Issue 24 - Apr 2022 Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church, New Jersey Inside this Issue 67 Fitch St, Carteret, NJ 07008 v Pastoral Message v Article – Understanding Prayer v Article – Easter v Message by new trustees v Birthday's & Anniversaries v March Memories v Announcements Dear all, As we sadly know the tragic war in the Ukraine and Russia’s increasing dominance, our hearts are moved with compassion for our sisters and brothers there, the refugees and their families in the U.S. Let is dedicate to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Alleluia, The Lord is Risen. This is the Christian proclamation of our faith. When we celebrate Easter we must come out of our tombs. There are many of us, even though as Catholic, we celebrate Easter, we remain in our tombs. We continue to be in our tombs when we loose the perspective of hope in our life . Very often I’m sure, many of you, in your trials, in your difficulties, you begin to wonder, is Jesus is really alive? That is why most of us allow grief to continue to hold on to us, that is why we cannot see the bright light, the joy of Easter. On Easter we are called to focus on these who have encountered the risen Lord. വൃതവിശു'ിയുെട അ-. േനാ-ിൽ േനടിെയടു3 ൈചതന6ം ഉറ:ി;ു<താവണം േനാ-് വീടലിA േശഷമുD ജീവിതം. േനാ-് കഴിIുD ജീവിതമാJ െവലLK വിളികളLെട പര-ര തീർ;ു<..േചറിൽ നിൽ;ുേ-ാഴും െവD3ിA മുകളിൽ വിരിI്നിൽ;ു< താമരയിൽ െചളിപുരളാെത നിൽ;ു< േപാെലയുD ജീവിതമാJ ഉQിതAെറ ൈചതന6ം േപറു<..ഏവർ;ും ഉQാനതിരുനാൾ മംഗളUൾ VേനഹപൂർYം േനരു<ു. ബിൻസ]ൻ
Understanding Prayer Prayer is a channel for listening to God’s voice while offering praise, thanksgiving, and petition. It promotes communion with God. Below describes the journey that we undergoes through the incredible and powerful experiences of God’s love by understanding prayer. Sonu Chembanpara Prayer is communication: Prayer is having an open communication with God. As communication is the important basic step for starting a relationship, When we try to set aside a time to share our joy and sorrows with our dear Lord constantly it brings an immense pleasure and peace to Our lives. Prayer is relationship: Prayer build relationships. When we try to maintain an open communication with God daily through prayers and rituals we are entering into a true relationship with our Lord father. Being in a healthy relationship brings lot of responsibilities and dedication to sustain it and when you put the effort the life gets easier and peaceful. Similarly once you strengthen the bond with God and when we live our lives by following the commandments we can confidently raise our head and defeat the troubles that we face as We receive the courage and strength from Jesus incredible love. Prayer is a connection: Connect is a very common phrase in the modern world of technology. When we are trying to connect with people through all our devices that the world offers, we should also try to establish a deep connection with our Lord Almighty through the powerful device called prayer. Connection develops when we follow a Constant communication and a strong relationship establishes. At this stage we develop a strong faith and understanding in him that whatever happens is as per God’s will. When we know him and we will be known by god ,that deep connection will bring power, peace and purpose to your life. Prayer is an Experience: Experiencing God is one of the highest level in the spiritual Journey. It is an encounter with God that he reveals himself to you .The Holy mass is one way that we lovingly encounter him through body and blood of Jesus. In one’s lifetime once we Experience Lord in our lives , then all our priorities will become him. That divine life you experience can transform ourselves into a whole new mortal being. Prayer is Sacrifice: The biggest sacrifice in this world is the Holy cross. Once we experience Lord Almighty in our spiritual soul, the extent of sacrifice you would be capable of doing would be endless. The cross explains to us that if Jesus Christ dies in the cross to save the entire humanity, If this cross is placed on the middle of the altar of every single Catholic Church in the world ;no matter how beautiful the other details of the church, If he bears the biggest pain on the earth that no human can imagine ,and if he resurrect on the third day to brighten and save the whole world , we must ask ourselves, what sacrifice each one of us are making to the community in order to do justice to this holy cross? Dear lord, Allow us to examine our conscience on how deep is our experience with you. Show us the path to sacrifice ourselves and be close with you and make us an instrument to lighten up our community so that the world may witness the peace and harmony. Amen
Easter Jesus walked this earth a long, long time ago. He was born to a woman called Mary. He was sent into this Nia John world for a purpose. That purpose was to die on the cross, so people could be forgiven of their sins. Jesus loved everyone that he was willing to do anything for them. We celebrate Easter to remember Jesus rising from the dead. After he died on a cross they took his body and wrapped him in liner cloth. Then they laid him in a tomb. A large stone was rolled over the front to seal it up. This was a very large and heavy rock that was in front of the opening of the tomb. Jesus was laid in a brand new tomb. No one had ever been buried there before. On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb. To her surprise she found the large heavy stone had been moved out of the way. She ran back to the disciples to tell, and found Peter and John. She told them Jesus was gone, and she didn’t know where his body went. They all ran back to the tomb, and checked it out. Peter and John left. Mary was standing alone crying and suddenly two angels appeared inside the tomb. They asked her why she was crying. She told them that the people had taken the Lord’s body, and she didn’t know where he was. Then Jesus appeared to her and asked her why she was crying. She thought he was the gardener. She asked him where the Lord’s body was so she could go get him. Then Jesus said “Mary”. She realized who he was and said “Rabboni” which means Master. She ran back to tell the disciples everything that had just happened. Jesus appeared to others as well before he went up to heaven to prepare a loving place for us. This was done so everyone could be forgiven of their sins. Easter represents the fulfillment of the prophecies of the old testaments and the revelation of God’s salvific plan for all of humankind. In commemorating the Resurrection of death and the hope of salvation.
Trustee’s Desk Dear fellow parishioners, We are honored and humbled to be the new trustees for our church for the new term. We are thankful for the trust you have put in us. Let us all work together to make our church active and a role model to the other parishes in our forane. We also want thank our outgoing trustees, Mr. Josekunju Chamakalayil and Mr. Lumon Manthurathil for all their hard work. They laid the foundation for our church; working day and night since the day it officially became ours. We thank their family members who supported them as they made sacrifices for our church. Our parish vicar Fr. Bins’s energetic personality has truly made our church alive with his involvement of our various ministries; such as Men’s, women’s, youth, mission league and infant ministries. Under the leadership of Fr. Bins and the support of all our parishioners, we request your whole hearted support and prayers as we begin our role as the new trustees. Sincerely, Shaji Vemmelil Siju Kalapurakunnumpurathu Biju Muthalapeedikayil \\
Upcoming Events Mass Schedule April 03 - St. Mary’s koodarayogam April 08 - 40th Friday adoration from 10am to 9pm - Friday April 10 - Palms Sunday service at 11am Confessions @ 7:00 PM (Only one Mass) Mal Mass @ 7:30 PM April 14 - Pesaha Thursday Service at 7.30pm April 15 - Good Friday Service at 7.30pm - Sunday April 16 - Easter service at 7.30pm Eng Mass @ 10.00 AM April 17 - No Holy Mass Mal Mass @ 11:15 AM Trustees Season of Great Shaji Vemmelil @ +1 551 312 6048 Fast & Resurrection Biju Muthalupidiyil @ +1 908 721 8595 Siju Kalappurakunnumpuram@ +1 201 960 0209 First Readings For feedback, email us @[email protected] 03 Apr - Deut 8:1-10 10 Apr - Ex 15:1-3 17 Apr - Ezek 37:1-10 24 Apr - Lev 26:1-13 Second Readings 03 Apr - 1 Pt 4:12-19 10 Apr - Gal 4:12-20 17 Apr - Jn 20:1-10 24 Apr - 1 Jn 1:1-4 Gospel Readings 03 Apr - Mk 8:31-9:1 10 Apr - Lk 19:28-40 17 Apr - Jn 20:1-18 24 Apr - Jn 20:24-31 March 2022 - Collections $4,388 Bible Quote John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.\" Bulletin Editorial Board - Fr. Bins Chethalil - Alex Nedumthuruthil - Fini Manthuruthil - Joby Thadathil - Jaimy Valiyanilam - Jomy Chembanpara
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