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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank God because we were able to complete ourassignment that has been given by our lecturer of Public Relations to us. In performing thisassignment, we take guidance from respected person who deserve my greatest gratitude. Thecompletion of this assignment gives me much pleasure. We would like to thank Encik MohdZaihan Bin Hussin, our best lecturer from University Teknologi Mara (UITM) Campus PuncakPerdana, for giving us a good guideline and also advice to complete this assignmentsuccessfully. Furthermore, we would like to express our very great appreciation to dean of (UITM)Campus Puncak Perdana, for giving us full support and such a wonderful opportunity inmaking this assignment. Plus, we wish to thank various people who have directly and indirectlycontribute to this assignment especially our classmates. Finally, we would like to thank our parents and all our friends for their support andencouragement throughout complete this assignment. 3

WHAT ARE PUBLIC RELATIONS? Public relations are form of communication management that make use of publicityand other non-paid form of promotion and information to influence the feelings, opinions orbeliefs about the company, its products and services or activities of the organization to buyers,prospects or other stakeholders. -Dictionary of Marketing Terms- Public relations are the management functions, which evaluate public attitudes,identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the publicinterest, and plans and execute a program of action to earn public understanding andacceptance. Public relations help organization adjust to their environments. -Harwood L. Childs- The planned ad sustained effort to establish and to maintain goodwill and mutualunderstanding between an organization and its public's. -The Institute of Public Relations Malaysia- Public relations is an organization’s relationship with others-public with whom theorganization has dealings with or associated with for mutual benefits. It is the function thatmaintains an organization relationship with society in a way that effectively achievesorganizations goals. -Public Relations Society of America- Public relations mean the way an organization relates with its public, both within andwithout, to generate goodwill for it in pursuit of its business goals and other ideas. -Smriti Chand- 4

OBJECTIVES OF PUBLIC RELATIOS 1. To improve communication and to demonstrate the importance of communication in a variety context. 2. To evaluate and discuss the characteristics of good communication and how to improve communication. 3. Sustaining the awareness as an ongoing process, keeping in mind what the competitors are doing, and knowing that public memory is short. 4. Creating a bond of trust. In times of rumours, misinformation, etc, a company or organizations has to establish the truth. 5. Getting cooperation for various quarters. A company has many publics on whom it has to depend. Government organizations, providers of various services have to be wooed in such a way that they willingly help the company. 6. Creating awareness about a company/organization and its goals. 5

1.0 INTRODUCTION Library department provided several services to the users for the user's opportunity.These types of libraries have several sections that are defined by their function and tasks. Thefunction and their role to the each their services will be taking an action by the librarian andstaff. Mostly the libraries section depended on the types of their libraries. For example, theacademic library should have the services that be related with the student needed. Thebusiness students should be having a lot of materials that be related with the businessenvironment such as economic books, business management, business law, business ethicsand many more. Generally, there’s the section that interfaces with its constituency and the section“behind the scenes” that orders, prepares, and makes available resources for theconstituency. The section that interfaces with its constituency disseminates info. Thesefunctions include reference and/or research (provided by librarians) and circulation. Behind-the-scenes functions include selection and acquisition of resources, cataloging andorganizing. If the resources are physical, they are organized and displayed on shelves, incases, walls, tables. If they are electronic resources, they are organized and displayed via anelectronic channel (computer, tablet, smart phone). The resources and service that a library provides are determined by its library. Most of thelibrary have all the kind of the services to the users. It can make the users always come to thelibrary to ask their question that they do not know and make their assignments and researchbecome easier and faster with the all services that the library provided. All the departmentswill give the high of services to the user's satisfy.These are some of the department that should be in the libraries: 1. Circulation department A circulation or lending department is one of the key departments of a library. The main public service point is the circulation desk or loans desk, usually found near the main entrance of a library. It provides lending services and facilities for return of loaned items. 2. Reference Department The library's reference department is responsible for providing a number of services to the public. The staff assists users with research, using both print and electronic resources. 6

3. Library acquisitions This department of a library responsible for the selection and purchase of materials or resources. The department may select vendors, negotiate consortium pricing, arrange for standing orders, and select individual titles or resources.4. Cataloging Department This department responsible for the inclusion and maintenance of records in the library's catalog that provide information about resources available to library users. The department is also responsible for physically preparing the materials for usage by the public.5. Classification department A library classification is a system of coding and organizing documents or library materials (books, serials, audio visual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts) according to their subject and allocating a call number [clarification needed] to that information resource.6. Maintenance department This administrative is responsible for continuous monitoring or the proper stocking, arrangement, and display of book in the shelves in the stacks room and taking care of them. 7

2.0 OBJECTIVEAims and objectivesThe aims and objectives regarding library department are: • To introduce the types of departments that be available in the library • To provides the opportunity especially for library’s users • To ensure the users will be satisfied with the facilities and services in the department in the library 8

3.0 CREATIVE/TECHNIQUE For this assignment, we used ‘PowToon Software’ to present our video based on ourgiven topic. This software is design for presentations to attract viewers for some purposes, itcan be business purpose, educational purpose and also project marketing purpose. PowToonis a web-based animation software that allow user to quickly and easily create animatedpresentations by manipulated pre-created objects, imported images, provided music and usercreated voice-overs. Creation of an account is easy and straightforward, and getting startedis easy as well. Because PowToon is a web-based, there is no software download and itprovides many customize templates for beginning user and the end of the product are muchmore exciting and attractive. Figure 1: Main page of PowToon 9

Then, we used Flip Builder software for our report. Flip Builder is a software to convertand edit PDF page flipping eBooks. User can edit the PDF and convert to amazing digital bookin minutes. The Flip Builder software will help user to design cover, edit page content, embedimages, insert hyperlinks, draw paintings, etc. User can also design presentation template foredited books, choose background sound, background image, embedded control buttons. Figure 2: Flip builder creating page 10

4.0 FINDING/IMPACTCirculation department The circulation department’s primary function is to supply the library user of the books,pamphlets, serials and other materials wanted. Four major functions comprise circulation workthe staff must have the familiarity with the holdings of the library, a knowledge of the needsand interests of the users, an appreciation of the techniques employed in carrying out theservice policies of the institution, and a willingness to cooperate with the other departments ofthe library. In many respects, the circulation desk is the library’s reception room as well as itsbook distribution and information centre. Indeed, the users frequently judge the library and itsadministration by the general atmosphere and level of service at the circulation desk. The circulation department being responsible for loan services, usually maintains arecord of all loans, keeps a file registered borrower, provides machinery for the recall ofoverdue items and for reserving files in demand, supervises the shelving’s of materials in thestack, and arranges extension, do inter-library loan and public relations services. Theorganization of the circulation department depends upon the size of the library and the degreeof departmentalization. Each type of library has particular needs and the organization mustreflect these words. While every circulation department must be organized to give speedy andefficient service, this goal must be regarded as a means rather than an end in itself. In thecollege and university, the end is to advance the instructional and research programs; in thespecial library it is to further the successful operation of the business or profession; in thepublic library field: To facilitate informal self-education of all people in the community To enrich and further develop the subjects on which individuals are undertaking formal education To meet the informational needs of all To support the educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations To encourage wholesome recreation and constructive use of leisure time The traditional library, with its large central stack, has a central circulation desk whichtakes care of most circulation routines. The college or university library in this type oforganization usually has supplementary service points including a periodical room, reservedesk, and departmental libraries. The large public library has its branches, deposit stations, 11

and bookmobile service. The divisional type of library has major service posts in each divisionas well as a central loan desk for general circulation. Whatever the type of library there shouldbe a centralized organization to provide uniform loan and public service practices in all partsof the library system. The librarian in charge of the circulation department, no matter what the size or typeor organization, must be aware of the latest ideas and techniques employed in this field. Theymust constantly examine the methods used in his own library, in relation to new developmentsand to the quality of service called for in his particular situation. Policies regarding service to users, including hours of opening, borrowers’ privileges,inter-library loan privileges, fines, lost books, and similar factors should be set down in writing.The department head should be thoroughly conversant with the basic aims of the library aswell as with the community or institutions it serves. Changes in methods or policies should bemade with the help of the best advice within the department. Internal department rulingsshould be made after appropriate staff conferences, but changes affecting other departmentsor the library as whole should not take place until there has been full discussion by all the staffmembers involved and until the new policies have been approved by the librarian. Data recorded by the circulation department should include controlled studies toprovide unit costs for the various activities in the department. For example, in the college anduniversity field on might want to know what it costs to circulate a reserve book; in anotherlibrary the comparative costs of servicing different types of materials, books, periodicals, andrecordings, could be found useful. Basic work statistics are useful in charting the flow of work;a word of caution is always in order regarding the danger of valuing statistics for their ownsake, a costly and time-consuming occupation.First and most obvious role is circulation control: a. Library that supplies the reader with the books wanted. Done through personal contact and a system of records. b. Circulation routine are established, records maintained and personnel are employed and train to make information efficiency available to borrowers. c. Reader advisory are required to solve problems related to circulation services and to explain why requested items cannot be immediately supplied. 12

Second role is ‘Public Relations’. a. Good customers relations rest with the circulation staff. b. Whole library system may be judged by the work of single circulation assistant. c. Good customer stem from the delivery of quality service. d. Good customer relations are important for the stability of a library’s financial base.Functions of Circulation Department 1. Perform shelving and stack maintenance. Maintaining and orderly arrangement of library materials is an important function generally assigned to circulation. A library must have an accurate and efficient shelving operation or good library service is impossible 2. Assists in the circulation of Inter-Library Loan. Interlibrary loan is a technique by which one library lends material indirectly to an individual through another material. In essence, therefore it is merely a means through which a library may broaden its lending services to include those materials which are made available by other libraries. Inter library loan is a technique to provide the library user as completely as is possible with the material he needs. 3. Perform all aspect of automated circulation system. Checking out, discharging, renewing and recalling library materials. Administers reserve system, searches network database for materials requested patrons, reserve materials, and informs patrons of their arrival. Register new borrower and explains policies procedures. Issues and collect charge for lost, damaged or overdue materials, reconciling patron records. 13

Cataloging and Classification department According to the Muhammad Nabeel Musharraf (2016), Library collections house awide variety of materials on many different topics and in many different formats. The challengein making these things available for the use of library patrons is letting those patrons knowwhat is in the library collection. This is the reason for having a library catalog, and for takingthe time to correctly catalog library materials. Every department has their important roles andresponsibilities to play an action to make the users will be satisfy in the information industries.In addition, the users will be always come to the library because all the department takes anaction in their tasks to make the users can get their search easier and quickly. The classification and cataloging department are very important department to thelibrary. This department is to make the materials that users wants be available. Thedepartment of a library which deals with the cataloging and classification of stock, and caninclude processing. For example, the staff or librarian will be preparing the issue to the libraryusers. This process happens behind the scenes in the technical services department in thelibrary. The library is the an extremely important function even though the role of the librarianhas evolved with the use of modern technology. There are still specialized skills needed inorder the process and organize the materials. In fact, anything that users need to search fortheir materials will be easily and quickly process when this department takes an action.Definition of cataloging The cataloging department is responsible for cataloging all the materials in the library.When the cataloging materials arrive, the librarian will be accurate records in the librarycatalog so that library users will be able to locate these materials cataloging items. The taskof this department primarily includes classifying, shelf listing, descriptive cataloging, subjectcataloging, duplicating catalogue cards and withdrawals, maintenance including revision ofexisting entries and arrangement and filling of catalogue cards. This library materials arecatalogue in a careful and complete manner, access is provided for the library users and staffto all sources of information. 14

Definition of classification A library classification is a system of coding and organizing documents or librarymaterials (books, serials, audio visual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts) accordingto their subject and allocating a call number [clarification needed] to that information resource.Bibliographic classification systems group entities together that are relevant to the samesubject, typically arranged in a hierarchical tree structure.Roles and responsibilities in the cataloging and classification department In the era of the information revolution, the role of libraries in acquiring and organizingvarious types of documents hardly needs any emphasis-Libraries as service institutionsacquire documents for use. This document is arranged in library on the basis of factors otherthan subject matter, the arrangement will not be helpful in meeting the requirements of themajority of readers who usually approach a library for subject material. In other words,documents should be classified and arranged on the basis of their subject content. Librarieshave always been acquiring books and adding them to their collections. In an unclassifiedlibrary, when the collection grows steadily into thousands and lakes of volumes, it would bedifficult for the library’s staff to lay hands on a particular document required by a reader. Tomeet the subject approach of readers the collection must necessarily be classified by subject.In libraries where the collection is arranged by accession number, or author or title, and notby subject, books on the same subject will be scattered throughout the collection. Even if thebooks are arranged alphabetically -by subject, the resultant sequence will not be helpful, asunrelated material will come together. Cataloging and classification have been referred to by Omekwu (2008, p. 188) as “thecentral nervous system of librarianship”, and as such cataloger themselves are vital to theirlibrary. They have already proved themselves capable of responding to new and changingscenarios, for example by grasping automation and using it to their advantage. The skills setand competencies that cataloger already have make them entirely suitable to exert somecontrol over the wild wayward web, and to take advantage of the possibility’s technology offersin relation to retrieval and presentation of information. 15

Cataloging is very important in keeping all the materials in the library organizedbecause it provides regularity within the library. The library, through the technical services candeliver the most efficient and highest quality service so that library users may identify andretrieve appropriate materials to meet their information needs.Some of the basic functions in the library cataloging department: - 1. To provide service to Library users through creation, maintenance, and improvement of the intellectual content of the Online Catalogue to as high a standard as is feasible 2. To strive to make the Online Catalogue accurate, controlled, and complete in order to provide for ready access to and management of the cataloged collections of Library system. 3. Creating and maintaining a database of bibliographic records for books, theses and online resources Functions of library classification is a process by which things or ideas are groups separateaccording to their likeness and differences.These are some of the basic functions of library classification: 1. Arrange books or other materials in helpful sequence convenient to the readers, research workers and librarians. 2. Ensure speedy location and replacement of books on the shelves for next users. 3. The users are provided with the subject approach to the subsidiary topic deal within a book by analyzing its content and making entries in the classified catalog. 4. A new book can be inserted in its proper places, among the other books on the same subject. 5. Provide means by which the stock of books or other materials may be clearly and effectively guided by the help of classification. 6. Classification is use as the basis of recording issue books in the lending counter. 16

Acquisitions department Library acquisitions is the department of a library responsible for the selection andpurchase of materials or resources. The department may select vendors, negotiate consortiumpricing, arrange for standing orders, and select individual titles or resources.Methods of Acquisition • Purchase and subscription • Gifts and exchanges • DepositsGoals of the Acquisitions Department • To acquire material as quickly as possible • To maintain a high level of accuracy in all work procedures • To keep work processes simple, to achieve the lowest possible unit cost • To develop close, friendly working relationships with other library units and with vendorsFunctions of the Acquisitions Department • Provide and maintain an up to date selection and order tools appropriate to the needs of the library to include publishers’ catalogs, trade bibliographies, etc. • Maintain files of materials on order/in process in such a manner that will permit all the staff members to use them with ease. • Perform pre-book bibliographic searching to avoid duplication, obtain sufficient information to permit order to be placed, and to establish the main entry that probably will be used when the material is cataloged. • Select dealers or other sources for the purchase of materials, preparing and mailing orders, making provisions for the preparation of cataloging copy. • Receiving, unpacking, sorting and checking in books. • Approving invoices for payment; maintaining payment records. • Mechanical preparation of books such as entering marks of identification and pasting book pockets/bar code labels, date due slips, etc. 17

• Forwarding materials for cataloging. • Entering subscription orders, receiving and recording periodical. • Making follow-ups and claims for unfilled orders. • Searching for out-of-print materials. • Materials selection • Soliciting gifts and establishing exchange agreements; maintaining appropriate records; receiving materials; sending exchange shipments to exchange partners.Acquisitions Process 1. Request processing; 2. Pre-order work/bibliographic verification; 3. Ordering; 4. Reminder; 5. Search for damage if any; 6. Track on financial accounts; 7. If required, follow-up for exchange of damaged material. 8. Coordination with other department, etc. 18

Reference department The reference desk or information desk of a library is a public service counter whereprofessional librarians provide library users with direction to library materials, advice on librarycollections and services, and expertise on multiple kinds of information from multiple sources.Reference CollectionReference collections such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, etc. areresearch tools that can help user with their paper and project.Reference ToolsThere are numerous examples of reference tools which are available in form of printed andnon-printed. Thus: ▪ Abstract Give digests or summaries of periodical articles and other literature. ✓ Chemical Abstracts ▪ Almanac A collection of miscellaneous facts and statistical information. ✓ Almanac of Famous People ▪ Atlas Volume of maps, plates, or charts, with or without explanatory text. ✓ National Geographical Atlas of The World 19

▪ Bibliography A list of books and other materials which have some relationship to each other. The materials listed are described as to author, title, publisher, price, and number of pages. In some materials are evaluated. ✓ Books in Print▪ Biography A collection of sketches of varying lengths about lives of individuals, arranged alphabetically by surname. ✓ Who’s Who▪ Dictionary Provides information about words – meaning, derivation, spelling, pronunciation, syllabication, usage, and current status. ✓ Concise Colour Medical Dictionary▪ Directory Lists the names and addresses of persons, organizations, or institutions. May provide other pertinent information such as the purposes, and the officers of the organization. ✓ American Library Directory▪ Encyclopedia Is concerned with subjects. It gives an overview of a topic, including definition, description, background, and bibliographical references. ✓ World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services▪ Gazetteer Volume that provide geographical information and data about places. Does not define geographical terms. ✓ Chamber’s World Gazetteer 20

▪ Handbook Literally a small book which can be held conveniently in the hand, provides miscellaneous items of information. May also be called a miscellany, a manual, or a companion. ✓ Famous First Facts ▪ Index Points out where information can be found. ✓ Malaysian Periodicals Index 1979 ▪ Yearbook Often called an annual, presents the events of the past year in brief, concise form. ✓ The Annual Register of World EventsReference collection is a book which may not be borrowed for use outside the library. This isto reduce the risk of losing the material. 21

CommunicationA reference desk can be consulted either in person, by telephone, through email or onlinechat. 1. In person Face to face discussion with librarian on a particular issue. 2. Via telephone User still can get in touch with the librarian via telephone. 3. Via email User also can get connected through email. 4. Via letter Besides, user also can asking question by sending a letter to the reference department especially at rural area where connection are poor. 5. Online chat Use Internet to connect user with a librarian. For example, chat with librarian. 22

Reference ProcessThere are three basic factors are involved in this process which is information, the user andthe reference librarian. Information For the information it can be in many formats. It may be in printed or in non-printed. It may be either too much of it, or not enough. It can be difficult to locate and sometime even more challenging to interpret. The User This is the person who puts the question to the librarian. Often he or she is not quite sure how to frame the query. The Reference Librarian This is the person will interprets the question posed by user. They then will identify the precise source for and answer. Together with the user, they will decide whether or not the response is adequate. 23

Function of Reference ServicesSix functions of Reference Services: The supervision function Organization of facilities, selection of reference materials, direction of personnel and study of library users. The information function Reference librarian should answer all types of questions and should be able to produce the source that would answer the questions. The guidance function Recommend good books, periodicals, audios, videos, etc. in various field. The instruction function - Use of OPAC/Catalogue, location of materials etc. - Orientation programme. The bibliographic function Preparing list of books in various subjects. Appraisal function Possession of right materials and knowledge of how to get the most out of it. 24

Maintenance department As we know, library materials are acquiring, processing and display on the shelves byall types of libraries for their respective users. In order to attract and encourage the users touse all the library collection effectively, it is essential that the material is aesthetically beendisplay, orderly arrange and being keep in good physical condition. This work has been carriedout by the maintenance department of the library. So, we can conclude that maintenance workinvolves shelving, re-shelving, maintaining orderly arrangement of the collection and takingcare of all types of library material and associated equipment. In fact, the ultimate success ofall other functions of the library, such as acquisition, classification and cataloging, aredependent upon efficiency of the maintenance work. If the library collection is not properlydisplayed and maintained, it will not attract the library users and ultimately mars the image ofthe library. Among all the functions in a library, the maintenance work is the least discussed inprofessional literature. However, the importance of maintenance work cannot be overemphasized. In fact, the ultimate success of various other functions like acquisition,classification and cataloging rests on the efficiency of maintenance work. No matter how wella collection is classified or cataloged, books cannot be serviceable to users unless proper careis taken to organize and maintain the book collection. It is one of those less glamorous,nonetheless, very important tasks in a library. Now let us discuss what constitutesmaintenance work. Maintenance work involves continuous monitoring of the proper stocking,arrangement and display of books on the shelves in the stack rooms and taking care of them.Definition Maintenance is define as the act of maintaining, the state of being maintained, care orupkeep of machinery, the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, theprocess of keeping something in good condition and also the work of keeping something inproper condition. Maintenance of collection also is one of the important tasks in the library. It involvescontinuous monitoring of the stack rooms and display areas. Maintenance work involvesshelving and re-shelving the material, keeping the collection in order, taking out books whichare not in order and re-shelving them in proper place. It also includes identifying and removingbooks needing repair, regular cleaning and dusting the area and protecting the collection fromdust, heat, direct sunlight, moisture, insects and pest infestation, as well as ensuring that allsign boards and library guides are properly display and are in good order and condition toguide the users to various areas of the library. 25

The Role of Maintenance Department Maintenance department specifications are included an individual equipmentspecification, the process of specifications, and plant performance specifications. Other thanthat, this administrative unit also responsible for continuous monitoring to other properstocking, arrangement and display of books, on the shelves and the stack room and alsomaintenance department taking care of them. For broad knowledge about maintenance department, maintenance work is includingthe administrative unit that is responsible for continuous monitoring other proper stocking,arrangement and display of books on the shelves in the stack rooms and taking care of them.Maintenance function or role is included; • Dusting and cleaning shelves • Shelving of new books and return books • Shelf study and shelf rectification • Identifying damaged books • Shifting and re-sifting books • Assistance to readers • Stock verification • Maintenance of book tags • Maintenance of shelf list RFID technology also some of important technology that cooperate or help themaintenance department in order to manage the stocks as the RFID tags to carry the relevantdata of a stock. RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification. The acronym refers tosmall electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip typically iscapable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less. 26

Archive department Archives department is to maintains an archive, but as genealogy and local historybecomes more and more important, more and more libraries are finding that they need tomake space for archival collections. These collections can include books that might live in apublic area as well as photos, objects, art, furniture, scrapbooks, documents, rare titles, etc,that will live in a climate controlled back of the house environment. Archives is a term that can have many different connotations. In the loosest sense ofthe word it can be taken to mean a collection of historical records, and what counts as“historical” varies from one setting to the next. As institutions, archives tend to adhere toseveral core principles: acquisition, appraisal, arrangement & description, preservation, andaccess. Preservation of archival collections involves much more than stowing collections awayon shelves until they need to be consulted. Doing preservation properly means havingadequate storage facilities with environmental conditions geared towards protectingcollections from damage from light or humidity, specialized equipment and supplies to protectmaterial from deterioration or decay. Carrying out preservation can be a costly endeavour, notonly monetarily, but in terms of the time and resources involved as well. In some cases,preservation means moving archival material to new formats (e.g. digitization or microfilm). Archives department collect original unpublished material or primary sources in thelibrary. The records held by archives department are unique and irreplaceable. By their verynature archival materials are fragile and vulnerable to improper handling. If an archivaldocument is lost, stolen, or irreparably damaged, the information it contains is lost forever. 27

Library outreach department Outreach department is responsible for performing administrative functions for theLibrary Department, including developing, planning, promoting, coordinating and directingprograms and events for diverse populations. Employee functions as primary promotionalagent for the library and as liaison to the Friends of the Library and external communityorganizations for the purpose of determining needs, building community relations andcoordinating outreach projects. Outreach means different things for children, adults, and seniors, regular librarypatrons and non-patrons, fiction readers, researchers, and computer users. But in general,outreach can be seen as any service or activity that gets patrons or potential patrons interestedin a library. In libraries, outreach is often described as services for those who are infrequent usersor non-users or as services for those who are traditionally underserved. Outreach librariansstrive to provide equitable delivery of library services to all people through the development ofprograms, policies, practices, and behaviours which make the library available to all peoplebecause outreach librarians work in public, academic, government, medical, and speciallibraries, they serve a wide range of people. They serve a variety of people based on theenvironment and the population which their library seeks to serve. Most often, outreach librarians are focused on the traditionally underserved, includingpoor and homeless people, ethnically diverse people, older adults, adult new and non-readers,incarcerated people and ex-offenders, people with disabilities, GLBT populations, and ruraland geographically isolated communities. 28

Collection management’s departmentCollection management is an important library function and involves three major aspects:• Budgeting for the collection• Developing policies for the collection• Developing strategies for building, weeding, and maintaining the collectionBuilding a collection involves a studied approach to the selection, maintenance, development,and evaluation of the library’s materials. Equally important is the library’s stance on intellectualfreedom and the policy position it takes when library materials are challenged. The needs,wants, and demands expressed by the community served are the driving forces behindcollection management. Collection development includes the planning, selecting, and buildingof collections in all formats needed by the community. Collection evaluation is the continuousprocess of analysing use, age, condition, timeliness, and coverage of library material 29

Children Service in Library The library is a great place for children whatever their age. No one is too young to jointhe library, it’s free to join and borrow books. Have a look round and see what's in it for you.This page will help children and young people, their parents and carers make the most of thelibrary service. Anyone can come to the library. But if you want to borrow anything you willneed to join. Library staff are always happy to help, so don't be afraid to ask. If you are under15 you can join by visiting the library with a parent or guardian. You will need to fill in anapplication form and your parent or guardian will be asked to show either a currentmembership card or proof of name and address. Once you have joined you can borrow booksand other items from the whole library. Whatever your taste in books, music and film, you're bound to find something worthborrowing in the library. There are books, talking books and DVDs of interest to children of allages. If you can't find what you want, let us know and we may be able to borrow it from anotherlibrary or buy it for the library service. You can do this by filling in a comments form, which isavailable in your library or from the Libraries West website. For books and talking books, wecategorise by interest or age to help you choose. We can only lend DVDs within the BritishBoard of Film Classification guidelines. You can arrange to bring a class or group to the library where we can run a session toexplain to children how the library works and what's in it for them. This can be organised tosuit your needs, for example using IT or exploring a topic. Some notice is usually necessary,and not all libraries can accommodate large groups. Or, a librarian can come to talk to you inyour own setting. Libraries operate a child safety policy. We may ask you for contact detailswhen your child attends a session in the library. Children are welcome to use the computers. The library service uses a filtering systemon the public access computers. We monitor misuse and will take action where misuse isidentified. Please see our flyer, 'Computers and the internet: policy on acceptable use forparents and children', for our top tips for keeping your child safe using the internet. This department also do collection development, provide programming, referenceservices, and reader’s advisory for children from birth thru middle school. Children's librarieshave a special responsibility to support the process of learning to read and to give childrenaccess to all media. They empower children and advocate for their freedom and safety. Theyencourage children to become confident and competent people. 30

5.0 STORYBOARDSLIDE 1: For first slide introduction of the topic.SLIDE 2: Then, for the second slide is the explanation what is library department.SLIDE 3: The eleven department in the library. 31

SLIDE 4: Next, this slide showing the explanation of Administrative Department.SLIDE 5: This slide explains about Circulation Department.SLIDE 6: This slide show the explanation of Children Services. 32

SLIDE 7: On this slide we show some simple explanation about Teen Services Department.SLIDE 8: On this slide, we explain what is the Outreach Department.SLIDE 9: At this slide, we provide some explanation about Maintenance Department. 33

SLIDE 10: This slide is the explanation for the Reference Department.SLIDE 11: On this slide is the starting to Acquisition Department.SLIDE 12: This is the explanation for the Reference Department. 34

SLIDE 13: This is the beginning of slide that will lead to Cataloging ClassificationDepartment explanation.SLIDE 14: This slide show the explanation of the Cataloging process.SLIDE 15: This slide show about some explanation about Classification Department. 35

6.0 CONCLUSION A library as an organization has to perform some basic functions to serve theircustomers. To perform in this function, a library proceeds with some separate departments. After finishing this assignment, we can conclude that library has many types ofdepartment that can perform their different work. It is important because the management ofthe library more efficient and better service for user. Every work in the library have beendivided by different type of department to prevent the redundant of work or extra workload tothe library staff. 36

7.0 REFERENCESPhilip, J. M. (n.d.). Administration of circulation services. Retrieved from services librarian. (n.d.). Retrieved from LibrarianRajib, H. K. (2013, January 27). Major departments of a library. Retrieved from Services Librarian. (2016, July 20). Retrieved from is the purpose of cataloging library materials. (n.d.). Retrieve2d from and Maintenance Definitions, Terms an. (n.d.). Retrieved from'q=cache:// Retrieved from, R. S. (2017, February 8). Reference services. Retrieved from 37


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