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Home Explore Marketing Thesis Topics

Marketing Thesis Topics

Published by Bachelor Thesis, 2018-04-24 00:16:53

Description: The Best 50 Marketing Thesis Topics

Keywords: BachelorThesis


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THE BEST50 MARKETING THESIS TOPICS1. Social classes and product offerings2. Supermarket marketing  in India3. What motivates customers to post good brand review orfeedback4. Major export promotion and culture5. Airline marketing in third world nations6. Negative brand reviews – how to repair image7. Luxury goods and genders8. What is motivation marketing?9. Effective marketing techniques for the millennials10. Online advertisements for marketing

11. Geographical location and buying behavior12. Apple’s online marketing techniques13. Attitudes and beliefs towards social media marketing14. Nike’s marketing strategies15. How to combine online and offline marketing16. Website marketing and customer loyalty17. Samsung versus Apple marketing18. Mobile marketing -  what role it plays on conversions19. Buying computer’s online – what affects customer behavior20. Mobile marketing – how brand image can be conveyed21. How brand’s measure ROI from advertising22. Can location affect mobile marketing messages?23. How customer’s  respond to mobile marketing24. Push and pull mobile marketing – its pros and cons25. Impact of mobile marketing for brand imaging26. The role of mobile marketing in improving conversions27. Website marketing – does every business need it?28. Viral marketing and mobile marketing – any differences29. Viral marketing: how to achieve it30. Is online availability of brands affecting customer loyaltyand buying behavior?

31. How to improve customer loyalty32. Price adjustment strategies and marketing33. iTunes – a study on its pricing strategy’s impact on brand image34. How to determine the correct advertising technique for smallbusinesses35. Airline industry choice and customer location36. How to market across international borders37. Persuasive marketing  and nature of product being sold38. Comparison websites: How they help expose unsought goods39. Analysis on the effectiveness of banner advertising on socialmedia40. How Facebook turn users into cash41. How customer behavior varies from one social media channelto another42. Is social media the new marketing tool for global brands?43. Brand marketing on social media44. Marketing ethics online45. Ethical awareness and ethical purchase intention46. Controversial marketing communications – pros and cons47. Effects of reviews on brand reputation48. Consumer boycotts and public relations49. Pros and cons of mobile marketing for informational brands50. Non-profit organizations and Facebook marketing

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