to your HSC marks. Other coursesTo be eligible for the HSC you need to meet the followingrequirements: There are other courses you can study as part of the HSC. Vocational courses are industry-based, hands-on courses complete at least 12 units of preliminary courses in and usually include work skills and work placements. These Year 11 courses may be delivered at your school, at another school or at TAFE. complete at least 10 units of courses in Year 12, TAFE-delivered HSC VET (TVET) courses, also known as including a 2-unit English course. Industry Framework courses, are developed or endorsed by NESA and include Category B courses.Most courses are two units and to qualify for an HSC at HSC Board Endorsed courses can be either Contentleast six units must be in courses examined by the NSW Endorsed courses (with syllabuses endorsed by NESA) orEducation Standards Authority (NESA). School Developed courses (approved by NESA). All BoardBeing eligible for an HSC doesn’t necessarily mean you Endorsed courses count towards your HSC but they do notwill be eligible for an ATAR – read the next section for ATAR contribute to the ATAR.eligibility requirements. Distance educationCourses If you live in an area that is isolated, have specialATAR courses circumstances that prevent you from attending school on a regular basis or meet other criteria, you can study throughThere are many HSC courses but not all of them will distance education.contribute to an ATAR. ATAR courses are developed by NESA, There are more than 100 HSC courses and UAC’swhich conducts formal examinations that produce graded participating institutions are aware that not everyassessments. These Board Developed courses are the only school offers all courses. If your school does not offer acourses that can be included in ATAR calculations. course recommended as preparation for tertiary study,Board Developed courses are classified as either Category A or if you can’t study the recommended course, ask theor Category B courses. institution about supplementary studies you may needCategory A courses have the academic rigour and depth of to undertake.knowledge to provide background for tertiary studies.Category B courses on their own don’t provide an adequatebackground for tertiary studies, but can contribute to theATAR if the other courses included in the ATAR are the moreacademically demanding Category A courses.6 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

All about the HSC and the ATARThe ATAR How the ATAR is calculatedThe first thing to understand is that the ATAR is a rank, The ATAR is based on an aggregate of scaled marks innot a mark. It’s a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with 10 units of ATAR courses comprising your:increments of 0.05. The ATAR provides a measure of your  best two units of Englishoverall academic achievement in relation to that of other  best eight of the remaining units, which can include upstudents and helps universities rank applicants for selectioninto their courses. Most unis also use other criteria when to two units of Category B courses.selecting students for courses. Limited ATARThe ATAR indicates your position relative to all the studentswho started high school with you in Year 7. So, an ATAR of Depending on their age and program of study, some HSC80.00 means that you are 20 per cent from the top of your students may be eligible for a Limited ATAR.age group, even though not everyone who started with youin Year 7 went on to achieve an ATAR. To download UAC publications about the ATAR, visit average ATAR is usually around 70.00. Some people aresurprised by this, thinking that the average should be 50.00. ATAR mythsIt would be 50.00 if everyone from Year 7 went on to achievean ATAR. But because the students who leave school early are It’s a myth that choosing certain courses will automaticallytypically less academically able than the ones that stay on, the increase your ATAR. There is no magic formula for getting astudents receiving ATARs are a smaller, more academically good ATAR; it all depends on how well you’ve done in all yourable group, and the average ATAR they receive is higher. courses in comparison to other students. Marks are scaled according to a course’s scaled mean. TheUAC notifies NSW HSC students of their ATAR. Year 12 scaled mean indicates the academic ability of the coursestudents can access their ATAR on UAC’s website or the candidature, which can change from year to year.My UAC app in December. You shouldn’t choose courses based on what you believe are the likely effects of scaling on your ATAR. Your subjectTo be eligible for an ATAR, NSW students must satisfactorily choices should be based on your interests, demonstratedcomplete at least 10 units of ATAR courses. abilities and future career plans. Studying subjects that you are not good at or happy withThese ATAR courses must include: may mean you won’t do your best or achieve good marks. The only way to maximise your ATAR is to: eight units of Category A courses  study hard two units of English  do your best three Board Developed courses of two units or greater  have a good balance between study and other activities. four subjects. As long as you have chosen the subjects you are good at and do well in, you will have the best chance of maximisingRemember that when you choose your program of study for your ATAR.the HSC, you must make sure you will be eligible for an ATARif you wish to study at university. For more information about the ATAR, visit Satisfactorily completing a course You will be considered to have satisfactorily completed The ATAR in the ACT a course if, in the principal’s view, there is sufficient evidence that you have: The ATAR calculated in the ACT is directly comparable to the  followed the course developed or endorsed by NESA ATAR calculated in NSW and other states.  applied yourself with diligence and sustained effort to The ACT operates a system of school-based curriculum and assessment through the ACT Board of Senior Secondary the set tasks and experiences provided in the course Studies (BSSS). Each college determines the courses (and by the school units) that they offer to students. There are no compulsory  achieved some or all of the course outcomes courses or units.  made a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that Assessment is continuous school-based assessment and total more than 50 per cent of the available school courses are taught and assessed unit by unit. There are no assessment marks for that course. examinations set by a central authority for any subject. You will also need to make a serious attempt at the examination for the course. Failure to satisfactorily complete a course will result in that course not contributing to the eligibility requirements. If the course is a 2-unit course for which there is an associated extension course, failure to satisfactorily complete the 2-unit course will result in neither the 2-unit nor the extension course contributing towards your ATAR. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 7

If you’re an ACT Year 12 student and want to apply for Applying to unitertiary study, you must sit the ACT Scaling Test (AST).The AST is used by the BSSS to calculate your ATAR. Every year, more than 50,000 Year 12 students applyThe calculation of the ATAR in the ACT is based on your best through UAC for admission to courses offered by UAC’sthree scaled course scores from major courses plus 0.6 participating institutions. For the majority of courses thereof the next best scaled course score. The scaled course are more applicants than places, so applicants are rankedscores are then added to form an aggregate score. Students for selection.are then ranked based on their aggregate score, which isconverted to an ATAR. For most courses, your selection rank is your ATAR plusAs your ATAR is calculated from your performance in the bonus points (read page 9). Therefore, your selectionAST, if you drop a course it may not affect your ATAR directly. rank may be higher than your ATAR for certain institutionsHowever, you need to take into account prerequisites for or courses.tertiary courses outlined in this booklet.If you are a college or school student in the ACT and you are Admission requirementsthinking about studying at a UAC participating institution,you may need to check how your ACT Year 12 Certificate In addition to the ATAR, many institutions may specify othercourses compare to NSW HSC subjects. admission requirements such as:The following table shows indicative subject comparisons  prerequisitesfor key subjects for admissions. For a full listing ofthe most recent subject-comparison information, visit –– course –– subject prerequisites  additional selection criteria.ACT subjects comparable to NSW HSC subjects For example, an advanced computing degree might specifyACT subject NSW HSC subject Mathematics as a course prerequisite. If you haven’t studied Mathematics, you haven’t met this prerequisite and youBiology (Major) Biology won’t be considered for the course, regardless of your ATAR.Chemistry (Major) Chemistry Another course might specify Mathematics as a subjectEnglish (Major) English (Advanced) prerequisite. If you haven’t studied Mathematics, you canEnglish (Major/Minor) HSC English Extension 1 still be considered for the course but you won’t be able toEnglish (Double Major) HSC English Extension 2 study certain subjects within that course.Mathematical Methods (Major), MathematicsSpecialist Mathematics (Major) Many courses have additional selection criteria. ForSpecialist Mathematics HSC Mathematics example, visual arts courses will ask you to supply a(Major/Minor) Extension 1 portfolio and this will contribute to your selection for theSpecialist Mathematics HSC Mathematics course. Music-based courses may require an audition(Double Major) Extension 2 and others may require you to attend an interview, write aMusic (Major) Music 2 personal statement or sit a test.Physics (Major) PhysicsArt Production (Major), Visual Arts Institutions can also indicate the HSC courses that theyVisual Arts (Major) either assume you have studied before you start a particular tertiary course, or suggest you study to prepare for yourFor more information about the ATAR for chosen tertiary course. These are listed as:ACT students, visit or call the  assumed knowledgeACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies on  recommended studies.(02) 6205 7181. These are not admission requirements. If you don’t have the assumed level of knowledge or haven’t completed the recommended studies you can still be selected for the course but you may have difficulty coping with your studies or just not be as prepared as other students. When you’re choosing your Year 11 and 12 subjects, use this booklet to find out if there are any admission requirements, assumed knowledge or recommended studies for the course you’re interested in. Then, when you apply for tertiary study at the end of Year 12, you’ll be able to meet any entry requirements to the course and have the foundations for successful tertiary study. There is more information about admission requirements on page 32.8 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

All about the HSC and the ATARRequirements for teachingFor registration as a teacher in NSW schools, who do not meet this requirement aregraduates will need to meet requirements available. In addition, teaching students willset out by the NSW Education Standards need to pass national literacy and numeracyAuthority (NESA). There is an expectation tests before graduation. For furtherthat students entering teaching programs information about the tests and specificwill have achieved a minimum of three Band entry requirements (including academic and5s, one of which must be in English, in their non-academic criteria), check with individualHSC. Other approved pathways for students institutions.International BaccalaureateIf you attempt the International On UAC’s website you can view a studies, andBaccalaureate (IB) Diploma or table showing the conversion of the also if you’llBilingual Diploma in Australia they IB aggregate score to the UAC rank be eligibleare recognised as equivalent to an and a table that compares IB results for bonusAustralian Year 12 qualification for with NSW HSC results. points foradmission to tertiary institutions in You can also check which NSW HSC specificAustralia. subjects are considered comparable courses.IB students apply for uni through to your IB subjects. You’ll find the tables atUAC in the same way as Year 12 You may need to know how your However, IB students IB subjects compare to NSW HSC admission/ib.shtml.don’t receive an ATAR; instead, they subjects to check that you meetreceive a UAC rank based on their any course prerequisites, assumedtotal score. knowledge and recommendedSelection rank There is more information about the selection process on UAC’s website at offer to study at university is based on your selection undergraduate/admission/selection.shtml.rank, which is made up of your ATAR and any bonus pointsyou may be eligible for, plus consideration of any additional Bonus pointsselection criteria. Many applicants receive an offer to a course even thoughCut-offs they have an ATAR below the published cut-off. Often this is because they’ve been awarded bonus points for that course.When you are searching for courses, pay attention to the Bonus points do not change a student’s ATAR, but they docourse cut-off. The cut-off for a course is the minimum increase a student’s selection rank.selection rank needed by most Year 12 applicants for entry There are various types of bonus points for Year 12 studentsto that course. seeking entry to tertiary study, including:The cut‑off includes bonus points, so it is not necessarily  regional bonus pointsthe ATAR required for entry to the course, and applicants  subject bonus points.with ATARs below the course cut-off can receive offers to Each institution sets its own criteria for allocating these andthe course. some institutions require you to achieve a minimum ATAR before you are eligible to receive any bonus points.Also, the cut-off is not a reflection of the difficulty or quality of Some institutions apply regional bonus points to studentsa course. who live in a designated region, others apply regional bonus points to students who attend school in a designated region,The course information in the UAC Guide, in the course and some institutions do on UAC’s website and in the My UAC app shows thecourse cut‑off when offers were made in January of theprevious year. Cut-offs are determined by the institution andthe same course at different institutions may have differentcut‑offs. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 9

Subject bonus points recognise performance in Year 12 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA):subjects relevant to specific courses. They can differ from to institution and from course to course within thesame institution.  HSC Rules and Procedures Guide – published in OctoberIf you’re eligible for bonus points, they will be automatically each year.added to your application. If you have any questions aboutbonus points, contact the institution.  Assessment, Certification and Examination (ACE)It’s good to understand how bonus points work, but don’t information – contains details of NESA rules andbe swayed into choosing certain subjects to receive bonus procedures for secondary education in NSW.points. By the time you apply for tertiary study, schemesmay have changed and it’s more important to focus on ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS):doing well. For more information about bonus points, visit UAC’s  What’s the AST? – information about the ACT Scaling website at Test for ACT students wishing to gain an ATAR.Educational Access Schemes  What’s the ATAR? – an explanation of the ATAR and the processes used in its calculation.Bonus points can also be awarded as a result of anapplication through Educational Access Schemes (EAS). Year 10 studentsMost institutions that participate through UAC have anEAS scheme for applicants who’ve experienced long‑term  A Walk Through the Year 10 Booklet – a presentationeducational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond available at Schoolink on UAC’s website.their control or choosing, which has seriously affectedtheir educational performance. A long-term educational  Choosing HSC Courses – Facts and Myths – adisadvantage usually means a disadvantage that has lasted presentation available at Schoolink on UAC’s website.for at least six months. You can find more publications from UAC at For more information about EAS, visit UAC’s website at FAQ about the ATARNeed to know more? How many courses should I take in Years 11Careers advisers, teachers and parents and 12? The number of courses you study depends on how manyUniversities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT): courses you can realistically manage and succeed Generally, courses are two units and to be eligible for the HSC you must successfully complete at least 12 units of UAC Guide – published in July each year, the Guide is study in Year 11 and at least 10 units in Year 12. provided free through schools to NSW HSC and ACT You must also study at least four subjects. Mathematics Year 12 students. It is also available to buy from UAC is a subject; within that subject there are a number (online or in person). of courses – Mathematics General 2, Mathematics, HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and HSC Mathematics Report on the Scaling of the NSW Higher School Extension 2. Certificate – published in May each year. Copies are provided free to schools. Printed copies are available Are there any courses that I can choose to to buy from UAC (online or in person). It can also be maximise my ATAR? downloaded from UAC’s website. No. You can achieve a high ATAR regardless of the courses you study. Students who achieve high ATARs are generally Calculating the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank in placed near the top in all of their courses. New South Wales: A Technical Report – printed copies are available to buy from UAC (online or in person). It can What should I remember if I have to change also be downloaded from UAC’s website. schools? Not all schools offer the same HSC subjects, so check that All About Your ATAR – distributed to Year 12 students you’ll be able to continue with the subjects you have already before they receive their ATAR. Printed copies of this been studying. leaflet are available from UAC. It can also be downloaded from UAC’s website.10 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

All about the HSC and the ATAR If I decide to drop a course at the end of If a student completes Mathematics and then goes on to Year 11, what should I consider? satisfactorily complete HSC Mathematics Extension 1 andThe most important thing for Year 11 students to consider HSC Mathematics Extension 2, their results in Mathematicsis whether they will still be eligible for an ATAR if they drop will not be included in the ATAR calculation, even if they haveany courses. Remember, to be eligible for an ATAR, students excelled in it.must satisfactorily complete at least 10 units of ATARcourses in Year 12, including: Will I get a better ATAR if I do a lower level of maths? eight units from Category A courses Not necessarily. While you may achieve a higher position two units of English in lower level maths, that course will tend to have a lower three Board Developed courses of two units or greater scaled mean to counteract the higher position. You should four subjects. do the level of maths that suits your ability and future plans. Also remember that bonus points are more likely to be How do I know if the course I’m dropping is awarded for the higher level maths courses. a prerequisite for a course or subject I’d like to study at uni? Can a Category B course completed inThere are a few places you can check course and subject Year 11 be included in my ATAR calculation?prerequisites: Yes. Any course completed in Year 11 will be available for inclusion in the ATAR calculation. Whether it is actually the institution entries in Part 2 of this booklet included will depend on whether it is among your best eight the undergraduate course search on UAC’s website and scaled units (after English). Remember also that for a Category B course to be included the My UAC app in the ATAR calculation, the examination must be completed. the UAC Guide Therefore, schools must ensure that students studying institution websites. Category B courses are enrolled with NESA for the course and the exam. Can I accelerate my HSC studies? Yes, you can take a Year 12 course while in Year 11. Why do some courses scale better thanThe advantages of this can be: others? Courses have to be scaled so that marks in different courses studying fewer courses in Year 12, meaning you can can be compared with each other. Courses are scaled using focus more on those units the mean scores and distribution of marks, which indicate the ability of the course candidature. Courses such as HSC studying a broader range of subjects Mathematics Extension 2 and Physics traditionally scale well having extra units from which to draw your best 10 because of this. However, students must achieve high HSC marks (and high positions) to gain any benefit from scaling. scaled marks for inclusion in your ATAR calculation. Can I be disadvantaged by the school If I complete an accelerated course in I attend? Year 11, who am I ranked with? No. The school you attend does not feature in the ATARCourses are scaled in the year you complete them and the calculation. The ATAR calculation is based only on marksscaled mark is available for inclusion in the ATAR calculation provided by NESA – no other information is used.when you become ATAR eligible. You are ranked with othersin the same ATAR cohort. Can I be disadvantaged by where I live? No. Where you live is not used in the ATAR How many units of maths can be included calculation. in the calculation of the ATAR?Up to four units of maths can be included in the ATAR Can I get a better ATAR by studying morecalculation. Students studying HSC Mathematics units?Extension 1 should be aware that it has a different weighting No. You cannot assume that simply by studying more units(in terms of units) depending on whether Mathematics or your ATAR will be increased. While students who study moreHSC Mathematics Extension 2 is taken as well. units tend to gain higher ATARs, there are a number ofIf students study Mathematics (2 units), then HSC reasons why, such as each student’s interest, motivation,Mathematics Extension 1 accounts for 1 unit. effort and time management.If students study HSC Mathematics Extension 2 (2 units),then HSC Mathematics Extension 1 accounts for 2 units.This is calculated by doubling the mark received for the1-unit course. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 11

Can I get a high ATAR studying courses What is a cut-off? such as Visual Arts, Business Studies and The cut-off for a course is the minimum selection Hospitality? rank needed by most Year 12 applicants for selection intoYes. It is possible to achieve a high ATAR regardless of a course. It is not an ‘ATAR cut-off’. Cut-offs include bonuscourses studied. However, it is important to note that points and are determined by the institutions. They are not astudents who achieve very high ATARs are usually placed in reflection of the difficulty of courses. The cut-offs for coursesthe top group of students in all of their courses. in a particular year are only known after offers are made. Therefore, UAC publishes the previous year’s cut-offs. Can certain courses increase my ATAR? No. Your ATAR indicates your overall position; that is, Does UAC have an ATAR calculator?how well you have performed compared to other students. No. UAC only advises students of their official ATARsYou can only maximise your ATAR by choosing courses on ATAR release day in December each year. UAC does notyou enjoy and do well in. It is a myth that choosing certain endorse the use of ATAR calculators. ATAR calculators docourses increases the ATAR. not use current data so can only be a general indication of a student’s possible ATAR. How do I find out my ATAR? ATARs are released on UAC’s website and the What happens if a course is repeated? My UAC app. Students log in to receive their ATAR. Courses can be repeated over a period of up to five years. A student is considered to be repeating an HSC When is the ATAR released? course if they: ATARs are released in December each year on UAC’s website and the My UAC app.  repeat the same course  study a different course in the same subject area, apart How do ACT students find out about the ATAR? Information about the calculation of the ACT ATAR is from an extension course.available from the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies. If a student repeats a course, only the marks for the latestVisit or call (02) 6205 7181. satisfactory attempt will be available for inclusion in the calculation of their ATAR, even if they are lower than the Do ATARs include bonus points? earlier attempt. No. If institutions allocate bonus points they are notadded to the ATAR. Bonus points are not ATAR points, theyare just that – bonus points. Bonus points don’t change astudent’s ATAR; they change the student’s selection rank fora particular course or institution.12 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 1: ConsiderYear 10 is a good time to start thinking about your future – not just whatyou’d like to do for the next two years, but what you’d like to do beyondthat. Are you thinking of further study? Will you leave school and get ajob or do an apprenticeship? The following pages will help you consideryour options.Being unsure of what you want to do next is quite common.  someone prominent in public life like a community orYou may already know that you would like to go on to further church leader, politician or but not be sure of the type of course you’d enjoy.If you’re looking at a specific career path you may already Or it could be something you’ve seen or heard:know what tertiary course you need to do. It’s important thatyou understand all the requirements for this course when  a book, television show, movie or documentaryyou choose your Year 11 and 12 subjects.  a podcast or something you’ve seen online.Maybe the thought of more years of study after school isn’t Think about why these people or things inspire you. Is itright for you just now. Perhaps you want to get straight into what they do, the way they relate to others, their communitythe workforce, or take up a traineeship or apprenticeship. spirit, the story they tell or the message they give?If you enter the workforce, consider how workplaces change The things that inspire you can shape your future goals andover time and the importance of continuing to learn as your develops. If you decide to come back to study in thefuture, there are other pathways to entry. Choosing courses What do you like to do?at school that give you the broadest range of future optionswill make this easier for you later. Think about the type of person you are and your interests.Think about your future, consider your abilities, investigate Do you like:your options and make a plan.You might want to start with the following questions.  doing things outside or inside?  helping others?Who inspires you?  working with technology?  organising things?When thinking about your future, a good place to start is by  talking to other people?looking around at who and what inspires you. If something  finding out how things work?inspires you it will motivate you to do your best.  being original and creative?This could be a person:  working on your own? your mum or dad  working with others? other family members When planning your future career, consider your natural teachers inclinations and abilities. For example, you may not be neighbours or friends and their families happy and successful as a park ranger if you don’t enjoy the outdoors! University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 13

Fred and LauraFred and Laura are in Year 10. At the is in business for himself and he’s beenmoment the end of school seems a long helping Fred beat his mates. Fred alsoway away, but they have started to consider likes photography and a couple of histheir futures. They’re not sure what they football photos have been in the localwant to do after school but their parents and paper.teachers are encouraging them to consider So far in high school Fred has donegoing on to further study after Year 12. well in geography, history andFred goes to school in the city and enjoys economics and he really likeshanging out with his friends and playing these subjects, which makes itfootball. He’s inspired by sports players and easy for him to stay the captain of his local football team. Laura’s best marks are in scienceLaura goes to school in the country and subjects and her teachers havegrew up on her family’s farm. She loves it encouraged her to continue with themwhen her friends come to stay and they go in Years 11 and 12. She also reallyhorseriding, and she enjoys working with her enjoys history and art and brother on local Landcare projects. Throughout this booklet we’ll use FredFred also enjoys playing on his computer; and Laura’s story to show how you canhe particularly likes a stock market game navigate your way to tertiary study.that he plays with his friends. Fred’s dadWhat are you good at?  Organise your own work experience – volunteer to work somewhere for a week to see if you enjoy it.Think about your academic skills and interests. Whatsubjects are you good at? What do you enjoy studying?  Get a part-time job – it will give you a taste of what it’sOften these are the same because you do well at subjects like to be in the enjoy and are interested in.Investigate the types of jobs that use these subjects as key  Visit careers expos and uni open days (refer to the list ofparts of what they do. For example, being good at geography open days on page 2 of this booklet).could lead you to a job as a town planner, tour guide,cartographer or civil engineer. Being good at languages  Use the undergraduate course search on UAC’s websitecould lead you to a job as a customs officer, foreign affairs or in the My UAC app, where you only need a keyword,and trade officer, language teacher or translator, or you like ‘music’ or ‘chemistry’, to search more than 2,000could work in the importing and exporting business. tertiary courses.Also consider what you’re good at outside school. What You can also browse courses in the UAC Guide. Copiesextracurricular activities do you do? If you’re good with pets, are available from your careers adviser, school libraryfind out about jobs involving animals. or UAC. (Year 12 students receive a copy through theirThe table on pages 19–23 will help link your interests to school in July.)possible careers and subject choices.  Contact the institutions you’re interested in and talk toWho can you talk to? them about your options. You can start by looking at their websites.Talk to those around you about your options for the future. Many tertiary institutions have school visit days so youThey may have some good suggestions and new ideas. can attend the campus, talk to lecturers and students, Talk with your parents and family about their career and get a feel for what a tertiary institution is like. Ask your teacher about this or check the dates on page 2 choices. and organise to attend an open day with your parents Talk to your teachers – they know your abilities and can or friends. give you suggestions about careers that may suit you. For information about courses available, Talk to friends about what they’re interested in, and what search the UAC undergraduate course search at they’ve found out that they can share with you. or download the My UAC app.14 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 1: ConsiderBrainstormingNow that you’ve considered the questions in this section, use the worksheets that follow to organise your ideas and discoverthe areas of study that would suit you best. This will help you work out the subjects that will help you achieve your goals. Fredand Laura did this exercise and the results are shown below.Fred and LauraFred and Laura’s teachers have told them it’s time to choose their subjects for Years 11 and 12, so they’re exploringtheir options by doing some research.Fred is keen to take his interest in sport further. His father Laura’s school took her class to an open day at thehas suggested he also look at business-related careers local university and she has spoken to her family aboutand his school careers adviser has suggested social her ideas. Her teachers think she should develop hersciences because his best marks are in these areas. strengths in science-related subjects but she’s also keenThe table ‘What are my options?’ on pages 19–23 on looking at careers in art-related areas.shows some options for Fred. Looking down the left The table ‘What are my options?’ on pages 19–23 shows some options for Laura in the following areas: column, which lists various interests, qualities Earth and Environmental Sciences and skills, there are several areas that Laura is interested in being outdoors, the could suit him. Fred is drawn to the environment, nature and animals. Her skills following areas: include being observant and resourceful, and Human Movement and she’s good at design, science, working Sport Sciences outdoors, critical thinking and solving problems. The second column shows that Fred is interested in – and good at – sport these interests and skills are useful to an and fitness. If his skills include being a good environmental scientist, a conservationist, a communicator, leader and motivator, and forestry worker, an environmental officer, and he’s patient and enthusiastic, the second an environmental or urban planner. column shows that he could be a sport The third column shows that for these scientist, sports coach or trainer. careers she could study climate change, The third column shows that for these conservation studies, environmental management or careers he could study sports coaching, sports sustainability. The table also shows which institutionsmanagement, anatomy and physiology or psychology. The offer these courses.table also shows which institutions offer these courses. The fourth column shows relevant HSC subjects she couldThe most relevant subjects for him to study for the HSC study are Biology, Chemistry, Design and Technology, Earthare shown in the fourth column: Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science, Mathematics, Physics orMathematics, Personal Development, Health and Society and Culture.Physical Education (PDHPE), Physics and Modern History. Creative and Performing ArtsBusiness, Commerce, Economics, Marketing Laura’s skills include being creative, imaginative,and Management organised and an independent worker, and she’s good atFred is interested in the stock market and business. drawing, art, making things, writing and solving problems.His skills include being organised and independent, She could be an artist, animator or photographer, orand he’s good at leading, solving problems and critical she could use these professions as a stepping stone tothinking. Therefore, he could be a stockbroker, business becoming an art teacher.analyst, accountant, banker or economist. For these careers, she could study animation, fine arts,For these careers he could study banking, e-commerce graphic design, illustration, photography or visual arts.or financial advising. In addition to English, for her HSC she could study Dance,In addition to English and Mathematics, he would be Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Software Designwise to include Business Studies, Economics, Society and Development, Textiles and Design, Visual Arts andand Culture, Business Services (B), Human Services (B) Entertainment Industry (B).or Retail Services (B) in his HSC courses. However, tobe eligible for an ATAR he could only include 2 units ofCategory B courses.From their research it’s clear that there are many exciting options for Fred and Laura’s futures. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 15

Worksheet1 The first step is to think about who you are: your interests, qualities and skills. Write these in the boxes below. Then turn the page to the table ‘What are my options?’ and match your interests, qualities and skills with those in the left‑hand column of the table. These are divided into subject areas and you may find you match one particular area of study, or several.Who am I? What am I interested in?My personal qualities are...My skills writing, listening, drawing, solving problemsWho inspires me? Why? Who can I talk to? Three people I could talk to about my choices16 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Worksheet 2The next step is to write below the areas of study you matched in Worksheet 1 using the ‘What are my options?’ table onpages 19–23. Then work your way across the sheet, filling in each column from the information in the table.In the final column you will end up with a list of subjects that best match your abilities and future plans.Areas of study that What careers use What courses What subjectsmatch my interests, those skills? could I study? could I choose forqualities and skills Years 11 and 12? University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 17

Step 2: ExploreNow that you are thinking about your interests, qualities and skills, it’stime to explore the careers these could lead to, the courses you couldstudy and the subjects you could choose to begin your journey.What are my options? These lists are not meant to be exhaustive; they are only a summary of what’s available. A full list of tertiary coursesUsing the worksheets on pages 16–17, the following table available each year is published in the UAC Guide, on UAC’swill help you map your interests, qualities and skills to website and in the My UAC, areas of tertiary study and HSC subjects.(Category B courses are identified with a B.)KEY TO ABBREVIATED INSTITUTION NAMES SCU Southern Cross University SIBT Sydney Institute of Business and TechnologyACAP Australian College of Applied Psychology TOP Top Education InstituteACU Australian Catholic University TUA Torrens University AustraliaAMC Australian Maritime College UC University of CanberraANU Australian National University UNE University of New EnglandCQU CQUniversity UNSW UNSW SydneyCSU Charles Sturt University UNSW- UNSW Canberra at the Australian DefenceGU Griffith University ADFA Force AcademyICMS International College of Management, SydneyLTU La Trobe University UON University of NewcastleMC Macleay College UOW University of WollongongMIT MIT Sydney USYD University of SydneyMQ Macquarie University UTS University of Technology SydneyNAS National Art School WS Western Sydney UniversitySAE SAE Creative Media Institute18 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 2: ExploreMy interests, qualities Careers that use my Courses I could study Subjects I could choose and skills interests, qualities for Years 11 and 12 and skillsAgriculture, Rural Studies and Animal ScienceI’m interested in ... the land, the I could be an ... animal handler, I could study ... agribusiness, ... and I could choose these subjectsenvironment, crop growing, farming, conservation manager, farmer, agricultural science, animal production for Years 11 and 12 ... Agriculture,plants, animals, animal welfare grazier, horticulturist, land manager, science, crop production, equine Biology, Chemistry, Earth andI’m ... observant, confident with produce manager, stud manager/ science and horse management, Environmental Science, Geography,animals, organised, good with trainer, veterinarian, winemaker, horticulture, farm and land Mathematics, Physics, Primarydetail, patient wool classer management, plant pathology, Industries (B)... and I’m good at ... making post-harvest technology, veterinarythings, planning, maths, technical science, viticulture and wine science,drawing, manual work, working with wool science, zoologyanimals Where can I study? AMC, CQU, CSU, LTU, UNE, USYD, WSArchitecture, Building, Design and PlanningI’m interested in ... how things I could be an ... architect, building I could study ... construction ... and I could choose these subjectswork, cityscapes, buildings, building manager, construction manager, economics, construction/project for Years 11 and 12 ... Design anddesign, architecture, gardens, environmental planner, estimator, management, construction Technology, Engineering Studies,landscapes industrial designer, interior designer, technology, fashion design, industrial Industrial Technology, Mathematics,I’m ... artistic, imaginative, landscaper, property valuer, design, interior design, landscape Physics, Visual Arts, Construction (B)organised, good with detail, surveyor architecture, property management,creative, orderly, conscientious quantity surveying... and I’m good at ... makingthings, coming up with original Where can I study? CQU, GU, ICMS, MQ, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON, USYD, UTS, WSideas, drawing, designing, solvingproblemsArts and HumanitiesI’m interested in ... current affairs, I could be an ... anthropologist, I could study ... Aboriginal studies, ... and I could choose these subjectssocial issues, politics, world events, archaeologist, archivist, gallery archaeology, Asian studies, cinema for Years 11 and 12 ... Aboriginallanguages, writing and literature, curator, historian, foreign affairs studies, English, modern/ancient Studies, English (Advanced),religions and cultures, history officer, government policy officer, history, international studies, Geography, History, InternationalI’m ... artistic, creative, journalist, producer, language languages, literature, philosophy, Studies, languages, Religion, Socialadventurous, conscientious, specialist, media officer, researcher, political science, psychology, Sciences, Society and Culture,efficient, industrious, resourceful, social researcher, marketing religious studies, sociology, Textiles and Design, Visual Artsimaginative manager, analyst, translator or theology, women’s studies, media,... and I’m good at ... creative interpreter communications, publishingwriting, debating, languages,solving problems, thinking critically, Where can I study? ACAP, ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW,using technology UNSW-ADFA, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSI’m interested in ... politics, I could be an ... accountant, auditor, I could study ... accounting, ... and I could choose these subjectseconomics, business, international banker, business adviser, business actuarial studies, agribusiness, for Years 11 and 12 ... Businessaffairs, current affairs, finance and analyst, business consultant, banking, business, e-commerce, Studies, Economics, English,banking, statistics, accounting economist, entrepreneur, financial financial advising, human resource languages, Mathematics, SocietyI’m ... good with money, ethical, analyst, financial planner, human management, industrial relations, and Culture, Business Services (B),organised, persuasive, resources manager, project international relations, management, Financial Services (B), Humanindependent, outgoing manager, marketing specialist, marketing, statistics Services (B), Retail Services (B)... and I’m good at ... leadership, stockbrokermathematics, solving problems,showing initiative, critical thinking,logical thinking, negotiating Where can I study? ACU, AMC, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, ICMS, LTU, MC, MIT, MQ, SCU, SIBT, TOP, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW, UNSW-ADFA, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WS University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 19

My interests, qualities Careers that use my Courses I could study Subjects I could choose and skills interests, qualities for Years 11 and 12 and skillsCommunications and Media StudiesI’m interested in ... current affairs, I could be an ... advertising account I could study ... advertising, ... and I could choose these subjectsliterature, popular culture, social manager, commentator, editor, film, information management, for Years 11 and 12 ... English,media, world events, politics filmmaker, journalist, marketing journalism, production, multimedia, History, Society and Culture, VisualI’m ... a good communicator, manager, media officer, multimedia television, radio, video, writing Arts, Entertainment Industry (B)organised, imaginative, persuasive, designer, presenter, producer,creative, resourceful, an public relations managerindependent worker... and I’m good at ... writing, Where can I study? ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, ICMS, LTU, MC, MQ, SAE, SCU, SIBT, TUA, UC,public speaking, debating, thinking UNE, UNSW, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WScreatively, motivating people,analytical thinking, using initiativeCreative and Performing ArtsI’m interested in ... theatre, fashion, I could be an ... animator, artist, I could study ... animation, ... and I could choose these subjectspopular culture, music, photography, cartoonist, composer, fashion creative writing, fashion, fine arts, for Years 11 and 12 ... English,drawing, painting, graphic design, designer, film director, illustrator, graphic design, illustration, music, Dance, Design and Technology,creating things, research journalist, multimedia designer, photography, theatre studies, visual Drama, Music, Software DesignI’m ... creative, good with detail, graphic designer, musician, arts, journalism and Development, Textiles andimaginative, organised, a good photographer, producer, song writer, Design, Visual Arts, Entertainmentcommunicator, an independent teacher, writer Industry (B)worker, outgoing... and I’m good at ... dancing, Where can I study? ACU, ANU, CSU, GU, LTU, MC, MQ, NAS, SAE, SCU, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON,acting, performing, making things, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSplaying an instrument, writing,photography, working things(technical skills), solving problems,using initiative, writingEarth and Environmental SciencesI’m interested in ... being outdoors, I could be an ... environmental I could study ... climate change, ... and I could choose these subjectsthe environment, nature, oceans, scientist, conservationist, forestry conservation studies, environmental for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,marine life, volcanoes, weather, worker, fisheries manager, marine rehabilitation studies, food Chemistry, Design and Technology,waterways, diving, animals, conservation officer, environmental sustainability, forestry, geography Earth and Environmental Science,bushwalking, science officer, food and drug safety officer, (human and physical), geology, Mathematics, Physics, Senior Science,I’m ... good with detail, organised, resource manager, environmental geophysics, marine resource and Society and Cultureobservant, resourceful planner, urban planner environmental management, spatial... and I’m good at ... mathematics, science, sustainabilitydesign, science, working alone,working outdoors, critical thinking, Where can I study? ACU, AMC, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON,solving problems UOW, USYD, UTS, WSI’m interested in ... helping others, I could be a ... primary teacher, I could study ... adult education, ... and I could choose these subjectsbeing outdoors, social equality, secondary teacher, early childhood community education, early for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,teaching and learning, school, teacher, corporate trainer, childhood teaching, human resource Chemistry, English, Geography,children community educator development, organisational History, languages, Mathematics,I’m ... active, a good communicator, learning, primary teaching, Personal Development, Health andpatient, creative, organised, secondary teaching curriculum areas Physical Education (PDHPE), Physics,outgoing Society and Culture... and I’m good at ... timemanagement, leadership, English, ACU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON, UOW, USYD,maths, planning, presentation, UTS, WSthinking critically Where can I study?20 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 2: ExploreMy interests, qualities Careers that use my Courses I could study Subjects I could choose and skills interests, qualities for Years 11 and 12 and skillsEngineeringI’m interested in ... maths, I could be a ... civil engineer, I could study ... civil, computer, ... and I could choose these subjectsscience, construction, electronics, electrical engineer, chemical or construction, electrical, for Years 11 and 12 ...computers, programming, materials engineer, industrial environmental or mechanical Chemistry, Engineeringmechanics, how things work, engineer, manufacturer, mechanical engineering, engineering Studies, Mathematics, Physics,robotics engineer, production engineer, mechatronics, robotics, science, Automotive (B), Construction (B),I’m ... organised, creative, good construction manager surveying, telecommunications Electrotechnology (B), Informationwith detail, technically minded, and Digital Technology (B), Metal andpatient, persistent, resourceful, Engineering (B)analytical... and I’m good at ... drawing, Where can I study? AMC, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, SIBT, UC, UNSW, UNSW‑ADFA,planning, computing, leadership, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSdesigning, solving problems Health Sciences I could be an ... ambulance officer, a I could study ... biomedical sciences, ... and I could choose these subjects paramedic, podiatrist, radiographer, chiropractic science, Chinese medicine, for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,I’m interested in ... health, occupational therapist, chiropodist, clinical science, dental science, Chemistry, Community and Familynutrition, food, how the body chiropractor, dentist, doctor, medical imaging, medical laboratory Studies, Food Technology, Personalworks, people, science, alternative physiotherapist, speech therapist, science, naturopathy, nuclear Development, Health and Physicalmedicines, helping others audiologist, sonographer, community medicine, nutrition and dietetics, Education (PDHPE), Mathematics,I’m ... caring, curious, dependable, health worker, nurse, medical occupational therapy, osteopathy, Physicspatient, a good communicator, researcher, medical scientist, health physiotherapy, podiatry, radiography,critical thinker, organised, researcher, nutritionist, dietitian, food speech therapy, beauty therapy, oralobservant, open minded, good with researcher, oral health therapist, health, pharmacology, digital healthpeople beauty therapist, pharmacist, data and analytics, global health... and I’m good at ... leadership, scientistfine motor skills, solving problems,working with others, time Where can I study? ACAP, ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW,management, listening, thinking UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WScritically, motivating peopleHuman Movement and Sport SciencesI’m interested in ... sport, coaching, I could be a ... disease prevention I could study ... exercise physiology, ... and I could choose these subjectsfitness and exercise, how the body educator, exercise scientist, fitness exercise science, sports coaching, for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,works, nutrition, biology, health, counsellor, fitness trainer, exercise sports journalism, sports Chemistry, Mathematics, Personalhelping others, being outdoors rehabilitation worker, exercise management, sports psychology, Development, Health and PhysicalI’m ... a good communicator, physiologist, medical scientist, anatomy and physiology, psychology Education (PDHPE), Physicspatient, observant, organised, medical researcher, occupationalenthusiastic, supportive, persuasive, therapist, sport scientist, sportsfit and healthy, confident, outgoing coach, personal trainer, teacher... and I’m good at ... sports, publicspeaking, leadership, motivating Where can I study? ACU, CQU, CSU, GU, ICMS, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON, UOW, USYD,others, fine motor skills, solving UTS, WSproblems, teaching others, scienceI’m interested in ... computers, I could be a ... systems analyst, I could study ... computing, ... and I could choose these subjectsinternet, web technologies, social software developer, computer computer science, electronics, for Years 11 and 12 ... Businessmedia, electronics, programming, programmer, IT consultant, graphic information systems, information Studies, Design and Technology,designing designer, game designer, web technology, programming, software Mathematics, Information ProcessesI’m ... organised, orderly, good with designer, digital media producer, engineering and Technology, Information anddetail, persistent, level headed, filmmaker, illustrator, photographer, Digital Technology (B), Softwarehappy to work alone visual effects artist Design and Development... and I’m good at ... computing,using technology, maths, solving Where can I study? ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MIT, MQ, SAE, SCU, SIBT, UC, UNE,problems, thinking logically, UNSW, UNSW‑ADFA, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSthinking creatively, making decisions University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 21

My interests, qualities Careers that use my Courses I could study Subjects I could choose and skills interests, qualities for Years 11 and 12 and skillsLawI’m interested in ... research, I could be a ... legal adviser, legal I could study ... law, conveyancing, ... and I could choose these subjectsjustice, fairness, equality, current officer, legal researcher, politician, justice studies, legal studies, for Years 11 and 12 ... Businessaffairs, politics, helping others police officer, barrister, solicitor, paralegal studies, political studies Studies, Economics, English, LegalI’m ... outgoing, organised, judge, magistrate Studies, Society and Cultureobservant, open minded, persistent,persuasive Where can I study? ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, TOP, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON,... and I’m good at ... debating, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSpublic speaking, writing,researching, evaluating information,negotiating, logical thinkingMedical Sciences and MedicineI’m interested in ... the I could be a ... doctor, biomedical I could study ... health sciences, ... and I could choose these subjectsenvironment, health, nutrition, how engineer, chiropractor, forensic biomedical sciences, medicine, for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,the body works, people, science, officer, genetic counsellor, medical nanotechnology, optometry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics,alternative medicines, helping researcher, pathologist, pharmacist, pharmacy Community and Family Services,others, research, experimenting biochemist, laboratory technician, Senior ScienceI’m ... caring, patient, a good radiologist, sonographercommunicator, inventive, curious,organised, good with detail, Where can I study? ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, MQ, SCU, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON, UOW, USYD,observant UTS, WS... and I’m good at ... leadership,fine motor skills, time management,making decisions, problem solving,working with others, listeningNursing and MidwiferyI’m interested in ... healthcare, I could be a ... nurse, midwife, I could study ... nursing, health ... and I could choose these subjectshelping others, how the body surgical nurse, paediatric nurse, sciences, midwifery, behavioural for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,works, people, science, mothers aged care nurse, community health and social sciences, Indigenous Chemistry, Mathematics, Communityand babies, childbirth nurse, disability care nurse, critical culture, primary healthcare medical/ and Family ServicesI’m ... caring, kind, a good care nurse, nurse educator, health surgical nursing, perioperativecommunicator, dependable, administrator, occupational health nursing, high-dependency nursing,supportive, responsible, tolerant, nurse, Indigenous health nurse, oncology, palliative care, aged care,patient, organised mental health nurse, pharmaceutical paediatrics, maternal and child... and I’m good at ... using sales rep, social and health policy care, mental health, rehabilitation,initiative, teamwork, working with officer community nursingothers, listening ACU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, SCU*, UC*, UNE, UON*, UOW, USYD, UTS*, WS* Where can I study? *Includes midwiferyI’m interested in ... chemistry, I could be a ... researcher, I could study ... agricultural science, ... and I could choose these subjectsscience, the environment, weather medical marketer, medical applied studies, aviation science, for Years 11 and 12 ... Biology,patterns, people and communities, advocate, laboratory technician, biological science, chemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics,marine life, space, astronomy, counsellor, community worker, environmental science, equine Community and Family Services,planes, research, computers, sports psychologist, field researcher, science, food science or technology, Senior Scienceexperimenting, animals, nature, urban planner, data analyst, forensics, horticulture, marinepsychology, farming geologist, aviation engineer, vet, science, mathematics, medicalI’m ... curious, organised, creative, zookeeper science, nanotechnology, physicsgood with detail, observant, psychology, statistics, technology,resourceful veterinary science, zoology... and I’m good at ... solvingproblems, critical thinking, Where can I study? ACAP, ACU, AMC, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, TUA, UC, UNE,leadership, mathematics, logical UNSW, UNSW-ADFA, UON, UOW, USYD, UTS, WSthinking, chemistry, biology22 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 2: ExploreMy interests, qualities Careers that use my Courses I could study Subjects I could choose and skills interests, qualities for Years 11 and 12 and skillsSocial SciencesI’m interested in ... people and I could be an ... occupational I could study ... behavioural science, ... and I could choose these subjectscommunities, world events, current therapist, community care officer, commerce, criminology, geography, for Years 11 and 12 ... Communityaffairs, politics, health, social social worker, vocational guidance policing, policy studies, social and Family Studies, English, Legalresponsibility, immigration, policing, counsellor, welfare support officer, ecology, sociology Studies, Modern History, Economics,justice, fairness, working with welfare worker, legal practitioner Geography, Mathematics, Societypeople, helping others and CultureI’m ... organised, a goodcommunicator, curious, resourceful, Where can I study? ACAP, ACU, ANU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, MQ, SCU, UC, UNE, UNSW, UON,fair, helpful UOW, USYD, UTS, WS... and I’m good at ... criticalthinking, making decisions, solvingproblemsSocial Work and WelfareI’m interested in ... people I could be a ... community care I could study ... social work, children ... and I could choose these subjectsand cultures, health, social officer, social worker, welfare and young people, ageing, health for Years 11 and 12 ... Economics,responsibility, fairness, helping support officer, welfare worker, and disability, Indigenous studies, English, Modern History, Society andothers aged care worker, disability officer, social policy, sociology, psychology, Culture, MathematicsI’m ... organised, caring, a good migrant welfare officer, child social research, research skills,communicator, curious, resourceful, protection officer, youth worker youth workfair, helpful... and I’m good at ... critical Where can I study? ACAP, ACU, CQU, CSU, GU, LTU, SCU, UNE, UNSW, UON, UOW, USYD, WSthinking, making decisions, solvingproblemsTourism, Hospitality and Event ManagementI’m interested in ... travel, people I could be a ... tour operator, I could study ... event management, ... and I could choose these subjectsand cultures, world events, event manager, hotel manager, hotel management, leisure studies, for Years 11 and 12 ... Economics,languages, helping others, being travel consultant, resort recreational management and English, languages, Mathematics,outdoors, being active manager, environmental planner, planning, tourism management, Society and Culture, Hospitality (B),I’m ... organised, good with detail, restauranteur sport management Tourism, Travel and Events (B)a good communicator, confident,patient, persistent, sincere, friendly, Where can I study? ACU, CQU, CSU, GU, ICMS, MC, SCU, SIBT, TUA, UC, UON, UOW, UTS, WSflexible, punctual... and I’m good at ... languages,leadership, planning, servingcustomers, solving problems,working with people from diversebackgrounds University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 23

Step 3: DecideIn the previous section you explored how your interests may lead tocertain careers, areas of study and possible subject choices. Now it’s timeto decide on your subjects for Years 11 and 12.HSC subjects and courses If you want to study at uni but still can’t decide on a course, choose subjects that make you eligible for an ATAR but alsoAt this stage don’t think about the ATAR you need for entry to give you flexibility. For example, if you like both science anda specific course at a specific university as this could change history you could pick from the science and history subjectsonce you are ready to apply. Think more about the courses in Years 11 and 12 (eg Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Senioror subject areas you are interested in and what will work Science, Ancient History and Modern History). You would thenbest to help you get there. Open your mind to the multitude be prepared for further study in either subject. Keep yourof possibilities. options flexible so that when you are more sure about what you want to do, you’re already on the way to getting there.This booklet discusses both HSC subjects and HSC courses. If you’re sure you don’t want to go to university then yourA subject is the general name given to an area of study. A choice of subjects for Years 11 and 12 will not be based oncourse is a branch of study within a subject. A subject may ATAR eligibility. But you may change your mind in the nexthave several courses. For example, the subject of English couple of years, so it could still be a good idea to choosehas the courses of English as a Second Language, English subjects that make you eligible for an ATAR.(Standard), English (Advanced), HSC English Extension 1and HSC English Extension 2. HSC subjects and HSCcourses are listed in the table on pages 30–31.Fred and Laura We know Laura is interested in With the HSC degrees involving agriculture and the courses they’veWe know that Fred is interested in environment. Common subjects in chosen, both Fredboth sports-based and business these areas of study are Biology and and Laura will havedegrees. These areas of study Mathematics. Laura has also done a good backgroundhave the subject of Mathematics in well in science so these are good knowledge of keycommon, so Fred’s first HSC course HSC course choices for her. She then subjects in thesechoice is Mathematics. He’s also chooses Visual Arts, which covers degree areas if theydecided to choose Business Studies her artistic interests, along with decide to study them.and a science, Biology, to cover his English, which is compulsory. Laura Fred and Laura have thereforeinterests. English is compulsory so also chooses Modern History, which decided on the same courses forFred needs to choose two more she thinks will be interesting, and the HSC: Biology, Business Studies,subjects. He chooses Modern Business Studies, which her mother English (Advanced), Mathematics,History and Visual Arts to make up thinks may be useful in managing Modern History and Visual Arts.his 12 units. the farm.24 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 3: DecideFred and Laura Mathematics and any two units of assumed knowledge. English as assumed knowledge. Laura has chosenWith his main areas of interest being Luckily, he has chosen Mathematics, both Biology andsport and business, Fred has looked and English is on his list because Mathematicsat a couple of courses in these it’s compulsory. so she is wellareas at some of the universities Laura has checked with the prepared if shein his city and checked to see if institution in her area about a degree goes on to studythere are prerequisites, assumed in agriculture. It advises Biology this course.knowledge, recommended studies and/or Chemistry as recommendedor any additional selection criteria. studies with Mathematics asFred has found that if he were toapply for a degree in sport or exercisemanagement he would need to haveRequirements Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering Studies, Physics,Some tertiary courses require you to have studied certain Investigating Sciencesubjects, or their equivalent, or to have achieved a specificstandard before you’ll be offered a place in the course. If you wish to study a course based on science at tertiaryIf you’re sure about what you want to study at uni, make sure level – for example, agriculture, engineering, naturalyou can answer the following questions about your course: resources, computing, medical or rural science – you are advised to study as much science and mathematics Are there any prerequisites? as you can at school. You can do this by taking as many Is there any assumed knowledge? science-based courses as you are able to handle within the Are there recommended studies? HSC rules. Are there any additional selection criteria?These requirements can be found in the institution entries in MathematicsPart 2 of this booklet. Part 2 is divided into main areas of studyat each institution, so it’s a good idea to check a couple of A knowledge of mathematics is desirable for some tertiarydifferent institutions you’re interested in for their requirements. courses. It is also recommended, along with physics, for allInstitutions can describe their entry requirements in different degree courses requiring a study of physics.ways because they have different policies. Ideally you should select either HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2 if you wishChoosing courses to continue studying mathematics, mathematical statistics, actuarial studies or computer science beyond your firstCategory A courses year at uni. These courses are the best preparation for the study of all branches of engineering and physics after theThis is a general guide to HSC Category A subjects and first accepted by institutions in NSW and the ACT Mathematics (not Mathematics General 2) is recommendedfor entrance purposes. Always check with the relevant by most institutions as the minimum requirement forinstitution to confirm the information. Category A courses further study in a variety of subjects, including architecture,are listed in the table on pages 30–31. agricultural economics, biological sciences, business, chemistry, commerce, economics, geology, psychology,English social sciences, statistics, and urban and regional planning. Note: Stage 6 Content Endorsed course MathematicsIn New South Wales, studying English is compulsory and General 1 cannot be included in the ATAR calculation.two units of English must be included in the calculation ofyour ATAR. In addition, some institutions require English as a HSC Mathematics Extension 1 – the unit value of thissubject prerequisite or course prerequisite. Check the areas of course changes depending on whether the coursestudy in each institution entry for details. If you are considering is taken in combination with Mathematics or HSCstudying English at tertiary level, English (Advanced) or HSC Mathematics Extension 2, as follows:English Extension 1 is usually recommended. ƒƒ Mathematics (2-unit) + HSC Mathematics Extension 1Students who have completed the Stage 6 Content Endorsedcourse English Studies have not been eligible for an ATAR. (1-unit) ƒƒ HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (2-unit) + HSC Mathematics Extension 2 (2-unit). University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 25

Languages (other than English) Visual ArtsMost institutions offer courses in languages for first-year If you are considering further study in visual arts, find outstudents who have no previous knowledge of the particular the minimum entry standard required. Most courses requirelanguage. presentation of a portfolio of work. This is indicated underIf you are considering further study in a language, however, additional selection criteria in the areas of study for theincluding the language in your HSC program is to your institution.advantage. This may be essential if you intend to proceed tofourth-year honours in that language. Aboriginal Studies; Business Studies; CommunityAlso ask the relevant institution whether specific and Family Studies; Dance; Design and Technology;requirements have been set for the study of a language. Drama; Food Technology; Industrial Technology;Beginners courses are accepted by all institutions Information Processes and Technology; Legalfor entrance purposes but are not recommended as Studies; Personal Development, Health and Physicalpreparation for study in that subject. Education (PDHPE); Society and Culture; Software Design and Development; Studies of Religion;Ancient History, Economics, Geography, Textiles and DesignModern History These HSC courses are accepted by all institutions forAny of these HSC courses may be included in your HSC entrance purposes.program to satisfy tertiary entrance requirements. At tertiarylevel, however, they are taught on the assumption that Category B coursesstudents have not studied them previously. Remember that only the best two units from your Category BMusic courses are available for inclusion in the calculation of your ATAR. Category B courses are listed in the table on page 31.Music can be included in your HSC program bystudying Music 1, Music 2 or HSC Music Extension. If Courses that don’t contribute to the ATARyou are considering further study in music, find out theminimum entry standard required. Some courses require ƒƒ Fundamentals of Englishan audition. ƒƒ Mathematics General 1 ƒƒ HSC-University Pathways programConnect with University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 3: DecideSubject choice examplesFollowing are examples of possible subject combinations chosen by students for Years 11 and 12. Remember that youmust have at least two units of English.First, let’s look at Fred and Laura’s subject choices.Fred and Laura Units CategorySubject 2 ABiology 2 ABusiness Studies 2 AEnglish (Advanced) 2 AMathematics 2 AModern History 2 AVisual ArtsFred and Laura are eligible for an ATAR because they meet all the ATAR eligibility rules (read page 7). They are alsoundertaking 12 units. To be eligible for an ATAR you need to have 10 units of ATAR courses, so even if they drop asubject (other than English) for Year 12 they will both still be eligible.Jodie Units CategorySubject 2 AEnglish (Advanced) 2 AMathematics 2 AGeography 2 BFinancial Services 2 BHospitality 2 BTourism and EventsJodie is not eligible for an ATAR because she is studying 6 units of Category A courses and 6 units of Category Bcourses. No more than 2 units of Category B courses can be used in the calculation of the ATAR. She therefore onlyhas 8 units of courses that can be used to calculate the ATAR. To be eligible for an ATAR you need to have 10 unitsof ATAR courses. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 27

At the end of Year 11, Trevor Trevor – Year 11 Units Category decided to drop Chemistry 2 A and Biology and take on HSC Subject 1 A Mathematics Extension 2 and English (Advanced) 2 A HSC English Extension 2. HSC English Extension 1 1 ATrevor’s new pattern of study now looks like this: Mathematics HSC Mathematics 2 A Extension 1 2 A Chemistry 2 A Biology Ancient HistoryTrevor – Year 12 ATAR Units Category Even though Trevor is studying all Category A 2 A courses, he is not eligible for an ATAR for theSubject 1 A following reasons.English (Advanced) 1 A First, only up to 4 units of maths can beHSC English Extension 1 0 A included in the ATAR calculation. So takingHSC English Extension 2 2 A Mathematics, HSC Mathematics Extension 1Mathematics and HSC Mathematics Extension 2 means 2-unitHSC Mathematics 2 A Mathematics will no longer be available forExtension 1 Trevor’s ATAR calculation, even if he excels in it.HSC Mathematics 2 A Also, to be eligible for an ATAR you must haveExtension 2 completed four subjects. Trevor has onlyAncient History completed three subjects: English, Mathematics and Ancient History. TammyIf Tammy keeps all her courses Subject Units Categoryshe will be eligible for an ATAR.But if Tammy drops a course English (Standard) 2 Athis may change depending Business Studies 2 Aon which course she drops.For example, if Tammy Legal Studies 2Adrops Business Services Economics 2Ashe will still be eligible Business Services 2Bfor an ATAR as she still Hospitality 2Bmeets the ATAR eligibilityrules of 8 units ofCategory A courses and 2 units of Category B courses.But if Tammy decides to drop Legal Studies she will no longer be eligible for an ATAR as she will only have 6 units ofCategory A courses.28 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Top 10Tips for Year 10s choosingtheir HSC courses17 Choose what you’re good at, interested If you are getting marks in the 70s do in and which will lay a foundation for whatever you can to get closer to 80 – it your future plans. will make a big di erence to your ATAR.2 8Choose HSC courses best suited to your Remember that unis award bonus pointsability. Don’t choose courses justbecause of scaling or because you think for your performance in particular HSCthey will give you a better ATAR. courses, and usually for Bands 439 and above. Make the link between your choice now If you’re not sure what level maths and and where you want to go after Year 12. English to take, choose the level that suits your ability and future plans. You4 will not necessarily get a higher ATAR justCheck if the uni you want to go to (and/or by studying a lower level course, andthe course you want to do) has unis don’t always give bonus points forprerequisites and assumed knowledge – the lower level courses, no matter how this booklet has all this info. well you do. Also check prerequisites in5 case you need to get a certain If you want to get an ATAR, make performance band. sure you will be eligible. 106 To maximise your ATAR you have to make good choices about what to study, work to the best of your ability and workDepending on what you study, marks towards your goals for life after school.around 70 in the HSC could lead to an ATARin the 50s, while marks closer to 80could lead to an ATAR of 80. This is becausemost students have marks between 70 and80 so when you are ranked that groupreally spreads out. University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 29

HSC Board Developed courses to be examined in 2019Category A coursesNote: Some course names may change as a result of the Stronger HSC Reforms. For further information and updates,visit the NESA website at Course name Unit Number Course name Unit value Subject area value Subject area15000 Aboriginal Studies 2 Aboriginal Studies Languages15010 Agriculture 2 Agriculture 15500 Arabic Beginners 2 Arabic15020 Ancient History 2 Ancient History 15510 Arabic Continuers 2 Arabic15280 HSC History Extension 1 1 Ancient History 15520 HSC Arabic Extension 1 Arabic15030 Biology 2 Biology 15530 Armenian Continuers 2 Armenian15040 Business Studies 2 Business Studies 15540 Chinese Beginners 2 Chinese15050 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 15550 Chinese Continuers 2 Chinese15060 Community and Family 2 Community and Family 15557 Chinese in Context 2 Chinese Studies Studies 15565 Chinese and Literature 2 Chinese15070 Dance 2 Dance 15570 HSC Chinese Extension 1 Chinese15080 Design and Technology 2 Design and Technology 15580 Classical Greek Continuers 2 Classical Greek15090 Drama 2 Drama 15590 HSC Classical Greek 1 Classical Greek15100 Earth and Environmental 2 Earth and Environmental Extension Science Science 15600 Classical Hebrew 2 Classical Hebrew15110 Economics 2 Economics Continuers15120 Engineering Studies 2 Engineering Studies 15610 HSC Classical Hebrew 1 Classical Hebrew ExtensionTBA English as an Additional 2 English Language or Dialect 15620 Croatian Continuers 4 2 Croatian15130 English (Standard) 2 English 15640 Dutch Continuers 2 Dutch15140 English (Advanced) 2 English 15660 Filipino Continuers 2 Filipino15160 HSC English Extension 1 1 English 15670 French Beginners 2 French15170 HSC English Extension 2 1 English 15680 French Continuers 2 French15180 Food Technology 2 Food Technology 15690 HSC French Extension 1 French15190 Geography 2 Geography 15700 German Beginners 2 German15200 Industrial Technology 2 Industrial Technology 15710 German Continuers 2 German15210 Information Processes and 2 Information Processes Technology and Technology 15720 HSC German Extension 1 GermanTBA Investigating Science 2 Investigating Science 15730 Hindi Continuers 2 Hindi15220 Legal Studies 2 Legal Studies 15740 Hungarian Continuers 2 Hungarian15235 Mathematics General 2 2 Mathematics 15750 Indonesian Beginners 2 Indonesian15240 Mathematics 2 Mathematics 15760 Indonesian Continuers 2 Indonesian15250 HSC Mathematics 1/2 Mathematics 15767 Indonesian in Context 2 Indonesian Extension 1 8 15775 Indonesian and Literature5 2 Indonesian15260 HSC Mathematics 2 Mathematics 15780 HSC Indonesian Extension 1 Indonesian Extension 2 15790 Italian Beginners 2 Italian15270 Modern History 2 Modern History 15800 Italian Continuers 2 Italian15280 HSC History Extension 1 1 Modern History 15810 HSC Italian Extension 1 Italian15290 Music 1 2 2 Music 15820 Japanese Beginners 2 Japanese15300 Music 2 2 2 Music 15830 Japanese Continuers 2 Japanese15310 HSC Music Extension 2 1 Music 15837 Japanese in Context 2 Japanese15320 Personal Development, 2 Personal Development, 15845 Japanese and Literature 2 Japanese Health and Physical Health and Physical Education Education 15850 HSC Japanese Extension 1 Japanese15330 Physics 2 Physics 15860 Khmer Continuers 2 Khmer 15870 Korean Beginners 2 KoreanTBA Science Extension 1 Science 15880 Korean Continuers 2 Korean15350 Society and Culture 2 Society and Culture 15887 Korean in Context 2 Korean15360 Software Design and 2 Software Design and 15895 Korean and Literature 2 Korean Development Development 15900 Latin Continuers 2 Latin15370 Studies of Religion I 3 1 Studies of Religion 15910 HSC Latin Extension 1 Latin15380 Studies of Religion II 3 2 Studies of Religion 15940 Macedonian Continuers 4 2 Macedonian15390 Textiles and Design 2 Textiles and Design 15950 Malay Background 2 Malay15400 Visual Arts 2 Visual Arts Speakers 530 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Step 3: DecideNumber Course name Unit Category B courses value Subject area15960 Maltese Continuers Unit15970 Modern Greek Beginners 2 Maltese Number Course name value Subject area15980 Modern Greek Continuers 2 Modern Greek15990 HSC Modern Greek 2 Modern Greek 26099 Automotive (Examination) 2 Automotive 6 Extension 1 Modern Greek16000 Modern Hebrew 26199 Business Services 2 Business Services 6 Continuers 2 Modern Hebrew (Examination)16010 Persian Background Speakers 2 Persian 26299 Construction (Examination) 2 Construction 616020 Polish Continuers16030 Portuguese Continuers 2 Polish 26399 Electrotechnology 2 Electrotechnology 616035 Punjabi Continuers 2 Portuguese (Examination)16045 Russian Continuers 2 Punjabi16050 2 Russian 26499 Entertainment Industry 2 Entertainment Industry 616070 Serbian Continuers 4 2 Serbian (Examination)16080 Spanish Beginners 2 Spanish16090 Spanish Continuers 2 Spanish 27299 Financial Services 2 Financial Services 616100 HSC Spanish Extension 1 Spanish (Examination)16110 Swedish Continuers 2 Swedish16120 Tamil Continuers 2 Tamil 26599 Hospitality (Examination) 2 Hospitality 616130 Turkish Continuers 2 Turkish16140 Ukrainian Continuers 2 Ukrainian 27199 Human Services 2 Human Services 7 Vietnamese Continuers 2 Vietnamese (Examination) 27399 Information and Digital 2 Information and Digital Technology (Examination) Technology 6 26799 Metal and Engineering 2 Metal and Engineering 6 (Examination) 27899 Primary Industries 2 Primary Industries 6 (Examination) 26999 Retail Services 2 Retail Services 6 (Examination) 27499 Tourism, Travel and Events 2 Tourism, Travel and (Examination) Events 6Notes1. You can study both Ancient History and Modern History, but there is only one HSC History Extension course. It is considered a course within the subject of either Modern History or Ancient History.2. You must study Music 2 if you wish to study HSC Music Extension.3. You may study either Studies of Religion I or Studies of Religion II, but not both.4. You may study only one of the following languages: Croatian continuers, Macedonian continuers, Serbian continuers.5. You can only count either Malay Background Speakers or Indonesian and Literature in your pattern of study.6. An optional HSC written examination is offered for students who complete the 240-hour HSC indicative course. If you want the results from this course to be available for inclusion in the calcuation of your ATAR, subject to ATAR rules (read pages 6–7), you must undertake the optional written examination. Other VET courses available in this subject area are not examinable. Check with your school or the NESA website at for more information.7. An optional HSC written examination is offered for students who complete the 240 or 360 HSC indicative hour course. If you want the results from this course to be available for inclusion in the calculation of your ATAR, subject to ATAR rules, you must undertake the optional written examination. Other VET courses available in this subject area are not examinable.8. The unit value of this course changes depending on whether the course is taken in combination with Mathematics or HSC Mathematics Extension 2. Read ‘Mathematics’ on page 25.Board Endorsed courses (Content Endorsed courses)Board Endorsed courses do not count towards the calculation of the ATAR. However, they may provide valuable experienceand knowledge in a specific subject area.Course name Unit Course name Unit value Subject area value Subject areaAboriginal Languages Visual DesignCeramics 1 or 2 Aboriginal Languages Work Studies 1 or 2 Visual DesignComputing Applications 1 or 2 Ceramics 1 or 2 Work StudiesEnglish Studies 1 or 2 Computing ApplicationsExploring Early Childhood In addition to Content Endorsed courses, students canMarine Studies 2 English Studies choose to study Board Endorsed courses developed byMathematics General 1 1 or 2 Exploring Early Childhood schools or universities. These are subject to approvalPhotography, Video and 1 or 2 Marine Studies by NESA.Digital ImagingSport, Lifestyle and 2 Mathematics Life Skills courses are also available for students withRecreation Studies 1 or 2 Photography, Video and special education needs. Digital Imaging 1 or 2 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 31

Part 2Institution requirementsIn this section, UAC’s participating institutions have listed Not all institutions have course prerequisites. Of thosethe courses they plan to offer in 2020. Under each course that do, some specify a performance band you must havethey have provided, where relevant, details of the following: achieved in your HSC course. areas of study within the course Subject prerequisites prerequisites assumed knowledge Some subjects in a tertiary course require you to have recommended studies successfully completed, or achieved a specified standard in, additional selection criteria. an HSC course or equivalent before you are able to enrol inIf these details are not provided under the course heading, those particular subjects.there is no specific information you need to keep in mind If you do not have the required subject prerequisites butwhen choosing your HSC courses. have met the admission requirements for the course, youNote that if an institution requires you to have studied a can still be selected for the course, but you may be unablespecific course in your HSC, the proper name of the course to take the particular subject within the stated (eg HSC Mathematics Extension 1). Read pages Contact the relevant institution for details of any specified30–31 for a list of HSC Board Developed courses. levels of achievement that are required and bridging orIn some subject areas, more than one course may meet the introductory courses that can help you achieve the requiredrequirements. When this occurs, institutions have not listed standard.all of the courses they accept, but you can assume they willaccept extension courses and courses in the same subject Additional selection criteriaarea that challenge higher order thinking. For example,if institutions accept Mathematics they also accept HSC Some courses have additional selection criteria. YouMathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2, may need to provide a personal statement, answer abut not Mathematics General 2. questionnaire, present a portfolio of work, attend anIf the institution does not require you to have studied a audition or interview, or sit a test such as the Undergraduatespecific level in your HSC, it is stated as ‘any two units of’. Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT).For example, where you read ‘any two units of English’,this means that any 2-unit English course is acceptable. Assumed knowledgeInstitutions that ask for ‘any two units of science’ indicatewhat courses this includes at the beginning of their entry. Some institutions assume you have a knowledge of specific HSC courses or equivalent before you begin the course. IfPrerequisites you don’t have the assumed level of knowledge but do have a suitable ATAR, you may still be selected for the course butPrerequisites are HSC courses (or equivalent) you must have have some difficulty coping with your studies.studied in order to be considered for admission to certain Some institutions offer bridging or introductory courses totertiary courses. There are two types of prerequisites. help you achieve the required level of assumed knowledge – contact the relevant institution for details.Course prerequisites Recommended studiesSome tertiary courses require you to have successfullycompleted, or achieved a specified standard in, an HSC These are HSC or equivalent subjects or other coursescourse or equivalent before you’ll be offered a place that the institutions suggest will help you in your chosenin the course. If you do not have the required course tertiary course. If you have not studied these HSC courses,prerequisites, you cannot be selected for the course even your chances of selection are not affected, but you may bethough you may have met the other admission requirements. offered a bridging course.32 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Australian Catholic provider number 00004G, 00873FEnquiries in person: Student Centre telephone: 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) 25A Barker Road email: [email protected] campus (Mt St Mary) Strathfield NSW 2135by post: AskACU Centre in person: Student Centre telephone: 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228)Australian Catholic University 40 Edward Street email: [email protected] Bag 2002 North Sydney NSW 2060Strathfield NSW 2135 in person: Student Centre telephone: 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) 223 Antill Street email: [email protected] Sydney campus (MacKillop) Watson ACT 2602by post: AskACU CentreAustralian Catholic UniversityPO Box 968North Sydney NSW 2059Canberra campus (Signadou)by post: AskACU CentreAustralian Catholic UniversityPO Box 256Dickson ACT 2602READ THIS FIRST ƒƒ When you read ‘any two units of science’ this can include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science or Investigating Science. ƒƒ Where a course is offered at the Canberra campus, both the NSW and ACT subject requirements are listed.Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Accounting and Finance Business/Commerce and Management Areas of study: Accounting information systems, auditing, corporate Areas of study: Accounting; business law; entrepreneurship; event accounting, entrepreneurial finance, financial accounting, financial management; finance; human resource management; Indigenous instruments, financial risk management, management accounting, portfolio business studies; international business; management; marketing; management, principles of finance, strategic management accounting occupational health, safety and environmental management Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of EnglishApplied Public Health Education Areas of study: Public health Early Childhood Education (Birth to Five Years) Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Strathfield/North SydneyArts Course prerequisites: Any two units of English (Band 4) Assumed knowledge: Any two units of mathematicsHumanities (not Mathematics General 2) Areas of study: Business studies, communications, computing, drama, economics, education studies, geography, graphic design, history, Canberra literature, mathematics, philosophy, politics and international relations, Assumed knowledge: ACT: English (T) (Major), any mathematics (Major) psychology, sociology, study of religions, technology (B Teaching/B Arts (not Mathematical Applications), any science (T) (Major) NSW: English only), theological studies, visual arts (Advanced), any two units of mathematics (not Mathematics General 2), Course prerequisites: Any two units of English any two units of science Assumed knowledge: For mathematics: Mathematics Recommended studies: For visual arts: Visual Arts Education (Early Childhood and Primary) Education (Primary)Biomedical Science Strathfield/North Sydney Areas of study: Biomedical sciences Course prerequisites: Three Band 5 HSC results, including English Course prerequisites: English (Standard), Mathematics CanberraBusiness Administration Assumed knowledge: ACT: English (T) (Major), any mathematics (T) (Major) (not Mathematical Applications), any science (T) (Major) Areas of study: Business law, economics, human resource management, NSW: English (Advanced), any two units of mathematics (not international business, managing entrepreneurship and innovation, Mathematics General 2), any two units of science managing organisational change, marketing, organisational behaviour, strategic management Inclusive Education and Disability Studies Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Areas of study: Community services, disability studies and school education University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 33

Australian Catholic UniversitySecondary – Exercise Science NursingCanberra Areas of study: Nursing Areas of study*: Business studies, computing, economics, geography, history, modern languages, literature, mathematics, music, study of Nutrition Science religions, visual arts Assumed knowledge: ACT: English (T) (Major), any mathematics (T) Areas of study: Nutrition (Major) (not Mathematical Applications) NSW: English (Advanced), Course prerequisites: One of English (Advanced) (Band 4), English any two units of mathematics (not Mathematics General 2) (Standard) (Band 4) or English as an Additional Language or Dialect For mathematics: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (T) (Major/Minor) (Band 4) NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1* With the exception of study of religion, all areas of study are completed in Occupational Therapy partnership with ANU Areas of study: Occupational therapySecondary – Humanities Course prerequisites: One of English (Advanced) (Band 4), EnglishStrathfield (Standard) (Band 4) or English as an Additional Language or Dialect (Band 4) plus at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Personal Areas of study: Computing, drama, economics, geography, history, Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) literature, mathematics, sociology, study of religions, visual arts Course prerequisites: Three Band 5 HSC results, including English ParamedicineCanberra Areas of study: Business studies, geography, history, humanities, Areas of study: Paramedicine modern languages, literature, mathematics, music, visual arts Assumed knowledge: ACT: English (T) (Major), any mathematics (T) Philosophy (Major) (not Mathematical Applications) NSW: English (Advanced), any two units of mathematics (not Mathematics General 2) Areas of study: Philosophy Recommended studies: ACT: Any science (T) (Major) NSW: Any two units of science Physical Activity and Health ScienceSecondary – Mathematics Areas of study: Health science, physical activity Areas of study: Computing, drama, economics/business studies, Recommended studies: English (Advanced), Mathematics, Personal geography, literature, mathematics, study of religions, visual arts Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) plus one of Course prerequisites: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 plus three Band 5 Biology, Chemistry or Physics HSC results, including English PhysiotherapySecondary – Science Areas of study: Biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science Areas of study: Physiotherapy Course prerequisites: Any two units of mathematics (not Mathematics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English plus one of Biology, General 2), any two units of science, plus three Band 5 HSC results, Chemistry or Physics including English Psychological ScienceSecondary – Technology Areas of study: Design and technology (common), food technology, Areas of study: Psychology industrial technology, textiles and design Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Three Band 5 HSC results, including English ScienceSecondary – Visual Arts Areas of study: Business studies, computing, drama, economics, Areas of study: Biology, chemistry, environment (North Sydney only), geography, history, literature, mathematics, study of religions, visual arts mathematics Course prerequisites: Three Band 5 HSC results, including English Course prerequisites: English (Standard) (Band 3), any two units of Recommended studies: Visual Arts mathematics (Band 3), any two units of science (Band 3)Exercise and Sports Science Social WorkExercise Science* Areas of study: Social work Areas of study: Exercise and sports science Course prerequisites: NSW: One of English (Advanced) (Band 4), Recommended studies: English (Advanced), Mathematics, Personal English (Standard) (Band 4) or English as an Additional Language Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) plus one of or Dialect (Band 4) ACT: English (Major) or English as a Second Language Biology, Chemistry or Physics (Major) (minimum 142)* Only available as a combined degree option – refer to Combined degrees below Speech PathologyGlobal Studies Areas of study: Speech pathology Only available as a combined degree option – refer to Combined Course prerequisites: One of English (Advanced) (Band 4), English degrees below (Standard) (Band 4) or English as an Additional Language or Dialect (Band 4) plus at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, PersonalInternational Development Studies Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) Areas of study: Geography, global studies, international development Theology studies, sociology Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Areas of study: Ancient languages, biblical studies, early Christian studies, interreligious dialogue, liturgy and sacraments, ministry, moralLaws theology, philosophy and liberal arts, systematic theology/contemporary Christian thought, world religions Course prerequisites: English (Standard)34 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Australian Catholic UniversityVisual Arts and Design Global Studies The following combined Global Studies courses are offered: Areas of study: 3D/4D object design, art and design history and ƒƒ Applied Public Health/Global Studies theory, drawing, graphic design, painting photography, printmaking, ƒƒ Arts/Global Studies sculpture plus areas of study within Arts (communication, computing, ƒƒ Business Administration/Global Studies drama, economics, education studies, geography, history, literature, ƒƒ Commerce/Global Studies mathematics, philosophy, politics and international relations, psychology, ƒƒ Laws/Global Studies sociology, study of religions, theological studies) ƒƒ Theology/Global Studies Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Recommended studies: Visual Arts Course prerequisites: Refer to the relevant entry for the other area of studyCombined degrees Laws The following combined Law courses are offered:If you intend to undertake combined degrees, check the prerequisites,assumed knowledge and recommended studies for both degrees. Contact ƒƒ Arts/Lawsthe University for further details. ƒƒ Business Administration/Laws ƒƒ Biomedical Science/Laws ƒƒ Arts/Commerce ƒƒ Commerce/Laws ƒƒ Biomedical Science/Applied Public Health ƒƒ Laws/Global Studies ƒƒ Biomedical Science/Business Administration ƒƒ Psychological Science/Laws ƒƒ Commerce/Business Administration ƒƒ Theology/Laws ƒƒ Exercise Science/Business Administration Course prerequisites: Refer to the relevant entry for the other area ƒƒ Exercise Science/Pub lic Health of study ƒƒ Information Technology/Business Administration ƒƒ Nursing/Business Administration ƒƒ Nursing/Counselling ƒƒ Nursing/Paramedicine ƒƒ Teaching/Arts (Humanities) ƒƒ Teaching/Arts (Mathematics) ƒƒ Teaching/Arts (Technology) ƒƒ Teaching/Arts (Visual Arts) ƒƒ Teaching/Exercise Science ƒƒ Teaching/Science ƒƒ Theology/PhilosophyConnect with us University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 35

Australian College of Applied provider number 01328AEnquiries in person: 255 Elizabeth Street telephone: 1800 061 199by post: Australian College of Applied Sydney NSW 2000 email: [email protected] Bag 11Strawberry HillsSydney NSW 2012Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.CASE MANAGEMENT Social Science Areas of study: Community case management facilitation, assessment Areas of study: Applied psychology; ethics, culture and diversity; mental and analysis health; organisational theory; sociology Recommended studies: Any two units of English Recommended studies: Any two units of EnglishCounselling Social Work Areas of study: Conflict resolution; counselling skills and theory; Areas of study: Contemporary society; government, public policy and civil developmental psychology; mental health policy and practice; social, society; human services; psychology; social work legal and ethical frameworks Recommended studies: Any two units of English Recommended studies: Any two units of English Youth WorkPsychological Science Areas of study: Family breakdown, homelessness, juvenile justice, Areas of study: Intercultural diversity and Indigenous psychology, mental health, young people in society and their development learning and memory, perception and cognition, psychology, Recommended studies: Any two units of English psychopathology, social psychology Recommended studies: Mathematics, any two units of English36 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Australian Maritime provider number 00586BEnquiries in person: Prospective Student Adviser telephone: 1300 363 864by post: Admissions Office Australian Maritime CollegeAustralian Maritime College Student CentreLocked Bag 1345 Newnham TAS 7248Launceston TAS 7250READ THIS FIRSTWhen you read ‘any two units of science’ this can include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science or Investigating Science.Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Applied Science EngineeringMarine Environment Areas of study: Marine and offshore engineering, naval architecture,Marine Environment (Assoc Deg) ocean engineering Course prerequisites: Mathematics, any two units of science Course prerequisites: Mathematics General 2, any two units of English, Recommended studies: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 plus Physics any two units of science or Chemistry Recommended studies: English (Standard) plus Biology or Chemistry General Studies (Engineering Pathway)Maritime Technology Management Recommended studies: Any two units of mathematics Course prerequisites: Mathematics General 2 Engineering (Specialisation) (Assoc Deg) Recommended studies: Mathematics plus Physics or Chemistry Course prerequisites: Mathematics, any two units of science Recommended studies: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 plus PhysicsBusiness or ChemistryMaritime and Logistics Management Bridging courses in mathematics and physics are available for students who have notMaritime and Logistics Management (Assoc Deg) completed these subjects. Visit and Logistics Management (Dip) for further information. Areas of study: Port and terminal management, ship operations Environmental Science management, maritime economics Aquaculture (Assoc Deg) Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2, any two units of English Recommended studies: Any two units of science University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 37

Australian National provider number 00120CEnquiries in person: ANU Student Central telephone: (02) 6125 5594 orby post: Domestic Admissions Office 121 Marcus Clarke Street Freecall 1800 620 032Building X-005 (entry off Childers Street) email: [email protected] National University Acton ACT 2601Canberra ACT 2601Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Accounting Arts Areas of study: Accounting Archaeological Practice Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) Art History and Curatorship NSW: Mathematics Classical Studies CriminologyActuarial Studies Development Studies Environmental Studies Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) (160+) European Studies NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (Band E3) International Relations Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) Languages NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Latin American Studies Middle Eastern and Central Asian StudiesAdvanced Computing Policy Studies Political Science Areas of study: Computational foundations, computing engineering, human-centric computing, information intensive computing, Areas of study: Ancient Greek, ancient history, anthropology, Arabic, intelligent systems archaeology, art history, art theory, Asian art history, biological Course prerequisites: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) anthropology, Chinese language, contemporary Europe, criminology, NSW: Mathematics development studies, English, environmental studies, European history, Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) French language and culture, gender, geography, German language NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and culture, Hindi language, history, Indonesian language, international communications, international relations, Italian language and culture,Advanced Computing (Research and Development) Japanese language, Korean language, Latin, Latin American studies, linguistics, mathematics, Middle Eastern and Central Asian studies, Areas of study: Computer science, human-centric computing, music, Persian, philosophy, political science, psychology, Sanskrit information-intensive computing, intelligent systems, systems and language, sexuality and culture, sociology, Spanish, Thai language, architecture Urdu language, Vietnamese language, visual arts practice Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) Politics, Philosophy and Economics NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) NSW: Mathematics NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Asian StudiesApplied Data Analytics Areas of study: Arabic, Asian history, Asia-Pacific politics, Asia-Pacific Areas of study: Computer science, databases, data science, security studies, Burmese language, Chinese language, Chinese studies, programming, social science, sociology, statistics French language and culture, Hindi language, historical international Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) security, Indonesian language, Indonesian studies, inter-Asia cultural NSW: Mathematics studies, Japanese language, Japanese linguistics, Japanese studies, Korean language, Korean studies, literatures of Asia, Middle Eastern and Central Asian studies, Mongolian language, Northeast Asian studies, Pacific studies, peace and conflict studies, Portuguese language, Sanskrit language, South Asian studies, Southeast Asian studies, Spanish, Tetum language, Thai language, Tibetan language, Urdu language, Vietnamese language Biotechnology Areas of study: Biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, chemistry, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology Course prerequisites: ACT: Chemistry (Major) NSW: Chemistry38 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Australian National UniversityBusiness Administration Genetics Areas of study: Business, international business, leadership, Areas of study: Bioinformatics, evolutionary genetics, genetics, management, marketing Mendelian, molecular and medical genetics, population Course prerequisites: ACT: Chemistry (Major) NSW: ChemistryCommerce Health Science Areas of study: Accounting, business information systems, corporate sustainability, finance, international business, management, marketing Areas of study: Biology, health science, Indigenous health, medical Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) science, population health, science communication NSW: Mathematics Assumed knowledge: ACT: Chemistry (Major) NSW: ChemistryComputing (Dip) Information Technology Areas of study: Databases, information systems, programming Areas of study: Information systems, software development Course prerequisites: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) Course prerequisites: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) NSW: Mathematics NSW: MathematicsCreative Design (Dip) International Business Areas of study: Creative design, design, design arts, visual arts Areas of study: Asian, European, Latin American or Middle Eastern languages and contextual studiesDesign Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) NSW: Mathematics Areas of study: Animation, ceramics, creative code, data visualisation, design, front-end web design, furniture, glass, gold and silversmithing, International Security Studies graphic design, photography, printmaking, product design, user- experience design, video, visual communication, textiles. Areas of study: Arabic, Asia-Pacific security, Burmese language, Chinese Additional selection criteria: Interview, portfolio language, French language and culture, German language and culture, Hindi language, historical international security, Indonesian language,Economics international relations, international security studies, Italian language and culture, Japanese language, Korean language, Mongolian language, Areas of study: Econometrics, economic history, economics, finance, peace and conflict studies, Persian, Russian language, Sanskrit statistics language, Spanish, Tetum language, Thai language, Urdu language, Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) Vietnamese language NSW: Mathematics Study of security and foreign policy issues is also possible in the Arts and Asian Studies degrees.Engineering Languages Areas of study: Biomedical systems, electronics and communication systems, mechanical and material systems, mechatronic systems, Areas of study: Ancient Greek, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, photonics systems, renewable energy systems, sustainable systems German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, literary Course prerequisites: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) Chinese, Mongolian, Portuguese, Persian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tetum, NSW: Mathematics Thai, Tibetan, Urdu, Vietnamese Assumed knowledge: ACT: Physics (Major) NSW: Physics Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) Law NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Areas of study: Law, legal studiesEngineering (Research and Development) Liberal Studies (Dip) Areas of study: Biomedical systems, electronics and communication systems, mechanical and material systems, mechatronic systems, Areas of study: Anthropology, criminology, development studies, English, photonics systems, renewable energy systems, sustainable systems history, international relations, philosophy, political science, sociology Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major) NSW: Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Assumed knowledge: ACT: Physics (Major) NSW: Physics Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) Areas of study: Mathematics NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2Finance Medical Science Areas of study: Asian capital markets, capital markets, quantitative finance Areas of study: Biochemistry, genetics, immunology, medical science, Assumed knowledge: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) microbiology, molecular biology, physiology NSW: Mathematics Course prerequisites: ACT: Chemistry (Major) NSW: ChemistryFinance, Economics and Statistics Music Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) (160+) Areas of study: Creative musicianship (including composition), NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (Band E3) musicology (including ethnomusicology), performance Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) Additional selection criteria: Some music courses require an audition NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 39

Australian National UniversityPacific Studies Social Science (Actuarial Studies and Economics) Areas of study: Anthropology; archaeology; Chinese language; Areas of study: Accounting, actuarial studies, economics, finance, statistics development studies; environmental studies; French language and Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) (160+) culture; gender, sexuality and culture; geography; German language NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (Band E3) and culture; Hindi language; history; Indonesian language; international Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) relations; linguistics; Pacific studies; philosophy; sociology; Spanish NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2Science Software Engineering Areas of study: Astronomy and astrophysics, biological anthropology, Areas of study: Computer systems, design and development, biology, chemistry, computational modelling, computer science, earth and programming, software analysis, software engineering practice environmental science, environmental modelling, environmental policy, Course prerequisites: ACT: Mathematical Methods (Major) forest science, geography, geology, geophysics, global change science, NSW: Mathematics human ecology, material science, mathematical economics, mathematical Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) finance, mathematical physics, mathematics, mathematics and statistics, NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 neuroscience, physics, psychology, quantitative biology and bioinformatics, science communication, statistics, sustainability science, theoretical Statistics physics, water science and policy Subject prerequisites and assumed knowledge: Some science Areas of study: Applied probability, business statistics, econometrics, courses have subject prerequisites or assumed knowledge of financial statistics, psychological or social research methods, statistical Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. For further information, methodology visit Course prerequisites: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) (160+) NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 (Band E3)Environment and Sustainability Recommended studies: ACT: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) Areas of study: Environmental science, resource and environmental NSW: HSC Mathematics Extension 2 management, sustainability science Visual ArtsPsychology Areas of study: Abnormal, biological, cognitive, developmental and social Areas of study: Animation and video, ceramics, furniture, glass, gold and psychology, plus a major from science or another faculty silversmithing, painting, photomedia, print media and drawing, sculpture, textiles Additional selection criteria: Interview, portfolio, drawing sessionConnect with University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Australian National UniversityFlexible Double Degrees ƒƒ Genetics* ƒƒ Information Technology* (cannot be combined with SoftwareThe Australian National University offers flexible double degrees, which allowyou to choose from hundreds of possible combinations across three groups: Engineering or Advanced Computing) ƒƒ International Security Studies ƒƒ Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science (4 years) ƒƒ Mathematical Sciences* ƒƒ Engineering or Advanced Computing (5 years) ƒƒ Pacific Studies ƒƒ Law (5 years) ƒƒ ScienceYou can combine any two courses, for which you meet the cut-off, ƒƒ Science (Psychology)from the group. ƒƒ Statistics* Flexible Double Law* C ourses below marked with an asterisk include prerequisites and/or additional By selecting this group as a preference, you choose Law plus any one of the selection criteria – see main area of study for requirements. following Bachelor degrees at the time of accepting your offer: ƒƒ AccountingFlexible Double Arts, Social Sciences, Business and Science ƒƒ Actuarial Studies*By selecting this group as a preference, you can choose any two of the ƒƒ Applied Data Analyticsfollowing Bachelor degrees at the time of accepting your offer: ƒƒ Archaeological Practice ƒƒ Art History and Curatorship ƒƒ Accounting ƒƒ Arts ƒƒ Actuarial Studies* ƒƒ Asian Studies ƒƒ Applied Data Analytics ƒƒ Biotechnology* ƒƒ Archaeological Practice ƒƒ Business Administration ƒƒ Art History and Curatorship ƒƒ Classical Studies ƒƒ Arts ƒƒ Commerce ƒƒ Asian Studies ƒƒ Criminology ƒƒ Biotechnology* (cannot be combined with Genetics or Medical ƒƒ Design* ƒƒ Development Studies Science) ƒƒ Economics ƒƒ Business Administration ƒƒ Environment and Sustainability ƒƒ Classical Studies ƒƒ Environmental Studies ƒƒ Commerce ƒƒ European Studies ƒƒ Criminology ƒƒ Finance ƒƒ Design* ƒƒ Genetics* ƒƒ Development Studies ƒƒ Information Technology* ƒƒ Economics ƒƒ International Relations ƒƒ Environment and Sustainability ƒƒ International Security Studies ƒƒ Environmental Studies ƒƒ Languages ƒƒ European Studies ƒƒ Latin American Studies ƒƒ Finance ƒƒ Mathematical Sciences* ƒƒ Genetics* (cannot be combined with Biotechnology or Medical ƒƒ Medical Science* ƒƒ Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies Science) ƒƒ Music* ƒƒ Information Technology* ƒƒ Pacific Studies ƒƒ International Relations ƒƒ Policy Studies ƒƒ International Security Studies ƒƒ Political Science ƒƒ Languages ƒƒ Politics, Philosophy and Economics ƒƒ Latin American Studies ƒƒ Science ƒƒ Mathematical Sciences* ƒƒ Science (Psychology) ƒƒ Medical Science* (cannot be combined with Biotechnology or ƒƒ Statistics* ƒƒ Visual Arts* Genetics) ƒƒ Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies Vertical Degrees ƒƒ Music* ƒƒ Pacific Studies The Australian National University offers a range of vertical (Bachelor/Master) ƒƒ Policy Studies options. Visit to ƒƒ Political Science view the vertical degree combinations currently available. Refer to the ƒƒ Politics, Philosophy and Economics single Bachelor degree entry for course prerequisites, major studies and ƒƒ Science other requirements. ƒƒ Science (Psychology) ƒƒ Statistics* Undergraduate Research Degrees ƒƒ Visual Arts* The Australian National University offers the following undergraduateFlexible Double Engineering or Advanced Computing research degrees:By selecting this group as a preference, you can choose any one of thefollowing Bachelor degrees: ƒƒ B Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Hons) ƒƒ B Engineering (Research and Development) (Hons) ƒƒ Advanced Computing (Hons)* ƒƒ B Philosophy (Hons) Arts* ƒƒ Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Hons)* ƒƒ B Philosophy (Hons) Science* ƒƒ Engineering (Hons)* ƒƒ B Philosophy (Hons) Asia and the Pacific ƒƒ Engineering (Research and Development) (Hons)* * B Philosophy courses are also available as joint degrees with the National ƒƒ Software Engineering (Hons)* University of Singapore. Contact the Australian National University for moreplus any one of the following Bachelor degrees at the time of accepting information about these courses.your offer: ƒƒ Actuarial Studies* ƒƒ Applied Data Analytics ƒƒ Arts ƒƒ Asian Studies ƒƒ Biotechnology* ƒƒ Business Administration ƒƒ Commerce ƒƒ Economics ƒƒ Environment and Sustainability ƒƒ Finance University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 41

Charles Sturt provider number 00005FEnquiries telephone: 1800 334 733 Port Macquarie campusby post: info.csu Prospective Student AdviserCharles Sturt University Dubbo campus 7 Major Innes RoadPanorama Avenue Course enquiries Port Macquarie NSW 2444Bathurst NSW 2795 Tony McGrane PlaceIn person Dubbo NSW 2830Albury-Wodonga campusProspective Student AdviserBuilding 673, Elizabeth Mitchell DriveThurgoona NSW 2640Bathurst campus Orange campus Wagga Wagga campusProspective Student Adviser Prospective Student Adviser Prospective Student AdviserBuilding 1396 Leeds Parade Building 481Panorama Ave Orange NSW 2800 Boorooma StreetBathurst NSW 2795 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Parramatta campus (Theology students)Canberra campus (Theology students) United Theological CollegeDean of Students 16 Masons DriveSt Mark’s National Theological Centre North Parramatta NSW 215115 Blackall Street,Barton ACT 2600READ THIS FIRSTWhen you read ‘any two units of science’ this can include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science or Investigating Science.Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Agricultural Business Management Business Areas of study: Agricultural business management (farm, horticultural, Accounting land, viticultural) Business Studies ManagementAgriculture Marketing Areas of study: Agribusiness, agronomy, livestock production Assumed knowledge: Mathematics Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2, Investigating Science Recommended studies: Biology and/or Chemistry, Mathematics Communication and Creative IndustriesAnimal Science Acting Additional selection criteria: Audition, course consultationAnimal Science Areas of study: Animal production and management, biomedical Advertising science, equine science and management, wildlife conservation and Public Relations management Radio Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics Recommended studies: English (Standard) or English (Advanced) plusEquine Science Business Studies Areas of study: Equine breeding and management, equine exercise Animation and Visual Effects physiology, equine health and welfare, equine nutrition, equine science Art History Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics Graphic Design Multiplatform ProducingApplied Science Photography Sound DesignOutdoor Recreation and Ecotourism Stage and Screen DesignParks, Recreation and Heritage Television Recommended studies: Design and Technology or Visual Arts Areas of study: Indigenous and cultural heritage, outdoor Journalism recreation, visitor services and open space management, wildlife Journalism and International Studies and conservation Recommended studies: English (Advanced) Theatre MediaArts Additional selection criteria: Audition, course consultation Media Studies Areas of study: Art history, community development and human services, Recommended Studies: Any two units of English English, history, Indigenous studies, philosophy, politics, policy studies, psychology, sociology Recommended studies: Any two units of English42 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Charles Sturt UniversityEducation Health ScienceEarly Childhood and Primary Clinical Practice (Paramedic)Health and Physical Education Assumed knowledge: Biology, Mathematics, any two units of EnglishOutdoor Education Recommended studies: Investigating Science, first-aid training, medical terminology Assumed knowledge: Entry standards for initial teacher education courses are three Band 5 results, including English, in the NSW HSC or Clinical Science equivalent. CSU courses are designed for and accredited with alternative Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics entry as all students undertake core discipline studies in the first two years of study equivalent to three Band 5 results, including English and Dental Science Mathematics, before undertaking curriculum and professional studies. Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics Recommended studies: Any two units of English, any two units of Recommended studies: English (Standard) mathematics Additional selection criteria: Refer to–12 Areas of study: Business studies, English, mathematics, modern history, Health and Rehabilitation Science science Assumed knowledge: English (Standard) Assumed knowledge: Entry standards for initial teacher education Recommended studies: Biology courses are three Band 5 results, including English, in the NSW HSC or equivalent. CSU courses are designed for and accredited with alternative Occupational Therapy entry as all students undertake core discipline studies in the first two Assumed knowledge: English (Standard) years of study equivalent to three Band 5 results, including English and Recommended studies: Biology Mathematics, before undertaking curriculum and professional studies. Recommended studies: Any two units of mathematics Oral Health (Therapy and Hygiene)Technology and Applied Studies Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, English (Standard) Areas of study: Agriculture (includes biology), design and technology, Recommended studies: Biology food technology, industrial technology, information technology (software design, information systems). Food and industrial technology specialists Podiatric Medicine can also choose an additional teaching area in graphics and multimedia Assumed knowledge: English (Standard) or textiles. Recommended studies: Biology, Mathematics Assumed knowledge: Entry standards for initial teacher education courses are three Band 5 results, including English, in the NSW HSC or Physiotherapy equivalent. CSU courses are designed for and accredited with alternative Assumed knowledge: Biology, English (Standard), Mathematics entry as all students undertake core discipline studies in the first two Recommended studies: Physics years of study equivalent to three Band 5 results, including English and Mathematics, before undertaking curriculum and professional studies. Speech and Language Pathology Recommended studies: Any two units of English, any two units of Assumed knowledge: Biology, English (Standard) mathematics, Design and Technology and/or any of the following: Agriculture, Food Technology, Industrial Technology, Information Information Technology Processes and Technology, Software Design and Development, or Textiles and Design. For agriculture and food technology: Chemistry Computer Science Areas of study: Computer science, games programmingEngineering Assumed knowledge: Mathematics Areas of study: Entrepreneurship, structures, transport and Information Technology infrastructure, water resources Areas of study: Business analysis, network engineering, software design Assumed knowledge: Any two units of English, any two units of and development, systems administration mathematics Recommended studies: Chemistry, Physics Medical Radiation Science Additional selection criteria: Supplementary application form, interview Areas of study: Medical imaging, nuclear medicine, radiation therapyHigh-achieving students without an extensive mathematics background can still Assumed knowledge: Mathematics, Physicsbe accommodated in this program. A minimum level of familiarity with calculusis necessary. Medical Science Areas of study: Biotechnology, clinical physiology, medical science, pathology Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, MathematicsEnvironmental Science and Management Nursing Recommended studies: Geography or any two units of science Assumed knowledge: English (Standard), Mathematics, Biology and ChemistryExercise Science Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), first-aid Areas of study: Exercise science, sports management, sports media, certificate, mental health first-aid certificate sports science, teaching Assumed knowledge: Any two units of English, any two units of Pharmacy mathematics Recommended studies: Any two units of science Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics Recommended studies: Biology Psychology Areas of study: Social science (psychology), psychology University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 43

Charles Sturt UniversityScience Combined Degrees Areas of study: Analytical chemistry, conservation biology, mathematics, If you intend to undertake combined degrees, check the additional microbiology and immunology, physics, plant science, spatial science selection criteria, assumed knowledge and recommended studies for both Assumed knowledge: Mathematics, any two units of science degrees. Contact the University for further details. Recommended studies: Chemistry or Physics Charles Sturt University currently offers combined degrees in:General Studies (Science) ■ Advertising/Marketing Recommended studies: Any two units of science ■ Nursing/Clinical Practice (Paramedic) ■ Psychology/Business (Management)Social Science ■ Psychology/Business (Marketing) ■ Public Relations/Business Studies Areas of study: Criminal justice, psychologySocial Work Areas of study: Social workTheology Areas of study: Biblical studies, church history, systematic and practical theologyVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Biology/Veterinary Science Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics Additional selection criteria: Supplementary application form, interviewVeterinary Technology Areas of study: Clinical technology, large animal technology, practice management Assumed knowledge: Chemistry, Mathematics44 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students provider number 00219CEnquiries in person: Student Admissions telephone: 13 CQUni (13 27 86)by post: Student Admissions 400 Kent Street email: via Sydney NSW 2000400 Kent StreetSydney NSW 2000Main headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Accident Forensics Business Studies (Dip) Areas of study: Accident analysis, accident phenomenology, forensic Areas of study: Accounting, human resources management, engineering, human factors investigation, investigation methods, management, marketing, property, public relations, social innovation, occupational health and safety supply chain management Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, English (Standard), Physics Recommended studies: English (Standard), MathematicsAccounting Cardiac Physiology Areas of study: Accounting, business computing, contract law, human Areas of study: Basic cardiac ultrasound in a diagnostic setting, cardiac resource management, marketing, organisational behaviour, property, physiology, measurement science public relations Recommended studies: Biology, English (Standard), Mathematics, Physics Recommended studies: English (Standard), Mathematics Construction ManagementArtsArts (Dip) Areas of study: Building law and regulations, building materials, building systems, built environment, contracts, cost planning and control, Areas of study: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, business, geotechnical studies, professional practice, structural forms creative writing, dance and drama, digital media, geography and Recommended studies: English (Standard), Mathematics environmental studies, journalism, languages, liberal arts, literary and cultural studies, psychology, sociology Digital Media Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Digital Media (Assoc Deg) Digital Media (Dip)Aviation (Technology)Aviation (Assoc Deg) Areas of study: Digital design, graphic design, interactive media,Aviation Theory (Dip) technology and media, video and animation Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Areas of study: Aerodynamics, air service operations, air traffic control, aircraft systems, airspace classifications, flight service and handling Echocardiography (Cardiac Physiology) emergencies, meteorology, navigation, pilot licences and ratings Course prerequisites: For Aviation (Technology) and Assoc Deg: Areas of study: Adult echocardiography, cardiac physiology, foetal English (Standard), Mathematics echocardiography, paediatric cardiovascular, vascular sonography Recommended studies: For Aviation Theory (Dip): English (Standard), Recommended studies: Biology, English (Standard), Mathematics, Physics Mathematics EngineeringBuilding Design Engineering (Assoc Deg)Building Design (Assoc Deg) Areas of study: For Engineering: Civil, electrical, mechanical, mining, Areas of study: Contract administration, design of residential and mechatronics For Engineering (Assoc Deg): Civil, electrical, geology, commercial buildings mechanical, mining Recommended studies: English (Standard), Mathematics Course prerequisites: For Engineering: English (Standard), Mathematics Recommended studies: For Engineering: HSC Mathematics Extension 1Building Surveying and Certification For Engineering (Assoc Deg): English (Standard), MathematicsBuilding Surveying (Assoc Deg) Engineering Technology Areas of study: Assessment and inspection of construction for compliance Recommended studies: English (Standard), Mathematics Areas of study: Engineering: civil, electrical, mechanical Course prerequisites: English (Standard), MathematicsBusiness Recommended studies: HSC Mathematics Extension 1 Areas of study: Accounting, human resources management, Environmental Science management, marketing, property, public relations, social innovation, supply chain management Areas of study: Environmental geography, land management, water Recommended studies: English (Standard), Mathematics management Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 45

CQUniversityExercise and Sports Science Podiatry Practice Areas of study: Anatomy, biomechanics, motor control, physiology, Areas of study: Anatomy, biomechanics, pharmacology, physiology, psychology, sports management podiatry, psychology Recommended studies: Biology, English (Standard), Mathematics, Recommended studies: English (Standard), Biology plus Chemistry Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) or PhysicsHealth Science (Allied Health) Professional Communication Areas of study: Human body systems, the role of allied health Areas of study: Communication, digital media, human resource practitioners and healthcare in contemporary society management, journalism, management, marketing, sociology Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, English (Standard), Physics Course prerequisites: English (Standard)Information and Communications Technology (Dip) Property Areas of study: Application development, business analysis, Areas of study: Asset management, facility management, property network security finance, property management, property valuation Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Recommended studies: English (Standard), MathematicsInformation Technology Psychological ScienceInformation Technology Co-opInformation Technology (Assoc Deg) Areas of study: Data analysis, human development, psychology, research methods Areas of study: Application development, business analysis, network Course prerequisites: English (Standard) security Recommended studies: Mathematics, any two units of science Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Recommended studies: Information Processes and Technology, Public Health Software Design and Development Public Health (Assoc Deg)Laws Areas of study: Environmental health, environmental science, exercise science, health promotion, Indigenous studies, management and human Areas of study: Administrative law, commercial law, constitutional law, resources, nutrition science, occupational health and safety contracts, corporations law, criminal law, family law, jurisprudence, legal Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, English (Standard), Physics drafting, property law, torts, trusts Course prerequisites: English (Standard) ScienceMedical Science Areas of study: Applied biology, applied chemistry Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Areas of study: Biotechnology, clinical investigation, nutrition, pathology Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, English (Standard), Mathematics, Physics Science (Chiropractic)Medical Sonography Areas of study: Chemistry fundamentals, foundations of biochemistry, foundations of chiropractic Areas of study: Abdominal sonography, musculoskeletal sonography, Course prerequisites: English (Standard) paediatric sonography, superficial structures in ultrasound, ultrasound Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, Physics obstetrics and gynaecology, vascular sonography Recommended studies: Biology, English (Standard), Mathematics, Physics Social WorkNursing Areas of study: Advocacy, counselling, crisis intervention, social justice Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Areas of study: Nursing Course prerequisites: English (Standard) Combined degrees Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics If you intend to undertake combined degrees, check the prerequisites,Occupational Health and Safety assumed knowledge and recommended studies for both degrees.Occupational Health and Safety (Assoc Deg) Contact the University for further details. ■ Accounting/Business Areas of study: Environmental studies, human factors, liberal studies, ■ Arts/Business occupational health and safety, public health, safety science ■ Business/Professional Communication Recommended studies: Biology, Chemistry, English (Standard), Physics ■ Laws/Accounting ■ Laws/Arts46 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

Griffith provider number 00233EEnquiries in person: Student Administration telephone: Freecall 1800 677 728by post: Student Administration Gold Coast campus email: [email protected] University Parklands Drive or 50 Southport QLD 4215 facebook: Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726 twitter: headings indicate courses that are generally offered as Bachelor degrees unless Dip, Adv Dip or Assoc Deg is shown in brackets.Architectural Design Creative and Interactive Media Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Areas of study: Digital arts and design, media applications Recommended studies: Mathematics General 2 or Mathematics Course prerequisites: Any two units of EnglishArts Criminology and Criminal Justice Areas of study: Creative writing, criminal justice, history (including studies Course prerequisites: Any two units of English in Australian history, Indigenous studies, world history, the history of terrorism), Indigenous studies, Islam–West relations, journalism, languages Dental Health Science (including studies in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Modern Greek, Spanish), literary studies, politics and international studies, public relations, screen Course prerequisites: Any two units of English studies, security studies, sociology. Students can take courses at other Assumed knowledge: One of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics campuses where program structure allows. Modern Greek can be taken online via cross-institutional study with Flinders University, South Australia. Dental Prosthetics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of EnglishBiomedical Science Assumed knowledge: One of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Dental Technology Assumed knowledge: Mathematics plus one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: One of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or MathematicsBusiness Design Areas of study: Gold Coast: Asian business, employment relations, entrepreneurship and self-employment, event management, human Areas of study: Graphic and communication design, interior design and resource management, international business, logistics and supply environments, product and 3D design, visualisation design chain management, management, marketing, real estate and property Course prerequisites: Any two units of English development, sport management, tourism management Online: Entrepreneurship and self-employment, human resource Education management, management Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Areas of study: Primary education, secondary education Course prerequisites: Any two units of English (Band 4) plus one ofChild and Family Studies Mathematics General 2, Mathematics, HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2 (Band 4 or higher) Course prerequisites: Any two units of English For Primary (selected in second year): Any two units of science (Band 4) For Secondary (selected in second year): Successful completion ofCommerce chosen teaching areas (in particular, for mathematics teaching areas: Mathematics, HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Areas of study: Accounting, economics, finance, financial planning Extension 2 and for biology, chemistry and physics teaching areas: Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Biology, Chemistry and Physics respectively).Computer Science Engineering Areas of study: Data science and artificial intelligence, software Areas of study: Civil, civil and architectural, electrical, mechanical development Course prerequisites: Mathematics, any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Recommended studies: One of Physics, Chemistry, HSC Mathematics Assumed knowledge: Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2Counselling Course prerequisites: Any two units of English University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students 47

Griffith UniversityEnvironmental Science Law (Combined) Areas of study: Ecology and conservation, environmental management, The following combined Law courses are available: soil and water science, urban environments ƒƒ Arts/Law Course prerequisites: Any two units of English ƒƒ Asian Studies/Law Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2 ƒƒ Business/Law Recommended studies: One of Biology, Chemistry or Physics ƒƒ Commerce/Law ƒƒ Criminology and Criminal Justice/LawExercise Science ƒƒ Environmental Science/Law ƒƒ Government and International Relations/Law Course prerequisites: Any two units of English plus one of Biology, ƒƒ International Business/Law Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics ƒƒ Pharmacology and Toxicology/Law ƒƒ Psychological Science/LawGovernment and International Relations Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: For Environmental Science/Law: Mathematics Areas of study: International relations, politics and public policy General 2 For Pharmacology and Toxicology/Law: Mathematics plus one Course prerequisites: Any two units of English of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Recommended studies: For Environmental Science/Law: One of Biology,Health Science Chemistry or Physics Areas of study: Environmental health, environmental toxicology Marine Science Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: One of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics Areas of study: Coastal management, coastal oceanography, marine chemistry, marine ecologyHuman Services Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2 Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Recommended studies: One of Biology, Chemistry or PhysicsIndustrial Design Medical Laboratory Science Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2 Assumed knowledge: Mathematics plus one of Biology, Chemistry or PhysicsInformation Technology Medical Science Areas of study: Information systems, networks and security Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: Mathematics General 2 Assumed knowledge: Mathematics plus one of Biology, Chemistry or PhysicsInternational Business Nursing Areas of study: Asian business, Chinese, finance, human resource management, international relations, Japanese, logistics and supply Course prerequisites: Any two units of English chain management, management, marketing, Modern Greek, Spanish Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Nutrition and DieteticsInternational Tourism and Hotel Management Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Assumed knowledge: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Areas of study: Hospitality management, tourism management Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Occupational TherapyJournalism Course prerequisites: Any two units of English plus one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Areas of study: Creative writing, criminal justice, economics, event management, environmental studies; historical studies, Indigenous Paramedicine studies, Islam–West relations, literary studies, marketing, photomedia, politics and international studies, popular music, public relations, Course prerequisites: Any two units of English plus one of Biology, screen studies, sociology, sport management, tourism Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Pharmacology and ToxicologyLanguages and Linguistics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Areas of study: Chinese, Italian, Japanese, linguistics, Spanish. Students Assumed knowledge: Mathematics plus one of Biology, Chemistry can study languages at other campuses where program structure allows. or Physics Modern Greek can be taken via cross-institutional study online through Flinders University. Pharmacy Course prerequisites: Any two units of English Course prerequisites: Any two units of English, plus one of Mathematics,Law HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2, plus one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics Course prerequisites: Any two units of English48 University Entry Requirements 2020 for Year 10 Students

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