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Home Explore Corporate Finance Thesis Topics

Corporate Finance Thesis Topics

Published by Bachelor Thesis, 2018-05-29 07:38:01

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corporate financethesis topics

1. Different collective investment models in the UK: an analysis2. Microfinance developments internationally3. Roles of corporate finance in the banking sector in China4. Study of corporate finance techniques in the USA5. Impact of poor corporate finance management for multinationalcompanies6. Middle East and microfinance developments7. A study of the corporate finance in Coca Cola8. Wal-Mart’s corporate finance management9. Emerging industries and corporate finance tactics10. Credit access for the poor: a study on microfinance andmicrocredit availability11. Importance of providing credit access among nations12. International relations and corporate finance13. Asia and Europe: A comparative study on financial innovation14. Finance development in Europe15. Corporate finance trends in the world16. Corporate finance practices and mistakes17. Finance products and financial  viability18. Local and national markets and specific finance products19. China’s microfinance market20. Financial services and importance of complete access21. Private investment and corporate finance roles22. Japan’s corporate finance: Its similarities and differences withSingapore23. Capital market reforms in developing nations24. Partnership between private and public business sectors – the prosand cons25. Changes in the house-financing sectors

26. A study of direct selling and its impact to corporate finance27. Payments and interest charges in Islamic banking28. Minimum wage increase and potential impact in the US economy29. Infrastructure sector: a comparison of initial public offer30. Global economic crises and corporate finance31. Value destruction and corporate control32. Depository service provider – a competitive analysis33. Corporate strategy and capital structure34. Financial statement analysis with ratio analysis technique35. A  bank’s alternative revenue sources36. Financial statement analysis of _____37. Online trading and Demat account study38. Investment avenue in the cement sector39. Claims and freight payable – a study40. Consumer purchase decision and branding41. China and the effects of direct foreign investments42. Portfolio management and mutual fund analysis43. Bank auditing44. An analysis of the banking sector in India45. What is the role of back office in the stock exchange market?46. Brand image evaluation of ___ and its impact on XYZ  company47. Capital market reforms in third world countries48. Commodity futures49. Cash management in small businesses50. Corporate governance impact on finance

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