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Home Explore Quarantine Cookbook Invitation

Quarantine Cookbook Invitation

Published by mjaniak, 2020-06-26 13:35:28

Description: Quarantine Cookbook Invitation


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1QuarantineCookbookInvitationGetting TogetherWithoutGettingTogether

2Dear Ladies & Gents,I’m bored! And when I get bored I like to play. For me that means playing on my computer.Since many are spending this time cooking and baking more than usual, I thought it might be fun to make a:Quarantine Cookbook - 2020How? It’s easy. I’ll gather ‘1’ recipe (for now) from each of you and turn it into a pretty page for the book. I’ll include your name.What is the cost to take part, you ask ?$0.00ç Click

3What if I have more recipes? I must currently limit the number of recipes to about 50, so don’t wait. More than that and you might not get the book until 2023.How will I get the finished product? I will send you a link either through email or Messenger.What will I do with the link?Just click on it - like you did with this invitation - and the book will open on your computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone. **There will not be a printed copy.When will I get it? That depends on how many recipes I get and what happens in my real life. Not promising a date.Click è

4Wanna Play?ç ClickWhat do I have to do to be included? First, let me know ASAP if you want to participate.How long do I have? I’m thinking about July 15.What will I need to do? Send me a typed recipe of your choice by email or Messinger. If you have a picture, I can try to use that too. Otherwise, a picture will be chosen from the Internet. What if the picture is all wrong? Make sure I have your email and I’ll send you a couple pictures. Then you let me know which comes closest to the dish.That’s all there is to it.

5Click è The End For now...Disclaimer:Remember, this is just meant for fun. If there is low response I may ask for another recipe if you have one or I may choose to scrap the project.

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