Issue 27 - Jul 2022 Inside this Issue Pastoral Message Rediscover Testimony CCD Graduation Graduates Birthdays & Anniversaries Jun Memories Announcements നമ്മൾ െതാമ്മന്െറ മക്കൾ എന്ന ഏെറ അഭിമാനേത്താെട വി േതാമ്മാ�ീഹായുെട ദുക്റാന തിരുനാൾ നാം ആേഘാഷിക്കയാണ്. വിശ�ാസ ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഏെറ െവല��വിളികൾ േനരിട്ട നാള�കൾക്ക് േശഷം ദുക്റാന തിരുനാളിന് നാം ഒരുങ്ങുേമ്പാൾ ഈ തിരുനാൾ നമ്മുെട ഏവരുെടയും വിശ�ാസ ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഉയർത്തുന്ന െവല�� വിളികെള നാം േനരിടണം .പിടിവാശിക്കാരനായ േതാമശ്ശീഹാ തന്െറ വിശ�ാസബലത്തിൽ സ�ർഗ്ഗവും പിടിെച്ചടുത്തു. േതാമ�ിഹാ പിടിവാശി കാണിച്ചത് ഉത്ഥിതനായ േയശുവിെന കാണാനാണ് 'നമ്മുെട പിടിവാശികൾ എന്തിന് േവണ്ടിയാണ്. ഈേശാെയ ഒന്ന് കാണാൻ , സ�ീകരിക്കാൻ , സ�ന്തമാക്കാൻ േവണ്ടിയുള്ള പിടിവാശികൾ ആയിരുേന്നാ എന്ന് ചിന്തിക്കാൻ ദുക്റാന തിരുനാൾ േ്രപരകമാകെട്ട .ഫാേദഴ്സ് േഡ ഒരു പുണ�ദിനമാക്കാൻ പരി്രശമിച്ച എലാ� വർക്കും ്രപേത�കം നന്ദിയർപ്പിക്കുന്നു , നമ്മുെട ഈ വർഷെത്ത വിശ�ാസ പരിശീലനത്തിന് സമാപനം കുറിക്കുേവാൾ വിവിധ മാർഗ്ഗത്തിലൂെട വിശ�ാസ പരിശീലനത്തിൽ താല്പര�ം നിറഞ്ഞ കുഞ്ഞുങ്ങെള േചർത്ത് പിടിക്കാൻ കാണിച്ച വിശ�ാസ പരീശീലകരുെട വലിയ മനസ്സിനും ്രപിയെപ്പട്ട മാതാപിതാക്കൾക്കും ഇടവകയുെട ആദരവ് We celebrated Father’s Day in a special way. Let us never forget to thank God, the Father for the blessing of His almighty love. Let us celebrate Father’s Day all through our life. May God bless all fathers always. I thank all of you for the valuable prayers for the success of youth conference REDISCOVER. You all see the different witnesses from youth and parents. Really it was a great blessing. I really appreciate the youth from our parish and their parents to become the part of this miracle. This month I am going to India for my family function so please pray for me. Sacred Heart feast preparation retreat and the feast was in great blessings. We should dedicate our family to the protection of Sacred Heart. May God bless you all . Bins Achan .
REDISCOVER TESTIMONY Rediscover was a really fun event that brought the youth together and rediscover their Knanaya characteristics. Rediscover gave me a new family. A family from all over the states who you can call and will be there for you in a heartbeat. This was a great opportunity for many of us to meet kids of our age and create a bond. With the creative minds of the entertainment committee, people were able to engage in different games and activities. Rediscover consisted of many educated speakers such as Alex Gotay, who educated us about our catholic faith. He is a teen and young adult speaker who uses his unique perspective to keep his audience engaged. We had a lot of fun activities and played a variety of games while meeting a lot of new people and bonding with them. Along with this we also had wonderful spiritual activities such as daily qurbana, night prayer, and speakers. Rediscover gave all of us a great opportunity to learn more about the Knanaya community and to become great leaders in the future. Rediscover was a great opportunity to make new friends and get to know each other. Thank you everyone who worked behind and in front of the scenes to make rediscover a successful event. A very special thanks to all the priests, Rev. Fr. Jose Tharackal, Rev. Fr. Biby Tharayil, Rev. Fr. Bins chethalil, Rev. Fr. Joseph Thachara, Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal, Rev. Fr. Abraham Mutholath, Brother Moses, and all of the committee members and youth leaders from all parishes for their hard work and dedication. This is the first step into the future and it was a big one. Looking forward to many more future events. - Jesna Kalappurakunnumpuram
Upcoming Events Mass Schedule • July 3 – St. Thomas Day - Friday Bulletin Sponsor Confessions @ 7:00 PM Alex Malika & Family Mal Mass @ 7:30 PM Trustees - Sunday Shaji Vemmelil @ +1 551 312 6048 Eng Mass @ 10.00 AM Biju Muthalupidiyil @ +1 908 721 8595 Mal Mass @ 11:15 AM Siju Kalappurakunnumpuram@ +1 201 960 0209 For feedback, email us @[email protected] Season of Apostles & Kaitha First Readings 03 July - Ruth 1:6-18 10 July - Lev 8:1-13 17 July - Num 11:16-18; 24- 30 24 July - Gen 35:23-29 31 July - Deut 28:1-14 Second Readings 03 July - 1 Cor 3:5-14 10 July - 1 Cor 1:26-31 17 July - Jn 14:15-20; 25-26 24 July - Rom 11:17-24 31 July - Ex 20:1-17 Gospel Readings 03 July - Jn 11:1-16 10 July - Mt 9:27-38 17 July - Jn 14:15-20; 25-26 24 July - Mt 10:1-15 31 July - Jn 15:1-8 June 2022 - Collections $x,xxx Bible Quote Deuteronomy 32:4 \"The Rock, his work is perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God, without deceit, just and upright is he\" Bulletin Editorial Board - Fr. Bins Chethalil - Alex Nedumthuruthil - Fini Manthuruthil - Joby Thadathil - Jaimy Valiyanilam - Jomy Chembanpara
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