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Home Explore Nov 2020 Final r3

Nov 2020 Final r3

Published by felixp, 2020-11-04 21:41:44

Description: Nov 2020 Final r3


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16501 N El Mirage Rd, Surprise, AZ 85378 · Activities Office 623-583-9374 ·Guest Services 623-583-0100 The Friendly Resort with the Country Club atmosphere for the 55+ Generation 2020 16 1

Fri 11/6 8am-12pm Resort wide What’s Inside PATIO SALE Wed 11/11 Activity Director’s Corner 3 Fri 11/13 10am Veteran’s Day Sat 11/21 Celebration Bistro 10 Thu 11/26 4-8pm Crazy Hat Night @ Cactus Grill (TIKI Patio) 7 Cactus Grill Cal-Am Concerts 5 3PM Fall Food & Fun Festival Cal-Am SF Sales 3-4 Cactus Grill Closed Calendar 8-9 Manager’s Corner 3 Special Events 2,12 Wed 12/2 5pm Holiday Chili RESORT OFFICE HOURS Dinner ACTIVITY OFFICE 623-583-9374 Mon-Fri 9am-3pm Mon 12/7 5pm Holiday Golf Cart Closed Saturday/Sunday Parade NO CONTACT OFFICE-CALL OR EMAIL FOR ASSISTANCE Thu 12/10 4pm Hawaiian Holidays @ Cactus Grill Sat 12/12 8am Craft Bazaar-TIKI Patio GUEST SERVICES 623-583-0100 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm Sat/Sun 9am-1pm Mon 12/14 7pm Allen Edwards NO CONTACT OFFICE-CALL OR EMAIL FOR ASSISTANCE Christmas Show MAIL ROOM Mon-Sat 12-2pm Fri 12/18 4pm Ugly Sweater Night @ Cactus Grill SF CAL-AM SALES 623-977-8229 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm Sat 8:30am-2pm Thu 12/24 Resort Offices closed at 3pm WELCOME CENTER Mon-Sun 7am-9pm Fri 12/25 Resort Offices Closed Purchase event/concert tickets online @ DISCLAIMER: The Sunflower Newsletter is published by the Activity Office at Sunflower RV Resort. Submissions are due the 10th 15 of the prior month for the following month (November-March). The Activity Office reserves the right to accept, deny and/or edit all submissions for publication. 2

6 feet apart looks like: Letter from your Manager Length of a Yoga mat Height of a normal refrigerator Hello Residents and Friends, Length of a twin bed 1/2 of a VW Bug November is here and the weather is finally cooling down. The excitement grows Six bowling pins laid end to end each day as we see more friends and newcomers arrive for the winter season. We 2 yard sticks end to end also want to thank all of you for supporting the changes and following the guide- lines to keep our resort and its residents safer. Capacity will be posted in each room for your information. We are happy to announce this month so many wonderful new options with the Cactus Grill and Bistro. Exercise classes, line dance classes and nightly bands at the Tiki are in full swing. A great season has been planned for you by Amber and her wonderful team. Mark your calendar and join us for the Veteran’s Day celebrations, Crazy Hat night and our 4th Annual Food Truck Festival (Fall Food & Fun Festival) All our activities and events are just waiting for you to join in. Enjoy the Resort and most of all enjoy each other. Warmly, Brennan Sunflower Activities Sunflower Cal-Am Sales Standing in line for food & drink at Happy November, The Sunflower Sales Team would like the Cactus Grill. to wish you a Happy Fall Season. We are practicing Thanks this month… The Weather is finally calming down and there is so We are happy to help you find your much to do. Celebrating and Honoring our Veterans, perfect Vacation Home. We are wearing crazy hats and enjoying great food trucks available for scheduled homes tours and favorite craft vendors. We have new bands by appointment as well as virtual home tours. It is our coming in and resident favorites returning to en- pleasure to be of service. There is also a courtesy, For Rent tertain you every day of the week. Come down to by Owner list with available rentals too. Email us or stop by the Newly renamed Cactus Grill (formally Tiki Bar) for a cup of coffee and we will add you to our weekly and see all of the great new options we have to email. offer you. Don’t forget to sign up for our weekly news and up- Welcome Home…. Where the Sun Shines All Year Long! dates email sent out every Fri- day night at 4. So give Sunflower Sales Office Number 623-977-8229 Thanks and Celebrate!! Kathy Snider 480-389-8258 or [email protected] We’ll see you at the party… Stacey Graham 480-369-0194 or Sales500c@cal-com Amber PLEASE HELP US KEEP EACH OTHER & THE RESORT Distancing on the dance SAFE AND HEALTHY! floor 14 3

Sunflower Weekly emails Make sure you are signed up! You don’t want to miss important information and the latest news & announcements. Call the Activity Office at 623-583-9374 or email Amber, Judi or Jenn and get your name on the list. Amber [email protected] Judi [email protected] Jenn [email protected] To Learn More All Club/Activities Presidents & Leaders Sunflower Sales Team IMPORTANT INFORMATION Kathy 480-389-8258 [email protected] It is VERY important for you or your designated club/activities member to attend each and everyone of the monthly Club & Stacey 480-369-0194 Activity Meetings. There are some changes and you are going to want to have the latest information. [email protected] The best way for your Club/Activity to get important and accurate information is to attend these one-time per month meetings. Please mark your calendars and make sure you are represented on Wednesday, November 18th at 9:30am at the Bistro Veranda for the first meeting of the 20-21 Season. During the Season these monthly meetings are scheduled on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, same time, same place unless you are notified of changes. Think of this as a “Staff Meeting” where all are involved, get accurate information, ask questions and communicate with each other; saving complications and challenges later. We are all going to work together to make the 20-21 Season great! Note: The BIG RED DUMPSTER IS NOT FOR RESIDENT USE! All bulk items including (but not limited to) furniture, building materials, appliances and toilets must be disposed of off property. Please ensure your contractors know this and help you dispose of your items properly. ALL trash and recycling bin containers are located at the Southeast corner of the Resort. Rules and Regulations state: Trash Collection: Collection days are Monday & Thursday starting at 7:00am (sharp). You must have your trash placed by the street by 6:30am and it must either be bagged and tied or placed in a self-provided garbage can. A trash compactor (is located in the SE corner of the Resort) is provided only if you have excessive trash NOT as a replacement for trash service. All bulk items including but not limited to furniture, appli- ances, carpet, siding, wood, tires, TV’s, computers etc. must be disposed of off property. Dumping of bulk items is not permitted on Sunflower property. Recycling bins for paper, glass, plastic, Styrofoam etc. are located in the Southeast corner of the Resort along with the trash compactor. Thank you. 4 13

November November OH, CANADA! World War I through Thanksgiving Through Friday-January 15th-Ballroom-7:00pm Armistice Day the Ages What do Celine Dion, Michael Buble, Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Joni Mitchell and Paul Anka have in common? They are all incredible THURSDAY ·NOVEMBER 19TH · 6PM · BALLROOM · FREE musicians who hail from Canada. All of these artists, plus many more are featured in this new original production, Oh, Canada. Three amazing vocalists, along with an incredible band, take you on an eclectic journey through Canada’s awe-inspiring music history, paying “SAVING MR. BANKS” tribute to the musicians and bands who took the world by storm. This show is sure to bring down the HOOSE! This movie is inspired by true events and is the extraordinary, untold story of how Disney’s classic Mary Poppins made it to the screen. TENNESSEE RIVER-A TRIBUTE TO ALABAMA And the testy relationship that the legendary Walt Disney had with the author P.L. Travers that almost derailed it. Tuesday-January 16th-Ballroom-7:00pm Seating will be limited. Masks are required. Make sure and social distance! Already established as a strong cross-over vocal ensemble project, the members of TENNESSEE RIVER wanted to showcase their own vocal prowess by paying homage to the band they felt transformed country music with their stellar vocal blend. Prior to forming as TENNESSEE Can you make some time in your day? Would you be willing to give back to your Sunflower Community? Volun- RIVER, these seven gifted concert musicians had performed internationally in various country and rock projects, and have frequently been teers needed, we couldn’t do what we do without your help. Come to the Activities Office and talk to staff or call compared to such legendary bands as the Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Diamond Rio, and of course ALABAMA. us at 623-583-9374 let us know what you would be willing to participate in. Just some of the help needed: TENNESSEE RIVER is the first and ONLY tribute band that has the vocal chops to do Alabama’s music justice, with their new hybrid of con- EVENT DECORATORS FRONT OFFICE WORKERS/ACTIVITY OFFICE temporary cross-over music, bringing a fusion of the rural and urban sounds of modern-day country and blues, with the spirit of rock’n’roll, TENNESSEE RIVER stays true to the essence of Alabama’s music, taking their chart-topping songs and adding their own fresh, SOUND SYSTEM HELPERS FOOD SERVICES SPECIAL EVENTS HELP/SERVERS modern and unique energy, bringing Alabama’s music alive again for a whole new generation of country music fans. DÉCOR TRUCK HELP TABLES/CHAIRS SET UP-TAKE DOWN THE ROLLER BOYS PHOTOGRAPHERS TEMPERATURE TAKERS Friday-February 5th-Ballroom-7:00pm 12 The Rollerboys are a 1950s Rock’n’Roll vocal group, with one big twist...they wear roller-skates. If you love the sounds of Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly and many more, then get ready to tap your feet to the awesome vocal sounds of THE ROLLERBOYS, bringing you rock’n’roll on roller skates. The Rollerboys, comprised of some of the hottest West End stars from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Starlight Express, performing LIVE on the Ballroom stage. This is a show unlike any other! VOYAGER-TRIBUTE TO JOURNEY Thursday-February 25th-Ballroom-7:00pm VOYAGER is a spectacular tribute to the music of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame artist, JOURNEY. This high energy production will take you on a musical tour of classic songs like Faithfully, Open Arms, Who’s Crying Now, Wheel in the Sky, Anyway You Want it, Don’t Stop Believin’ and so many more. Featuring extraordinary musicians and vocalists who have toured nationally and internationally, VOYAGER provides today’s most entertaining and accurate JOURNEY experience. QUEEN NATION-A TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC OF QUEEN FRIDAY-March 5th-Ballroom-7:00pm There is little doubt among the pure rock community that the legendary band Queen and lead performer Freddie Mercury earn high ranks as one of the most powerful and iconic groups in rock history. He mesmerized audiences with his charismatic energy and larger than life stage persona. Upon his death in 1991, a huge void was left in the rock concert world, which to this day has not yet been matched. Queen Nation, a tribute to Queen, was formed in 2004. It consists of Gregory Finsley on vocals/keyboard as Freddie Mercury with a full band. The mission of the show is to carry on the musical torch and pay homage to the golden age of vintage Queen concerts. This live production of greatest hits preserves the image, sound and stage persona of vintage Queen. Follow the retrospective journey with songs We Will Rock You-Bohemian Rhapsody-We are the Champions-Crazy Little Thing Called Love-You’re My Best Friend-Another One Bites the Dust and many more. 5

On sale January 2021 Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Friday (or by appointment) Closed 12:30-1pm for lunch Appointments are accepted for Saturdays. To make your appointment call: 623-583-0100 Option #3 or 480-493-6673 WE ARE PROVIDING A CLEAN & SANITIZED PLACE TO TREAT YOURSELF TO A LITTLE PAMPERING THIS SEASON! NEW Sunflower Pick out your favorite item, order by phone, pick it up or have it delivered, if needed BEGINNER & CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH CLASS: Nov 3rd-Mar 31st Classes scheduled on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2-4pm in the Surprise Room. TABLE TENNIS/PING PONG: Group play is on Tuesdays & Fridays from 1-3pm in Quail Hollow on the new outdoor tables. Come out and join the play. 6 11

Open early November HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 2-4PM Appetizers Available Daily Dinner Specials will be announced Live Music Monday–Friday 4-8pm TIKI PATIO 11/1 HB Acoustic Guitar 11/16 Come Back Buddy 11/2 Electric Blue 11/3 Arizona Avenue Band 11/17 DJ & the Midnight Sun 11/4 House of Steel 11/5 Michelle Lynn & Legacy Band 11/18 Urban Crossroads 11/6 Thaddeus Rose 11/19 Street Player 11/7 Karaoke 1:30 pm 11/8 Singing w/Harvey 2:00pm 11/20 Sweet Tea 11/9 Kool Traxx 11/10 Better Beat Band 11/21-Karaoke 1:30pm 3pm Fun & Food Festival– 11/11 Reign N Country Mancini Band, BR Parking Lot 11/12 Tom & Jerry Please note: Seating/participating/space will be limited in all clubs/activities rooms. COVID-19 exists in our 11/13 Rhythm Edition - Crazy Hat Night 11/22 Like Minds County. You are entering at your own risk. Masks must be worn at all times. Each activity should have a 11/14 Karaoke 1:30pm 11/15 Mayberry Blues 11/23 Desert Coyotes Monitor to make sure masks are on and all are following the rules of social distancing. Max capacity for each room will be posted. 11/24 Boomer 11/25 Fastlane PLEASE DON’T FORGET 11/26 THANKSGIVING-CLOSED SUNFLOWER SUPPORTS THE 11/27 (Open 12-6pm) Backseat Romance “Valley View Community Food Bank” 11/28 Karaoke 1:30pm All your non-perishable food items stay in the West valley to feed those in need. Your donations are appreciated! 11/29 Singing w/Harvey 2:00pm COLLECTION BARREL IS IN THE HALLWAY FROM THE GS MINI-LOBBY TO THE FITNESS CENTER 11/30 Desert Star Band 10 7

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 12 3 4 5 6 8am-12pm Patio Sale 7 2pm CG-HB Acoustic Guitar 8:15am TMM-Tiki Patio 4pm CG-House of Steel 1:30pm CG-Karaoke 4pm CG-Michelle Lynn & 4pm CG-Electric Blue 4pm CG-Arizona Avenue Band Legacy Band 4pm CG-Thaddeus Rose 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2pm CG-Sing w/Harvey 8:15am TMM-Tiki Patio VCEETLEERBARNA’STIDOANY 2-5pm SH-Ruby’s Paint n 1:30pm CG-Karaoke 10:30am-CG-Presentation Pour 4pm CG-KoolTraxx 4pm CG-Better Beat Band 11:45am CG-Lunch & Music 4pm CG-Rhythm Edition 4pm CG-Reign N Country 4pm CG-Tom & Jerry 16 17 15 18 19 20 21 8:15am TMM-Tiki Patio 2pm CG-Mayberry Blues 9:30am BiV-Clubs & Activities 4pm CG-Street Player 4pm CG-Sweet Tea 1:30pm CG-Karaoke Monthly Meeting 6pm BR-Movie Night 27 3-7pm 4pm CG-Come Back Buddy 4pm CG-DJ & Midnight Sun 12:30pm SH-AO WOW Party “Saving Mr. Banks” 12-6pm Cactus Grill Open Parking Lot -Ballroom 2pm CG-Backseat 23 24 4pm CG-Urban Crossroads Romance 28 22 4pm CG-Desert Coyotes 8:15am TMM-Tiki Patio 25 26 RESODRTECWOIRDAETHINOGLIDAY 2pm CG-Like Minds 30 4pm CG-Boomer 1:30pm CG-Karaoke 29 4pm CG-Fastlane Cactus Grill Closed 2pm CG-Sing w/Harvey Calendar Room Legend CG=Cactus Grill P=Pool K=Kiva Room SHX=SH Annex SUBJECT TO CHANGE TMM=Tue Morning SH=Social Hall QH=Quail Hollow BRV=BR Veranda Meeting BR=Ballroom 4pm CG-Desert Star Band BRX=BR Annex BiV=Bistro Veranda KV= Kiva Veranda 8 9

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