TQF 3 Course Specifications The course specifications constitute a syllabus of a given course. The syllabus provides information related to the management of each course according to the teaching/learning plans required by the curriculum. The syllabus shall have a clearly stated set of objectives, contents, means of enhancing various skills and other qualities to be developed in the students based on the course objectives. Moreover, the syllabus provides a detailed description of the teaching schedule, methods, assessment, evaluation and references and/or other materials related to the students’ fulfillment of the course. Finally, the syllabus includes strategies for course evaluation and improvement. Section 1 Six Sections of Course Specifications Section 2 General Information Section 3 Course Syllabus Section 4 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes Section 5 Lesson Plan and Evaluation Section 6 References Evaluation and Improvement of course operations
Name of University 1 TQF 3 School Program Course Specification Mae Fah Luang University Health Science Bachelor of Science (Occupational Health and Safety) Section 1 General Information 1. Course Code and Course Title 1808404 National and International Standard for Quality, Environment, Occupational Safety and Health Management System 2. Credit 2(2-0-4) 3. Program and Type of Course Program Program (please specify) Bachelor of Science (Occupational Health and Safety) Many Program Type of Course General Education Specific Required Courses / Subject Group Other Courses (please specify) Thesis / Dissertation 4. Course Coordinator and Course Instructor Name and Surname Course Coordinator Course Instructor Aj.Sitang Kongkratoke 5. Semester/ Student’s Year of Study Academic Year 2020 Semester 1 Year of study 4
2 TQF 3 6. Pre-requisite (if required) None Yes, As follows 7. Co-requisite (if required) None Yes, As follows 8. Campus Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai Other (please specify) 9. Latest Course Modification Date 10 July 2020
3 TQF 3 Section 2 Course Syllabus 1. Course Description Industrial management standards used in Thailand and other countries; Quality management systems (ISO 9001), Environmental management systems (ISO 14001), Occupational health and safety management systems (ISO 45001), Occupational health and safety management systems (OHSAS18001), Thai Industrial Standard for Occupational health and safety management systems (TIS18001), Social Accountability (SA 8000) Thai labour standard (TLS 8001) and other management systems. 2. Course Objectives By the end of the class, students should be able to describe concept of each industrial management standard, explain industrial management standard requirements, explain responsibility and accountability of safety officer to industrial management standard, and apply PDCA to achieved safety management system objectives. 3. Reasons for Development/ Course Improvement (if required) 1. To develop the alignment of course learning outcomes, 21st century learning skills, and assessment 2. To strengthen course content covering intended learning outcomes 4. Number of Hours Per Semester Lab Self-Study 0 hours/semester 60 hours/semester Lecture 30 hours/semester
4 TQF 3 Section 3 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes 1. Domains of Ethics and Morality Ethics and Morality Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 1.1 Maintain discipline, 1.1 Orientation and making agreement 1.1 Moral and ethics evaluation punctuality, and responsibility towards self, work and society. 1.2 Group discussion 1.2 Moral and ethics evaluation (1.2) 1.3 Group discussion 1.2 Class participation and 1.2 Respect the human right and assignment submission records human dignity 1.3 Respect the rules and regulations of the organization and society. (1.4) 2. Domain of Academic Knowledge Academic Knowledge Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 2.1 Midterm and final examination 2.1 Have knowledge and 2.1 Lecture 2.2 Report evaluation 2.3 Self Reflection understanding in basic science 2.2 Case study 2.1 Midterm and final examination related to principle of public 2.2 Report evaluation 2.3 Self Reflection health / profession And other related fields (2.1) 2.2 Have knowledge and 2.1 Lecture understanding of research 2.2 Case study processes in the community and cutting-edge science on the changing of country and society 3. Domain of Cognitive Skills Cognitive Skills Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 3.1 Analyze the health status at 3.1 Group assignment 3.1 Midterm and final examination individual, family, group and 3.2 Case study 3.2 Report evaluation community level.(3.1) 1. Role play 3.3 Present eveluation 3.2 Integrated and continued in health development plan. Performing general and specialized public health work effectively with emphasis on
5 TQF 3 community participation and coordination with relevant agencies. (3.2) 4. Domain of Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility Interpersonal Skills and Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods Responsibility 4.1 Peer group evaluation 4.1 Have good interpersonal 4.1 Case study relationships with colleagues and 4.2 Group discussion other people (4.1) 5. Domain of Numerical, Communicative and Information Technology Skills Numerical, Communicative and Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods Information Technology Skills 5.1 Have a good ability to use statistical 5.1 Group discussion 5.1 Midterm and final techniques and biostatistics for data examination analysis and interpretation of both 5.2 Report evaluation quantitative and qualitative data. 5.2 Have the ability to use computer and 5.1 Group discussion 5.1 Report evaluation information technology in researching, collected information, data analysis and selected the appropriate presentation/media format.(5.2) 5.3 Have the ability to communicate 5.1 Group discussion 5.1 Report evaluation effectively in speaking, listening and writing. (5.3)
6 TQF 3 Section 4 Lesson Plan and Evaluation 1. Lesson Plan Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK 1 Course orientation Hours Hours Activities SK SA 8001 2 - - Orientation and - Introduction making agreement SK - Benefit of Standard 2 - - Lecture - Certification and conformity - Case study - SA 8001 requirement 2 - Material - Power point 2 ILO 2001 presentation - ILO2001 Requirement Activities - ILO2001 implementation - Lecture - Discussion 3 OHSAS 18001, TIS 18001, ISO 45001 - Case study Requirements Material - Correspondence between OHSAS - Power point 18001, TIS 18001, ISO 45001 presentation - Integrated of OHSAS 18001and Activities TIS18001 - Lecture - Development of OHSAS 18001and TIS - Case study 18001 to ISO45001 - Discussion Material - Power point presentation 4 ISO 45001 implementation (1) 2 - Activities SK - Background and aim of OH&S management system Activities - Term and definition - Context of the organization - Lecture - Case study - Discussion - Group assignment
7 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material Hours Hours Material - Power point - Leader, worker participation and presentation consultation 5 ISO 45001 implementation (2) 2 - Activities SK - Actions to address risks and opportunities - Lecture - OH&S objectives and planning - Case study - Discussion - Group assignment Material - Power point presentation 6 ISO 45001 implementation (3) 2 - Activities SK - Support - Operational planning and control - Lecture - Management of change - Outsourcing, Procurement and - Case study contractors - - Emergency preparedness and - Discussion response - Group 7 ISO 45001 implementation (4) - Performance evaluation assignment - Improvement Material - Power point presentation 2 - Activities SK - Lecture - Case study - Discussion - Group assignment Material - Power point presentation
8 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK Hours Hours SK SK 8 ISO 14001 2 - Activities SK SK - Integrated to ISO 14001&ISO45001 - Lecture - ISO14001 requirements - Case study - Applied ISO 14001 for safety officer - Discussion Material - Power point presentation 9 Midterm examination (Topic 1 - 8) 10 ISO 50001, ISO 26000 2 - Activities - ISO 50001 requirement - Lecture - ISO26000 requirement - Case study - Applied ISO 50001 & ISO 26000 for - Discussion safety officer Material - Power point presentation 11 ISO 9001, ISO17025 2 - Activities - ISO 9001 requirements - Lecture - ISO 17025 requirements - Case study - Applied ISO 9001 & ISO 17025 for - Discussion safety officer Material - Power point presentation 12 GMP, HACCP, ISO22000 2 - Activities - GMP requirements - Lecture - HACCP requirements - Case study - ISO22000 requirements - Discussion - Applied Food safety management Material system for safety officer - Power point presentation 13 Process Safety Management (PSM) 2 - Activities - Process Safety Management - Lecture requirement - Case study - Correspondence of PSM between Thai - Discussion and International Material
9 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK SK Hours Hours SK - PSM implementation - Power point presentation 14 Audit program (1) 2 - Activities - Audit objectives - Lecture - Audit process - Discussion - Audit checklist Material - Power point presentation 15 Audit program (2) 2 - Activities - Audit practice - Lecture - Audit report - Case study - Discussion - Group assignment Material - Power point presentation 16 Discussion 2 - Activities Discuss about ISO 45001 and audit - Discussion program - Reflection Material - Power point presentation 17 Final examination (Topic 9 - 15)
10 TQF 3 2. Evaluation Plan Assessment Method Assessment Assessment Week Proportion Domain of Learning Midterm examination 30 % Final examination 9 30 % 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, - Group assignment 17 30 % 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, - Self Reflection 4-7,15 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 16 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Moral and ethics evaluation 1-17 5% 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Peer group evaluation 17 5% 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.3
11 TQF 3 Section 5 References 1. Charles D.Rease( 2009 ). Occupational Health and Safety Management : A Practical Approach (2nd edition ) .CRC Press. 2. C.Ray Asfahl (2010) : Industrial Safety and Health Management( 6 th edition ). Prentice Hall Section 6 Evaluation and Improvement of Course Operations 1. Assessment Strategy by Students Teaching Assessment Course Evaluation Other (please specify) Reflection 2. Verification of Learning Outcomes The appointment of the School Verification Committee The appointment of experts and program committee into the verification committee The summary of verified examination/test of all courses in each semester will be approved by the School Committee. Other (please specify) Name of Course Instructor / Course Coordinator Signature.................................................. Date.........10 July 2020........... (Aj.Sitang Kongkratoke) Date of Submission .........10 July 2020...........
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