VOLUME 96 | ISSUE 102 | MARCH 2018 Page 4Abandon Plastic Established by H.H. Dr. Syedna Environment Wellness & Lifestyle Monthly Newsletter Avoid Pollution Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) Achieve Green in 1992Don't ask for paper or plastic bag the next time you're Drink Water on an Empty Stomachin a store. Instead, pick up a couple of cloth shoppingbags. They're tough, they hold a lot, and they can be Most Japanese people drink waterused again and again. immediately upon waking. This ritual, now deeply rooted withinMaking and transporting plastic and paper bags takes their culture, is actually a form ofup heaps of energy. What's more, paper bags are water treatment that’s scientificallymade mostly from trees, not recycled paper. Plastic proven to help remedy a number ofbags are made from by-products of oil or natural gas. body disorders.Both paper and plastic bags, when not properly recy-cled, add to our garbage problem. Switching to cloth Using cloth bags Unlike other countries, Japan’s pop-reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and helps pre- helps us eliminate ulation does not suffer heavily fromserve our environment. millions of plastic disorders such as obesity and dia- betes. Almost 70% of our body is bags a year. made up of water and when the body’s water requirement is not met dehydration can lead to : BURHANI FOUNDATION (INDIA) ⇒ Rheumatoid arthritis Key Benefits : Amatullah Manzil, 65 Bazargate Street, Fort, Mumbai-1. ⇒ Migraines ⇒ Angina ♦ Helps Rid the Body of Toxins Phone: 22678480 / 22634326 ⇒ Colitis ♦ Improves Metabolism Website : www.burhanifoundaƟonindia.org ⇒ Dyspepsia ♦ Reinforces Healthy Weight Loss E-mail: bfi[email protected] / bfi[email protected] ⇒ Hypertension ♦ Alleviates Heartburn and IndigestionSubscribe On Youtube : Burhani FoundaƟon India Channel ⇒ Obesity ♦ Improves Complexion and Skin RadianceRecycled Paper Used ⇒ Hemorrhoids ♦ Promotes Shiny and Healthy Hair Recycled Paper Used ⇒ Breast cancer ♦ Prevents Kidney Stones &Bladder Infections ⇒ Pulmonary tuberculosis ♦ Strengthens Immune System ⇒ Kidney stones ⇒ sinusitis and uterine cancers
Page 2 Page 3EVENTS IN MARCH MAHARASHTRA BANS PLASTIC 20th March : World Sparrow Day We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.Remember to fill March 20 is celebrated as World Sparrow Day, as an awareness up your bird- about the threatened status of the bird which has disappeared The Maharashtra government has decided to ban the use of plastic from Gudi from most localities. Habitat destruction and unavailability of Padwa the Maharashtrian New Year which falls on March 18. Maharashtrafeeders and place their food are considered to be the main reasons for their became the 18th state to ban plastic. The ban would cover the production, use,water too in the decline in number. The World Sparrow Day is now an interna- storage, sale, distribution, import and transportation of plastic bags.coming summer. tionally recognized day, observed in almost 50 nations, and involves leading ornithology institutions and bird organizations. Those violating the ban would be fined Rs 25,000 and could also face a 3 year jail term. So here we provide you a list of few essential things that are banned and a On 6th March 2011 on the historic occasion few things whose usage has been regularized – of centenary birth celebrations of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA), Banned Exempted Regularized BFI created a Guinness World Record for largest distribution of Bird-Feeders in India as Plastic bags Plastic used for medicine Plastic milk pouches would well around the world. Plastic pouches packaging have to be above 50 microns 22nd March : World Water Day Plastic bags used for and recyclable. Used pouches covering saplings, forest should be mandatorily bought Damaged ecosystems affect the and horticulture products back for recycling at a cost quantity and quality of water available for human consumption. not less than 50 paise by dairy Today, 2.1 billion people live Thermocol P l a s t i c c o v e r s a n d Manufacturers, sellers and without safe drinking water at Flex home; affecting their health, educa- Extra packaging wrappers used for manu- distributors, responsibility to tion and livelihoods. factured and processed prepare a mechanism to products recycle PET bottles. Purchase of such bottles for recycling should not cost more than Re.1/- Disposable cups, Solid waste collection bags Pay Re.1/- extra to buy a p l a t e s , s p o o n s , (garbage bags) mineral bottle as refundable 24th March : Earth Hour forks, straws and recycling charge which will beIt lasted for just an hour and its power is spreadsheets refunded if the bottle is re-purely symbolic. But in countries around theworld, at 8:30 p.m., people switched off their turned to the shopkeeper.lights for Earth Hour, a global call for inter-national unity on the importance ofaddressing climate change.Recycled Paper Used Non-woven polypro- Use of plastic in special Recycled Paper Used pylene bags economic zones for export purposes
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