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Home Explore CV January Newsletter 2022-V2

CV January Newsletter 2022-V2

Published by felixp, 2022-01-04 16:12:50

Description: CV January Newsletter 2022-V2


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USS CV/SV WHAT’S INSIDE 480-288-8844 Welcome and Resort Hours Page 2-3 Resort Events & Calendar Page 4-12 Fitness Page 13-15 6601 E. US Highway 60 Cal-Am Food Options Page 16-19 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Sales Page 20 Lifestyle University Page 21-25 SHIP INFORMATION Phoenix Sports & Local Page 26-39 Businesses Cal-Am Concert Tickets Page 40 Guest Services Mailroom Phone #: 480-288-8844 Monday - Friday 10:00 am-1:00 pm Fax #: 480-648-5590 Saturday 10:00 am-1:00 pm Sunday: Closed Monday - Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Sales Office Activities Counter Phone #: 480-845-1778 Monday - Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Phone #: 480-977-3824 Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday: Closed Monday - Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Cliff: 480-937-1496 Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Tickets online: 2

It is difficult to believe that the New Year is upon us, it seems like just yesterday we started welcoming our Fall Special guests back home to the resort. Time marches on and so do the parties at Canyon Vistas and Superstition Views. We have a season packed with fun events and activities all prepped and ready for you! Christina and company have scheduled the best bands, ordered the finest foods and scouted out the coolest shows all right here at CVSV. Even the weather promises to be top notch for your matriculation back to your winter oasis in the Sonoran Desert! Your favorite food and beverage await at the Cactus Grill…or maybe even, Poolside! We will be waiting with smiles on our faces and warmth in our hearts, so travel safely and we’ll be ready when you arrive! Dana and Michele Eastman USS CV/SV Captains Welcome aboard the USS CV/SV cruise to FUN! It is time Welcome to all of the new residents and first time RV’ers! to cruise into 2022. For the next several weeks our theme Sales have been fast and furious this year. As most of you will be “Yachts of Fun with Cal-Am.” Please make sure can see, there aren’t very many available homes . As the in- you open your Cruise Compass email every morning to find ventory is low, if you are thinking of home ownership, come out what is on the calendar and can plan accordingly! You by and let’s have a look! If you are thinking of selling… will not want to miss out on all the FUN. We will have a well, I can certainly assist you in getting it done. passport for all who want to participate in the PASSPORT Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!! CHALLENGE. Stay tuned for more details in the coming As always, if you have any sales needs or questions, I am week. We will also have a concert called “Ship Happens.” here to assist. Be sure to get your complimentary tickets. Have fun out there! Cliff Tenberg See you around the ship! USS CV/SV Cruise Sales Manager Christina Duy USS CV/SV Cruise Director DISCLAIMER: The Canyon Vistas & Superstition Views Newsletter is published by the Activities Office at Canyon Vistas. Deadline is the 15th of the month for the following month (October through March). The Activities Office reserves the right to accept, deny and/or edit all submissions for publica- tion. Canyon Vistas & Superstition Views, Cal-Am Properties, its employees, affiliates and assigns do not endorse the paid advertising in this publication. 3

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5678 10:00 am 9:00 AM Steak Dinner 4 pm Music 3-6pm Movie Night-Free Cancer Fundraiser- Social Hall Ballroom Rocksmith 6:30 pm Social Cornhole 3 pm Show N Tell 9 am Hall 10:00 am Music 3-6pm Ballroom Queen Bees Social Hall Silhoutte Music 3-7pm 10:00 am Thaddeus Rose Social Hall 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10:00 am 9:00 AM Social Hall Ballroom Ship Happens Rib Dinner 4 pm Oh Canada Movie Night-Free Cancer Concert 7 pm Concert 7 pm 6:30 pm Social Fundraiser-80’s Music 3-6pm Harry Luge Ballroom Ballroom Hall Video Dance Music 3-7pm Cruella 7 pm Josh West Music 3-6pm Come Back Buddy 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Red Hat Luncheon Steak Dinner 4 pm 9:00 AM 11 am Ballroom Movie Night-Free Dance 7 pm 6:30 pm Social Thaddeus Rose Ballroom Hall Music 3-6pm Music Squarez 4 pm Music 3-7pm Music 3-6pm 12 Mighty Ballroom Rocksicles Orphans DJ & Midnight Sun Hillbilly Deluxe Pop 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:00 AM Ladies Fashion Show Chicken Dinner 4 pm Ballroom 11 am Ballroom Music 3-6pm Karaoke 7 pm Music 3-7pm Music 3-6pm Music 3-5 pm Stan Foster Social Hall Harry Mathews Kristy Dee Band 8th Street Band 10:00 am 30 31 January Cactus Grill Hours: Social Hall Monday-Sunday 9:00 AM Ballroom 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm AED Training 10 am Ballroom Music 3-6pm North Star 4



The Top Things To Do On A CV/SV Cruise! • An amazing meal awaits you at the Cactus Grill everyday of the week. You can also enjoy a steak, rib or chicken dinner on Wednesday nights. • The Activities Counter has retail logo items you won’t want to forget to purchase and take home with you. • Let our bands/entertainers amaze you at the SV Dance Patio while you move your feet to the rhythm of the music. • Come and see if you can make friends with Lady Luck at Music Square’z. Not sure how to play? That is ok…… will get directions when you arrive! • You will appreciate the laid back atmosphere at the Cactus Grill while you enjoy a cocktail or two. • Indulge yourself, you deserve it. Sign up for a massage today with our Massage Therapist. You can sign up in Portales I. • And don’t forget to reserve your tickets for a Cal-Am Concert and take advantage of all the amenities the USS CV/SV has to offer! 7




Coffee & Donuts—Mondays at the Ballroom 8:30 am - Coffee & Donuts and 9:00 am - Announcements This is Activities time to share what’s coming up in the next few weeks, let everyone know of any changes to dates/times of events, & keep everyone informed. Even if you don’t eat donuts, come anyway. The folks that attend these are usually the first to know of specials, new things going on in the resort, start dates for groups/classes, etc. Give us half an hour of your time so you’ll be in the know. 11

Get your Cancer Tshirt $10 cash or check Watch your emails for more info. 12