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Home Explore MathPlus_brochure


Published by be.sandeepkumar, 2017-06-20 00:34:09

Description: MathPlus_brochure

Keywords: NIIT,NIIT Nguru,Nguru,K 12,Education,School


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NIIT Nguru is a holistic range of School Learning Re-defining Solutions that aims to make the vital process of teaching Math and learning simpler, thus bringing back the joy of Experience learning for students. NIIT Nguru was launched in 1999 with the prestigious BOOT project awarded by the Tamil Nadu Government, targeting 371 government schools in the state. Now NIIT has extended its Nguru range of solutions to 19 states, touching 88 cities and covering more than 17,000 government and private schools in the country. Designed as per the recommendations of the National Curriculum Framework-2005, NIIT Nguru integrates the teaching, learning, assessment and analysis processes through optimization of technology. It is an integrated and comprehensive teaching, learning and education resource planning solution for the schools, which has been designed to address the needs of all key stakeholders within the education realm - students, teachers, school management and parents.MindChampion Learning Systems Limited MathPlus (Fully owned subsidiary of NIIT Ltd.) 1800 102 3233 [email protected] /NIIT Nguru /NIIT Nguru

The ‘Fear’ of MathematicsMath in its ‘The rote Math in its true sense is a colorful world, full oftrue sense is teaching - learning shapes, figures and patterns. In its original form, it isa colorful world, as much fun and as fundamental for a child’sfull of shapes, techniques and cognitive development as playing, talking & reading.figures and parenting practices,patterns. One of the biggest challenge that Math teaching - play a key role learning presents is - Children being confused, in students getting frustrated, and embarrassed by their self created false fear of learning Mathematics. They do not disconnected necessarily ‘hate Mathematics’. from Math’ Rote Memorization, endless Tables, Confusing concepts/ facts and dipping scores are the few main reasons why students fear Math.

Problems in teaching Maths STUDENT • Rigid methodology of Teaching leaves little room for exploration • Lack of clarity of a concept makes comprehension of further concepts Many a research has shown that the fear of Mathematics in a child is only as deep as the manner & methodology of teaching and some of the difficult primary reasons attributing this are: • Varying resource of practice & inability to understand the concepts • Inefficiency of the formal instruction and problem solving method application in HOTS • Lack of application of Math concepts in real life • Limited real-life practice material FEAR FACTOR • Scattered and fragmented educational resources fail to establish Hesitant to ask a doubt/query for the fear of being adjudged by peers leading to connect inferiority complex.Math is All these factors pose difficulty in grasping the concept by the students Difficulty • Lack of aids to demonstrate the concept in an explorativescary! and result in - in teaching- manner • Damaging the confidence of the students learning TEACHER • Different kinds of learners – visual,auditory, reading/writing • Creating fear of Math in the minds of the Children Math & kinesthetic cannot be taught in the same manner PARENT • Personalized attention to each students’ weak areas and devise corrective method becomes difficult DISAPPOINTMENT Even though the Teachers put in their best efforts, the kids are not able to get their concepts right and perform well in examinations. • Unable to identify the ‘learner type’, of their kid and provide guidance accordingly • Fear, that lack of concept understanding would create lack of analytical & reasoning approach towards studies and real-life • Mis-guidance of tuitions and guide books FEAR FACTOR Even after offering the best of education, the kids are not performing well in a core subject like Math, which may weaken their future prospects.

Learning Mathematics – The Plus Way! MathPlus 360° approach‘Math Plus’ is an art of teaching and learning Math, that replays Math to the students in its NIIT Nguru aims to create a sensory learning that ignites their thoughts and helps them explore.original form - using colours, shapes and real-life examples.The program has been carefully designed keeping in mind the guidelines of the National INTERESTING INTRIGUING MATH LAB -Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) developed by NCERT which emphasizes on: CURRICULUM BOOKS, CBTs DIGITAL/PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES• Fostering mathematical awareness, skill building, positive attitudes through learning by doing• Learning & Verifying concepts using objects & activities• Curriculum should encompass the complete process of Discovery, Enrichment, Remedial and ReinforcementThese guidelines form the core idea behind the MathPlus methodology, emphasizing onexperiential learning for the students. The TLM-Lab-App (Teaching LearningMaterial-Laboratory-Application) combo brings the best of inter-connected resource that can beused for learning Math in a fun way.Interesting elements like comic strips, interactivities, Multimedia (through QR codes) have beenincorporated keeping in mind the interest of the present generation.All the components of the solution work in a coherent manner to accomplish the L-A-D approach The MathPlus Approach:01 10 111 01 COMPLETE MATH SOLUTION10 000 11 1011 01 001 0000111 01 10Learn through carefully selected content, Learn Apply Apply the play way method, Laboratory HELPING ASSESSMENT WEB BASED MATHPLUScommunication method and computer Diagnose method, Inductive-deductive method + REPORTS FROM HOMEapplication Assess through Projects, CCE, Roleplays, Formal Assessments and diagnose difficult areas

Advantage Student! Transforming Math learningFEATURE ADVANTAGE 1 Engages the learner in the process of learning, aiming to remove the ‘fear of Math’ at an early age• Unconventional method of introduction of a • Arises curiosity and interest in the student about topic/concept - through an activity/a comic strip in the the concept, encouraging them to want to know more 2 All stakeholders - students, parents & teachers are able to relate beginning of a chapter Math intuitively through real life applications • Provides insight to the learner on various career• Educates about the future application of concept - options & highlighting the relevance of math in real life 3 Learner and teachers are aware of the expected output after through Career Links completion of each chapter • Keeps the learner focused throughout the session to• Learning outcomes defined – by outlining the central be able to construct their answer vividly after 4 Helps create the true knowledge of Math, rather than top-line idea that drives the concept completing a chapter learning• High interactivity - with interesting physical and • Highly engaging for the student at all levels of concept 5 One-stop solution for an immersive experience of learning, interactive activities learning through use of various tools practicing and having fun with multi-sensory approach• Integrated & inter-connected solution - components in • The outcome of hands-on, ‘touch & feel’ experience 6 The student learns to apply the concepts wherever relevant rather the book linked to the online math lab & Worksheets can be assessed through courseware than perceiving the subject of Math in isolation• An inter-disciplinary approach - Linking Math to other • Breaks monotony of the lesson, refreshes the learner 7 Empowers students to become independent and self-reliant disciplines such as history, geography, science, and shows the existence of Math outside the textbook learners with minimal intervention technology, engineering and space exploration • Engaging, through e experiential learning, facilitating 8 An immersive experience for the student that makes learning• Pedagogical approach - Chapters are designed to easier comprehension of a concept co-incidental rather than just memorizing formulas and theorems introduce students to the concept “by doing” • Enables kids to verify Math facts and properties using• Manipulatives & concrete objects - GSP (Geometer’s models, measurement and activities sketchpad), charts, models, aids and activities aid learning

DeliverablesState-of-art Courseware for QR Code for accessing Library of Projects for all classes Engaging manipulatives students of class 1 to 8 digital content from home with guidelines and worksheets integrated in course material 'MathPlus way of learning Web based Lesson Plan for all classes Question Bank for Weblinks for all chapters Math makes itteaching-learning material each concept an immersive for classes 1 to 8 experience, making learning co-incidental'Complete Assessment School Engagement Continuous in-service training & Teacher Professional Platform Activities support during the contract Development Framework period

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