Plastic pollution References ENVIRONMENTAL Plastic Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, IMPACTS OFWhat are the environmental PLASTICSimpacts of plastics? 2015, from Mike Mallon 1101Due to plastics petroleum based Unruhe, K. (2012). Plastics Additives.composition and lightweight characteristics, Retrieved April 20, 2015, fromthe long lasting effects caused by them will the environment and human health Units/Plastics_Additives_Unit.pdffor years to come. ntrfThe impacts include: J Pollution that results in trash mkl vortexes Animal ingestion that results in death or decreased quality of life Human health impacts like birth defects and disease
w w . g o o g l e . c o THE GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH m As plastic usage rates increase, so does the amount of / pollution that is caused by it. As plastics drift and enter waterways, they wind up in larger and larger u systems which eventually enter the ocean. From there, currents bunch pollutants in gyres or vortexes, the r largest of five being noted above. l Consumption of ocean plastic pollutants results in death ? due to digestive failure. s aImpacts on Human Health Impact on Animal Health = iPhthalates, or chemical additives, are added toplastics to change their characteristics. They are &also endocrine disrupters, so once inside anorganism, they bind to the receptors of the rhormones they mimic; most commonly estrogen. Along with digestive issues, entanglement and c BPA bioaccumulation also plague marine animal t = Found in hard, clear plastics like water bottles and tin can linings. species. j & Has been shown to cause breast cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Chemical additives are used to enhance q obesity, hyperactivity and lower = sperm counts plastics abilities and when consumed, can be & DEHP e absorbed. As they pass through a food chain, s Found in flexible forms of PVC like flip-flops and cling wrap they increase in concentration, which can r Causes birth defects in male offspring result in anything from reproductive issues to c including abnormal anogenital distance, penile width, and testicular decreased overall health. = descent s & s o u r c e = i m a g e s &
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