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Home Explore The Fox and The Cat

The Fox and The Cat

Published by Guset User, 2023-07-13 15:10:11

Description: Beige Scrapbook Project Proposal Cover A4 Document


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Preface This story is part of the course English for Communication, course code A33201. Mathayom 6 with the purpose of studying, researching, acquiring knowledge in English with the use of technology to help in the study and creation of this story The author has chosen this topic in the story \"The Fox and the cat\" because it is interesting. I hope this work will be useful for reading and communicating in English. Presenting Teacher Jarunee Khajonklin ลงชื่อผู้จัดทำ ( .น..า.ย..จ.ิ.ต..ต.ิ.พ.ั.ฒ...น.์...จิ.ต..ต.ิ.อ..ภ.ิ.น.ั.น..ท.์.) ( .น..า.ย..ธ..ย..ศ..........ช.้.า.ง..ช..า.ว..น..า.) ( .น....ส....น.ู.ร.ีน...........ธ..ร.ร..ม..ธ.ว.ั.ช..) (.น....ส....ก.ั.ล..ย..า.ร.ั.ต..น.์..ห..ว.ั่.น..อ.ิน..ต..า. ) ( .น....ส.....ส.ิ.ริ.ว..ร.ร..ณ.....ศ..ร.ีห..า.ญ... ) ผู้จัดทำ

A Fox was boasting to a cat of its clever drvices for escaping its enemies.

\"I have a whole bag of tricks\" hesaid, \"which contains a hundred ways of escap[ng my enrmirs.\"


just at that moment they heard the cry of a pack of hounds coming towards yhem, and the cat immediately scamered up a tree and hid herself in the boughs. ������ ������! )

\"This is my plan\" said the cat. \"what are you going to do.\" ������!!! )

The Fox thought first of one way, then of another, and while he was debating the hounds came nearer and nearer, and at last Fox in his confusion was caught up by the hounds and soon killed by the huntsmen. ✨ X



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