Top 50 Thesis Topics in General Medicine1. Focal seizures on adult patients2. Primary Glomerular Disorders and Nephrotic Syndrome onset toadult patients3. Ischemic Heart Disease and Microalbuminuria4. Management and complications of snake bite5. Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and incidences of coronary heartdisease6. Before and after therapy: a study of the function of the leftventricular mass amonghypertensive patients7. Pulmonary tuberculosis disease and cardiac participation8. Atherosclerosis and stroke disease: How it is affected byhyperlipidemia9. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and normotensive patients10. Acute myocardial infarction and cardiac troponin’s significanceon it11. Intra-cerebral hemorrhage risk factors12. Chronic liver disease and oral glucose tolerance tests13. Symptoms and signs of hepatitis14. Glucose levels significance among diabetes mellitus patients15. Nutrient digestion and of gastrointestinal tract hormones
16. Early Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Arrhythmias17. A clinical study of Mitral Valve Prolapse18. Associated Infections on Smear Negative PulmonaryTuberculosis19. Insecticide poisoning and Acute Organophosphorous20. Renal Transplantation and Chronic Renal Failure effects21. Exudative Pleural Effusion and Lymphocyte/ Neutrophil Ratioin its diagnosis22. Intracerebral Hemorrhage: CT scan profile and clinical Profile23. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Post Prandial Lipid Abnormalities24. Acute coronary syndromes and risk facto25. Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Stroke: a deeper look into thefibrinogen levels26. Pesticide Poisoning: clinical profile study27. Myocardial Infarction: risk factors and lipid profile28. Dyspepsia: Endoscopic and clinical evaluation29. Acute Stroke: Siriraj Allen's Scores Validity andcomparability30. Glycemic Status and Dyslipidemia among diabetics31. Hepatopathy Complications and Falciparum Malaria32. Chronic Renal Failure and etiology assessment33. Malaria and renal complications34. Hyponatremia: a clinical profile in (hospital)35. Non-Diabetic Essential Hypertension and Microalbuminuria
36. CNS Tuberculoma37. The undetermined cause of Pyrexia38. HIV Positive Patients: pre and post effects of Anti RetroviralTherapy39. Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and effects of DOTSregimen40. Cerebrovascular Accidents41. Chronic Renal Failure and its biochemical profile42. Pseudo Cholinesterase and Random Blood Sugar Levels incompound poisoning43. Diabetes Mellitus: lipoprotein and lipid profile44. Gastroenteritis and Acute Renal Failure45. HIV infected Individuals and tuberculosis cases46. Type 2 Diabetes – the long-term retinal and renal complications47. A study of the Acute Airflow Obstruction and the effects ofcombined ImpratropiumBromide Salbutamol versus Neubulised Salbutamol effects48. Acute Ischemic Stroke and C-Reactive Protein assessment beinga marker on thedisease49. Acute Flaccid Paralysis – a case study among ___ patients50. Acid Peptic Disease study
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