TRINA N. PHILLIPStrina13@siu.edu309.684.2965 P.O. Box 704 Hudson IL 61748EDUCATION Southern Illinois University Carbondale Bachelors of Interior Design, anticipated May 2016The Illinois Institute of Art, Schaumburg, Illinois Summer 2011 --- Winter 2012PROGRAMS Autodesk Revit Google SketchUp Autodesk AutoCAD CorelDRAW X7Adobe InDesign KerkytheaAdobe Photoshop Microsoft Office SuiteINTERNSHIP Ethan Allen, Peoria Illinois Summer 2015 Worked with Operations Manager on inventory; product and data updatesWORK EXPERIENCE Janet’s Cakes & Catering, Bloomington Illinois Roma Ralph’s Pizza, LeRoy Illinois H & M, Schaumburg Illinois Summer 2012 --- Summer 2014 Bakery Graphic Arts --- Customer Service Summer 2009 --- Summer 2013 Fall 2011 Store Manager Sales Associate HONORS Selected participant in IIDA Design Charrette at NEOCON Summer 2015 Charrette team recieved 3rd place Honorable Mention STUDENT ASID Student Chapter PresidentORGANIZATIONS Spring 2015 --- Spring 2016IIDA Student Member Spring 2015 --- Present*REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
TABLE OF CONTENTS RETAIL DESIGN Spring 2015 --- Junior Studio LUXURY RESIDENCE Fall 2014 --- Junior Studio STEELCASE - COWORKING Fall 2015 --- Senior Studio KATHERINE DUNHAM CENTER FOR ARTS, EDUCATION, AND CULTURE Fall 2015 --- Senior Studio
TABLE DESIGNFall 2015 --- Junior Furniture Design CourseMASK DESIGNFall 2012 --- Freshman StudioSCULPTURE DESIGNFall 2014 --- Sophomore StudioPERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHYFall 2012 --- Spring 2016
RETAIL DESIGN DESIGNER CONCEPT The Mariposa brand focuses on young woman moving into the professional world and preparingThis project focused on interior themselves for transition. As with the transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly, the storedesign students in (ID 392) conceptually represents the sensation of transformation and the ethereal nature of the butterfly.coordinating with a team The design of ow and forms are inuenced by the free flow of watercolors in the client logoof fashion merchandising mark. The neutral, bright whites and uplighting further the sensation of a style transformation.students (FDM 482). The teamof fashion students servedas the client throughout thisproject. Interior designers wereresponsible for interviewingthe client and gathering anunderstanding for their specialbrand and flagship storelocation. Interior designerswere also challengedto work with the brandstrategy, logo, nameplate,packaging and design ideasprovided by the client toaccomplish a complete designdirection for the new store.DETAILS:Project Type: RetailLocation: Denver, COSquare Footage: 2,700PROGRAMS USED: MovementAutoCAD 2014 Private / PublicRevit 2014 Key Space IndicationsGoogle SketchUpPodiumAdobe PhotoshopCorelDRAW X7
Alley LEGEND 9’ A.F.F. 9’ A.F.F. LEGEND 1. Sales Floor 15’ A.F.F.4 60” 2. Cash Wrap Stainless Steel Adjustable LED 76 Track Lighting 5 2a. Accessories 3. Seating Area60” 3c 3a Stainless Steel Pendant LED Light 3 3a. Fitting Room 3b. Fitting Room 14’ 3b 3c. ADA Fitting Room Adjustable LED Recessed Can Lighting 2a 4. Stock 5. Break Area 6. ADA Toilet Room 7. Management Office Stainless Steel T Stand 2 Stainless Steel Display Table 14’ Exit Lighting 48” Round Leather Ottoman Recessed Troffer Lighting 13’6” 15’ A.F.F.Walkway White Full Body Mannequins 13’6” Recessed Cove Lighting Adjacent Tenant Sconce Lighting 1 White Bust Mannequins Sidewalk0’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 24’ 0’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 24’
RESIDENTIAL DESIGNER CONCEPT The design of this space was critically impacted by sound,This project focused on the color and spacial awareness. The zones started as a bubbledesign of a luxury residence formation to ensure that one activity was happening in the zoneinvolving a large family at a time. The bubble continues in the design of acousticalwith a special needs child drop ceiling panels. The color yellow was incorporatedthat suffers from autism. The due to studies on phycological response to colors withinchild’s bedroom was a main autistic children. This bright color creates a youthful spacedesign focus to ensure that while also having positive phycological effects on the child.her personal space supportedher personality and special Reading zone - Includes bookshelf, chair and side tableneeds. Texture, color, soundabsorption and lighting Sleeping zone - Includes bed, side tables, and lampstechniques were critical forthe comfort of this child. This Creative zone - Includes desk, chair, and art suppliesdesign showcases recycledacoustical drop panels, aswell as phycology of color,and spacial zoning to ensurethe space is used effectively.DETAILS:Project Type: High-rise ResidentialLocation: Guatemala CityOverall Sq.Ft.: 30,000Bedroom Sq. Ft.: 600PROGRAMS USED:AutoCAD 2014Revit 2014Google SketchUpKerkytheaAdobe Photoshop
Studies indicate that the color yellow helps children 0’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 24’ with autism to concentrate better and stay on task. Research shows that children with autism react to space in a more positive was when a bright color is balances by a netural. The surfaces in this space focused on absorbing sound reverberation. The area rugs, acoustical ceiling panels, drapes at large window, and cork surfaces in the bookshelf as well as the creative zone help create an acoustically conditioned environment.Children with autism tend to do activities over andover again. This child loves reading time and creativeart projects, so this bedroom includes special zones foreach activity. The creative zone is filled with art supplies,while the reading zone is filled with books. There is asleeping zone that does not include any other furniturepieces so that she can focus on getting a full nights rest.Bamboo Pendant Grey & Floral Custom Herman MillerFlooring Lighting Fixture Accent Rug Bookshelf Coconut Chair
NEXT Vegetation COWORKING Site Parking GarageThis project was part of a Adjacent Buildingnational competition forSteelcase that concentrated *on designing the future ofcoworking environments.NEXT is a place designedto appeal to freelancers,contractors, and entrepreneurs.It is a place reinventingwork. This gives access toan environment that benefitsmood and productivity. Site Plan 1.1 Sun Path Prevailing Winds ** *Key Views TenantDETAILS: Social pods,and hubs Tenant 1.2Project Type: Commercial radiate out encouraging 1.3Location: Atlanta, GA interaction and movement 1.4Square Footage: 11,500 1.5 Core of connections andPROGRAMS USED: building circulation First Floor 0’ 8’ 16’AutoCAD 2016Revit 2016 DESIGNER CONCEPTGoogle SketchUpAdobe Photoshop This design is based on the idea of mobile connections thatAdobe InDesign are empowered by space. Mobile connections are becoming more essential, but this space instills the importance of a physical and social coworking environment. Technological 32’ and spacial links radiate throughout to promote movement and interaction between the everyday and occasional user.
MATERIALS FIRST FLOOR DesignTex SPACE LEGEND Interlock Citron 1.1 Lobby 3506-201 1.2 Reception 1.3 Ideation Arc Com 1.4 Studio Work Space Navigator 1.5 Resource Center Nugget SECOND FLOOR 69492 SPACE LEGEND Kvadrat 2.1 Open Office Highfield 2.2 Project Room Orange 2.3 Work Cafe 5299/444 2.4 Private Office 2.5 Private Office Adjacent 2.6 Project Room 2.2 Building 2.7 Private Office 2.8 Project Room 2.1 2.9 Private Office 2.10 Private Enclave 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.10 2.11 2.11 Private Enclave2.4 2.5 2.15 2.9 2.12 Private Office 2.13 Private Office 2.12 2.14 Private Office 2.15 Private Enclave 2.17 2.16 2.16 Private Enclave 2.14 2.17 Forum 2.18 Video Conference2.3 2.18 2.13 where space empowers First Floor 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’ mobile connection
KATHERINE DESIGNER CONCEPT DUNHAM CENTER This design is based on the flow of movement. Every art form hasThis project is a center some type of movement that creates a unique piece. Katherinededicated to Katherine Dunham held a strong passion for dance, with that comes manyDunham, focused on different types of movements. When all the individual movementsperformance arts, education are placed together it creates not only an art piece, but aand culture. The center is dance form. Incorporating the flow of movement in this designto be located on Southern is essential to expressing how Katherine Dunham lived her life.Illinois University Carbondalecampus. The architectural Katherine Dunham Parkingdesign was initiated by Siteanother student in ARC351. About:The modified and finalized Morris Librarybuilding, design, and brand A native of Illinois, whoimage was a focus for ID491. Site Plan - Southern Illinois University CampusThe concept consisted of focused on her passioncommunicating a flowingwelcoming environment to all for dance, culture andages, while also incorporatingnature, and a vivid color anthropology thatpalette that helps express the lifeof Katherine Dunham herself. influenced her civilDETAILS: rights activist work,Project Type: Higher performance and EducationLocation: Carbondale, IL chorographer skills. Her Faner HallSquare Footage: 30,000ARC351 Student: Karrie iconic dance method is Heideman still being taught today.PROGRAMS USED: Occupations:AutoCAD 2016 ActivistRevit 2016 AnthropologistAdobe Photoshop AuthorAdobe InDesign Chorographer Dancer Educator
FIRST FLOOR LEGEND 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.1 LobbyCONCEPT DIAGRAM 1.2 Katherine Dunham Exhibit 1.7 1.1 1.3Conceptual movement and flow from 1.3 Black Box Theatre 1.2the north building to the south building 1.4 Dressing Rooms 1.5 Costume Storage 1.6 Loading Dock 1.7 Box Office 1.8 Dance Studio 1.9 Locker Rooms 1.10 Dance Studio 1.11 Lounge 1.12 Costume Storage 1.13 Video Viewing 1.8 1.9 1.13 1.10 1.12 1.11 First Floor 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’
SECOND FLOOR LEGEND FURNITURE & MATERIALS2.2 2.3 2.4 2.1 Assistant Director Office 2.13 Classroom Coalesse Emu Pattern2.1 2.5 2.2 Director Office 2.14 Dance Studio Chair Task Seating 2.3 Admin & Archivist Office 2.15 Locker Rooms 2.6 2.4 Conference 2.16 Dance Studio Coalesse Emu Table2.7 2.5 Faculty Hub 2.17 Lounge Task Table 2.6 Resource Center 2.18 Vending 2.8 2.9 2.7 Intern Office 2.19 Costume Storage 4 Died Plastic Colors 2.8 Reception 2.20 Video Viewing 2.9 Classroom 2.11 2.10 Classroom 2.11 Classroom 2.10 2.12 Classroom 2.13 2.12 2.14 2.152.20 2.162.19 2.17 2.18Second Floor 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4FURNITURE & MATERIALS Momentum THIRD FLOOR LEGEND 3.7 3.5 Sagora 3.6 Bernhardt Apel Cherry 3.1 Outdoor Seating 3.10 Lounge Ottoman 3.2 Outdoor Performance 3.9 Momentum 3.3 Dance Studio Coalesse Wrapp Sagora 3.4 Locker Rooms 3.8 Chair Task Seating Sun Kissed 3.5 Costume Storage 3.6 Therapy Room Coalesse Enea Lottus 3.7 Music Studio Side Table 3.8 Lounge 3.9 Vending 3.10 Video Viewing Interface Third Floor 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’ La Paz Carnaval
TABLE DESIGN This table was designed around a word that was randomly selected by the instructor (ID 351). The selected word was iconoclast. The materials that were selected for this design were wood and acrylic. The acrylic portions of this design symbolize stained glass, which historically has been an iconic symbol and imagery source for the Christian religion. The dark wood incorporated in this piece is a representation of the cross of crucifixion in Christian belief. I·CON·O·CLAST a destroyer of any image used for religious worship DETAILS: Project Type: Furniture Scale: 1:6CROSS WOOD & ACRYLIC FINAL CONSTRUCTION SKILLS USED:Is seen through the top,andlocated in the center as These layers are exposed This final table construction Hand Sketchingthe structural system for so the glass, the constant, is contains all designed Hand Renderingthe table while remaining seen between two pieces elements and highlights the Critical Thinkingvisible even after the of chipped wood. The simple form with complex and Model Making wood layers symbolize deeply imbedded meanings. Laser Cuttertable has been destroyed. the destructed imagery.
PROCESS PHOTOS MASK DESIGN This mask was designed in Design Communications 1 (ARC 121). Mother Earth is one of the 12 Gods of Olympus, and was heavily worshiped by the Greeks. This mask was designed to highlight what the Greeks worshiped about Mother Earth and what she stood for in Greek culture. DETAILS: Project Type: Design Scale: 1:1SKY VEGETATION EARTH SKILLS USED:Symbolizes how day turns Symbolizes the ground Symbolize the core of the Hand Sketchingto night and night turns to cover, trees, flowers and Earth and the solidness Hand Renderingday in a continuous cycle all other plants on Earth of each inner material Critical Thinking Model Making
SCULPTURE This sculpture was designed in Design ||: Order (Arc 251). Students were to create a module based on a shape that could be constant but yet have many variations. The class collaborated to create the module shown. This triangle piece developed from hand sketches to origami paper folding, to computer modeling to plaster molds, and then creating the final concrete modules. The sculpture was placed in a courtyard on Southern Illinois University Campus to view the shadows and shapes it created as the duration of the day passed. DETAILS: Project Type: Design Scale: 1:1MOLD mold creates a MATERIAL FINAL SKILLS USED: for the outsideWooden Concrete is placed inside Concrete piece after the drying Hand Sketchingconstant triangular form the mold with a center piece process. It contains both a Hand Renderingof the to create variation within constant and variable form Critical Thinking the constant outside form AutoCAD 2014
PERSONAL PHOTOS These photos represent how things can be viewed in the world. Capturing moments and seeing a frame is how design and a photograph can collide. LIGHT FRAMES These are a juxtaposition of natural and man made light frames. These objects look different depending on what light they are seen in. That is something fascinating about photographs, the same object can look so different just by a variation of light.Telephone Pole - Hudson IL Lacon Bridge - Lacon ILNavy Pier - Chicago IL Luminaire - Chicago IL Luminaire - Chicago IL
THANK YOU Visit this website for more personal photography, construction documents and current work.
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