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Home Explore Armorel Advocate Vol. 1 - Issue 2 - Spring 2021

Armorel Advocate Vol. 1 - Issue 2 - Spring 2021

Published by Armorel Advocate, 2021-04-07 17:53:18

Description: Armorel High School Newsletter Spring 2021


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Armorel Advocate Volume 1, Issue 2 Spring 2021 This Issue Blytheville Postcard Mural designed by Armorel Junior, Grayson Seibert 1 WandaVision Art Fabulous Fallon - Drawn by Charile Jo Poem: “Two Pictures” by Emily King Poem: “Two Pictures” by Emily King 1 Series Review: WandaVision NWEA Testing - Reviewed by Grayson Seibert Posters & Projects 2 FBLA District & State Winners Edited by Grayson Seibert National Beta State Winners & Induction Ceremony Dr. Seuss Week

1 WandaVision Review WandaVision is an extremely unique series unlike anything ever previ- ously seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The introduction of the modern online-streaming platform has provided a new way to deliver experimental content, due to its risky nature, not available previ- Artwork by Charlee Jo Henderson ously on network television. WandaVision is a true prod- uct of this new age of experimental streaming content. The show does not follow the normal Marvel formula where there is a clear villain and hero in the very beginning, lots of fight scenes, and explosions. The series introduces itself as this lovely, sentimental sitcom starring Wanda Maximoff and The Vision, taking viewers back through multiple eras of television. I personally liked the sitcom format because it is nostalgic, however, some others found it a bit boring. The beginning of the show has lots of unknowns, like why are these two Avengers in a sitcom, and how is Vision alive if he died in Infinity War? I personally believe the way that the creators established this stand-alone sitcom format in the beginning was a brilliant creative choice. As the show progresses the plot becomes even more complex, blending emotional trauma with the normal MCU formula. In fact, this is probably one of the most emotional pieces of cinema the creators at Marvel have ever made. The show would not have been nearly as successful without the compelling emotional performance from Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff, later known as the Scarlet Witch. The series masterfully connects Wanda’s past trauma with the current plot of the series in a way which perfectly progresses the storyline, answering all of the unknowns present in the beginning of the story. The ultimate buildup to her letting go of the reality she has created is extremely emotional and leads to a great finale, even though there were not any major MCU cameos. I am extremely excited to see if this more complex Marvel formula remains for the rest of Phase 4, and if any of the studio’s upcoming movies are anything close to WandaVision. I am eager to watch! Review by Grayson Seibert

2District & State Winners Back (from left to right): Anna Claire Jowers, Lauren Lloyd, Grayson Seibert, FBLA State President Mayson Carr was Paxton Brown, Drew Culp, Mayson Carr. awarded the Mildred Brading, Heather Middle: Clair Gray, Holly Nixon, Lisa Huynh, Kate Hale, Anna Simons. Stocks, and Tommie Butler Scholarsips. Front: Grace Martin, Hailey Hopper, Kaitlyn Widener, Savannah Stallings. All placed in their competitions at the district level and advanced to state. Back (from left to right): Allie Femera, Lexi Wyatt. Back (from left to right): Lilly Miller, Anna Simons, Lauren Lloyd, Kate Hale, Front: Makayla Cook, Mackenzie Britt, Libby Vandyke. Mayson Carr, Savannah Stallings, Lisa Huynh. Front: Paxton Brown, Drew Culp, Grayson Seibert. Allie Famera and Lexi Wyatt placed 5th in Critical Thinking on the state level. Grayson Seibert, Anna Simons, and Lauren Lloyd placed 4th in Graphic Design at the state level. Lisa Huynh placed 4th in Database Design. Mayson Carr placed 1st in who’s who and 4th in Spreadsheet Applications. Grayson Seibert was installed as 2021-2022 state Vice President District II and Holly Nixon was installed as state Reporter and District Parliamentarian.

3 National Beta State Winners Grayson Seibert Lilly Miller State Winners Lauren Lloyd - 1st in Divison II Color Photograhpy Grayson Seibert - 3rd in Division II Digital Art Lilly Miller - 4th in 11th Grade Science All three winners will procede to com- pete at the national competition in Orlando, Florida at Walt Disney World. Lauren Lloyd

Week 4 Kylee Tillman, Lexi Wyatt, and Emily Lloyd guessed correctly in the book contest receiving gift cards.

5 Fabulous Fallon Behold, the flashy, flirtatious, Fabulous Fallon Hello, everyone! I am Fabulous Even you can deceive yourself... Fallon and I’m writing for Ar- morel’s newsletter called Tiger Hey, you! I’m back for my Tracks. I will talk about nothing second issue and I’m feeling but the absolutely fabulous, such great! How are you feeling? as hopes and dreams, how to Even though feelings may seem deal with everyday problems, minor, they affect every aspect of and much more. If you take the your day. For one, if you’re time to email me, preferably with feeling happy, you are more your home email, I promise I’ll likely to have a positive outlook respond with care! You can on your day and the events that make suggestions for my column, happen. I try to have this per- ask me for advice, or anything spective in life, and you may else that you want to tell me! If already know this, but sometimes you, like, totally want to write to it can be a real strain. Not to be me, please do so at: fabulousfal- blunt or anything, but telling [email protected] and I yourself that you are happy 24/7 promise you’ll have a great time! is lying. Nobody is happy all of You can even use a pen name if the time. you want to keep your name And, let’s be honest, the every- private! Ask me a question, or day “How are you doing?” tell me a joke, I’ll listen! Enjoy question almost always has the reading, I hope it brightens your same response. “Good.” I am day! nearly fed up with this cook- ie-cutter question because at many times it is dishonest. Most people who ask that question aren’t really geared up to sit through a lecture about your day, but they should be. We should all be honest in telling our feelings to our peers, as well as ourselves. If you were to keep your feelings bottled up all of the time, you would never feel your best. You deserve to be treated a lot better than you credit yourself for. Tell the truth.

Student Artwork 6 “Zsa Zsa Binks” - Drawn by Emily King “View of Dallas, Texas From Reunion Tower” - Photographed by Lauren Lloyd

7 By Brionna Thomas The Pain, The Pain Reminded Of Yesterday Everybody Says No Pain No Gain Everybody Makes Mistakes Everybody Says Something Ignorant. Everybody Makes Mistakes In What They Say But No Matter What They Say I’ll Be Alright Because I’ll Win This Fight. The Pain, The Pain Reminded Of Yesterday Everybody Says No Pain No Gain Everybody Makes Mistakes Everybody Says Something Ignorant. I Pray I Pray That There Is No More Pain And I Hope They Learn How To Say Things. Is This Real Or Is It A Dream Things Aren’t Always As Easy As They Seem Everytime All I See Is Pain But With You No Matter What You Say I’ll Be Ok. The Pain, The Pain Always Reminded Of Yesterday How Everybody Said No Pain No Gain And They Made Mistakes Everybody Said Something Ignorant But It’s Ok I Know Ev- erybody Makes Mistakes In What They Say I’ll Be Alright I’ll Win This Fight With You By My Side.

By Brionna Thomas 8 Girls Like Girls Boys Like Boys Girl Like Boys Do Whatever Brings You Joy, Any Difference Is Ok That’s How You Know We’re Not The Same And Not Being Loved For Your Difference Causes Pain I See It Everyday. Any Difference Is Ok I Know It Causes Pain But It Will Be Ok Just Don’t Change Yourself To Be The Same Any Difference Is Ok. Rap Verse I’m A Girl In A Chair Different On The Outside But A Person On The Inside A Girl That Sing So Good She Can Drop The Mic See We May Be Different But We’re Alike You Fight I Fight We May Be Different But We’re Alright Any Difference Is Ok Because There Here To Stay. Any Difference Is Ok That’s How You Know We’re Not The Same And Not Being Loved For Your Difference Causes Pain I See It Everyday In Differ- ent Shapes Being Mistreated Misunderstood Causing You To To Cry Even If Your A Person Who Is Good Your A Person Who Should Be Heard No Matter What Difference You Carry On Your Shoulders Any Difference Is Ok I Know It Causes Pain But It Will Be Ok.

9 NWEA Award Lunch Students who improved their scores in two or more areas were rewarded with a celabratory lunch.

Conference 2021 10 Grayson Seibert won the logo competition in summer of 2020. His conference logo design was featured on all conference materials and marketing Grayson also won the picture this competition. Conference team members left to right: Grayson Seibert, Lauren Lloyd, Lilly Miller, Maddie Minyard, Blair Booker, Anna Simons, Aspen Gilliam, Carter Hepler.

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