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Home Explore 2021 Haggadah

2021 Haggadah

Published by mjaniak, 2021-03-26 18:16:47

Description: 2021 Haggadah


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As we sit here, alone for the second year in a row, due to a Covid-19 quarantine, we celebrate the Passover of 2021 the best we can.Our Seder will be missing things we might normally have because it’s not safe to wander through stores without health fears. Still, it is our obligation (with a twinkle in our eyes) to re-tell the Passover story the best we can and we will - in our own special way.Let’s take a moment before we get started to remember not only the past, but the present. We, in the world, have lost millions of citizens to this horrific plague and only now, at Passover time, is the ‘miracle of medicine’ trying to stop it. May it be so.1Welcome

Blessed are you Lord, creator of the fruit of the vine. Baw-ruch a-taw A-do-nai e-lo-hay-nu me-lech haw-o-lawm bo-ray p’nedd ha-gaw-fenBlessed are you Lord who has who chosen us among nations, and sanctified us with your commandments.Thank you O Lord for the Sabbath and festival days and for this feast of unleavened bread, the time of deliverance, and the remembrance of the departure from Egypt.Blessed are you O Lord for the Sabbath, Israel and festival days. 2All say:And it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day. The heaven and earth were finished and all the host of them. On the seventh day G-d had finished his work and rested. God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. Baw-ruch a-taw A-do-noi e-lo-hay-nu me-lech haw-o-lawm bo-ray p’ree ha-gaw-fen.KiddushBlessed are you Lord for keeping us alive to celebrateDrink first glass of wine

Seder PlateApples, nuts, juiceLamb shankboneBurned egg shellOnion, parsley, potatoBitter herbsSalty waterBreak the middle matzah and say:Four QuestionsWise child: Why is tonight different from other nights?Wicked child: Why do we eat bitter herbs tonight? Simple child: Why do we dip our food in salt water? Lazy child: Why can we slouch at the table if we want?3This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate as they fled from Egypt. Let all who are hungry eat - (but strangers have to sit on the porch to social distance.) Fill the second cup of wineBlessed be the One who has given the law to Israel and speaks of the four different charaters of children: the wise, wicked, simple and the one who doesn’t inquire.The children sit fidgeting and don’t understand why things are different during Passover. It is our obligation to help them understand when they ask:

4RabbiEliezerRabbi JoshuaRabbi ElazarRabbi AkeebahRabbi TarphonAll reply:Because we were slaves to pharoah in Egypt, our G-d freed us with a mighty hand and out-strecthed arm. If the Most Holy had not freed our ancestors, we and our children and our childre’s children would still be in bondage to the Pharoahs in Egypt.Therefore, if we were all wise, all people of knowledge and understanding, all learned in the Law, it still would be important for us to speak of the departure from Egypt; and all those who do, are accounted praisworthy.They say that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazar the son of Azariah, Rabbi Akeebah and Rabbi Tarphon had a ZOOM meeting to argue about leaving Egypt and what “all the days of your life” meant. Everyone had a different idea and finally they stopped to say the morning Sh’ma.Rabbi Elazar the son of Azariah said, I could not prove that the story should be told at night until the son of zoma proved it. Scripture reads, “That you may remember the day of your going from Egypt, all the days of your life. “The days of your life” he said refer

5The Passover sTory:We must tell the children that the people cried up to the Lord to protect them, so He took them out from under Pharaoh’s rule, but Pharaoh tried to stop them. He was warned of the power of the Lord, but did not believe. Ten times he was warned, and 10 times he ignored the warnings. The Lord sent Moses to tell the people they shouldquarantine inside their homes and trust in the OneLord’s instructions. Originally our ancestors were idol worshiper, but the Lord brought them closer, “And Joshua spoke to the people and told them what The Lord said. “Your ancestors lived on the other side of the river. Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor served other gods. I took your father, Abraham, from the other side of the river and led him throughout all the land of Canaan. I multiplied his seed and gave him Isaac; and gave Isaac Jacob and Esau, and I gave Esau Mount Seir, but Jacob and his children went down to Egypt.\"Blessed be the Lord, who honors the promise made to Israel. Blessed be the Most Holy who told Abraham, know of a certainty that your seed will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them for four hundred years. That nation whom they serve, I will judge: they will afterwards go forth with great abundance.”to the days alone. But, “All the days of your life” includes the nights and the coming of the Messiah.

6Put down the glassMoses went to Pharaoh and begged for the freedom of his people, but stubborn Pharaoh refused. The Lord told Moses to warn Pharaoh of his anger. Ten times Moses went to the Pharaoh and ten times he refused to believe in or fear the Almighty.Dip a utensil handle or tip of a finger in wine and tap your plate as each plague is read:Elevate the cup of wine and say:And it is that promise which has been the support of our ancestors and of ourselves, for in every generation some have arisen to annihilate us, but G-d has always delivered us out of their hands.The Egyptian ill-treated us, afflicted us, and laid heavy bondage on us. We were force to build stone cities for Pharaohs, Pitom and Raamses.

7The Plagues:1. Water turns to blood2. Frogs3. Lice4. Pestilence & Flies 9. Darkness5. Beasts6. Boils7. Hail8. Locust10. Slaying of the first born11. Coronavirus

8The Lord told Moses to have his people put lambs blood over the door of their house (shots weren’t available) so when He passed over the town He would know which house to spare from the tenth plague.That night Pharaoh’s own first born son died when the Almighty passed over him. Pharaoh was driven to his knees in grief and he finally agreed to let the Hebrew’s leave. So they quickly gathered what they could and went out into the desert. They didn’t even wait for their dough to rise which is the origin of matzoh. When they reached Mt. Sinai, Moses and Aaron went up in the mountain. There they saw a burning bush and knew they were in the presence of the Almighty.And the Lord spoke to Moses (from the bush because he was social distancing.) Then he cut two stone tablets from the mountain and gave them to Moses. On these tablets the Lord chisled 10 Commandments and told him these were the laws people should live by.

Moses took the tablets down the mountain and he and his people continued to wander the desert for 40 years, supplied only with manna to eat, until they reached the Red Sea and couldn’t cross. So they were stuck there.How many abundant favors has the Omnipresent performed upon us? -lf God had brought us from Egypt, and not judged the Egyptians, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -If God had judged them and not their gods, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -If God had judged their gods, and not slain their first-born, it would have been enough. (Deyenu) By this time Pharaoh’s heart had hardened and he wanted revenge and the Hebrews returned to Egypt. He sent his soldiers to get them back. They had nearly reached them, but Moses looked to the Lord, raised his staff and the waters of sea parted, creating a road so his people could pass on dry land. When they reached the other side and the soldiers had almost caught up with them, the sea once again closed in on itself and the Pharaoh’s men all drowned.9

-If God had slain their first-bom and not given us their wealth, it would have been enough. (Deyenu) -lf God had given us their wealth and not divided the sea for us, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -If God had divided the sea for us and not made us pass through on dry land, it would have been enough.(Dayenu) -If God had made us pass through on dry land and not drowned our oppressors, it would have been enough.(Dayenu) -If God had not drowned our oppressors and supplied our needs in the wildemess for forty years, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -If God had supplied our needs in the wilderness and not fed us with manna, it would have been enough.(Dayenu) -If God had fed us with manna and not given us the Sabbath, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -lf God had given us the Sabbath and not brought us to Mt. Sinai, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -If God had brought us to Mt. Sinai and not given us the Law, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) 10

DayenuIlu ho-tsi, ho-tsi-a-nu, llu na-tan, na-tan la-nu, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-Mitz-ra-yim. Na-tan la-nu et-ha-To-rah, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-Mitz-rs-ylm, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-To-rah, Da-ye-nu! Da-ye-nu! (CHORUS)CHORUS: Dai, da-ye-nu, Dai, da-ye-nu,llu na-tan, na-tan la-nu, Dai, da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-Shabbot Da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu!Na-tan la-nu et-ha-Shabbot Dai, da-ye-nu, Dai, da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu! Dai, da-ye-nu, Dai da-ye-nu, (CHORUS) Da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu! Rabbi Gamliel said that whoever does not make mention of three things at the Passover Feast, has not done their duty, namely, the sacrifice of the Passover, the unleavened bread, and the bitter herbs. -If God had given us the Law and not led us into lsrael, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) -lf God had led us into Israel and not built the temple, it would have been enough. (Dayenu) God brought us from Egypt, judged the Egyptians and their gods, slew their first-born, gave us their wealth, divided the sea, let us pass on dry land, drowned our adversaries, supplied us with everything for forty years, fed us manna, gave us the Sabbath, led us to Mt. Sinai, gave us the Law, brought us to Israel and built the holy temple for us to atone for our iniquities. 11

Why do we eat the Paschal Lamb?To remember the blood over the doorway so the Lord would save us from the 10th plague. This is the Passover sacrifice.Why do we eat Unleavened Bread (Bread of haste)?To remember the unlevened bread that our people took when they fled Egypt.What do the bitter herb represent?Because the Egyptians embittered the lives of our ancestors.In every generation each individual is bound to think of themselves as if they were one of those who escaped Egypt. We must tell our children the Passover story and say; “I do this because of what the Lord did for me when I fled Egypt.” The Lord’s kindness to our ancestars becomes His kindness to us as well.Elevate the cup of wine and say:We need to show how grateful we are for His bless-ings. and sing a new song. (all say) Hallelujah!Put the cup downWhen Israel went forth from Egypt, Judah became his sanctuary. The Jordan was driven back and the hills and mountains receded.Elevate the wine and say:BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NU,who redeemed our people from Egypt and brought us to this night.12

BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NU ME-LECH HAW-O-LAWM BO-RAY PREE AH-GAW-FEN.Drink the second glass of wineTake the two matzo’s and the broken one and say:Ruler of the Universe, who brings bread from the earth.BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NURuler of the Universe, who sanctified us with your commandments and unlevened bread.BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NUTake bitter herbs and dip them into charoseth and say:BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NUBreak the undermost matzo and give some to each with bitter herbs and charoseth, then say:The Hillel sandwich. Thus you have performed the law, “With unleavened bread and bitter herbs you shall eat.”13

The Passover MealAfter DinnerLord, and Lord of our fathers, may You be pleased with our remembrance of our fathers and our telling of Passover story.May He who is most merciful, cause us to inherit the day that is entirely Sabbath and everlasting rest.May we inherit a day that is entirely good.May we be worthy to behold the day of the Messiah and eternal life.May He who makes peace in His heavens, grant peace to us and all Israel. Amen14

I have been young and now I am old. May the Eternal give strength to his people and bless them with peace.Drink the third cup. Open the door for Elijah.May Elijah bless this house and those who dwell within.And so it came to pass at midnight that You performed abundant miracles.When You caused Abraham to be victorious.It was at midnight.Blessed are you, oh Eternal, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.BAW-RUCH A-TAW A-DO-NOI E-LO-HAY-NUDrink the fourth cup of wine.15

Chad Gadya (One Little Goat)Chad gadya, chad gadyaMy father bought for two zuzimChad gadya, chad gadyaThen came the:Cat who ate the kidThe dog that bit the catThe stick that beat the dogThe fire the burned the stickThe water the quenched the fireThe ox that drank the waterThe butcher that killed the oxThe Angel of Death who killed the butcherThen came the Blessed Lord and destroyed the Angel of DeathThat my father bought for two zuzimChad Gadya. Next year may we live in a world of peace, health and understanding. Where all good people are free from hunger, doubt and fear.Amen.16

next yeartogether

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