LGSETA Accredited-Accreditation no.LGRS-1389-160203MFMP TRAINING NOVEMBER 2016 – AUGUST 2017MUNICIPAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (MFMP)Certificate in Municipal Finance Management-SAQA ID: 48965, NQF LEVEL6 & National Diploma in Public Finance and Administration-SAQA ID: 49554, NQF LEVEL 5.Brief DescriptionThe MFMP is designed around the requirements of the competency regulations asstipulated in the Government Gazette No.29967 issued on 15 June 2007. A learningprogramme approach has been adopted in the development and design of the MFMPin order to ensure that learners are able to learn and apply skills acquired and toaccumulate credits towards full certification for the qualifications. The MFMP is made upof 6 Learning Programmes with the Unit Standards prescribed for the MFMP at NQFLevel 6 and at NQF Level 5.2016/17 MFMP TRAINING SCHEDULE FOR LIMPOPO MUNICIPALITIESVenue : Polokwane (The Shamrock Lodge)Duration : November 2016-August 2017SESSION 1 : LEGISLATION & POLICY 21-25 November 2016US 119334 LegislationUS 116361 Legislation & Policy Submission of Portfolio of EvidenceUS 116343 Ethics (POE)US 116348 Stakeholder ConsultationUS 116344 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act 23 January 2017
SESSION 2 : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IUS 116363 Financial ManagementUS 119348 Generally Recognised Accounting Practice 23-27 January 2017 (GRAP) Submission of POEUS 116342 Income & Expenditure 13 March 2017US 116362 Asset Management 13-17 March 2017US 119350 Financial Statements Submission of POESESSION 3 : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IIUS 116364 Budget Reporting 8 May 2017US 116345 Budget ImplementationUS 119331 Working Capital Management 08-12 May 2017US 119341 Cost ManagementUS 119343 Project Management Submission of POESESSION 4 : MANAGEMENT 19 June 2017US 116351 AuditingUS 116357 Internal Controls 19-23 June 2017US 116339 Risk ManagementUS 116353 Supply Chain Management (SCM) Submission of POEUS 116341 Performance Management 14 August 2017SESSION 5 : FINANCIAL PLANNINGUS 116346 Cash & Investment ManagementUS 116347 Capital Planning & FinancingUS 116340 Costing PrinciplesUS 116358 Strategic PlanningSESSION 6 : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPSUS 119351 Information & Technology I 14-18 August 2017US 119352 Information & Technology IIUS 116360 Information & Technology III Submission of POEUS 119353 Public Private Partnerships END OF PROGRAMME…….CERTIFICATION… 15 September 2017Validated by National Treasury for MFMP Training.Verification of status can be done at the following website address:http://www.treasury.gov.za/legislation/mfma/training/traningprov.aspx
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