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Home Explore New Jersey Christ The King Knanaya Church Bulletin November

New Jersey Christ The King Knanaya Church Bulletin November

Published by CTK, 2021-10-31 21:05:11

Description: New Jersey Christ The King Knanaya Church Bulletin November


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Issue 19 - Nov 2021 Monthly Bulletin Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church New Jersey

Issue 19 - Nov 2021 Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church, New Jersey Inside this Issue 67 Fitch St, Carteret, NJ 07008 v Pastor's Message v Article – Warnings from Purgatory v CML Platinum Jubilee Year Action Plan v Family Bible Quiz 4 v Kids Corner v Birthdays & Anniversaries v October Memories v Upcoming Events v Announcements !പിയെ&' ൈദവമ-േള, പരി.അ3യുെട ജപമാലയിൽ തൂ<ിനട> ഒ@േടാബർ മാസെD ൈചതനFം സHീകരിK് മരണDിNെറ ഓർ3കൾ നിറR് നിൽ-ു> നവംബർ മാസDിേല-് നാം കാലൂ>ുകയാS. ഭൂമിയിൽെവK് മനുഷFN ഏWവും അധികം !പതീY നൽകു> ശൂനFമായ കല[റേയാെടയാS ൈബബിൾ അവസാനി-ു>\\. ആ ഓർ3 നെ3 കൂടുതൽ !പതീYയു^താകെ'. These thoughts should help us to think How to die meaningfully, joyfully, encountering Lord with courage and hope. November 2nd is the day set apart for remembering the dead once in our family and church. Death is not a fearful reality, we should not afraid of death but we shall be aware of death. While I am elated to see you who participate in Mass on the weekends, and am further elated to see more who are coming to mass now, I share a question from a parishioner who cannot get to Mass due to Infirmity . As I had visited him several days ago, and gave him Holy communion, he asked me of being physically present at mass was necessary to fulfill the obligation. The answer is yes for all who are physically able to come to Mass. According to the “catechism of the Catholic Church “ the precept of the church, that is, “You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation “, requires the faithful to participate in Eucharistic celebration when the Christian community gathers together on the day commemorating the resurrection of the Lord. We all know that reinstated the obligation to attend Mass on August 15, with the understanding that those who are ill, or who are living with one who is ill are not required to attend. I am concerned that perhaps many of you who are healthy and are staying away from church are not fulfilling your obligation, which is a small return of gratitude to God for the sacrifice of Jesus for our salvation, and our other blessings. I ask that you carefully consider your return to church if you are healthy, and able to come to church without the fear of compromising a family member’s health. I look forward to seeing you all. Wish you all a perfect Thanksgiving Day, filled with family, good friends and lot of friends and thank God for all the blessings. Happy Thanksgiving Day. Binsachan

Warnings from Purgatory As Halloween gets closer, we are suddenly surrounded by specters and ghosts: spirits who appear to have returned from the dead. You walk out of your house and they are everywhere. The seasonal aisle in your local grocery store is full of scary costumes and goblin-wrapped candy bags. Most people say it is simply child's play, innocent fun.But the Church Fathers, the saints, and history itself tell us otherwise. Some people believe no one has ever seen Purgatory, that there is no evidence, they're wrong. Saint Stanislaus Papczynski (1631–1701), the Founder of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, on several occasions had visions of the Holy Souls asking for prayer. In one account, at a gathering of family and friends, Fr. Stanislaus had a profound mystical experience of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. He later told his confreres: \"Pray, brethren, for the souls in Purgatory, for they suffer unbearably.\" He then locked himself in his cell and spent three days praying for them. He's not alone. Saint Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), the Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy, on a number of occasions had visions of the Holy Souls in need of prayers. One night, Sr. Faustina was visited by the soul of a fellow religious sister who had recently passed away. In her Diary, she described the poor soul as being \"in a terrible condition ... with her face painfully distorted.\" In response, Sr. Faustina redoubled her prayers for the sister's soul. The soul visited her the next night \"in an even more horrible state,\" which astonished Sr. Faustina. In a conversation with the soul, she learned that her prayers seemed not to have helped the poor sister. Undeterred, Sr. Faustina kept on praying for the soul. Sometime later, the soul of the sister again visited Sr. Faustina during the night. Her face was now \"radiant, her eyes beaming with joy.\" She said that Sr. Faustina \"had a true love for [her] neighbor and that many souls had profited from [her] prayers.\" The radiant soul informed Sr. Faustina that she, the deceased sister, would not remain in Purgatory much longer. Before the soul left, she urged Sr. Faustina \"not to cease praying for the souls in purgatory\". In her account of another vision, St. Faustina describes Purgatory as a \"great crowd of suffering souls\" undergoing purification. Further, she says that the souls are \"praying fervently, but to no avail, for themselves; only we can come to their aid\". Only we can come to their aid - and yet so many of us never even give a thought to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Only we can come to their aid - and probably more people are in Purgatory and in need of aid than ever before. We live in an age in which enormous numbers of people are dying every day. We are surrounded by a civilization that's largely lost any semblance of Christian faith, immersed in a culture that has wandered far from the truths of the Gospel. So people will perhaps need much purgation in order to be able to keep up with the eternal dance of life and love that is Heaven. That means it's even more important than ever to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Pray for them every day, working that intention into your Rosary, especially since the Rosary is one of the most heavily indulgenced prayers in the history of the Church. The message brought to us by those in purgatory is this: \"You in the world have no inkling of what we have to suffer! Being abandoned and forgotten by those who have been nearest to us in the world: that is most bitter. Sometimes they stand at the tombs of our bodies and don't pray for us at all. They act as if we don't exist anymore. God's justice commands us to be silent. But we stand at the door of their houses, of our former dwellings, and wait. We stand there and wait. Days, years. We wait for them to give us a small sign of their love by prayer and sacrifice. But we stay there in vain. We cry in vain for love. For help! Tell them...Love should not die at death. We are still alive and we are hungry for love! For your love!\" [ Extracted from ]

Family Bible Quiz - Gospel of Luke Chapters 21 - 22 Across 3 Jesus spoke a parable, mentioning which tree? 6 Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for which feast? 7 Jesus predicted which disciple to deny knowing him three times? 8 Jesus said, Heaven and earth will pass away, but _____ will never pass away. 9 Jesus said, do not be terrified when you hear of ____ 12 What did the widow put in the treasury? 13 What did Jesus disciples do as Jesus prayed? Down 1 Name the disciple that conspired with the chief priests? 2 Jesus said, the fruit if the vine represents his ____ 4 Jesus said, many would come in His name saying____ 5 When the people were speaking of this place, Jesus said, there would not be one stone left upon another. What was he referring to? 10 Jesus said, the bread represents his ____ 11 Who came and strengthened Jesus when he was praying? Read Gospel of Luke chapters 21 - 22 as a family and send in your answers to [email protected] by 25Nov21. Families that submit the correct answers for the 12months ( from Jan2021 - Dec2021 ) will be awarded.

Infant Ministry Coloring Activity Ciona Parappallil Neil Poozhikunnel Eleazer Polaprayil Johanna Paramala Vismaya Vazhakattu Gianna Kadiampallil Anjali Vazhakattu Evanna Kadiampallil Gerard Vaniyakunnel

October Memories

HA PP Y B I RT H DA Y May you have all the love yotuhrehbelaerstscinagnshaolldif,eaUcllatnheunhfaopldpiness a day can bring, and all Ally Vazhakattu Jerrin Kallickal Shaji Vemmelil Tom Nedumcheril Rinu Varickamanthottiyil Nov 02 Nov 03 Nov 04 Nov 05 Nov 08 Chelsea Vazhakattu Jomy Chembanpara Milu Vaniyakunnel Gabriel Kallarettu Nov 15 Nov 20 Nov 25 Nov 29 Happy Anniversary ! Joseph Kurian & Ginu Malika Wdgraieysa.htCinthogegaeertphseetrorf!eacntoptahierraypeearrfeocf tblyeihnagppy Nov 14 In Loving Memory Mary Joseph Nedumthuruthil Death Anniversary Nov 30


Upcoming Events Mass Schedule - Friday • NSovim5o–nAAlltStouuml'saDlialy Mass Confessions @ 7:00 PM Mal Mass @ 7:30 PM • NAovcc6ou–nYtnouantht 2Pr0o2g0ram - Sunday • Nov 7 – All Saints Day Program (CCD) • Nov 21 – Feast of Christ The King, Thanksgiving Celebrations & Mal Mass @ 11:00 AM Season of Dedication of Christmas Carol begins the • Dec 5 – Women’s Ministry celebration of immaculate conception Church- Annunciation of Mother Mary & St. Joseph Year ending Program First Readings • Dec 18 – Forane Christmas Celebrations 07 Nov - Ex 40:1-16 • Dec 24 – Christmas Mass at 7.00pm 14 Nov - Num 9:15-18 • Dec 25 – Holy Mass at 10.00am 21 Nov - 1 Kgs 6:11-19 • Dec 31 – End of year Thanksgiving Mass at 7.00pm 28 Nov - Gen 17:15-22 Second Readings 07 Nov - Heb 8:1-6 14 Nov - Heb 9:5-15 21 Nov - Heb 9:16-28 28 Nov - Eph 5:21-6:4 Gospel Readings 07 Nov - Mt 12:1-13 14 Nov - Jn 2:13-22 21 Nov - Mt 22:41-46 28 Nov - Lk 1:5-25 Bible Quote Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!\" October 2021 - Collections TBD Trustees Josekunju Chamakalayil @ +1 732 512 7964 Lumon Manthuruthil @ +1 779 771 1550 For feedback, email us @[email protected] Bulletin Editorial Board - Fr. Bins Chethalil - Alex Nedumthuruthil - Fini Manthuruthil - Joby Thadathil - Jaimy Valiyanilam - Jomy Chembanpara

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