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LLB Reading List Online Resorces Rev.00

Published by apiitlibrary2, 2020-11-05 08:05:20

Description: LLB Reading List Online Resorces Rev.00


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LLB Reading List Online Resources REV.: 00; Dated:17.09.2020

LLB Reading List: Online Resources  This document provides you the online resources available in your respective reading list.  These resources are categorized as follows and please click on the link in the relevant category against each title to open the link. *Free PDF Can be downloaded freely via the given link **SU eBooks Please use the Staffordshire University credentials to open the eBook. For more details, please click here to access the user guide on how to access Staffordshire eBook ***Google book If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given the permission, you'll be able to see a preview of the book (covers 50%-75%), and in some cases the entire text. If it's in the public domain, you're free to download a PDF copy. ****Additional Information Sources This provides you the links of the additional Information Sources related to each title and you can do multiple searching using your own key words.  You may download the other relevant free e-books through the following sites Forward your inquiries to [email protected] or please contact +94 (0)11 7675127-129 1 APIIT City, Campus Main Library, No 388, Union Place, Colombo 02.

Please click on the relevant level/ Module to see your reading list LEVEL MODULE LEVEL_4 Contract & Problem solving Contract Law English _Legal System and _Skills Tort_ Law and Civil Remedies Law_ and Society Constitutional _Law LEVEL_5 Business _Law and _Commercial _Awareness Criminal_ Law Administrative _Law and Human _Rights International_ Human _Rights _Law Property _Law_ and application _Property Law European_ Union_ Law Evidence_ Law Company _and Commercial_ Transactions Human_ Rights International _intellectual_ property _law LEVEL_6 Law_ of_ Trusts_ and Equitable_ Remedies Sri_ Lankan _Labor_ Law Sri_ Lankan_ company_ law 2

LEVEL_6 Work_ Experience Mooting Dissertation Public_ international_ law Family Law Environmental Law 3 TO CONTENT

LEVELEVEL 4 ****Additional Level Module/Module Title *SU e books **Free Scanned ***Googl Information code PDF chapters e book Sources for recommended Text Books McKendrick, Ewan  Contract (2019) Contract Law Law, Macmillan Law LAWS41602 - Masters, 13e 9e-2020 9e,2009 Contract & McKendrick, Ewan 14e,2019 13e,2016 Problem solving - (2020) Contract Contract Law- Law: Text, Cases and 7e-2019 6e,2017  Contract Law (CPS) Materials, OUP, 9e 8e,2011 LAW L4 Law of Contract by 16e,2016 LAWS41600- Paul Richards. English Legal Casebook on 7e-2019 17e,2016  English Legal System & Skills Contract Law Jill 18e,2017 -2017 System (ELS) Poole. 2014 Contract Law chap 1,2,3  English Legal Directions by System Richard Taylor. 3e,2011 Contract Law: Elliott & Quinn.  Employability English Legal System skills for Law (My Law Chamber Pack),Elliott, C and  law student's Quinn, F, Pearson. skills English Legal System (Directions) by Steve Wilson Legal Skills :Finch & Fafinski. English Legal System by G Slapper & D Kelly. Employability skills for Law students by Finch and Fefinski Skills for law students by Helen Carr. 4 TO CONTENT

Learning Legal Skills 4e,2016 4e,2016  Skills for and Reasoning by 2013 2011 Lawyers Sharon Hanson, Skills for Lawyers 10e-2019 6th ed. 1-  Acing the (CLP Legal Practice 7e-2019 3,5,7- LLB Guides by Annabel 10,21 Elkington. 6e-2019 4e  Tort Law Holland J, Webb J, 8e,2007 7e,2009 'Learning Legal 13e LAWS41601- Tort Rules' Oxford, 4e,2014 4e,2014 Law & Civil Oxford University 8e-2019 7e,2013 Press, 7e-2020 3e,2012 Remedies (TCR) The English Legal System (7th edn, 7e,2009 Torts : Cases OUP 2019) by and materials Alisdair Gillespie and 7e,2009 Siobhan Weare Acing the LLB: Capturing your Full Potential to Improve your Grades by John McGarry Tort Law by Horsey, Kirty & Rackley, Erika. Law of Tort by Cooke, J. Tort Law (My Law Chamber Pack) by Elliot, Catherine & Quinn, Frances Casebook on Torts by Richard, Kidner Unlocking Torts by Turner, Chris Markesinis and Deakins Tort Law Tort Law Directions, Bermingham, V. & Brennan, C. Hepple and Mathews Torts: Cases and materials: Mathews, Martin et. al. Modern Tort Law by Harpwood, V. H. 5 TO CONTENT

The politics of the 2e,2013 2e,2013 Common Law by A. 10e-2020 Law & Society Gearey, W. 1e,2008 2e,2014 (LAS) Morrison & R. Jago. Philosophy of Law A 10th -  Legal Theory Constitutional very short 13,14,15,1 Law introduction by Constitutional Raymond Wacks. 6,19,20 & Legal Theory by Ian Administrative McLeod. Law Neil Parpworth, Constitutional &  Constitutio Administrative Law, nal and Oxford UP. Administra tive Law Constitutional and Administrative Law Lawmap, in the Cavendish Lawmaps series TO CONTENT 6

LEVEL 5 ****Additional Level Module/Module Title *SU e books **Free ***Google Information code PDF Scanned book Sources for chapters recommended Text Books LAWS51804- Business Law & Kelly, Hammer & 3rd ed. 2011  Business Law Commercial Hendy, Business Chap. 1- Awareness Law, Routledge. (Optional)- 20 (BL&CA) Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's 3e-2019 12th ed. 2015  Essentials of Essentials Of 589-604 Criminal Law Criminal Law By pgs, 674- Child, John / 690 pgs Ormerod, David. Law Express: Criminal Law by 3e,2011 Emily Finch and Stefan Fafinski. Storey, Tony Unlocking Criminal  Criminal Law L5 Law. LAWS51800- Complete Criminal Criminal Law (CL) Law: Text, Cases, 7e-2020 6e,2018 And Materials By Loveless, Janet / Allen, Mischa / Derry, Caroline. Allen M., Textbook 13e,2015 on Criminal Law. Monaghan, Nicola 6e-2020 5e,2018  Criminal Law Criminal law directions. Card, Cross & Jones Criminal Law, 22e-2016 22e,2016 Oxford University Press. Administrative Constitutional & 9e,2017 4e,2007  Administrative Law & Human Administrative Law, Law Rights (AL&HR) Pearson 7 TO CONTENT Alex Carroll. Neil Parpworth, 10th ed.  Constitutional Constitutional & Chap 13- & Administrative Law, 16,19,20 Administrative Law T. Endicott Administrative Law 4e-2018 4e,2018 Oxford University Press. B. Thompson and M. Gordon Cases and Materials on Only Constitutional and 12e-2017 Chapter 11e,2014 Administrative Law, 1 Oxford University Press. Sir M. Burton Civil Appeals Sweet & Maxwell, (including chapters by A. White, K. Puttick et L5 al)  Administrative Administrative Law Law By Wade, H.W.R. / 11e-2014 Forsyth, C.F. Douzinas, Costas The End of Human 2000  Human Rights Rights, Hart Publishing. Fenwick, Helen Civil chap 5e,2017 Liberties and Human 1,2,4,6,7, LAWS51807- Rights. 9,10,11,1 International Human Rights Steiner & Alston, 3,15 Law(Optional) International Human Rights in  International (IHR) Context, Oxford. Human Rights Cassese, International 3e-2013  International Criminal Law, Criminal Law Oxford. Bantekas & Nash, International  International Criminal Law, Criminal Law Cavendish. 8 TO CONTENT

De Than & Shorts,  Criminal Law & International Human Rights Criminal Law & Human Rights,  International Sweet & Maxwell. Criminal Law Kittichaisaree, LAWS51801- International 9e,2014 8e,2012 Property Law and Criminal Law, 18e-2020 Oxford. 16th ed.- application - Dixon, Modern Land 6,7,26 / Property Law- Law, Routledge 17th ed. Cavendish 6,7,19,22 (PLA) Publishing. -25 Textbook On Land 16e,2016  Land Law Law By Mackenzie, Judith-Anne / Nair, Aruna., Oup. Smith, R. Property  Property Law Law Cases And Materials.  Law & European European Union Fairhurst, J. Law of Union L5 Law the European Union. chap 1- 2e,2013 Longman Pearson. 3,5,7-14 5e,2018 Unlocking Evidence chap by Singh. 1,2,4,5,6, 10,11,13 Evidence Law Evidence by Choo. 5e-2018 Blackstone's 13e,2014 Statutes on Evidence by Huxley. TO CONTENT 9

LEVEL 6 Level Module/Module Title *SU e **Free Scanned ***Google ****Additional code books PDF chapter book Information Sources for s recommended Text Books Atiyah’s Sale of Goods  Company & by Adams & McQueen Commercial Pearson/Longman. Transactions R Stokes: Commercial chap16 8e,2012 law (Core) Sweet & / 17 Maxwell. Blackstones Statutes in Consumer and 2017 Commercial Law by LAWS61022 - Rose. 23e,2019 Company & French, D. 11e,2016 Commercial Blackstone's Statutes Transactions on Company Law. (Optional) (CCL) Sealy, L., Worthington.S., Cases and Materials in 11e-2016 Company Law. L6 Wild.C., Weinstein.S., (14e,201 Smith and Keenan's 1) Company Law. French, D.; Mayson, S. & Ryan.C, Mayson, 36e-2019 31 st French, and Ryan on ed,2014 Company Law Fenwick on Civil chap Liberties and Human 1,2,4,6, 5e,2017 Rights by Helen 7,9,10,1 Fenwick., Routlege. 1,13,15 Human Rights in the LAWS61611- UK: An Introduction to chap 8- Human Human Rights- the Human Rights Act 18 Rights 1998, David Hoffman and John Rowe. Law of the European 4e-2018  Law of the Convention on Human European Rights Oxford 10 TO CONTENT

University Press by David Harris et al. The End of Human Rights by Douzinas,  Human Rights Costas., Hart. Foster, Steve Human Rights and Civil 2008 Liberties, Longman. WIPO Publication, WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: 2e,2004 2004 Policy, Law and Use, WIPO. L6 Helfer, LR & Austin, GW, Human Rights and Intellectual Property: Mapping 2011 the Global Interface. International Cambridge University 5e-2018 4e  Intellectual intellectual Press. Property Law property law - Bently, L & Sherman, B, Intellectual (IPL) Property Law Cabral, H., Intellectual Property Law of Sri  Intellectual Lanka: The Act No 36 Property Law in of 2003,the TRIPS Sri Lanka Agreement and Case Digest. Karunaratna, D.M., chap 2-  Intellectual Elements of the Law 5,7,10 Property Law in of Intellectual Sri Lanka Property in Sri Lanka Equity & Trusts by 7e,2013 Hudson. Hanbury & Martin., Modern Equity by Jill E  Modern Equity Law of Trusts & Martin Equitable 5th ed. Remedies Equity & Trusts Law by 6e-2019 1-4 6th 5e,2016  Equity & Trust LAWS61718 GARY WATT., ed. 5,7 / Law (Optional)- (LTER) (Directions Series) Oxford University text Press. book 5th ed. 5,7,8- 13,16 11 TO CONTENT

Contract of Employment: Cases  Contract of and Commentaries by Employment S Scharenguivel., Law and Society Trust. Contract of Employment by SR De  Contract of Silva., Employers' Employment Federation of Ceylon. L6 Sri Lankan Labor Law of Dismissal by SR  Law Law- LAWS62013 De Silva., Employers' Federation of Ceylon. (SLL) The Transformation of Labor Law and  Labor Law Relations by SR de Silva., Stamford Lake. Employment Law by J  Employment Duddington, Law Longman. A General guide to Sri  Sri Lanka Labor Lanka Labor Law by S Law Egalahewa. K Neelakandan, New Companies Act  Companies Act Simplified - Part 1, Kandiah Neelakandan K Neelakandan, New Companies Act  Companies Act Simplified - Part 2, Kandiah Neelakandan. A Wikramanayake, Company Law in Sri chap 22  Sri Lanka Lanka Arittha Company Law Sri lankan Wikramanayake. company law - J McDermott,  Company Law Understanding (SCL) Company Law,LexisNexis. A Dignam & J Lowry, 11e-2020 2016 8e,2014 Company Law. chap 1,3,4,5, Company Law by 22,23,2  Company Law Kanag- Iswarn. 5,30,38, 39,40,4 1,49- 12 TO CONTENT

54,56,6 0-65 Work Experience Holland J, Webb J, 8e,2013 9e,2016 -(WEX) 'Learning Legal Rules' 3e,2012 Mooting Oxford, Oxford 4e,2009 University Press. 6e,2014 2011 Dissertation Boyle F, Capps D, Plowden P, Sandford 2e-2010 2010 Family Law C, 'A practical guide to Lawyering skills' 4e,2009  Mooting & London, Cavendish. 5e,2010 Advocacy Webb J, Maughan C, Maughan M, Boon A, 7e-2020 6e,2014 Lawyers' Skills (Legal 11e-2015  Family Law Practice Course Guide) Paperback 2003  Family Law How to moot : by Snape, John. Mooting and advocacy skills / by Pope, David James. Introduction Research Methods: A practical guide for everyone undertaking a research project by Dawson, Catherine Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science by Bell, Judith Family Law – Jonathan Herring (2017) Family Law – S. Gilmore, L Glennon Hayes and Williams (2016) Bromley’s Family law – Nigel Lowe, Gillian Douglas (2015) Family Law in the 20th Century – Stephen Cretney 13 TO CONTENT

The Sri Lanka law of  The Sri Lanka Parent and Child – law of Parent Prof. Savitri and Child Goonesekere The legal status of the  Law of family female in the Sri lanka relations law of family relations - Prof. Savitri  Law and the Goonesekere marriage relationship in Law and the marriage Sri Lanka relationship in Sri Lanka – Shirani 9e,2019 Ponnambalam  International Environmental Environmental Law, 9e-2017 Law Law Bell, S 9e-2019 5e-2018 TO CONTENT Public Brownlies Principles of 8e international law International Law by 1e,2003 Crawford, J,OUP. LAWS62011 International Law by Evans, M. Cases and Materials on International Law by Harris, D., Sweet & Maxwel. 14

For Further Assistance, CONTACT US [email protected] Main Library APIIT Library - Sri Lanka 0117675127-129 Law Library 0117675214-215 Kandy Library 0817818105 No 388, Union Place, Colombo 2 15 TO CONTENT

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