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Home Explore 2-maths


Published by avsankari2020, 2022-12-12 16:36:23

Description: 2-maths


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CLASS NOTES CLASS – II Chapter - 12 Give and Subject – Mathematics Take WRITE THE WORK IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Q1) Kinnaree sells beads in the bazar. She sells loose beads and necklacesof 10 beads each. Razia wants 12 beads. So Kinnaree gives her one necklace and twoloose beads. Now find how many necklaces and loose beads are taken by other children Beads Necklaces of 10 beads Loose beads 2 Razia 12 1 7 4 Reema 17 1 5 1 Aarif 24 2 Sonu 35 3 Simar 31 3 Hint- we need to subtract 10 till we are not getting number less than 10. 31-10=21,21-10=11,11-10=1 Number of subtraction will be number of necklaces and remaining number will be number of loose beads. (a) Razia has one necklace and two beads. Reema has one necklace and seven beads. Total how many beads are there? Sol: 12 +1 7 29

(b) How many beads are taken by Razia and Sonu? Sol: 1 2 +3 5 47 Total no of beads taken by Razia and sonu = 47 (c) How many beads are taken by Reema and Aarif? Sol: 1 7 +2 4 41 Total no of beads taken by Reema and Aarif = 41 PRACTICE TIME: (d) How many beads do they have together? (i) Reema and Sonu Reema 1 7 Sonu +3 5 52 (ii)Aarif and Razia Aarif 2 4 Razia +1 2 36

(E) How many more beads do they have in following? (A) Sonu than Aarif Sonu 35 Aarif - 2 4 11 Sonu has 11 more beads than Aarif (B) Aarif than Razia Aarif 24 Razia -1 2 12 Aarif has 12 beads more than Razia (F) How many more beads does Simar have than Reema? Simar 31 Reema - 1 7 14 So, Simar has 14 more beads than Reema. Word problems: Q1) Tanisha has 17 pencils. Siya has 25 pencils. How many pencils are there in all? 17 +2 5 42 Therefore, Tanisha has 42 pencils

Q2) In Muzeena’s class, there are 13 English story books and 22 Hindi story books. How many story books are there in all? 13 +2 2 35 Therefore, there are 35 story books in Muzeena’s class Q3. Sakshi has 23 fruits. She ate 15 fruits .How many fruits are left? 23 -1 5 08 Q4.Dalijeet has 35 marbles. Arvind has 25 marbles. Howmany marbles do they have in all? 35 +2 5 60 Therefore, they have 60 marbles in all. Q5. Nisha has 32 bangles. Sukhi has 16 bangles. How many more bangles does Nisha have? 32 -1 6 16 Therefore, Nisha has 16 more bangles than Sukhi. The above content has been absolutely prepared at home.

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