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TQF6 1808409

Published by ohsmfu2019, 2021-07-22 05:59:44

Description: TQF6 1808409


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1 TQF 6 Field Experience Report A field experience report provides information pertaining to the students’ internship or cooperative education outcomes. It reports whether the students have fulfilled the objectives stated in the Field Experience Specifications, and, in case of failure or inability to fulfil such objectives, provides the reasons and recommends how the next round of internship or cooperative education could be improved. This document provides a comprehensive report of the students’ internship, in terms of managerial problems, facility shortage, analysis of assessment results, students’ training, internship advisors and internship mentors. Section 1 Four Sections of Course Report Section 2 General Information Section 3 Section 4 Consistency between Lesson Plans and Actual Lectures Summary of Field Experience Implementation Improvement Plans

2 Field Experience Report Name of University Mae Fah Luang University School Health Science Program Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health and Safety Section 1 General Information 1. Course Code and Course Title 1808490 Co-operative Education 2. Credit 6 (0-35-0) 3. Program and Type of Course Program  Program (please specify) Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health and Safety  Many Program Type of Course  General Education  Specific Required Courses / Subject Group Major Elective Course  Other Courses (please specify)  Thesis / Dissertation 4. Course Coordinator and Course Instructor Course Coordinator Course Instructor   Name and Surname   1. Aj.Sitang Kongkratoke   2. Aj.Anchalee Katramee   3. Asst.Prof.Dr. Kowit Nambunmee   4. Dr. Prapamon Seeprasert   5. Aj.Nicharuch Panjaphothiwat 6. Aj.Chatchai Thamoonlek

3 5. Semester/ Student’s Year of Study Academic Year 2020 Semester 2 Year of study 4

4 Section 2 Consistency between Lesson Plans and Actual Lectures 1. Selection/Preparation of Training or Co-operative Facilities (including supporting facilities at co-operative workplace) Training or Co-operative Training or Co-operative Facilities Preparation Recommendations for Facilities Preparation Plan (specify preparation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of TQF 4  Achieve a plan  Not achieve (because) 2. Orientation of Students (providing meetings or trainings before field experience/ training/co- operative study) Student Orientation Plan Student Orientation Recommendations for (specify orientation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of TQF 4  Achieve a plan  Not achieve (because) 3. Orientation of Internship Advisors/ Monitors Internship Advisors/ Internship Advisors/ Monitors Orientation Recommendations for Monitors Orientation Plan (specify orientation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 4. Orientation of Internship Mentors in Training/ Co-operative Workplace (if required) Internship Mentors Internship Mentors Orientation Recommendations for Orientation Plan (specify orientation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because)

5 5. Risk Management (such as accidents or damage caused by student trainee) Risk Management Plan Risk Management Recommendations for (specify preparation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 6. Lesson Plan (specify topics, week number, number of lecture hours, activity and material and instructor) Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Recommendations for (specify preparation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 7. Activities that the Students Are Expected to Complete Student Activity Plan Student Activity Plan Recommendations for (specify preparation that deviates from the plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 8. Student’s Report/Assignment Student’s Student’s Report/Assignment Recommendations for Report/Assignment Plan (specify preparation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because)

6 9. Student’s Monitoring in Field Experience/Training/Co-operative Study Student’s Monitoring Student’s Monitoring Plan Recommendations for Plan (specify preparation that deviates from plan) Future Adjustment As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 10. Duties and Responsibilities of Internship Mentors Duties and Duties and Responsibilities of Internship Recommendations for Responsibilities of Mentors Future Adjustment Internship Mentors Plan (specify preparation that deviates from plan) As specified in Section 4 of  Achieve a plan TQF 4  Not achieve (because) 11. Duties and Responsibilities of Field Experience Advisors/Monitors Duties and Responsibilities of Field Duties and Responsibilities of Field Recommendations for Future Adjustment Experience Advisors/Monitors Plan Experience Advisors/Monitors (specify preparation that deviates from plan) As specified in Section 4 of TQF 4  Achieve a plan  Not achieve (because) 12. Learning Achievement as Specified in TQF 4 12.1 Factors that influence the process of teaching and learning

7 Teaching and Learning Methods/ Assessment to Achieve Learning Outcomes Learning Specify teaching Specify assessment methodology methods suggestion Learning Outcome Achievement Teaching Suggestion Assessment Suggestion Methodology (If any) Methods (If any) Achieved Not Achieved 1. Domain of Ethics ✓ and Morality 1.1 Have the virtue, morality, selflessness and honesty behavior 1.2 Maintain discipline, punctuality, and responsibility towards self, work and society. 1.3 Respect the human right and human dignity. 1.4 Respect the rules and regulations of the organization and society. 2. Domain of ✓ Knowledge 2.1 Have knowledge and understanding in basic science related to principle of public health / profession and other related fields. 2.2 Have knowledge and skills in health

8 impact assessment ✓ related to work 2.3 Have knowledge and skills to analyze and synthesize occupational health and safety management 2.4 The ability to solved problem according to occupational health and safety. 3. Domain of Cognitive Skills 3.1 Analyze the situations and solve problems related to occupational health and safety systematically and creatively 3.2 Integrated and continued in health development plan. Performing general and specialized public health work effectively with emphasis on community

9 participation and ✓ coordination with ✓ relevant agencies. 4. Domain of Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility 4.1 Have good interpersonal relationships with colleagues and other people 4.2 The ability to work in team with other professional fields. Responsibility for oneself and others in the departments and work assigned 4.3 Role and responsibilities due to safety officer in professional level. 5. Domain of Numerical, Communicative and Information Technology Skills 5.1 Have the ability to communicate effectively in

10 speaking, listening ✓ and writing. 5.2 Have the ability to use computer and information technology in researching, collected information, data analysis and selected the appropriate presentation/medi a format. 6. Domain of Psychomotor Skills 6.1 Have the skill of occupational health and safety in risk assessment, risk control and risk factor management skills 6.2 Perform occupational health and safety work creatively under the concept of occupational health and safety and related field.

11 12.2 Supporting Facilities System for Teaching and Learning such as classroom, meeting room, laboratory room, library, self-study room, etc. Facilities Problem and /or Recommendation -- 12 . 3 Educational Support System such as Learning Management System ( LMS) , E- learning System, IT System, Technical Assistant System, others related to Teaching and Learning, etc. Educational Support System Problem and /or Recommendations 12.4 Environment for Supporting Teaching and Learning such as cleanliness, safeness, decency, etc. Environment Problem and /or Recommendations 12.5 Other (if any) Problem and /or Recommendations Please specify ...............


13 Section 3 Summary of Field Experience Implementation 1. Number of students enrolled 39 students (as of the last day of course addition/withdrawal) 2. Number of students retained at the end of the semester 39 students 3. Grade distribution Grade Frequency Percentage A B+ B C+ C D+ D F I S 38 97.44 U 1 2.56 Total 39 100 4. Assessment Strategy by Students 4.1 Average Grade - 4.2 Suggestion for Teaching and Learning Improvement - 5. Lecturer’s Suggestion -

6. Verification of Learning Outcomes 14 Conclusion Verification of Method Accepted As specified in TQF 2 or 4 Remark: The student learning outcomes of all courses will be verified every semester.

15 Section 4 Improvement Plans 1. Summary of Course Development/ Improvement Implementation as Specified in TQF 3 Section 2 No. 3 Course Development/ Improvement Plans Summary of Implementation 1.1 Provide a plan to deal with unexpected  Improved (specify) Student can apply the situations making students able to practice knowledge to solve the environmental cooperative education effectively. problem at the organization effectively  Improved but not complete (specify reason)  Not improved (specify reason)  Improved (specify)  Improved but not complete (specify reason)  Not improved (specify reason) 2. Suggestion for Teaching and Learning Improvement - 3. Suggestion for Program Chairperson -

16 Name of Course Coordinator/ Course Advisor Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Prapamon Seeprasert) Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Anchalee Katramee) Name of Program Chairperson 1. Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Prapamon Seeprasert) 2. Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Kowit Nambunmee) 3. Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Sitang Kongkratoke) 4. Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Anchalee Katramee) 5. Signature.................................................. Date 10 July 2021 (Nicharuch Panjaphothiwat) Date of Submission ......... Date 10 July 2021........