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Home Explore SIDEWALKK


Published by eugeneusesthisforschool, 2018-05-09 08:56:00

Description: SIDEWALKK


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sidewalk ISSUE NO. 01 - 05/18 - $5.99 Cosby - C. K - Allen - Polanksi - Weinstein - Kelly - Jackson - Brown - Sheen - Spacey - Spurlock - Rose - Simmons - Kreisberg - Seagal Hoffman — the shameful list that doesn’t seem to end / / / Featured: “Power” p. 3-4 / “Clean Inspiration” p. 5-6SIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK


Of late, it has become increasingly difficult toadmire a male celebrity without asking “what hashe done?” While it is important to note that notevery male celebrity has a collection of skeletonsin his closet, it is even more important to notethat many do. As consumers, it is imperative thatwe consume art consciously, aware of the faultsof beloved artists but ultimately led by our ownprinciples. Being a fan is not a crime; just bewary whether the light is lemon and not lime.-EUGENE WOO, editor-in-chief 2

“NO ONE MAN SHOULD WRITTEN BY:HAVE ALL THAT POWER / EUGENE WOOTHE CLOCK’S TICKING, IJUST COUNT THE HOURS/STOP TRIPPING, I’MTRIPPING OFF THE POWER”POWER “No one man should have all that trend is nothing new, now, it has never trek that requires steadfast dedication power / been easier. The advent of social and innumerable hours of hard work. The clock’s ticking, I just count the media has transcended artists from The faster the ascension, the more hours / content creators to deities and behind potent the vertigo. Overnight celebrities Stop tripping, I’m tripping off the the consecration are none other than look down the next morning to find power.” ourselves, the consumers. Nowadays, that they are no longer themselves These three lines are from Kanye having their art is not enough—we anymore—they are famous. West’s 2010 hit-single “POWER”. need their lives. Immediate outlets such Over five minutes of sirens and layered as Instagram and Snapchat flourish as “The clock’s ticking, I just count the percussion, West goes off on the many highlight reels, garnering envy and a hours…” different kinds of power in the world. close following from the artists’ fans. It is only a matter of time, From white America to the influence Followers await like dogs to lap up each though, until the newfound stardom that celebrities have over the general new notification, merchandise notice, becomes old news. That is the curse public, West doesn’t waste a word in and update. As this obsession continues, of time. Even the sweetest of fruits telling the world to wake up and realize it expands the perceived chasm between can become bland given a constant these power structures. the artist and public. We give the artist supply—fame is no different. The real That’s the thing—we define the power power. danger begins when celebrities become structure. As demonstrated by the rise of “No one man should have all that accustomed to exercising their power cryptocurrency, nothing has value until power...” for perverse desires and take advantage we give it value. This is particularly of those in an inferior position. true nowadays with celebrities and, Though, more often than not, celebrities “Stop tripping, I’m tripping off the more specifically, artists. Despite not are famous for a reason. Naturally, one power...” knowing the artists on a personal level, of the byproducts of talent is fame and Right now, the show business is in oftentimes we find ourselves obsessed of the most talented of celebrities are mayday. Sexual assault allegations and with them. Though this obsessive artists. To climb upon the monolith of stardom is a treacherous, unassuring3

“NO ONE MAN SHOULDHAVE ALL THAT POWER /THE CLOCK’S TICKING, IJUST COUNT THE HOURS/STOP TRIPPING, I’MTRIPPING OFF THE POWER”abuse charges flood our news stations. manifests itself with the act of separating The line is sometimes too close to drawBill Cosby. Louis C.K. Kevin Spacey. the art from the artists; discarding the and in an effort to attempt to draw theIt seems that every month, there is yet creators while holding onto the art that line, we forget that there are people thatanother celebrated artist on trial. Abuse has moved the individual so greatly. It is were harmed by these artists. When thatof power extends far back into the dawn a shabby attempt at trying to get the best is taken into account, it is no longer aof man but now, at the peak of social of both worlds. matter of our own personal interests,awareness, breaches of basic human “Stop tripping…” but also the interest of society andrights go beyond shocking—they are The truth of the matter is that art is humanity as a whole. When mattersrevolting. Yet, when it happens to be very much personal to the artist. It is a become as serious as sexual abusea beloved artist, despite the despicable medium of cathartic expression. To try and rape, a precedence must be setnature of their actions, when we find to differentiate the two and recover just for society as a whole. Celebrities andout about these atrocities, it hurts. As the art is a difficult when the artist can artists cannot be exempt simply dueloyal fans that have appreciated their found all throughout the work. Take the to their achievements and additions towork for years, we feel betrayed as most recent celebrity artist allegations, culture and civilization for that wouldmuch as we do shocked. For some fans, for example. Can you take away Kevin be disgracing to the victims of theit leaves them dumbfounded as to how Spacey’s history of underage sexual crimes. We must set a standard as toto respond. For others, they dissociate misconduct when watching him play as how great the monolith we place ourthemselves completely with the artist a 42 year old pedophile in “American artists and celebrities is or if there evenand their work. Beauty”? Can you laugh the same way is one at all. There is a threshold to howIt is a tricky matter since artists and their to Louis C.K’s vulgarity knowing that much of an artist’s wrongdoings we canart touch us on an emotional level. It he has violated a number of women the exonerate. A threshold that can only becan be incredibly difficult to distance same way? Is Bill Cosby still the lovable determined by you, the individual. Forourselves from an artist if their work father of the Huxtable family after being you are part of a greater whole with thehas given us strength in moments of convicted of sexual assault? ability to help those still hiding and tooweakness, in spite of their egregious afraid to come out with their stories. Foractions. This trouble to dissociate you, an individual, have a voice. For you have power. 4




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