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Home Explore Quarentine Cookbook Invite

Quarentine Cookbook Invite

Published by mjaniak, 2020-06-25 22:00:28

Description: Quarentine Cookbook Invite


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1QuarantineCookbookInvitationGetting TogetherWithoutGettingTogether

2Ladies & Gents,I’m bored! And when I get bored I like to play. I play on my computer.Since many are spending this time cooking and baking more than usual, I thought it might be fun to make a:Quarantine Cookbook - 2020I’m hoping to interest a few folks who would like to join in. With all the negative energy going around right now, let’s do something with good vibes.So many of you have been posting pictures of your delicious food - why not share the recipes?

3How? It’s easy. I’ll gather 1 recipe (for now) from each participant which I’ll turn into a page for the book. Doesn’t have to be something you posted. Your name will be included.Anyone can send in recipes - but I must currently limit the number of recipes to about 50, so don’t wait. More than that and you might not get the book until 2023.What is the cost to take part, you ask ?$0.00How will you get the finished product? I will send you a link either through email or Messenger.Click è

4What will you do with the link?Just click on it - like you did with this invitation - and the book will open on your computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone. There will not be a printed copy. When will I get it? That depends on how many recipes I get and what happens in my real life. Not promising a date.What do I have to do to be included? First, let me know ASAP if you want to participate.How long do I have? I’m thinking about July 15.What will you need? Send me the typed recipe (ethnic is okay too) by email or Messinger and if you have a picture, I can try to use that too. Otherwise, a picture will be chosen from the Internet.

5Wanna Play?Click èWhat if the picture is all wrong?Make sure I have your email and I’ll send you a couple pictures and you let me know which comes closest to the dish.That’s all there is to it.

6TheEndDisclaimer:Remember, this is just meant for fun. If there is a poor response I may choose not to complete the project.

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