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Hospital Direct

Published by PROJECT BLANC, 2018-08-01 17:31:03

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HD Community | for Community Healthcare Professionals



WELCOMEHospital Direct is the United Kingdomsmost innovative design and manufacturingspecialist in the field of Patient Handling equipment.Specialising in the handling of people in allsectors, be it acute, community or at homewe offer a range of products and productsolutions that mean that you, whether ahealthcare professional or a carer at home,can handle the people in your care safely,with less effort and with comfort and dignity.With over 20 years experience we providemoving and handling products that rangefrom simple slide sheets to products forhandling people safely in operating theatresor caring for 24 hours a day and we canadvise on product usage, product suitabilityand training issues. Furthermore our serviceextends to finding you solutions to certainproblems, be it the tweaking of an existing product or a brand new design.

Our Philosophy is to: 5• Offer profound commitment to developing ever more innovative solutions to people’s care problems. • Offer the web visitor a “one-stop-shop” experience to understand and select the correct product for their requirements. • To solve a host of patient handling problems with a variety of products, many of which are unique. • Supply a wide range of high quality UK manufactured products, at reasonable prices.

Hospital Direct CommunityThe community arm of Hospital Direct - The UK’s leading experts in moving & handling.We offer the widest range of patient handlingequipment available from any manufacturer in Europe with a team that can support you across the UK.

Our product range is right for you.Our Community range has been designed around the needs of your clients so whether you are an OTs,a Community Nurse, part of a Re-ablement teams, an End of Life team, a carers our comprehensiveproduct selection offers you a solution for all and , supported by our technical team, we can help you select the right products for your clients.We manufacture all our products in our factory in Shropshire, enabling us to be able to guarantee quality, high standard of manufacture, product performance and safety.Additionally we have many unique products that have been designed on the back of real issues that we have worked with over the years – many of which are geared to single carers and reablement. 7

Product Catagories • Long Term Care • After a Stroke • Independent Living8 • Chairs and Seating • Elderly Care • Caring for Children • Bariatric Care and Equipment


At HD Community we understand that not everyone is familiar with all equipment and so, to help therapists and healthcare professionals in assessing a product’s suitability for a client, we have included two assessment tools, Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Easy Guide Symbols. These will enable the Healthcare professional can assess their client and decide whether or not a product will help the person based on their level of dependence and functional ability. FIM assessment. Our FIM assessment guide for each product will help you decide the suitability of this product for the person’s ability and need. FIM ( Functional Independence Measure) is a tool that has been developed to be able to understand the client’s ability to assist in10 the Moving and Handling procedure: • Are they Independent? • Are they partially Dependent? • Are they completely dependent?

Based on the standard criteria from Level 6 where the person can use the 11 product unaided and unsupervised to Level 1 where all the assistance is proved by the carer (s) and the client can do nothing, this guide is easy, quick and simple to use to check suitability against ability and circumstance. Easy Guide Symbols. We use three symbols throughout this catalogue to indicate where a product is suitable, and safe, for the person unassisted, a single carer , multiple carers or a combination of some of all of these. These are:• FFoorr UUssee aatt HHoommee• TThhee PPeerrssoonn• UUnnaassssiisstteeddSSiinnggllee CCaarreerr• TTwwoo oorr mmoorree CCaarreerrss If you have any questions relating to these guides in relationship to your clients, please call our technical team who will be happy to help you.

J-PACKS™ JPack™ - the handy pack of flat slide sheets for patient repositioning - wherever you work. Consisting of two flat sliding sheets (differentiated by colour), one with handles, one without and combined together in a little bag, the JPack™ (developed with the Manual Handling Advisor of a leading Manchester Hospital) answers all your practical and operational needs whether you work in the acute. If you use flat slide sheets, want to reduce costs and also have somewhere to keep them safe, then the JPack™12 is the answer for you. Strong, robust and sliding superbly on either side, this pack means you can move the people in your care safely. Please note prices are per JPack™. The packs come in boxes of 25 or 50 so make sure to enter the correct number in the quantity box. * Also available with transparent plastic drawstring bags to reduce costs further and save more money.

J-PACKS™ SLIDEEZI® HIGH PERFORMANCE - PATIENT SPECIFICA handy pack of patient specific flat slide # DJP65200X25sheets to reposition the patient or transferwhen required. Sitting in a bag the J Pack 13consists of 2 Flat Sheets – one with handlesand one without, differentiated by colour. Uses: • Repositioning up and down in beds/ trolleys, turning, swivelling and transferring. Benefits & Features: SLIDEEZI® HIGH PERFORMANCE - WASHABLE• Strong, robust and sliding superbly on either side. #JP65200• Move the people in your care safely.• Repositioning - wherever you work. Used By: Available Sizes:• All areas of healthcare involved in repositioning people. • 90 x 200cm• General Wards. • 65 x 200cm• Emergency Services. • 140 x 200cm• Community Nursing.• Home Care.

ROMA™ SLIPPY MATTRESS COVER You will love the Roma’s simplicity. It is now so much easier to adjust someone’s position without disturbing them and really reduces the risk of injury for staff. Thinner than a bed sheet it does not impinge on the pressure reducing qualities of mattresses and high dependency care staff love it nearly as much as their patients! A simple answer to the problem of constantly putting slide sheets in and out - lightweight and easy to use! The washable version is especially breathable too! Just place the Roma™ mattress cover (washable or disposable) over the bed mattress and then put the normal bed sheet on top, tucking it in. When you need to reposition someone, untuck the bed sheet and then either14 move them using the sheet (please see pdf for conditions) or unroll a flat slide sheet in between the layers (without disturbing the patient) and use this to achieve a new position. Then slip out the slide sheet easily, retuck the bed sheet and your patient will be comfortable. Variety of models available for a variety of mattress types. New! Roma Packs for dynamic mattresses. We now offer packs suitable for dynamic mattress to include a Roma plus a flat slide sheet - so you have everything you need for your patients - whether in Hospital or at home. Choose from washable versions (sold singly) or patient specific (packs of 10).

ROMA™ SLIPPY MATRESS COVER Use With:Thinner than a bed sheet, this product fits over the • Flat side sheets (Washable ormattress and does not impinge on any pressure Patient Svpecific with/withoutreducing qualities the mattress may have. You can handles).sit the client/patient up in bed without the riskof them slipping down, and it only becomes fully • Flexicare8™slippy when you introduce a Flat Sheet to performthe manuoevre that needs to be performed. ROMA™ SLIPPY MATTRESS COVER # RRMC90200 Uses: 15 • Repositioning of people in bed who require longer- term care/24 hour care. Used By: ROMA™ SLIPPY MATTRESS COVER Available Sizes: # RRMC90200• High Dependency • 90 x 200cm• Stroke Care • 120 x 200cm• Palliative Care• Community Nursing• People at Home• Social Services• Children’s Nursing• Occupational Therapists

GLIDE & LOCKS Do you struggle to sit back far enough in chairs and/or wheelchairs? Do you tend to keep slipping down? If the answer to the above is ‘yes’ then you will love our Glide & Locks – a range of comfortable, hard wearing products that do exactly what they say they do – glide you to the back of the chair/wheelchair and then “lock16 (secure)” you in position, preventing you sliding forward. 16 We have been supplying the NHS and care establishments for over 15 years and have a wealth of experience behind us in matching people’s requirements to products.

GLIDE & LOCKS UNASSISTED GLIDE & LOCKSA range of comfortable, hard wearing products 3 Models Available:that help people to sit back properly in chairs orwheelchairs without sliding back down. People • Unassisted (for peopleindependently, or with assistance by one or two who can manage on theircarers depending upon need. own) ASSISTED GLIDE & LOCKS • Assisted (for those who17 need some help • Pressure Reducing (with pressure care facilities inbuilt) 17 2 Types: Used By: PRESSURE REDUCING GLIDE & LOCKS • Washable (with added facility to attach• General Wards disposable covers to• Renal Units help your budget stretch• People at Home further)• Occupational Therapists• Social Services • Patient Specific (disposed• Community Nursing of when the patient no longer needs it)

HANDLING BELTS A wonderful range from washable to patient specific for helping a person from sitting to standing and vice versa, walking, helping whilst transferring on a sitting transfer board. One or two carer assistance. Upper sitting balance required.18 NB: These products are not to be used for lifting.

HANDLING BELTS SIMPLE WEBBING BELT # SWB50A wonderful range from washable to patient specific The Simple Webbing Belt is an economyfor helping a person from sitting to standing and handling belt that enables the carer tovice versa, walking, helping whilst transferring on a quickly gain and maintain a safe gripsitting transfer board. One or two carer assistance. without grabbing at the patients clothing. Used By: PATIENT SPECIFIC HANDLING BELTS 19 # PSB-SM10• General Wards ESSENTIAL HANDLING BELT• Stroke Care A comfortable padded supportive belt # PHB-D-SC• Occupational Therapists for a Client/Patient to help transferring A supportive belt for an adult to• Physiotherapists or walking. The ergonomically designed help transferring or walking. The• Social Services handles enable the care giver to hold ergonomically designed handles enable• Community Nursing the client/patient close without the the care giver to hold the client/patient• People at Home need to grab clothes and reduces cross close without the need to grab clothes.• Car Transport infection in high-risk areas or laundry Ranging from Small to Extra Large (from• Children’s Nursing losses where these are common. children to adult sizes). Available in boxes of 10.

WEBBING PRODUCTS A range of strong, easy to use webbing products from HD.20 Well designed to help prevent reaching and stretching.

WEBBING PRODUCTS BED LADDERS # WRL/10A range of strong, easy to use webbingproducts from HD, well designed to help A wonderful, easy-to-attach, easy-to-prevent reaching and stretching. use product that helps people either sit up or lie down independently and in a BED LOOPS controlled manner. # BL/02 WIPECLEAN STRAPS 21 The Bed Loops are a fantastic product # LS0575W to help a person into a safe sitting position on the edge of the bed and to These Wipeclean Extension Straps assist with turning if required. are used to reduce the risk of over- stretching and reaching in frequent ECONOMY STRAPS supine transfers. # ES60 The Economy Straps help to reduce the risk of over-reaching and stretching. They are wonderfully simple, flat webbing straps that have a handle at each end and can be used to help supine transfers from bed/bed or bed/ trolley etc.

ROTA PRODUCTS An excellent range of products that allow for rotation of a person either sitting or standing. Persons must have upper sitting balance and, for the floor pads, must have some weight bearing capacity through both or at least one lower limb.22 suitable as rehabilitation aids for independent use or with some carer assistance. NB: Not suitable for fully dependant persons.

ROTA PRODUCTS ROTA PADS TO ROTATE IN A STANDING POSITIONAn excellent range of products that allow for # RP28rotation of a person either sitting or standing. This useful Turning Pad helps transfer users in a sitting or standing position ROTA CUSHION and offers greater manoeuvrability. TO SWIVEL IN A SITTING POSITION Top and bottom surfaces are covered # RC40 in slip-resistant fabric for added safety. Create a safer environment during Wipe clean. A junior size version is also transfers and when you’re getting available, sold separately. in and out of your car with the Rota Cushion. 23 ROTA CUSHION SINGLE FOOT ROTA PAD DISPOSABLE COVERS RHABILITATION # RCC40/P100 # RP28 A box of 100 non-woven disposable With excellent non-slip fabric on both covers to accompany the Rota Cushion sides, simply place the foot of your allowing full coverage of the main weaker side on the pad and, using your product, reducing laundering, cross stronger side, guide your body around. infection risks and increasing patient throughout.

SUPPORTING LEGS INTO BED Simple but brilliant aids to enable safely raising a person’s legs and swivel them around into bed24 - and vice versa!

SUPPORTING LEGS INTO BED GLIDE & LOCK WITH ROTARY LEG LIFTERAn excellent range of products which make # GL/RLE/5580it possible for you to reposition properlyin bed (whether sitting or lying) as well A simple product that allows a carer toas to help raise legs and swivel around. help their client/patient get into bed as well as to reposition once in situ. ROTARY LEG SUPPORT STANDARD Having unique antislip panels it ensures # RLE55N that the client doesn’t slip off the bed whilst getting ready to be placed in The Rotary Leg Lifter has been bed. Can also be used to get someone designed to assist in supporting out of bed. the lower limbs during functional transfers. This ingenious device 25 consists of a rotary disc mounted beneath a padded cushion and a PAEDIATRIC ROTARY LEG LIFTER glide sheet. # JRLE/40120 Also available as a Wipeclean model. A simple product that allows a carer to help their child get into and out of bed. EXTENSION STRAPS (OPTIONAL Having unique antislip panels it ensures EXTRA) that the client doesn’t slip off the bed (PAIR OF 75cm LONG STRAPS) whilst getting ready to be placed in # LS0575W bed. These Wipeclean Extension Straps are used to reduce the risk of over- stretching and reaching in frequent supine transfers.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTS The list of fantastic, innovative patient handling aides available to you from HD just goes on and on.26 Here you will find a further range of products which we know will make life so much easier for you - or the person you care for.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTS LEG LIFTER # LL1550 An aid to help lift legs into and out of bed and/or cars, using the unique wipeclean base and the multicoloured handles to maintain a good posture. Can be used independently or with a carer. 27 WASHABLE HANDY STRAP # HS1560 The Washable Handy Strap helps people sit forwards in beds and chairs and can also be used to support legs when swivelling in or out of bed.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTS WASHABLE EASIDRESS™ # DP01 The Washable Easi-Dress™ is a simple sliding arm and leg sleeve that lets you or a carer slide shirts, blouses, jackets and trousers on with ease.28 WASHABLE FISHERMANS LEGS / PRO DRESS ASSIST PACK # DP05 A complete dress assist pack available in 4 different sizes that enables one or two carers to dress someone fully in bed.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTSKNEELA - WIPECLEAN KNEELING PAD# KP40The Kneeler - Kneeling Pad will providea a comfortable cushioning for thosewho spend a long time kneeling and/or find it painful to kneel on the floor. SMARTMOVER 29 # SMV65260 A handling device that sits in a wheelchair post hoisting to reposition a client/patient into the correct seating position after hoisting. Using flaps to adjust pelvic tilt and the doubled over sheet to move the client/patient further into the back of the wheelchair this product is extremely useful to staff and patients alike.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTS ANTI-SLIP FOOTPAD # ASFP4040 NON SLIP PAD FOR CHAIRS # NSP4048 Suitable for use on the floor or in bed, A low-profile breathable non-slip this Anti-Slip Foot Pad is designed as a product which prevents slipping down safety aid that helps to prevent slipping.30 in a chair or wheelchair. It can be used to stand on when sitting30 or rising from a chair, or it can be used with or without a glide and lock sheet ANTI-SLIP SLIDE SHEETS to aid movement in bed. A helpful aid # ASGS8080 for more independent living, it is hard wearing and easy to clean.This Anti-Slip Slide Sheet helpsa person with rotating andrepositioning when getting in andout of bed, whilst also helping toprevent any slippage off the bed. ThisSlide Sheet has an anti-slip panel,which reduces the risk of the personsliding forward. It is essential that theproduct is only used by people withgood upper sitting balance.

OTHER HELPFUL HANDY PRODUCTS HANDY BAR 31 # HB01 CAR SLIFDE SHEET # GS7080SY Designed as an aid to stand when A simple slide sheet to help swivel in rising from a vehicle, the Handy and out of a car with ease. Bar is a very simple but strong and reliable aid to mobility. Made from31 forged steel, it simply fits into the door bracket on the cars door frame, CAR ASSIST PACK where it will then remain for as long # CAP001 as it is needed. The car assist pack has been specifically designed to help a person get into and out of the car with greater ease and comfort. Containing everything you need in one handy carry bag.

SITTING TRANSFER BOARDS We don’t manufacture Sitting Transfer Boards - we find the best on the market, test them in the environments for which they are designed, and make sure that they really do make life easier and safer32 for your staff and patients.

SITTING TRANSFER BOARDS SITTING TRANSFER BOARD SLIDE DISPOSABLEWe don’t manufacture Sitting Transfer Boards # DTBS3070X50- we find the best on the market, test them inthe environments for which they are designed, The disposable transfer board slideand make sure that they really do make life is a simple low-cost patient specificeasier and safer for your staff and patients. device that allows for a sitting transfer on a board without risk of shearing induced tissue damage.SAMARIT TETRAGLIDE SAMARIT SELFGLIDE - GLIDEBOARD 33# STG001 # SSG001 SAMARIT CURVED GLIDEBOARDThis Sitting Transfer Board is perfect for This Sitting Transfer Board is perfect # STB0012bed to Wheelchair, chair to wheelchair, for bed to chair, chair to wheelchair,wheelchair to bed transfers for those wheelchair to bed transfers for those This specially designed Curved Board iswho are independent but need a who are independent but need a little an incredibly strong and robust transferlittle assistance. By its very design it assistance. Its lightweight construction board that has an impressive maximumfits round wheelchair wheels (often ensures that it is easy to use, spanning user weight of 200 kgs (31 st) making ita problem with other models). Its gaps enabling the service user to suitable for almost any user.lightweight construction ensures that it transfer effortlessly. It has a user weightis easy to use, spanning gaps enabling limit of 180kg.the service user to transfer effortlessly.With a weight limit of 200kg it is strongas well as versatile.

EMERGENCY LIFTING SHEET No stretcher hoist? No way to lift a person safely? Look after your staff by providing them with this inexpensive answer to a potential problem. This Emergency Lifting Sheet is a designated lifting sheet for use when there is no hoist available and you need34 to raise someone from the floor in a horizontal position. Strong, robust, fully waterproof and fire retardant, this sheet has been designed in conjunction with the Guidelines for Safer Handling during Resuscitation in Healthcare Settingsand is tested to 127 kgs (20 stone).

EMERGENCY LIFTING SHEET Uses: We don’t manufacture Sitting Transfer Boards • Lifting in emergency/ - we find the best on the market, test them in crash situations where the environments for which they are designed, there is no other and make sure that they really do make life suitable equipment easier and safer for your staff and patients. available EMERGENCY LIFITNG SHEET # EMLS80195 This designated Lifting Sheet has been designed in conjunction with the Guidelines for Safer Handling in35 Resuscitation and is designed to be 35 used after resuscitation and when a stretcher hoist is not available to move the patient from the floor and onto the bed/trolley. Used By: Available Sizes: • All areas of Healthcare • 80 x 195cm • Emergency Services • 100 x 195cm • Social Services and Nursing/Care Homes


GLIDE CUSHION TBC GLIDE CUSHIO Uses: # TBC • TBC37 37 Used By: • TBC TBC Available Sizes: • TBC


International & UK Calls: 39 +44 (0)1588 640144CONTACT US: Email: [email protected] Postal Address: Hospital Direct (Marketing) Ltd. Units 3 - 4 The Green Industrial Estate Clun Shropshire SY7 8LG United Kingdom


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