Reading Across the Curriculum Instructional Strategies and Specially Designed Instruction to help students become better readers!
Once upon a time…..
There was a school with no reading classes. All students had to take a world language.
Oh my! What were the teachers to do? How would students’ reading goals be addressed? Example: Given grade level vocabulary, Sam will independently use the vocabulary word accurately in a sentence. Given a passage that June reads at her instructional level, she will identify 2 details from the text to support the main idea. Given a grade level passage that Tom reads with teacher support, he will answer inferential questions by citing evidence from the text to support his answer.
Effective readers can: Locate key information Distinguish between main ideas and support- ing details Modify their reading behaviors when faced with difficulty Ask questions before, during, and after reading Construct meaning as they read by monitoring comprehension, evaluating new information, connecting new information with existing ide- as, and organizing information in ways that make sense.
Instructional Strategies: K-W-L (Ogle, 1986) (An instructional reading strategy that is used to guide students through a text. I know-What I want to know, I Learned) SCROL (Grant, 1993) (Survey the headings, Connect the headings to one another, Read the text, Outline major ideas with supporting details, Look back to check the accuracy of what’s written) POSSE (Englert, 2009) (Predict ideas, Organize ideas, Search for the structure, Summa- rize the main ideas, Evaluate your understanding) CAPS (Leinhardt & Zigmond, 1988) (Who are the characters?, What is the aim of the story?, What problem happens?, How is the problem solved?) QAR (Taffy Raphael, 1986) (Question-Answer-Relationship—Right there, Think and Search, On My Own, The Author and Me)
Instructional Strategies: Close Reading of Complex Texts (I.A. Richards (Practical Criticism, 1929) and William Empson (Seven Types of Ambiguity, 1930) (Reading and rereading of a text in order to locate evidence in the text (facts and specific details and features of the text) that allow the reader to reach a warrant- ed conclusion about the meaning of the text. ) Visualization (Zimmerman, C. & Hutchins, C., Reading Comprehension 19, 2003) (Create mental images: visual, auditory, and other sensory images of the ideas in the text.) List-Group-Label (Taba, 1967) (Brainstorm and categorize related vocabulary as a way to understand key terms and develop concept understanding) Multi-syllable Word Strategy (Lenz and Hughes, 1990) (Word Identification Strategy Overview-DISSECT— ISS Rule Cue Cards) Think Pair Share (Lyman, 1981) (Teacher posed questions, students think, then collaborates with peers)
Close Reading
Decoding Multisyllabic Words I Isolate the prefix. Example: ab/normality S Separate the suffix. Example: ab/normal/ity S Say the stem. Try to pronounce the stem and the word. If you cannot go to the next step. R Rules of Twos & Threes Rule 1. If the stem begins with A vowel, divide off the first 2 letters. A consonant, divide off the first 3 letters. Continue until the end of the stem is reached. Example: ab/nor/mal/ity Rule 2. If you can’t make sense of the stem after using Rule 1, take off the first letter of the stem and use Rule 1 again. Example: re/spo/nsi/bil/ity re/s/pon/sib/il/ity Rule 3. When 2 different vowels are together., try sounding out both of the vowel sounds separately. Example: e/vac/ua/tion If this doesn’t work, try pronouncing them together using only 1 of the vowel sounds. Example: pau/ci/ty
Are You Teaching Comprehension or Assessing Comprehension? Teachers merely assess comprehension rather than teach it. Teachers need to explain or model the process that the reader engages in when comprehending a text. Durkin, 1978 Vocabulary knowledge is critical for success in reading comprehen- sion and school success (Biemiller, 2003; National Reading Panel, 2000) Teachers must provide an intentional and teacher-centered ap- proach to close the vocabulary gap. (Biemiller& Slonim, 2001)
Samples of reading strategies being implemented across content areas:
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