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Home Explore 2015 - Alette Addison PowerPoint Presentation

2015 - Alette Addison PowerPoint Presentation

Published by Ray PG Yeates, 2015-11-17 01:17:10

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The New Advertising Rules Alette Addison – Tobacco Control Team Leader (EU) 1

Advertising and promotions rules post May 2016 Media Type Legislative Position Broadcast TV (including sponsorship or programmes, Prohibited teleshopping, and product placement) Radio (including sponsorship of radio programmes) Prohibited On demand television Prohibited Newspapers, magazines and periodicals Prohibited Internet display advertising, e-mail and text message advertising Prohibited Sponsorship of activity/individuals involving or taking place in Prohibited several MS or otherwise having cross border effects 2 The New Advertising Rules - E-cigarette Summit - November 2015

Advertising and promotions rules post May 2016 Media Type Legislative Position Company’s own websites, and other non-paid-for online space No advertising or promotion under their control but factual information about products, factual ‘how to’ videos permitted. Retailer sites No advertising or promotion but factual information about products, factual ‘how to’ videos and sales lists permitted. Blogs/tweets/independently compiled, non paid for reviews Permitted E-cigarette trade press and trade to trade communication. Permitted Cinema, fax, outdoor posters, posters on sides of buses (not Permitted travelling outside of the UK), leaflets, and direct hard copy mail. 3 The New Advertising Rules - E-cigarette Summit - November 2015

Next Steps • We will continue to discuss our proposals with OFCom, DCMS, ASA and Trading Standards • We will issue our draft legislation on the advertising rules for comment on the drafting of the legislation to the stakeholder list we have compiled as part of the TPD consultation and to the wider media stakeholder community via stakeholder lists that DCMS, OFCom and ASA hold by end November. Are you interested in seeing these draft regulations? If so, do we have you on our lists? If not please mail [email protected] – with an email heading ‘Advertising’. 4 The New Advertising Rules - E-cigarette Summit - November 2015

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