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Home Explore What Are Hospitality Management Jobs?

What Are Hospitality Management Jobs?

Published by camille, 2015-01-21 05:48:19

Description: As lifestyle needs and services evolve through time, more job positions are created. In fact, if you would be browsing the Classified Ads nowadays, you can encounter certain terms that seem to not exist decades ago. Terms like white collar jobs, blue collar jobs, and home based jobs are present, along with the popular hospitality management jobs?


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What Are Hospitality Management Jobs?As lifestyle needs and services evolve throughtime, more job positions are created. In fact, ifyou would be browsing the Classified Ads nowadays,you can encounter certain terms that seem to notexist decades ago. Terms like white collar jobs,blue collar jobs, and home based jobs are present,along with the popular 慼 ospitality managementjobs?But what are hospitality management jobs anyway?If you 抮 e not familiar with this kind of

professional field, here are the essentials thatyou need to know about the said area of expertise.Basic DefinitionTo put it short, these are basically jobs orprofessions that generally deal with hospitality.The main principle here is that you cater servicesto other people so that they would feel morewelcome wherever place that the service iscatered. Thus, the main job here is to becomehospitable and accommodating to whomever you areserving.Even though the given definition seems simple,you should know that this does not only pertainto one specific job. There are a number of waysthat you can be hospitable and make someone feelat home. This is why there are also various fieldsunder hospitality management that you can ventureinto, if you think you have that kind of niche forthe position.

The CrewIn the field of hospitality, it doesn 抰 reallymatter if you would be serving your client faceto face or not. In fact, more often than not, jobsin this kind of field would include service in thebackstage arena such as chefs, planners and otherpositions that involve planning and preparations.However, positions subjected to more exposure tocustomers are usually those that involve upfrontservices like receptionists, waiters, waitresses,concierge, park administrators, casino personnel,and the like.The Working EnvironmentThere is also a vast field of choices of where youcan work in this kind of field. For instance,restaurants and cafe 抯 could be one goodstarting point. Additionally, you can work in bedand breakfast accommodations and hotels. Casinos

are also one good working environment where youcould expect to have big tips. Resorts and museumsare also viable. And the best part is you can workin cruise ships and have the chance to travel allover the world!It is also possible that you put up your ownbusiness. This is much true if you have decidedto specialize one a course related to culinaryarts. You can put up your own restaurant, if youwant to. If you specialized on the tourism field,you could put up your own travel agency.CompensationThe good thing with this kind of career is thatit is very lucrative. Your effort is very muchrewarded equally with your salary. However, howbig you earn would definitely depend on yourposition and specialty. Sometimes there arecompanies that pay by the hour. There arecompanies too that pay annually.

EducationSince there are different job positions in thiskind of career, there are also differentrequirements. For instance, there are jobs thatdon 抰 really require a diploma and accept highschool graduates. Usually positions like thesewould include housekeeping services of hotels.There are positions however that requireeducational backgrounds like chefs in which youshould have finished a degree in culinary arts.In general, you can take Hotel and RestaurantManagement courses if you want to. This would bea very good advantage on your part. Tourismcourses are also viable. This is recommended ifyou want to specialize on a tourism orientedhospitality job.

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