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Home Explore AC Prospectus 2021

AC Prospectus 2021

Published by luke.simpson, 2022-07-07 07:24:26

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Alphacrucis College (AC) is a multidisciplinary Christian college preparing students for vocations in Business, Counselling, Education, Ministry, Social Sciences, Music and the Arts. 2

PRESIDENT “Join us at one of our STEPHEN FOGARTY 7 Australasian campuses, or online, and belong to a network of people who have been created for good, to light the way in study, in work, and in the world.” “ 3

AC / PROSPECTUS CONTENTS PA G E 0 6 Your AC Experience 0 8 Integrating Faith and Vocation 10 The AC Student 12 Find Your Course 14 Arts 18 Business and Leadership 2 4 Counselling, Chaplaincy, and Social Science 3 0 Education and Teaching 4

PA G E 5 3 6 Ministry and Theology 4 2 Music and Media 4 6 Higher Degree Research 5 0 Student Life 5 2 AC Campuses 5 4 Online Learning at AC 5 5 VET in Schools 5 7 Next Steps Information in this prospectus is accurate at the date of printing (May 2021). For the latest information, please see

AC / PROSPECTUS 1st 1st 1st QILT RANKINGS Overall Skills Quality of Educational Development* Teaching* Experience* Naomi, Andrea, and Abigail Bachelor of Applied Social Science AC Sydney 6

WE BELIEVE THE WORLD NEEDS LEADERS WHO CAN COMBINE RESPONSIBILITY WITH INTEGRITY AND A SENSE OF PURPOSE – Yoexupr eArCienceAN “INTEGRATED” LEADER. INTEGRATION BELONGING RELEVANCE Our changing world calls for leaders You are not just a face in the crowd at AC. We bring together expert faculty who are not only competent in their We take the time to get to know you, and integrated programs to ensure you vocation, but also strong in their to understand what motivates you, acquire a relevant qualification for your capacity for life-long learning — to and to support you in your calling. vocation. In addition to in-class training, remain relevant. Everything we do at Small class sizes mean access to you will gain first-hand experience to AC is centred on the principle of helping personal mentorship and support put your learning into practice. students integrate a Christian worldview from your lecturers. When you become an Many of our faculty members are with their vocation, to become holistic AC student, you belong to a community actively engaged in their fields (as a leaders of integrity. AC graduates of students, teachers, mentors, staff, business executive, school principal, leave with a strengthened self-identity, and alumni. This global community community worker or pastor) and thus an ability to appreciate and engage with extends beyond AC to a wide network of integrate real life experiences into their different worldviews, and are equipped churches, not-for-profits, businesses, and teaching. Most of our courses offer to flourish in a changing world. schools. practical placements in the workplace All AC graduates are welcome back so you can put into practice what you on campus to connect with us at our are learning from day one. weekly chapel, for ongoing professional development, or a catch-up over coffee. At AC, you are known by name. 95.7% Undergraduate Satisfaction** 16% higher than the national average *PG Business and Leadership, 2018 QILT Survey (Federal Government’s Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching) **UG Federal Government’s Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching = QILT.EDU.AU 7

LEADERSHIP AC integrates leadership training into each of our courses. Whether you want to be a church, business, educational, not-for-profit or community leader, we tailor training to you and your context. For those who have an undergraduate degree, our Graduate Certificates, Diplomas, and Masters offer leadership specialisations. iFnaipthractice BUSINESS AND MINISTRY At AC, all of our Courses are founded on the core principle AC is the first in Australia to offer innovative Bachelor of of helping you put your faith Business and Bachelor of Ministry, and Bachelor of Business into practice in all areas of life - and Bachelor of Theology courses. These double degrees including work, relationships, and address the needs inside and outside the church and community. That is why we offer integrate the best of business education, practical experience, courses in diverse areas such as and theological training, to apply faith in business and Arts, Business, Leadership, business in faith. Education, Social Science, Counselling, Chaplaincy, and Music, in addition to Theology and Ministry. FLEXIBLE PA T H WAYS Life is busy. So you can study some of our courses, like the Cert IV in Ministry or Diploma in Ministry in flexible formats like online or in partnership with your local church. If you’re a working professional, you can learn online or choose “intensive” modes where teaching is delivered on campus over a week. If you’re in high school, you can start studying with us while you’re there. We have VET courses ranging from design to tourism and hospitality which can count towards your studies and provide an entry pathway into AC.. 8

EDUCATION You can choose to be placed inside a school right from the beginning of your course, so you can gain practical work experience while you study. You are mentored by AC faculty and coached by senior teachers at your “host” school. Our teaching graduates stand out from their peers because of the opportunity to network and build professional relationships with schools right from the beginning. SERVING THE COMMUNITY Through an unparalleled partnership with Chaplaincy Australia, you can be a chaplain in a variety of sectors — for your community, in sport, schools, aged care, prisons or in the Australian Defence Force. Our Chaplaincy programs are designed for people new to chaplaincy, those changing their career, as well as experienced chaplains. PURSUING JUSTICE If you have a passion for supporting the vulnerable, the poor and the oppressed, our social science and arts courses are for you. Our faculty come with experience in organisations such as Compassion Australia and the Australian Government’s International Development and Humanitarian Aid agency. We partner with organisations like TEAR Australia and The Justice Conference so you can explore how theology underpins justice in a local and global context. 9

AC VALUES AC / PROSPECTUS The AC Student INTEGRITY Committed to the highest level of integrity. CHRIST-CENTRED Committed to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. INNOVATION Committed to innovation and continuous improvement. EXCELLENCE Committed to the pursuit of excellence. 10

“Studying at AC has provided BACHELOR OF MINISTRY STUDENT me with the perfect blend of experience and theory, exposed me to different perspectives, and helped broaden my worldview.” Thomas STUD ENT S Boban IG H T POTL What did you study? My first-year subjects — Ethics, Worldview, and I chose the Bachelor of Ministry over the Bachelor Spirituality helped me with different expressions of of Theology because I really wanted to be rooted in church and ministry. Coming to AC helped shape the practical ministry. I started in Sydney and I’ve done way I do everyday life because I’m surrounded with some subjects online and then I finished up people who have a calling and a similar vision for life in Brisbane. So, I’ve experienced a lot of AC! as me, and the same priorities, and we all want to help grow the kingdom, so we just do life together. Do you feel like you belong? Yeah, there is a sense of intimacy at each of the I’m currently a part of a church plant and I also work in campuses, including online, everyone knows each the medical field to help fund my studies. I’m finding other and you get to do this journey together. that what I learn is just as relevant in medicine as People want to understand you and your ministry and it is in ministry. the college community wants to understand what you need to balance work and ministry and study and Which lecturer do you think best integrated faith family. There’s a real sense of being in a team. and vocation? And I’ve been to a few different versions of chapel Daryl Potts in Introduction to Pastoral Ministry and I love getting to be a part of it and helping create was the perfect mix of experience and theory. an atmosphere for everyone. He is such a great pastor and he brought his lived experiences together with theory and presented in How has AC helped you to be relevant? class “fresh out of the oven.” And as I am in a unique I’d say in three different but integrated ways: in my multi-cultural church, Daryl helped me to contextualise ministry, in my life, and in my employment. I have an what I was learning so that it was useful in my Indian Pentecostal background and AC gave me new church context. perspectives as I interacted with different worldviews and different churches. I also grew up doing worship What would you say to future students? ministry, but wanted to be more involved with Studying at AC has provided me with the perfect youth ministry. blend of experience and theory, exposed me to different perspectives, and helped broaden my worldview. 11

AC / PROSPECTUS Find your course VET & UNDERGRADUATE ARTS BUSINESS COUNSELLING, AND LEADERSHIP CHAPLAINCY, AND PAGE 14 PAGE 18 SOCIAL SCIENCE Undergraduate Diploma of Business PAGE 24 Certificate in Arts Undergraduate Certificate CHC42315 Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies Certificate IV in Chaplaincy Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Bachelor of Business & Pastoral Care of Applied Social Science Bachelor of Business and CCHC52015 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Education Diploma of Bachelor of Business and Community Services (Secondary) Bachelor of Ministry Diploma of Chaplaincy Bachelor of Applied Social Science POSTGRADUATE Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma of in Leadership Applied Social Science Graduate Certificate in Arts Graduate Diploma in Arts Graduate Diploma in Leadership Master of Arts Master of Leadership Transforming Leadership Program 12

With over 30 courses on offer, find the course where you belong. For more info: AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS EDUCATION MINISTRY MUSIC AND TEACHING AND THEOLOGY AND MEDIA PAGE 30 PAGE 36 PAGE 42 Diploma of Education Studies 10647NAT CUA30915 Undergraduate Certificate in Teacher Preparation Certificate IV in Ministry (Leadership) Certificate III in Music Industry Bachelor of Education Diploma of Leadership (Primary) Undergraduate CUA50815 Bachelor of Education Certificate in Ministry (Secondary) Undergraduate Diploma of Music Industry Certificate in Bible Diploma of Ministry CUA51015 Associate Degree in Ministry Diploma of Screen and Media Bachelor of Ministry Undergraduate Certificate in Bachelor of Theology Christian Music Graduate Certificate in Master of Theology HIGHER DEGREE Teacher Preparation RESEARCH Graduate Certificate PAGE 46 in Education Bachelor of Advanced Studies Graduate Certificate in (Honours) Education (Leadership) Master of Philosophy Master of Teaching Doctor of Ministry (Primary) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Master of Teaching (Secondary) 13 Master of Education Master of Education (Leadership)

AC / PROSPECTUS Arts Do you want to bring a Christian worldview to your career and community? When you study Arts at Alphacrucis you can bring your faith into the classroom. Learn how to integrate biblical values and theology with business studies, chaplaincy, education, music, and the humanities. You will develop skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. Deepen your knowledge and expand your future employment opportunities by enrolling in a double degree in social science, theology, ministry or business. Graduates find employment opportunities in churches, not-for-profit organisations, government agencies, and commercial operations. COURSES APSH TY SN AC.EDU.AU Our Arts Faculty have broad experience intersecting business, education, history, AC U L philosophy, and art. Led by esteemed Pentecostal historian, Dr Mark Hutchinson, you will discover how Christ has and continues to impact our history, culture, and thinking. OT F MARK HUTCHINSON DR. U-WEN LOW GRANT BUCHANAN TIM HEALY Dean of Business, Arts, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies Master of Arts – Program Director Associate Lecturer Social Science and Education 14

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Arts courses. “The Master of Arts launched me into the deep end of spiritual reflection and faith development, and increased my capacity for further learning. I look back at my study journey and see the clear ‘before and after’ effect of the Master of Arts on my life and faith. I’m so grateful for my journey at AC.” SAM STEWART Master of Arts Graduate 15

ARTS UNDERGRADUATE Undergraduate Certificate in Arts Full-Time One Semester Locations Online In this short course you can study the Humanities at an academic level without committing to a full bachelor degree program. This course includes AC’s popular introduction to Christian Worldview. If you are still deciding whether to pursue higher education, this one semester course is an ideal starting point. 2 CORE SUBJECTS + 2 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS ARTS SPECIALISATIONS (MAJOR/MINORS) Bachelor of Arts Please check our website Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations All AC Campuses and Online for new specialisations as they become available. Do you have an interest in multiple subject areas or perhaps you haven’t decided which area of study to pursue? The Bachelor of Arts degree gives you the opportunity to experience Business the broad range of subjects on offer at AC. You can then complete a major specialisation in Business Studies, Chaplaincy, Christian Studies, Music, Education Studies or the Humanities. Chaplaincy You can also choose elective subjects to complete an additional minor specialisation. The skills you develop in critical thinking, research, and communication will be valuable to Christian Studies many employers including not-for-profit organisations, government agencies, churches, and commercial business operations. Christian Music Education Studies Humanities 2 CORE SUBJEC TS + 8 SUBJEC TS (FIRST MA JOR) + 4 SUBJEC TS (SECOND MA JOR) + 10 ELEC TIVES Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Applied Social Science Full-Time 4 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Hobart and Online This double degree program allows you to complete both an arts specialisation and a specialisation in applied social science. If you have a passion for helping people, the Bachelor of Applied Social Science trains and equips you to assist others in a professional and caring manner, based on evidence-based interventions and best-practice principles. You can specialise in counselling, chaplaincy & pastoral care, youth work, community work, or cross-cultural community work, with course content and experience meeting appropriate industry requirements. 15 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 8 S U B J E C T S + ( F I R S T M A J O R ) + 2 S U B J E C T S ( S E C O N D M A J O R ) + 2 E L E C T I V E S Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Full-Time 5 years Part-Time up to 12 years Locations Sydney, Online The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) prepares you for secondary (high) school teaching and is accredited by TEQSA and NESA. You will complete two designated teaching specialisations from the following learning areas: The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Digital Technologies, and Religious Studies. You will gain professional experience while being trained in the principles of teaching as they apply to your areas of specialisation. This double degree program with Bachelor of Arts provides the opportunity for an additional major specialisation in theology, ministry, history or business. 22 CORE SUBJEC TS + 3 SPECIALISATIONS EACH FROM THE SEPARATE AWARDS (18 SUBJEC TS) 16 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

POSTGRADUATE ARTS Graduate Certificate in Arts Full-Time 6 months Part-Time up to 3 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online If you are already qualified in another field, this short course will help you broaden your knowledge in the Humanities or in Theology. It is a nested award in the Master of Arts, allowing you to start with a short course before committing to a full post-graduate degree. The GCA offers a taste of post-graduate study and is ideal for working professionals, parents and other busy people. 2 CORE SUBJECTS + 2 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Graduate Diploma in Arts Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 3 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Graduate Diploma in Arts begins with the same foundational subjects as the GCA, and then allows you to explore a variety of subject areas including Business, Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry, Social Science, Theology, Cross-Cultural Ministry, and History. The GDA is perfect if you are already qualified in another area of study and want to go deeper in your faith, integrating a Christian worldview with research, creative thinking, innovation, and practical experience. It is a nested award in the Master of Arts, offering an early exit point or the opportunity to start with a short course before deciding to complete a full post-graduate degree. 2 CORE SUBJECTS + 6 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Master of Arts Full-Time 1.5 years Part-Time up to 7 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Master of Arts provides a generalist post-graduate level education with the opportunity to specialise in Chaplaincy, Christian Studies, Counselling or another Discipline offered by AC. The research and writing skills gained will be applicable to most workplaces including, but not limited to, churches and not-for-profit organisations. The MA can also be a pathway towards further research and doctoral studies. 2 CORE SUBJECTS + 5 SPECIALISATION SUBJECTS + 4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS + 1 CAPSTONE PROJECT Pathways Our courses give you the flexibility to start with the course that suits you. You can easily build your qualifications with our streamlined pathways. You can start with just one semester of study and then continue on with further study to upgrade your qualification in your own time. 1.5 YEARS FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 17

AC / PROSPECTUS RECOGNISED BY* Business and Leadership APSH At AC, you’ll be trained by experienced business leaders, AC.EDU.AU industry mentors, and specialist lecturers in a supportive and small group environment. Our courses uniquely combine business skills like management, leadership, and accounting with a Christian worldview, so you can learn to put your faith into practice. Our graduates have gone on to positively impact the world, like Adrian Chen, who co-founded an innovative global business which makes reusable cups from discarded coffee husks. You can launch a business, be a pioneer in industry or lead a church or not-for-profit organisation. AC is rated in the top 3 higher education providers in Australia, based on surveys of our Business and Leadership students ** COURSES Our business faculty come from a range of backgrounds and are passionate about TY SN helping you realise your potential in making a sustainable and ethical impact. AC U L Learn to grow, innovate and lead in a supportive environment. OT F PHILLIP LEE PRATIMA DURGA ADRIAN GLAMORGAN KARA MARTIN Associate Professor of Accounting, Lecturer and Director for Learning Lecturer – Leadership and Business Lecturer – Leadership and Business Program Director – and Scholarship Skills (CLASS) Bachelor of Business 18 * Recognition requires specific subjects to be completed. See the course pages on for details. ** Independent Government Student Experience Surveys (QILT) 2019-2020

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Business courses. “There are plenty of ways to make a difference in business. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people understood that having a successful business and finding solutions to real world problems, especially environmental and social ones, aren’t mutually exclusive?” ADRIAN CHEN AC Graduate, Co-Founder of Huskee Coffee Cup 19

BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP UNDERGRADUATE Scan QR code for more information on our Leadership courses. Diploma of Business Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Online The Diploma of Business is a stand-alone one year course and a potential pathway into the full Bachelor of Business program. The core subjects introduce key aspects of business communication, marketing, accounting, bookkeeping, and project management, all within an ethical framework and Christian worldview. If you are taking on extra responsibilities in an existing business or aspiring to start a new business, this course will equip you with practical skills for administrative and decision-making roles. 10 CORE SUBJEC TS Undergraduate Certificate in Business Studies Full-Time One Semester Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Online The short course gives you a taste of studying business at AC without committing to a full degree length program. You can choose four subjects from the broad range of subjects in our business and leadership study areas. 4 CORE SUBJECTS STUD ENT S IG H T BACHELOR OF BUSINESS POTL Ethan Entz “The course on entrepreneurship was of particular importance for me because it reframed my thinking around what it takes to start a business, to develop ideas, to scale and grow, and to innovate. This was all relevant to me because I work as a freelance business owner. I walked out of the course with my perspective expanded, my confidence boosted, and my mind far more well-attuned to the market and for the good ideas that can exist today. As a result, my business has grown both financially and in influence, and I have a clear idea of what steps I want to take in the future. AC helped me to apply my faith to freelancing and encouraged me the whole way.” SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES 20

UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP Bachelor of Business Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Online The Bachelor of Business provides foundational business theory and skills with the option of specialising (majoring) in either Accounting or Leadership & Management. Degree subjects cover topics such as marketing, financial reporting, decision-making, and entrepreneurship – preparing you for a range of roles in your future business career. Be equipped with a strong ethical framework to make a positive impact in the world of business. 10 CORE SUBJEC TS +8 SPECIALISATION SUBJEC TS +6 ELEC TIVE SUBJEC TS Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Theology Full-Time 4 years Part-Time up to 12 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Online This innovative double degree program gives you the opportunity to specialise in one area of theological study (such as Biblical Languages or Christian Studies) in addition to your Business specialisation (Accounting or Leadership & Management). You will be uniquely prepared to apply your business and leadership skills in a Christian ministry context such as churches and not-for-profit organisations. You will also be equipped to apply theological principles and ethical decision-making skills in commercial business settings. This course exemplifies AC’s integrated approach to higher education. 16 CORE SUBJEC TS + 16 SPECIALISATION SUBJEC TS Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Ministry Full-Time 4 years Part-Time up to 12 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Online This innovative double degree program gives you the opportunity to specialise in Ministry, Chaplaincy or the Humanities in addition to your Business specialisation (Accounting or Leadership & Management). The Bachelor of Ministry allows you to focus on developing practical skills in preaching and pastoral care. This unique combination of ministry and business skills will prepare you for leadership roles in churches and not-for-profit organisations. You will also be equipped to bring a pastoral, ethical mindset to the business community. 16 CORE SUBJEC TS + 16 SPECIALISATION SUBJEC TS Pathways Our courses give you the flexibility to start with the course that suits you. You can easily build your qualifications with our streamlined pathways. Expand your employment options by building from a diploma to a bachelor degree, or a double degree. FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 21

APSH Scan QR code for more information on Transforming Leadership. “The program stimulates discussion that helps all of us process new ideas and information. And when you arrive at that point where the new information is transformed into digested knowledge and understanding, it’s like a train bursting from a long dark tunnel into the summer sun!” HELEN KOBAKIAN Senior Pastor, Lifehouse Church TY SN Prof. Stephen Fogarty Stephen has worked as an economist, pastor, church planter, and lecturer, and is now the President of Alphacrucis College. Stephen has a PhD in Organisational Leadership, and is a well- regarded international speaker, sought after for his profound theological insights and practical application of leadership principles. FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION AND FREE RESOURCES VISIT: TRANSFORMING-LEADERSHIP.COM 22 AC U LOT F PRESIDENT OF ALPAHCRUCIS

POSTGRADUATE BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP Graduate Certificate in Leadership Full-Time 6 months Part-Time up to 3 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Graduate Certificate of Leadership (GCL) can be completed in just 6 months. It also serves as an entry pathway into our flagship Master of Leadership course, with provision for professional entry for those who wish to pursue studies after being in full-time employment for some time. 4 CORE SUBJECTS Graduate Diploma in Leadership Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Graduate Diploma of Leadership offers you an early exit point from the Master of Leadership. 4 CORE SUBJECTS + 4 ELECTIVES Master of Leadership Full-Time 1.5 years Part-Time up to 7 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Master of Leadership is designed for pastors, ministry leaders, corporate leaders, and executives. You will be equipped with best practise leadership theory and practical tools to lead dynamic, forward-thinking ministries and organisations. The program offers specialisations in Educational Leadership, Church Leadership, Not-For-Profit Leadership, and Entrepreneurship. 4 CORE SUBJECTS + 3 SPECIALISATION SUBJECTS + 4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS + 1 CAPSTONE SUBJECT Join an exclusive cohort of Senior Christian Leaders. Transforming Leadership is a unique residential executive Who is the Program for? development program, designed by AC for contemporary Leaders with 5 or more years of leadership experience: Senior Christian Leaders. You will be equipped with Pastors and Ministry Leaders, Founders and Entrepreneurs, the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural resources Directors and Board Members. to confidently lead your organisation. This program is particularly useful for those experiencing a turning point, The program features four residential intensives over a significant challenge in life or transitioning between two years (February and August each year), with ongoing leadership roles. learning and support throughout the year. Upon successful completion of the Transforming Leadership Program you will be eligible for a Graduate Certificate in Leadership. You will also have the opportunity to undertake a further 4 subjects to achieve a Graduate Diploma in Leadership or 8 subjects to achieve a Master of Leadership. FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 23

AC / PROSPECTUS RECOGNISED BY* Counselling, Chaplaincy, and Social Science APSH AC.EDU.AU Social support, including Chaplaincy and Counselling, are an integral part of providing care and support to those in need. Hospitals, schools, youth services, sports, prisons, age care facilities and disaster settings are some areas in which counsellors, chaplains, and youth and community workers provide much needed support to people in our communities. It is here that people helpers come alongside fellow humans to work through life’s issues, assist in times of crises, and provide a safe place for people to share their story. Our Applied Social Science awards offer a range of practical focus areas including Counselling, Youth Work, Chaplaincy, Case Management, Pastoral Care and Social Welfare. COURSES Our trainers all have first-hand experience in their fields, which enables them to teach both TY SN practical skills as well as the latest theories. The faculty is led by Dr Rebecca Loundar, a AC U L practicing psychologist with over 20 years experience. OT F REBECCA LOUNDAR KATHERINE HURRELL NICHOLAS SHARON CLARK Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer in Social Science VARADY-SZABO Program Director – Chaplaincy and Community Services Programs Program Director – Social Science Lecturer 24 * Recognition requires specific subjects to be completed. See the course pages on for details.

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Chaplaincy courses. “At AC I just love seeing the different dynamics, the way people interact with each other, the research and how well the teachers bring their personal experiences to light. Social Science is great as we can break out into groups and complete exercises together, getting to know each other in the process. Everyone is so welcoming, and lecturers show a genuine interest in you and your wellbeing during your studies.” KATIE CRONIN Master of Arts Student 25

CBOUUSNI NS E LSLSI NA GN ,D CLHE A DP LE AR SI NHCI PY A N D S O C I A L S C I E N C E VET / UNDERGRADUATE C H C 4 2 315 Certificate IV in Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Full-Time 1 year Part-Time 2 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Selected other locations Whether you’re just starting to think about becoming a chaplain, or maybe you’ve been caring for people for years, our nationally accredited qualification will equip you to provide a high standard of professional care in a range of chaplaincy contexts. Students will also complete a practicum component in prisons, schools, hospitals or age care. Most subjects are offered as part of short three-day intensives. 13 C O R E U N I T S C C H C 5 2 015 COMMUNITY SERVICES IS ENDORSED BY Diploma of Community Services Paul Bartlett Full-Time 1.5 years Part-Time up to 7 years Locations Online Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Church State President of NSW ACC Want to get more involved in your community? The Diploma of Community ACC Community Engagement National Leader Services gives you the skills to be able to work in areas involving the managing, co-ordinating, and delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups, and communities. At this level, workers have specialised skills in community services and work autonomously under broad directions from senior management. You will usually be providing direct support to others. You may also have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers and/or case management; program coordination or the development of new business. 8 CORE UNITS + 8 ELECTIVE UNITS Diploma of Chaplaincy Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Selected Other Locations, Online, Blended The Diploma of Chaplaincy is an accredited qualification for aspiring chaplains in all contexts. Through this exciting program, you will receive practical and theological training on how to minister to those in need, gain greater understanding of those around you, and be empowered to make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives. This program is endorsed by Chaplaincy Australia. 6 CORE SUBJECTS + 2 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS 2 6 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

UNDERGRADUATE COUNSELLING, CHAPLAINCY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Bachelor of Applied Social Science IG H T ENT S Full-Time 3 years Part-Time Up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, OnlinePOTL Do you want to make a difference in your community and on society? Do you have a deep desire to help people? The Bachelor of Applied Social Science trains and equips you to assist others in a professional and caring manner, based on evidence-based interventions and best-practice principles. You can choose to specialise in either counselling, chaplaincy & pastoral care, youth work, community work, or cross-cultural community work, with course content and experience meeting appropriate industry requirements.  15 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 7 S P E C I A L I S A T I O N S U B J E C T S + 2 E L E C T I V E S U B J E C T S STUD Naomi Jale BACHELOR OF APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE “I came to AC to study a Bachelor of Applied Social Science. God placed this on my heart during a missions trip to help people in need. My time at AC has really grounded me in having a biblical approach and wordview and I really appreciate how my lecturers share from a place of genuine experience. After graduating, I hope to work in youth or community development where I can bring people together and share Christ’s love with them practically. “ Elijah Burrell DIPLOMA OF MINISTRY (CHAPLAINCY) “Right now I’m doing what I love, which is helping and supporting people practically and emotionally. And thanks to my training in ministry, I am now leading a team of chaplains who are making a big difference in young people’s lives across 5 primary and high schools. The practical training I received at Alphacrucis was vital to the impact that has been made to the lives of many young individuals.” SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES 27

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Social Science courses. “I was studying the same degree at another university when the lecturer said that our worldview affects everything we do in this job. I realised I needed to find a new place to learn that aligns with my personal worldview. After asking around, I found Alphacrucis and I have never looked back.” ABIGAIL COMAFAY Bachelor of Applied Social Science 28

POSTGRADUATE COUNSELLING, CHAPLAINCY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Graduate Diploma of Applied Social Science Full-Time 1-2 years Part-Time up to 8 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, Online The Graduate Diploma of Applied Social Science (GDASS) is a great option if you have already completed a Bachelor degree in any discipline and now want to develop skills in counselling, chaplaincy, pastoral care, youth work, and community work. Upon completion, it is common for students to continue on to complete a Masters level program at AC. 4 CORE SUBJECTS + 4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS AC is seeking accreditation for the following Counselling and Wellbeing courses and expects to be able to offer them in the future, pending TEQSA approval. For the latest updates, please check our website. Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision Graduate Diploma of Counselling The Graduate Certificate in Supervision has been The course will introduce you to a broad range of designed to produce graduates who embody counselling technical and theoretical concepts from integrity, professional knowledge and social skills, a Christian worldview. making a positive contribution to society in the unique discipline of counselling supervision. Master of Counselling The Master of Counselling is designed to produce graduates Graduate Certificate in Trauma Counselling who can apply integrated technical and theoretical concepts This short 6 month course provides specialised training in a counselling context from a Christian worldview, in trauma-informed counselling theory and practice. as well as embody integrity, professional knowledge and social skills, making a positive contribution to society. Graduate Certificate in Wellbeing Studies There is a strong emphasis on professional and This short flexible course will introduce you to the vocational application. psychology of emotion and wellbeing, combined with a choice of three electives in applied social science. STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Anne Iuliano AC GRADUATE AND LECTURER FOUNDER, CHAPLAINCY AUSTRALIA C I T I Z E N O F T H E Y E A R , W I L LO U G H BY C I T Y C O U N C I L , 2019 “AC really equipped me to start Chaplaincy Australia in its early years, and empowered me to develop things (key to its success) like its values and organisational structure.” SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES 29

AC / PROSPECTUS RECOGNISED BY* Education and Teaching APSH Here at AC, we believe that the tangible expression of Christian AC.EDU.AU education is in the encounter between a child seeking Christ and the heart of the Christian teacher. That is why we embed aspiring teachers in schools early on, so that you can gain valuable classroom experience from the beginning of your studies. You can also apply to one of our “hubs”, where you receive “on the job” apprenticeship style learning and coaching and more time in partner schools. Gain access to a mentor teacher, micro-teaching workshops, more opportunities for teaching practice, and gradually increasing responsibility until you are classroom ready. COURSES Our faculty come with decades of teaching and leadership experience in schools. They can TY SN equip you for a range of roles - whether you are a young aspiring teacher, or a professional AC U L already working in schools seeking further training. We also offer school leaders OT F international and research opportunities through our PhD programs. DAVID HASTIE STEPHEN BRINTON STEPHEN CODRINGTON DONNA MCLEAN Associate Dean, Lecturer in Education, Director of School Governance VET in Schools Coordinator Program Director – and Leadership Development, Education Development Bachelor of Education Senior Lecturer in Education 30 * Accreditation requires specific subjects to be completed. See the course pages on for details.

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Education and Teaching courses. “I’m doing my placement with William Clarke College in Kellyville and it’s just been an awesome experience. Just being put into a school that shares your values and allows you to share those with the students is such a great freedom. Knowing that you’re supported by your mentor teacher is also really helpful.” MICHAEL RATUMA Bachelor of Education (Primary) 31

TEACHING AND EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATE Diploma of Education Studies Full-Time 1 year Part-Time 4 years Locations Sydney, Online, Blended The Diploma of Education is an alternative pathway towards the full Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) programs. This course also provides an option for students who want to start with a short undergraduate course before committing to the full Bachelor program. 3 CORE SUBJECTS + 5 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Undergraduate Certificate in Teacher Preparation Full-Time One Semester Locations Online This one semester course gives you an introduction to teaching and studying education at AC. Upon completion of this course you can apply to undertake further teacher training within AC’s School of Education. The subjects in this Certificate equate to one semester of the Bachelor of Education degree program. 4 CORE SUBJECTS Bachelor of Education (Primary) Full-Time 4 years Part-Time up to 12 years Locations Sydney, Blended This is an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program, designed to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The BEd(P) equips you for provisional registration as a teacher for all primary school year levels and is accredited by TEQSA and NESA. It provides a core of pedagogy across each of the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) and professional experience. 13 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 14 C U R R I C U LU M S T U D I E S S U B J E C T S + 1 E L E C T I V E S U B J E C T + 4 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUBJECTS Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Full-Time 4 years Part-Time up to 12 years Locations Sydney, Blended This is an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program, designed to meet the Graduate Teacher Standard Descriptors – professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement at the undergraduate teacher level, equipping you for provisional registration as a teacher in high schools. The BEd(S) provides a core of pedagogy for your area of specialisation and professional experience, completing two designated teaching specialisations from the following learning areas: The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Digital Technologies, and Religious Studies. 14 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 4 C U R R I C U LU M S T U D I E S S U B J E C T S + 10 D I S C I P L I N E S T U D I E S S U B J E C T S + 4 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SUBJECTS 3 2 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

“To me, being a Christian teacher means being able to speak hope and life to the kids in school… I went straight into a Diploma of Music Industry after year 10. I then did a Bachelor of Ministry (Worship), and ended up with a Master of Teaching (Primary). I was able to save a few years of study and go into a job I love at 21.” SHANIAH MILLER Master of Teaching (Primary) STUDENT S Carolin Smolek “I had a 9-year-old student come up to me on an excursion and ask why was I different to other teachers. When I asked her what she meant by “different”, she said, ”Miss, you always give us a second chance.” This moment reminded me that it’s not about what you’re teaching... it’s about who you are to your students, believing in them and supporting them.” SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES IG H TPOTL MASTER OF TEACHING (PRIMARY) 33

TEACHING AND EDUCATION POSTGRADUATE Graduate Certificate in Teacher Preparation Full-Time One Semester Locations Online The Graduate Certificate in Teacher Preparation gives students an introduction to teaching and studying education at AC. Subjects include Foundations in Teaching and Learning; the Self-Reflective Educator; and Inclusive Education. 4 CORE SUBJECTS Master of Teaching (Primary) Full-Time 2 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Online, Blended The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program, designed to meet the National Professional Standards for Teachers – professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement at graduate teacher level, equipping you for provisional registration as a generalist teacher for Prep to Year 6. 14 C O M P U LS O RY C O R E S U B J E C T S + 1 C O M P U LS O RY R E S E A R C H S U B J E C T + 1 E L E C T I V E S U B J E C T Master of Teaching (Secondary) BRITTANY SHAPCOTT Master of Teaching (Secondary) Full-Time 2 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Online, Blended The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is a graduate entry, Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program, designed to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement at graduate teacher level, equipping you for provisional registration as a specialist teacher in high school. 10 CORE SUBJEC TS + 4 CURRICULUM SUBJEC TS + 1 ELEC TIVE SUBJEC T + PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CONDUCTED OVER 3 SEMESTERS FIVE LEADING CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS THAT AC IS PARTNERING WITH: BLUE MOUNTAINS GRAMMAR SCHOOOL The Innovative Hub Model The Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney (TSAS) is just one of AC’s “Hubs” with partner schools around Australia. If you are accepted to this hub, you undergo “on the job” apprenticeship style learning where you become part of a local school with a mentor teacher. You can also receive a scholarship towards part of course fees. Learn more about this pioneering program to train the next generation of teachers at : 3 4 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

POSTGRADUATE TEACHING AND EDUCATION FOR QUALIFIED SCHOOL TEACHERS AND EXECUTIVE STAFF Graduate Certificate in Education* Full-Time One Semester Locations Online This is a nested award within the Master of Education and designed to provide a biblical perspective on the philosophical foundations of education. If you are already a qualified classroom teacher and want to enhance your teaching skills, this short course will increase your expertise and give you extra credentials. 4 CORE SUBJECTS Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership)* Full-Time One Semester Locations Online This is a nested award in the Master of Education (Leadership) designed to equip education professionals with an understanding of a biblical perspective on the philosophical foundations of educational leadership. If you are already a qualified classroom teacher and want to enhance your teaching skills, with a focus on educational leadership, this short course will increase your expertise and give you extra credentials. 4 CORE SUBJECTS Master of Education* Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Online The Master of Education course is a one-year graduate-level course for qualified classroom teachers who wish to progress in their career and training. The course equips you to engage in life-long learning in the educational profession. 4 CORE SUBJECTS + 3 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS + 1 CAPSTONE SUBJECT Master of Education (Leadership)* Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Online The Master of Education (Leadership) course is a one-year graduate-level course for school principals, people in school leadership positions, or those wishing to take on leadership responsibilities. This program provides a thorough grounding in educational leadership theory and practice as understood from a biblical perspective. 4 CORE SUBJECTS + 3 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS + 1 CAPSTONE SUBJECT *The National Institute for Christian Education (NICE) delivers the Graduate Certificate of Education, Graduate Certificate of Education (Leadership), Master of Education and Master of Education (Leadership) on AC’s behalf. FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 35

AC / PROSPECTUS Ministry and Theology APSH At AC you can study theology and ministry, combining your AC.EDU.AU biblical studies, mission, and systematic theology with applied theology, pastoral care, and ministry. At AC you can develop your leadership skills with an integrated Christian worldview. AC graduates pursue a wide range of vocations including leadership and pastoral ministry in local churches, local and international social justice work, chaplaincy, and teaching in colleges and churches. Graduates can also integrate their faith with their current professional careers. COURSES Our faculty help you to develop a robust theological framework and provide you with the TY SN skills to address the complexities of modern ministry with critical and creative thinking, AC U L equipping you to be an effective communicator of the message of Christ. OT F VAN SHORE ROBYN WRIGLEY-CARR ADAM WHITE DARYL POTTS Senior Lecturer – Biblical Studies Associate Professor in Head of Biblical Studies, Program Director – Bachelor of Ministry 36 Theology and Spirituality Senior Lecturer – Biblical Studies & Associate Degree in Ministry

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on our Ministry courses. “My studies at Alphacrucis have made an immediate impact on my life and ministry. The quality courses and teaching have empowered me practically and enriched me personally, leaving me more passionate about God and his plans for my life.” TIM BIASETTO AC Graduate 37

BRAD BONHOMME Senior Pastor, Horizon Church (LCC Partner) STUD ENT S IG H T BACHELOR OF MINISTRY POTL Ruth Lesmana Ruth moved to Thailand three years ago. She felt called to the Thai-Myanmar border to work with displaced people affected by the long-running civil war. Through AC’s student- led missions initiative, Sounds of Silence, Ruth developed an interest in anti-trafficking movements. Ruth now transforms communities where people are at risk of human trafficking. She builds partnerships with organisations in the area, teaches English and vocational skills, and assists with natural farming sustainability projects. SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES 38

VET / UNDERGRADUATE MINISTRY AND THEOLOGY 106 47NAT Certificate IV in Ministry (Leadership) Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Online This entry-level certificate gives you a very practical introduction to ministry and leadership through a mix of core units and electives. Acquire leadership skills, grow your spiritual disciplines, and learn to communicate biblical principles from both the Old and New Testaments. Be equipped for ministry as an effective church team member or even a team leader. 8 CORE UNITS + 2 ELECTIVE UNITS Diploma of Leadership Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Diploma of Leadership is a stand-alone one year program and a potential pathway into the three year Bachelor of Ministry. This course gives you a thorough foundation in personal and organisational leadership skills for ministry and also includes a very practical workplace experience component. In addition to the core subjects, you also choose two electives from a range of ministry-related subjects. 6 CORE SUBJECTS + 2 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Undergraduate Certificate in Ministry Full-Time One Semester Locations Online This one semester course gives you a taste of studying ministry at an academic level without committing to a full diploma or degree program. You will complete three core subjects: Preaching, Christian Spirituality, and Introduction to Pastoral Ministry. You will also choose one additional elective subject from the broad range on offer. Upon completion, you may choose to pursue further studies at AC in Ministry, Theology or Leadership. 3 CORE SUBJECTS + 1 ELECTIVE SUBJECT Undergraduate Certificate in Bible Full-Time One Semester Locations Online This one semester course gives you a taste of studying theology at an academic level without committing to a full diploma or degree program. You will complete an introductory subject on the Old Testament or the New Testament (or both). Your remaining electives can be chosen from a range of subjects offered by AC’s School of Theology. Upon completion, you may choose to pursue further studies at AC in Ministry, Theology or Leadership. 1 CORE SUBJECT + 3 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 39

MINISTRY AND THEOLOGY UNDERGRADUATE Scan QR code for more information on our Theology courses. Diploma of Ministry Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Diploma of Ministry is a stand-alone one year program and a potential pathway into the three year Bachelor of Ministry. This course gives you a thorough foundation in theology and ministry and includes a very practical workplace experience component. Electives subjects cover communication and leadership skills, children’s ministry, youth ministry, worship, Christian spirituality, and evangelism. 10 CORE SUBJEC TS + 6 ELEC TIVE SUBJEC TS Associate Degree in Ministry Full-Time 2 years Part-Time up to 8 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Associate Degree in Ministry is a two-year qualification offering you an early exit point from the full three-year Bachelor of Ministry. 9 CORE SUBJECTS + 1 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE SUBJECT + 6 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS Bachelor of Ministry Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Bachelor of Ministry gives you a thorough foundation in theology and biblical studies, but with a strong focus on practical ministry skills. You can choose specific elective subjects to match your specific calling into ministry. Graduates can serve in many different ministry roles including as Church Pastors, Worship Leaders, Youth and Children’s Ministers, Missionaries, Chaplains, and Church Administrators. 11 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 8 S P E C I A L I S A T I O N S U B J E C T S + 5 E L E C T I V E S U B J E C T S Bachelor of Theology Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Online The Bachelor of Theology is similar to the Bachelor of Ministry, but offers specialisations (majors) in Biblical Languages and Christian Studies. If you already have ministry experience but want to deepen your knowledge of the Bible at an academic level, this program is ideal. Be thoroughly equipped for teaching, preaching, and senior leadership roles in churches and other ministry organisations. 11 C O R E S U B J E C T S + 8 S P E C I A L I S A T I O N S U B J E C T S + 5 E L E C T I V E S U B J E C T S 4 0 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

POSTGRADUATE MINISTRY AND THEOLOGY Master of Theology Full-Time 1.5 years Part-Time up to 7 years Locations Sydney, Melbourne, Online The Master of Theology provides a unique opportunity to engage in innovative research and critical exploration of contemporary issues. You can specialise in Biblical Studies, Theology or Christian History. You will be trained to communicate complex ideas and propose solutions to a wide audience, as well as design and implement an advanced research thesis. Your research can prepare you for ministry and leadership roles in church, academic, and community settings. It is also a potential pathway to doctoral studies (PhD). 1 RESEARCH METHODS UNIT (CORE) + 2 20 CREDIT POINT SUBJECTS AT 600 LEVEL TO BE TAKEN FROM THE AREA OF SPECIALISATION (MAJOR) + 20 CREDIT POINTS, AT 500 LEVEL OR ABOVE (ELECTIVE) + 1 RESEARCH PROJECT (20,000 WORDS) IN AREA OF DISCIPLINE (CORE). TY SNAC U LAPSH Jacqueline Grey OT F DEAN OF THEOLOGY Jacqui is Dean of Theology, specialising in hermeneutics and Old Testament studies. Jacqui speaks regularly at local and international events and has appeared on various national TV and radio programs in Australia. Her research interests include Pentecostal hermeneutics, prophetic literature, and feminist readings of Scripture. DJ Konz ASSOCIATE DEAN AND HEAD OF THEOLOGY DJ is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Theology, and Head of AC’s Theology Department. DJ has a background in the Christian Non-Profit sector, most recently as the Executive Director of Advocacy at Compassion Australia. DJ has also worked in broadcast media and the music industry. DJ cares deeply about issues of social justice, Christian discipleship, ministry, and mission. SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FACULTY-AND-STAFF 41

AC / PROSPECTUS AC / PROSPECTUS Music and Media From instrumentalists and vocalists, to song-writers and production managers — AC Music and Media courses are designed to comprehensively equip you for your ministry. Our nationally recognised courses are specially crafted to serve the unique needs of individuals working in the 21st century music and media industries and are relevant to you no matter your level of training or experience. You get to learn from, and play alongside experienced industry professionals in an intentionally small and supportive group setting. COURSES APSH TY SN AC.EDU.AU AC U L Learn from internationally acclaimed teachers and practitioners who will guide you through specialised theory and practical disciplines of music, media, and worship. OT F DANIEL THORNTON JONAH PEACOCK CLAIRE VAN VUUREN ADAM MCLEOD Head of Worship, Program Director – Music and Media Sessional Lecturer Senior Editor, 4B Media Program Director – Master of Leadership 42

Scan QR code for more information on our Music and Media courses. “If you’re going to check out any music/ worship course, make sure you look into this one. The lecturers (Daniel Thornton and David Holmes) are more than just active professional musicians and passionate experienced worshipers and leaders, they have displayed character and integrity over decades. These are the type of people we want training the next generation.” DARLENE ZSCHECH Senior Pastor HopeUC, Speaker, Author, and Composer 43

RED ROYENT S Diploma of Music Industry Graduate STUD Solomon Burrell “I started the Diploma of Music Industry, not really knowing what would come from it. But because of what I learned over that time, I’ve been able to start a music teaching business, write songs for our church, as well as lead our worship team. It was a defining year of my life for my future career.” SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FUTURE-STUDENTS/STUDENT-STORIES 44 POTLIG H T DIPLOMA OF MUSIC INDUSTRY

VET / UNDERGRADUATE MUSIC AND MEDIA C U A 3 0 915 Certificate III in Music Industry Full-Time 6 months Locations Online This short course will teach you important skills in music performance, chart reading, improvisation, song-writing, recording and music directing skills. You will also gain a critical understanding of the music industry, musical genres, and copyright laws. Delivered online, this nationally recognised qualification is suitable for people at all levels of musicianship, even if you have no previous formal vocal or instrument training. 4 CORE UNITS + 7 ELECTIVE UNITS C U A 5 0 815 Diploma of Music Industry Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 2 years Locations Sydney, Online Do you have a passion for music? Delivered at AC’s Sydney Campus or in a flexible online mode, this nationally recognised qualification is suitable for people who have some previous vocal or instrumental training or experience. The Diploma of Music Industry will extend your existing skills with an emphasis on leadership training for your chosen field of musical expression. You will develop skills in performance, improvisation, song-writing, chart reading, arranging, recording, and music directing. You can choose elective units to pursue your passion whether it be teaching music, writing music for film, or even advanced audio engineering. 4 C O R E U N I T S + 12 E L E C T I V E U N I T S C U A 51015 Diploma of Screen and Media Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 2 years Locations Online AC has partnered with 4B College to offer this online Diploma of Screen and Media. You will learn how to edit, film, and direct. This course gives you practical training and experience in all aspects of screen media from pre- to post-production. Be equipped with the tools and skills to confidently step into the film, television, radio, and digital media industries. 15 C O R E U N I T S Undergraduate Certificate in Christian Music Full-Time One Semester Locations Online Take your music studies to the next level with this undergraduate course in Christian Music. Choose elective subjects in music or worship. You can focus on practical subjects about song-writing, worship, performance, and use of technology. You can also choose more theoretical subjects exploring lyrics and theology, music history, and the role of worship in church history. This course is suitable for people at all levels of musicianship, even if you have no previous formal musical training. Upon completion, you can apply to undertake further studies in ministry and worship at AC. 4 ELECTIVE SUBJECTS FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS 45

AC / PROSPECTUS Higher Degree Research APSH AC.EDU.AU AC is committed to the active research and delivery of HDR awards in the core disciplines of Theology, Business and Education. Within these disciplines, our faculty members and research candidates engage with a variety of fields such as Old and New Testament Studies, Spirituality, Theology, Leadership, Business, Pastoral Ministry, and Education. AC Research facilitates, coordinates, and promotes a culture of research and innovation, with the goal of producing outputs that are beneficial to their respective academic disciplines, to the church, and to society at large. COURSES AC faculty are committed to research that shows the continued relevance of the Christian TY SN scriptures and traditions for the modern world, brings practical benefit to the church, and AC U L contributes to the flourishing of Australian and global society. OT F JON NEWTON DENISE AUSTIN NIGEL PEGRAM L I LY Associate Professor, HDR Supervisor Deputy Vice President Program Director – ARASARATNAM-SMITH 46 Research and Standards Doctor of Ministry Deputy Vice President Student Affairs, HDR Supervisor

STUD ENT S IG H T POTL Scan QR code for more information on Higher Degree Research. “My time at AC really helped me see and understand the Word through a lens I had never seen before, helped me to become a better communicator practically, but most importantly, it has deepened my love for God personally.” MAKALOFI KAKALA Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 47

HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH POSTGRADUATE Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) Full-Time 1 year Part-Time up to 4 years Locations All AC campuses, Online This one-year program allows you to complete a research thesis in your area of specialisation alongside two compulsory subjects on research methodology. Candidates who successfully complete this course may be eligible to apply directly into our doctoral program (PhD). 2 R E S E A R C H M E T H O D O LO GY S U B J E C T S + 15 , 0 0 0 W O R D R E S E A R C H T H E S I S Master of Philosophy Full-Time 1.5 years Part-Time up to 5 years Locations Sydney, Melbourne The Master of Philosophy is one pathway towards a career in academia, and also highly valued in workplaces looking for strong research skills and expertise in writing. The program is offered to graduates of a coursework Masters degree who want to pursue further independent research, and also to graduates with an honours degree in a field relevant to their chosen area of post-graduate research. The focal point of the program is a 30,000 word research paper supported by our experienced HDR faculty. 1 CORE SUBJECT + 1 SPECIALISATION SUBJECT + RESEARCH THESIS (30,000 WORDS) Master of Ministry Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Melbourne The focal point of this program is a 50,000 word research project. You will develop a body of work (which may be one complete essay or an integrated portfolio) identifying, investigating, and addressing an issue within a professional area of ministry. Research students are innovators of new strategies, programs, and methods for ministry and leadership. In addition to the personal benefits gained from completing an extensive research project, you will be making an important contribution to the mission of the Church 1 CORE SUBJECT + 1 SPECIALISATION SUBJECT + RESEARCH THESIS (50,000 WORDS) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Full-Time 3 years Part-Time up to 10 years Locations Sydney, Melbourne The Doctor of Philosophy program is designed for in-depth investigation of ideas which make an original contribution to your chosen field. You will be equipped to make a substantial contribution towards the advancement of knowledge and practice within your chosen field and in the broader community. Our exceptional supervisors include many of the world’s leading scholars in their fields. Candidates will join a vibrant research culture and connect with industry, professional, and scholarly networks across Australia and internationally. RESEARCH THESIS (80,000 WORDS) 4 8 FOR MORE INFO, GO TO AC.EDU.AU/AWARDS

AC Research ALPHACRUCIS HAS DEVELOPED A STRONG RESEARCH COMMUNIT Y, BOTH LOCALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY. HERE ARE SOME OF THE INNOVATIVE WAYS AC INTEGRATES FAITH, PRACTICE, AND ACADEMIA TO POSITIVELY IMPAC T SOCIE T Y AND CULTURE: Centre for the Future of Schooling (CFS) Asia Pacific Pentecostalism The Centre for the Future of Schooling (CFS) is The Australasian Pentecostal Studies Centre (APSC) pioneering new educational strategies including the conducts research and scholarship into the history and innovative Hub Model, connecting AC’s tertiary education impact of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in students with primary and secondary schools for practical Australasia. Some of this research has been published in the immersive training throughout their degree program. recent book “Asia Pacific Pentecostalism” (Brill, 2019), CFS also runs general (focused) and specific (bespoke) edited by Denise Austin, Jacqueline Grey, and Paul Lewis. research programs for and with schools, exploring the This volume covers worship revolutions like Hillsong links between human well-being and a flourishing society. through to lesser-known missionary activity from Fiji, each region has contributed significantly to global Christianity. Serving the Not-For-Profit sector The Centre for Intercultural Research and AC has long-term research interest in Australia’s Christian Engagement (CIRE) not-for-profit sector including education, international The Centre for Intercultural Research and Engagement development, social services, health, and aged care. (CIRE) was established in 2020 as a hub for AC research One of AC’s leading researchers Professor Paul Oslington, and scholarship activities in the field of intercultural studies. writes for both popular and academic audiences about CIRE is focused on developing humility and understanding the importance of retaining a strong Christian identity and into our relationships with other cultures, communities, mission in the NFP sector. In partnership with the Jagelman and religions. While the focus is on Asia Pacific and Institute, AC trains future leaders for lasting long-term Australian indigenous communities, CIRE is inclusive of impact. The fruits of these projects are integral to the future wider research within the field of intercultural studies. of Christian witness in Australia. Centre for Learning and Scholarships Skills (CLASS) AC’s Centre for Learning and Scholarships Skills (CLASS) is engaged in a collaborative research project entitled: “Women in Higher Education Institutions: Constraints and Enablements.” This innovative research will lead to greater understanding of the needs, opportunities, and challenges facing women in the higher education sector. TY SN AC U L APSH GRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOOL DIRECTOR OT F Ben Myers Ben oversees the higher degree research programs at Alphacrucis. He has worked extensively in research and postgraduate supervision. His international appointments have included visiting fellow at Fuller Theological Seminary and member in residence at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton. Ben has published widely in theology, literature, and the history of Christian thought. His current research focuses on poetry and theology in the 17th century, especially George Herbert and John Milton. SEE ALSO: AC.EDU.AU/FACULTY-AND-STAFF 49

AC / PROSPECTUS Student Life Study Tours From study trips in Greece and Turkey, or Israel and Jordan, to volunteer service trips to India, AC students from every campus can aspire to travel the world. ISRAEL AND JORDAN STUDY TOUR Step out of the classroom and into the world of the Bible. This trip takes you through the land of Israel as we follow the footsteps of Jesus from Nazareth to Capernaum, and trace Jesus’ final days in Jerusalem. Encounter and explore the land and places of the ancient biblical world, bringing the stories of both Old and New Testaments to life. This really will be the trip of a lifetime! Visit for more info 50

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