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Home Explore Tyler Texas Multidisciplinary Center

Tyler Texas Multidisciplinary Center

Published by tylerrecoverfrompain, 2015-02-08 23:51:34

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Our practice offers treatments to attempt to alleviate your pain. We are a multidisciplinary clinic that strives to provide pain relief through pain management in the Tyler, TX area and surrounding areas.

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Tyler Texas Multidisciplinary Center Offers The Solution for Chronic PainOur practice offers treatments to attempt to alleviate your pain. We are amultidisciplinary clinic that strives to provide pain relief through pain managementin the Tyler, TX area and surrounding areas. If you or a loved one suffers from anyof the below conditions, there is a great chance that we can help!Herniated/Bulging Spinal Discs Foraminal StenosisDegenerative Disc Disease Post Back Surgery PainSciatic Leg Pain | Arm and Neck Pain WhiplashPosterior Facet Syndrome Joint PainImpairment Ratings Carpal TunnelNCS EMG Testing Injection Therapies

About Our Doctors - Tyler, TexasDr. Fults, Dr. IslamWe take time with our patients, learning about their problems, taking detailedhealth histories and discussing lifestyle changes and a wide array of advanceddiagnostic and treatment options.These include C-arm fluoroscopy, diagnostic X-rays, EMG, electrodiagnostic testing,biofeedback and functional capacity evaluations. Treatments include nerve blocks,lumbar epidural injections, trigger-point injections, facet injections, transcutaneouselectrical nerve stimulation (TENS), traditional physical therapy and nutritioncounseling Comprehensive ExperienceOur staff physicians also have additional training in most leading-edge paintechnology and treatments.We have also had many successes with a variety ofpain-causing conditions. Everything from arthritis to whiplash and work-relatedinjuries. We use the most comprehensive treatments, calling upon the expertise of adoctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy and doctor of chiropractic along with ahost of injection therapies, nerve blocks and leading-edge diagnostic technologies.Dr. Fults and Dr. Islam are on the ADL (Approved Doctors List) level 2, allowingeither one to be treat patients in accordance with the TWCC (Texas WorkersCompensation Commission). They are also both on the Designated Doctor list andare qualified to provide maximum medical improvement, impairment ratings, RME's(Required Medical Exams) and IME's (Independent Medical Exams) for injuredworkers.Spinal Decompression has been the most important medical advance in the nonsurgical treatment of low back pain in the past 10 years. The potential andexclusive FDA cleared Spinal Decompression technology is presently being utilizedby neurologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Chiropractic Physicians, Family Physicians,and Pain Specialists across the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and theMiddle EastSpinal Decompression has quite frankly revolutionized our practice.

Trigger Point Injections- Tyler, TexasTrigger Points are the tight bands of muscles that maybe felt as a knot. Trigger points can restrict movementand cause muscle weakness and may cause referredand/or radiating pain. Our patients get excellent resultswith our Trigger Point Injection Treatments.Trigger Point Therapy takes just a few minutes and isperformed by either Janine C. Islam, MD or Kenneth L.Fults, DO.We can do trigger point injections, usually usinglidocaine and bupivacaine.Patients receiving this therapy are amazed at the results. If you suffer with TriggerPoints, call us today at 903-526-5000 to see if you are a candidate for thistreatment.Also Available: Epidural steroid injections (lumbar and cervical) Intra-articular Facet injections Medical branch block Neurotomies Lysis of epidural adhesions HCG Weight loss Program - Tyler, TexasOur Weight Loss ProgramSince moving into new and more spacious facilities at the intersection of Kinsey Dr.and SSW Loop 323, The Pain Recovery Center of Tyler (PRCT) has expandedmedical care for East Texans. Instrumental in the expansion is three-year PRCT staffphysician, Janine C. Islam, MD.In addition to duties in helping patients combat muscle and joint pain, PRCT Director,Kenneth Fults, DO., is proud to announce several new medical areas featuring Dr.Islam’s expertise.

Causes of Back PainBack pain can be caused by many different diseases and conditions. Some of theseconditions can be very serious but fortunately they are for the most part uncommon.These serious conditions include; cancer, tumors, neoplasm, inflammatory arthritisand infection. Several common conditions that can cause back pain are listed below.  Fractures and Dislocations  Degenerative Disc Disease  Disc Herniation and Bulging Disc  Facet Syndrome/Synovitis /Capsulitis  Osteoporosis  Osteoarthritis/Degenerative Joint Disease  Stenosis  Spondylolisthesis  Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)  Sprains/ Strains  Compression Fracture  Cancer  Discitis  Kyphosis  Lordosis  Ligament Hypertrophy  ObesityDon't spend another day in pain, pick up the phone and give us a callOFFICE HOURS 8:00am - - 5:00pm Pain Recovery Center of 8:00am - - 5:00pm TylerMonday 8:00am - - 5:00pmTuesday 8:00am - - 5:00pm 4295 Kinsey DriveWednesday 8:00am - - 5:00pm Tyler, Texas 75703Thursday Phone: 903-526-5000Friday Fax: 903-526-5006

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